TECHNICAL PAPER SEPTEMBER 2013 Industrial Dewatering System Finds Reliability in KISM Wireless Solution Customer’s pre-existing dialer

KISM Wireless Modem and PLC

Problem: An industrial remediation pumping station utilized an existing telephone dialer that was outdated and extremely unreliable. The operators were not able to depend on the telephone dialer reporting the system flow rates, flow totals or alarm callouts. The existing dialer utilized old phone modem technology which created difficulty logging into the dialer to get their reporting information. The dialer system did not have trending capability and had no provisions for future expansion.

KISM Product Features:    

KISM’s Small Footprint

Custom built daily, weekly, and monthly reports Custom alarming schedule via E-mail, voice & text Local IT Support 24/7 Custom web based interface & domain name

Solution: Kennedy Industries supplied the customer with a KISM system which included single source responsibility for the programmable logic controller (PLC), PLC programming, cellular modem, communications, security and IT support. The KISM system also comes Site Access & Monitoring 24/7 standard with an on-site battery back-up in case of power loss at the site. KISM now reliably monitors flow rate, total flow, station line voltage, wet well liquid level and pH level with room for future expansion. KISM provides easy access to the station status, historical data, trending, all equipment service manuals, and any other site specific information the customers needs. The customer also has the flexibility to change alarm limits, acknowledge alarms and view data remotely. The alarm notifications are sent via customer requested text message and e-mail to all personnel selected 24/7. The alarm roster can be changed remotely at anytime by authorized personnel via their smart phone or computer web browser. KISM provided the customer with the reliability and ease of use that the customer expected. 52900 GRAND RIVER ● NEW HUDSON, MI 48165 ● (248)684-1200 PHONE ● (248)684-6011 FAX ● WWW.KENNEDYIND.COM

2013-Sept-KISM-Industrial Dewatering System.pdf

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