Shaping  Our  Future  2020+  Strategic  Steering  Committee  Minutes   February 8, 2017 Shoreline Center, Spartan Room

Call to Order: Chairperson Maria Stevens called Shaping Our Future 2020+ Strategic Steering Committee Meeting to order at 4:31 p.m.

Roll Call: Present:

Maria Stevens, Hillery Clark, Nyla Fritz, Tamara Hayes, Jocelyn Hudson, Ranice Innocent, Erin Kirkpatrick, Andrew Lohman, Leslie Lytle, Jennifer Martinez, Anzara Miller, Marla Miller, Trip O’Dell, Debbie Olhoeft, Janina Pacunski, Melissa Sargent, Marybeth Scherf, Brian Schultz, Lyn Sherry, Linda Smith, Amanda Stoker, Heather Stroh, Pat Valle, Ellen Kaje, Amy Vujovich, Alec Wilmart, Nancy Elder, Annette Campbell, Karli Christiansen, Megan Chamberlin, Stacia Tellefson, Halinka Wodzicki, Izabella Davis.


Jennifer Etter, Aimee Miner, Sheryl Skoglund, Trudi Grimes, Elma Jusic, Barbara Lachman.

Welcome and Introductions: Maria Stevens have greeted the committee members.

Committee Norm Review: “SPEAK OUT” • • • • • • • •  

Speak your truth Presume positive intentions Engage Fully Ask Questions Keep in mind voices not in room Open your mind to diverse views Utilize what you have learned Take care of yourself

Individual and Group Review of Attributes of Ideal Shoreline Graduate: Following group discussion, or 66 traits, participants have selected 7 attributes of an ideal Shoreline Graduate (also available via shared Google Folder) In descending order of Importance: 1. Effective Communicator 2. Creative Thinker 3. Growth Mindset 4. Innovative 5. Global Citizen 6. Grit 7. Empathetic

Break: 6:06 pm-6:10 pm

K-12 Core Instructional Program Overview To understand our current instructional strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT), K-12 instructional program overview was shared. TOSA Presentations: (related documents available via shared Doogle drive folder) •

K-6 Instructional Program

6-12 Instructional Program

After brief group review, committee members noted: •

Challenges are accurate for Shoreline and typical of other school districts as well.

Teachers are discovering that common core defined standards are not always developmentally appropriate.

Potential transition to K-5 and 6-8 models could simplify future curricula implementation.

Creating common units of study would help supplement instructional materials.

Instruction process should be student-centered, taking into account academics as well as social-emotional factors.

Introducing new position (full-time counselors in each building/instructional coaches, etc.) has not translated into an immediate academic success, but is making a huge positive impact on the learning process helping teachers model, strategize and implement new ways.

Equity – do we see authentic representation of kids?

Need for parent- engagement piece.

Defining future challenges needs student-centered approach.

Adjournment: 6:40 pm

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