MINUTES OF CCRA BOARD MEETING Monday, March 16, 2015 PROGRESS CAMPUS Student Centre 10:30 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. PRESENT: Les Miscampbell Marie Adams Chuck Baker Marlene Leitch Dennis Wilson Dirkje (D) Trivett Eva Zehethofer Emma Dunk

Acting President Acting VP Membership Coordinator Social Coordinator Treasurer Director Director College Resource

REGRETS: Yvonne Glenville Valerie Smith Robyn Knapp Barry Sanderson Dana Gour

Webmaster Communications Director Director College Resource

Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M. Les Miscampbell gave opening remarks and delivered regrets for those not in attendance.


ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Motioned by: Marlene Leitch Seconded by: Dirkje (D) Trivett Moved: All in favour to accept Agenda with the addition of newsletter added under New Business

CCRA Minutes: March 16, 2015

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ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 13, 2015 MEETING Motioned by: Seconded by: Moved:

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Marie Adams Dennis Wilson All in favour to accept Minutes

SPRING LUNCHEON Guest Speaker will talk about Estate Management – CCRA can advise the speaker about the content of the presentation Suggestions included, estate planning, complexities of families, protecting yourself etc. The presentation will be 10 minutes with 10 minutes for questions Invitation will be mailed with the newsletter; emailed to those who have given permission and sent by Canada Post to others. Yvonne will take photographs at the event.


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4.1 Retirees Event Discussion about what time of day to host the event, whether current staff are more likely to attend if it is part of their work day, and parking issues 4.2 New Directors and Membership Discussion about whether new Board members can be appointed at the discretion of the Board and whether or not they should be listed as a Director until they have been appointed at the AGM. Concluded that the By-laws state that someone replacing a Director in the midst of his/her term could be appointed by the Board and would stand for re-election at the same scheduled time as the original person Board will contact the people who have indicated they are interested in joining the Board CCRA will set up a meeting with Centennial College HR – Pension Consultant, Andrew Cartier to discuss ways he may be able to help CCRA reach more retirees and give CCRA a higher profile during the retirement process. Board agreed Andrew should receive an invitation to the Spring Luncheon

CCRA Minutes: March 16, 2015

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 Treasurer’s Report  Dennis Wilson reported that after overcoming a number of obstacles, the CCRA new bank account has finally been set up with just one more signature required to finalize the process.  The gratuity for the Christmas Luncheon was sent in  Webmaster Report  Yvonne Glenville sent a report to say that the website is current and up-to-date.    

Social Coordinator Report AGM speaker is confirmed but the location is still undetermined. AGM will take place on October 6, 2015 Suggestion was made to have a set annual time for the AGM, such as the first Tuesday of October

 Communication Report  The Newsletter requires a note from the President before it is completed.  Newsletter will be sent out the week of March  Membership  Chuck Baker and Les Miscampbell will request a meeting with Centennial College HR – Pension Consultant, Andrew Cartier  Chuck removed the membership # from all future memberships and requested that all inaccurate information be removed from the website 6.0 NEW BUSINESS  Newsletter will be printed in colour using an offsite printing company and copies delivered to Centennial College for posting  All CCRA members who have consented to receive emails will receive the newsletter and Spring Luncheon invite by email, all others will be sent by Canada Post 7.0 

NEXT MEETING Next CCRA meeting will take place on Wednesday June 3 at 10:30AM The meeting was adjourned at 12:15PM.

CCRA Minutes: March 16, 2015

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Dennis Wilson reported that after overcoming a number of obstacles, the CCRA new. bank account has finally been set up with just one more signature required ...

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