o All medications (prescription & over-the counter) must be in their original containers. It should include your child’s name, the dosage and directions for administration clearly written on the label. o All prescription medications must have a prescription label with your child’s name. This includes inhalers. A box with the prescription on it, or a note from your physician will work. This will be necessary for sample medications as well. o All medications that will be given to your student (prescription & over-the-counter) must be accompanied with a Provider Medication Authorization form. o School held medications may be sent to the site. Special arrangements must be made with the nurse or health assistant. They will not be sent automatically. o Check that there is adequate medication, (such as insulin or antibiotics), for the entire trip. Additional dosages are recommended for unforeseen situations. o Vitamins, inhalers and cough drops must be checked in as well. NO medication is to be packed in the student’s luggage. o If you would like your child to carry their rescue inhaler, a “permission to carry” form must also be signed by the parent and physician. Please send a second inhaler to keep with the site nurse in case of an emergency.

Please remember: Medication will NOT be administered on the trip if the appropriate signed Provider Medication Authorization form is not received for ALL medications. Consult your school nurse or health assistant with questions.

Health and Wellness - 620 Wilcox St. - Castle Rock, CO 80104 - 303-387-0260

Rev: 10-18-16 gb.

4E Medication Reminders for Parents-Revised 10-18-16.pdf

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