April 6, 2017

Adrenal Support and Efficient Hormone Production Can Be Achieved Naturally

Image 1: Adrenal Support Aids in Maintaining Normal Adrenal Gland Function

The adrenal glands are responsible for secreting hormones that prove critical to keeping your body healthy. They also help you maintain optimal energy levels. Unfortunately, when the adrenal glands don’t effectively produce hormones, your body develops symptoms that affect your daily life, such as fatigue and weakness in general. To keep your adrenal glands healthy and your hormone levels sufficient, it’s essential to understand what adrenal glands do, what can lead to a disruption in their function, and how to support their functionality.

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The Role of the Adrenal Glands Located on the top of each kidney, adrenal glands are responsible for secreting and regulating essential hormones, such as those that help the body fight stress and infections (glucocorticoids), regulate the balance of salt and water (e.g., aldosterone), secretion of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone), and other crucial hormones like adrenaline. Our body needs all of these hormones, but problems start to appear when there is a disruption in the secretion of said hormones, leading to adrenal disorders. Causes and Symptoms of Adrenal Disorders Adrenal disorders are caused by a number of factors, including autoimmune diseases, infections, medicines, and issues with the pituitary gland. In Cushing’s disease, the production of cortisol is too high, while in Addison’s disease, there is not enough production of this hormone. No matter the adrenal disorder, the production of hormones is affected either directly or indirectly, which can cause a wide range of symptoms that include weakness, fatigue, sudden weight loss, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. How Adrenal Supplements Can Help Adrenal support is essential to keeping your glands healthy and it can be achieved via natural supplements that have the necessary components to maintain and improve the glands' performance. These include vitamins C, B12, E, and B5 (pantothenic acid), and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Vitamin C is an adrenal enhancer thanks to its role in the repair of all body tissues and the production of cortisol. On the other hand, all B vitamins are crucial to keeping cell metabolism at its best, which in turn maintains optimum energy levels. B-12 specifically helps with energy production, while B5 or pantothenic acid will assist your body in producing red blood cells and support energy production. Other Measures to Keep Your Adrenal Glands Healthy Natural supplements are a great way to naturally keep your adrenal glands at their best, but you can also implement auxiliary measures in support of your adrenal health. For example, you can manage your stress factor, make dietary changes (e.g., cutting caffeine from your routine and any other foods that put your adrenal glands under stress), allow your body plenty of sleep and rest (e.g., getting 8-10 hours of sleep a day), and commit to a regular exercise routine. All of these measures combined will produce better results for your adrenal glands and overall health.

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About Vita For Life: Vita For Life offers a wide range of Nature’s Sunshine Health Products that have been proven to produce results in combating many ailments. We offer adrenal support solutions for people who have high-blood pressure or diabetes and individuals who are seeking to improve their health. We take pride in the authenticity of our natural products.

Sources: Adrenal Insufficiency, Hormone.org 3 Steps to Heal Adrenal Fatigue, DrAxe.com

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Adrenal Support and Efficient Hormone Production Can Be ...

3 Steps to Heal Adrenal Fatigue, DrAxe.com. Page 3 of 3. Adrenal Support and Efficient Hormone Production Can Be Achieved Naturally.pdf. Adrenal Support ...

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