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Unit 7 Our Towns

Activity 1 Working in pairs match each picture with its name (There are some words left) (Photos from Free photos bank & Wikicommons): a) Show the picture to your partner and say: This is a _____________

tram, train, plane, car, bike, horse, underground (AmE subway, in London Eng. tube), motorbike, lorry (AmE. truck), cargo ship, taxi (AmE cab), boat, coach, bus

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Choose a picture and ask your partner:

When was the last time you travelled by ________________? 

The last time I travelled by_________________ was ___________

I’ve never travelled by____________

Tags: speaking, vocabulary, means of transport, present perfect

Activity 2 a) Fill in the gaps using one of the following words (look them up in a dictionary if you need it). conductor, driver, director, manager, pilot, headmaster  My father’s favorite film ________________ is Woody Allen.  All the musicians stood up to greet the _______________.  Our school _________________________ is very strict.  She gave the taxi _________________ a generous tip.  If you want to get a salary increase, you will have to talk to the ___________  The _____________ made the plane land.

b) Working with your partner, find out the differences between the following pair of words. Write down a definition in your own words for each term. Coach / bus

Tram / train

Van / lorry

Passenger / pedestrian

Driver / conductor

Pavement / sidewalk

Park (verb) / park (noun)

Parking lot / car park

Traffic lights / Street lamp

Traffic sign / traffic signal

Traffic jam / traffic flow Tags: writing, vocabulary, means of transport

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Activity 3 Read these texts describing a Romanian and an Italian city.


is a city and comune in Italy, capital of the province of the same

name, located in Tuscany. Arezzo is about 80 km southeast of Florence and 218 km north of Rome, at an elevation of 296 metres above sea level. In 2011 the population was about 100,000. It was an important Etruscan town. It was known to the Romans as Arretium. Arezzo was made in the 11th cent. a free commune, siding with the Ghibellines. Arezzo is also famous for Guido d'Arezzo, the Medieval priest who originated solfeggio (the mnemonic music system musicians use nowadays). Piero della Francesca, the painter, was born in the province of Arezzo and spent most of his life in the city. Petrarch, the poet, is also a celebrity of this town in the region of Tuscany. Nowadays, it is an agricultural trade centre and has machine, clothing, gold, and jewelry industries and is also a tourist center.


is the county seat of Prahova County and lies in the historical

region of Wallachia in Romania. The city is located 56 km north of Bucharest. Ploiești has direct access to the Prahova Valley, one of the most important alpine tourism area in Romania. According to the 2011 Romanian census, there were 201,226 people living within the city of Ploiești, making it the 9th most populous city in Romania. Ploiești was first mentioned in documents in the 16th century. It flourished as a center for trade and handicraft manufacturing in the 17th and 18th centuries. In the mid-19th century the Ploiești region was one of the world's leading oil extraction and refinery sites. Some of them are still working nowadays. Several proeminent writers have been affiliated with the city, including Ion Luca Caragiale, Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea, Ioan A. Bassarabescu, Nichita Stănescu, Geo Bogza, Radu Tudoran and philosopher Petre P. Negulescu. Adapted texts from the Wikipedia.

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Tick the right column, signaling if next sentences are true for Arezzo, Ploiesti, both cities or none of them. Arezzo




It is the capital of its region. There is a countess living in the city. It is north of the capital of its country. It is one of the 10 biggest cities of its country. Its history is longer than 8 eight centuries. It was founded in the 19th century. It was a commercial point for the last centuries. It is famous thanks to a picture. It is famous thanks to a musician. Among its celebrities there is a writer. It is a tourist centre. It is placed near a famous mountain area. It has an important refinery. It is famous for its clothes shops.

Tags: reading, town

Activity 4 Comparative and superlatives

a) Imagine that these are the full speed of different means of transport. Make sentences comparing them. For instance: The car is faster than… or The car is slower than… The fastest… The slowest… Car





“On foot”







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b) These are the prices of a bus or underground single ticket in different European cities. Make sentences comparing them. For instance: The bus in Bucharest is cheaper than… The bus is more expensive than… The cheapest… The most expensive…

Be careful! Fares are in different currencies, check the exchange rate on internet. Bucharest




2.50 lei

TL 4

€ 2.15

€ 1.50

Tags: writing, comparatives, superlatives

Activity 5 a) Complete the missing information in your chart asking your partner (Possible questions: When was _________ founded? How big is____________? What’s its population? Where is it situated? Which are its coordinates?) b) When you have completed your chart, make sentences comparing these towns and using the adjective in brackets. For instance, Istanbul is bigger than Ploiesti or Arezzo is less populated than Tarragona… PARTNER 1

Foundation (old, new) Area city (big, small) Coordinates (northern, southern, eastern, western) Population (more /less populated)

Istanbul c. 660 BC


5,196 km2

Arezzo 6th century BC 386.25 km2

41°00’N 28°57′E

43°28′N 11°52′ E




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PARTNER 2 Istanbul Foundation (old, new) Area city (big, small) Coordinates (northern, southern, eastern, western) Population (more /less populated)

Ploiesti 16th century


Tarragona 5th century BC

58.2 km2

55.60 km2

44°56′N 26°2′E

41°06′N 1°14′



Tags: speaking, comparatives, superlatives

Activity 6 Listening to the recording and complete the text using one of these words: medieval, times, beaches, Catalonia, fireworks, typical, fresh, several, called, in front of, ends, can, shopping, fishermen, should Tarragona






The weather is

good all year, but in summer you can enjoy





_____________ festivals. Tarragona





____________ and views over the Mediterranean Sea. This town was very important in Roman _______________. It still has a lot of Roman remains. The old town has a Cathedral and some interesting old buildings.

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The main street, _____________ Rambla Nova, is a big and long boulevard. It begins with a big balcony _________________ the sea and it __________ in front of the mountains. In Tarragona you _________ enjoy walking the narrow streets in the old town with small squares full of cafés where you can feel the past of history. The new town has a lot of restaurants and terraces and also boutiques for_______________. It has two very different parts: in the North, the __________











of and

terraces where you can eat __________ fish caught daily. During the festivals you can watch the human towers, the_______________, the big parade. You can also eat ______________ meals, drink a typical spirit called Chartreuse and dance in different concerts. For all these reasons I think you_______________ come to Tarragona. Images from Wikipedia Write a similar text talking about the town or village where you live or where you spend your holidays. Insert an image and show and read the text to your class mates. __________________ is situated in ______________. The weather is _________ …

Tags: listening, writing, town, description

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Activity 7 Complete the text asking your partner about the missing information. (Use Wh- question words and ask for spelling when you need). PARTNER 1: Istanbul is a city on the ___________ side of Turkey. It is the largest city in Europe in population. Istanbul is also the 3rd largest European city in size. It was the capital city of the old __________________until 1923. The city has been








names Byzantium and Constantinople. Being a seaport, Istanbul is the main trade center of Turkey. Istanbul faces the Golden Horn and the Bosporus strait. The Bosphorus connects the ______________and the Sea of Marmara, and separates Europe and Asia. The city is actually in both Europe and Asia. One third of the people live on the Asian side. Its population is between 11 and 15 million people, making it one of the largest cities in Europe. Many people migrate to Istanbul every year. Byzantium was originally settled as a colony by Greeks in ________ and named after their king, Byzas. In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Romans, then rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. Constantine the Great thought this city was in a nice location, and in 330, moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to there, renaming the city Constantinople, after his name. When the Roman Empire was later divided into two, the East Roman Empire was known as the Byzantine Empire, and its capital was in Constantinople where Hagia Sophia had been built. Although




by _____________ for a time, it continued





cultural, religious and economical centers of Europe until it finally fell to the Ottoman Turks in1453 After the Ottoman Empire ended, the Republic of Turkey was started with its capital at Ankara.

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Istanbul is a city on the European side of Turkey. It is the

largest city in Europe in population. Istanbul is also the ________ largest European city in size. It was the capital city of the old Ottoman Empire until 1923. The











names ___________ and Constantinople . Being a seaport, Istanbul is the main trade center of Turkey. Istanbul faces the Golden Horn and the Bosporus strait. The Bosphorus connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, and separates Europe and Asia. The city is actually in both Europe and Asia. _______________ live on the Asian side. Its population is between 11 and 15 million people, making it one of the largest cities in Europe. Many people migrate to Istanbul every year. Byzantium was originally settled as a colony by Greeks in 667 BC and named after their king, Byzas. In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Romans, then rebuilt




Emperor __________________.



Great thought this city was in a nice location, and in 330, moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to there, renaming the city Constantinople, after his name. When the Roman Empire was later divided into two, the East Roman Empire was known as the Byzantine Empire, and its capital was in Constantinople where Hagia Sophia had been built. Although it was captured by Crusaders for a time, it continued as one of political, cultural, religious and economical centers of Europe until it finally fell to the Ottoman Turks in _________. After


ended, Turkey was



the Republic started


of its

capital at Ankara. Text adapted from Simple English Wikipedia

Tags: reading, speaking, town, description

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Activity 8 Watch this short video guide about Istanbul and answer the questions.

How many cities in the world are between two continents like Istanbul?

Which is the biggest Ottoman Mosque in Istanbul?

What can you find inside Galata Tower?

What kind of art can you find inside Istanbul Modern?

How many shops are there in the Grand Bazaar?

How can you take a break from the crowds?

When are you recommended to buy your tickets for Topkapi Palace?

Which is, according to the guide, the most impressive building in Istanbul?

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Activity 9 PARTNER 1 (Where is…? Next to, opposite, between…) Asking your partner discover where these places are: hospital, church, sport center, bakery, chemistry, theatre, café



High street




Main square




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PARTNER 2 (Where is…? Next to, opposite, between…) Asking your partner discover where these places are: clothes shop, library, greengrocer’s, petrol station, mosque, news agent, town hall






High street


Main square




Tags: speaking, vocabulary, town

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Activity 10 Watch this musical video from Romanian singer Inna singing in English ( 8E60A&index=2) and complete it with the right verses. A million miles away / Can you bring the sun in my way / I have dreamed a better place / Hope you'll be a better man As I'm going going down ____________________ As the world turns round and round Start is always in my fate Sometimes you go away ____________________ Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise ____________________ Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life Now I close my eyes again And I'm thinking to myself Will I ever love again ____________________ Sometimes you go away ____________________ Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise ____________________ Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life Sometimes you go away ____________________ Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise ____________________ Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life Tags: listening

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Activity 11 Look at these photos from Istanbul and Ploiesti streets. Write a description of these photos using the vocabulary you have learned throughout this unit and compare both images.


Ploiesti Own photos.

Tags: writing, vocabulary, means of transport, town

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Cross-curricular activity I Tarraco History Activity created with History teacher Juan Antonio Martínez. a) Work with your partner. Look at Old Town Tarraco’s map and place the sites on the map (you have to match the Roman number in the map with the Arabic number in the list).

Adapted map from Tarrgona Tourism Information centre.




Roser Gateway / Walls entrance

Roman city walls (3rd - 1st centuries BC). Modern fortifications (14th -18th centuries).


Tarraco miniature

Miniature reconstruction of the city of Tarraco in the 2nd century.


Royal Square / Archaeological

National Archaeological Museum: sculptures, mosaics and objects of material culture from

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Museum and Pretorium

Tarraco. Roman Tower (1st century)


Forum square

Roman walls (1st century)





S. Antoni gateway

One of the gates in Tarragona’s city walls (18th century)


Rector’s office (URV)

Old city slaughter. Art Nouveau building (20th century).


County Government / Ancient Hospital

Romanesque-Gothic (12th -14th century)



Archbishop’s Seminar


Palace Square / Cloister’s Virgin Street

Gateway to the Cathedral cloister


Cathedral Square

Cathedral façade (XII-XIV centuries)


Fountain Square

Tarragona Town Hall



Building used for horses and chariots races (1st century)


Castellarnau House

Castellarnau family palace


b) Student A: You have to design an itinerary going through all the odd numbers. You don’t have to put them in order, but design a circular route starting and ending in I. Student B: You have to design an itinerary going through all the even numbers. You don’t have to put them in order, but design a circular route starting and ending in X. c)

You have to prepare yourself to become a Tarraco’s guide. Write the

itinerary with all the directions commands (turn left, go straight ahead until, etc.) and copy the History explanations as a guideline. Tags: writing, town, directions, TIC, History, Maths

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Cross-curricular activity II Maths in Roman Tarraco Activity created by Maths teacher Natalia Real.

Miniature reconstruction of the city of Tarraco.

a) In this small-scale model (1:500) you





different most

Roman important

building in Roman Tarraco was the Temple of Augustus. It was placed where the current Cathedral is. In this model, each column of the Temple measures 3 cm and the front of the building is 5 cm high. 5 cm

Could you find out which were

3 cm

the real measurements of the columns and the front of this Temple?

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b) The Provincial Forum’s square was a rectangular space measuring 325 x 175 metres and surrounded on three sides by an intricate

325 m

portico. The inside was most likely decorated




statuary, nowadays a lot of these inscribed pedestals can still be seen, for example, along Carrer Merceria. Find out the area of this square…

c) The Roman circus was the site of horse chariot races, usually between two-horse chariots, known as bigae, or four horse chariots, known as quadrigae. Tarragona’s circus is one of the best conserved in all the Western world, despite the fact that much of the structure remains hidden under a series of 19th century buildings. More than 24,000 spectators used to enjoy the races. They sat on the 12 rows of seats called “Càvea.”. Find out how many spectators sat on each row of seats… Tags: reading, cross-curricular, Math

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Unit 7 Our Towns Assessment Assessment activity 1 Now, you are going to be a Tarragona’s guide. Revise and memorize the itinerary you prepared in Cross-curricular activity I. If you are lucky enough to be in Tarragona, go to the departure point with your teacher. If you are not in Tarragona, your teacher will open Google Maps (with street vision if available) and you will move in Tarragona Old Town Streets with this tool. Give him/her the instructions in English so you can move and visit all the places you have prepared. Every time you reach a signalled point, look at the building and read him/her the History explanation.

Assessment activity 2 Watch this video ( (from 00.35)) of a guided visit to Bran castle and answer the questions. Where does the guided visit start?

What were the first uses of Bran Caste when it was built?

Was the main entrance the entrance to the castle when it was built?

How is called the room with the arches in Gothic style?

Who was the castle donated to?

How do they go up to the third floor?

How was the entrance to the passage masked before the restoration works?

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Assessment activity 3 Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the box: area - biggest - boats - bridge - century - flow - grow - harbour - high highway - larger - largest - location - meters - million - mosque - most oldest - over - restaurants - ships - side - square - station - the - western

Istanbul is a fascinating city built on two Continents and divided by the Bosphorus Strait. This is one of __________________ greatest cities in the world where you can see a modern __________________ city combined with a traditional eastern city. From the foundation of Byzantium in the 7th century BC until today, Istanbul held always an important role in the history of humanity in this part of the world. Everybody wanted to gain control of this area because of its strategic __________________. Since the Republic in 1923, Istanbul continued to __________________









__________________ people living in this city. This makes Istanbul the __________________ city of Turkey. The










__________________ of Istanbul. It is a natural __________________ where Byzantine and Ottoman fleet and commercial

__________________ were

anchored. Today, it's surrounded by parks and promenades with ancient sites around it. In the beginning of 16th __________________ Leonardo da Vinci projected a __________________ to be built over the Golden Horn for the sultan. It was intended to be a single span of 240 __________________ and 24 meters __________________ from the water, but it was never built. There was no bridge










__________________ provided transportation between the two shores. The first Galata Bridge, which connects present day Karaköy to Eminönü, was built in 1836.The Unkapani (also named as Atatürk) Bridge further up the Golden Horn handles the

__________________ of traffic between Beyoglu and Created by Yolanda Cabré under ©© This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source.

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Saraçhane. The third one over the Golden Horn is called the Haliç Bridge with the __________________ passing through. The Grand Bazaar is one of the __________________ and largest covered markets in the world. It was built of wood after the Conquest of Istanbul around an old Byzantine building and got

__________________ throughout the

centuries. Today the bazaar covers an __________________ of approximately 31 thousand __________________meters with its over 3000 shops, 61 streets, over









________________, change offices, a police ________________ and 22 gates There are __________________ 3,000 mosques in Istanbul of all sizes. The __________________ is the House of prayer in Islam, one of the most important elements of the religion. The __________________ one in the city is Süleymaniye Mosque from 16th century, and the __________________ important one is Sultan Ahmet Mosque (known as Blue Mosque) from 17th century. Text adapted from

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Assessment activity 4 Look at these photos from Arezzo and Tarragona and write a description of these photos comparing both images. You can frame your description with all the background information you have learned in this unit.

Arezzo - Photo by Yolanda Cabré

Tarragona - Photo by Monica Sorina

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Unit 7 Our Towns Answer Key Activity 1 Coach / bus


Cargo ship

Underground (Am. Eng. subway, London; tube)



taxi (Am En. cab)

Bicycle (bike)


Activity 2 a)      

My father’s favorite film director is Woody Allen. All the musicians stood up to greet the conductor. Our school headmaster is very strict. She gave the taxi driver a generous tip. If you want to get a salary increase, you will have to talk to the manager The pilot made the plane land.

Activity 3 Arezzo Ploiesti It is the capital of its region.

Both X

There is a countess living in the city.


It is north of the capital of its country.


It is one of the 10 biggest cities of its country. Its history is longer than 8 eight centuries.



It was founded in the 19th century.


It was a commercial point for the last centuries.


It is famous thanks to a picture. It is famous thanks to a musician. Among its celebrities there is a writer.



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It is a tourist centre.


It is placed near a famous mountain area.


It has an important refinery.


It is famous for its clothes shops.


Activity 5 CITIES’ CHART Istanbul




c. 660 BC

16th century

6th century BC

5th century BC

5,196 km2

58.2 km2

386.25 km2

55.60 km2





(northern, southern, 28°57′E eastern, western)


11°52′ E






Foundation (old, new) Area city (big, small) Coordinates


(more /less populated)

Activity 6 Tarragona is situated in South Catalonia. The weather is good all year, but in summer you can enjoy more because there are several festivals. Tarragona has got very good beaches and views over the Mediterranean Sea. This town was very important in Roman times. It still has a lot of Roman remains. The old town has a Cathedral and some interesting old buildings. The main street, called Rambla Nova, is a big and long boulevard. It begins with a big balcony in front of the sea and it ends in front of the mountains. In Tarragona you can enjoy walking the narrow streets in the old town with small squares full of cafés where you can feel the past of history. The new town has a lot of restaurants and terraces and also boutiques for shopping. Created by Yolanda Cabré under ©© This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source.

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It has two very different parts: in the North, the medieval town; in the South, the port of the fishermen, also with restaurants and terraces where you can eat fresh fish caught daily. During the festivals you can watch the human towers, the fireworks, the big parade. You can also eat typical meals, drink a typical spirit called Chartreuse and dance in different concerts. For all these reasons I think you should come to Tarragona.

Activity 7 Istanbul is a city on the European side of Turkey. It is the largest city in Europe in population. Istanbul is also the 3rd largest European city in size. It was the capital city of the old Ottoman Empire until 1923. The city has been known since ancient times by the older names Byzantium and Constantinople. Being a seaport, Istanbul is the main trade center of Turkey. Istanbul faces the Golden Horn and the Bosporus strait. The Bosphorus connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara, and separates Europe and Asia. The city is actually in both Europe and Asia. One third of the people live on the Asian side. Its population is between 11 and 15 million people, making it one of the largest cities in Europe. Many people migrate to Istanbul every year. Byzantium was originally settled as a colony by Greeks in 667 BC and named after their king, Byzas. In 196 AD, Byzantium was damaged by the Romans, then rebuilt by the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. Constantine the Great thought this city was in a nice location, and in 330, moved the capital of the Empire from Rome to there, renaming the city Constantinople, after his name. When the Roman Empire was later divided into two, the East Roman Empire was known as the Byzantine Empire, and its capital was in Constantinople where Hagia Sophia had been built. Although it was captured by Crusaders for a time, it continued as one of political, cultural, religious and economical centers of Europe until it finally fell to the Ottoman Turks in1453. After the Ottoman Empire ended, the Republic of Turkey was started with its capital at Ankara.

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Activity 8 How many cities in the world are between two continents like Istanbul? None. It’s the only one. Which is the biggest Ottoman Mosque in Istanul? The Blue Mosque. What can you find inside Galata Tower? A coffee place. What kind of art can you find inside Istanbul Modern? Modern and Contemporary art. How many shops are there in the Grand Bazaar? There are more than four thousand shops. How can you take a break from the crowds? Visiting one of the islands by ferry. When are you recommended to buy your tickets for Topkapi Palace? You should buy the tickets in advance. Which is, according to the guide, the most impressive building in Istanbul? Hagia Sophia.

Activity 10 As I'm going going down I have dreamed a better place As the world turns round and round Start is always in my fate Sometimes you go away A million miles away Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my way Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life Now I close my eyes again And I'm thinking to myself

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Will I ever love again Hope you'll be a better man Sometimes you go away A million miles away Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my way Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life Sometimes you go away A million miles away Sometimes you don't know where Don't worry I'll be there Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my way Can you bring me sunrise, can you bring me the sunrise Can you bring the sun in my life

Cross-curricular activity II a) We know that 1 cm of the model represents 500 cm of the Roman Temple. So… If

1 cm model = 500 cm Temple


3 cm model=


cm Temple

Column = 1,500cm = 1.5 m Front= 2,500 cm = 2.5 m b) We get the area of a square by multiplying both sides. Area= 325x175= 56,875 m2 c) To find out the number of people sat in each row , we have to divide the people between the number of rows in the Càvea. So there would be… 24,000: 12 = 2,000 people sat in each row.

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Unit 7 Our Towns Assessment - Answer Key

Assessment activity 2 Where does the guided visit start? In front of the main entrance. What were the first uses of Bran Caste when it was built? It was a military fortress and a custom office. / Financial purpose and military purpose. Was the main entrance the entrance to the castle when it was built? No, it wasn’t. How is called the room with the arches in Gothic style? Gothic room. Who was the castle donated to? To the Queen. How do they go up to the third floor? Through the secret staircase. How was the entrance to the passage masked before the restoration works? By the fireplace.

Assessment activity 3 Istanbul is a fascinating city built on two Continents and divided by the Bosphorus Strait. This is one of the greatest cities in the world where you can see a modern western city combined with a traditional eastern city. From the foundation of Byzantium in the 7th century BC until today, Istanbul held always an important role in the history of humanity in this part of the world. Everybody wanted to gain control of this area because of its strategic location. Since the Republic in 1923, Istanbul continued to grow and today it boosted its population over 14 million people living in this city. This makes Istanbul the largest city of Turkey.

The Golden Horn is a horn-shaped fiord on the European side of Istanbul. It is a natural harbour where Byzantine and Ottoman fleet and commercial ships were anchored. Today, it's surrounded by parks and promenades with ancient sites around it. In the beginning of 16th century Leonardo da Vinci projected a bridge to be built over the Golden Horn for the sultan. It was intended to be a single span of 240 meters and 24 meters high from the water, but it was never built. There Created by Yolanda Cabré under ©© This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source.

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was no bridge over the Golden Horn before the 19th century. Small boats provided transportation between the two shores. The first Galata Bridge, which connects present day Karaköy to Eminönü, was built in 1836.The Unkapani (also named as Atatürk) Bridge further up the Golden Horn handles the flow of traffic between Beyoglu and Saraçhane. The third one over the Golden Horn is called the Haliç Bridge with the highway passing through.

The Grand Bazaar is one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world. It was built of wood after the Conquest of Istanbul around an old Byzantine building and got larger throughout the centuries. Today the bazaar covers an area of approximately 31 thousand square meters with its over 3000 shops, 61 streets, over 20 thousand employees, 4 fountains, several cafes and restaurants, change offices, a police station and 22 gates

There are over 3,000 mosques in Istanbul of all sizes. The mosque is the House of prayer in Islam, one of the most important elements of the religion. The biggest one in the city is Süleymaniye Mosque from 16th century, and the most important one is Sultan Ahmet Mosque (known as Blue Mosque) from 17th century.

Created by Yolanda Cabré under ©© This worksheet can be freely used and modified mentioning its source.

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