Greenville Middle presents -

Olympic Summer Reading 2016

Go for the Gold! All students in Greenville County Schools are expected to read this summer. Choose books of interest to you to read; fiction or nonfiction selections. Read and qualify to participate in Greenville Middle’s Summer Reading Olympic Games. Readers need to fill out Summer Olympic reading logs, have parents initial, and turn into the library by Tuesday, August, 23rd. Prizes will be given to top readers. Students can earn gold, silver or bronze recognition and get an invitation to the Sept. 9 Summer Reading Olympic Games. Go for the Gold! Qualify by the number of books you read.

Gold medal - 10 books Silver medal - 6 books Bronze medal – 3 books Summer Olympic reading logs can be found on Greenville Middle Academy’s website,

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Greenville Middle Academy Olympic Summer Reading 2016



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Parent Initials

Parent Signature _____________________________________ Date ________

2016 GMA Olympic Summer Reading.pdf

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