As a result of this class you will be able to: ● ● ● ● ●

Understand the importance of making positive health choices Obtain, interpret and apply health information in order to promote personal, family and community health Analyze the influence of cultural beliefs, media and technology on health Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and other social skills which enhance health Develop a deep understanding and appreciation for being healthy

In this class you will be expected to: ●

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Regularly attend courses (adhere to the attendance policy) outside normal school hours (approx 1x weekly Tues or Thurs depending on forthcoming calendar @ 6:30 am) Daily log into a computer outside of school hours and complete daily assignments Make arrangements and be responsible for your own transportation to school when meeting outside normal school hours Provide and maintain your own working technology (hardware/software/Internet) Make a strong commitment to learning in a non-traditional setting Meet deadlines for completing and submitting assignments independently and online Receive a letter grade based on the CJHS grading scale After 3 absences a student will be on an attendance contract putting them at risk of failing the course. Percentage wise, this is the equivalent of missing 12 of 90 days.



Requirements to apply to Zero hour Accelerated (Blended) Health: ●

● ● ●

Students must have and maintain all A’s and B’s in their 7th grade year. You must attach a copy of your 1st semester final grades and a copy of your current grades from Synergy. Students must be dual enrolled in both music (year long choir, orchestra or band) and a foreign language. Complete and submit a printed copy of a completed online readiness survey @ Students must describe in at least 200 words each, the following questions (typed, 1 ½ spaced, 12 font) a. Why do you think you would be a good choice for this class? b. Given that the structure of this class is nontraditional, describe the qualities you think are needed for success in the course.

● Your signed contract, written essay, readiness survey, copy of your 1st semester report card, and a copy of your current grades printed from Synergy, need to be attached to your scheduling card and turned into your CJHS counselor by March 23, 2017.



8 th Grade – Zero Hour Blended Health Syllabus Mr. Gunther [email protected] Course Description: Zero hour 8th grade blended health is offered as an alternative to meeting the Health 8 requirement for the disciplined, self directed, technology wise student that is enrolled in both music and a foreign language and NOT enrolled in CSM Tech. Course Expectations: Students in Zero hour Blended health will be responsible for logging into their school account daily to access and complete assignments (assigned online) and for keeping them organized and submitted on time. Additionally, group projects will be assigned in class and will need to be collaborated on independent of class time. Students will also be responsible for attending weekly class sessions before official school hours (6:30 a.m.). Textbooks and Materials: There is no textbook for the course. Students will be required to create and maintain a binder with course materials. Students will need daily access to functional technology, including a computer that has a reliable Internet connection along with the ability to print. During the first class session, students will learn how to access the course calendar and daily assignments. Grading Plan: Grades are based on the point system. Each assignment is assigned a point value based on the difficulty and importance. The school wide grading scale will be used to determine the student’s final grade. A student’s final average is computed by taking the total number of points received divided by the total number of possible points creating a percentage. For Example: Unit TestSection QuizDaily WorkYou earned:

You received 88 out of 100 possible points You received 40 out of 50 possible points You received 27 out of 30 possible points 155 out of 180 possible points. 155/180 = .861 or 86%

Syllabus continued... ● Each student is required to create and maintain a binder consisting of the following items: 1) daily online assignments, 2) class notes, 3) activities and worksheets, 4) copies of group projects and 5) journal entries. All student work must be added to the binder unless otherwise noted by the teacher. 3


Any work done in class or at home should be placed in the student’s binder, which the student should bring to each class.

Each student will participate in several individual/small group activities/presentations.

Course Policies: Late Work: Work turned in within seven days of the assigned due date will receive 50% credit. After that time students will NOT receive credit for late work. Student Work: Students will be expected to complete assignments outside of class time on a regular basis. All students are expected to read class material, think critically and write effectively. Students are expected to use complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling in every written performance. Binders: Students will be required to bring class binders to class everyday. You will be expected to maintain a neatly organized binder for the duration of the class. Your binder will be filled with items you have created and assignments that reflect your mastery of course objectives. The teacher will give you regular guidance on how to construct and maintain your binder. Group Activities: You will be working in groups on a regular basis. Your group will be given cooperative learning activities to complete. You will be expected to be an active member of your group and participation points will be assessed accordingly. Extra Credit: Opportunities for extra credit will be offered from time to time. Extra credit is extra work above and beyond the usual homework, not work used to cover up missing work and therefore will not be allowed if a student has missing work. Absences: Zero hour attendance policy is that after 3 absences a student will be on an attendance contract putting them at risk of failing the course. Percentage wise, this is equivalent of missing 12 of 90 days of class . If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get all late work from the teacher and return it in a timely manner.

Syllabus continued… Class Rules: ● The student is expected to treat the teacher and other students with respect at all times. I like to use as a guideline “Do the Right Thing.” You know what is right and wrong and you will be expected to act accordingly. ● Students are expected to be in their seats and prepared for class when class begins. Being prepared for class means having all materials, portfolios, books, pens, etc. out and ready.



● Being prepared also means being present mentally…NOT playing with electronics, reading a book, or doing homework from another course. If you are doing these things the object you are playing with will be confiscated and may not be returned until the end of semester. ● Pay attention. Talking while the teacher is instructing or while other students are presenting will not be permitted. Listen the first time directions are given. Class Materials: All students will need the following: Three Ring Binder Working computer with printer Notebook Paper (college ruled) Pen or pencil with blue or black ink

Statement for Academic Dishonesty: Academic honesty is expected in this class. Cheating will not be tolerated. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the actual giving or receiving of any unauthorized aid or assistance or the actual giving or receiving of unfair advantage on any form of academic work. A student shall not engage in plagiarism, which includes the copying of language, structure, idea and/or thought of another and represent it as one’s own original work. Penalty -Administrative intervention to expulsion, loss of grade and/or class credit.




Student willing to complete DAILY online assignments Willing to arrive once weekly at 6:30 a.m. for class Have updated working computer available with printer Copy of 2016/2017 1st semester report card showing all A’s and B’s and a copy of current grades printed from Synergy. ❏ Printed copy of online readiness survey ❏ Typed application essay (see instructions) ❏ Signed and returned to CJHS counselor by March 23, 2017

I have read and understand the Zero Hour Blended Health Syllabus and Contract and understand that I am making a commitment to follow the rules and procedures outlined in them. Parent/Guardian Signature:___________________________________Date:______________ Student Signature:______________________________________ Date :__________________ (please print name) Parent Phone: ________________________________________________________________

For the personal, responsible and social growth of your child, please direct them to contact me directly with any questions or problems prior to a parent contact. I will NOT respond to a parent unless there has first been a student contact. Thank you.


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