Truth Barometer # 11

THE GATEKEEPERS OF EUROPE: THE TYRANTS OF AFRICA PART 2 By Odaa Hora The first part of the article departed from the beginning of the relation of Meles Zenawi, followed by, H. M. Desalegn (the clone Meles ) the genociders of one of the poorest barbaric, dependent, predatory empire of contemporary “Ethiopia” and the Germans (the doppelganger) enterprises post the fall of Berlin wall. And, this part moves northwestward to the neighboring state what the Arab geographers called Bilad al-Sudan, means the land of the Black people, African content the region south of the great Sahara desert as a virtual boundary where the current name Sudan with artificial







adopted. Omar Al’ Bashir, the president of the Republic of Sudan (current North) was known as the mastermind of the crime of genocide in Darfur(the western region of Sudan.) He came to power in a military Sudanese












suspended 1

democratically political







associations, closed down independent newspapers, imprisoned political rivals. Illustration: Donta Kindesperk: Wanted taz.dietageszeitung17 November2016






As it has always been power meant, to have it all under one man’s control and dictatorship per se for military juntas, Al’ Bashir took 2

all crucial posts and organs of the state apparatus in his own hand In 1991,he quadrupled his posts, the Prime minister, the Chief of the Armed Forces, the Minister of Defense, the Chairman of the “revolutionary command council for national salvation.” Furthermore, he replaced the existing Sudanese law with Islamic Shar’a law, Arab-centered, and further promoted Arabization that dates back to the 7th-century invaders from the Arabian peninsula. But, it was after MAI Abdallah who called himself Mahdi meaning “holy savior” of Sudan who first established the policy of Arabization and Islam as a force of Unity in the very complex and about 570 Ethnicities incarcerated in one of the largest “artificial states in the African continent, by saying .” Sudan is an Arab country and whoever does not feel Arab should quit.” coming into power after defeating the British colonial troops of General Gordon. Subsequent regimes who come to power in Khartoum pursued the same policy from then upon today. The assumption that the spread of Arabization and Islam as the solutions for Sudan. Isalm in the northern Sudan is based on Tariqas: a belief that one person needs another person to attain salvation (Jenet or heaven.) The southern Sudan with deep-rooted and multifaceted problems versus the North rejected the processes of Arabization and 3

Islamization that implemented violence and forced assimilation similar if not identical to the Copt’s or the Orthodox of Abyssinia proper against the rest the whole south incarcerated in the empire with the exception that one reads in from left to right and the other in reverse the mythical books of west Asia, copies they refer and quote in corresponding languages.Thus, the Khartoum regime again, similar if not identical to Abyssian not only total neglected the










development the north benefited such as economic, social, cultural educational, etc, opportunities but also deliberately and systematically







subject rather than citizens. It is also, worth to bear in mind, the northern part of Sudan from Khartoum to Egypt's border consists of desert or semi-desert, its areas largely inhabited except along the banks of Mormor river (the River Nile), whereas, the southern Sudan is a tropical climate and rich in natural resources, flora, fauna, cultures and rites . Secondly, most of the inhabitants o of the southern and western regions Sudan are indigenous Africans independent of which name of faiths the follow. There are few in-betweens, again analog to the Hebasha’s, not only in physical perspective, but also their psychological make-ups and the extent of deep–seated racism-a societal benign cancer and prejudice against the natives of the soil in all spheres that led to long years of resistance since the so 4

called “independent Sudan” by the southern that transferred to armed struggle, the birth of the Southern Sudan Liberation Movement (SPLM) to fights against the Khartoum regime. During long years of chronical wars between Khartoum and the south, Al-Bashir used the similar policies of Arabization and Islamization as the force of unity, employed and deployed Araba insurgences. Although, the Darfurians are of Muslum faith that did not save them from gruesome acts and massacres, crimes of genocide. By scapegoating the Darfurians as the supporters of the SPLM, Al-Bashir mobilized an Arab counter-insurgency militia invaders known as Janjaweed,“ loosely mean “evil men or outlaws on the back of the horses and the camels.” Al-Bashir is not only a masterminded and architect of the genocide in Darfur but also a provider of weapons and horses, and fighting jets that led to widespread impoverishments, burning villages, killing, rapes, similar to if not identical to the 7th-century Arab invaders of the African continent in general. The genocide in Darfur that reached its peaks from 2003 to 2004 whereby over two and a half million were displaced and over half millions were killed was envisaged considered the genocide at the eve of the 21st century. The United Nation called upon the mastermind of Darfur genocide Omar Al-Bashir to disarm his Arab-militia and put his leaders on 5

the trail in resolution 1556 and that did not happen. Later on, the case was transferred to the Security Council. Omar Al-Bashir charges on three of the crime of genocide, five of crimes against humanity and two murders. The ICC issued a warrant for the arrest of Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan and asking Sudan and international







importantly the so called African Union, an electric shock for a club of calcified authoritarian who cling to power until they die or fly out or until the minute the bullet got them) to fully cooperate with ICC. It was not surprising that the AU did not only reject to cooperate unanimously but also blame the council by saying .“ “The AU stresses the need to explore ways and means to ensure that the request by the African Union (AU) to the United Nations (UN) Security Council to defer the proceedings initiated against President Bashir of The Sudan in accordance with Article 16 of the Rome Statute of ICC on deferral of cases by the UN Security Council, be acted upon and, in this regard, REITERATES its request to the UN Security Council and REQUESTS African members of the UN Security Council to place the matter on the agenda of the Council ... By receiving President Bashir, the Republic of Malawi, like Djibouti, Chad and Kenya before her, were implementing various AU Assembly decisions on non-cooperation with the ICC on the arrest and surrender of President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir of the Sudan.” 6

Refugee per se began in and For Europe Refugee per se began in Europe. Eugene M. Kulischer in his book entitled: THE DISPLACEMENT OF POPULATION IN EUROPE come to the conclusion that a conservative estimation of at least thirty million people have been, uprooted or transplanted or removed from their homes since the beginning of the world war II, the and the largest number from German Reich from the rise of Nazism. By may 1945 it reached forty-and-half million civilians excluding the armed forces where German has had the larger of population displacement rates. Facts also a conservative estimation of threeand-half million Germans fled from the eastern bloc called DDR before the Berlin wall of concrete and barbed wire; Iron Curtain in August 1961. Since World War II, the 1990s forced migration of the Balkans to west Europe were in 1992 peaked to a total of 429,000 persons were more than of them were from the former Yugoslavia. Eight years later data recorded the Eurostat in Germany alone in early 2000 showed that about 1,300,000 people of the citizens of a country in the Balkans. That being the facts, they were never ever called invaders, as it is common when it comes to the very few Sub-Saharan African refugees who, at most succeed to enter Europe, and considered as invaders and seen so in mainstream Europeans.







government, as driving forces who tireless works with the tyrants 7

who produce the vast majority of refugees. The word refugees must be understood as involuntarily migration of civilians, who fled from their homeland, uprooted from their ancestral soil, become homeless and seeks protection via the boundaries of the regimes control to save their life, as the Germans did during the wars they instigated and waged. The United Nation Convention related to the status of Refuge (UNHCR) and the establishment agency in 1951, was an extension of the Universal Declaration of Human Right of 1948 to solve the aftermaths of the two world wars within Europe that Germany instigated, waged and lost badly.

The doubling of Germans One can wonder how can one who knows, whose family had destined









Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Ebensee, Sobibor just to note some among many others, and to be ruled by tyrants, sits in the same chair with tyrants who committed crime of genocide that the ICC










organizations and states to cooperate fully and bring into justice, and sign arguments and shake hands to provide whatever the tyrants need to proceed to conduct further crimes of genocides under the garb of t clad with the “EU-African Immigration policy.“ Omar al-Bashir of Sudancurrently took the rank of Colonel M. A. 8

Gadhafi’s of the 2000s to 2010, as the best gatekeepers among other tyrants of North-East Africa to serve the European Unions desire to stop the Sub-Sahara Africans migrants from entering the European soil or Water. In 2014 the EU meets the tyrants of the Horn of Africa, five in number, (Eritrea, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Egypt) in Khartoum called it the Khartoum process. It worth to note they are also the leading refugee producers in the African continent respectively. Among the EU currently, Germany took the rule of Avant-gardes for the implementation of the project and works tirelessly. Once Omar Al-Bashir's Sudan was qualified as the major “Partner of the EU.” In fact, he and his alikes are pawns. After the Germans, meetings held in Khartoum, the interior minister of Al-Bashir’s regime made lists of his desire to the EU what they must fulfill and provide, if they want Khartoum to cooperate, if they do not, he said Sudan will open all the doors and “Europe will turn Black.” The if and if no recipes are broad spectrums, in other words, universal recipes of tyrants one we may think of. Thus, no wonder that Ammunitions, building concentration camps, barbed iron fences and fighting jets were in the primary lists of Sudan the Europeans must fulfill. As a result, as a starter, the EU promised to pay 40 million euros under the entitlement of what was called “better migration 9

management.” To make more palatable and influential the Germans added 6 million Euro extra. In the level of the so-called “EU-African migration dialogue,” furthermore 17.5 million euros. Under the banner of “Aids for refugees,” the German government secured 35 million euros. The total average of the EU for these

©dpa/dpaweb Schröder in Gaddafis Beduinenzelt

projects, when summed up will make 100 million Euro. These figures are adapted from thoroughly investigated and published TAZ: DIE TAGESZEITUNG (the daily magazine) Thursday, 17 November 2016, in the German language reported by Dominic Johnson. At the end of 2005 the so called the minister of “development” Gerd Müller traveled to Eriteria and promised to provide 200 million Euro packet to Isaias as it was called “Flüchtsachenbekämpfung,” mean to fight the cause of the flight.” 10

The Libya's military dictator, Colonel M. A. Gadhafi, who was turned to be the first candidate to be financed as the gatekeeper of geographical Europe on one hand and the concentration camp for the deported Africans, on the other hand, a doubleganger with his controversial behaviors. The military dictator, Colonel Gadhafi was known as the world’s foremost sponsor of global terrorism. The notorious Pan AM103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland, La-

Illustration (MSNBC)

Belle, Berlin, and sponsor of Omar Al-Bashir's genocide in Darfur among the others during his tyrannical rules. Nevertheless, from the year 2000, the EU took a U-turn, from over 25 years of sanctions and embargos as the global terrorism sponsor. The classical foe turned to a friend, the man with whom deals can be done. That is the place where a filthy business deal with tyrants 11

lay. Each European leaders began a marathon running to visit the Colonel; in competing to scramble for Libya’s oil deals one after the other, to secure a piece of turf and signing the oil drilling arguments, as, it has always been in the history of Europeans via Seas









demarcations, with only one fine tuned exception, they did not shoot against each other on foreign soil today as it was in the past. Obviously, for Colonel Gadhafi, the coming decade will be the busiest, the most successful and the zenith of the military dictator. At this time, the Germans will not be too late and did not miss this chance and G. Schroeder and his troops were there to secure their pieces of turf of oil to be drilled. In addition, to the oil drilling arguments signed by the Germans, one, even more important burning issue on the European agenda in general and Germans especially, was the issue of Sub-Saharan African migrants, who at most be able to flee from chronical wars waged by tyrannical African regimes, from subjugation, displacement, prisons, tortures and massacres in their homeland as a whole, and the most lucky survivors in crossing one of the hottest deadly, and the greatest Saharan desert that is comparable to the size of the USA, and how to stop them to enter Europe, once they reached Libya. The minister of interior, Otto Schily in Schroders cabinet proposed 12

to Gadhafi to build concentration camps, quarantines, walls in Libya, and secured Gadhafi to provide all what was needed to be realized, so that No Sub-Saharan African will hold their foot on the so called European soil, and seek for shelter and protection what is called Asylum: In their own words, it was reported in Spiegel magazine: “Zudem wird es bei seinem Gespräch mit Gadhafi am Freitag auch um den Flüchtlingsstrom über das Mittelmeer gehen. Bundesinnenminister






Nordafrika Auffangzentren einzurichten.“ Gadhafi did build the detention centers the “Auschwitz” in Libya, by European fund under the EU Return Directive and the Libyan joint act plan that turned to a horrendously overcrowded terra of rape, torture and other systematic violence and abuses of human rights, independent of whether they were refugees who were found in Libya or those who were deported and transported back to Libya from Europe. AI and the Human Rights Watch stated that they were detained for months and even years, which was common. Analog to the Apartheid system in South Africa the European determined the “nationalities” of the refugees to be sent back to the concentration camps in Libya by their skin color and facial characteristics. Andrijasevic, Rutvica (2010), research reported giving exact numbers and dates and measures taken: “Between October 2004 and March 2005, Italian authorities returned more than 1500 irregular migrants and asylum seekers to Libya from Lampedusa 13

holding center. The biggest operation took place between the 1st and 7th of October 2004, four days before the EU lifted its eightyear-long arms embargo on Libya on 11th October 2004. During those six days, a total of 1153 irregular migrants and asylum seekers were expelled to Libya. No information is available concerning the whereabouts of migrants and asylum seekers expelled to Libya. Human Rights Watch believes that the majority has been detained in Libya detention camps. Matthew Carr in his article, How Libya kept migrants out of EU at any cost of 5 April 2011 publication in The Week magazine will also shed more light on how the tyrannical regimes of Africa in general and Libya special played a vital role as the Gatekeepers of Europe and their arts of manipulation and provocation to ill-gain the Cash they demand. Carr wrote: “Last summer he asked the

Temperatures in the Murzuq Desert can rise as high as 108 °F during the brutally hot summer months(MSNBC


EU for €5bn to prevent Europe from "turning black". In October he received a promise of €50 million over the next three years as part









Commission.” Not only Gadhafi but all tyrants in Africa, such as Omar Al-Bashir, Meles Zenawi (died in 2012), and his follower H.M.Desalegn followed implemented the same recipe as Gadhafi did with the donors in general. In fact, the African tyrants studied, invested their time more on the history, culture, psychological make-ups, weak links of their donors than the downtrodden people incarcerated under their rule of barbarism and genocidal acts. Tyrants whose rule is terror and horror find diabolic lies to mimic the donors and invent all possible means to play the direct or indirect (proxy) role to be welcomed by the donors. games of exploitation, genocidal acts with morally dead and ethic-less leaders, greedy for resources in concert on the fate of millions of unarmed civilian citizens incarcerated in their so-called “quasistates” within their artificial boundaries correspondingly, fled out of these prison houses the “UNWANTED BLACK AFRICANS” and hoped to survive let alone to live a life Cornel M. A. Gadhafi in October 2004 in Tripoli, who ruled Libya with an iron-fisted for 42 solid years until the rebels, whom he called them “cockroaches” got and killed him, on 20th of October 2011, And the will be the fate of the TPLF tyrants very soon! 15

for more you can visit [email protected] References DECISION ON THE PROGRESS REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ASSEMBLY DECISIONS ON THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT (ICC) Doc. EX.CL/710(XX) Balkan International Migration in the 1990s Corrado Bonifazi*, Cinzia Conti** and Marija Mamolo* Rotimi Sankore Africa The 1884 scramble was for resources to develop Europe, NewAfrica October No 444, 2005, pp.22 Unsettling Settler Societies: Articulations of Gender, Race, Ethnicity and Class, Sage Series on Race and Ethnic Relations v. 11 (London: Sage, 1995) unsettling-settler-societies/book203718


24-03-17-Truth Baromete11 THE TYRANTS OF NORTH-EAST ...

Mar 24, 2017 - artificial demarcation designed by European colonizers was ... Illustration: Donta Kindesperk: Wanted by the International Criminal Court: ... 24-03-17-Truth Baromete11 THE TYRANTS OF NORTH-EAST AFRICA PART 2.pdf.

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