Virtual EOC Summer Remediation Application – 2017 – Northside High School This signed form must be returned to Northside High School on THURSDAY, June 1 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Dear Parent or Guardian: End-of-Course (EOC) Summer Remediation in the areas of Algebra I, English II, English III, U.S. History, Geometry and Biology will be available at Northside High School this summer. If your child did not pass one or more sections of the EOC Test noted above, he/she may attend remediation. A.M. Session 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. daily Friday, June 2 – Friday, June 16

P.M. Session 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. daily Friday, June 2 – Friday, June 16

EOC Testing will be conducted from June 19th-June 23rd at Northside High School. School: Northside High School Student Information Last Name: _______________ First Name:_________________ Middle Name: ___________________ Student ID #: _____________Street address, city and zip code: _________________________________ Current home/cell phone #s: ___________________Emergency #: ______________________________ EOC Remediation Subject(s) Needed Algebra I

English II

English III

U.S. History



Check one of the following options and sign below it: My child will attend EOC remediation at Northside High School and retest. Parent’s signature ______________________________________________________________

My child will retest only. Parent’s signature ______________________________________________________________ *NOTE: Dates/Times of sessions may be adjusted depending on enrollment. You will be informed of any changes.

2017 NHS EOC Remediation Application.pdf

U.S. History Geometry Biology. Check one of the following options and sign below it: My child will attend EOC remediation at Northside High School and retest.

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