Chapter 1 As you read​, record different details that describe the setting of each of Curacao and Norfolk, Virginia. Curacao

Compare Curacao to Norfolk, VA using textual evidence Similarities Norfolk, Virginia

After reading​, ​go back in the text to complete the following: Text

Text Evidence​ (what words helped you understand he was ​positively describing the sea?)

On page 13 in the 3​rd paragraph, Phillip describes the sea positively.

Text Read the 2​nd​ and 4​th paragraphs on p. 13.

How do these paragraphs ​contrast​ the 3​rd​ paragraph above?

Chapter 2 As you read​, mark the sections that illustrate Phillip’s actions or thoughts. After you finish the chapter, complete the chart below. Phillip’s actions/thoughts

Page #

What does this show reveal about Phillip?

After reading​, ​make inferences​ (or make a guess using information from the novel) to complete the following: Re-read the 2nd full paragraph, lines 11-14, on p. 20. According to these lines, how serious does Phillip think the German submarines are?

Explain your answer​ citing textual evidence​. (What from the text helped you answer?)

Why do you think this is his attitude? How did this change from beginning of chapter to the end? (p.23)

Based on these lines, what can be ​inferred​ about Henrik and Phillip’s friendship?

Chapter 3 As you read​, underline any moments the author uses ​characterization.​ After you finish the chapter, pick 5 moments total for 2-3 characters and complete the chart below based on what you have underlined. Page # 34

Character Phillip

Text Evidence

What This Reveals

My father had always taught me to address anyone I took to be an adult as “mister.” But Timothy did not seem to be a mister. Besides he was black.

Phillip is disrespectful and prejudiced

Characterization Inferences Cite evidence of 1) Phillip’s actions and 2) what Phillip says ​toward Timothy

What can you infer about Phillip’s attitude toward Timothy in this moment?

Chapter 4 As you read,​ talk to the text. Note any important events, questions you have, and reactions to the text. ​After you read​, go back in the text to complete the following: How does Chapter 4 add to the conflict (​conflict is the main problem in the story​)? Use text evidence to support your answer.

Chapter 5 Imagery​ consists of words and phrases that appeal to readers’ 5 senses. Writers use sensory details to help readers imagine how things look, feel, smell, sound, and taste. In chapters four and five, Taylor uses a great deal of imagery. ​As you read​, highlight examples of imagery. After you read​, go back through chapters 4 and 5 to complete the chart below. Find passages (one or two sentences) that contain imagery and write the passage on the left. Then, tell which senses the imagery appeals to on the right. Text evidence (passage)


Total ​darkness blotted out the sea​, and it became ​cold and damp.

Sight and touch

Chapter 6 1. 2. 3. 4.

After you have read Chapter 6, annotate for details related to the Point of View (who is telling the story). Draw in the box a picture that illustrates what that section reveals. Be as specific as possible. Remember these are notes, not works of art: try to capture the important details about setting. In the box below cite evidence to support your image.


Analyze different Points of View

Timothy believes going to the island is the best choice, but Phillip disagrees and thinks the raft is better option. Which do you believe you would choose? Write a Basic Paragraph arguing which one you think will be better – the raft or the island? Support your answer with text evidence.

Chapter 7 Summarize​ chapter 7 in 50 words or less. Remember to include only the most important information from the chapter. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Answer the following questions in complete sentences and provide evidence to support your answers. 1. Re-read paragraph 10 on page 57 and paragraph 4 on page 61. How do these paragraphs contrast Timothy’s feelings at first?

Explain your answer citing textual evidence.

2. “Again he did not answer directly. I was beginning to learn that he had a way of being honest while still being dishonest.” Page 61 What does Phillip mean by this statement? Explain your answer citing textual evidence.

3. Answer the question below. What is the best alternative title for the chapter.

Explain in 2 - 3 sentences.

Chapter 8 First Read​- ​As you read, underline any moments the author uses ​characterization.​ After you finish the chapter, pick 5 moments and complete the chart below based on what you have underlined.

Page #


Text Evidence

Close Read​: Characterization Inferences How did Timothy feel about himself after building the hut?

What is revealed about Phillip when Timothy returns from the reef?

What This Reveals

Textual Evidence

Textual Evidence

How does this show Phillip’s character development?

Chapter 9 Writers use ​figurative language​ to make their writing more interesting and effective. By using a simile, metaphor, or personification, the writer is able to paint a picture in the mind of the reader. Simile​ – a comparison of two things using the words like or as Metaphor ​– calls one thing another Personification​- gives a nonhuman object human traits Hyperbole​ – an extreme exaggeration Complete the following chart to examine the figurative language in these chapters. Passage

Type of Figurative Language

What is being compared?

On the north end of the island, tough vines, almost as large as a pencil, were laced over the sand. (page 69) He really was a black mule. (page 71)

In this chapter, Phillip begins to change. “Something happened to me that day on the cay. I’m not quite sure what it was even now, but I had begun to change.” (page 72) What do you think caused this change in Phillip? Explain your answer.

The Cay: Chapter 10 ​The theme “don’t judge someone based on their appearance” started to fully develop in this chapter. Find three pieces of evidence in chapter ten to support this theme. Page #

Textual Evidence

How this piece of evidence support the theme?

Chapter 11 After you read​, ​go back to the text and answer the following questions in complete sentences and provide evidence to support your answers. 1. Find a line that supports Phillip has positive feelings about the cay.

2. Reread pages 85 and 86. Phillip states that Timothy “certainly wasn’t acting like the Timothy he’d been living with.” Find evidence to support why Phillip is thinking this.

Chapter 12 ​ fter Reading:​ Analysis of Character Roles A In this chapter, Timothy becomes ill and cannot do anything. In a paragraph, explain how Phillip and Timothy’s roles have been reversed.

Chapter 13 ​As you read​, annotate for evidence that illustrates Timothy’s words or actions that show his concern for Phillip. After you finish the chapter, complete the chart below based ​on your annotations. Timothy’s words/actions

Page #

Consequences/Impact on Phillip

Close Read​ - Making Inferences In this chapter, how is Phillip’s attitude changing about being blind, about doing work, and feelings toward Timothy?

Explain your answer citing textual evidence.

What can you infer that Timothy is feeling about Phillips new attitude? Explain your answer using textual evidence.

Chapter 14 Foreshadowing​ ​occurs when the author gives the reader a hint of something that is going to happen before it actually happens. In chapter fourteen, Timothy is aware that a storm is coming and is making preparations for that storm. There is some foreshadowing early in the chapter that lets us know something is happening before even Timothy knows. Complete the following chart to analyze this literary technique. Pg.


Why is this a hint of what’s to come?

101 And for once, the trade wind was not blowing. Nothing on the cay seemed to be moving.

101-102 Everything about it felt different, but that didn’t really make sense since it was only about a mile from south beach.


During the afternoon, he told me this was a freak storm, because most did not come until September or October, August, sometimes. Seldom July. “But di year, d’sea be angry wid all d’death upon it. D’wahr.”

Tone​ ​is the attitude that a ​writer​ takes toward the audience, a subject, or a character. Tone is conveyed through the writer’s choice of words and details.

Mood​ ​the feeling or emotion in readers created by words and descriptions in literary text. Excerpt

Mood How do you, the reader, feel when you read the excerpt?

Pg. 102, Paragraph 2 He had just brought…

Pg. 102 Paragraph 9 I heard him sniffing…

Find 2 more excerpts on your own

Tone What words or phrases created that feeling?

Episodic Notes for ​The Cay​, Chapter 15 Name ______________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4.

Date _________________

After you have read Chapter 15, annotate for details related to the ​CONFLICT​. Draw in the box a picture that illustrates what that section reveals. Be as specific as possible. Remember these are notes, not works of art: try to capture the important details about ​CONFLICT​. In the lines, below cite evidence to support your image.

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Chapter 16 1. ​Read p. 114, paragraph 6. What does the word ​debris​ mean in this selection? Answer:


2. Why does Phillip make a pile of palm fronds and sticks of wet driftwood in another? Answer:


A eulogy is a short speech written to be delivered at a funeral. Its purpose is to pay tribute to the deceased. It is acceptable to introduce humor at some point in the eulogy if it fits with the departed person’s personality. Phillip didn’t have much to say when Timothy died. He simply said, “Thank you, Timothy.” Pretend that you are Phillip. Write a eulogy for your friend, Timothy. At the end of the eulogy, add Phillip’s line: “Thank you, Timothy.” Create a eulogy on what you would have said if you were Phillip. Check over it for mistakes in spelling and grammar.

Chapter 17 1. Determine the theme of Chapter 17. Include two supporting details to support your theme. Answer

Supporting Details 1. 2.

Chapter 18 1. What did Phillip do after he realized that the people in the plane most likely did not see the smoke? Answer:


2. What event is most likely the climax (turning point) of this novel? Answer:


3. Read the following sentences. “After I’d been officially reported lost at sea, she’d gone back to Curacao to be with my father. She had changed in many ways.” In this passage, we see that Phillip’s mother has changed, just as Phillip has changed. Why has Phillip’s mother changed? Answer:


2017 Rising 6th Grade Summer Reading Packet.pdf

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