2017-2018 QRSD District Improvement Plan

Our vision is to provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. The mission of the Quaboag Regional School District is to form a partnership with parents and the community to prepare our diverse population of students to become lifelong learners in a nurturing, safe environment with high expectations so they will become responsible, productive citizens in an ever changing global society.

Decisions are made in the best interest of our students. Page 1

Table of Contents Page number Part I. District-wide Priorities (introduction)


Priority 1: Student Achievement


Priority 2: Safe and Supportive Schools


Priority 3: Improving Collaboration and Communication among All Stakeholders 7-8 Priority 4: Financial Management


Priority 5: Innovation


Part II. Professional Development Plan a. 8/28/17 New Teacher Orientation


b. 8/29/17 full day (building based)


c. 8/30/17 full day (Faculty Workshop)


d. 8/31/17 full day


e. 10/5/17 half day


f. 10/19/17 half day


g. 12/4/17 delayed opening


h. 2/5/18 delayed opening


i. 3/12/18 full day


j. Additional NEAL professional development


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District Improvement Plan Process Introduction

The creation of the QRSD District Improvement Plan (DIP) is a fluid process and our goals are constantly being examined, evaluated and refined. Creating the DIP is a cyclical process that is never ending. Ultimately, the QRSD District Improvement Plan is meant to serve as an overall guide to drive the top priorities of the QRSD for the 2017-2018 school year. This plan provides a foundation for all staff members to develop S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time- bound) goals. However, this plan is not meant to encompass every goal or initiative undertaken by the QRSD. An important component of the District Improvement Plan is to involve staff and listen to their input. As such, Superintendent Kustigian attended the faculty meetings listed below and asked for staff feedback on creating goals and priorities for the District Improvement Plan: June 1, 2017 West Brookfield Elementary Innovation School Staff Meeting June 6, 2017 Warren Elementary Innovation School Staff Meeting June 13, 2017 Quaboag Middle/High Innovation School Staff Meeting The administrative team then disaggregated the feedback, voted on district priorities and created SMART goals under each priority. Administrative meetings were held on: June 10, 2017- administrative team voted on the five overarching priorities; July 17, 2017- administrative team reviewed priorities and created SMART goals; August 7, 2017- administrative team reviewed priorities and created SMART goals; August 14, 2017- administrative team reviewed priorities and created SMART goals; August 21, 2017- administrative team reviewed priorities and approved the plan. The current plan was formally voted on and unanimously accepted by the QRSD administrative team on August 21, 2017. The 2017-2018 DIP was initially presented to the School Committee on August 21, 2017. It will voted on by the School Committee on September 25, 2017.

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Priority 1: Student Achievement Overarching Goal: The QRSD will raise student achievement at all levels. Benchmarks: A. The Quaboag Regional School District will establish a Professional Development Committee composed of district wide staff. The opportunity to serve on this committee will be presented at the Faculty Workshop (8/30/17) and followed up by district wide emails. The Professional Development Committee will meet on a quarterly basis during the 2017-2018 school year. A survey will be distributed about professional development opportunities and the results will be reviewed by the Professional Development Committee. B. The Quaboag Regional School District will offer professional learning for paraprofessionals about special education and behavior management throughout the 2017-2018 school year. The QRSD will purchase a 1 year subscription to Master Teacher/ParaEducator, an on-line tutorial program, and reevaluate it’s effectiveness by June 1, 2018 and make recommendations for next year. C. The Quaboag Regional School District will develop opportunities for staff to provide feedback regarding current policies impacting teaching and learning, e.g. attendance policy, cellphone use and abuse and other educational issues that will raise student achievement at all levels. District wide emails will be sent to update staff regarding changes in policy and/or procedures and there will be opportunities to discuss changes in staff meetings. Staff will also have the opportunity to meet directly with administrators during office hours that will be posted and communicated monthly. D. The Quaboag Regional School District will analyze MCAS and other standardized test data by grade level and content by October 31, 2017. Once the data is analyzed, actionable goals will be formed and incorporated into individual School Improvement Plans. This data will be presented to the QRSD School Committee by January 1, 2018. E. The Quaboag Regional School District will create opportunities for teacher groups to participate in and/or lead case studies, lesson studies, and/or teacher-to-teacher visits across grades, subjects and/or schools for the purpose of acquiring new teaching skills and methods. Walkthroughs will be conducted at each school on a quarterly basis. Actionable goals will be formed and incorporated into school improvement plans. F. The Quaboag Regional School District will participate in Resource Allocation and District Action Reports (RADAR) as offered by the Massachusetts Department of Education. Select members of the administration will be trained in RADAR prior to December 1, 2017.

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G. The Quaboag Regional School District will draw on professional learning opportunities for teachers and staff to “Improve the quality of instruction to educate well the diverse learners within our schools”. ESL teaching strategies will be incorporated into staff professional development and offered during the 2017-2018 school year. H. An attendance review committee will be formed prior to October 30, 2017. The committee will review attendance policies and procedures and make recommendations to the Policy Subcommittee.

Priority 2: Providing Safe and Supportive Learning Environment Overarching Goal: The QRSD will improve school safety for all of our students and staff. Benchmarks: 1. Physical Safety: A. The Quaboag Regional School District in conjunction with the Warren and West Brookfield Police will conduct two Lock Down drills with ALICE protocol. One drill will occur before December 15, 2017. The second drill will occur before April 13, 2018. B. The Quaboag Regional School District in conjunction with the Warren Police Department will conduct ALICE training for new staff on August 28, 2017 and for all staff on August 30th, 2017. In addition all incoming 7th graders will receive ALICE training prior to November 3, 2017. C. The Quaboag Regional School District in conjunction with the Warren Police and the Massachusetts State Police will conduct two K-9 searches (depending on availability) of the common areas, parking lots, and randomly selected classrooms at Quaboag Regional during the 2017-2018 school year. D. The Quaboag Regional School District in conjunction with the West Brookfield Fire Department will offer CPR/First Aid training to selected staff on the October 19th, 2017 PD day. E. The Quaboag Regional Safety Committee will meet quarterly throughout the 20172018 school year to address school safety issues. Meeting dates are 10/19/17, 12/7/17, 2/15/18, and 4/12/18. F. The Quaboag Regional School Crisis team will in October of 2017 to confirm members and contact information and then meet on an as needed basis.

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G. Additional security cameras will be installed at the elementary schools prior to October 1, 2017. The Technology Coordinator will train the principals as soon as the cameras are operational. H. In an effort to ensure safe drinking water for staff and students, two water fountains/water bottle fill stations will be installed at each school prior to October 31, 2017. 2. Social and Emotional: A. Quaboag Regioanl School District in collaboration with The Carson Center- Ware, MA will make available mental health counseling services at Quaboag Regional one day a week during the 2017-2018 school year. Quabag will provide an office space and The Carson Center- Ware, MA will send a licensed mental health counselor one day a week to offer appointments to students and bill their families medical insurance. B. Students at Quaboag Regional will receive training and information on the student handbook, bullying and cyber bullying in grades 7-9 each year that is consistent each year for that grade. 7th grade- Visual Power Point of Handbook rules and consequences and Anti-Bullying video. 8th grade- Anti Bullying movie and break out discussions led by Student Council and GSA. 9th Grade- Legal Aspects of Bullying/Cyberbullying- Presentation by Worcester District Attorney. C. Administration will review the bullying policy and procedures with all students prior to the end of the first week of school (September 8, 2017). D. Quaboag Regional will have Activity periods built into the school calendar which will enable a time and setting for the reinforcement of school rules, handbook and antibullying measures. E. Throughout the year at faculty meetings the Quaboag Regional staff will receive updates and training in the areas of school physical and emotional safety. This will include reviewing articles, book studies- Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind by Eric Jensen and Managing Non-Compliance and Defiance in the Classroom by Geoff Colvin. F. The Quaboag Regional School District will work to adapt positive school models for our schools and staff that affirm students’ diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The Quaboag Regional School District will offer professional learning opportunities to develop and sustain meaningful relationships with diverse learners' families and communities in our schools.

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3. Student discipline: A. The Quaboag Regional School District will offer professional learning related to PBIS to all elementary staff including by school bus drivers prior to September 15, 2017. B. West Brookfield Elementary School and Warren Elementary School will utilize PBIS as a positive behavioral strategy with all students throughout the school year 20172018. Data will be gathered and discussed at monthly faculty meetings. C. Quaboag Regional School District in collaboration with NEPBIS Academy, will participate in a 3 year academy to support district and school level implementation teams and coaches to build local capacity to implement PBIS tier 1, 2 and 3 at QRMHS, WBES, and WCES. QRMS, WBES and WCES will identify team members by September 15th. The team will attend 6 days of professional development over the course of the 2017 – 2018 School Year. D. Restorative practices will be implemented by QRSD administrators during the 20172018 school year. Data will be collected and analyzed once by Dec. 30, 2017 and again by June 30, 2018 to determine effectiveness. E. Quaboag Middle High School will collect and analyze student discipline data throughout the 2017-2018 school year to ensure that all students are being treated fairly and equitably.

Priority 3: Improving Collaboration and Communication among All Stakeholders Overarching Goal: The QRSD will improve collaboration and communication among all stakeholders. Benchmarks: A. In an attempt to increase communication between administration and staff, all administrators will post monthly office hours. Additionally, every Wednesday principals and the superintendent will visit classrooms and make individual appointments with staff to listen to their concerns. B. Each building (Warren Elementary, West Brookfield Elementary and Quaboag Middle High School) will have quarterly shared leadership meetings at the building level. The shared leadership building based meetings will run from 1:27PM-3:27PM at QRMHS and from 2-4PM at the elementary schools. At the district level, there will be 3 shared leadership meetings. Dates will be agreed upon by the second week of the 2017-2018 school year and meetings will be posted.

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C. The elementary schools will combine the weekly memo to focus on information regarding upcoming events and important dates only. The elementary schools will contribute to the district wide newsletter with a focus on student, staff, community celebrations as well as upcoming information/events. Social media will be utilized to share celebrations in a timely manner with all stakeholders throughout the year. D. In an effort to enhance communication district wide, there will be a designated person at each building (QRMHS, WBES, WCES) to increase social media output. E. The Quaboag Regional School District will develop an array of strategies designed to keep parents informed about student academic progress and social and emotional needs. These may include open houses, web sites, software apps, updates, batch emails and other methods. F. The Quaboag Regional School District will identify time for collaborative meetings for cross-grade level or subject area, including special education teachers. G. The Quaboag Regional School District will work collaboratively with the QEA to ensure meaningful communication to members on regular basis

Priority 4: Efficient and Effective Financial Management Overarching Goal: The QRSD will demonstrate and communicate efficient and effective financial management to the school community by balancing student needs with the community’s ability to pay. Benchmarks: A. Administrators and staff will look to reallocate existing resources in a more efficient manner without compromising educational excellence. In addition, the administrative team will seek input from the school community to proactively manage existing resources. Administrators will provide a list of cost savings measures by June 1, 2018. B. The district will review the school choice bus that travels to Southbridge. The pros and cons of adding a bus fee will be weighed and a recommendation will be made to the School Committee by May 1, 2018. C. A review of each service contract throughout the district will be completed by the Assistant Superintendent for Business with the other administrators to determine whether to renew, put out to bid, or eliminate the contract if feasible. This list will be shared with the Budget Subcommittee throughout the school year. D. The QRSD will seek to partner with neighboring districts to cost share services wherever feasible. Page 8

E. Out of district tuitions will be reviewed monthly at Budget Subcommittee meetings.

Priority 5: Innovation Overarching Goal: The QRSD will continue on the path of innovation as defined by trying new practices, thinking outside the box, and encouraging creativity for all staff and students. Benchmarks: A. The QRSD will continue to seek alternative sources of funding through competitive grants. The QRSD grant writer will work collaboratively with all staff and stakeholders throughout the 2017-2018 school year. The grant writer will also provide periodic updates to the School Committee. B. QRMHS will continue the early college high school program. The guidance department and the administration will continue to partner with Quinsigamond Community College to increase the number of articulation agreements and expand the STEM pathways. Additionally, QRMHS will look into the feasibility of starting a day care/preschool at QRMHS and partner with QCC in an early education program. C. WBES and WCES will implement Engineering is Elementary, Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and other innovation programs to address the new Massachusetts Science Curriculum Frameworks. D. WBES and WCES will continue to operate robotics labs for elementary students. Both schools will create time in the schedule to provide students with hands-on experience with robotics and an opportunity to create using unstructured time. E. WCES will continue with the (grant funded) 21st Century after-school program with a focus on service and project based learning. WBES will continue to run the after school program, while Quaboag Innovation Middle School will create a 21st Century after school program. Both programs will provide opportunities for students in the STEAM areas. F. QRSD teachers will be provided professional development through the NEAL (New England Arts Literacy) program prior to the beginning of school. NEAL teachers will be provided with additional professional development time during the 2017-18 school year and will implement their projects by June 1, 2018. G. Elementary schools will host at least two Science/Engineering Fairs. Quaboag Middle School will also continue to offer a Science/Engineering Fair and send finalists to the state and regional science fairs. H. The QRSD will provide technology training on Google Classroom within the first week of school. Page 9

I. The superintendent will inquire to the Massachusetts Department of Education to see what is involved in piloting blizzard bags. If feasible, a committee will be formed within the first two months of school to plan the implementation of blizzard bags. J. The QRSD will implement schedule changes to maximize core learning and resources. K. The QRSD will offer students choice in various modes of assessment to allow them to express their learning in multiple ways.

2017-2018 Professional Development Schedule 8/28/17

New Teacher Orientation (new teachers and mentors, optional for all other staff) All district administrators, mentors, a school committee representative and the QEA co-presidents will be introduced to the new staff. The mentor coordinator will provide an overview of the mentoring program and a school nurse will provide epi-pen and allergy training. The crisis plan and procedures will also be reviewed and the Warren Chief of Police will provide an overview of the ALICE training. A light continental breakfast will be served.


Faculty workshop in each staff member’s individual school. Principals will create the agenda. Select new staff will participate in mandated 2-day Applied NonViolence training. There will also be a social-emotional learning workshop training with Mike Lamb titled, “Turnaround for Children” at the Plainville Public School District. The QRSD will send a team of educators to Plainville.


A full day of professional development will begin with all staff in the QRMHS auditorium in the morning, while staff will craft individual professional development goals in the afternoon. Select new staff will participate in mandated 2-day Applied Non-Violence training. State mandated Civil Rights, Special Education, and English Language Education trainings will be reviewed by all certified and non-certified staff. Principals will collect verification sign-off sheets at the end of the day.


This day will be broken into two sessions. First, all QRSD staff will meet in the QRMHS auditorium to hear from Kurt Wootton as part of the New England Arts and Literacy Grant (description below): Heroes Can Be Any Age: Building the Global Classroom (All grades) Our students come from a diverse range of backgrounds and have a wide range of passions and talents. How, as teachers, do we capitalize on all the resources Page 10

students bring into the classroom while helping them to gain the kinds of literacies necessary for academic and work success? This day will provide concrete practices for integrating the arts, literacies, and 21st Century Skills in a way that welcomes, and challenges, all students. Next, there will be an afternoon of break-out sessions on: NEAL, PBIS, mindfulness 2.0, Google Classroom strategies (Google Keep), objectives and lesson planning overview, Fundations, Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, ESL strategies, and select staff will participate in mandated Applied Non-Violence 1-day refresher restraint training. A lunch buffet will be offered by the QRSD for purchase. Breakout sessions

Kurt Wootton- Afternoon session Building on the morning session, Kurt will go deeper into The Performance Cycle, a flexible guiding structure for integrating arts and literacy practices across all disciplines. In a smaller group setting, participants will learn hands on strategies for building community and improving student engagement in their classrooms. GOOGLE KEEP (John O’Neill) There are many note-taking services and applications out there, but if you’re looking for a tool that’s already built into Google Drive and your Google Apps account, look no further than Google Keep. Keep is an excellent note-taking and task-management tool for teachers. It lets you record your notes in different formats (text, pictures and audio), and access them across different devices. In this Professional Development session, you will learn how to: • • • • • • • •

Create a text, photo and audio note Create a list and add items to it Customize the settings of your notes and lists Share and unshare your notes Organize your notes with labels Copy your notes to Google Docs Archive or remove your notes and lists Set reminders for your notes

Mindfulness 2.0- Gretchen Mollins Room: Family & Consumer Science This experiential and nourishing workshop is designed around the quote, "Don't count the days, make the days count!" With an update on the latest studies in neuroscience, we will dig a little deeper in to the effects of stress and trauma on learning and social emotional development. Participants will: Page 11

• • • •

Understand the role that their adult brain has on assisting youth in the microregulation of their physical and emotional world. Develop personalized action plans for promoting mindfulness within their own lives in order to maintain connection to inner steadiness. Explore strategies for supporting students in self awareness and self regulation. Employ positive psychology in order to promote meaningful connections with colleagues and students for your best year yet.

Leveling- Jessica Harder Room: QRMHS Innovation Lab This session will teach participants how to level their students using the Fountas and Pinnell kits. If time allows, we will discuss groupings and lesson planning.

Fundations- Nicole Guimond Room: 704 This session is geared for teachers and paraprofessionals of students Kindergarten - Grade 2. We will be unpacking the Fundations kits and reviewing the lesson components.

Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement- Kristi Kenyon Room: 712 The Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition (KTEA-3) is an individually administered measure of academic achievement for ages 4 through 25. Examiners may administer a single subtest or any combination of subtests. The core academic composites include reading, math, and written language while the supplemental composites include reading related composites, oral composites, and cross-domain composites, which test comprehension, expression, and academic fluency. This PD segment will provide teachers with information about the KTEA-3, how to administer the test, practice administering subtests, and an opportunity to review examples of KTEA-3 reports in order to assist when writing the academic assessment for IEP meetings.

ESL strategies- Maria Geueke Room: 801 Still wondering how you will support your English learners in your classroom? Share your ideas and get some helpful suggestions for a fresh and meaningful start. This Professional Development will provide you with ways you can "differentiate the language of the content" (WIDA, 2012, p.11) and organize "instruction and assessment with intention" (WIDA, 2012, p.11) through knowledge of translanguaging and the six language proficiency levels. Moving forward, participants will have the opportunity to form Professional Learning Communities for continued learning and support. 10/5/17

Half day of professional development where teachers will work on their individual professional development plans. Paraprofessionals will participate in on-line professional development through Master Teacher. ESL teachers will meet with Dr. Osypuk from 12:45-1:45. Page 12


Half day of professional development where teachers will work on their individual professional development plans. Paraprofessionals will participate in on-line professional development through Master Teacher.


Staff will meet in professional learning communities to collaborate on best practices and student services. ESL teachers will meet with Dr. Osypuk from 12:45-1:45.


Staff will meet in professional learning communities to collaborate on best practices and student services. ESL teachers will meet with Dr. Osypuk from 12:45-1:45.


This will be a full day of professional development where all staff will report to the QRMHS auditorium for a workshop on Autism or Trauma in Schools.

The Professional Development Committee will continue to meet and revise the professional development schedule throughout the school year. Half day PD days will be in session from 1:00PM – 3:30PM (9/23, 12/10, 4/4, 6/1). Full day PD days will be in session from 8:00AM – 3:00PM (8/25, 8/26, 8/27, 10/13). Delayed opening times QRMHS 7:20AM-9:35AM, Elementary 8:00AM-10:15. Additional NEAL (New England Arts and Literacy) professional development days: Friday, Sept 29: Mini-Institute (returning and 3rd years only) Wednesday, Oct 11: Session I (new, RTs and 3rds) unit planning etc. Tuesday, Nov 7: Session II (new, RTs and 3rds) documentation Friday, Feb 2: Session III (new, RTs and 3rds) Symposium prep/story of learning

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2017-2018 District Improvement Plan.pdf

voted on by the School Committee on September 25, 2017. Page 3 of 13. 2017-2018 District Improvement Plan.pdf. 2017-2018 District Improvement Plan.pdf.

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