23rd March 2014

Newsletter for the Parishes of Saggart - Rathcoole - Brittas & Newcastle Parish Team Fr. Enda Cunningham PP St Mary’s Parochial House Saggart. Tel: 4589209 Mob: 087-1380695 Fr. Aidan Kieran CC 1 The Glebe Peamount Road Newcastle. Tel: 4589230 Mob: 087-6397744 Fr. Aloysius Zuribo C.C. 2 Carrigmore Place Saggart, Co. Dublin Tel. 01-4589209 Parish Pastoral Worker Mr Sean O’Rourke c/o The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Tel: 4589209 Mob:087-0540695 Fr. Michael Shortall PC 87 Beechwood Lawns Rathcoole Tel: 4587187 Mob: 087 -2861765 Fr. Michael McGowan PC 7 St. Patrick’s Crescent, Rathcoole Tel: 4589210 Parish Secretary Martina Hopkins The Parish Office St. Mary’s Parochial House Opening Hours: 9.30-1.30 Monday to Friday Tel: 4589209 www.saggartparish.com [email protected]

Eucharistic Adoration Holy Family Church Rathcoole Every Friday 7.30 – 8.30pm Items for Newsletter If you have any items for the newsletter, please contact the Parish Office or email to the addresses given below. Please indicate clearly that the items are for inclusion in the Parish Newsletter. Many thanks. [email protected] or

[email protected]

We pray for Kevin Cullen (Rathcoole) who is recently deceased. We extend our deepest sympathies to his family and friends. Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon him.

Evangelii Gaudium A Lenten Undertaking? Pope Francis recently published his apostolic exhortation ‘Evangelii Gaudium’, ‘The Joy of the Gospel.’ We are encouraging parishioners to read this document during the season of Lent . Copies of ‘Evangelii Gaudium’ are available in the sacristy of each church for €5. Also, a section of the exhortation will be made available to take home each Sunday of Lent. The priests of the parish will make an effort to incorporate the weekly section into the homily each week.

3rd Sunday in Lent

Mass Schedule Saggart: Sunday: 9 am & 11.30 am Weekday: 9.30 am Rathcoole: Saturday Vigil: 6.30 p.m. Sunday: 10 am & 12.00 pm Weekday: 9.30 am Saturday: 10.00 am Brittas: Sunday: 10.30 am Newcastle: Saturday Vigil: 7.00 p.m. Sunday: 10.30 am Weekday: 10.00am Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri. Confession

Holy Week in Newcastle The invitation still stands for parishioners to carry out some of the ministries in St. Finian’s Church during Holy Week. We are anxious to involve many parishioners in the celebration of the most important week in the church calendar. Below are some of the tasks that need to be done. Even if you volunteer for one task, it would be very helpful. Palm Sunday (10.30am): Walk in the entr ance pr ocession from the door of the church to the altar. Holy Thursday (8.00pm): Walk in the entr ance pr ocession; Have some water poured on your foot by Fr. Aidan during the washing of the feet; or walk in the Blessed Sacrament Procession to the Altar of Repose within the church at the end of the Mass. Good Friday (3.00pm): Read one of the ten solemn pr ayer s at the celebration of the Lord’s Passion. Holy Saturday (9.00pm): Take par t in the Entr ance Procession and help light candles during the service of light. To respond to the call, please contact Fr. Aidan 087-6397744 or Bridget Breen 086-1762532.

Saggart: Friday, after 9.30am Mass Rathcoole: Saturday after 10.00am Mass Newcastle: Saturday after 7.00pm Mass Baptism Saggart 2.00pm Sunday Rathcoole 4.00 pm Saturday Newcastle 2nd Saturday 4pm Last Sunday 2pm Please contact the Parish Office

Holy Family Children’s Choir to sing with Pueri Cantoras Meath Street Church, 29/3/2014, 3.00pm The Holy Family Childrens choir have been invited to sing with Pueri Cantoras, a childrens choir founded in Paris in 1907, named the 'little singers of the wooden cross' or 'Pueri Cantores'. The Irish federation established by Ite O Donovan in 1977 for Choirs of boys and girls throughtout the world who seek to preserve some of the worlds masterpieces of church music, will meet together in a celebration of Mass as follows: St Catherine’s Church, Meath Street Saturday 29th of March, 3.00pm All Welcome

Marriage Please contact the Parish Office

Divine Mercy Chapelet Saggart Church First Friday of each month. 3.00pm. All welcome.

Pope Francis General Audience 19th March, Feast of St. Joseph Today, 19 March, we celebrate the Solemn Feast of St Joseph, Spouse of Mary and Patron of the Universal Church. St. Joseph is deserving of all our gratitude and devotion for the way in which he guarded over the Holy Virgin and her Son Jesus. Being a guardian is the distinctive trait of Joseph: Being the guardian is his great mission. I would like to take up the theme of guardianship under a particular aspect: the educational aspect. We look to Joseph as the model educator, who watches over and accompanies Jesus as he grows “in wisdom, age and grace”, as the Gospel says. He was not Jesus’ father: the father of Jesus was God, but he was a father to Jesus, he was a father to Jesus in order to help him grow. And how did he help him grow? In wisdom, age and grace. Let us begin with age, which is the most natural dimension, physical and psychological growth. Joseph together with Mary, cared for Jesus above all from this point of view, that is he “raised” him, taking care that he lacked nothing he needed for healthy development. Let us not forget that guarding faithfully over the Child’s life also entailed the Flight to Egypt, the harsh experience of living as refugees — Joseph was a refugee with Mary and Jesus — so as to escape the threat of Herod. Then, once they had returned home and were settled in Nazareth, there was a long period in Jesus’ life spent with his family. In those years Joseph instructed Jesus in his work, and Jesus learned to be a carpenter with his father Joseph. Thus Joseph raised Jesus. Let us move to the second dimension of his education: “wisdom”. Joseph was for Jesus the example and the teacher of the wisdom that is nourished by the Word of God. We could ponder how Joseph formed the little Jesus to listen to the Sacred Scriptures, above all by accompanying him on Saturday to the Synagogue in Nazareth. Joseph accompanied Jesus so that he would listen to the Word of God in the Synagogue. And lastly, the dimension of “grace”. St Luke always says of Jesus: “the favour of God was upon him” (2:40). Here, of course, the role reserved to St Joseph is more limited than it was in the area of age and wisdom. But it would be a grave error to think that a father and mother can do nothing to form their child to grow in the grace of God. To grow in age, to grow in wisdom and to grow in grace: this is the work Joseph did with Jesus, to help him grow in these three ways, to aid his growth. Dear brothers and sisters, Joseph’s mission is certainly unique and unrepeatable, because Jesus is absolutely unique. And yet, in his guardianship of Jesus, forming him to grow in age, wisdom and grace, he is a model for every educator, especially every father. St Joseph is the model of the educator and the dad, the father. I, therefore, entrust to his protection, all parents, priests — who are fathers — and those who have an educational role in the Church and in society. In a special way, I would like to greet today, being fathers’ day, all parents, all fathers: I greet you from the heart! Thank you for all you do for your children.

The Real Easter Egg The Real Easter Egg is being sold in Ireland for the first time this year. It is an egg, made with fair trade chocolate, profits from which are given to charity. As well as having a chocolate egg, the Real Easter Egg contains child-friendly, simple messages on the crucifixion and resurrection. The Real Easter Egg is being introduced here on a pilot basis for 2014 and a limited number of eggs will available, mostly through churches. Please [email protected] or look at the website www.realeasteregg.ie for more detailed information. St. Finian’s Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Monday 24th March, 7.00-9.00pm There will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in St. Finian’s Church, Newcastle from 7.00 - 9.00pm on Monday 24th March. The time of adoration will finish with an informal benediction. All welcome, whether you can come for ten minutes or two hours! Trócaire Campaign Lent 2014 Worldwide, 783 million people do not have access to clean, safe water. This year's Trócaire Lent Campaign is about the global water crisis. Drier climates across sub-Saharan Africa are leaving communities struggling without enough water for drinking, sanitation and growing food. Enestina (9) is the girl on this year's Trócaire Box. She comes from a small community in rural Malawi that has relied on a polluted river for drinking and washing for many years. The community depends on the unpredictable rains to water their crops, meaning they never know what food they can produce. Trócaire is working to change this. For children like Enestina, access to water means better health, more nutritious food and more time in school. Please support Trócaire this Lent

St Finian’s Church Newcastle Lyons 1813-2013 Copies of the above book will be on sale after Masses in Saggart Church on Sunday 23rd March. Copies of ‘Newcastle Lyons, A Parish of the Pale’ will also be available. Price: Softback €10, Hardback €20 Ecumenical Lenten Pilgrimage Christ Church Cathedral, Saturday 5th April 2014 The visit to Christ Church Cathedral on Saturday 5th April is now booked out. Another visit after Easter will be organised for those who missed out on this occasion. It’s encouraging that there was an enthusiastic response to this event. For those who have reserved a place, the group will meet at Christ Church Cathedral at 11.15am to begin the pilgrimage at 11.30am. Soul Food An informal evening of prayer and information for men interested in a vocation to religious life will take place at 6.15pm on Friday 28th March at Presentation Brothers, Glasthule, Dun Laoghaire. Brother Anthony 086-0898120, [email protected] www.PresentationBrothers.org

Pope Francis Prayer Intentions—March 2014 Please pray for the Holy Father’s prayer intentions for the month of March: Respect for Women: That all cultures may respect the rights and dignity of women. Vocations: That many young people may accept the Lord’s invitation to consecrate their lives to proclaiming the Gospel.

2014 03 23 Newsletter March 23 2014.pdf

the celebration of the Lord's Passion. Holy Saturday (9.00pm): Take part in the Entrance. Procession and help light candles during the service of light. To respond to the call, please contact Fr. Aidan 087-6397744 or. Bridget Breen 086-1762532. Evangelii Gaudium. A Lenten Undertaking? Pope Francis recently published ...

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