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Kerata Service Rules - Grant. o.Special Casual Leave for the employed of plysical1yImfltaliY phalienged chiidren Guidelines issued. FINANCE (RULE:S B) DEPARTMENT 3 0 (P) No 33li1fFin G.O


Dated, Tln.ruvanaflthaPuram 6182011

85.I11in dated 26/2/2011.


Government have mtroduced Special Casuai Leave for a period upto 15 days in

a year, to the employees having physic4iY/rnefltallY challenged

children as per Covermeflt. Order read above.. In furtherance thereof, Oovernfleflt are pleased to issu.e following instiuctiOnS for the guidance of tde leave sanctioning authorities (i)

Special Casual Leave upt

15 days in a calender year shall be giantec to

the employees having -flys1caIl3'!'Yeflt%liY challenged children 'n production of certrcate to tnat effect, fic m an authorised medica1 officer attending theni (11)

Tre leave shall b gnted on more thin one occastons, if needed

altogether not exceedint, 15 days in a calendar year ave o r ordinaly casual leave (in) The leave shall be combined with ordinary le


If both parents are ernpAoyees of Government, a declaration counter sigved by the competent authorii to the effect that the spuse has not availed the leave in that calendar year should be produced. These orders shall have, retrospective effect from 26/212011. Necessar amenrnen1s to Kerala Service Rules will be Issued


By order of the Got. erqo,


Dr.AK..DUBEY Principal Secretary '(Financ) ...,.....: ' The Principal Accountant General (Audit), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram The Accountant General .(A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. All Heads of Departments andOffI•ces. All Departments and Seceons of the Secretariat The D-11.17ector of Treasunes, Thirrn'ananthapuram The Secretary, K PS C, Thiruvananthapuram (with C L) The General Manager,K.S.R.T.C.., Thiriivananth.aptiraip. The Registrar, High Court of Kerala,Prnakuiam:(with. C.L). The Registiars, University of KeralalKochiiCahcutlMahatma GanuhJ Kannur ('.vi'th C.L.). The Registrar, Kerala Lok Ayukta, .Thiruvananthapuram. The Registrar, Kerala Agricultural Umversity, Mannuthi The Secretary, Ombudsman for Local Self Government, Thiruvananthuram The Advocate General, Kerala, Ernakulam (with C L) The Secretary K S E B, I hiruvananthapurarn (wtth C L) All Prrncpal Secretaries/Secretaries/Speci al Secretaries/Additional Secretartes/Jont Secretarres/Deputy Secretanes/Under Secretaries to Government The Secretary to Governor, Rai Bhavan y to SpeaKer/Deputy Speaker of the Leg] slatl\'e The Pr ate Secretary Assembly. The Additional Secretary to the Chief Secretary


Read:- G.O 85.I11in dated 26/2/2011. ORDER. Government have mtroduced Special Casuai Leave for a period upto 15. days in a year, to the employees having ...

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