American Strength


[On Facebook, see…] @AmericanStrength POST-DEBATE UPDATE September 28, 2016


A HILLARY CLINTON PRESIDENCY, WITHOUT RESERVATIONS For all the taunting by Donald Trump about the health and “stamina” of Hillary Clinton, it was clear during the first Presidential Debate September 26, 2016 that Hillary Clinton, even still recovering from pneumonia, had MORE STAMINA both physically and mentally, than her opponent Donald J. Trump. “H” was clear, concise, and punctual. “DJT” was wavering, faltering, undisciplined, and gulping down water like he was, well, drowning. In fact, DJT was drowning, mentally. *** Further below in our ISSUES OF RELEVANCY and TOPICAL VERBIAGE, at Volume 5, we further expound on issues brought up during the debate, and discuss where both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were correct, and incorrect. *** As stated previously, we have no predilections as to the likeability of any candidate for the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America. Likeability should have little to do with making a choice for who will hold the reigns of the most powerful nation, economy, military, and nuclear arsenal. That is a tremendous amount of power to place in the hands of any person. But when such individual shows a lack of mental clarity and steadiness, and changes his or her positions faster than the moon changes phases, this sends up stark warning signals. Hence, Donald J. Trump. Does Hillary Clinton tell lies? Yes, and in fact she is a bad liar. Does Donald Trump tell lies? Yes, and in fact he is good at it. In fact, so good, Donald Trump is a pathological liar. Bad liar, or pathological liar. Which can THE PEOPLE count on in a pinch? Where is the risk? Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 1

What type of President will Donald J. Trump make, when he has already incited on two occasions, the assassination of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. With the enormous powers of the Presidency, will Trump assassinate leaders worldwide who bait him with a tweet, or whom oppose his quest for dictatorial powers. Not to mention Trump’s stated admiration of dictator (and former KGB Colonel) Vladimir Putin, the same Putin who would attack and destroy the United States in a second if he thought he could get away with it. And Donald J. (“Jackass”) Trump admires this ruthless Russian dictator. Can America afford a President who is in the pocket of Vladimir Putin, mentally, and financially? Trump has written off Crimea and eastern Ukraine. What about the rest of eastern Europe? In reviewing Hillary Clinton’s platform versus Donald Trump’s, clearly Hillary Clinton would make America far more stable; far less risky. Trump’s international agenda would result in hundreds of thousands of new jihadis as Trump forces his “management teams” upon Libya, Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere. These nations demand self-determination, even in their turmoil. Trump’s economic plans shows America heading directly into recession. Under Obamanomics, although growth is weak, the economy is strong, resilient, and able to withstand normal recessionary pressures. If Trump takes office and puts Trumpenomics into play, all bets are off! Trump panders to miners with claims of returning to mining and coal burning practices of the 1970s. However, Trump’s economic plans will actually result in further reduction in mining and further layoffs, via Trump-Protectionism. Also, science and new manufacturing technologies have lowered the cost of wind, solar and other renewable energy resources so that coal is less and less economically viable as each year passes. A Clinton plan however, will re-educate miners, and invest in mining regions so they can participate in tomorrow’s economic future. We are not concerned about liberal Supreme Court justices. We have had a conservative Supreme Court for a quarter-century now, and a change in judiciary clout is due. In fact, it will be a breath of fresh air to see dark money removed from skewing political voting. Our nation was founded on one-person, one-vote, NOT one-dollar, one-vote! We are concerned about disbanding the Environmental Protection Agency, denuding the Food and Drug Administration, and planned chaotic stripping of regulations; all Trump goals. We are concerned about Trump’s stated goal to destroy the Affordable Health Care Act, without replacing it with another plan to ensure health insurance to the millions of Americans newly covered under Obama Care. Why? Because within two-generations the health of

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Americans will elevate, and health care costs decline, resulting in American economic power enhancing greatly. It is an American health and economic issue. Destroying the benefits of ACA (Obama Care) will undermine both in the long run. Fix or replace, but do not destroy. As to climate change, we saw the destructive ends with George W. Bush sidelining science on global warming. Global Warming… is not waiting, and Trump’s refusal to accept scientific fact will only further endanger the lives of us all, and cause extended damage to our economy for many decades to come. The next President must continue to push the envelope forward to stem Global Warming, and, keep America at the forefront of this technological revolution. We are dismayed that the paranoia and hatred of Donald J. (“Jackass”) Trump has taken a large portion of the American population, and persuaded them to follow his path of discrimination. Following is an outline of “Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage” on the 2016 Presidential campaign, post-first debate. This outline is a work-in-progress and will be updated and released periodically. American Strength

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American Strength


[On Facebook, see…] @AmericanStrength


Table of Contents Volume 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................2 1)

CHANGE and Moving FORWARD ................................................................................................................2


THE ECONOMY – Risky versus Sound Policies and Programs .....................................................................3


THE ECONOMY – Regulations ......................................................................................................................4


THE ECONOMY – Coal Production ............................................................................................................... 5


THE ECONOMY – The Affordable Health Care Act ......................................................................................6

Volume 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................7 6)

CHANGE and WORKING TOGETHER –...................................................................................................... 7 a)

A Working Relationship with Congress, and ...............................................................................................7


Recognizing the Skills of the Members of Congress. .................................................................................. 7


THE ECONOMY – A Middle-Class Weighted Restructuring Is Succeeding .................................................. 8

Volume 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................9 8) NATION “MANAGEMENT”, SOVEREIGNTY, and SELF-DETERMINATION; (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan) .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Volume 4 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 9) STEADY AT THE HELM vs WHIMSICAL ABBERRATIONS; Soundness vs. Chaos in Mind, Positions and Policies .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 10)

UNSOUND POSITIONS STAKED OUT BY DONALD TRUMP .......................................................... 11


ASSASSINATION AS A POLICY OF DONALD TRUMP ..................................................................... 12



Volume 5 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 13)

THE ECONOMY – Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP)...................................................................... 14


THE ECONOMY – Which Specific Plan Makes Sense?........................................................................... 15


THE ECONOMY – Millennials and the New Scientific Economies ......................................................... 16


ISIS – Growth of ISIS Due to Vacuum in Syria, Not Iraq ......................................................................... 17


ISIS – American Intelligence and Military Efforts Defeating ISIS ............................................................ 18


AMERICAN SECURITY – Cybersecurity ................................................................................................ 19


AMERICAN RACE RELATIONS – Stuck in First-Gear (Trump Tower)................................................ 20

Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 1


Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage Volume 1 1) CHANGE and Moving FORWARD “An administration of Hillary Clinton will have its own distinct clear advantages. Specifically, she exemplified in her two terms as United States Senator representing New York State, a keen ability to grasp issues, to understand all sides, and importantly to work in reaching accommodations in moving things forward. This ability to succeed regarding conflict resolution, something which has been far too absent on Capitol Hill, is the most profound CHANGE she will bring forward, something Donald Trump has no idea of what it is about because in his mind, he is king and knows everything. Our nation, our Americans did away with kings and queens 250 years ago, and we are not going backwards. Under a Hillary Clinton administration, the Office of the Presidency, Capitol Hill, and our nation will move FORWARD.”

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2) THE ECONOMY – Risky versus Sound Policies and Programs “Our nation’s first major economic emergency came in 1797 as the result of a land speculation bubble bursting. In 1837 more land speculation led to another bubble bursting. Then another period of stock speculation led to the Great Depression of 1929 which lasted almost 12 years. The Great Recession of 2008 came about in large part due to rampant real estate speculation, along with widespread lack of oversight in the banking and mortgage industries. President Obama was faced with a nation whose economic prospects were heading directly to another economic depression. We now have, due to the programs and policies put into place under the Democratic Obama Administration, the world’s most sound economy with little risk of a major recession, and no foreseeable risk of an economic depression. Inflation is under control. Health care costs are under control, which itself has led to less burden on business and consumers. Fuel costs are relatively stable. The future is bright, not cloudy. We can go the Republican route whereby laws, rules and regulations put in place to reduce risky behavior are removed. We then risk having a short-lived Republican economic boom, followed by a long-lived great economic Republican bust. Or, we can continue with sound economic policies under a Democratic administration which acts to check risky behavior, and promote sound decision making whether for individuals, small businesses, or corporations. It is a choice. Risky, Unsound Republican Policies, or Sound Democrat Policies. In the last six years, instead of working on policies to promote small business expansion for the middle class, Republicans spent all their time either to promote corporate welfare or to undermine the American Experiment of the Affordable Health Care Act. We know, after the election, where the Republican mindset will be, on corporate America.”

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3) THE ECONOMY – Regulations “Donald Trump says he will remove three-quarters of all regulations. Just like that. Just like a King could do. In America, regulations are rules, written in outline form, that are designed to fill in the details mandated by legislative bodies whether local, state, or federal. Just cutting regulations willy-nilly, or placing a moratorium, will not address the issue of giving Americans as individuals and business operators, the ability to have much greater say in establishing, revising or removing regulations. We must instead act to direct all federal agencies to meet in a series of conferences whereby they are to devise new STREAMLINED MECHANISMS which will be similar across all federal agencies for the establishment, review, and removal of regulations. The initial results must be put up for public review and comment, at which they will incorporate these public suggestions in further developing STREAMLINED MECHANISMS. Hillary Clinton will take these results to Capitol Hill for legislative work at further STREAMLINING, so that federal statutes and regulations are in sync and make the entire process of regulations more proactive to the needs of American individuals, business, and government. That is a KEY DIFFERENCE between the slash and burn approach of a Donald Trump Republican Administration, and a Hillary Clinton Democratic Administration.”

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4) THE ECONOMY – Coal Production “Donald Trump says he is going to bring back the days of coal production that we saw in the 1970s and 80s. That is a lie, a farce, and here is why. First, science and technology are rendering coal production and its use, obsolete. Lower cost solar and wind technology are leading the way economically, environmentally, and health wise. Second, while trying the newer concepts of “clean coal” to mitigate emissions of carbon dioxide, other released greenhouse gases, and naturally released radioactive materials from coal use, the facts are that so far, these technologies are not making coal “clean” or economically viable. Third, “coal sludge” or “slurry” is a toxin-laden by-product from mining that has caused tremendous degradation to rivers, streams, lakes, and watershed. Each year coal mining and preparation creates waste water containing an estimated 13 tons of mercury, 3,236 tons of arsenic, 189 tons of beryllium, 251 tons of cadmium, 2,754 tons of nickel, and 1,098 tons of selenium. Donald Trump is wrong, and is misleading coal miners and coal producing states, is WRONG. Instead of leading Americans down a path of destruction, we must REFOCUS, RE-EDUCATE, and REBUILD NEW INFRASTRUCTURE in these coal producing regions so these Americans can take advantage of NEW AMERICAN ECONOMIES, and NEW AMERICAN WEALTH for them, their families, and their future.”

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5) THE ECONOMY – The Affordable Health Care Act “Our nation, our form of democracy is called “The American Experiment”. The Affordable Health Care Act is part of that continuing American Experiment. Whether in academia, or business, or government, you never know if an experiment is working to its fullest, if someone or some party is always trying to destroy it. But even with all the Republican time and efforts wasted on undermining Obama Care, this experiment in a new system of health care provisioning has both shown great promise, and done so much earlier than anticipated. YES, as with any business or government program, the Affordable Health Care Act needs adjustment, a tune-up. THAT IS WHAT RESPONSIBLE LEGISLATORS DO. Instead, Republicans have acted irresponsibly, and wasted thousands of hours of time and millions of taxpayer dollars that could have, and SHOULD HAVE gone to productive legislation to meet the needs of our nation. The Affordable Health Care Act will result, in just two short generations, in great strides for America. First, Americans themselves will lead much healthier lives, and longer lives. Secondly, the costs of healthcare for individuals and business will decrease to a point whereby our nation will be much more competitive economically on a worldwide basis. Instead of individual health and healthcare costs being a BURDEN, the health of Americans and the lower costs of health care WILL BE OUR ROCK. We must give the Affordable Health Care Act, Obama Care, every support possible so we find out where it works, where it does not, and how to revise it just as we do with any other program. To do otherwise, undermines “The American Experiment” which we cannot allow to continue.”

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Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage Volume 2 6) CHANGE and WORKING TOGETHER – a) A Working Relationship with Congress, and b) Recognizing the Skills of the Members of Congress. “One of the great benefits Hillary Clinton will bring to the Presidency is the experience garnered from her husband’s two terms as President, and her own two terms as United States Senator in Congress for the State of New York. Specifically, what she learned from her husband’s first term where she worked to bring about health care reform, was an error in not reaching out deeply enough to garner advice and ideas from Republicans and conservative Democrats who were skeptical, if not afraid, to think about trying a new health care provisioning system, let alone voting on any real legislation. She put that knowledge and experience to good use as a member of Congress for eight years where she honed this ability to reach across the aisles and political ideologies, to move things forward. This is what will be necessary to bring about REAL CHANGE (emphasis), and such to move the Office of the President, Congress, and our nation FORWARD (emphasis). When she uses phrases such as “we are stronger together” and “we solve things together”, this comes from those experiences and the skills honed. America did away with kings 250 years ago, and does not need another king, let alone a dictator as President. What America needs, and what she brings forth is the ability to recognize the strengths and skills of the members of Congress so we can EFFECTIVELY (emphasis) meet the needs of the American people. America does NOT need chaos in the Presidency, nor in Congress. The world does not need this either. Steadiness and mental clarity is a must, and she clearly that over her opponent.”

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7) THE ECONOMY – A Middle-Class Weighted Restructuring Is Succeeding “One of the premises of Barack Obama’s initial campaign of 2008 was emphasizing the importance of middle-class economics. Even faced with a much greater recession upon taking office, President Obama put in place policies and programs which would, over time, allow a natural restructuring whereby the American economy would be more fairly weighted towards the middle-class. According to data released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Sept. 13, 2016, we are seeing the benefits of that middle-class weighted economic restructuring. Between 2014 and 2015: 

Median Household Incomes Increased by 5.2%.

Poverty Decreased 1.2%.

3.5 million people fewer at the poverty level.

Another 4 million People Have Health Insurance.

The middle-class is no longer at the mercy of “too big to fail”. The American economy has been transformed over the last eight years from an international wrecking ball into, once again, the world’s economic house of stability. Powerful, but now, stable and resilient. We still have more to do. CONGRESS has work to do, and instead of wasting time to undermine the Affordable Health Care Act, as President, Hillary Clinton will have a working relationship to MOVE THINGS FORWARD. She will amend Obama Care to make it more effective, just as in any business venture or government legislation. Under a Hillary Clinton Presidency, WE FIX THINGS, TOGETHER. Think back to 2008, and when Barack Obama came into office in January 2009. Look at how far we have come. Instead of a balloon economy ready for another Republican bursting bubble, we have a stable and steady economy that can easily resolve recessionary pressures. TOGETHER, a CHANGE OF A WORKING RELATIONSHIP between the Presidency and Congress will lead to a highly productive environment to meet America’s needs.” Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 8

Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage Volume 3 8) NATION “MANAGEMENT”, SOVEREIGNTY, and SELF-DETERMINATION; (Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan) “We have heard Donald Trump rant regarding Libya that he would have put in place management teams which would have resolved any problems after the overthrow of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. We have also heard Donald Trump rant regarding Iraq and Syria stating he would put thousands of troops on the ground, invading both nations to destroy ISIS. Donald Trump does not understand international politics, nor sovereignty. These nations are sovereign entities. They are not to be ruled over, and any attempt to “manage” their sovereignty, their future, would be far more disastrous than what these nations are going through currently. Libyans, Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, and all people of all nations have inalienable rights to their SELF-DETERMINATION. Religious fratricide and extremist fundamentalism is undermining these nations’ road to peace and prosperity. But if Donald Trump forces down their throats his “management teams” and “troops on the ground”, the end result will be hordes of new jihadists in each of these nations, branching out everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of NEW JIHADISTS will only further undermine the security of these nations, and all nations worldwide. Donald Trump would take an already unstable region and turn it into an incendiary firestorm. Sometimes you must allow nations to go through their troubles, just as America did during our Civil War which ran from 1861 to 1865, and for many years afterwards. We can help where ever possible to aid in peaceful governance and to ensure American security. But America cannot force our will down the throats of people and nations who already cry out for respect and self-determination. Here and now, patience and a steady hand is what the Middle-East needs most from America.”

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Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage Volume 4 9) STEADY AT THE HELM vs WHIMSICAL ABBERRATIONS; Soundness vs. Chaos in Mind, Positions and Policies “In Donald Trump’s presidential campaign we have seen a concerted effort by his campaign team, specifically Kellyanne Conway, to divert attention away from answering questions as to Trump’s stated positions and issues raised, in addition to his actions. Divert, Divert, Divert. At the same time, Ms. Conway keeps referring people to their campaign website pointing out all the positions, platforms, and issues staked out by Mr. Trump, as though this alone resolves all questions. IN OTHER WORDS, DONALD TRUMP IS AFRAID TO BE “PUT TO THE TEST”. Here are the gravest concerns. The Presidency of the United States requires a steady hand and a steady mind. Where, in Donald Trump’s campaign, can you point to positions where he has not changed with the phases of the moon? Maybe it depends on which astrologer Trump is seeing that day, or which soothsayer Breitbart is consulting with. And we can trace this back further to his comments on the Iraq war in 2003, then later his flippancy in claiming otherwise during this Presidential campaign. FLIPPANCY IS NOT FOR PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES.”

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10) UNSOUND POSITIONS STAKED OUT BY DONALD TRUMP “Then there are the dangerous positions staked out such as: a) Abandoning NATO, b) “Rolling back” food safety and Food & Drug Administration regulations, c) Disbanding the Environmental Protection Agency, and d) Slashing federal regulations by 75%.

Donald Trump makes decisions based upon ‘topical information’, without considering the deep implications his positions entail and the danger each brings to the American people, and in fact, the entire world. Donald Trump, if successful even partially in his dangerous positions, would destabilize our nation, America, in addition to the world politically, economically, and environmentally. Donald Trump would be todays’ modern-day “NERO”. And just like Nero, as the world burns, Trump would blame others.”

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11) ASSASSINATION AS A POLICY OF DONALD TRUMP “We have now seen Donald Trump incite, if not directly call for the assassination of Hillary Clinton, his political opponent. If as President of the United States, Trump is faced with another stalwart opponent or adversary, will Trump then stoop to national or international assassination? Once Trump’s chaotic mind is in the Office of the Presidency, he will have all the tools necessary to engage in actual political assassinations. And he will not have to incite it, publicly. Clearly, with Trump now resorting to inciting assassination twice, it is clear that actual assassinations of opponents are well within his mindset, his chaotic mindset. Can we afford to give Donald Trump the actual tools to carry out his mindset? Recall, World War I began with a political assassination. And Donald Trump, as President, will have his thumbs on America’s armed-forces and nuclear trigger.”

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12) DIVERT, DIVERT, DIVERT… CALLS FOR A TRUMP … “SPECIAL PROSECUTOR” “Trump is afraid to delve into his: (a) tax filings, (b) charitable contribution claims, (c) contributions to the Florida Attorney General who solicited his money prior to declining to investigate Trump University for fraud, (d) unlawful contributions from Trump’s family foundation in that contribution to the Florida AG to skirt laws prohibiting such actions, and now (e) unlawful use of charitable funds to pay off legal debts and settlements. And Trump’s diversions go on, and on, and on… and on, and on. So much, that the diversions of Hillary Clinton begin to ‘pale’. Does the term “SPECIAL PROSECUTOR” ring a bell Mr. Trump? Hillary Clinton has been subject to many prosecutorial investigations from Whitewater to Emails, and has not been found even potentially liable to just bring charges; to actually prosecute. Well, now it is time for Donald Trump to face the SPECIAL PROSECUTOR for, at the minimum: a) Trump University fraud. b) Trump University under RICO. c) Unlawful contribution of $25,000 to the Florida Attorney General as “Pay for Play”, or “BRIBERY”, to end their participation in the Trump University fraud investigation. d) Unlawful contribution of the $25,000 from the Trump Family Foundation to the Florida Attorney General’s political support group in violation of federal rules. e) Unlawful use of charitable funds for legal debts and settlements.

Trump’s real fear may be winning the Presidency, only to have to resign due to impeachment.”

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Issues of Relevancy and Topical Verbiage Volume 5 13) THE ECONOMY – Trans-Pacific Trade Partnership (TPP) “Donald Trump claimed Hillary Clinton was for TPP, and only changed her position after he came out against it in October 2015. This is incorrect. History shows Clinton gave TPP in-depth consideration over many years of its evolution. Her comments reveal that, and as the actual verbiage of the agreement changed, so did her reservations about it. On September 8, 2010 (while Secretary of State), in remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, she stated: “We want to realize the benefits from greater economic integration. In order to do that, we have to be willing to play. To this end … we’re pursuing a regional agreement with the nations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and we know that that will help create new jobs and opportunities here at home.” In October 2012 while in Australia she stated: “So it’s fair to say that our economies are entwined, and we need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP. Australia is a critical partner. This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.” In Clinton’s 2014 memoir “Hard Choices” (after ending her tenure as Secretary of State), she wrote: “Because TPP negotiations are still ongoing, it makes sense to reserve judgment until we can evaluate the final proposed agreement. It’s safe to say the TPP won’t be perfect – no deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be – but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers.” On May 22, 2015 at a press conference in New Hampshire, she stated: “I’ve been for trade agreements, I’ve been against trade agreements, voted for some, voted against others, so I want to judge this when I see exactly what exactly is in it and whether or not I think it meets my standards,” adding she had some “concerns” about the TPP. As more nations entered TPP negotiations over the years, the treaty verbiage changed, and it was finalized February 4, 2016. With those changes, Hillary Clinton re-evaluated its impact on America, and changed her position Oct. 8, 2016. If any person led the charge to withdraw support for TPP, in its current verbiage, it was Bernie Sanders, not, Donald Trump.”

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14) THE ECONOMY – Which Specific Plan Makes Sense? “Clearly, if you rely on Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, you will not get a clear picture of the end game of their economic plans for America heading forward. When you look at expert analysis of their plans, without any doubt the plans of Trump: a) b) c) d)

Are geared towards benefiting his companies, his family holdings; Are geared towards economic elites. Are less respectful of the true economic power and engine of small businesses. Are risky, and could send the American economy into a recession, if not a tailspin.

There is nothing wrong with becoming rich, and a rich elitist. But when the economic power of so few, out muscle the combined economic strength of the many, we must look at history before moving forward. And here is where the experts say the plans by Hillary Clinton: a) b) c) d) e)

Are sound, with predictable results. Will result in enhancing the skills of Americans upward. Will result in millions of actual, new and high paying jobs. Will result in actual rebuilding of American infrastructure. Will result in America continuing to push the scientific envelope forward regarding being on the cutting edge for clean energy and managing manmade climate change.

America could to the TrumPublican economic route, and then have to deal with another short term economic bubble followed by another long term economic bust. And who pays for that Republican economic bust? Middle-class Americans, that is who. If the power to rescue the economy rests with middle-class America, the economy should be weighted more fairly towards them. In other words, middle-class America will not be secondclass under Hillary Clinton. Which is better for America, a stronger middle-class, or a stronger rich elitist class? History shows a strong American middle-class is America’s bedrock. Thus, the Clinton economic plan makes much more sense, and is much less risky than the Trump economic plan.”

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15) THE ECONOMY – Millennials and the New Scientific Economies “Since the Arab Oil Embargo (1973-74), it has been the Democrats which have steadfastly pushed for increased “Corporate Average Fuel Economy” (CAFÉ) truck and auto fuel standards. If it were not for these unending efforts by Democrats, America would still be dependent on foreign oil, our national security would be leveraged by this, and our economy would be continuously burdened. America, and more so American millennials, will be at the forefront of this push today, and for decades to come. If there is one thing millennials can latch on to this election cycle, it is the fact Hillary Clinton will forge ahead bringing education, science, technology, and manufacturing together so America leads this new clean energy, climate managing economy. If Donald Trump becomes President, all bets are off. When George W. Bush renounced stemcell research, withholding research funds from universities, CHINA push right on ahead. If America turns its back on clean energy and climate managing science, technology, and manufacturing, CHINA WILL AGAIN PUSH RIGHT ON AHEAD, LEAVING AMERICA BEHIND. America cannot be left behind AGAIN, by another Republican President who is so blinded that science is put on the backburner. For that matter, both China and Russia would love to see Donald Trump as President. American millennials should, not.”

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16) ISIS – Growth of ISIS Due to Vacuum in Syria, Not Iraq “Donald Trump claimed it was the withdrawal of coalition military forces from Iraq after expiration of the Status of Forces Agreement in December 2011, which created the vacuum allowing ISIS to metastasize. This is incorrect. The underlying basis which created the vacuum started after the initial overthrow of the regime of Saddam Hussein. Specifically, the Bush Administration’s barring of Iraqi “Ba’ath Party” members (heavily weighted with Sunni Muslims) from participating in the administration of: (1) new civilian government, and (2) new military structures. This was “de-Ba’athification.” Then, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, an Iraqi Shia Muslim having intense hostility towards Iraqi Sunni Muslims, came into office (2006-2014). Al-Maliki took “de-Ba’athification” to an even higher level, thus paving the way for an enormous vacuum of mistrust and hostility to brew, and undermine future Iraqi sovereignty, and eventually, Syrian sovereignty. True, after the withdrawal Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) did rebound, but no substantive progress was made in Iraq. Where AQI grew, and evolved into ISIS, was in the vacuum created in the Syrian civil war. And this is where Donald Trump’s friend Vladimir Putin comes into clear focus. Vladimir Putin does not care for Syrians, nor Iraqis, nor Americans. All Putin cares about is (1) projecting Russian political influence, (2) doing so via military means (i.e. Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Syria), and (3) building a new Soviet Union, even by use of military force. What Putin did not count on by allowing the Syrian civil war to go on and on, was ISIS becoming so strong as to be capable of militarily taking control of eastern Syria and then northern Iraq. That came to pass, and it has been the Americans who have led the way to defeat ISIS. American intelligence development. American military assistance to Kurdish and Iraqi military forces. In fact, all Putin’s Russian military ventures are geared towards defeating Syrians who oppose Bashar Al-Assad.

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17) ISIS – American Intelligence and Military Efforts Defeating ISIS “Donald Trump, for months, criticized American intelligence services along with American armed forces leaders (“The Generals”) in failing to defeat ISIS. He did so even right after his first national security briefing August 18, 2016. Well, it has been the American intelligence services and military assistance (special forces on the ground, and air power) which have led the way to defeat ISIS, not Donald Trump. American intelligence development along with American military assistance to Kurdish and Iraqi military forces (Arab-Kurdish Alliance) along with Syrian rebel forces, have led to ISIS controlled territory decreasing. More importantly, ISIS has had a loss of its influence over the Syrian and Iraqi citizens in these areas; an ISIS loss of governance. In total, as of May 2016 ISIS has lost 45% of the territory it held in Iraq, and between 16 and 20% of its territory in Syria. Granted, Putin’s Russian air power is greatly aiding Bashar Al-Assad’s military in fighting ISIS in Syria, but the overwhelming truth is that is has been the American intelligence and American military assistance which is allowing ISIS to be, not just checked, but rolled back. Donald Trump has been WRONG ABOUT ISIS, WRONG ALL ALONG. Donald Trump was WRONG about how the vacuum was created. Donald Trump was WRONG about where the vacuum allowed ISIS to evolve into; Syria, not Iraq. ISIS invaded Iraq, from Syria, not the other way around.”

Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 18

18) AMERICAN SECURITY – Cybersecurity “Where is Donald Trump’s thinking, in going overboard to protect his suiter, Vladimir Putin, in claiming there is no linkage of Russia to the continued efforts of cyber espionage directed at American political institutions (Democratic National Committee, Google Gmail – Colin Powell’s email, political organizations and academic think tanks in Washington). These efforts by Russian intelligence services, and their actors, are not vague. For instance, cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike reported “They (Russian government sponsored hacker group) infiltrated the DNC’s network last summer and were monitoring their communications, their email servers, and the like…” “A second group, also tied to Russia, accessed the DNC’s network in April. They went straight for the research department of the DNC and exfiltrated opposition materials on Mr. Trump.” It is true that America has extensive cybersecurity and cyberespionage capabilities of its own. It is also true that America does not want to tip its hand as to exactly what its capabilities are, at least not when it is regarding political emails and research materials. At the same time, we must pay acute attention to Donald Trump’s support for the dictatorial power Vladimir Putin has accumulated in Russia, Putin’s building of a new and more formidable nuclear and missile force, Putin’s military interventions in Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria, and Putin’s stroking of Trump. Putin is a ruthless, Soviet-era, ex-KGB Colonel, who hates America. Putin hates America so much, that it is Vladimir Putin and his newly nuclear re-armed Russia which truly threaten America and NATO security. Cyber Security and Cyber Espionage are only the tip of the iceberg that threatens America, and it is tantamount to treason for Donald Trump to continuously support Vladimir Putin.”

Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 19

19) AMERICAN RACE RELATIONS – Stuck in First-Gear (Trump Tower) “From putting up administrative walls to bar African Americans from Trump apartment tenement buildings in Brooklyn and Queens, New York, to building a ‘physical wall’ between America and our sister nation of Mexico, to Trump’s repeated denigrating comments about people of Hispanic descent, it is clear Donald J. (“Jackass”) Trump does not have a clue of: a) What minorities really have had to live through regarding actual discrimination. b) How to speak to persons subjected to discrimination. c) Setting forth plans to actually address daily concerns of persons of color (whether that be black, or brown, or otherwise). d) How to craft plans so to uphold the respect of these Americans, and immigrants (both lawful and unlawful immigrants, as they are all, human beings). Donald Trump, is still stuck in first gear. He is still stuck in Trump Tower, peering out from above and having no understanding of the daily lives of those people he wants to represent. How can a half-avowed, half-closeted racist, lead the way on American race-relations?”

Issues of Relevance and Topical Verbiage — Page 20

2016.09.28_AMS_POST-DEBATE UPDATE_Why We Still Support A ...

@AmericanStrength. POST-DEBATE UPDATE September 28, 2016 ... have lowered the cost of wind, solar and other renewable energy resources so that coal is less. and less economically viable ... Page 3 of 23. 2016.09.28_AMS_POST-DEBATE UPDATE_Why We Still Support A Hillary Clinton Presidency (AMS) (eng).pdf.

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