AHEAD Cementitious Paint 2-comp. ECC protective coating for corrosion protection of rebars. Complies with UNI EN 1504-2

Description AHEAD Cementitious Paint is ​a specially developed​ epoxy cement coating for protection of steel in concrete for protecting cleaned rebars. The product is also suitable for protecting exposed steel. Forming a flexible and alkaline cement sheath around the iron. Complete set of powder and liquid portion that mixed together in the correct ratio ensures fast cure and enabling 2 strokes performed in minimal time. Areas of application All rebars “in day” of the concrete. Preparations The rebars should be thoroughly cleaned and free of loose particles of corrosion. The cementitious paint must be in direct contact with the rebar. Clean with sandblasting or other proper method. Mixing Liquid Component A is poured first, then add the powder, blend it with a rotating whisk with sufficient energy to beat sound the microballs of lading / fiber. Mixing must continue for about 3 min. The mix is complete when the consistency of the paint is slightly dripping. Application Application must occur immediately after mixing. Mix only the sufficient batch you will need. Use a brush for applying the mass directly to the exposed rebars in a thick solid layer. Pay special attention to the ends of the rebars. BEWARE, the mass should not come to direct contact with the concrete. Cementitious paint that has started curing should not be used. Mix only what you need within the products pot life. Should not be painted in temperatures above +35°C and below +5°C. AHEAD Cementitious Paint is ready to be recovered within two hours or when the curing made it harden. Pot life At +20°C normal pot life is 1 hour. Curing At a temperature of 20°C the processing time will be between 1-1,5 hours, depending of temperature. Cleaning and storage

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Rinse all used tools with freshwater before it gets time to dry. ​AHEAD Cementitious Paint ​should be stored frostfree and below +25​°C. Shelf life is limited to two years.

Technical data Specific gravity: ​2,1 kg/dm3 Compressive Strength:​ 7 days: 30-35 Nmm2 28 days: approx. 45 Nmm2 Adhesion strength: up to 2 Nmm2 Water permeability: ​approx. 1,43 x 10​-17​ m/sec. Equivalent to 5 meters of concrete Solids: ​100% Resistant to aging, flexibility might decrease slightly over the years. Good UV resistance. Packing size: ​15 kg Safety instructions Always use proper personal protective equipment. . Take care of proper ventilation during the installation.

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AHEAD​ ​Cementitious​ ​Paint

Cleaning​ ​and​ ​storage. Page​​1​​of​​2 ... Technical​ ​data. Specific​ ​gravity: ​ ​​ ​​2,1​​kg/dm3. Compressive​ ​Strength:​​​7​​days:.

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