Minutes of Meeting August 18, 2008 Progress Campus President’s Boardroom C2-21 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Present:


Linda Choptiany Robyn Knapp

President Vice President

Marie Adams Maureen Bavington Brent Davies Conrad D’Souza Tazik De Souza Arthur Donin Roy Leslie Barrie Morgan Fred Roy Barry Sanderson Dennis Wilson Eva Zehethofer

Director College Resource, Secretary Director Treasurer Communications Membership Director Web Master Communications Assistant Director Director Director

Dana Gour

College Resource


Welcome The meeting was called to order at 11 am.


Minutes of Meeting, May 26, 2008 Moved by B. Sanderson Seconded by C. D’Souza That the Minutes of Meeting May 26, 2008, be approved. Carried


Reports 3.1 President - L. Choptiany  The new CCRA logo (as displayed above) has been approved. L. Choptiany thanked Barrie Morgan for his efforts in creating this new logo.  The CCRA June 8 Newsletter has been mailed.  Board members voted to have Karen Snowdon-Steacy, Private Trust Manager, TD Waterhouse, as guest speaker for the General Meeting, October 8, 2008.  L. Choptiany has received two cheques in support of CCRA from President Buller and the Board of Governors. A thank you letter has been sent.  CCRA has an added new email address ([email protected]) which will be noted on the business cards.

Action - M. Bavington Page 2/4

CCRA Minutes August 18, 2008


Treasurer - C. D’Souza C. D’Souza distributed the Statement of Operations for the six months ending June 30, 2008. He thanked D. Wilson for his review and comments on the document. The Board continued to discuss the Scholarship / Endowment / GIC issue and agreed to wait for confirmation on the matter from Dana Gour who was absent from this meeting. Following a lengthy discussion, it was Moved by Seconded by

A. Donin Taz De Souza

To award a $500 scholarship to a mature student who has returned to school to complete a ministry approved, full-time postsecondary program and who has achieved a B+ or higher academic standing in at least one semester. Action - D. Gour Carried D. Gour will be asked to look after the details of this scholarship, that is, confirmation, timing, distribution of funds etc. Marie Adams and Dana Gour will present the scholarship recommendation for approval at the October General Meeting. 3.3


Membership - A. Donin  To date, CCRA has 144 current members for 2008.  A. Donin will have the renewal form sent out to CCRA members with the General Meeting invitation / package in September.  An updated membership list will be distributed via email to M. Bavington for the General Meeting mailing.

Membership Subcommittee Recommendation - R. Knapp A subcommittee consisting of R. Knapp, A. Donin, F. Roy and E. Zehethofer was formed to review and edit CCRA’s Bylaw and submit a recommendation on Associate Membership terms. The committee met on June 10, 2008 and engaged in a lengthy discussion. It was agreed that an ‘Associate Member’ would complete a CCRA membership form and pay a full membership fee. (See Attachment A, Membership Bylaw Revision) Moved by A. Donin Seconded by R Leslie Carried Further Bylaw issues were referred to the Bylaw subcommittee to be addressed

. 5.

Advertising Bylaw Subcommittee Due to time constraints, it was agreed to table discussion of the Advertising Bylaw.

CCRA Minutes August 18, 2008


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General Meeting Plans L. Choptiany presented the following pre-planning procedure to the Board.

CCRA General Meeting October 8, 2008 Registration - 10 am Residence & Conference Centre, Room: Scarborough 3





Residence & Conference Centre / Horizons Dining Room AV, laptop, projector Mailing Deadline - Sept. 17 RSVP - Oct. 1 Co-ordination of Responses Website Posting of Meeting Start time 10:30 am Copies of Agenda Generic CCRA Business Cards (for distribution) Elections Membership Forms Name Tags, Draw Tickets, Door Prizes, Envelopes, Petty Cash Float, CCRA Signs (tape)

M. Bavington - confirmed B. Morgan M. Bavington L. Choptiany M. Bavington B. Morgan

GM Invitation


Membership Table

Guest Speaker

Door Prizes Draw Photos

Invitation & Co-ordination (Karen Snowden-Steacy) Gift Purchase Introduction Thank You, Gift Presentation

Participants permission to have photos posted on CCRA website

M. Bavington M. Bavington D. Gour A. Donin, F. Roy M. Bavington, D. Gour L. Choptiany, B. Morgan E. Zehethofer,R. Knapp B. Morgan - confirmed M. Bavington, B. Morgan L. Choptiany B. Morgan C. D’Souza B. Morgan, A. Donin


Other Business CCRA’s Christmas Luncheon will be on Thursday, December 4, 2008, Residence & Conference Centre, Horizon’s Dining Room, 12:30 p.m.


Next Meeting / Adjournment The next meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2008, 10:30 am., President’s Boardroom, Progress Campus. The meeting adjourned at 2 pm.

Membership Bylaw Revision


Membership 2.1

Definition 2.1.1 Retiree is an individual formerly employed by Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology who is receiving a College of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) pension, or who is eligible to receive a deferred CAAT pension, based on his or her time of employment with the College, or who has accepted a lump sum payment in lieu of a CAAT pension or who is receiving a pension from another pension plan. Retirees wishing to join the CCRA will be required to complete an initial membership application form and pay the membership fee. 2.1.2 Associate Member is an individual who belongs to one of the categories listed below and must complete a CCRA membership form and pay a full membership fee. 1) The spouse / partner of a deceased Centennial College employee or retiree who was eligible to receive CAAT pension according to current rules 2) A retiree of another community college 2.1.3 Honorary Member is an individual who has rendered outstanding service to the Association or who has donated significantly in cash or kind to aid the work of the Association and who has been approved as an honorary member by the Board. An Honorary member will not be asked to pay a membership fee. 2.1.4 Honorary Members, Guests of members and Associate Members are welcome to social or recreational activities, subject to space limitations, at an additional cost. 2.1.5 Only fully paid-up retiree members can vote at the General Meeting (GM) and be members of the CCRA Board. Associate members and honorary members cannot be full members of the Board. However, associate members and honorary members can, at the discretion of the Board, be invited by the Board to participate in a specific project(s) or event(s).


Marie Adams Director. Maureen Bavington College Resource, Secretary. Brent Davies Director. Conrad D'Souza Treasurer. Tazik De Souza Communications. Arthur Donin Membership. Roy Leslie Director. Barrie Morgan Web Master. Fred Roy Communications Assistant. Barry Sanderson Director. Dennis Wilson Director.

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