
Orthanc Query

This program allows you to Query external AET (that you declared previously in Orthanc). Simply selected the wanted studies/series and push the retrieve button. Once retrieved, the studies will be available in BIdatabase for reading. Note that 2 additional tabs are available: -

History : this tab query a 2nd AET for a specific patient (useful to search for patient history in a PACS for patients having a recent acquisition in an acquisition workstation) o To use this feature, simply right click on a study query result in the main tab and click “Display History”, this tab will be shown with the patient’s answers according to its ID in the new AET of your choice.


Auto Query: This feature allows you to build a list of all needed study and retrieve them by batch with a schedule feature. For example if you have 50 PET/CT to retrieve for a study from your PACS, you can list all patients you need and schedule them for retrieve during night by starting at 10PM (outside working hour to avoid network overload).

The software will retrieve all needed studies during the night and your dataset will be ready the next morning.


Bath Retrieve: List every patient your need (by name, or date, modality…) the list will be retrieved one by one. The “Show result” button allows you to see the matching results and manually select them before Retrieve (so you can start with a large query and do manual selection on the results). You can also dump the result to a CSV edit-it and re-import the CSV file in the retrieve list


“Auto-Retrieve” : This panel allows you to define 1 Query that will be repeated each day (click option to set the schedule hour)


Orthanc Import

This plugin allows you to recursively add all DICOMs stored locally in one folder. This is usefull for mass import of DICOMs to Orthanc of locally stored DICOMs. Note that this feature is also helpfull if you have messy dataset of DICOMs (for example merged DICOM files with missing DICOMDIR) as each DICOM will be scanned and identified by Orthanc, it will help you to recover a clean and readable dataset of images.


Orthanc Tools

Orthanc Tools allows you to perform numbers of DICOM operations such as anonymization, export (ZIP, DICOM send), DICOM tag edition and manage studies stored in Orthanc.

In Orange box : Search box to find patients stored in Orthanc on which you want to make DICOM operation In Green box : Button to access the 3 mains features (Anonymize / Export / Manage)

 DICOM Anonymization We implemented a full DICOM anonymizer with DICOM sharing service. This feature has its own documentation available in our website.

 Export Click on “Export” button to open this export panel

You can build a list of Patients / Studies / Series to export by selecting the needed items and clicking on the “add to list” button. Once you export list is defined you can: -Export to a local file system (“Export list” button) - DICOMs in a ZIP file (Hierarchical or DICOMDIR structure) - DICOMs + ImageJ Viewer for nuclear medicine (in ZIP or ISO to burn on CD/DVD). -Send DICOM to a remote AET (“Store list” button)

 Manage Click on “Manage” button to open this manage panel

Similar to export, you can build a list to do a mass deletion of DICOM stored in Orthanc.

Note that for single deletion of Patients / Study / Series a delete feature is also available using the right click directly in the item you want to delete.

 DICOM Edition To make DICOM tag edition click on the right click on the item you want to edit (patient / study or series)

Note that DICOM edition will depend on your level selection, in Patient level only few tags (such as Patient Name, ID, BirthDate, Sex) will be available while Series patients will allows much more additional tag edition.

To edit a DICOM tag simply edit its value in the table shown or check “Remove” to remove it. New edited DICOMs will be generated with the required modifications. Note the “Get Shared Tags” button that will allow to list all tags common to the selected level and will allow the deepest DICOM tag edition (by default only the main tags are shown)

1. Orthanc Query -

DICOMs in a ZIP file (Hierarchical or DICOMDIR structure). - DICOMs + ImageJ Viewer for nuclear medicine (in ZIP or ISO to burn on CD/DVD). -Send DICOM to ...

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