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Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017

Regular Schedule

Happening Now •Girls: Hour of Code event during lunch hours in library computer lab

Lunch Time at WHS •Today’s lunch: Chicken and gravy, potatoes, dinner roll, green beans •À la carte lines: Pepperoni pizza, cheese enchilada with chips, chef salad, sandwiches

Group Meetings •Gay/Straight Alliance: Will meet at 3:10 p.m. today in A-159. All interested are welcome. •Art Club: Members will meet at 3:15 p.m. today in E-119. •Chess Club: Members will meet at 3:30 p.m. today in A-127 •Okichiyapi Club: Members will meet at 3:30 p.m. today in A-143 for a campus cleanup. Dress warmly. •Spanish Club: Members will meet at 7:30 a.m. Thursday in A-154. •SALSA: Student service club will meet at 3:20 p.m. Thursday in the orchestra room, C-111. •Yoga Club: Will hold an organizational meeting at 7 a.m. Friday in A-159.

Other Reminders •Girls: Wishing to apply to the Spinsters Dance committee should do so online by visiting DPhtQw. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Dec. 18. NOW Wednesday Staff Co-Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jacob Smith and Logan Uttecht Assistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Simko Staff: Emelia Skogstad, Grace Isaacson, Amanda Johnson, Mallory Junso, Nate Rietz, Grace Kolb, Ayen Chagai, Rachel Wilson, Katelyn Smith Co-Editors-in-Chief . . . . . . . . Madi Forseth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Libby Nachtigal Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jason Lueth The News of Washington is a publication of the Orange & Black Staff Washington High School–Sioux Falls, S.D. Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/ TNS Campus High School Newspaper Service

Vol. 23 • No. 58

Partly cloudy Low 9°

Partly sunny Flurries, windy Falling temps

Thursday: Mostly sunny Wind calming High 24°

Quiz bowl team again takes first at latest competition

Senior team wins at Brookings High School By Logan Uttecht arrior quiz bowl team members took first place at a competition Tuesday at Brookings High School. A team made up of seniors Matthew Questad, Samantha King, Levi Rustand and Noah Witt took first and other WHS teams did well at the event. Witt was happy with the team’s performance, noting how well it went “It went very good,” Witt said. “WHS not only won, but we also had a second team finish in the top three.” The next competition for the Warrior teams will be on Jan. 22 at Brandon Valley High School.


Photo courtesy Fred Reiner KNOWLEDGE—Seniors (L-R) Matthew Questad, Samantha King, Levi Rustand and Noah Witt pose with their trophies.

Gymnasts win triangular meet By Jada Cunningham Varsity gymnastics team members took first place, scoring 118.45 team points, in a triangular meet with Pipestone and Hendricks, Minn., Tuesday evening at Pipestone Area High School. Individually, the Warriors swept all four events with senior Lily Saaleephiw taking first in both vault with

an 8.875 and balance beam with an 8.05. Sophomore Kia Gjoraas took first in the uneven bars with a 7.45 and sophomore Mary Christensen first in floor exercise with an 8.425. Christensen said it was an interesting meet for the Warrior team. “It was kind of an unorganized and confusing meet,

because Minnesota scores their events differently than we do,” Christensen said. “But we still came out with a win.” The Warrior JV took second with 100.9 team points. Sophomore Autumn Hullinger won the vault with an 8.3 and eighth graders Campbell McKay the uneven bars with a 7.15 and Iyana Augustus the floor exercise with a 7.3.

Wrestlers go 2-1 at Lennox quad By Jacob Smith Warrior wrestling team members defeated Lincoln 47-27 and Yankton 51-27 at a quadrangular meet Tuesday evening at Lennox High School. WHS also fell to Lennox 45-36. Individually, sophomore Eric Levitt at

145 pounds, junior Morgan Warmbein at 152 pounds and junior Tupak Kpeayeh at 170 pounds went undefeated over the three matches. Warmbein said the matches went well. “We did good, overall,” Warmbein said. “But we do need


to have a good week of practice for the big tournament coming up this weekend.” Coach Lance Peters said it was a good warm-up for the invitational this weekend. “We were in matches that we lost, and capitalized in matches that we

needed to,” Peters said. “We will put in a couple good days of practice and get ready for the Rapid Invite this weekend.” WHS will travel to the Rapid City Invitational Friday and Saturday at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center.

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• News of Washington

Warrior opinions

Kevin Schumacher Sophomore

Mia Andrejeski Freshman

Winter seems to have arrived. What’s your favorite season of the year?

A ssembled and photos by Gr a ce Kolb and Ma llor y Junso

“My favorite season of the year is summer because it is warm and there is no school.”

“My all-time favorite season is winter because it is fun to go sledding and ice skating.”

Page 2 Menase Megosha Junior

“My favorite season of the year is summer because it is the only time I don’t have to think about school.”

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017 Rachel Boer Senior

“I like fall because of the pretty colors and the leaves. My birthday is in the fall, as well.”

Jim Trett History Teacher

“I love fall because of the weather, the start of the school year, and football games. It’s a fresh start.”

Inside or out, enjoy winter if you can Warriors, we’ve reached the part of the year when some of us hibernate and others love to be outside. We have gotten our first snowfall, which means our lives will start to consist of hot chocolate, fuzzy socks and Netflix for some people, Hear me. . . and for others will include snowboarding, skiing, sledding, Nathan Rietz ice skating and many other outdoor activities. One of the most important things to do during winter is stay safe. Don’t forget to do the little things that make a big difference, like starting your car a little early to warm it up, scraping your windows so you can see clearly and just generally slowing down while driving to reduce the odds of causing a car crash.

Enhancingeducation Loweringtuition

If you’re allergic to the cold, you better get prepared to hibernate, because the cold is coming. You might want to find a new series on Netflix to start watching. I would suggest either “Stranger Things” or “Shameless.” You will also have to stock up on hot chocolate or Starbucks coffee for the next couple months. Just make sure you don’t get too attached to a show so you can get your homework done, because I know every Warrior does their homework every night! Personally, I sit in the middle of the hibernators and the outdoor activists. On any day you could find me chilling in my basement with the lights off, and the only reason for me to move would be to tell Netflix, “Yes, I am still watching.” You could also find me sledding down Tut Hill with my friends when it’s 15 degrees outside. Whatever you do with your winter, enjoy yourself, Warriors. Junior Nathan Rietz wants you to buy him hot chocolate.


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Worsening drought could hit West By Evan Halper Tribune Washington Bureau (TNS) WASHINGTON — As wildfires burn in California, word now comes the state could be hit with significantly more dangerous and more frequent droughts in the near future as changes in weather patterns triggered by global warming block rainfall from reaching the state, according to new research led by scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Your green world

Using complex new modeling, the scientists have found that rapidly melting Arctic sea ice now threatens to diminish precipitation over California by as much as 15 percent within 20 to 30 years. Such a change would have profound economic effects in a state where the most recent drought drained several billion dollars out of the economy, severely stressed infrastructure and highlighted how even the state most proactively confronting global warming is not prepared for its fallout. Though climate scientists generally agree that the increased temperatures already resulting from climate change have seriously exacerbated drought in California, there has been debate over whether global warming would affect the amount of precipitation that comes to California. The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, provides compelling evidence that it would. The model the scientists used homed in on the link between the disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic and the buildup of high ridges of atmospheric pressure over the Pacific Ocean. Those ridges push winter storms away from the state, causing drought.


Grace Kolb and. Mallory Junso. Mia Andrejeski. Freshman. Rachel Boer. Senior. Menase Megosha. Junior. Kevin Schumacher. Sophomore. “I love fall. because ...

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