Present: Vincent Bruch, Ruby Burbine, Linda Choptiany, Dorothy Copeland, Noel D’Sylva, Dana Gour, Reuben Lando, C.J. Metcalfe, Barrie Morgan, Barry Sanderson Guests: Helmut Bayer, Marcia Ross, Gord Tennant

1. Linda welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Marcia Ross, Corporate Events Coordinator for the college, talked about plans for the Oct. 30th luncheon. It will be held in the Markham Ballroom at the Student Residence. A subcommittee of Vincent, Dana, Barry and Dorothy agreed to work with Marcia on the event. . Plans are to advertise the luncheon in the local papers. Arrangements will be made to have the mailing of the CCRA Newsletter including the luncheon response form sent out via Human Resources. Richard Johnston will speak to the guests about the college and what has been happening recently. Linda agreed to speak about CCRA, and to introduce speakers. Ruby offered to help Regina at the membership table at the entrance to the luncheon. Barry S. agreed to set up a 50/50 draw. Marcia reported there is a greater awareness of CCRA in the college after a Lotus Notes message was sent out describing the association

3. Minutes from July 30. There were no changes.

4. President’s Report Linda said she would arrange for the CCRA website to have a link to the OCRA website. She noted that after the luncheon event was over, the committee may want to look at other issues such as a membership fee, future social activities, and a constitution. The association still needs a vice-president and a secretary. Linda has contacted those people who came to the first meeting of CCRA but have not attended since. Copies of email and phone numbers of attendees were distributed. Members were encouraged to look at the CCRA website and comment on changes Barrie M. has made to it. There will be an annual general meeting of OCRA (Ontario Colleges Retirees’ Association) Oct. 30, 9-3 at Mohawk College. Linda showed a sample brochure for the AGM and said there would be a panel discussion in the afternoon about retiree health benefits. Copies of the most recent OCRA newsletter were available for members. 5. Membership Report In the absence of Regina King, Dana reported that there are 94 members to date. A CCRA membership form has been given to Human Resources to include with the package for retirees. It is hoped this will give the association new retiree member information on an ongoing basis. In a future meeting, the committee needs to discuss how to handle associate memberships. (part-time, sessionals, widows or widowers of retirees.) 6. Newsletter Reuben and C.J. talked about the content of the newsletter that would go to retirees. This newsletter would include the luncheon response form. It was noted that attendees could RSVP by mail, telephone or email. C.J. would send a final copy of the newsletter to Dana when it was ready to go to print. 7. Website Barrie M. reported on the updates he has made to the website and asked members for comments. 8. Date of the next meeting was set for Nov. 5, 2002


Page 1 of 2. CENTENNIAL COLLEGE RETIREES' ASSOCIATION. SEPTEMBER 10, 2002. 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. DR. CATHERINE HENDERSON BOARDROOM. PROGRESS CAMPUS. MINUTES. Present: Vincent Bruch, Ruby Burbine, Linda Choptiany, Dorothy Copeland, Noel. D'Sylva, Dana Gour, Reuben Lando, C.J. ...

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