AEP Train to Win (T2W)

The ASDC-C offers a Train to Win (T2W) program as part of the Athlete Enhancement Program (AEP). The Train to Win (T2W) program is designed for National/International athletes who require a more advanced sport science program. T2W will provide one-on-one services for the advanced athlete in conjunction with their coach. Eligible athletes and their coach will be involved in designing the program based on individual needs. Individual sessions will be incorporated into the athlete’s annual training plan. An example of an Annual Training Program can be found on the ASDC-C website. The coach (with or through the athlete) will submit a sport science request as part of their ASDC-C mandated Annual Training Plan. Athletes must be competing at the national or international level, fit within the Train to Compete or Train to Win stage of the Canadian Sport For Life continuum, have a solid understanding and application of the sport sciences; reside in Central Alberta, and competes in Alberta Sport Connection recognized sports. For more information on this exciting new program, contact ASDC office at (403) 342-3231. Athlete Details Full Legal Name of Applicant: __________________________________ Preferred First Name: __________ Address: _________________________________City: ______________________ Postal Code: __________________ Telephone: home: (____) __________________________________ cell: (___) ________________________________ E-Mail: Birth Date: (dd) __________ (mm) ___________ (yyyy) _____________

Gender: M / F _______

Sport: _________________________________________Event: ___________________________________________ Do you have a provincial or national ranking? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, what is your ranking, level, and ranking organization? What are your most recent National/International level results? (ex. I am ranked 12th nationally as a Junior Canadian Cross Country Skier by Cross Country Ski Canada)

Are you part of a Provincial, Junior National, or National team? ☐ Yes ☐ No lf yes, what is the name of the team?

100 College Boulevard, Box 5005, Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5 phone:(403) 342-3231 fax: (403) 343-8840 e-mail: [email protected] website: Adapted from Canadian Curling Association La Releve Program Annual Training Plan


T2W 2015-2016

Have you been scouted or identified by a team, post-secondary institution, or Provincial or National Sport Organization? ☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, by whom and for what level of play? When possible, a letter of support is recommended.

Coach’s Details Coach’s Name: ___________________________________________ Years Coaching Athlete: ______________________ Current Coaching Level: _______________________________________________________ Telephone: Home (______) ____________________________

Work/cell (______)_________________________


At what level(s) of competition have you coached the athlete?

How could the Athlete Enhancement Program assist this athlete’s performance? Comments:

** NOTE: A $150.00 application fee is required with submission of forms. The cheque will only be cashed for successful applicants. Cheques should be made out to ASDC-Central. ** 100 College Boulevard, Box 5005, Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5 phone:(403) 342-3231 fax: (403) 343-8840 e-mail: [email protected] website: Adapted from Canadian Curling Association La Releve Program Annual Training Plan


T2W 2015-2016

Athlete Enhancement Program Train to Win Athlete Application Page 1/3 Failing to plan is the first step in planning to fail. Periodization – the organization of a training program into phases and / or cycles each with a specific objective, volume and intensity, is the format utilized by coaches today when planning. The Annual Training Plan (ATP) is the roadmap to attaining the athlete’s short-term goals. The ATP when condensed provides the template for documenting all the elements of the plan in a systematic, cyclical and progressive fashion. To help in planning your training in the upcoming year, an analysis of the previous year is critical. Please complete the following questions to determine the best time to incorporate the services of ASDC to fit within your annual training plan. ASDC will support you with individual services which may include: 1) sport specific fitness testing and training, 2) VO2 max testing, 3) individual nutrition analysis or sessions, 4) individual mental skills training, 5) biomechanical analysis, 6) athletic therapy or 7) other services as deemed necessary for you as an athlete to grow in your sport. T2W athletes are welcome to participate in the Winning Edge Seminars throughout the season. PART A. SEASON ASSESSMENT - DEBRIEF/ GOAL SETTING These questions are offered to you to assist in deciding where you want to prioritize your training and improvement. The first 5 questions are general in nature (thought starters), and the next pages more specific and will provide a lot of information so you can formulate specific plans for improvement. Completing the worksheets will give the athlete and the ASDC a better understanding of where you are and where you need to improve. 1. What was the key to your success in the past season? 2. a. What was your best event last season? b. What did you do well? c. What do you feel you could have done better?

3. What do you feel were the most important components of your preparation?

100 College Boulevard, Box 5005, Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5 phone:(403) 342-3231 fax: (403) 343-8840 e-mail: [email protected] website: Adapted from Canadian Curling Association La Releve Program Annual Training Plan


T2W 2015-2016

4. What are some things you feel you handled well during this training and competition season?

5. What are some things you feel you could have handled better in the season?

6. What one thing gave you the most confidence?

PART B - ATHLETE ASSESSMENT With feedback from your coach, comment on the following areas of your performance in your most recent season. To enable you to use the information to set meaningful goals and objectives, be specific and honest in your assessment.



Area of Improvement






100 College Boulevard, Box 5005, Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5 phone:(403) 342-3231 fax: (403) 343-8840 e-mail: [email protected] website: Adapted from Canadian Curling Association La Releve Program Annual Training Plan


T2W 2015-2016

TRAINING SCHEDULE (Outline your training schedule including number of training sessions/week, type of training, number of practices/week, yearly calendar of your involvement in sport. # of Sessions/week: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Types of Training: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Total training dates: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Total competitions/dates:________________________________________________________________________________ Start date of practice season: ____________________________________________________________________________ End date of practice season: _____________________________________________________________________________ Start date of competition season: ________________________________________________________________________ End date of competition season: _________________________________________________________________________ Off-season dates: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Total days off: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Peak Performance/ Periodization a. In the past season, did you have the ability to perform to your full potential at the right time/place?

b. Were you tired or ‘burned out’ at any time this season?

Annual Training Plan From the information discovered in the above exercise, create an action plan to address the areas identified within your ATP. If you require more information about a ATP, visit the ASDC website. Please work with your coach on developing an ATP. ASDC-C can assist you and your coach with your ATP as required.

** NOTE: A $150.00 application fee is required with submission of forms. The cheque will only be cashed for successful applicants. Cheques should be made out to ASDC. ** 100 College Boulevard, Box 5005, Red Deer, AB T4N 5H5 phone:(403) 342-3231 fax: (403) 343-8840 e-mail: [email protected] website: Adapted from Canadian Curling Association La Releve Program Annual Training Plan


T2W 2015-2016

AEP Train to Win 2016-2017.pdf

The coach (with or through the athlete) will submit a sport science request as part of their ASDC-C mandated Annual. Training Plan. Athletes must be competing at the national or international level, fit within the Train to Compete or Train to Win stage. of the Canadian Sport For Life continuum, have a solid understanding and ...

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