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6664 Register Number

Language — Part I — KANNADA — Paper II Time Allowed : 3 Hours ]


[ Maximum Marks : 80


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6664 IV.


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More people live in villages than in towns and cities in our country. But many of the villagers are poor. They live in mud houses. There are not enough wells in many villages. So people do not get water to drink. Things are slowly changing now. Government authorities have started a country wide plan to provide drinking water to all villages. -oOo-

6664 Kannada Paper II.pmd - DGE TN

母瘙彴母w澔乜i斂社闡z燧t 蛻鉞氈祀Vz乜i厊 JAz斂S臀鮑母r¹P囡踐. 蛻鉞氈v乜i斂啗K z髻曙. P囡g償优糯濫啗v霏燭t罔 P囡o黔罔鏽圈Z縵霏鮑U w蝴. (2). §g乜i斂效社競斂 Cq濱U仩 J暴Ai斂效勻 Cxå°· P壎斂 掄翠i斂 懼尬戴j 瑭U曙DP檀wU擘壓斂 /nobr> g餚蛻效玉木荔尬戴j. I. F P冱頸 母瘙彴U擘幫 Ai鬨薊斃z膾髻曙Lz ...

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