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Halacha Class |​ ‫שיעור הלכה‬

_______________ ‫ב"ה‬ ‫השם שלי‬ 

‫חודש אלול‬ ★ Read all parts of your assignment carefully and answer the following questions. 

‫רמזים לחודשׁ אלול‬  "‫"ומל ה' אלקיך ​א​ת ​ל​בבך ​ו​את ​ל​בב זרעך‬  During the month of ‫אלול‬, Hashem will remove the hardness of our heart  and help us do ____________________. .    "‫"א​ני ​ל​דודי ​ו​דודי ​ל​י‬  During the month of ‫ ה‬,‫ 'אלול‬is closer to us and will readily accept our  _________________   (These 4 words end with the letter ‫'י‬, symbolizing the 40 days that ‫ 'ה‬is  close to us from ‫ אלול‬until ‫)יום כפור‬    Explain​: "‫"ותשׁובה ותפלה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזירה‬  ___________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________  ‫מנהגי חודש אלול‬   


_____________________ ‫שם‬

1. We begin to blow the ‫ שופר‬on the first day of ‫ אלול‬until ‫ערב ראש‬  ‫השנה‬.  2. The blowing of the ‫ שופר‬is to remind us to do  ___________________________.  3. We do not blow on ‫ ערב ראש השנה‬in order to separate between the  blowing which are _________________ (not mandatory) and the  blowing which are a _________________________ on ‫ראש השנה‬.  4. We begin to say ________________ before davening on the  _______________________ before ‫ראש השנה‬.  5. However, there must be a minimum of _______________ days of  ‫ סליחות‬before ‫ראש השנה‬.   6. Therefore, if ‫ ראש השנה‬is on a Monday or Tuesday, we begin to say  ‫ סליחות‬the week before the week of ‫ראש השנה‬.  7. There are 2 reasons for a minimum of 4 days:  ○ Many ‫ צדיקים‬fast for 10 days symbolizing the ‫עשרת ימי תשובה‬.  However, there are 4 days in which they cannot fast (2 days  of ‫ שבת‬,‫ ראש השנה‬and ‫ )ערב יום כפור‬therefore they fast the  minimum 4 days of ‫סליחות‬. 



_____________________ ‫שם‬

○ A ‫ קרבן‬needs 4 days of checking for a ‫ מום‬before it is brought.  Before ‫ ראש השנה‬we also should examine ourselves as ‫קרבנות‬  and check our deeds for at least 4 days.  8. From the beginning of ‫ אלול‬through _______________________  we say _______________________  9. This ‫ תפלה‬is said every morning after _____________________  and every evening after _________________.  10.The reason we say it is because according to the ‫מדרש‬, the 3 main  events of ‫תשרי‬, ________________, __________________,  ______________________ are hinted in its words.  11. Many people have a ‫ מנהג‬to check their ‫ מזוזות‬and ‫ תפילין‬during the  month of ‫אלול‬.  Dear ______________________,    When writing to a friend  we include the ‫ ברכה‬of    "_________________________________    ___________________________________"  We do this in order  to make ourselves aware  of the upcoming ‫ראש השנה‬.     

‫‪ ‬‬ ‫שם _____________________‬

‫‪ 4‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬ ‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬

‫‪ ‬‬


_____________________ ‫שם‬

Open a calendar and write the Hebrew date of each of the following:    1. ‫ משׁה‬went up to ‫ הר סיני‬for the 2nd ‫__________________ = לוחות‬  2. We begin to blow the ‫__________________ = שׁופר‬  3. We begin to say ‫__________________ = לדוד ה' אורי וישׁעי‬  4. We begin to say ‫__________________ = סליחות‬  5. ‫__________________ = ראשׁ השׁנה‬  6. ‫__________________ = צום גדליה‬  7. ‫__________________ = שׁבת שׁובה‬  8. ‫__________________ = יום כפור‬  9. ‫__________________ = = יום טוב ראשון של סוכות‬         




חודש אלול

During the month of אלול, Hashem will remove the hardness of our heart and help us do ... Open a calendar and write the Hebrew date of each of the following: 1.

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