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REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

EXTRAORDINARY II— — (ii) PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii) PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 1335] No. 1335]


वित्‍त‍मत्रालयय (वित्‍तीय‍वािराल त‍विभरालग)


नई‍ददल्‍यी, 11 मई,‍2017 कराल.आ. 1512(अ).—आधरालर‍ कराल‍ पहचरालन‍ दस्तरालिाज‍ का ‍ रूप‍ में‍ प्रयोग‍ वािरालओं‍ अथिराल‍ वहरालयदकयों‍ अथिराल‍ प्रवुविधरालओं‍ को‍ पररदरालन‍ करना‍ में‍ वरकरालरी‍ वितरण‍ प्रदियराल‍ को‍ वरय‍ बनरालतराल‍ है,‍ परालरदर्शितराल‍ तथराल‍ दक्षतराल‍ यरालतराल‍ है,‍ तथराल‍फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍को‍उनका ‍हकों‍को‍वुविधरालजनक‍ ित‍ परा िरालनी‍रवहत‍ढतग‍वा‍ पररदरालन‍करतराल‍है‍ ित‍ आधरालर‍दकवी‍ की‍पहचरालन‍को‍प्रमरालवणत‍करना‍का ‍वय ‍बहुत‍वा‍दस्तरालिाजों‍की‍आिश्यकतराल‍को‍वमरालप्त‍करतराल‍है; और‍यह‍दक,‍भरालरत‍वरकरालर‍का ‍वित्तीय‍वािराल ‍त विभरालग‍(वजवा‍ इवमें‍ इवका ‍पश्चरालत्‍ उक्त‍विभरालग‍वनर्ददष्ट‍दकयराल‍ गयराल‍है),‍भरालरत‍वरकरालर‍कराल‍ वित्त‍मत्रालयय‍अटय‍पेंिन‍योजनराल‍( पीिरालई)‍(इवका ‍पश्चरालत्‍ उक्त‍योजनराल‍वनर्ददष्ट‍दकयराल‍ गयराल‍है)‍कराल‍वतचरालयन‍16‍अक्टूबर,‍2015‍की‍ररालजप्‍अवधवूचनराल‍का ‍अततगगत‍की‍गई‍अवधवूचनराल‍तथराल‍19‍जनिरी,‍ 2016‍और‍22‍मरालचग,‍2016‍की‍अवधवूचनरालओं‍का ‍द्वरालरराल‍अपना‍अवभदरालतरालओं‍(वजवा‍इवमें‍इवका ‍पश्चरालत्‍फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍ वनर्ददष्ट‍ दकयराल‍ गयराल‍ है)‍ का ‍ वय ‍ दक ‍ ग ‍ वतिोधन‍ का ‍ अनुवरालर‍ कर‍ रहराल‍ है।‍ पेंिन‍ वनवध‍ विवनयरालमक‍ और‍ विकरालव‍ प्ररालवधकरण‍ (पी फआरडी )‍ (वजवा‍ इवमें‍ इवका ‍ पश्चरालत्‍ विवनयरालमक‍ वनर्ददष्ट‍ दकयराल‍ गयराल‍ है)‍ इव‍ योजनराल‍ का ‍ अततगगत‍ फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍ की‍ पहचरालन‍ का ‍ वय ‍ प्रदियराल‍ को‍ विवनयवमत‍ तथराल‍ अवभकवथत‍ करतराल‍ है।‍ स्कीम‍ कराल‍ करालयरालगन्ियन‍ विवनयरालमक‍ का ‍ करालयरालगयय‍ तथराल‍ बैंकों‍ ित‍ डरालकघरों‍ (वजवा‍ इवमें‍ इवका ‍ पश्चरालत्‍ मध्यिती‍ वनर्ददष्ट‍ दकयराल‍ गयराल‍ है)‍ की‍ िरालखरालओं‍का ‍जरर ‍दकयराल‍जरालतराल‍है। और‍ यह‍ दक‍ का न्रीय‍ वरकरालर‍ न्यूनतम‍ मरालववक‍ पेंिन‍ की‍ गरालरत टी‍ दाती‍ है‍ तथराल‍ पराल्‍ फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍ का ‍ वय ‍ अपनराल‍ वह-अतिदरालन‍ (वजवा‍ इवमें‍ इवका ‍ पश्चरालत्‍ यरालभ‍ वनर्ददष्ट‍ दकयराल‍ गयराल‍ है)‍ करती‍है,‍ वजव‍ पर‍ होना‍ िरालया‍ व्यय‍ कराल‍ िहन‍भरालरत‍की‍वतवचत‍वनवध‍वा‍दकयराल‍जरालतराल‍है। अतः,‍अब‍का न्रीय‍वरकरालर,‍आधरालर‍(वित्तीय‍तथराल‍अन्य‍वहरालवयदकयों,‍प्रवुविधरालओं‍और‍वािरालओं‍कराल‍यवययत‍ पररदरालन)‍अवधवनयम,‍2016‍(2016‍कराल‍18)‍(वजवा‍ इवमें‍ इवका ‍पश्चरालत्‍ उक्त‍अवधवनयम‍वनर्ददष्ट‍दकयराल‍गयराल‍है),‍की‍ धरालरराल‍7‍का ‍उपबतधों‍का ‍अनुवरण‍में‍वनम्नवयवखत‍को‍अवधवूवचत‍करती‍है,‍अथरालगत— ् 3077 GI/2017


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[PART II—SEC. 3(ii)]

1.‍ (1)‍ व्यवक्त,‍ जो‍ योजनराल‍ का ‍ अधीन‍ प्रवुविधराल ‍त प्ररालप्त‍ करना‍ का ‍ पराल्‍ हों,‍ उनवा,‍ आधरालर‍ रखना‍ अथिराल‍ आधरालर‍ प्रमरालणीकरण‍का ‍प्रदियरालधीन‍होना‍कराल‍प्रमरालण-प्‍प्रस्तुत‍करनराल‍अपावक्षत‍होगराल। (2)‍व्यवक्त,‍जो‍योजनराल‍का ‍अधीन‍प्रवुविधराल ‍त प्ररालप्त‍करना‍का ‍इच्छु क‍हो‍और‍वजवका ‍परालव‍आधरालर‍वतख्यराल‍न‍हो‍अथिराल‍िा‍ आधरालर‍का ‍वय ‍अभी‍तक‍नरालमरालतदकत‍न‍हों,‍उन्हें‍उक्त‍अवधवनयम‍की‍धरालरराल‍3‍का ‍अनुवरालर‍15‍ ,‍2017‍तक‍आधरालर‍ में‍नरालमरालतकन‍का ‍वय ‍आिादन‍करनराल‍होगराल‍तथराल‍ऐवा‍व्यवक्तयों‍को‍आधरालर‍का ‍वय ‍नरालमरालतकन‍हातु‍दकवी‍आधरालर‍नरालमरालतकन‍ का न्र‍(वूची‍भरालरतीय‍विविष्‍ट‍पहचरालन‍प्ररालवधकरण‍(यूआई डीआई)‍की‍िाबवरालइट‍www.uidai.gov.in‍पर‍उपयब्ध‍ है)‍वा‍वतपकग ‍करनराल‍होगराल। (3)‍ आधरालर‍ (नरालमरालतकन‍ तथराल‍ अद्यतनीकरण)‍ विवनयम,‍ 2016‍ का ‍ विवनयम‍ 12‍ का ‍ अनुवरालर,‍ विवनयरालमक‍ अपना‍ करालयरालगययों‍अथिराल‍मध्यिर्शतयों,‍वजन्हें‍व्यवक्त‍द्वरालरराल‍आधरालर‍प्रस्तुत‍करनराल‍अपावक्षत‍है,‍को‍ऐवा‍फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों,‍जो‍अभी‍ तक‍आधरालर‍का ‍वय ‍नरालमरालतदकत‍नहीं‍हु ‍हैं,‍को‍आधरालर‍नरालमरालतकन‍की‍वुविधराल‍कराल‍प्रस्तरालि‍करनराल‍अपावक्षत‍है‍ और‍यदद‍ वतबतवधत‍ ब्यॉक‍ अथिराल‍ तरालयुक‍ यराल‍ तहवीय‍ में‍ आधरालर‍ नरालमरालतकन‍ का न्र‍ अिवस्थत‍ न‍ हो‍ तो‍ विवनयरालमक‍ को‍ अपना‍ करालयरालगयय‍ अथिराल‍ मध्यिर्शतयों‍ का ‍ जरर ‍ यूआईडी आई‍ का ‍ विद्यमरालन‍ रवजस्ररालर‍ का ‍ वमन्िय‍ का ‍ वरालथ‍ अथिराल‍ स्‍ियत‍ यूआईडी आई‍रवजस्ररालर‍बनकर‍वुविधरालजनक‍स्‍थरालनों‍पर‍नरालमरालतकन‍की‍वुविधराल‍उपयब्ध‍कररालनराल‍अपावक्षत‍होगराल। परन्तु‍ यह‍दक‍जब‍तक‍व्यवक्त‍को‍आधरालर‍न‍ददयराल‍जराल ‍तब‍तक‍उक्त‍योजनराल‍का ‍अधीन‍यरालभ‍वनम्नवयवखत‍दस्तरालिज ा ‍ प्रस्तुत‍करना‍का ‍अध्यधीन‍होगराल,‍अथरालगत:् — (क) (i)‍यदद‍नरालमरालतकन‍करिरालयराल‍हो‍तो‍आधरालर‍नरालमरालतकन‍आईडी‍पची;‍अथिराल (ii)‍नीचा‍ दद ‍ग ‍पैरराल‍2‍का ‍उप-पैरराल‍(ख)‍में‍ वनर्ददष्ट‍दक ‍ग ‍अनुवरालर‍आधरालर‍नरालमरालतकन‍वतबतधी‍अनुरोध‍की‍ प्रवत;‍और (ख)‍(i)‍फोटो‍ववहत‍बैंक‍अथिराल‍डरालकघर‍परालवबुक;‍यराल‍(ii)‍स्थरालयी‍खरालतराल‍वतख्यराल‍(पैन)‍करालडग;‍यराल‍(iii)‍परालवपोटग;‍यराल‍(iv)‍ ररालिन‍करालडग;‍यराल‍(v)‍वरकरालरी‍कमगचरालरी‍पहचरालन-प्;‍यराल‍(vi)‍मतदरालतराल‍पहचरालन-प्;‍यराल‍(vii)‍मनरा गराल‍करालडग;‍यराल‍(vii)‍ दकवरालन‍ फोटो‍ परालवबुक;‍ यराल‍ (ix)‍मोटर‍ िरालहन‍ अवधवनयम,‍ 1988‍ (1988‍ कराल‍ 59)‍का ‍ अधीन‍ यरालइवेंव‍ प्रदरालन‍ करना‍ िरालया‍ प्ररालवधकरालरी‍ द्वरालरराल‍ जरालरी‍ ड्ररालइविग‍ यरालइवेंव;‍ यराल‍ (x)‍ दकवी‍ ररालजपव्त‍ अवधकरालरी‍ अथिराल‍ तहवीयदरालर‍ द्वरालरराल‍ िरालवकीय‍ िीर्ग‍ प्‍ पर‍ जरालरी‍ पहचरालन‍ प्रमरालण-प्,‍ वजव‍ पर‍ वदस्य‍ कराल‍ फोटो‍ यगराल‍ हो;‍ यराल‍ (xi)‍ विवनयरालमक‍ द्वरालरराल‍ विवनर्ददष्ट‍कोई‍अन्य‍दस्तरालिाज। परन्तु‍ यह‍ दक‍ उपयुगक्त‍ दस्तरालिाज‍ की‍ जरालतच‍ उक्त‍ प्रयोजन‍ हातु‍ विवनयरालमक‍ द्वरालरराल‍ वििार्‍ रूप‍ वा‍ पदरालवभवहत‍ दकवी‍ अवधकरालरी‍द्वरालरराल‍दकयराल‍जराल गराल। 2.‍योजनराल‍का ‍अधीन‍फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍को‍वुविधरालजनक‍तथराल‍वनर्शिघ्न‍यरालभ‍उपयब्ध‍कररालना‍ का ‍उद्दाश्य‍वा‍ विवनयरालमक‍ अपना‍करालयरालगयय‍तथराल‍मध्यिर्शतयों‍का ‍जरर ‍वभी‍अपावक्षत‍व्यिस्थराल ‍त करा गराल‍वजनमें‍वनम्नवयवखत‍िरालवमय‍हैं‍अथरालगत:् — (क)‍मीवडयराल‍तथराल‍व्यवक्तगत‍वूचनराल‍का ‍जरर ‍व्‍यरालपक‍प्रचरालर‍करका ‍फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍को‍योजनराल‍ का ‍अधीन‍आधरालर‍की‍ आिश्‍यकतराल‍ की‍ जरालनकरालरी‍ दी‍ जराल ‍ और‍ यदद‍ िा‍ आधरालर‍ का ‍ वय ‍ पहया‍ वा‍ नरालमरालतदकत‍ न‍ हों‍ तो‍ उन्‍ह‍ें अपना‍ क्षा्‍ में‍ उपयब्‍ध‍वनकटतम‍आधरालर‍नरालमरालतकन‍कें र‍में‍15 ,‍2017‍तक‍नरालमरालतकन‍करिरालना‍की‍वयरालह‍दी‍जराल ।‍स्‍थरालनीय‍रूप‍ वा‍उपयब्‍ध‍नरालमरालतकन‍कें रों‍की‍वूची‍(वूची‍www.uidai.gov.in‍पर‍उपयब्‍ध)‍उन्‍ह‍ें उपयब्‍ध‍कररालई‍जराल । (ख)‍यदद‍योजनराल‍ का ‍फरालयदरालग्ररालही‍अपना‍ वनकटिती‍क्षा्ों,‍जैव‍ा ब्‍यॉक‍अथिराल‍तरालयुक‍यराल‍तहवीय‍में‍ नरालमरालतकन‍कें रों‍का ‍ उपयब्‍ध‍ न‍ होना‍ का ‍ करालरण‍ आधरालर‍ का ‍ वय ‍ नरालमरालतकन‍ न‍ करिराल‍ वकें ‍ तो‍ विवनयरालमक‍ को‍ अपना‍ करालयरालगययों‍ और‍ मध्‍यिर्शतयों‍ का ‍ जरर ‍ वुविधरालजनक‍ स्‍थरालन‍ पर‍ आधरालर‍ नरालमरालतकन‍ की‍ वुविधराल‍ उपयब्ध‍ करनराल‍ अपावक्षत‍ है‍ और‍ फरालयदरालग्ररालवहयों‍को‍इव‍प्रयोजन‍हातु‍ अपनराल‍नरालम,‍पतराल,‍मोबरालइय‍वतख्‍यराल‍तथराल‍पैरराल‍1‍का ‍उप-पैरराल‍(3)‍का ‍परत तुक‍में‍ यथराल‍विवनर्ददष्‍ट,‍अन्‍य‍ब्‍यौरराल‍िाब‍पोटगय‍का ‍जरर ‍यराल‍विवनयरालमक‍का ‍वतबतवधत‍पदधरालरी‍अथिराल‍मध्‍यिती‍को‍उपयब्‍ध‍ कररालनराल‍होगराल। 3. य‍ह‍अवधवूचनराल‍अवम,‍माघरालयय‍और‍जम्‍म‍ू -‍कश्‍मीर‍को‍छोकरकर‍वभी‍रराल‍‍यों‍तथराल‍वतघ‍रराल‍‍य‍क्षा्ों‍में‍ररालजप्‍में‍ प्रकरालिन‍की‍तरालरीख‍वा‍प्रभरालिी‍होगी।‍ [फराल.‍वत.‍11/14/2016-पीआर] न्‍र‍


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MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Financial Services) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 11th May, 2017 S.O. 1512(E).—Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as identity document for delivery of services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get their entitlements directly in a convenient and seamless manner and Aadhaar obviates the need for producing multiple documents to prove one’s identity; And whereas, the Department of Financial Services (hereinafter referred to as the Department), Ministry of Finance in the Government of India is administering the Scheme of Atal Pension Yojana (APY) (hereinafter referred to as the Scheme) as notified under Gazette Notification dated the 16th October, 2015 and as amended vide notifications dated the 19th January, 2016 and 22nd March, 2016 for its subscribers (hereinafter referred to as the beneficiaries). The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) (hereinafter referred to as the Regulator) regulates and lays down the procedure for identification of the beneficiaries under the Scheme. The Scheme is implemented through the Regulators’ Offices and branches of the Banks and Post offices (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediaries); And whereas, the Central Government guarantees the minimum monthly pension and makes its co-contribution (hereinafter referred to as the benefits) for the eligible beneficiaries for which the expenditure is incurred from the Consolidated Fund of India; Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the Central Government hereby notifies the following, namely:— 1.

(1) An individual eligible for receiving the benefits under the Scheme is hereby required to furnish proof of possession of Aadhaar number or undergo Aadhaar authentication. (2) Any individual desirous of availing or receiving benefits under the Scheme but does not possess the Aadhaar number or, has not yet enrolled for Aadhaar, is hereby required to make application for Aadhaar enrollment by 15th June, 2017 provided she or he is entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per section 3 of the said Act and such individuals shall visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre (list available at Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) website www.uidai.gov.in) to get enrolled for Aadhaar. (3) As per regulation 12 of Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) Regulations, 2016, the Regulator through its offices and the Intermediaries, which requires an individual to furnish Aadhaar, is required to offer Aadhaar enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet enrolled for Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar enrolment centre located in the respective Block or Taluka or Tehsil, the Regulator through its offices and the Intermediaries is required to provide Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations in coordination with the existing Registrars of UIDAI or by becoming UIDAI Registrar themselves: Provided that till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, benefits under the Scheme shall be given to such individuals, subject to the production of the following identification documents, namely:– (a) (i) if she or he has enrolled, her or his Aadhaar Enrolment ID slip; or (ii) a copy of her or his request made for Aadhaar enrolment, as specified in sub-paragraph (b) of paragraph 2 below; and (b) (i) Bank or Post office Passbook with Photo; or (ii) Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card; or (iii) Passport; or (iv) Ration Card; or (v) Employee Government ID Card; or (vi) Voter Identity Card; or (vii) MGNREGS card; or (viii) Kisan Photo passbook; or (ix) Driving license issued by Licensing Authority under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988); or (x) Certificate of identity having photo of such member issued by a Gazetted Officer or a Tehsildar on an official letter head; or (xi) Any other document as specified by the Regulator;

Provided further that the above documents shall be checked by an officer specifically designated by the Regulator for that purpose.

WWW.TAXSCAN.IN - Simplifying Tax Laws



[PART II—SEC. 3(ii)]

2. In order to provide convenient and hassle free benefits to the beneficiaries under the Scheme, the Regulator through its Offices and the Intermediaries shall make all the required arrangements including the following, namely:— (a) Wide publicity through media and individual notices shall be given to the beneficiaries to make them aware of the requirement of Aadhaar under the Scheme and they may be advised to get themselves enrolled at the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centres available in their areas by 15th June, 2017, in case they are not already enrolled. The list of locally available enrolment centres (list available at www.uidai.gov.in) shall be made available to them. (b) In case, the beneficiaries of the Scheme are not able to enroll for Aadhaar due to non-availability of enrolment centres in the near vicinity such as in the Block or Taluka or Tehsil, the Regulator through its offices and the Intermediaries are required to create Aadhaar enrolment facilities at convenient locations, and the beneficiaries may be requested to register their requests for Aadhaar enrolment by giving their names, addresses, mobile numbers and other details as specified in the proviso to sub-paragraph (3) of paragraph 1, with the concerned official of the Regulator or the Intermediary or through the web portal provided for the purpose. 3. This notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette in all States and Union territories except the States of Assam, Meghalaya and Jammu and Kashmir. [F. No. 11/14/2016-PR] SUCHINDRA MISRA, Jt. Secy.

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Digitally signed by ALOK KUMAR Date: 2017.05.13 11:33:07 +05'30'

Aadhaar - Atal Pension Yojana.pdf

Page 1 of 4. 3077 GI/2017 (1). REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99. EXTRAORDINARY. II— — (ii). PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii). PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. 1335]. No. 1335] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017/VAISAKHA 21, 1939. वित्‍त‍मत्रालयय. (वित्‍तीय‍वािराल त‍विभरालग). अवधवूचनराल.

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