Love God. Love Neighbor. Change the World.

Revenue and Expenses $600,000.00 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $300,000.00

Pledge Revenue


Total Revenue


Total Expenses


Allocation of Expenses (according to ministry areas) 100% 90% 80% Pastoral Care


Diocesan Support


Community Events/Fellowship


Formation/Education (All Ages)


Communications Outreach



20% 10% 0%

Allocation of Expenses (according to budget line-items) 100%

90% Christian Formation


Communications 70%

Parish Life Ministries


Stewardship Community Outreach


Worship Ministries General Administration




Diocesan & World Ministry


Facilities Personnel


0% 2016



Pledging Households: 129 Pledge Income for 2017: $401,639 Projected Income: $486,140 Projected Expenses: $486,140 Notes from our treasurer:  10% increase in pledge revenue from actual 2016 levels!  Conservative plan for “unpledged donations” i.e. less than last year  Three percent inflation assumption is applied to recurring outside expenses (e.g., utilities).  Personnel expense growth reflects modest increases for full-time staff and increases in benefit-related costs.  Increase in administration expenses is planned to accommodate engagement of a diocesan consultant to help formulate action plans in response to the recently completed CAT survey and support Stewardship Initiatives.  Parish life expenses have been increased to support new hospitality commission.  Facilities expenses are anticipated to hold steady, with minor increases offset by reductions in non-recurring expenses.  A five percent increase in diocesan support is included.  $2,500.00 increase in community outreach activities was requested by commission and granted.

As a Church our giving goes WAY beyond what is represented on the Annual Budget! For PADS alone, each year we contribute more than 2000 hours of service, $4000+ in donations of food. Our efforts, in combination with others provide more than 40 people with a safe place to sleep each week. Ken Miller put together a chart to try and estimate the ways we give above and beyond the operating budget. In some instances we had to estimate numbers (and how do you really count a soul touched?), but this is an approximation of the impact we have!

PADS Christmas sharing AA 12 meetings a week Cub Scout Meetings PRC monthly donations St Julian Teddy Bears & PRC Trinity Sunday UTO Outreach Bazaar Event Wreath Program Nursing home Totals

Time in volunteer/ staff hours 2100 400 100 10 20 20 20 10 100 20 200 3000+ hours

Souls touched 2600+ 270 12,500 Many Many 350 Many Many Many Many 900 16,620+ lives touched

Treasure Used $ 4,500 $12,150 ——— ——— $ 1,200 $1,000 $17,000+ $ 2,800 $ 5,000 $6,650 ——— $50,300

Mozart Mania (being performed during our musical interlude) Music by: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Words by: Mary Kay Beall Arranged by: John Carter Who was this Mozart? You’ve heard of him, I know; He had gifts we can’t imagine… No ordinary Joe! Who was this Mozart? Listen and you will see what can happen when you’re gifted, when you’re a prodigy. He was born in January, so they say in a place called Salzburg far away. His talents were amazing, no-one could deny; the whole world loved this little guy. He was writing tunes when he was only five. His talent kept his family alive. When he played for royalty they stood to cheer! What a super star he was – that’s more than clear! Mozart never ever went to school. You might think his life was really cool. London! Paris! Rome! It sounds so great. Eighteen cities by the age of eight! Brilliant! That’s what the people cried; they looked on him with pride they gave him gifts and stuff– but it was not enough not near enough when things started to go wrong. There would come a day, an awful day when there would be too many bills to pay. Soon that brilliant boy who brought them joy would find his life in total disarray! Poor Mozart! What was he to do now? Poor Mozart! He was feeling blue now! Poor Mozart! Family to feed! Children? Yes, indeed! Poverty and need filled his nights and his days with despair. Poor Mozart! What was he to do now? Poor Mozart! He was feeling blue now! Poor Mozart! Friends were growing few! Gambling debts were due! Then he caught the flu and he never got better – he died. So long, dear Wolfgang, so long! Thank you for your gift of song. Sorry things went as they did. You were a marvellous kid. Thirty five years, it’s not fair, for someone whose talent was rare. We’re glad we had you a while. Your music’s always in style. So long, dear Wolfgang, so long. 3

2017 Annual Meeting Agenda A potluck lunch will be served following the meeting. 

Trinity in 2016 (slide show)

Welcome and Reflection on 2016

Call to Order, Opening Prayer

Rules of Order/Prize getting

Appointment of Clerk

Report on Nominations & Opening of Floor Nominations

Reading Reports followed by collection of score cards

Financial Presentation with Q&A

Musical Interlude


New & Old Business

Rector’s Report

Warden’s Report

Open mic – an opportunity for recognitions, thank yous, and questions

Prizes awarded…


Rules for Prize Table… A colleague of mine shared that at her parish they had managed to make their Annual Meeting more fun by tweaking the normal routine and adding a prize table! Yes, you read that correctly. We tried it in 2016, it was fun, so we are doing it again. There are 2 elements to this (1) there will a time during the meeting when people will be asked to vote on their “favorite” reports, and (2) there will be prizes given for active participation in the Annual Meeting. [rules subject to change!] Report Categories: Most Brief and to the Point Most Informative Most Creative Most Visually Stunning You also get to go to the prize table if you... Ask a question Make a Statement in favor or against Make a motion 2nd a motion Call the Question Make an amendment to a motion


MINISTRY STAFF The Rev. Kevin Caruso

Sue Tarleton, Nursery Supervisor

The Rev. James C. Lanning, Deacon

Eileen Pender, Nursery Assistant

Ruth Anne Wilcox and Marie DiBello,

Diane Fox, Wedding Chapel Coordinator

Pastoral Care Coordinators

Robert Ward, Organist & Music Director

Bernie Ishmael, Parish Administrator Jaime Briceno, Family Ministries Coordinator, Christina Ponstein, Bookkeeper

2016 VESTRY Diane Fox, Sr. Warden

Alison Bettisworth, Jr. Warden

Nancy Moore, Clerk of the Vestry Class of 2017

Class of 2018

Alison Bettisworth

John Ehrisman

Phil Petti

John Rogers

Terri Laka

John Dulkinys

Rod Sweer (1 yr. term)

Juliette Fischer Ruth Anne Wilcox

SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT I “retire” from the vestry after six years, including the past four years as a warden, with gratitude for this opportunity to serve and with a deeper understanding and appreciation for what it means to be the church where we are called to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, care for one another and for those less fortunate among us. God calls us to share our gifts of time and talent with the world. In 2016, one of our initiatives ask each of us to consider what we’re passionate about and then look for ways to share that passion with others. At Trinity, there are many opportunities for service as described in the pages of this annual report. It is my prayer that each of us will continue to reflect on how God calls us to share our gifts and passions and discern where we can serve. Diane Fox, [email protected] Senior Warden


Rector’s Report Investing our lives: Helen Keller once said " I must not just live my life. I will not just spend my life. I will invest my life." Those of us called to a life of faith recognize in her words an invitation akin to the one Jesus offers. For us, investing our lives means faithfully following where Jesus leads. Jesus invites us to receive the abundant life… a life worth living… a life focused on what it means to be a blessing to others. For my part, I am privileged to see the incredible ways that people in this community are constantly responding to God’s invitation by seeking to be Good News in the world. This Annual Report provides a snap shot in time of our life in community, and of the many ways we respond to God’s call. It is a reminder of how we have invested our shared life, our time, talent and treasure. It is also an invitation to think about what God might be calling us to in the coming year! We are a THRIVING community (living in the now): Trinity is a thriving community of faith (which doesn’t mean there aren’t ways we are being called to grow). In 2016, we took a survey called the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT). The CAT showed our shared life is highly energizing and highly satisfying. Over the past 2 years, we have seen growth in every measure the CAT tracks! Having spent the last two years as your Rector, I can’t say the results surprised me... Think about all the wonderful things that happen because of this community of faith: PADS, our 1st annual Outreach Bazaar, Conversations that Matter series, Kids’ Club/Parents’ Night Out, Time and Talent Campaign, Jonathan Rudy Concert, Steak Fry/Golf Outing, Advent Brunch, 4th of July BBQ, Pet Blessing, Advent and Lenten Days of Reflection, Prayer Group, Book Club, Saturday Study Group, PRC Collections and the list goes on… We are a LEARNING Community (learning from the past): We take seriously learning from what we do. Things are going very well, but we still benefit from regularly reflecting on our life together. Since I have arrived the vestry, wardens and I have participated in an annual review process known as a Mutual Ministry Review. We have also encouraged groups to actively check-in on how things are working. Moreover, we have also invited the congregation to be a part of a number of conversations about our shared life (conversation on Worship and Liturgy meetings, the CAT interpretation meeting...). As a leadership team, we are committed to learning from our past experiences because doing so allows us to grow. If you have any thoughts, please don’t hesitate to be in touch! We are a DISCERNING community (looking to the future): Discernment and decision making are related, but not the same. Discernment is about “listening and responding to that place within us where our deepest desires align with God’s desires. As discerning people, we sift through our impulses, motives, and options to discover which ones lead us closer to divine love and compassion for ourselves and other people and which ones lead us further away.” (Robert Jonas). When we engage in discernment, we are making room for God to influence us, and we are recognizing that sometimes God calls us to places we would never decide to go on our own (think about Moses going to Egypt…)! I am excited to see where our Discernment will lead us in the year to come. I hope this report helps us all appreciate the incredible ministry that is being undertaken by our community of faith. As you review it, I invite you to discern how God is inviting you to invest your gifts in the years to come.

Grace and Peace, Fr. Kevin+ FYI: I have been accepted to take part in the 2017-18 Missional Leadership Cohort for Episcopal Clergy offered by Luther Seminary in St. Paul Minnesota. This program is funded by a generous grant and the only cost is for travel. Participating in this continuing education opportunity will allow me to continue developing skills to support our life together. The onsite portion of the program involves 3 trips to Minnesota over the next 18 months. (in the words of the program itself) The Missional Leadership Cohort is a structured learning community that offers teaching, mentorship and accountability for church leaders in partnership with committed peers and faculty and staff. It offers the promise of intensive, transformational leadership development for a missionary church with flexibility and accommodation for the demands facing full-time, working clergy.


2017 Initiatives: Growing Deeper in Faith by nurturing our relationships and exploring our gifts. In 2017, we will be continuing our practice of inviting members of this community of faith to participate in a few parish-wide initiatives. These initiatives are meant to give us concrete ways to live more fully into our identity as a family of faith. Continuing initiatives (keep doing what is working!) First 5 minutes @ coffee hour Every Sunday, you hear an announcement along these lines “During the first 5 minutes of coffee hour, I invite you to spend the time speaking with someone you don’t know, or someone you don’t know well because at Trinity we believe our walk with God is rooted in our relationships with one another.” We say it because we believe it… We invite you to continue investing in our shared life by continuing to learn about each other.

Vestry Prayers (and praying for one another) Over the course of the year, we pray for every member of the congregation by name during a vestry meeting. When it is your turn to be prayed for, you will receive a call from a vestry member who will ask whether there is anything in particular you would like us to be mindful of when we pray for you and your household. As Christians, we are a community who holds one another in prayer and we thought it helpful and appropriate for the vestry to continue to be intentional about this practice in the coming year. In addition to these prayers we will be offering quarterly opportunities for members of the parish to pray for one another by selecting the names of other parishioners after worship. Time and Talent Campaign 2.0 What are my gifts and how do I share them to Love God, Love Neighbor, and Change the World? Each year, during our annual pledge campaign, we talk about how we are blessed with gifts of time, talent and treasure, but we focus mostly on treasure. This year, our Stewardship Commission will once again encourage us to think about how we also invest our time and talent. Last year’s campaign provided a useful opportunity and we thought it well worth revisiting. Spreading the word… so others will know Trinity is truly a beacon of compassion and hope. Trinity is a remarkable community of faith. In 2017 we want to share our story with others. One way to do that is to leverage social media outlets to our advantage. If you are on Facebook, we want you to write a review of Trinity and to regularly like the events taking place here. These small “likes” will add up and will share with our friends in a fairly indirect way much of what happens in our shared life. NEW initiatives Examen: The Examen is an Ignatian practice of prayer that invites you to examine some aspect of your life and to offer it to God in prayer. One way this is typically used is as a form of daily prayer. This framework can also be used in community settings. We are excited about the opportunity to explore how it might fit into our individual lives and our shared life at Trinity because it embodies our commitment to both learning and discerning. We will be making use of this particular pattern of prayer in a number of ways.

Steps of an Examen Prayer 1. Become aware of God’s presence. 2. Review the day with gratitude. 3. Pay attention to your emotions. 4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it. 5. Look toward tomorrow.


WARDEN NOMINEES (2 year term)

Tom Althoff Junior Warden

Alison Bettisworth Senior Warden

Growing up in England I was raised in the Church of England. After moving to the United States I began to attend the Episcopal Church, where I was confirmed as an adult.

I first came to Trinity in the fall of 2014. I am excited to serve on the vestry because I want to do my part to help nurture the great spirit which is Trinity Episcopal in Wheaton. The parish is very warm, friendly, and giving. There are so many members who serve in the weekly liturgy, caring for others, volunteering to assist others through PADS, Christmas Sharing, People's Resource Center, Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, Lawrence Hall, Magdalene House, and World Relief and so many others. We also do so much to share good times through social events and weekly coffee hours and groups that like to bicycle, or canoe/camp attend ball games, golf, and attend drag races or prepare special meals. The book club and kids club and educational programs serve to round out the comprehensive nature of the parish. I know I am missing some of the

Serving in these Ministries has allowed me to share my time and talents with the parish family, the community and God.

My husband Jim and I reside in Sugar Grove. Over the years in our prior church home I was fortunate enough to serve in several ministries including; being Clerk of the Vestry, Director of Christian Education, a member of the Outreach committee, founder of the Welcome Care and Comfort Ministry, and chair of the Stewardship committee. For the past 10 years I have been blessed to serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor and currently serve as a member of the Altar Guild, a LEM and Lector at Trinity. In the past two and a half years I have had the opportunity to serve as Junior Warden of the Vestry.


programs but also I am attracted to our beautiful and historic chapel. I am excited to help spread the news of what we are all about to those who are not with us as members. One thing you don't know about me is that I took accordion lessons as a child and still own two of them. I was introduced to Trinity by Julie Nelligan and I am very grateful that through her God has allowed me to share in the goodness of this congregation. She is a special person who has helped me see how much Christ works through us. I am blessed to have the life that I have with children, grandchildren, special friends and many outside interests. Trinity serves as the capstone for all of these things.

VESTRY NOMINEES (2 year term)


Kathy Brown

Steve Dionne

Sue Reynolds

Terri Laka

My husband, Jim, and I came to Trinity in 1986. I was raised Catholic and Jim was raised Presbyterian. We decided to church shop to find a church that fit both of us. When we came to Trinity, we thought we had had found our home. Both of our daughters were baptized here and our daughter Erin and her husband Leslie were married last July at Trinity. I am excited to serve on the Vestry because Trinity is my second family and I want to do what I can to serve not only the parishioners of Trinity but those in our community we are called to care for. One thing you may not know about me is that when I joined Trinity I was very quiet and shy. One of the ways I overcame my introvert tendencies was when I was involved with Trinity’s performance of “Murder in the Cathedral.” This was the beginning of my awareness of how God uses what we have to guide us. By continuing to volunteer in various capacities, I met new people and Trinity soon became a place that I felt I could be myself. I am both humbled and excited to serve on the vestry, and I am looking forward to what God has planned for us.

My spouse, Chuck Boyle, and I first came to Trinity in the summer of 2014 and have been very happy to become involved with such a dynamic community of faith. I am excited to have been asked to serve on the vestry as it will allow me to use my past leadership experiences to assist the vestry in our challenges and efforts to support the parish family and its ministries. Prior to coming to Trinity, I was a 40-year member of Church of the Ascension in Chicago. Over those years, I had the privilege to serve as vestryman and warden. By training and education, I am a graduate of the American Gemological Institute of America. Genealogy is a hobby that I enjoy very much.

I first came to Trinity during Lent of 2015. I am grateful for the opportunity to serve on the vestry. I expect to learn a lot and hope to be able to make a contribution to our church body. One thing you don't know about me: I've worked with refugees and immigrants for more than 30 years, including 2 1/2 years working in a refugee camp. Working in my (tiny) garden and long hours at the Arboretum play a huge role in keeping me well and sane.

Hello, my name is Terri Laka. I have been married to my husband Frank for 28 years and we have two wonderful sons, Nathan and Matthew. We live in West Chicago. I am a cradle Trinity Episcopalian and both of our kids are also. I was both baptized and married at Trinity. Currently I am involved in several Trinity ministries which include Christmas Sharing, Pastoral Care and I am also a LEM. I have been involved in PADS and have also served on the Confirmation Team and Women’s retreats. I love being surrounded by the community that is Trinity both adults and children. My hope is to be able to give back to the community both inside and outside of the church. We have such a tremendous group of people in this building and we need to shout it from the rooftops and encourage others to join us in worship and fellowship.

Nancy Moore

I first came to Trinity in the fall of 2002. I am excited to serve on the vestry because after several years of being clerk, I will be a full member of the vestry and can vote! Seriously, I think Trinity is growing in exciting ways and I am pleased to be a part of that. One thing you don't know about me is my new interest in dyeing yarn with natural dyes, such as onion skins and walnut hulls. 9

Current Diocesan Delegates: Jodi Massie (through 2017) John Dulkinys (through 2018)

OFFICIAL ACTS in 2016 † TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Baptism O God of truth, of beauty, and of goodness, we give you thanks that from the beginning of creation you have revealed yourself in the things that you have made; and that in every nation, culture and language there have been those who, seeing your works, have worshiped you and sought to do your will. Accept our prayers for these your servants whom you have called to know and love you as you have perfectly revealed in your Son Jesus Christ Our Redeemer, and bring them with you to new birth in the waters of baptism; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Daphne Margaret Stanek

Reese Ryan Bagley

Evelyn Mae Bagley

Audrey Ann Zettek

Charlotte Anne Pott

Nico Domiano Salvato

Holy Matrimony We thank you most gracious God, for consecrating these marriages in Christ’s Name and presence. Lead them further in companionship with each other and with you. Give them grace to live together in love and fidelity, with care for one another. Strengthen them all their days, and bring them to that holy table where, with those they love, they will feast forever in their heavenly home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Erin Marie Brown and Leslie Benjamin Delgado Múzquiz

Andrea Lynn Mangan and Michael Francis Mores

Entered Into Paradise Father of all, we pray to you for those we love, but see no longer: Grant them your peace; let light perpetual shine upon them; and in your loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of your perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Joseph Walter Cacic

Canstance “Connie” Orebaugh

Ethel Charlotte Lindmark Legg

Jay Carstensen

Anthony “Tony” Parusich

John L. Baugh

Joan L. Huff

William T. Perkowitz

Trinity Annual Meeting—January 31, 2016 Father Kevin Caruso welcomed the congregation to the annual meeting and reflected on the past year, highlighting the initiatives begun in 2015 such as the Kid’s Club, the FourS Women’s group, the prayer group, and the Conversations That Matter program, among others. A slide show of 2015 Trinity events followed. The meeting was called to order by Father Kevin. After the opening prayer, James Wilson made a motion that Nancy Moore be appointed Clerk. Jim Bettisworth seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Alison Bettisworth thanked the other members of the nominating committee (Father Kevin, Jim Sutherland, Charles Wilcox and Diane Fox). The nominees for Vestry were: John Dulkinys, Juliette Fischer, Rod Sweer and Ruth Anne Wilcox. It was pointed out that Charles Wilcox was not part of the discussion when Ruth Anne was nominated. John Dulkinys was also nominated to be a delegate to the Diocesan Convention. The outgoing Vestry members – Doug Olsen, Julio Martinez, Judy Morgan, Marco Gargiulo and Rich Lotesta – were recognized and thanked for their service. The congregation was given time to read and vote on the reports from the various ministries at Trinity. During this time, Buildings and Grounds sang their report to the group. Ron Hunt, church treasurer, opened his financial report with five answers – 10,140; ‘not in recent memory’; 142,000; ‘zero’; 100. He then gave the questions that went with the answers. The 2015 budget surplus was $10,140; that last time that we ran a surplus was ‘not in recent memory’; the amount received as one-time gifts in 2015 was $142,000; the net deficit projected for 2016 is ‘zero’; the percent change in our community atmosphere is 100. Charles Wilcox thanked Ron for his work as treasurer. 10

The choir presented a musical interlude, ‘This Little Light of Mine’.

Father Kevin, in the Rector’s Report, said that as he looked over the past year, he felt nothing but gratitude. He referred to a chart created by Ken Miller (in the Annual Report on p. 17) that shows donations of time and treasure by members of this congregation and the lives touched by those donations. He also presented the ‘rally cry’ for 2016: Love God. Love Neighbor. Change the World. Family Ministries Coordinator Jaime Briceno reported on his work and thanked the group of volunteers who have been helping him. In the Warden’s Report, Senior Warden Diane Fox announced that the ‘first five minutes of coffee hour’ and the ‘vestry phone calls to the members of the parish’ initiatives will continue in 2016. In addition, there are three new initiatives:

Time and Talent Campaign – what are my gifts and how do I share them Learning our kids names - so they know they belong Spreading the Word - so that others will know that Trinity is truly a beacon of compassion and hope Since there were no additional nominations, Helen Mensing moved that the slate of nominees be accepted as presented; Jeanne Hoffman seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Prizes for 2015 reports were presented as follows: Most Brief and to the Point – Pastoral Care Most Informative – Adult Formation Most Creative – Buildings and Grounds Most Visually Stunning – St. Julian’s Guild and Children’s Christian Formation (a tie) Overall Winner – Buildings and Grounds Most Well-Rounded (had 5 votes in each category) – Stewardship John Rogers emceed the ‘open mic’ session where members of the parish shared thank yous and recognitions. Faye Mackovic thanked Laura Baillie for her work with the kids. Helen Mensing was grateful for donations which fund United Thank Offering grants. Kris Wilson thanked the parish for being willing to step forward as needed. Jeanne Hoffman was grateful for Robert Ward’s filling the voids in the music program in the past year. Katherine Stelletello was thankful for the smooth transition to our new rector. Dave Morgese thanked the parish for the new oven in the kitchen. Jean Allmart was grateful for the ‘try something for a short time’ idea. Marie DiBello thanked Father Kevin for being her supervisor as she went through the chaplaincy training program. Gay Webb recognized Anna Taylor’s help with the children’s program every Sunday. Steve Wilson was grateful for the work done by members of Buildings and Grounds and for the meals prepared by the Men’s Club. Sara O’Brien gave thanks for the Kids’ Club ministry. Peg Pernau was grateful for the help she received when she broke her leg. Alison Bettisworth recognized Sarah Roque for her work with the children and the hand bells. Tom Althoff thanked the parish for making him feel welcome and for supporting PADS; he specifically mentioned Jim Bettisworth’s special PADS assistance in finding a plunger and fixing the TV. James Wilson was grateful for help with the Confirmation program. Charles Wilcox thanked Peg Ehrisman for her work with the Trinity Aid Brigade (TAB) ministry. Father Kevin recognized the members of Trinity’s Legacy Society. The children presented a musical selection - ‘We Are God’s Children’. Since there was no New or Old Business to discuss, the meeting was closed with a prayer, led by Father Kevin. Respectfully submitted

Nancy Moore, clerk 11

Ministry Index Ministry








Design Commission




Altar Guild




Pastoral Care


Building & Grounds


Lectors/Lay Eucharist Minister


Prayer Shawl


Children & Family Ministries




St. Julian’s Guild


Christmas Sharing


Men’s Group


Trinity Wedding Chapel 18

Conversations That Matter






2016 Music Ministry Report Respectively Submitted by Robert Ward, Director of Music and Organist

Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name. Psalm 96:1-2a Senior Choir: The senior choir continues its dedicated ministry by singing for the 10:00 am Sunday service, plus special services such as Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. The Choir’s high level of commitment and spirituality shows as members work hard every Wednesday evening to learn the music, and again on Sunday, to review and polish music before the service. We welcomed Mary McCallum to the choir’s alto section this year. Choir members for 2016 this year have been: Jim Brown, Jeanne Hoffman, Carol Ann Ishman, Liz Lanning, Mary McCallum, Ken and Char Miller, Beth Miller, Bill and Nancy Moore, Judy Morgan, Julie Nelligan, Bud and Kathy Schrock, Ruth Anne Wilcox, Barbara Walsh, and James Wilson.

Handbell Choir: The Handbell Choir consists of people who are filled with vigor and enthusiasm for learning and growing. We rehearse weekly and offer our musical gifts to the congregation approximately once a month. We welcomed Hilary Mork and Nancy Lanning to the handbell choir this year. Handbell Choir members for 2016 year have been: Laurie Faryan, Jeanne Hoffman, Liz Lanning, Nancy Lanning, Phil and Beth Petti, Hilary Mork, Rob and Sharon Roque, Sarah Roque, Ben Roque, and Bud Schrock.

Two New Musical Ministries initiated in 2016 Summer Choir: The Summer Choir is a pick-up group that met on four Sundays this past summer to learn and sing a special offertory for that morning’s worship. The Summer Choir gives singers from the senior choir the opportunity to keep singing through the summer, and allows those who love to sing but can’t commit to the regular choir schedule to experience singing as part of a choir at Trinity.

Music in the Loft : Music in the Loft is where children and their parents (or anyone else who wants to participate) are invited to join me in the choir loft to sing the recessional hymn, to ring chimes, and to watch me play the postlude on the organ. This is a great chance for children and others to see Trinity from a different vantage point, and to share in the making of music.


Acolytes At most of the services here at Trinity we have the help of a dedicated group of parishioners who assist the clergy at the altar. They are called Acolytes, though perhaps you know them by the term Altar Server. They are both adults and youth. The entire parish thanks these dedicated volunteers for their service. Currently, there are 13 who have volunteered for this ministry, so we would certainly welcome more volunteers, again either adult or youth. If you are interested, please contact either Fr. Kevin or Deacon Jim Lanning.

Altar Guild Altar Guild is responsible for preparing the altar for clergy in the church and chapel before each service, including special services, Trinity weddings, baptisms and funerals. We also decorate the church for the preparation/festive seasons of Advent/Christmas and Holy Week/Easter, as well as taking everything down once those festive seasons are over. We welcomed as new members in 2016 Eileen Pender and Erin Delgado. Susan Keller and Shirley Snyder retired from Altar Guild. We thanked Susie Croll and Nancy Lanning for 13 years as Altar Guild directors. As part of the transition in leadership, Father Kevin, Alison Bettisworth and Bernie Ishmael facilitated a work day for the Altar Guild to surface hopes and expectations for the future. In 2017, we hope to formalize the Junior Altar Guild program, to open up the experience to more youth in the church. We thank the members of Altar Guild for their service: Alison Bettisworth, Lois Becker, Susie Croll, Charlotte David, Erin Delgado, Marie Di Bello, Betsy Hunt, Nancy Lanning, Nancy Moore, Eileen Pender, Judy Morgan, and Eileen Reznicek. Extra special thanks to Susie Croll, Betsy Hunt, Nancy Lanning & Judy Morgan for washing linens in addition to their Altar Guild duties; to Diane Fox for keeping the Altar Guild's responsibilities in her line of sight as she schedules the Chapel weddings; and to Sharon & Rob Roque for help with Advent & Christmas decorations. We thank the members of the Trinity congregation for their contributions to altar flowers, both weekly and special donations at Christmas and Easter. Altar Guild is open to adults of all genders. As a member of the Altar Guild, you'll not only memorize the liturgical color cycle, but learn a whole new set of fancy vocabulary words that just might come in handy playing Words with Friends (e.g. burse, chasuble, ciborium, lavabo, purificator ...) Emily Kessler & Liz Lanning

Usher Ministry The mission of the Trinity Usher Ministry is to serve the Lord through serving His people. Ushers welcome members and guests into the church with a warm smile and a spirit of love. Ushers help set the spiritual tone for the service that follows. Ushers provide church bulletins, assist with seating, keep the sanctuary in an orderly fashion, and provide comfort and information to attendees. Ushers are committed and serve in whatever capacity to ensure the service flows in a respectful and orderly manner. This enhances the worship experience of individuals attending the service and hearing God’s word. John Ehrisman, coordinator


Lectors and Lay Eucharist Ministers Each week, as we gather in worship, we hear selections from Scripture, both the Hebrew Scriptures and various parts of the New Testament. The people who help us with that, who interpret the readings by their voice and passion, are our Lectors. Some of them also help the congregation by leading us in prayer, when we collectively ask God’s help or give thanks for God’s blessings, as Intercessors. These ministries reflect the dedication and enthusiasm with which members of the congregation join in active participation with leading the worship of the parish. These are broadly based ministries with more than 30 people serving as Lectors or Intercessors. In addition, there is a dedicated group who assist at communion by distributing the elements, either at the communion rail or at standing stations. Without the assistance of these Lay Eucharist Ministers, the serving of the congregation at communion would be a far more cumbersome process, and would not reflect the reality of our shared ministry. Currently, we have more than 20 Lay Eucharist Ministers.

Each of these leaders has contributed to our common worship, and has made this a true community. Our Lectors range from youth to mature members of the congregation. We have had Lay Eucharistic Ministers who represented all segments of our congregation. In addition to the regular services, the Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers were present and helped at special services such as the Easter Vigil, the Christmas Eve service and numerous other services. A special thanks to those Lectors and Lay Eucharist Ministers who are able to assist at funerals and memorial services when called upon. This service “above and beyond” is of great assistance to the Rector and a real comfort to the participants. The appreciation of the whole congregation goes out to these leaders. If you are interested in one or both of these ministries, please speak to Fr. Kevin or to Deacon Jim Lanning.

Pastoral Care Pastoral Care consists of eleven different ministries that are in place to offer care and support of our parishioners. These ministries are Altar Flower delivery, Home Communion, Hospital and Emergency Care, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Trinity Aid Brigade (TAB), Grief Series Books, Bereavement Support Group, Prayer Group, Cancer Support Group, Nursing Home Ministry, and Spiritual Care Visitor Training through Bishop Anderson House. A description of each ministry, including all contact information, is available in a brochure which is on display in Millet Hall on the information board. If you need support, whether or not you find a ministry that fits your need, please contact the Pastoral Care Coordinators, Ruth Anne Wilcox and Marie DiBello. Moreover, if you would like to join one of the ministries, please let Marie or Ruth Anne know.


Outreach Commission Trinity Outreach was again very busy in 2016: We continued in our support of PADS in both the summer and winter months. The many people involved in PADS has made this a congregation wide partnership. Our children help pack and decorate the lunch bags for our guests, morning and evening volunteers provide generous hospitality and the overnight team makes sure we are providing a safe and secure environment. We are blessed to have our site coordinators Gerald Massie, Tom Althoff and newcomers to the coordinating position Joe Dick and Rich Lotesta who unstintingly give of their time, not just the one night a month that Trinity hosts PADS but every Monday night and Tuesday morning. They ensure that not only are the guests safe but that our facility is taken care of properly as well. Christmas Sharing is another very visible contribution to the community around us. This year we served 116 individuals and families with food and gifts for the holidays. The four day event fills Millett Hall with smiles and laughter and is a wonderful way for Trinity to share the magic of Christmas with those around us. In 2016, the Outreach commission added some new partners and reestablished relationships with other organizations involved in helping those most vulnerable in our society, including children and victims of abuse and human trafficking. To that end we held the first Trinity Holiday Bazaar and Art Show. It was tremendously well received and our partners benefited both financially and in increased public awareness of the work they do. Lawrence Hall, Magdalene House Chicago, World Relief and Peoples Resource Center all work with the disadvantaged and vulnerable in our community. In 2017 we will work closely with them to help those in need.

Through the generosity of our Trinity Family, we were able to financially support several other organizations during 2016: Midwest Veterans Shelter, ESSE Adult Day Services and Habitat for Humanity. In 2017, we plan to continue congregational Outreach experiences which would involve hands-on participation by Trinity members. We already have a date for Feed My Starving Children, May 20! We hope everyone at Trinity will come and join us as we pack food for the hungry. The 2017 Holiday Bazaar will be held later in the year and look for other exciting and fun opportunities to Reach Out and Serve! Judy Morgan, Jodi Massie, Nancy Moore, Doug Olsen

Prayer Shawl Ministry The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second Wednesday of the month. We meet at 10:30 am in Millett Hall from September to May. If you can knit or crochet, you are invited to join us. Prayer Shawls or Lap blankets are given for a number of reasons. Such as sickness, death, new baby or a wedding. You may give them to a church member, a relative or a friend. To give a shawl or blanket, please see Bernie or Joanne Furnish. A year ago we started making mini prayer shawls. They are found in basket in the church or chapel. They are free. Please take one and give to a friend in need. Joanne Furnish


Christmas Sharing 2016 For 47 years, Trinity has participated in the Wheaton/Warrenville Christmas Sharing Program assisting low-income families with food and clothing to make their holiday a little brighter. This year was amazing as our parish family came together to assist a total of 116 individuals and families. Beginning December 6 through December 10, Millett Hall was transformed with boxes and bags of non-perishable food donations from our Trinity family. Volunteers came at various hours throughout the 3 days to sort, label and stack preparing each family’s donations with much care and respect. Added to that were Elf Tree donations of new clothes, linens and household items. Much to my surprise, over $4,700 was donated to the Christmas Sharing fund to purchase additional food boxes and additional items. THANK YOU TRINITY MEMBERS AND ORGANIZATIONS FOR SUPPORTING THIS IMPORTANT MINISTRY IN SUCH A BIG WAY!! If you were not there to see the families come to accept their items on December 9 and 10 you missed seeing God at work. It is always the most rewarding experience of my life watching the kids come and pick out gifts for their parents, the grateful families receiving the many boxes of items they were able to take home and enjoy, and the Trinity members working hard lifting, driving and supporting each other. In total, we served about 88 families and 28 transitional individuals who have mental and physical disabilities. Thank you to anyone that participated in this year’s Christmas Sharing ministry from making calls, to donating items of food and gifts, helping set up and clean up, driving, lifting, sorting, stacking and packing. A special thank you to Julie Nelligan, Steve Dionne, Sue Flaatten, Leslie Wilson, Chuck Boyle, Kris and Steve Wilson and countless others for planning, shopping, organizing, supervising and being present to make sure our Trinity Christmas Sharing is a success. I would also like to thank Kathy Taylor and Dave Morgese for their donations. Kathy Taylor’s company supplied us with 1 large family, 1 medium family and 2 small families. Dave Morgese donated educational toys for the families. Thank you all!!!! Liz Lanning

The Hospitality Committee Report 2016 was the Hospitality Committee’s inaugural year. As with most initial activities, we are on a learning curve and expect that most of our activities will have success along with some experiences that will give us insight for improvement. Events for 2016 Advent Brunch- coordinated various facets of the event. Goals for 2017 1. The creation of a binder that will document all of our events including but, not limited to: a. cost b. attendance c. food d. supplies e. number of volunteers working the event f. highlights g. considerations for improvement 2. The organization of the supply closet: a. Recycle and give away items that are no longer in use. b. Group and arrange items. c. Catalog items so that members of the committee will readily know what items are available for their use. 3. The launching of a sub committee. The committee will be the “New Comers” committee. This committee as its name states will focus on new members of Trinity Church. The function of the New Comers committee will be to organize a welcoming activity for the newest members of our church. Respectfully submitted. Charles Boyle, Stephen Dionne and Adele Southcott


Conversations That Matter In 2016, we continued the Conversations That Matter Series. Conversations That Matter are topics designed to teach & share skills that will promote understanding in the community or help people more readily overcome challenges in their lives. The hope is the more we learn – the more we can love. In 2015, we had over 120 people attend three events. In 2016, we had over 250 people attend three events. We are excited to continue the program in 2017. The following Conversation Topics and Benefits match except in two rows. Can you find where the two Conversations Topic and Benefit should be switched? Which 2 conversations are new for 2017? Conversation Topic



A “roadmap” for initiating healthy conversations with aging parents about their wishes for the future. A conversation designed to help us learn more about the realities and impact of domestic violence. A conversation to help us improve how we support our friends and extended family when they receive tragic news. A conversation to start understanding the Islam religion versus how the media portrays Muslims. (Part 1)

In Her Shoes What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say Islam and Muslims in the Domestic and International Context: Moving Beyond Media Sound Bites (Part 1) Islam 2.0: The Messengers of God and the muslim in Us All (Part 2)

A conversation about compassion - how to promote better understanding among strangers and friends & family. And how to overcome typical roadblocks to understanding others. Goes at least one step beyond discussing the “5 pillars” of Islam by exploring the qur’anic view of both the divinehuman relationship and the religious nature of the human person. (Part 2) Having a sense of inferiority or inadequacy is quite normal. This gives advice on how do we deal with not being “right” or unsure. Any time a stranger asks you for your bank account number, social security number or other sensitive information, you should be on high alert. This is a sure sign of identity theft.

Empathy & Compassion and the Myth of Seduction & Control How to be Happy though Human and Understanding Personality & Character It’s Shrewd…not rude. Just Hang Up…Avoiding Scams and ID Theft.

Please join us as we continue the Conversations That Matter series in 2017.

A Men's Group Couplet -

Events Fast cars and great food last year A great time and great feasts I hear Those quarter miles in the blink of an eye A room full of smiles at the old steak fry Greasy burgers and a cold beer for lunch Another Advent with a top notch brunch Maybe a dirt track will be the next trip We'll cook again, no need to tip 17

St. Julian’s Guild St Julian's Guild would like to invite all the women of Trinity to attend our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We meet at 12:30 pm in Millett Hall, September thru May. We start with light refreshments follow by a program and a short meeting. We have a Christmas luncheon and a salad luncheon in May, where we collect Teddy Bears for Bishop Anderson House. Each month we pass a "Happiness Box" where our members and guests give voluntary donations. These donations are given to Father Kevin and Deacon Jim for their discretionary funds and $75.00 to PRC for food stamps. For every dollar we give PRC, they can purchase $8.00 in food stamps. Hope you will come and join the fun. Joanne Furnish and Susan Johnson - Co-chairs Susie Croll - Treasurer

Trinity Chapel Wedding Rental

2011 was the first full year that Trinity’s Chapel was marketed for wedding rentals. To date, 77 weddings have taken place in Trinity’s Chapel. The standard rental rate for Trinity’s Chapel on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday for three hours (1 hour for rehearsal and 2 hours for the service) is $850. There is also a $750 off-peak rate for Monday through Thursday reservations and a $1,000 holiday rate for any of five holiday weekends, including Memorial Day and Labor Day. The Chapel is not available to rent during holy week or on Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Information about Trinity’s Chapel for weddings is included in a Wedding Guide with widespread distribution in the Chicagoland area. Online exposure includes prominent placement on the home page at A color brochure is available in the parish office to assist in marketing the Chapel for weddings. The rental of Trinity’s Chapel for a wedding is not only a source of income; it also allows us to introduce people in the community to Trinity. Diane Fox, Wedding Chapel Coordinator

Buildings and Grounds 2016 was another busy year for the B&G crew. In addition to our monthly Mini-workdays, we completed the following – Replaced can lights in the kitchen Painted the hallway to Millett Hall Installed new direction and navigation “You are here” signs Re-sealed and re-striped the parking lot Sealed the Rectory parking pad Installed new appliances in the kitchen Installed Internet Access and WiFi building-wide Painted the cross on the Chapel Restored the bell and put it back into use Repaired the AC Corral Gate and Fencing Repaired various sections of the roof (still more to go) Repaired and restored exterior siding and trim on the Chapel Repaired and upgraded parking lot lights and exterior stair lighting Installed door numbers to assist emergency response teams Repaired exhaust fans in the kitchen and the downstairs bathrooms Installed a new, upgraded (Vacant/Occupied) lock on the upstairs bathroom Winterized the downstairs sump pump Assisted the Thrive Design team Miscellaneous maintenance such as door repairs, light bulbs, etc 2016 also saw the organization of the Building and Grounds Steering Committee to guide the ongoing work and set strategies in place for the long term care of the campus. We were also blessed again this year with a generous donation to maintain the grounds. The landscaping company has done great job keeping the grounds well-kept and manicured. Year after year this is very much appreciated and lets us focus more resources on the buildings. If you’d like to join us – all are welcome, no experience necessary, will train! We meet on the second Saturday from 8:30am to about 10:30am. Come as often and for as long you’d like. For more information please, contact Steve Wilson at (630) 750-7030 or at [email protected].


2016 Children’s & Family Ministries

Youth Group

College Care Packages

Kids Club

Soft Space

All Ages Service Walk Through Holy Week Godly Play Children’s Music & Art

Lego Room

Bible Stories Family Friends Music Candles Coloring Church

Trinity Legacy Society The Trinity Legacy Society is a group of our members who have generously remembered Trinity Wheaton with bequests in their wills or estate plans. The society is overseen by our Legacy Committee under the Stewardship Commission of the vestry. 2016 was an outstanding year in the development of Trinity's long-term financial future, furthered by the society's activities and the continued growth of our membership. We now count 21 individual or family units in the society, which was an increase of about 50% over the past year. During 2016, your Legacy Committee held an informational reception and presentation, outlining the unique benefits of personal legacy planning and how Trinity might benefit from those plans. We had about 40 persons attending. Also, we hosted a recognition and "Thank you!" dinner for all current members in the late fall, attended by a majority of our members, something we continue to do periodically. By virtue of our membership in the Trinity Legacy Society, members are also part of the Diocese of Chicago's Society of Miriam, honoring all who plan bequests to any of several organizations of the Episcopal Church. If you have an interest in learning more, please contact either Charles Wilcox ([email protected] or 630-536-8821) or Fr. Kevin. We are always seeking to grow our membership!


Design Commission

A picture is worth a thousand words………..Welcome to Trinity! Your generosity made it possible. Thank you! Your 2016 Design Commission


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