LAKE REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING June 20, 2016 There was a Regular Meeting of the Lake Region School Board on Monday, June 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria at Songo Locks School. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Janice Barter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Board members present were: Janice Barter, Ben Bowditch, Stan Buchanan, Beth Chaplin, Karen Eller, Tom Hancock, Cindy LeBlanc, Joseph McMahon, Philip Shane, and Karla Swanson-Murphy. Debra Albert, Alison Caulfield, and Nina Stoddard were excused. Administrators present were: Lisa Caron, Cheryl Cline, Kirsten Goff, Elisabeth Peavey, Rosie Schacht, Sherrie Small, Rosie Schacht, Guy Stickney, Maggie Thornton, and Alan Smith, Superintendent of Schools. Anne McMahon was also present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Everyone was asked to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF AGENDA A motion was made by Karla Swanson-Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the agenda with the addition of the Agenda Addendum. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTES A motion was made by Karla Swanson-Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 6, 2016. Vote: 10-Yes, 0-No, 1-Abstention. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS GRADS Presentation Jamie Riel presented a power point presentation.   

He mentioned the following:

A group of people had the opportunity to go to a conference earlier this year which was put on by the State Department of Education and Drop Out Prevention Center. The intent of the conference was for M.S.A.D. #61 and seven other districts to develop a drop-out prevention program. The National Drop Out Prevention Center has done a lot of research (20+ years). They have identified elements that lead to students’ dropping out. By knowing these elements, it is hoped that improvements can be made to keep students in school. The group who attended the conference went before the GRADS Committee on February 11 and shared the results of the conference and a proposal to move

Regular Meeting

June 20, 2016

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GRADS Presentation (continued)

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forward with a District-wide program. The GRADS Committee agreed to adopt the program. Sub-Committees worked during the months of March, April, May and June to develop an Action Plan for the first year. Fifteen strategies were shared that promote success. When these strategies exist, it increases the opportunity for students to stay in school. All 15 strategies are needed to be successful. Basic Foundation Strategies have to be in place before the District can move forward. This includes: o The Systemic Approach  The District has been working on improving attendance at the elementary level for the last three years, and moving those activities to the middle and high school levels  Communication among all five schools is essential, especially during transition years  K-12 Marketing – staff meetings, book studies o School and Community Collaboration  Assess what we are doing to promote school/community partnerships  Are there successful strategies that could be adopted district-wide?  Survey parents/community multiple times throughout the year to get feedback about levels of engagement with Lake Region Schools in addition to how best to increase their stakeholdership. It is important for everyone be part of the effort to keep kids in school. o Safe Learning Environment in all Schools  What do we have? Inventory current practices and systems in place district-wide that promote a safe learning environment. Collect data to measure effectiveness of practices that promote a safe learning environment.  Evaluation: Is what we have effectively promoting a safe learning environment?  What do we need? How do we integrate our present systems and include missing elements to create a district-wide system?

Board comments:  The biggest key is to get family engagement to keep kids in school.  There was a question regarding funding for the program. The purpose of this presentation is to get an endorsement from the Board to go ahead. The Committee will be developing a long-term plan and will come back to the Board with more information.  There are 30 members on the GRADS Committee. The members present were asked to stand.  The District will need to keep the program going for an extended period of time for it to work.  Superintendent Smith added that S.A.D. #3 has been working on this program for a couple of years. A lot of what the program has to offer is already in place, in our District, although, not throughout the entire District. o The administrators presented the program to the GRADS Committee thinking it might be a good fit.

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June 20, 2016

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GRADS Presentation (continued) o

The District needs to understand and needs to get the information everyone can be aware. o The District is required to have have always reported directly to It was recommended that the Committee as implementation of the program will

why students are not staying in school out to the public and businesses so a Drop Out Prevention Committee. They the School Board. report back to the Curriculum Committee affect school policies.

GRADS Committee members and Jamie Riel were thanked for the presentation. Elementary & Secondary Education Consolidated Application (ESEA) Presentation Pat Hayden shared the following information: Prior to this year, school districts received funding through the “No Child Left Behind” Act (NCLB). This year the program has been revised and it is now the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The District is required to complete an Elementary & Secondary Education Consolidated Application which includes funding for Title IA: Basic Disadvantaged; Title IIA: Improving Teacher Quality; and Title VI: Rural Low Income as follows: Title IA:

Basic Disadvantaged – FY 2016:


Projects include:  Supplemental Instruction of Math and Literacy  Parent Reservation – Funds are used to reach out to parents so they understand the Title I program and are aware of their child’s progress; parents learn activities to do with their child, and are invited to attend Elementary Parent Informational Evenings.  Extended Day – Title I Teachers volunteer to do an after school program with students.  Kindergarten Summer Program – This program is new this year. Students were selected through the Kindergarten Screening process. They will attend summer school to learn school routines and get a head start on literacy and numercy skills.  Homeless – This is a requirement of Title I – If a student is homeless, funds are available for transportation, instructional materials, clothing, etc. if needed. Title IIA:

Improving Teacher Quality – FY 2016:


Projects include:  Class Size Reduction o Funds cover the cost of a teacher in Grades K, 1 or 2 to help reduce class size.  Educator Effectiveness o Funds are available to implement the new teacher evaluation program  Improving Instructional Strategies o Funds curriculum work, book studies, data analysis, and best practice instructional strategies  Administrator Professional Development o Funds are used to train administrators to use the Teacher Evaluation rubrics

Regular Meeting Title VI:

June 20, 2016

Rural Low-Income – FY 2016:

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Projects include:    

Kindergarten Orientation – Summer project for kindergarten students and their parents to come to school for a day. Funds cover the cost of bussing the students and parents to school. Summer Technology Institute – Teachers are trained to use software that has been implemented. Teacher Mentoring/Induction – new teachers are assigned a mentor to become familiar with school practices, help with instructional areas, and resources. Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction – Funds are available for teachers to work during the summer to be trained in new classes that will be taught in the fall, common assessments, and summer projects. Funding for FY 2017 has not been released to date.


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Kindergarten teachers held a Teddy Bear Picnic for incoming kindergarten students on May 18. Students went to kindergarten classrooms and engaged in a teddy bear art project while parents met with Beth Peavey in the library for a session of questions and answers. May 19: o A panel of middle school experts from Lake Region Middle School met with fifth grade students to share their experiences as a middle school student. SLS students then had an opportunity to ask questions in preparation for their own transition to middle school. o The PEEPS Committee held a retirement party for our Head Custodian, Rick McConkey. Current SLS staff was joined by former SLS staff members, folks from the maintenance department, and Rick’s family. o A District Title One event was held at Lake Region High School that evening. After a pizza supper, students and families dispersed to different rooms to participate in a variety of hands-on literacy and math activities. As students exited the building they received a bag of books and/or a kit of math games. May 27: The end of the year PBIS events were celebrated - Kindergarten through grade 3 students traveled to the high school track for a “Dance Mile”; grades 4 and 5 held a kickball tournament which was won by Mr. Elder’s class. Each student from the winning team received a trophy handmade by a SLS student. The middle school band, led by Larry Forbes, came to SLS on May 31. SLS students and staff enjoyed the entertaining performance. SLS band and chorus students held a concert on the afternoon of June 2. The gym was filled with parents and family members.

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June 20, 2016

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Songo Locks School (SLS), Cheryl Cline (continued) 

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Mrs. Cline gave a big thank you to Shep and Arleen Shepard for allowing SLS students to travel to Camp Skylemar in Naples for their field days on June 7 and 8. Students engaged in a variety of activities including tie dying shirts, canoeing, swimming and games. Roxanne Mayhew was thanked for organizing the day and the many parent volunteers who were present to assist at each of the stations were thanked. June 8:  Kindergarten teachers invited parents in for an end of year Kindergarten celebration. Students performed several songs with dance movements for their families.  Opportunity Alliance held a senior volunteer dinner in Portland. We have been so fortunate to have two senior volunteers, Nana Robin and Grammie Catherine, working in their classrooms this year. Jill Flagg, Noreen Casey, Alyson Schadler, and Mrs. Cline attended this event in support of the program. June 9: o Principal Stars were given out. o Students participated in a High School Senior Walkthrough, o The school finally celebrated reaching its reading challenge goals. Team Peavey and Team Cline raced through a mousetrap obstacle course. The loser got to be dunked in a dunk tank by the winning team. Mrs. Peavey and the other teachers on the winning team had plenty of towels ready when Mrs. Cline climbed out of the dunk tank to temperatures in the 60’s. Fifth grade students traveled to Lake Region Middle School for a step-up day on June 13. Field trips during May and June included, Holt Pond for 4th grade, District Art Show tours for grade 3, Scribner’s Mill for 5th grade, Crescent Beach for 1st grade, and Maine Wildlife Park for 2nd grade. On the last day of school, students in grades K-4 stepped up to their new teachers. Fifth grade students celebrated their last day of elementary school with a social time and then an awards ceremony. On Friday, June 17, teachers worked on professional development activities including: o SLO’s (student learning objectives) o Learned about research in the area of visual mathematics and looked at mathematics data o Professional Development needs were prioritized for 2016-17.

Sebago Elementary School - Kirsten Goff   

The school has been very busy with field trips, school-wide events, in-house dance residency, special celebrations, and award ceremonies. Grade 5 students went to Lake Region Middle School to shadow a grade 6 student for the morning. This was done to help students not be overwhelmed from going from a small school to a large school in the fall. The Oriental Lodge in Bridgton donated 4 bicycles for the “Bikes for Books” program. The following students received a bike for all the reading they did during the school year: Grade 4 students: Kevin Lucy and Abbie Lavoie. Grade 5 students: Ella Dubay and John Tarantino.

Regular Meeting

June 20, 2016

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Sebago Elementary School - Kirsten Goff (continued) 

On June 17, staff reviewed their SLOs (Student Learning Objectives) with what worked, what did not, and discussed possible ideas for next year. There was a discussion about ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and how certain events can have major, negative impacts on children and their learning experiences. The book “Fostering Resilient Learners” by Kristin Souers and Peter Hall was given to staff. It will be read as a staff next year. “Mathematical Mindsets” by Jo Boaler will also be read by staff next year. The Seniors who attended Sebago Elementary School came to visit in their caps and gowns. It was a very powerful experience for the students to see the students who had attended their school when they were little.

Stevens Brook Elementary School – Cheryl Turpin 

The week of June 6th, Karen Montenaro, a dance and mime artist worked with each of the 5th grade classes. The classes learned individual dances and one whole group dance. They came together for a culminating performance, which was outstanding! All of the students, including the boys, were into it and danced with passion. June 9th was the Senior Walk and it proved to be very exciting and goose bump worthy. When the graduates entered the building, they were greeted with a display of their fifth grade pictures. Pomp and Circumstance was playing over the PA as they walked the halls. Tears were shed by staff whose children were graduating and by teachers who shared in the joy of seeing past students in their caps and gowns. Last Day Assembly was well attended by parents and families. Many students were recognized and it was a great school community event to end the year. The Principal’s Award went to a student, Everett Yannelli, who won a bike through the Mason’s reading challenge. He immediately decided to donate the bike to someone who wouldn’t have a bike. During the Grads presentation, Ms. Hayden shared that the elementary level has been working on improving attendance. This year there were 20 students who earned the Perfect Attendance Award, as compared to seven years ago, when there was one student. The work that is being done is having an effect.

June 17, Staff Professional Development Day included three components: 

Math: o “Positive Norms to encourage in Math Class” were reviewed o Read and processed an article, “Timed Tests and the Development of Math Anxiety” o Read and processed a position paper, “Fluency Without Fear: Research on the Best Ways to Learn Math Facts” ACEs - Adverse Childhood Experiences o The impact on brain development and learning o Teachers were given ACE’s checklists to complete for each of their students. This information will inform guidance support next year. o One of the book studies we are doing next year is, “Fostering Resilient Learners”. The book was distributed for people who prefer to read at their leisure, over the summer.

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June 20, 2016

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SLO’s (Student Learning Objectives) o Each teacher shared his/her student growth target, the results, and the takeaways.

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This summer there are nine room changes taking place. A Summer Kindergarten program called “Get Ready for Kindergarten” will be held at Stevens Brook Elementary School. Two teachers, Sue Shea and Kathi Grossi brought forth the idea of a summer program to Assistant Superintendent Pat Hayden. Title I funding will support this program. The intent of the program is to acclimate incoming Kindergarten students who either haven’t been in school before or who need a boost. The program will run from August 1st to August 19th. Students will be bussed and receive two meals – breakfast and lunch. They will engage in transition activities to get to know the school, their classroom, the café, the playground, and they will engage in academic readiness activities.

Special Services, Lisa Caron   

The Department is currently interviewing staff to fill the Extended School Year services positions. Camp Ranch, a Literacy Program, will be held at Lake Region Middle School this summer. The principals were thanked for their participation with co-teaching. In December 2014, 15 people went to Boston to be trainers. During 2014-15, a pilot co-teaching program with Special Education and Regular Elementary Teachers working together. English and Social Studies are working together at Lake Region High School. There will be 16 Resource Room Teachers co-teaching with a literacy and math focus for the 2016-17 school year. A lot of work is going into evenly distributing the staff for the co-taught classrooms.

ACTION ITEMS Personnel A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the following personnel items as a block:         

Susan Bryant as a Special Education Teacher at Lake Region High School. This is a new budgeted position. Maria Davis as a Speech Pathologist at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Diane Warming who has resigned. Janelle Foster as a Kindergarten Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Amanda Doherty Emily Howes as a Grade 1 Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Kathi Grossi, who has transferred to another position Stephanie LeBlanc as a Special Services Teacher at Lake Region Middle School, replacing Tracy Smith who transferred to another position Angela Stover as a Special Services Secretary at the Special Services Office, replacing Kathleen Brugnoli who has resigned Appointment of Summer School Teachers for Lake Region High School, June 23 – July 1, 2016:

Regular Meeting June 20, 2016 o Barry Johnson – Math o Sasha Kantro – English o George Nye – Social Studies o Guy Stickney – Science o Carissa Miner – Plato o Brian Woodson – Plato  Appointment of Additional Duty Positions for the 2016-17 school year

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Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the above block. Motion carried unanimously. Susan Bryant and Stephanie LeBlanc were introduced and welcomed to the District. Travel Expense Policy A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the revisions to the Travel Expense Policy. Karla Swanson Murphy shared that the Finance Committee reviewed the policy and made the following changes: Minor wording changes were made under “Lodging” Meals: Added:

“Reimbursement for employee meals for partial days will be limited to the individual meal rates or the daily rate when all three meals are reimbursable. Paragraph 3 – Itemized Receipts was put in caps and bolded


Reimbursement Rates and Limits: Meals – Lunch was increased from $10.00 to $12.00 Dinner was increased from $25.00 to $30.00 Daily Rate of $50.00 was added

Motion carried unanimously. Donation A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the following donations as a block:   

Sebago Elementary School received a donation of $24.31 from Target. Girl Scout Troop #1504 donated a picnic table to Sebago Elementary School, with a value of $120.00 Hannaford Helps School Program donated $1,000.00 to Stevens Brook Elementary School. The check will be used for the Greenhouse fund.

Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the above block. Motion carried unanimously.

Regular Meeting June 20, 2016 Page |9 A motion was made by Karla Swanson Murphy, seconded by Beth Chaplin, to approve the request of Amy Mayo, Class Co-Advisor, for an overnight field trip for the Class of 2017 to go to Cold River Campground in New Hampshire on Sunday, September 11, 2016 with a rain date of September 18, 2016. Motion carried unanimously. DISCUSSION ITEMS Food Service Program Sherrie Small shared the following: A couple of weeks ago there was a pre-audit and the auditor took a look at the food service program. The program is having a hard time staying in the black. After three years, there is a $110,000 deficit (2 years prior $33,000 - $50,000 to $60,000 this year. The Board was asked to take a look at the options moving forward: 

Support overexpending the “All Other Expenditures” article for Food Service to absorb the shortage. Take 5% from another article to cover this. The line was increased from $50,000 to $100,000 for 2016-17. o Overages – The majority is due to changes in federal regulations and salaries and benefits. The “Operations and Maintenance” article will also be over expended and need the 5% transfer. The Board agreed to fund some of Andy’s summer projects out of undesignated balances.

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS None. INFORMATION ITEMS Committee Reports Finance Committee Karla Swanson Murphy reported that the Committee met on June 9 and the following items were discussed:    

Copier Bid – it was awarded to ACopy Travel Expense Policy Audit Work Schedule Year ending expenditures budget

Liaison Committee The Be My Guest was a huge success this year. A lot of parents and seniors attended. The Committee will discuss pushing the event back to May next year. Curriculum Committee Karen Eller reported that the Committee had not met.

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Facilities Committee Phil Shane reported that the Committee had not met. Personnel Committee Janice Barter reported that the Personnel Committee had been cancelled. Superintendent’s Report        

Thanked the Seniors and everyone who participated in the arrangements for Graduation. It went very well. The Adult Education Graduation was well received and went very well. Lake Region Middle School’s 8th Grade Celebration went well. Everyone enjoyed having the seniors go back to their elementary school with their cap and gown. Hope to see this continue. It has been a great year. There have been a lot of positive things happening. There have been some very qualified new hires this year. There are very few openings and many have been filled already. Facilities pieces are being done. Thanked everyone for a great year.

Personnel Resignations 

Kathleen Brugnoli resigned as a Special Services Secretary, effective June 10, 2016

Transfer Kathi Grossi is transferring from a Grade 1 to a Grade 2 Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School. BOARD REORGANIZATION Chairperson Superintendent Smith opened nominations for Chairperson. A motion was made by Philip Shane, seconded by Stan Buchanan, to nominate Janice Barter as Board Chairperson. Vote: 9-Yes, 0-No, 1-Abstention. Motion carried. The meeting was turned over to Janice Barter. Vice-Chairperson Janice Barter opened nominations for Vice-Chairperson. A motion was made by Beth Chaplin, seconded by Philip Shane, to nominate Karla Swanson Murphy as Vice-Chairperson. Vote: 9-Yes, 0-No, 1-Abstention. Motion carried.

Regular Meeting Finance Committee

June 20, 2016

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The following people were nominated, and seconded, for the Finance Committee:     

Philip Shane Stan Buchanan Karla Swanson Murphy Karen Eller Thomas Hancock

Motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Beth Chaplin, seconded by Karla Swanson Murphy, to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ______________________________ Secretary ________8/29/16_______________ Date Approved

26 - Minutes - Regular Meeting - 6-20-16.pdf

were: Janice Barter, Ben Bowditch, Stan Buchanan, Beth Chaplin, Karen Eller,. Tom Hancock, Cindy LeBlanc, Joseph McMahon, Philip Shane, and. Karla Swanson-Murphy. Debra Albert, Alison Caulfield, and Nina Stoddard were. excused. Administrators present were: Lisa Caron, Cheryl Cline, Kirsten Goff,. Elisabeth ...

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