

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education National Capital Region SCHOOLS DTVISION OFFICE

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Nueva Ecija St., Bago Bantay, Quezon City www.depedqc.ph

March 13,2417


Assistant Schools Division Superintendents Chief, CID and SGOD Division/District Supervisors Principals, Head Teachers and Officer ln-Charge (Elementary and Secondary Schools)


13th WOMEN


For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached is Azletter from I\4s. Carmen R. Zubiaga, OlC, National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA) and [Vlr. Deo L. Marco, Undersecretary, Depatment of Justice, Chair, NWC for the 2017 \I/WDs Day Celebration, dated February 21, 2017, re:. 13'h Women With Disabilities Day, inviting CID Chref, SPED Supervisors, Principals, Students, Teachers, Employees, and Parents on March 28, 2017 from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Philippine Arena, Ciudad De Victoria, Bocaue, Bulacan, contents of which are selfexplanatory, for appropriate action. Particular attention is invited to paragraph no. 4 and no. 5.

lmmediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired.




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DR ELIZABETH QUESADA Schools Division Sup erinbnd ent Quezon City Schools Division Office Nueva Ecija Street, Pag-asa Quezon City





Dear Dr. Quesada: We are pleased to inform you that the country will commemorate the 136 Women with Disabilities' Day onMarch 27

this year pursuant to Proclamation No. 744 "Declaring the Last Monday of March Every Year as Women with of which is attached for reference and Disabilities Day" issued on December6,2004. This year's celebration adopts the theme "Babaeng Maykapansaran, Manguna at Manindigan Tungo sa Pagbabago", which captures the cherished desires of women with disabilities among other marginalized groups to lead and push for societal reforms geared towards their empowerment and fuIl participation in all aspects of human endeavors.

In view thereof, we would like to invite you includingyour students, teachers, employees and parents to this event tlat will be held on March 28,2017 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at &e PhilippineArena, Ciudad De Victoria, Bocaue, Bulacan.

We expect to accommodate 50,000 individuals to this evenl Ms. Marian Rivera-Dantes, a well-lsrown showbiz personality who is designated as the Ambassadress of Women and Children with Disabilities, will grace tle Day's celebration. She will deliyer Keynote Message with inspirational thoughts thatwill enlighten women with and without disabilities on their rights as members of society. Likewise, we would request the members of your Transition Class to display and sell your products made byyour students with disabilities. In order to gwe prominence to the Day's celebration, we would also request your participants to wear tle prescribed dress code on the occasion, and to hang tarpaulin streamers in conspicuous places of your office whose desigas can be downloaded from our website http:/l'-"'"=".iv.ncda.gov.phr'*?-content/ui:lcadsf/2017/02r'2017-vromen-tarF-agenc),blani<-3X9.ips and htto.s:&i_!.i_rl.ln..faceircoi<.com/nationalcouncilondisabilir.t,affairs/. The latter could also be brought to the above-mentioned venue. Considering the large number of participanB who will attend the event, we would like to request you o provide the meals of your contingent/delegation including the vehicles that would convey them to and from &e venue abovementioned.Thevehicle pass can be dovrnloaded from NCDAwebsite i:ltpj+c4r.ncda.g-sLdii

further inquiries on tre matter, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of the event thru Mr. Rizalio and/or Ms. Delfina f . Baguir via telephone nos. (02) 951-5013 and [02) 932-6+22local 111 or thru Mobile Phone Nos 0920-90623A6 and 0920-90 62286, respectively, where you can confirm your oontingens'participation and Shou1d you have R. Sanchez

atlendance. We are most grateful and would deeply appreciate your wholehearted support for the Day's celebration this year and look forward toyour accommodation of our invitation.


il"//rr^ 6ldr.MARCo

[Undersecretaqr, Departrnent of f ustice Chair, NWC for the 2017 WWDs Day celebration



NCDA Building, lsidora Street, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Quezon Caty 1127, Philippines Telephone Numbers: (632)9324342; (632) 9515013; (632) 9326422; (632) 9516129; (632)9522809; (632) 95,t6033; (632) 9515925 w6bsite: littp://wwwncdi.gov.ph * e-mail: [email protected]

13th Women with Disabilities Day.pdf

dress code on the occasion, and to hang tarpaulin streamers in conspicuous places of your office whose desigas can be. downloaded from our website ...

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