Dear Seattle Parks Legacy Board: The Queen Anne Community Council Board of Directors requests that money to create a convenient, accessible, dog off-leash area for Upper Queen Anne Residents be included in the next parks levy or other funding implement. Upper Queen Anne is experiencing significant growth and has a critical need for a dog off-leash facility. It is expected that increased density requires additional amenities and those include an off-leash area The "Uptown/Lower Queen Anne" Dog Park is not easily accessible to the thousands of Upper Queen Anne dog owners because of steep hills that separate the neighborhoods and lack of parking. The small size of the "Uptown/Lower Queen Anne" site could not accommodate the numbers of Upper Queen Anne dog owners even if they were able to access that dog park. Although there are now 14 dog off-leash areas within Seattle, there isn't one that is convenient for Queen Anne off-leash enthusiasts. Queen Anne residents must drive now drive considerable distances to access existing off-lease areas. Queen Anne Community Council members have worked-for years-to identify possible locations to create an off-leash park that satisfies the needs of upper Queen Anne Hill Residents. The Queen Anne Community Council looks forward to having money for the planning, implementation, construction, and maintenance of a Queen Anne Hill dog off-leash area included in the list of projects the Legacy Committee recommends to the Seattle City Council. Sincerely, Ellen Monrad cc: Seattle City Council members Christopher Williams Eric Friedli

2013 Nov QACC letter ParksLegacyOLA.pdf

Queen Anne residents must drive now. drive considerable distances to access existing off-lease areas. Queen Anne Community Council members have ...

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