I MPA-012 I MASTER OF ARTS (PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION) Term-End Examination December, 2009 MPA-012 : ADMINISTRATIVE THEORY Maximum Marks : 100

Time : 3 hours

Note : Answer any five questions, selecting atleast two questions from each Section. Each question to be answered in about 500 words. All questions carry equal marks.


SECTION-I Discuss the evolution and growth of administrative theory. "Max weber explained the features of bureaucracy and classified authority into three ideal types". Discuss. Discuss the experiments conducted by. Elton Mayo at the Hawthorne plant. "Chris Argyris' critique of formal organisation is of greater value." Examine. Write short notes in about 250 words on each of the following : Herrberg's Motivation Hygiene Theory. Importance of Public Administration as a specialised subject of study.



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Critically examine Douglas Mc Gregor's 20 assumption of Theory 'x' and Theory 'y'. Bring out the views of Chester Barnard on System 20 approach. Explain the new Public Management Perspective 20 to public administration. What do you understand by Learning 20 Organisation ? Throw light on the operation alisation of Learning Organisation. 10.

Write short notes in about 250 words on each of the following Thrust Areas of Minnowbrook Conference 10 Views of Public Choice Theorist on the 10 functioning of Bureaux



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