No. 2013/CF'-WCS1il

New Delhi, dt, 14.112014.

TheGenerel lllanagll (EnSg:)-CBE\ ECR,ECoR" NR,r NcR" - - ) NE& r !L'Y NFR, r\r'r\ NsiR., rr YY '.' S& Dr Sg& SER, $cn, sw& wR, wcR ano-nletroRailway/I(olkata" The Genera!-!{4pager (Const}, NF,.Railway,Guwahati.

RCFlKapurthla,DlWVaranasio re & DMWpatiala. The Director Generel Srack), RDSO/Alambagh,Lucknow. Chief,Commissioner of Railway Safety,iu"t""oJ.-

ManagingDirector,MRVC, Church Gate statir Director, RLDn, RCON Oflice Con !{alprnS Motibagh-I, NewDelhi

MlnqcincTli^+^trz^-r-^h'-!r lv'ranaging Director, kogi}'way - 400614.

lirectorr IRIMEE, Jamalpur. Director, IRITlIA yill. Director General,National u6L Secretaries,AIRF, N Delhi.

corpor^a$4R}&41,.&rapurBhawan, sector-r',cBD .*trr".8$" (u r{iU

"&tr" .{l{anik Nagar, Lucknow. Indian Railways, Vadodara.

'' fRO,lo

AIRPFA, DAI (Railwaj,s)Rail Bhawan,New

: 4$1

of Railways (Railway Board) has decided that correction/additionas enclosedAdvance Correction Slip No.136 dated 14.11.2014, to relevantpara , be made. Receipt ofthis letter may pleasebe acknowledged. N/zoNl4trnorr:l{: .

vil Engg.(P), ilway Board.

No,IV/NFIR/IRTMM copyforwarded ro the Generarsecretariesor Alfitiated unions of NFIRfor infon ution. C/- Media Centrc/NFIR.

8Ff.(Dr M.


o' tSO0ate0tC'f t'ZOf+

way Manual shall be The existing Para 237(8) (b) of Indian Railways Permanent 1. replacedwith the following: points and crossings is maintained wider/ Para 237(E)(b) - If gauge of track adjoining the ih" gaugeop the adjoining track should be uni. tighter than the guug"'li?;;"iil "rorringr, and irossings as a good maintenance brought gradually to same gauge as m the pointt practice. as

Manual shall be replaced The existin gPara279 of IndianRailways PermanentWay 2. under: Para279. Provision and maintenanceof signalling fixtures (1) (a)

o) (2\

in track:

Provision of signalling fixtures in track: of track should be No signal fixtures / installation which interferewith maintenance from Track Directorate provided on track unless the approval for same is available of RDSO or RailwaYBoard' personnel for opening of signal S&T Department shatl provide adequatenumber of rod,gearsetc.tofacilitatemeohanizedtrackmaintenance. Area: Precautionsto be taken while working in Track Circuited

(a)ThePermanentWaylnspectorshouldinstructthestaffnottoplaceacrossortouching circuiting' may caus: *9n two rails in the track, any tool ot-*.tur object which should be length circuited track (b) All gauges,-l-"*lr, irotteys and Lorries used in the insulted. the track should be run ' Steel or C.L pipes used for carrying water /gas under (c) sufficientlybelowtherailstopreventanyshortcircuiting. be taken to seethat no damage While carrying out the track l1int"rrun"l, care should (d) l"g' jumper like rait UonOingwires,lead wires to rails,' boot of track "ir"rri?nttings wires etc., takesPlace section' (e) Use of steeltape; should be avoided in track circuited areas in the presence of Pulling uack of rails should be done in track circuited (f) S&Tstafr,wheresignalingconnectionsareinvolved. ) as to avord flooding of track, during rains' of coaches is done and in water columns and ide washableconcreteapronson platform lines :d areas. sectionand care should be (h) Ballast must be kept clean throughoutthe track circuited of track should not be less taken to seethat minimum uatiit reristanceper kilometer the block section as per than2ohms per km in stationyard and 4 ohms per km in are used' availability signal EngineeringManual Pata 17.28. Wherever,PSC sleepers of insulatedliners-uptoa minimum level of 97Voshall be ensured' Way Manual shall be The existing Para 406Q) (a) of lndian Railways Permanent 3. replacedwith the following :


(2) (a)

Cant Deficiency- Maximum value of cant deficiencyOn routeswith track maintained to C&M-I,VoI-I standardfor nominatedrolling stockwith permissionof Principal Chief Engneer.

100 mm.

The existing pata 427 of Indian Railways PermanentWay Manual shall be replacedby l' _ __ the following:Para 421.Criteria for realignment of a curve (1) When as a result of inspectionby trolley or locomotiveor by carriageor as a result of Track-Recordingcarried out, the running on a curve is found to bL unsati-rf."tory the curve shouldbe realigned. (2) The running over a curye dependsnot only on the difference between the actual . versine and the designed versine but also on the station to station variation of the actual versine values. This is because,it is the station to station variation of versine which determinesthe rate of changeof lateral acceleration,on which depends the riding comfort. Service limit for station to station versinevariation for 3 speedgroup viz, Below 140 kmph and upto 110lanph, Below 110lanph and upto 50 kmph *d U"toi, so t
Below 140 kmph and upto 1o mm (15 mm for speedor@ I l0 kmph averageversineon circularportion,whicheveris


Below 110 kmph and upto 20 mm or 2o%oof averageversine@ whicheveris more. Below 50 kmph

40 mm or 20Voof averageversine d-ircutar whichever is more.


In caseexceedence of the abovelimit is observedduring inspection,local adjustment may be resortedto in caseswhere the variation of versine between adjacentstationsis only at few locations,at the earliestpossible. If more than 20Yostations are liaving versinevariations abovethe limits prescribed,completerealignmentof curve should plann"ed be within a month. The existingParc427(2)of IndianRailwaysPermanentWay Manual shall be replaced with the following: Para 427Q): Track mounted automatic Gauge Face Lubricators should be provided on curvesofradius 875m (20)and sharperon broadgaugeand ofradius 300 m and lesson merer gaugeto reducerail gaugeface wear. on routes where rail grinding is in practice, Track mounted automatic Gauge Face Lubricatorsshould be provided on iurves of radius 1400m on Broad tr.zj) il-rh"rp"r Gauge.While decidingthe locationof lubricators,following shouldbe considered:-



It is locatedon tangenttrack at the beginningof transition curve where wheel flanging is just beginning to occur. On single lines, the lubricator shall be located in the direction of heaviesttraffic. Lubricators should be located away from switches, crossings and other areaswhere discontinuity in LWR track may exist.

6, The existingPara502(l) of Indian RailwaysPermanentWay Manual shallbe replaced with the following: Para 502(1)- Alumino Thermic Welding of rails may be carried out in accordancewith the detailedprocedurelaid down in the'Manual for FusionWelding of Rails by Alumino Thermit Process'. A thermit weld done in-situ shall be joggled fisfi-plated witir trvo clamps and supportedon woodenblockstill testedas goodby USFD. 7. _ The existing Para 708(1) of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual shall be modified by incorporatinga note below para as under: Note: - The maintenance tolerances given in dffirent Paro of IMWM are for mainline track only on considerationof comfort and notfor yard lines and-other lines having low speedpotentials. 8. The Annexure-712Part-B of Para708 (l) of Indian RailwaysPermanentWay Manual shall be replacedby following: AI{NEXURE-7/2 Contd....PARA 70E(1) PART. B Track Measurements Station No.

Distance apart in Gaugeslack or metres tight from the exact (mm.) I

Examination of alignment for percepible kinds oftrack distortion in the vicinity of the point of derailment



Subsidenceof track


CrossLevel (mm.) Marks Underno load sleepers or condition rail top 4

Versine in mm. On 20 M. or l0 On l0 M. or such M. chord shorter depending on Chords as practice considered prevalenton negessary for the Railway sharp curves (less for flat curves than 600 M. radius more than on B. G. and 600 M. radius M. G.) 9 t0



Grinding or rubbing marks o n ' rails


Remarks Longitudinal regarding level to be length of recordedin the transition, caseof degree of curve M. G. andN. G. and specified in superelevation caseofsags and general curyes alignment etc. il t2

-t9. Existing Para 804 of Indian Raits4s Permcut the following:

T-a;- Manual shall be replacedwith

Para 804. Works which obstrnct tle lire: (1) Precautions before commerci.g opentions which would obstruct the line - No personemployedon the wa1',lt.orks or bridgesshall changeor tum a rail, disconnectpoints or signalsor commenceany other operationwhich would obstructthe line without obtaining the written permissionof the StationMasterwho shall ensurethat all necessarysignalshave been placed at 'ON'. In addition, the employeementioned above shall also ensurethat the necessarystop signals like bannerflags and detonatorsand hand signal flags have also been placed/exhibited at the prescribedlocationsas per Para 806. Provided further that in emergentcasesthe persons undertaking such operationsshall first bring the train to stop as stipulated in Para 812 and advise the driver of the train about the need to stop the train through a wriuen memo. The railway servant shall simultaneously arrangeto senda messageto the StationMaster for the needto block the track as per para 810 and obtain written confirmation of the same. The rvork u'hich may lead to obstructionto the track shall however be done onl-vduring the raffrc block. the r*dtten confirmation for which shall be obtained from the concernedStarion Master. On completion of the work again the authorizedrailway servant shall advise the driver through a written memo to proceed at the prescribedspeed. (2) Works requiring complete block protection - The following categoryof works will necessarilyrequire completedblock protection: (i) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (D (g)

Categoryof works wheretrack is requiredto be occupied: Working of on-trackmachines Working of material trains or girder specials Working of dip-lonies Working of motor trollles Worklng of pushtrolley in heavily gradedsections. Working of pushtrolley in sectionswherevisibility is obstructed Pushtrolley in long tunnels.

(ii) Works where discontinuity in track is created or such conditions are createdwhich may resultin discontinuityor obstructionto runningtrack: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) G) (h) (i) CI) (k) (D

Through rail renewal Casualreplacementof rail Replacementof SEJsor replacementof buffer rails with SEJs Insertionor replacementof gluedjoints Temporary/Permanentrepairsof rail fractures TemporarylPermanentrepairsof rail to buckling Replacementof switch/crossingor any part of turnouts De-stressingof LWRs in- situ welding of rails End cropping and welding Through renewal of bridge sleeper Replacementof girderswith slabs

(m) (n) ("i


Removal of rail from track for any purpose Renewalof sleeperon important and major bridges' Changingof guard rails on important and major bridges'

of Note: (l) Some of the works listed above may also necessitatemandatory imposition speedrestrictions. (2) The list of works indicate.dabove is indicative only and other *9.F may also be -iequired to be done under block protection basedon site specific conditions as decided by P. Way officials. be The existing Para 824 of Indian Railways Permanent Way Manual'2004 shall 10. replacedwith the following: para 824. Warning signal- Descriptions - The signalsto be usedto warn the incoming day train of an obstruction snal be a red flashing hand signal lamp at night or red flag during asper Para3.65 of GeneralRules. The existing Para 825 of Indian Railways PermanentWay Manual shall be replaced ll. with the following: para 825. Use of warning signals - When it becomesnecessaryto protect an obstructionin the a Block section,a warning-signalmay be used,as prescribedunder Para3.66of GR, while railway seryantproceeds-toptace aetonators.A warning signal is to be thown to give timely warning to a driver of approachingtrain of any obstruction such as derailedtrain obstructing not adjacelitlines, breaches,wash uwuy, floods, landslidesetc., when the railway servantdoes as have adequate time to do the protection in the normal manner with the detonators by ensured be shall envisagedunder rules. The knowiedge and possessionof warning signals. of every iailway servantconcernedwith the use of warning signals as stipulatedin Para 3'6'7 GR. The existing Para910(y) of Indian Railways PermanentWay Manual shall be replaced 12. with the following: para 910(y) - Gatemenworking on double line/ multiple lines, ghati, suburbanand automatic block tenitories shall be pro.,.id"d with three warning signals as prescribed in Para 824" Gatemenworking on single line sectionsshall be suppliedwith one waming signal' The existirig Para 1007(1)(D of Indian Railways PermanentWay Manual shall be 13. replacedwith the following: para 1007(1Xt)- Threewarning signalsas prescribedin para 824 on double/multiple lines. ghats,suburbanand automaticblock territoriesand one warning signalon singleline sections. *i. *

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