




Part Part This and

This comprises the General Rules of the School, arranged as follows : introduaory notes . , . , . . . Guide to conduct Out of bounds Drinking and smoking Money and trade . . . , Damage to property and waste iladjos, gramophones, and musical instruments, ere. . Roii call Meats Dress Rooms Visiting . , Crossing the road , . . . . . . School badges Working hours . . . . . . tights out Punishments General points : Forbidden articles ; Behaviour in the House ; Wearing of socks; School towels; Jeans: School notices; Bad weather afternoons ; Letters ; Obstacle course ; Ropes ; Furnirare, bedding, towels and other School property ; Eiettric, gas, water, fire or other installations ; Mains appliances ; Boxing ; Cinema ; Windows open ; Litter ; Hitch-hiking ; Excursions to towns : Bicycles ; Church services 2 This explains the School rank system and lists the requirements, duties, and privileges of the ranks. (Many of these privileges include specific exceptions from the General Rules of Part 1) Introduaory notes The Council : Purposes, composition, procedure . . No Rank boys New boys School Sweater : Requirements, duties, privileges . Badge: Requirements, duties, privileges S-B.C.'s: Requirements, duties, privileges . Standard Bearers: Requirements, duties, privileges , Appointment and privileges of Prefects, Captaias. and Assistants . , . , 3 This comprises : Cycling safety rules Mountain expedition safety rules 4 AliocatTon of Team Points book must be kept carefully for reference. If lost, S.B.C.'s over will incur a fine of Fr, 5-—, and others F r . 3-—-

Page 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 -S S


12 12 12 14 15 15 15 16 17


RULES The f o l l o w i n g are certain specific rules w h i c h govern the community and you are expected to obey them. I f you observe these i t does not mean you can do anything else you like. You are expected to behave w i t h common sense and decency, and to observe the customs of the community, even i t they are not written down. GUIDE






Consider the comfort and convenience of other people. is the hall mark of courtesy and good manners.


D o n ' t make unnecessary or exaggerated noise.


D o n ' t draw vulgar.





Show reasonable restraint i n your dress.


See that your clothes are the occasion.

neat and






clean, and appropriate to


D o n ' t loiter, lounge about or look sloppy.



Always make way yourself.

21 23 2?


Notice i f anyone else is i n difficulties and i f you t h i n k you can be of service, offer quietly to help.


Show respect to everyone you meet regardless of their social position, nationality, colour or r e l i g i o n .

for others and

defer to those older than



Take care of i t .

I t is for you and for those who come after OUT


brandy, r u m , etc.) and anything containing them, cocktails, vermouth and aperitifs of all kinds. Cola drinks are not allowed i n the school on account of the drugs they contain. W A R N I N G : See below, under smoking.

A t all times : Other boys' rooms Front doors Servants' quarters Kitchens, serveries, etc. Common Rooms Public lavatories beside Clairmont Rooms of members of staff . " • Bazaar path Farm path to A l p i n a Basements (except when entering or leaving the house) Villars (Villars is anywhere on the far side of the stream which runs underneath the Chesieres bridge), except w i t h a special permission chit (given only for specific purposes, such as a necessary visit to a shop), or to pass through i n order to reach the skating rink, the s w i m m i n g bath or an expedition p o i n t beyond Villars such as Solalex or Bex, i f these are authorised. Between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m. : The Houses, shops, cafes and all buildings. After afternoon roll call : Outside Houses without permission. Grounds allowed i n daylight. In working hours : Juniors are not allowed upstairs. W h e n on bicycles : A l p i n a road and Belvedere drive. Woodland paths.

SMOKING Smoking is banned i n the interests of health. Any boy found w i t h cigarettes or tobacco or empty packets of these i n his possession or i n his room w i l l be deemed to have smoked and w i l l be punished accordingly. W A R N I N G : Provided a boy's conduct is otherwise satisfaaory, smoking and d r i n k i n g w i l l be punished as stated below : 1st offence — demotion, punishment and warning to parents of suspension or expulsion. 2nd offence w i t h i n a period of 12 months — expulsion, or, at the Headmaster's discretion, suspension for 6 weeks of School time. MONEY AND

A l l and any currency exceeding Fr. 5 . — i n total value must be handed to your Housemaster at the beginning of each term. This w i l l be credited to your parents' account i n Swiss francs and a credit note issued to you.


A n y other money received by you during the term for birthdays, etc., must be handed i n at once and w i l l be treated i n the same way. Y o u w i l l have to recover your money from your parents d u r i n g the holidays according to whatever private arrangements you may make w i t h them. The only exception to this rule w i l l be i f written instructions are sent w i t h the g i f t saying that the money is to be spent immediately on the purchase of a specific thing.


Should you require a sum of money for a special purpose, your Housemaster w i l l use his discretion i n issuing supplementary suras to your pocket money of up to Fr. 2 0 . — i n value per item. For sums of more than Fr. 2 0 . — you must

DRINKING D r i n k i n g is banned i n the interests of health. No boy may drink anything containing alcohol either i n or out of school, even i f offered by a Master, parent, friend or acquaintance. Included amongst alcoholic drinks are the f o l l o w i n g : beer, cider, wine, pernod, spirits (whiskey, g i n , 2




obtain written permission f r o m your parents. A l l such sums w i l l be debited to your parents' account. Note that the Housemaster's agreement is required as well as parents' permision. 4.

Private accounts are not allowed to be held by boys at the bank in Villars, or elsewhere, >ior w i t h any shop or restaurant. In order to protect the two parties and their parents, all financial transactions, including buying, selling, lending money and bets, must be approved by the Housemaster. W A R N I N G : Retaining money against regulations w i l l noimally entail demotion and punishment, or i f persistent, expulsion. DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND WASTE W i l f u l or careless damage w i l l be paid for out of pocket money. If the culprit is unknown, the deductions f r o m pocket money w i l l be made from the boys i n the House or School as appropriate. The amount of the fine is up to three times the amount of damage done, though the m a x i m u m amount w i l l normally only be levied i n the event of a fine on House or School. The following specific offences are fined as below : Flicking towels — 50 cts. T i l t i n g chairs — 50 cts. Leaving a light on i n an unoccupied room when there is sufficient daylight, and leaving windows open when heating is on — 50 cts per occupant of a private room. For public rooms and WC's, etc. — 50 cts to be deducted from the pocket money of all concerned. Sticking or p i n n i n g things on wall, doors, or furniture —50 cts. W r i t i n g on table tops — 50 cts per offence, plus cost of repair. Return of late or dirty camping equipment — 50 cts per article. Half the money from fines w i l l go to charity, and half w i l l be at Housemaster's disposal for House purposes. 4

RADIOS, GRAMOPHONES, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. May only be played at the times stated here. exceptions.

There are no

Lunch u n t i l 2.15 p . m . d a i l y ;

4.00 p . m . u n t i l 8.15 p.m. i n non w o r k i n g hours on weekdays and u n t i l 9.30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays ;

f r o m 11.00 a.m. on Sundays.

They may never be played i n w o r k i n g hours. Radios w i l l not be taken outside the school, or played outside the buildings. Pianos may only be played w i t h the permission of the Master on Duty. Blanket permission may be given to boys studying piano at the discretion of the Housemaster. Instruments must he played quietly and uith the door shut {if necessary the window too), and in such a way as not to cause a disturbance to others either inside or outside the House. The purpose of these rules is : a) to ensure that there are periods of relative peace and quiet during each day, and b) to try to prevent people getting into the habit of using music as a background noise instead of listening to i t . ROLL


A l l boys must attend. Should a boy miss roll call he must report to his Housemaster or the Master on Duty immediately upon his return. MEALS Lateness : No-one may be late for meals. (Exceptions are the Duty Prefects, D i n i n g Room and Tidiness Captains, Lights and W i n d o w s men and Post Clerks.) On entering the D i n i n g Room boys must be silent and stand behind their chairs until given the word to sit down by the Master on Duty. They w i l l then remain seated. Conduct : Boys more than one minute late, behaving badly or speaking English at a French speaking meal, w i l l sit against 5

the wall and forfeit their food. They may have a tartine afterwards i f the main course has been missed. Food : Boys must eat some of every vegetable, salad and fruit dish served. They may occasionally miss anything else. Every boy must report for breakfast but may be excused from attending by the Master on Duty. Food and drink may be brought i n for breakfast and tea only w i t h the Housemaster's permission and must be kept where he directs. W h i t e bread is not allowed. Food and d r i n k are not allowed i n rooms, except candy, sweets and soft drinks, though these are discouraged for health reasons.

2. 3. 4.

W h e n a servant wishes to clean a room the occupant must leave immediately. Quiet talk only, i n bedrooms. Bedroom doors must not be locked. VISITING

Any boy of Badge rank or over may visit another House w i t h his Housemaster's or the Master on Duty's permission and must report back on his return. I f he wishes to go upstairs i n the other House, he must get the Housemaster's or the Master on Duty's permission.

DRESS The School blazer w i t h dark trousers and collar and tie is the N o . 1 dress and w i l l be w o r n only : — i n Church ; — on school visits and special occasions ; — at supper on Saturdays and Sundays (and afterwards i f appearing i n public). Boys w i l l wear a quiet suit, collar and tie for dinner (supper) i n the evenings, except on Saturdays and Sundays when the School blazer w i l l be w o r n . Boys wishing to appear i n public (i.e. outside their own rooms) after supper must wear the f u l l dress as w o r n at supper i n school. I n hot weather permission may be obtained f r o m the Housemaster to wear short sleeves at lunch and long-sleeved, sober shirts w i t h tie but no jacket for supper. If either the blazer or a suit has to be sent to the cleaners, the Housemaster's permission may be obtained to wear the alternative dress until the blazer or suit returns. Jeans, or the equivalent, are not to be w o r n i n school, (except for rough work and the obstacle course.) ROOMS 1.


The following are not allowed i n bedrooms : a) Boots, shoes, overcoats or raincoats ; b) Food or drink (except candy, sweets, or soft drinks other than Cola drinks).

CROSSING T H E ROAD Before crossing the road : STOP, L O O K A N D L I S T E N N o r u n n i n g is allowed on Belvedere drive. J U N I O R S may not cross the road unsupervised. A D u t y Prefea must be on duty on the crossing after any assembly. SCHOOL


These must be w o r n on the left breast at a l l times i n and outside the School except when playing games or on overnight expeditions, on pain of fines as follows : Standard Bearers and S.B.C.'s Badges and Sweaters Eagles Other Juniors WORKING 1. 2. 3. 4.

Fr. 1 . — —.50 —.30 —.20 HOURS

Anyone having to leave a class or study hall to fetch anyt h i n g is deemed to be late. N o excuses are accepted unless signed by a Master. N o w o r k i n g out of doors or on balconies is allowed. N o gramophones or other instruments may be played. Boys must not talk i n study hall. 7


Boys are not allowed to get up early to work, without permission from their Housemaster. I f they cannot get their work done, they should go to their Form Master for advice. LIGHTS OUT

8.30 p . m . for Juniors and t h i i t y minutes after the end of prep, for Seniors. Juniors 8.30 p . m . Seniors i n the Remove Form 9.15 p.m. Fourth Formers 9.30 p.m. Fifth Formers 10.00 p . m . Sixth Formers 10.15 p . m .


By House Captains punishment r un. By Prefects and Captains w i l l normally consist of reporting, pensums, or black marks. — PENSUMS consist of a composition f i l l i n g two sides of a sheet of exercise book paper or the equivalent. These should be completed, initialled by the Housemaster, and returned by the boy to whoever gave the pensum (normally w i t h i n twenty-four hours). The subject of the composition w i l l be reasonable. — B L A C K M A R K S are given for minor offences. A boy receiving three black marks i n a week w i l l be given a pensum. Standard Bearers : W h e n executing specific duties assigned to them by House Captains, may punish as Prefects and Captains. Form Leaders : May give pensums School Prefect.


Punishments concerning studies :

if sanaioned

by a

a) Negative Team Points. Boys scoring negative team points on their work charts at the fortnightly mark readings w i l l work from 2.15 p.m. to 4.15 p . m . on the f o l l o w i n g Wednesday and Saturday ; 8

Juniors : Wednesdays and Saturdays 5.30-6.30 p.m. Seniors: Saturdays f r o m 8.15 p.m. The boy is not allowed to leave the School grounds afterwards. POINTS

Forbidden articles



c) Extra W o r k . This is given for bad or missed work, and takes place as follows :




b) Zero Team Points. The names of boys scoring zero team points w i l l be placed on a W a r n i n g List. If a name occurs twice running on the W a r n i n g List, the boy w i l l be considered as having Negative Team Points ;

Dangerous implements (knives, guns and other weapons). Fire-producing apparatus (matches, lighters). Elearic immersion heaters, soldering irons, hot plates, fires and other heating apparatus including gas stoves. Alcohol, i n any f o r m . Drugs and medicines of all kinds. Chewing g u m . Ink. Any of the above must be handed i n to the Housemaster on arrival. Behaviour in the House. Y o u are expected to behave w i t h common sense and decency. D o not, therefore, rag or run i n the House, talk f r o m balconies, or bang doors. W e a r i n g of socks. Socks may be worn without shoes only when going directly to or f r o m putting on ski boots. School towels. or bathing.

These must not be used for expeditions

Jeans, or similar. These may be worn for expeditions, camping or rough work but not at other times. School notices. These must not be touched at any time and may only be put up by Councillors. Bad weather afternoons. These may be declared on particular days at lunch time, throughout the School. O n these days, any boy who has a Free or Non-skiing afternoon may ask 9

his Housemaster for permission to come i n at 2.30 p.m. i n order to work or engage himself on a particular project. H e must be out of doots between 2.00 and 2.30 p.m. Boys not granted this special permission must be out of doors f r o m 2.00 to 3.00 p.m. as usual. Letters. Every boy must write a letter home each week which must be stamped and handed to his Housemaster. Seniors must obtain stamps at the Post Office. They w i l l not be provided by the School. Obstacle course. person is supervising.

This may only be used i f an authorised

Ropes. May only be used w i t h gym shoes or bare feet. Swinging on them or touching them when someone else is on them is not allowed. Furniture, bedding, towels and other School property. May not be moved out of the room or out of the House (e.g. on to balconies), nor may the position of furniture be changed. Electric, gas, water, fire or other installations. May not be touched except i n the course of normal use. (This includes fire escape ropes and ladders). Mains appliances. Mains electric lamps, radios, record players, etc., may only be used w i t h the permission of the Housemaster, and on payment of Fr. 5 . — a term ( f r o m pocket money).

Standard Bearer, and must be i n by 10 p.m. unless going to a performance accompanied by a Master. Standard Bearers and S.B.C.'s must be i n by 11 p.m. unless going to a performance accompanied by a Master. Bicycles. Badges, Sweaters, and Eagles may ride bicycles only for particular purposes and w i t h permission. Permission may be obtained from the expeditions master i f an expedition is involved or f r o m the Housemaster i n other cases. Other Juniors and N o Rank boys w i l l not ride bicycles. Bicycles may not be ridden unless passed as f i t by the Bicycle Captain and unless the rider has passed his cycling tests. The Cycling Safety Rules must be observed. Playing i n the road is forbidden. Bicycles may not be ridden on Belvedere drive or the Alpina road. Boys may not cycle to church. C h u r c h services. Blazers w i l l be worn. N o excuses are admitted for being late for church.



Boxing. Must be properly organised and refereed by a member of the Staff. and

Cinema. S.B.C.'s.

The cinema is allowed only to Standard Bearers

Windows open. A t least one window must be open, however little, at night. The shutters behind it must also be open. Litter.

Do n ' t drop i t . I f you see litter anywhere, pick i t up.

Hitch-hiking. Is forbidden. and hitch-hikers are not insured.)

( I t is against Swiss l a w ;

Excursions to towns. On trips and excursions to towns, Badge boys and below must be supervised by a Master or a 10



THE COUNCIL, RANKS AND PRIVILEGES W h e n reading this section you should primarily be concerned w i t h what you can put into your position i n the School, not w i t h what you can get out of i t . The more you put i n , the more w i l l eventually be given you.

6. Matters of educational policy, administration and studies are outside the province of the Council except i n so fat as the Headmaster may seek its advice on these subjects. Composition President : The Headmaster, or his representative, w h o has no vote but retains the right of veto and a casting vote. Members :

T o be eligible Members of the Staff must have been at the School at least t w o terms.


There shall be not more than 4 Members of the Staff on the Council, excluding the President. These shall be appointed by the Headmaster and w i l l normally serve three termj.


T h e Dean and Housemasters, by virtue of their office, w i l l attend Council meetings but w i l l vote only i f appointed members of the Council.

NOTE The chief privilege enjoyed by boys holding the different ranlcs consists i n being treated according to their position. Certain specific privileges are, however, accorded, and these are listed after the Requirements and Duties under each rank. Failure to maintain the standards required i n any position w i l l result i n demotion. THE


Purposes 1. T o represent the interests of the School as a whole. 2. To advise the Headmaster. 3. T o award the School sweater and badges and elect boys to the ranks of Standard Bearer Candidates, Standard Bearer, and to the Council, and to remove them i f necessary. The Headmaster may remove boys from their positions without consulting the Council i f he thinks i t necessary to do so, i n which case he w i l l subsequently report the facts to the Council. 4. T o legislate i n matters concerning the internal organisation of the School. 5. T o provide boy members w i t h the opportunity and experience of engaging i n responsible discussion and making responsible decisions. 12

A . Staff




Boy membeis are elected by unanimous vote of the Council, minus one. T h e number of boy members is unlimited. General A notice, setting f o r t h the purposes and composition of the Council and the rules governing nominations, shall be permanently displayed i n Room 8. Nominations and eleaions shall be recorded i n the minute book of the Council at the time of such nominations and elections. Membership of the Council ceases when a member leaves the School. The Council may invite non-members for consultation on particular points. Such non-members w i l l not vote. Meetings I n Older to preserve freedom of discussion w i t h i n the Council, meetings shall be held i n camera, but the Staff may be told of matters discussed and decisions taken upon request to the Secretary, w i t h the pioviso that such information shall 13

not prejudice freedom of discussion i n the Council. For example, names of speakers and voting w i l l not be reported. The boys shall be given such information as the Council shall determine. Members of the Common Room shall not discuss proceedings of the Council w i t h the boys unless and u n t i l such proceedings have been officially announced to the boys. A meeting may be called by any member of the Council on application to the Secretary. Provided he is sincere, any boy can ask any member of the Council to raise a question i n the Council. Star A w a r d s Standard Bearer Candidates and Badges may <• stars » as a recognition of effort w i t h i n the awards w i l l be made by a two thirds majority Council. They w i l l be confirmed at each Council

be awarded rank. These vote of the meeting.

Probation A boy i n any rank may be placed on probation, indicating that his standard of condua or his attitude have fallen below that required for his rank and that it must be restored ; failing such a restoration, he w i l l be demoted. NO


A boy cannot expect to remain i n the school i f the award of his Sweater is delayed indefinitely. I f a new boy is not awarded his School Sweater at the first promotion meeting of the term, he : 1.

W i l l not be allowed out unless accompanied by a Master, Prefect, or Standard Bearer.

2. Must report to his Housemaster before lunch every day to confirm his aaivity. 3. His pocket money w i l l be Fr. 3.50 per week. 4. May not ride a bicycle. A boy whose Sweater has been removed is equally subject to the above provisions. 14

Amnesty : Boys demoted to N o Rank w i l l start the new scholastic year w i t h the rank of Sweater, unless the demotion took place d u r i n g the last fortnight of the preceding school year. NEW


Since new boys have had no opportunity to earn a rank, they w i l l be given the temporary rank of School Sweater, i f aged 13 or 14, and of Badge, i f 15 or over. Juniors under 12 w i l l rank as Junior Sweater and over 12 as Junior Badge. This status w i l l be valid until the first meeting of the Council at which new boys are considered for promotion, which w i l l normally be i n the fourth week of term. SCHOOL 1.



The award of the Sweater shows that the Council considers that a boy has taken his place as a member of the community and that he can be relied upon to uphold the standards of the School by his good behaviour outside. Only then is he considered a f u l l member of the community and entitled to wear the School colours. Election and removal by simple majority. 2.

Privileges a) Pocket money Fr. 6 . — per week ;

h) May go to the skating r i n k w i t h permission and i f supervised by a Master, Prefect or a Standard Bearer f r o m the time of leaving u n t i l return. BADGE 1.


The Badge is awarded to a member of the Senior School who is not only accepted, but w h o shows a certain steadiness, responsibility and purpose i n his attitude, and who is making a positive contribution to the community. Election by two-thirds m a j o r i t y ; removals by fiat of the Headmaster or his deputy. 15




a) May iiave a half hour's extension over normal bedtime on Saturdays ; b) May go to the valley w i t h permission ; c) Pocket money Fr. 8 . — per week ; d) Allowed out w i t h Housemastet's permission after supper on Saturdays i n the Summer term u n t i l 9.00 p.m. STANDARD BEARER 1.




a) I f on the Brevet List, may work unsupervised downstairs. N o talking is allowed i n these study periods. Brevet. A Standard Bearer or S.B.C. gains a place on the Brevet List by scoring a m i n i m u m of four team points on his work chart for the previous f o r t n i g h t ; however, this work chart must not contain any black or brown grade for effort or achievement unless such a black or brown grade i n achievement is accompanied by a red grade i n effort i n the same subject; b) S.B.C.'s i n the Sixth Form who are also Brevets may work i n their own rooms instead of i n Study H a l l ; 16

el May /) May dark and to g) May

Requirements and Duties

This rank is a training ground for Standatd Bearers and is designed to provide boys who, i n the opinion of the Council, show the right basic qualities, w i t h greater opportunities to prove themselves. As at a l l other stages of a boy's career at Aiglon, i n so far as he shows himself worthy of the confidence placed i n h i m , he w i l l be granted a greater measure of trust, responsibility and freedom. I n particular, his requests for permission w i l l be granted more easily than those of lower ranking boys. W h i l s t he remains under the authority of the Prefects, he is expeaed to use his influence to assist i n the maintenance of good order and discipline, and to support the standards and traditions of the School. Elections must be unanimous; removals by a two-thirds majority.

Excused P.T. (but not showers) on Wednesdays ;

d) May go to Villars on his Free Day, and between roll call and supper on Saturdays when he must sign out. He may ask permission (not necessarily granted) to go to Villars after supper on Saturdays, when he must be i n by 10.30 p . m . unless going to the cinema. (Lights out 10.45 p.m.) ; go into shops on his free day ; ask the Housemaster's permission to go out aftei go to the cinema on Saturday n i g h t s ; go to skating r i n k any time ;

h) Pocket money is Fr. 9 . — per week. STANDARD 1.


Requirements and Duties

A high standard of personal integrity, responsibility and loyalty is demanded of a Standard Bearer. He should be absolurely trustworthy and capable of assuming moral responsibility not only for himself but for the community as a whole and its members. His loyalty to the School must be unquestioned and its good name is i n his keeping. I t is consequently his duty to watch over every aspect of the life of the School and to assist the Headmaster and the Council to maintain its standards and traditions. His watchword is Service. His characteristics are h u m i l i t y and concern for others, and his privileges are enjoyed i n virtue of the services he renders. Standard Bearers may punish as prefects when doing specific duties assigned to them by House Captains. Elections must be unanimous ; removals by a two-thirds majority. 2.

Privileges a) Entitled to wear A i g l o n Association tie ;

b) May work i n his own room i f on the Brevet List (otherwise must work i n the supervised Study H a l l ) ; 17

c) Pocket money is Fr. 1 1 . — per week ; d) He is also entitled, w i t h parents' written permission, to draw an annual allowance of Fr. 2136.—, it being mandatory that the boy's bank book be maintained by the parents during the holidays, and boys buy all their clothes, including sports kit, and pay all their everyday expenses in the holidays as well as during the term. Boys on this allowance are not expected to pay for the following items : Sickness insurance Major travelling expenses, including hotels College and University Entrance costs Special tuition Extra books for study (extra stationery must be paid for) Compulsory excursions and expeditions Purchase of bicycle Tent Season ski pass Expedition boots Procedure is as follows : (i) Simple accounts w i l l be kept by the boy, and duplicated by the Housemaster, to indicate credit i n hand. (ii) One-third of the annual allowance (i.e. Fr. 712.—) w i l l be credited to the boy's account on the first day of each term. (iii) The boy may draw pocket money i n cash f r o m this credit up to the normal Standard Bearers' rate, i.e. Fr. 1 1 . — per week. However, this amount may be increased during holidays, the amount being entered i n the bank book. (iv) Articles that the boy wishes to buy against his credit and not out of his pocket money w i l l be purchased by bon or by cash as appropriate and noted by the Housemaster i n the boy's account book. Parents are asked to ensure that purchases during the holiday period and financed by them are similarly noted i n the boy's account book. Finally, the above system is, of course, without prejudice to bona-fide birthday/Christmas presents offered to the boy, but 18

if these are i n cash they must be credited to the boy's account so that they show on his account as supplementary to his allowance ; e) May ask Housemaster's permission : (i) To miss afternoon roll call, but must report to the Housemaster on his return. (ii) T o dine out once a week, providing it does not interfere w i t h his duties. Notice must be given by tea-time i n the mess book provided ; /) May drink alcoholic beverages, except spirits, on Saturday evenings, or when bona fide (genuine) guests of responsible adults. A n y boy abusing this privilege w i l l be expelled ; g) May go to Villars at any time he is free, except that after roll call and after supper at weekends he must sign out. On Saturdays he must be i n by 11.00 p.m. unless going to the cinema, and lights w i l l be out by 11.15 p.m. ; h) May visit cafes and other buildings, except school buildings, on his free days between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m., and shops on any d a y ; i) May move freely between Houses without asking permission, except during class or prep, time ; )) May visit Standard Bearers and S.B.C.'s i n their own rooms i n any House, but no-one else ; k) Excused P.T. on Wednesdays (but not showers) ; I) Need not be checked by the Shower Checker, but w i l l take showers at the same time as the others ; m)

Is responsible for this own letteis h o m e ;

n) May use the A l p i n a sitting room at any time and may work there i f he wishes ; o) May keep his shoes and coats i n his room, but no ski or football boots ; p) May use the front d oot s ; q) May use the Bazaar path to Belvedere; r) May keep ink i n his room. 19

SCHOOL PREFECTS AND HOUSE are appointed by the advisers.




i n consultation






are appointed by the Housemasters. Their privileges are as follows : PREFECTS May keep their shoes and coats i n their rooms. May use the front door. Need not attend roll call but must report to the Master or Prefect taking it immediately before roll call. I f late, they must report to their Housemaster or his deputy. They w i l l otherwise by listed as absent. T w o mornings a week free f r o m P.T. but not from showers. Can have food and soft drinks, other than Cola drinks or whole coffee, i n their rooms. Cooking and heaters are excluded. May have tea i n Careers Room at m o r n i n g break. W i t h Housemaster's permission, may have priority i n the shower queue if, and only if, their duties require such priority. School Prefects are excused from wearing badges. CAPTAINS May use the front door. Those Captains whose duties require priority i n the shower queue may ask Housemaster's permission for such priority. May keep their shoes and coats i n their rooms, but no ski or football boots.




Bicycles 1. Bicycles must be i n perfect w o r k i n g order. 2. N o one may ride a bicycle that has not passed the test. 3. Every bicycle must have : a) A n efficient bell or horn ; b) Efficient front and rear brakes ; c) A n efficient white f r o n t light, and red rear l i g h t ; d) Licence plate mounted vertically, facing the rear and unobscured by luggage, etc. 4. Before setting off, you should check brakes and tyres. 5. W h e n loading a bicycle, make especially sure that luggage is safely strapped on and that it does not make the bicycle unsteady. 6. N o one may carry a passenger on a bicycle. Riding 7. Y o u must at all times be i n f u l l control of your bicycle. 8. Y o u must not let go of the handlebars, or pedals, or be towed by another vehicle. 9. Y o u must keep w i t h i n 1 '/2 metres of the right side of the road. 10. Y o u must maintain the correct gap between youiself and the cyclist (or vehicle) i n front, going d o w n h i l l 25 metres, u p h i l l 2 metres. 11. Y o u must at all times adapt your speed to road conditions, traffic and public safety ; a safe speed is one that enables you to stop within the distance you can see.



b) Lead the way at a safe pace for the slowest member;

12. Y o u must ride i n single file on the O l l o n road and similar roads.


13. Y o u must use special cycle tracks i f provided.

d) See that no one gets ahead of h i m ;

Traffic 14. Y o u must slow down when approaching a crossing. 15. I n a town you must give way to any vehicle approaching from your right. 16. I f you are on a secondary road i n the country, you must give way to anyone travelling on the main road. 17. Y o u must follow the correct traffic lanes for the direction you intend to take. A t lights, leave room for traffic « filtering » to the right i f you are not t u r n i n g right. 18. Before turning left — the most dangerous manoeuvre i n the book — make sure first that nothing is overtaking you fast from behind. Then hold your left arm out at least 25 metres before the turning.

e) See that the correct spacing is maintained ; f) Check especially that members do not get widely separated ; special care is needed at crossroads and going downhill. 27. N o one w i l l leave the group he started out w i t h . 28. A n y one reported by a party leader for breaking these rules w i l l be suspended f r o m cycling. Accidents 29. I n the event of an accident you m u s t : a)




• Danger,


c) N o t i f y the nearest police station and leave your name and address ; d) N o t i f y the school as soon as possible (025) 3 27 27 ; e) Exchange names and addresses w i t h everyone concerned i n the accident and any witnesses.


21. A w i n k i n g red light at a railway crossing means « H a l t : Train coming ». 22. Overtaking is forbidden on corners, at road junctions, level crossings, and anywhere where visibility is limited or i f there is another vehicle approaching. 23. Y o u must only overtake on the left of the vehicle overtaken. Parties 24. Y o u may cycle alone between Chesieres and Arveyes.

30. A n y accident, Housemaster.

a) Check that his party's bicycles are safe and that luggage is safely attached ; 22

however trivial, must be reported to your

31. A n y departure from these rules may only be authorised on each occasion by a Housemaster.



32. Anyone not observing these rules, cycling dangerously or shoiting a lack of courtesy to other road users, w i l l be suspended f r o m cycling.

25. The party leader is responsible for his party and must be obeyed by all members of i t . His responsibility begins and ends at the school. 26. A party leader w i l l :

Stop at once and offer your assistance ;

b) W a r n other road users i f there is any danger ;

19. Y o u must give way to a pedestrian alieady on a pedestrian crossing. 20. A w i n k i n g Caution ».

See that the best other cyclist brings up the rear;


N o boy may rock climb or climb the high mountains during term without the Expeditions Master or a mountain guide being present. 23

2. The Expeditions Master, or other Masters approved by the School, may climb w i t h only one or two boys on the same rope when on difficult locks. O n easy rocks, more boys may be taken on a rope as long as security can be maintained. 3.


Ropes must always be used on slopes where a slip could have likely fatal consequences, however easy the rocks, except i n circumstances where the rope would create additional hazards. N o boy may • take i n • another boy unless he is belayed and until he has held a falling boy on the practice rocks.

5. Any boy's first abseil must be made w i t h a safety rope. The Expeditions Master must be present at all abseils unless the abseiling boy is experienced and has been given permission to make unsupervised abseils. 6.

N o boy may lead u p h i l l , except on practice rocks, unless ; a) A Master or guide is holding his rope, o r ; b) The boy has been on the same route before, f r o m which he must not deviate.


The approved calls for rock climbing when using belays are : a) For beginning a pitch :


Snow and Ice Climbing 1.

N o boy may go unroped on any glacier, unless on skis or if the glacier is « dry ».


Parties crossing glaciers must be accompanied by the Expeditions Master or a Master approved by the School or a mountain guide. They must be roped and consist of at



Boys on steep slopes of snow or ice must be roped, carry ice axes, and be i n charge of the Expeditions Master or a Master approved by the School or a mountain guide. Mountain Groups without a Master 1. The group must have at least three members, and must be approved by the Expeditions Master.

2. A copy of the proposed route must be approved by and deposited w i t h the Expeditions Master. The route may be reduced i n case of bad weather or emergency, but except on roads and main paths, should not otherwise be altered or amended unless such possible alternatives have previously been discussed. This rule applies specially strictly when passing through rocky or other dangerous country. 3. a) The group must not do any rock climbing ;

THAT'S ME CLIMB W H E N CLIMBING b) For use when a person is c l i m b i n g : SLACK - i f more rope is needed T A K E I N - i f a tight rope is needed ( D o not say « Take i n slack »)

least three members. Normally, all members must have ice axes, and at the m i n i m u m the fitst and last people i n the party and also at least every other person must have ice axes. Exceptions may be made if the party is on skis or i f the glacier is • dry », though the patty must still be accompanied.

b) The group must avoid glaciers, and any snow or ice slope where a slide could develop, or where there was any possibility of an avalanche ; c) The group must not go high i n bad weather. I f there is a mist, do not go into the mountains unless there is an easily visible path ( u n t i l you have had proper training and experience) ; and never go on i n mist unless you know exactly where you are on the map. 4. The leader must have an approved map, torch. First A i d kit, compass, and preferably a whistle. (The International Distress signal consists of a signal repeated six times at ten second intervals, then pause one minute, then repeat. The reply is the signal repeated three times at twenty second intervals.) The whistle must never be used on the mountains except i n emergencies. 25

5. Each boy must be properly equipped w i t h boots or w i t h very strong shoes, thick socks, a windcheater, at least two jerseys, gloves, and some form of covering for the head. A whistle and torch, and extra sweets or chocolate are strongly advisable for each boy. G y m shoes are also advisable. I n summer, gym shoes might be allowed instead of boots or strong shoes on certain expeditions. 6. The party must never get separated. There should never be more than a few yards between leader and last man, especially i n mist, and no member should be allowed to lag behind and get out of sight. N o r m a l l y , and always when in the mountains themselves, a stronger member of the party should be appointed as last man : i t is his job to ensure that the leaders do not get too far ahead, by calling them back. 7. The party must not walk beneath high cliffs, except when on main tracks, and must never camp beneath them. 8. C A M P I N G ; If the tent entrance is fastened, no stove must be used between the boys and the entrance. 9. G L A C I E R W A T E R : N o t to be drunk ! 10. B A T H I N G : D o not bathe i n mountain lakes i n bare feet as they often contain broken bottles. 11. A C C I D E N T S : I n the event of an accident, the response must be to ; a) Stop any bleeding, by continued pressure i f necessary; b) Keep the patient warm, comfortable, rested and calm ; cl Send for help. A party of three boys w i l l send one person for help ; a party of four boys w i l l send two people for help (always leaving one person w i t h the injured boy, therefore). Take careful note of the place of the accident.






A L L O C A T I O N S PER F O R T N I G H T CITIZENSHIP 14 Attitude 3 Job Tidiness 3 ACTIVITIES 6 (If no practical work, 8) Sports and Games Practical work 2 Expeditions 8 Use of Leisure 4 20 STUDIES SUPPLEMENTARY PLUS Projects :

Double Gold Gold Silver Mention Headmaster's bonus : Councillor Rank b o n u s : S.B. S.B.C. Badge Sweater Junior Eagle Junior Badge Junior Sweater Mentions : Double Single Long Expedition M I N U S (for punishments) Pensum The Punishment R u n Extra work per hour Bench

15 10 5 2 30 30 20 15 10 5 15 10 5 2 1 20 -2 -2 -2 - 1 27

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