Tewkesbury Abbey Palm Sunday 9 April 2017
We would be happy to bring you communion in your seat - please tell a sidesman before the start of the service.
Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) Collect and Readings for The Sunday next before Easter from the Book of Common Prayer
There is a quiet play area set up in the North Aisle for pre-school children and their parents during the 9.15am and 11am services. 9.15 LINK for children will not be meeting today.
9.15am 10.15am 11.00am 5.00pm
9.15 Together Eucharist and Procession of Palms with the Tewkesbury Town Training Band & Daisy the donkey Refreshments will be served in the Visitor Centre All are welcome Procession of Palms and Sung Eucharist Palm Sunday Cantata The Crucifixion by John Stainer
For Your Prayers
The Sick David Camp, Vicky Clokey, Stewart Morgan, Bishop Michael Perham The Departed Thomas Ryland, Richard Smith, Carol Lock Year’s Mind
If you know of someone who is sick and ought to be on the bulletin please forward their name to the Abbey Office having first obtained their permission to do so.
Easter Lilies
The money donated for Memory Lilies last Easter made the Abbey so beautiful. Donations this year can be given after the following services each Sunday morning until Easter to: 9.15am service - Jennifer Barrett 10.30am - Rona Pritchard 11am service - Doreen Shore or taken to the Abbey Office.
Cheques should be made payable to Tewkesbury Abbey Flower Guild.
You will be given a blank Easter card on which to write your own personal message and to hang on the Memory Tree near the War Memorial from Palm Sunday onwards. If you need help in any way please ring 295076 or 276487.
Friends of Tewkesbury Abbey Inaugural Fitzhamon Lecture ‘The Secret Life of an Archivist’ by Patrick Webley Thursday 27 April at 7.00pm in the Parish Hall. Ticket including refreshments £6 (Friends £5) available on the door There has been a wonderful response over recent weeks, as we build up stocks ready for increased demand over the school holidays. Many thanks indeed.
The Foodbank is in need of: UHT milk, long life fruit juice cartons, sugar, instant mash, tinned sponge puddings, cereals, tinned tomatoes, tinned vegetables, tinned rice pudding, biscuits, tea bags, instant coffee, jam, tinned ham, tinned corned beef, toilet rolls, shampoo, shower gel.
Abbey Books Janet Davis is still in need of some practical help with the books. If you could help please contact her on 07989 177107
Compline @ Tewkesbury Abbey 9pm Monday 10 April sung by The Songmen
Young Friends of Tewkesbury Abbey. Our 'Hidden Spaces' tour, followed by lunch, will take place on the 29 April. If you have already applied to join the Young Friends and asked for a place on this, our first exciting event, you should hear from us soon by email, if you have not already done so. If you have not applied yet, this is a reminder that the closing date for applications for the tour is Easter Sunday. It would be such a shame if you were tucking into your Easter eggs, thinking 'Oops! I forgot!'. If you need another form please ask Joanne Raywood, or email
[email protected] Carers Gloucestershire's Velocity Zipwire
If you haven't sponsored Philippa yet, catch her at a service or the Abbey Office or online at www.virginmoneygiving.com/ team/shawzipwire Grove Charities A one bed roomed flat in the Russell Alms Houses is becoming available for older people with limited means. Please contact Linda Jeffreys 298368
Abbey Office: 01684 850959
[email protected]
Quarterly Charity April – June The Community of St Anselm (CoSA)
Holy Saturday Walk & Hot Cross Buns Saturday 15 April
Anne and Charles Whitney Led by the Archbishop of invite the congregation of Canterbury and based at Lambeth the Abbey, Severnside and Twyning Palace, the Community of St Anselm to join them for a walk followed by hot is a radical ecumenical expression of cross buns, meeting at monasticism that welcomes young Sarn Hill Lodge, Bushley Green Christians aged 20-35 to spend at 2pm for a prompt 2.15pm start. a year, praying, studying and serving the poor. The 16 Residential members are selected from across Suitable footwear and clothing is the globe, whilst another needed, dogs and well behaved masters 30 non-residential members live and and mistresses invited. work in London. Collections for this Easter Monday community will be taken up on Ann and Charles Whitney will 30 April, 21 May & 18 June, be ‘At Home’ and CoSA members will visit the for members of Abbey Congregation Abbey during the 3 months. 12 noon - 8pm. More information can be found Join us for a glass or 2 online at www.stanselm.org.uk and a ‘few light bites’. Please give generously & be part of Fr Charles the renewal of the Religious Life in Please do not RSVP just come! this generation. Thank you. For address please ask the Abbey Office Revd Catherine Williams. or phone 296764
Every 12 seconds, a child dies from causes linked to malnutrition. That’s a staggering 7,200 children in just 24 hours. When I read that statistic I was shocked so I have taken the decision to fast for a full 24 hours Wednesday 26 April for Unicef UK. With your generous donations we can help those children who are in the greatest of need! My aim is £500. This can give 20 children (a classroom) life-saving emergency food for a month! My JustGiving page is: https://www.justgiving.com/Alice-Williams24? utm_source=Sharethis&utm_medium=fundraisingpage&utm_content=AliceWilliams24&utm_campaign=pfp-email. JustGiving sends your donation straight to Unicef UK and automatically reclaims Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. OR Text WWTO £5 (you can donate £1, £2, £4, £5 or £10) to 70070 OR Drop your sponsorship donation to Abbey House. Kind Regards, Alice Williams
Tewkesbury Churches Together Good Friday Procession More marshals are needed if the Procession is to go ahead. If you are able to help please contact Sam Eedle, on
[email protected]
Holy Monday – 10 April 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.30pm Holy Communion 9.00pm Compline sung by The Songmen Holy Tuesday – 11 April 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.30pm Holy Communion Holy Wednesday – 12 April 8.30am Morning Prayer 5.30pm Evening Prayer 6.00pm Junior Choir Practice (Camera Cantorum) 7.00pm Choir Practice (Parish Hall) 7.30pm Holy Communion Maundy Thursday – 13 April 8.30am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 5.30pm Evening Prayer 7.30pm Solemn Concelebrated Eucharist of the Last Supper, Washing of Feet, Procession of the Blessed Sacrament and stripping of the Altar Watch until midnight (Lady Chapel) Good Friday – 14 April 9.30am Solemn Liturgy 10.45am March of Witness from The Baptist Church 12.00pm Three Hours' Devotion
led by the Reverend Canon Paul Williams, Vicar of Tewkesbury Abbey
Easter Eve – 15 April 8.30am Matins (Book of Common Prayer) 9.00am Ante-Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 9.30am Music Group (Camera Cantorum) 8.30pm The Easter Liturgy (bring your whistles and bells) Easter Day – 16 April 7.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) (Easter Garden) 7.30am Morning Prayer 8.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) (High Altar) 9.15am 9.15 Together Eucharist 10.15am Parish Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt (Abbey House) 11.00am Procession and Sung Eucharist followed by a drinks reception. 3.00pm Celebrate Light (89 York Road) 5.00pm Festal Evensong, Procession and Solemn Te Deum