TIME 08:00 08:50 08:50 09:20 09:20 09:40 09:40 10:10 10:10 10:40 10:40 11:10 11:10 11:30 11:30 12:00 12:00 14:00 14:00 14:30

Monday - 05/03 Registration SC Coffee break SC lunch Openning cerimony

Tuesday - 06/03

Wednesday - 07/03



ST1 Coffee break ST2

ST3 Coffee break ST4





Oral 1 e Oral 2

Oral 3 e Oral 4

Thursday - 08/03

C9 Coffee break C10 Closing






Coffee break

Coffee break

Coffee break





Isbra meeting




17:30 18:00

18:00 19:00



Welcome cocktail



Farewell dinner

C: conference ST: Short conference Oral: Oral contribution Poster: Poster section OC: Opening conference SC: Short course T: Tutorials

SC1: Adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo (Krzysztof Latuszynski) SC2: Bayesian computing with R-INLA (Håvard Rue E Daniela C. Camilo) OC-C1: Dani Gamerman C2: Pierre Del Moral C3: Veronika Rackova C4: Igor Prünster C5: Håvard Rue C6: Malay Gosh

C7: Marco Ferreira C8: Sudipto Banerjee C9: Flavio Gonçalves C10: Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter ST1: Fernando Nascimento ST2: Leonardo Bastos ST3: Victor Fossalusa ST4: Marcos Prates

05/03 Tuesday - 06/03 Wednesday - 07/03 Thursday

Thursday - 08/03. 08:00 08:50. Registration. 08:50 09:20. SC. C4. C7. 09:20 09:40. C9. 09:40 10:10. ST1. ST3. 10:10 10:40. Coffee break. Coffee break. Coffee break. Coffee break. 10:40 11:10. SC. ST2. ST4. C10. 11:10 11:30. C5. C8. 11:30 12:00. Closing. 12:00 14:00 lunch lunch lunch. 14:00 14:30 Openning cerimony.

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