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* r : i i ' R B F N o 'd l l ? Q 1 5 - j ' i ' " " i i-,,'-' ' GOVERNMENT OF tNDtA ,,., \-{, '' *{o . ^:

IvrrNfsrRy oi nnrlwa$





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New Delhi,dated lZ .A6.2015


a proouction Units, fl lz^":1,T"ilwa.v9 (^s per standardlist). Sub:- Absorptionof medically unfit staff of RpFiRpSF in alternative post_Regarding. A question as to hot ,h:,^Tedically incapicitatedstaff of Railway Protection Force/Ra.ifwayprot".tion sp""ilr"i"#" may be absorbed in alternativejobs.in o.theri"p"rt**nts of ihe r' 'v 4ur zana,t rcrr r Railways has been under considerationof RailwaygjaiJ, 2'

Attention in this connection

is invited to Board,s retter No. E(NG)|_ SBiRE-3/2 dated18.01.1gsg ilirh provioelr,"t*!oi*auy unfitRpFiRpsF staff may be first considereoloi aosorption deparlment'The committeeconstituted l. *irirt.rial post in their own forconuio*ring appointments shailincrude offi"*r of the personner such afternative -in Department. fn case no surtableposts ,to so "n accommoa"tetnem RpF departrnentare availabte, theymaybe considur*Jro," in'arternative postsin other departmentsof t,re,.qa,jrwgy. "b;;di;; ritr.rin te'iramevJorr of the provisions contained in chapterXlll of ir,* tnoi"nn"ir*"v iJ"bli*r,**nt ManuatVol.t, RevisedEditioni.ggg,rirst ne-Frint Edition-ioog. simifarry, when staffof other departmentsare meoi"aity. de-categorised, they wifr arso be consideredfor abso:lti1 againsisuitabre p"Jt, in il.,"i,own deparlment at the outsetand in no p6stsare availablethereinthensuchstaff 9a:s9 will be consideredagainstMinisteriar postsin tne RpF J*prrtrnent,if such posts are availablein thatDepartmeni.

3' The matterhas beenconsidered by the Board,lt ls reiterated thatthe above instructions/procedure *"y r" rorroweJscruputousry in order to maintainthe uniformity on allthe iLnat Railways. (Thisdispose of south westernRailway,s retterNo.swR/p.573/Med.

DecatgA/ol. t datedZ2.OS.2O1 4).

Receiptof this letterrnay be acknowtedged.

DeputyDirectorEstt,(N) @ No. Il/19/Port.2


Nofionol Federorton of Indian Railwa.1,msnf .r.r.O) f 3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi. Dt:19/06/2015

cop'y to the Generol secretaries of a.ffiliated lJnions of NFtR for comments, the same should reach the Federation withit, two weeks time.


C/: M edia Centre,/|,,tFt R. C/: I V/RSAC/Conf,/part V. C/: II/13/Part II

^ ,,')'\,1' 91.-


!Dr.M.Roghovaiah) Gineral Secrela4:


$rrfr€ '*' 6 t 12015

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slFti[ stifirt til IiTffiq

(td qt$ {. tF'rs)r-201s1:nrg-slz

trg frFd, frHifi 12.06.2015

r6r*itr+. qqy, €€fr qtCfqW 3fk rrn*r {+'r{qi, (qr+e;q-S t 3rgwr) ftf t*,Frfr Bqq: $r**(r$'/3Trrfr(rs(rtr* apa;* fi ?trs t srqltq qffi qq w rrqrtrd *.Ti * dtitT dtl dT ttre *,ffi taA g*en sn/ttrA gcnr E*q qa *'RGffiT 6I utra t gTarrT *' :rq fupfi fr fumF .rqt T{ ffis qs'R ffirfdg fr-qr aT(', q6 s?a H q}g * fqruFfd ror tl gs ddq fr:nrm'r sqr{ *** fuin 18.01.1989 *' tr{ 6. g1nafr)I-8813{K$-3/2 2. Endenf,mqr rrqr t fu EffiffiT #l Etre S 3r*dq #T 3f{ 3{ffiffa fu-qr arar t ffi q,ffi +t qf,t rr* 3rqi fre{rq fr frFffq qq rR Hqrffa frTi ffi qq fqr f*rn an'l f,s qihrr fr ffi FBFflm w tr-.nq6TS *. 6(r af5f, sFF f q,rffifi treTrrr*' w' 3{nffirfr q'} efifrtr f*qr dnrynr ?TA3et 3{Kfr(rwtr€rrr fr As q{ :rrorctra 6} dr eTrdrqta relrrtr ,|Mr *firt wrndfta m{A t Rq st$ 3rqc?ffif, efqq r, 1989:drfi$rr *'nt-rn'q xln fr'frF-d srdtTrdt* did *. gfi?rtH t ffi (€t qd q* Ft Trffrfta *ri qt k-m frqr anrt rS eFh'r{,sGr 3{Fzr fdsTr4tfr ffiqfi

treTrrit * q*qrftletst Rfurlrr fi €tret ffiftryiT fuqr drfrrt rh srt}Tfr fr :a qt

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Absorption of medically unfit staff.PDF

Ti * dtitT dtl. taA g*en sn/ttrA gcnr E*q qa *'RGffiT 6I utra t gTarrT *,ffi dT ttre ... Absorption of medically unfit staff.PDF. Absorption of medically unfit staff.PDF. Open.

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