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Profile of Surabaya

Surabaya, Indonesia! Indonesia is an archipelagic country stretched across the equator, with biodiversity in natural resources, both its flora and fauna. Among the countries which have the largest number of population, Indonesia has a dynamic economy, diverse cultures, and robust society. Surabaya is known as the city of hero and strategically located right in the center of Indonesia. As a metropolitan city in the eastern part of Indonesia, Surabaya is the commercial and administrative capital city of East Java Province; a thriving business and industrial center and the province’s main port. Travelling from Surabaya, which has an international airport, is very convenient, besides, there are many breath-takingly beautiful tourist destinations that can be reached easily from Surabaya such as Mt. Bromo, Yogyakarta, Lombok and Bali. Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), located in Surabaya, established on  November , currently has  faculties and one school of postgraduate, ranging from basic sciences, medicine, and social sciences. Its vision are to be independent, innovative, and leading university at the national & international levels, and to be pioneer in the development of science, technology, humanities based on moral and religious values.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program (ASP), established in , is a short program for undergraduate students who are interested in knowing further about issues regarding culture, health, science, social, and law in Indonesia and Universitas Airlangga. It offers some appealing main programs including Traditional Medicine known as Jamu, Community Empowerment, Community Health, Safari Program (Baluran National Park), Indonesian Creative Industry and Indonesian Legal System concerning how the legal system in Indonesia can accommodate diversity in terms of race, ethnic, religion, and custom. In addition, it offers a cultural trip to Mount Bromo and Language and Culture class that can give the students unforgettable experience.

Inside the Brochure Creative Industry in Indonesia CREATIVE INDUSTRY IN FACING GLOBAL CHALLENGES

Indonesian Traditional Medicine


Safari Program

Community Health Nursing in Coastal Area of East Java



and Cultures

Pluralism In Harmony: Unity In Diversity

CERIA: Unity In Diversity

The earliest record of Surabaya found in a book dated in , written by Chau Ju-Kua, in which it was called Jung-ya-lu, the ancient name of Surabaya. Ma Huan documented the early th century visit of Zheng He’s ship in his book () Ying-yai Sheng-lan: “after travelling south for more than twenty li, the ship reached Sulumayi, whose foreign name is Surabaya. At the estuary, the out flowing water is fresh. It is then officially established in . The date was taken from the glory of Raden Wijaya, the first king of Majapahit Kingdom, who won the battle against Chinese troops”. As Indonesia’s second largest city, Surabaya is known for its frankness and hot weather. Having the fierce struggles of independence, Surabaya is also known as “the City of Heroes”. The Battle of Surabaya in  played an important role for galvanizing independence movements and gaining international support for Indonesian Independence. Surabaya is locally believed to derive its name from the words “sura” or “suro” (shark) and “baya” or “boyo” (crocodile). In the local myth and Jayabaya prophecy (an ancient Javanese belief), a giant white shark and a giant crocodile were believed to have a fight against each other in order to gain the title “the strongest and most powerful animal” in the area. Now the two animals are used as the city’s landmark, the two facing each other while circling, as depicted in a statue appropriately located near the Surabaya zoo’s entrance.




Creative Industry in Indonesia

Creative Industry in Indonesia Creative industry plays an important role in economic growth as it only uses the unlimited resourse of human creativity, it opens more employment and; in some area, it less depends on natural resource as the traditional manufacturing industry. In Indonesia, it includes advertising, architecture, art and antiquities, craft, design, fashion, video film and photography, interactive games, music, performing arts, printing and publishing, computer and software, television amd radio, and research and development. It becomes the th major contributor to its GDP (.%) export value (%). It opened more employment in -. As the th largest population in the world, Indonesia poses it self as a potential large market for creative industry. Creative industry has become an important tool for Indonesia to survive during - global financial crisis. Moreover, in some areas, it depends on the local wisdom and traditional values among the society and turns them into widely acceptable products, such as Batik and traditional handy-crafts. It will be quite challenging for creative industry, especially the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), to face the global challenge and ASEAN Economic Community, when there will be a lot ot creative industry products entering Indonesian markets. Besides, the revolution in information and communication technology has brought both many opportunities and challenges. Internet has been a good opportunity for creative industry to have wider network and market. However, it brings some challenges, like the intelectual property right and cyber crime issues.

Airlangga Summer Program


Airlangga Summer Program / is open for  targeted international students. It offers a closed observation on creative industry in Indonesia, emphasizing on creative industry of Batik home industry and explores other creative industry, such as hand crafting of recycled good and knitted ware industry. Furthermore, it focuses on exploring their perceived economic, cultural and traditional values, how they keep up with consumer’s needs and market desire in Indonesia; and how it introduces a new culture as a part of it with online shopping and how it produces new challenges such as intelectual property rights . It delivers you to look closely on the creative industry in a way that the unlimited human creativity utilizes the cultural and traditional value into a widely acceptable product globally; how it uses less natural resources and benefits recyclable goods, compares to the traditional manufacturing industry; and opens more employment especially for Small Medium Enterprise (SME). This short program combines interactive classes, workshop visits/field trips to some SME’s workshops around the city of Surabaya (such as Batik workshop, leather crafts and recycle home industry) and a cultural trip.


Program Venue Management Building, Kampus C Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Timeline and Schedule Application Deadline

 June 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 July -  August Program Duration Accommodation check out  August 

Tuition and Fees Program Fee

, USD


 USD

• Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  • IELTS : minimum . • Two recommendations letter from home university

Program Timeline Arrival Program Orientation


How to Apply • Please fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Creative • Send the following required documents: - Copy of recommendation letters - A certified copy of latest CGPA - A Copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected]

Courses & Workshop

What You Will Get • Meals during the program (lunch and snacks) • Transportation during the program: airport-hotel-venue-hotel-airport • Field trips to creative industry workshops (such as Batik workshop, leather crafts and recycle home industry) • A cultural trip • Certificate of attendance

• Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception • Management of Small Medium Enterprise • Consumer Culture • Cyber Culture • Intelectual Property Rights Law • Cyber Law

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Cultural Trip

Surabaya Probolinggo



Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya


Airport Transfer Provided

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Manager of International Class International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



Juanda International Airport Surabaya

• Materia Medika Botanical Garden • Mangrove Ecotourism • Urban Hydroponic Vegetable & Mangrove Plantation • Bromo Mountain • Madakaripura Waterfall

Program Benefits • Experiencing the Indonesian dynamic economic growth • Gaining insight on of Indonesian creative industry • Gaining applicable knowledge of some short courses; Management of Small Medium Enterprise, Cyber Culture, Consumer Culture, Cyber Law and Intelectual Property Rights Law into Indonesian Creative Industry

Airport Pick-up service provided

[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Indonesian Traditional Medicine

Indonesian Traditional Medicine Indonesian traditional medicine plays an important role in supporting the health care system in Indonesia. It is popularly known as Jamu and it has been used through generations for its benefits and it costs very cheap. This program has been designed to give general and detail overview on Indonesian Traditional Medicine. Universitas Airlangga through such efforts of the Faculty of Pharmacy is able to share the knowledge on Jamu. The course is aimed to build the base knowledge for active management of traditional, complementary medicine through appropriate policies, to make an understanding on the philosophy, and application of the medicine. Also, it aims to give the participants of the program a better understanding on the preparation of herbal materials and production of Jamu. It will be quite challenging to enhance the performance of Jamu, especially in order to be able to use it more effectively in the primary health care systems. Nowadays, most universities and research institutions have conducted research to expand the understanding of the education and research of medicines. Some field trips will help students to understand better about the importance of good quality herbal materials as a prerequisite in serving a good quality of traditional medicine. The topic of Indonesian traditional medicine consists of learning the basic concept of Indonesian Traditional Medicine, the herbal plants for medical purposes, and recent development of Indonesian Traditional Medicine. The studies are conducted through various methods including classes, laboratory works, and field trips.



and Cultures

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  targeted international students who are interested in Indonesian traditional medicine or herbal medicine and Indonesian Language and Cultures. Both are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each. First, it emphasizes on the learning variety of herbal medicines including local and scientific names, and the uses for health. It focuses on understanding the process of Jamu medicines production, including harvesting and post-harvesting of plant-based materials, extracting and mixing methods, packaging and distributing of the medicines. It delivers you to look closely on the process of making Indonesian traditional medicine in a scientific way; observing and learning about the role of Jamu in the health care system of Indonesia. Students can understand how to make traditional medicine from natural resources product and look closely on traditional producer of Jamu. Second, it also offers Indonesian Language and Cultures class. Students will learn about Indonesian National Language, called Bahasa Indonesia, and some Indonesian cultures; both for traditional and urban culture. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional dance; Javanese traditional instruments, called Gamelan; and also the famous traditional clothes painting, Batik. During some free times, students will be guided to play traditional games. This short program combines some interactive classes, workshop, laboratory, field trips and also a cultural trip to the volcanic mountain of Bromo.

Payment Information

Program Venue Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Faculty of Pharmacy, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga Jl. Airlangga Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Timeline and Schedule Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Program Fee

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code



USD 


Included (-Stars Hotel)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Jamu Class . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field & Cultural Trips: . Materia Medika Botanical Garden . Bromo Mountain . Madakaripura Waterfall . City Tour • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games


Bank Mandiri

Program Orientation

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)


Airport Pick-up service provided • Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception

Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS *) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Program Fee

Program Timeline

Courses & Workshop

Cultural Trip

Application Process . Fill out the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Jamu


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - Copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificates The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Jamu”


. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

• Materia Medika Botanical Garden • Bromo Mountain • Madakaripura Waterfall • City Tour

Farewell Airport Transfer Provided

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Program Benefits • Experiencing making Indonesian Traditional Medicine and herbal plants, its development through time to time, the scientific explanation of its benefits; • Experiencing fun cross culture with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

• Jamu Class • Indonesian Language & Culture



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Surabaya Probolinggo

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Safari Program

Safari Program As the biggest archipelagic country located in the equator, Indonesia is home to diverse vegetations as well as million species of land animals and marine wildlife, some of which are exotic and indigenous of Indonesia. Observation and conservation of such animals have been done years ago by government, scholars, and non-government organization through various programs. National Parks and Safari Park are established to introduce, observe and conserve the rich nature of Indonesia. Universitas Airlangga through collaboration of the Faculty of Veterinary and Faculty of Fisheries and Marines will explore and share their knowledge in this program. The course is aimed to build the base knowledge for exotic animals, marine wildlife and the oceanography of Indonesia, followed by close observations to the studied animals and wildlife marines to deepen students’ understanding. Also, it aims to give the participants of the program a better understanding on the animals’ conservation programs in Indonesia. The program offers complete package since participants will not only learn about the course in classes but also study the animals through close observation in the nature as well. With recent changes in nature due to global warming and human’s activities, it will be both challenging and exciting to observe and study animals in their habitat during summer, when their daily activities are higher than in other season. Another part of the field trip will involve patrol to find turtles’ eggs which needs to be saved since the period of the program overlaps with the peak of mating season of turtles. The topic of Safari Summer Program consists of learning the basic concept of exotic animals, wildlife medicine, marine wildlife, oceanography, and recent development in Indonesia’s safari condition. The studies are conducted through various methods including classes and field trips.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  targeted international students who are interested in Indonesian exotic animals and wildlife medicines; Indonesian oceanography and Indonesian language and cultures. Both are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each. Exotic Animals and Wildlife Medicines discusses the wildlife in general with some specific reviews related to conservation, behavior, management, breeding and the health care of wild animals in the zoos and wildlife parks. The course provides some case studies of wildlife management of tropical animals in some zoos and wildlife park in East Java. Indonesian Oceanography explains the relationship between oceanography and fisheries followed by the description on Indonesian water topography and division. This course also conducts various discussions. First, discussion on physical characteristic of marine water includes large-scale patterns, ocean circulation, as well as small-scale phenomena such as waves. Second, discussion about chemical characteristic includes marine water nutrient, essential substances as well as the role of chemical substances on marine productivity. Third, discussion on biological characteristic of marine water includes the living organism and its effect on marine productivity. Topics of current interest such as climate changes, global warming, coastal development, fisheries, and introduced species, resumption of whaling, coral bleaching, hydrothermal vents and water pollution are presented throughout this course.

Payment Information

Program Venue Faculty of Fisheries and Marines, Kampus C Faculty of Veterinary, Kampus C Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline



Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Program Orientation

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 


 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year

• Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Cultural Trip

Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Safari

Program Fee Program Fee


USD , (Accomodation Included)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Exotic Animals & Wildlife Medicines and Marine Biology . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Baluran National Park . Taman Safari • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Safari”


• Short Orientation • Course Introduction

• Indonesian Language & Culture • Exotic Animals and Wildlife Medicines • Oceanography • Traditional Dance

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

• Pasar Burung Bratang • Taman Safari • Urban Hydroponic Vegetable & Mangrove Plantation • Roemah Batik Surabaya • Kebun Binatang Surabaya • Baluran National Park

Farewell Airport Transfer Provided



Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Program Benefits

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Welcoming Reception

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

• Observation of exotic animals and marine wildlife in their native habitat including patrol to find turtles’ eggs and surfing; • Fun cross culture experience with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

Airport Pick-up service provided

[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Surabaya Pasuruan Banyuwangi

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Pluralism In Harmony: Unity In Diversity

Pluralism In Harmony: Unity In Diversity As the largest archipelagic country in the world with more than , islands, Indonesia has a unique social characteristic which influences the character of the prevailing law. In Indonesia, there are three prevailing and applicable laws in society. Long before Islam came to Indonesia, the Indonesian society has applied Adat law (customary law). Currently, in some local communities, Adat law is still applied in their social living to resolve disputes in the community, such as family and inheritance cases. The  Constitution recognises the existence of the Adat law, and courts may apply this law when the parties are the subject to the Adat law. Moslem as the largest population – more than % -- has been shaping the pattern of the applicable law in Indonesia with Islamic law. The Islamic law is applied to Islamic civil and business cases, such as family law, inheritance law and Islamic finance cases (murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah). The state also provides a special court for the Islamic cases, the Pengadilan Agama (Islamic Court) has jurisdiction to adjudicate cases in Islamic issues. Moreover, Indonesia also has a special province which applies Islamic law. For instance, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam has been given authority to apply Islamic Law not only in civil cases, but also in criminal cases. Indonesia was the colony of the Netherlands East India administration; therefore, it inherits the civil law system. Indonesia recognizes legal codification both in substantive and procedural laws in its national law. In the first stage, the codification was designated to reduce legal pluralism in Indonesia. However, in reality, the legal pluralism in Indonesian remains exist. Legal pluralism becomes the unique identity for Indonesian legal system in which the three different regimes (Adat law, Islamic law and national law) can be harmonized in one Indonesian legal system.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  to  targeted international students who are interested Indonesian Law, Islamic Law, Adat (Customary) Law, and Indonesian Language and Cultures. They are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each courses and  credits in total. It emphasizes on the learning of Indonesian Law, including Adat (Customary) and Islamic Law, and its implementation. The learning focuses on understanding the society, including how the Law works in harmony with the Islamic Law, Adat Law and National Law. It also offers Indonesian Language and Cultures class. Students will learn about Indonesian National Language, called Bahasa Indonesia, and some Indonesian cultures; both for traditional and urban culture. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional dance; Javanese traditional instruments, called Gamelan; and also the famous traditional clothes painting, Batik. During some free times, students will be guided to play traditional games. This short program combines some interactive classes, workshop, field trips and also a cultural trip to the volcanic mountain of Bromo and city tour of Surabaya.

Payment Information

Program Venue Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Faculty of Law, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B, Universitas Airlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline

----- Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Arrival Program Orientation

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year


Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

Airport Pick-up service provided • Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception • Indonesian Language & Culture • Indonesian Law • Adat (Customary) Law • Islamic Law

Program Fee

USD ,



What You Will Get • Courses: . Indonesian Law, including Adat (Customary) and Islamic Law . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Visit local community . Legal tour • Cultural Trips: . Bromo Mountain . City tour . Rumah Batik Surabaya • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Cultural Trip

Application Process

• Bromo Volcanic Mountain • Roemah Batik Surabaya • City Tour

. Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Law

Program Fee

Juanda International Airport Surabaya


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Law”


Farewell Airport Transfer Provided

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Program Benefits • Basic knowledge on the pluralism pattern of Indonesian legal system. • Introduction to Indonesian legal history, culture and diversity • Understanding on Indonesian multicultural urban lives • Fun cross cultural experience with other local and international students from other countries • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances

Mr. Adhy Riadhy Arafah Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga

+   


[email protected] | [email protected]

Surabaya Probolinggo

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Community Health Nursing in Coastal Area of East Java

Community Health Nursing in Coastal Area of East Java Indonesia is a nation of archipelago. This country consists of at least , islands, where about , are inhabited. Stretched more than , miles from west to east makes this country ranked th as the largest country in the world combined land area and sea. Located between Australia and mainland of Asia, this tropical country is conidered as one of the most vulnerable countries to man-made, health-related, and natural events. That the majority of its population is concentrated in coastal area, the health of Indonesian people is unique. Not only their health is affected by its climate and the dynamicity of its people, but Indonesian’s health is also resulted from cultural health practice and beliefs. Our faculty members in the Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Nursing are aware to these health determinants. We offer you a first-hand experience to learn how the health of Indonesian communities is managed. The vast different tribes and indigenous of Indonesia will broaden your perspectives, particularly on how local people view health and well-being. The main goal of this program is to develop your critical thinking to make a better world today. Physical, psychological, and social health will be delivered in a friendly academic atmosphere. Our nursing scholars and practitioners will allow you to have intense interactions to address your expectation to know more about health and nursing care; delivered and seen through the lens of Indonesia’s sensitive local and cultural wisdom. Our strong links to primary care services, hospitals, traditional and complementary healers, health care providers, health science schools, and allied health professionals throughout the nation will provide opportunities to further expand your learning experience.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program opens limited for  to  international students who are interested in expanding their knowledge about Indonesian indigenous’ community and health practice, social and economic structures, traditional and complementary therapy and nursing practice, and Indonesian Language and Cultures. They are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits in total. First, it emphasizes on thelearning variety of health and cultural-related practices, including physical and psychological health. It focuses on understanding Indonesian professional practitioners recommended and local health practices, particularly on how health is viewed, analyzed, and addressed. It delivers you to look closely on different perspectives of health (between local indigenous and modern-western point of view in health practice), to learn how the different could take place, and understand by comparing health outcomes. Thus, students can learn that means of effective method of curing and healing, and good health vary. Second, it is also open for those who want to get to know and practice Bahasa Indonesia. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional herritage such as local dances, musical instruments, and fabric painting, the Batik. While in some free times, our students will arrange some traditional games as invaluable bonus.

Payment Information

Program Venue Faculty of Nursing, Kampus C Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B UniversitasAirlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline


Airport Pick-up service provided


Bank Mandiri

• Short Orientation • Course Introduction

Program Orientation

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year

Program Fee Program Fee

Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  to  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

(Accomodation not included)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Nursing care delivery, public health and other-related field of studies . Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Coastal-rural Work Area of Puskesmas . Traditional Herbal Medicine Maker . Batik Industry • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games • Assistance in finding the housings

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

• Nursing care delivery, public health and related field of studies • Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Cultural Trip

• Coastal-rural Work Area of Puskesmas • Roemah Batik Surabaya • Traditional Herbal Medicine Maker




Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Nursing

USD 

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Welcoming Reception


 May 

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Nursing” . Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Program Benefits


Airport Transfer Provided

Inquiry Setho Hadisuyatmana Faculty Ambassador of Nursing Faculty/Field Advisor


[email protected]

Registration Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs

• Experience in learning of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice, and Professional approach to traditional health practice • Fun cross culture experience with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Community Empowerment Program at Airlangga

g People


About the Program Community Empowerment Program at Airlangga or CERIA is a community service program for undergraduate students designed to empower the society. Its uniqueness lies on the feature to empower rather than physically build their surroundings. We believe that empowering a community by inserting new knowledge into disadvantaged society will bring more benefits and sustainability, and encourage both students and society to be more creative. Universitas Airlangga has implemented community empowerment since , with some developments during its implementations so far. The main goal of the program is to empower the society with students as the facilitator (co-creator) and integration between academicians, business and government in building the society (co-financing). In addition, CERIA focuses on the involvement of foreign students to work hand in hand with the local students to improve lives in our global society. For the students, this program aims to expose them to the real problem in society, help disadvantaged society in minimizing poverty by exploring the local potentials in some regions in East Jawa province, such as Surabaya, Bojonegoro, Nganjuk and Probolinggo. Furthermore, students will be able to apply their knowledge into practices as a part of integrated learning and work in a team to provide solution for the society. Two main principles to conduct CERIA are Fun and Sustainable. We invite the students to help advance our campaign for society empowerment. We hope the participants will join to put ideas into action and action into service.


Offered Programs Four weeks of Community Empowerment Program. The priority areas are: • Health • Education • Environment • Economic Empowerment

USD 

Program Fee

(Participants need to cover their airfares and living expenses during the program)

What You Will Get • Accommodations during the program • Meals during the program • Airport transfer and transportation during the program • A certificate of participation and an academic transcript • Mentoring during the program implementation • Program allowance of IDR ,,

Credits (Transferable)

 Credits

Program Activities • Pre-Departure Orientation: Online ( hours) • Pre-Deployment Orientation: Face-to-face ( hours) • Deployment Activities: Social work ( hours/- weeks)

Payment Information Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


----- Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Program Timeline

• Undergraduate students who have finished  year of study • Minimum  participants • Able to show international coverage of health and travel insurance (program fee does not cover insurance) • Recommended by home institution (able to provide signed recommendation letter) • Letter of consent from parent or guardian (if needed) • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : >  • Paper based TOEFL : >  • IELTS : > . nd


Airport Pick-up service provided

Juanda International Airport Surabaya


Welcoming Reception

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Program Orientation

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements


• Observation • Program Proposal • Proposal Implementation

Cultural Trip

Bromo Volcanic Mountain



Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://j.mp/applyunairceria . Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - International insurance coverage details - A copy of passport (ID Page) - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_CERIA”

• Orientation • Group Discussions


Airport Transfer Provided

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Inquiry Yanuardi Raharjo, M.Sc. (Mr.) Field Adviser

Program Benefits • Experiencing Indonesian cultures and language • Transferrable credits • Applicable knowledge and experience in community engagement program • Direct involvement with the community in East Java, as well as the interaction with our local students


raharjo@gmail.com Please write the subject: “Your Name_CERIA” to send the inquiry

Registration Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya ( Days) in selected areas: • Surabaya • Nganjuk • Probolinggo (Duration:  -  Weeks)

Probolinggo ( Day) Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Profile of Universitas Airlangga Established on  November , Universitas Airlangga currently has  faculties and one school of postgraduate, ranging from basic sciences, medicine, and social sciences. Its vision is to become an independent and innovative university regionally and globally, a forerunner of science development, technology, humanities and arts based on excellent morality and religions. For many years, as an institution of higher education, Universitas Airlangga has always tried to improve the quality of its education and the supporting facilities in order to achieve Universitas Airlangga’s vision to produce the best graduates who are not only excellent in academics but also have good morality. Universitas Airlangga has  campuses which are located in three strategic locations in Surabaya, Indonesia. Campus A, which consists of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry, has arrays of beautiful Dutch-built buildings and located right in front of the provincial hospital, Dr.Sutomo Hospital.


Around  Undergraduate -year Bachelor Programs in medicine, science, business, management, and humanities.

Campus B mainly consists of social science-based faculties, such as Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, and Faculty of Humanities. It also has one life-science faculty, the Faculty of Pharmacy. On Campus B, there are several main institutional support system/units for the university, namely the Central Library, Post Graduate Programs, and Center for Health Care. Campus C, the latest development of Universitas Airlangga’s site, is where the University Management Office is located, along with some life-science faculties such as Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Science and Technology , Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Faculty of Nursing, and several centers, such as Institute of Tropical Disease, Planning and Development Board, Research and Community Service Institute, Internal Auditor Committee, Airlangga University Press, and the International Office and Partnership (IOP).

Academic Programs


 Master Degree Programs offered in the fields of medicine, science, business, and humanities

 

Three-year Diploma Programs

Doctoral Program

Specialist Programs

Professional Programs

Community Empowerment Program at Airlangga

g People


About the Program Community Empowerment Program at Airlangga or CERIA is a community service program for undergraduate students designed to empower the society. Its uniqueness lies on the feature to empower rather than physically build their surroundings. We believe that empowering a community by inserting new knowledge into disadvantaged society will bring more benefits and sustainability, and encourage both students and society to be more creative. Universitas Airlangga has implemented community empowerment since , with some developments during its implementations so far. The main goal of the program is to empower the society with students as the facilitator (co-creator) and integration between academicians, business and government in building the society (co-financing). In addition, CERIA focuses on the involvement of foreign students to work hand in hand with the local students to improve lives in our global society. For the students, this program aims to expose them to the real problem in society, help disadvantaged society in minimizing poverty by exploring the local potentials in some regions in East Jawa province, such as Surabaya, Bojonegoro, Nganjuk and Probolinggo. Furthermore, students will be able to apply their knowledge into practices as a part of integrated learning and work in a team to provide solution for the society. Two main principles to conduct CERIA are Fun and Sustainable. We invite the students to help advance our campaign for society empowerment. We hope the participants will join to put ideas into action and action into service.


Offered Programs Four weeks of Community Empowerment Program. The priority areas are: • Health • Education • Environment • Economic Empowerment

USD 

Program Fee

(Participants need to cover their airfares and living expenses during the program)

What You Will Get • Accommodations during the program • Meals during the program • Airport transfer and transportation during the program • A certificate of participation and an academic transcript • Mentoring during the program implementation • Program allowance of IDR ,,

Credits (Transferable)

 Credits

Program Activities • Pre-Departure Orientation: Online ( hours) • Pre-Deployment Orientation: Face-to-face ( hours) • Deployment Activities: Social work ( hours/- weeks)

Payment Information Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


----- Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Program Timeline

• Undergraduate students who have finished  year of study • Minimum  participants • Able to show international coverage of health and travel insurance (program fee does not cover insurance) • Recommended by home institution (able to provide signed recommendation letter) • Letter of consent from parent or guardian (if needed) • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : >  • Paper based TOEFL : >  • IELTS : > . nd


Airport Pick-up service provided

Juanda International Airport Surabaya


Welcoming Reception

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Program Orientation

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements


• Observation • Program Proposal • Proposal Implementation

Cultural Trip

Bromo Volcanic Mountain



Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://j.mp/applyunairceria . Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - International insurance coverage details - A copy of passport (ID Page) - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_CERIA”

• Orientation • Group Discussions


Airport Transfer Provided

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Inquiry Yanuardi Raharjo, M.Sc. (Mr.) Field Adviser

Program Benefits • Experiencing Indonesian cultures and language • Transferrable credits • Applicable knowledge and experience in community engagement program • Direct involvement with the community in East Java, as well as the interaction with our local students


raharjo@gmail.com Please write the subject: “Your Name_CERIA” to send the inquiry

Registration Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya ( Days) in selected areas: • Surabaya • Nganjuk • Probolinggo (Duration:  -  Weeks)

Probolinggo ( Day) Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Community Health Nursing in Coastal Area of East Java

Community Health Nursing in Coastal Area of East Java Indonesia is a nation of archipelago. This country consists of at least , islands, where about , are inhabited. Stretched more than , miles from west to east makes this country ranked th as the largest country in the world combined land area and sea. Located between Australia and mainland of Asia, this tropical country is conidered as one of the most vulnerable countries to man-made, health-related, and natural events. That the majority of its population is concentrated in coastal area, the health of Indonesian people is unique. Not only their health is affected by its climate and the dynamicity of its people, but Indonesian’s health is also resulted from cultural health practice and beliefs. Our faculty members in the Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Nursing are aware to these health determinants. We offer you a first-hand experience to learn how the health of Indonesian communities is managed. The vast different tribes and indigenous of Indonesia will broaden your perspectives, particularly on how local people view health and well-being. The main goal of this program is to develop your critical thinking to make a better world today. Physical, psychological, and social health will be delivered in a friendly academic atmosphere. Our nursing scholars and practitioners will allow you to have intense interactions to address your expectation to know more about health and nursing care; delivered and seen through the lens of Indonesia’s sensitive local and cultural wisdom. Our strong links to primary care services, hospitals, traditional and complementary healers, health care providers, health science schools, and allied health professionals throughout the nation will provide opportunities to further expand your learning experience.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program opens limited for  to  international students who are interested in expanding their knowledge about Indonesian indigenous’ community and health practice, social and economic structures, traditional and complementary therapy and nursing practice, and Indonesian Language and Cultures. They are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits in total. First, it emphasizes on thelearning variety of health and cultural-related practices, including physical and psychological health. It focuses on understanding Indonesian professional practitioners recommended and local health practices, particularly on how health is viewed, analyzed, and addressed. It delivers you to look closely on different perspectives of health (between local indigenous and modern-western point of view in health practice), to learn how the different could take place, and understand by comparing health outcomes. Thus, students can learn that means of effective method of curing and healing, and good health vary. Second, it is also open for those who want to get to know and practice Bahasa Indonesia. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional herritage such as local dances, musical instruments, and fabric painting, the Batik. While in some free times, our students will arrange some traditional games as invaluable bonus.

Payment Information

Program Venue Faculty of Nursing, Kampus C Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B UniversitasAirlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline


Airport Pick-up service provided


Bank Mandiri

• Short Orientation • Course Introduction

Program Orientation

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year

Program Fee Program Fee

Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  to  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

(Accomodation not included)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Nursing care delivery, public health and other-related field of studies . Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Coastal-rural Work Area of Puskesmas . Traditional Herbal Medicine Maker . Batik Industry • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games • Assistance in finding the housings

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

• Nursing care delivery, public health and related field of studies • Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Cultural Trip

• Coastal-rural Work Area of Puskesmas • Roemah Batik Surabaya • Traditional Herbal Medicine Maker




Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Nursing

USD 

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Welcoming Reception


 May 

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Nursing” . Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Program Benefits


Airport Transfer Provided

Inquiry Setho Hadisuyatmana Faculty Ambassador of Nursing Faculty/Field Advisor


[email protected]

Registration Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs

• Experience in learning of Indonesian Traditional Medicine and Health Practice, and Professional approach to traditional health practice • Fun cross culture experience with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Creative Industry in Indonesia

Creative Industry in Indonesia Creative industry plays an important role in economic growth as it only uses the unlimited resourse of human creativity, it opens more employment and; in some area, it less depends on natural resource as the traditional manufacturing industry. In Indonesia, it includes advertising, architecture, art and antiquities, craft, design, fashion, video film and photography, interactive games, music, performing arts, printing and publishing, computer and software, television amd radio, and research and development. It becomes the th major contributor to its GDP (.%) export value (%). It opened more employment in -. As the th largest population in the world, Indonesia poses it self as a potential large market for creative industry. Creative industry has become an important tool for Indonesia to survive during - global financial crisis. Moreover, in some areas, it depends on the local wisdom and traditional values among the society and turns them into widely acceptable products, such as Batik and traditional handy-crafts. It will be quite challenging for creative industry, especially the Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs), to face the global challenge and ASEAN Economic Community, when there will be a lot ot creative industry products entering Indonesian markets. Besides, the revolution in information and communication technology has brought both many opportunities and challenges. Internet has been a good opportunity for creative industry to have wider network and market. However, it brings some challenges, like the intelectual property right and cyber crime issues.

Airlangga Summer Program


Airlangga Summer Program / is open for  targeted international students. It offers a closed observation on creative industry in Indonesia, emphasizing on creative industry of Batik home industry and explores other creative industry, such as hand crafting of recycled good and knitted ware industry. Furthermore, it focuses on exploring their perceived economic, cultural and traditional values, how they keep up with consumer’s needs and market desire in Indonesia; and how it introduces a new culture as a part of it with online shopping and how it produces new challenges such as intelectual property rights . It delivers you to look closely on the creative industry in a way that the unlimited human creativity utilizes the cultural and traditional value into a widely acceptable product globally; how it uses less natural resources and benefits recyclable goods, compares to the traditional manufacturing industry; and opens more employment especially for Small Medium Enterprise (SME). This short program combines interactive classes, workshop visits/field trips to some SME’s workshops around the city of Surabaya (such as Batik workshop, leather crafts and recycle home industry) and a cultural trip.


Program Venue Management Building, Kampus C Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Timeline and Schedule Application Deadline

 June 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 July -  August Program Duration Accommodation check out  August 

Tuition and Fees Program Fee

, USD


 USD

• Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  • IELTS : minimum . • Two recommendations letter from home university

Program Timeline Arrival Program Orientation


How to Apply • Please fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Creative • Send the following required documents: - Copy of recommendation letters - A certified copy of latest CGPA - A Copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected]

Courses & Workshop

What You Will Get • Meals during the program (lunch and snacks) • Transportation during the program: airport-hotel-venue-hotel-airport • Field trips to creative industry workshops (such as Batik workshop, leather crafts and recycle home industry) • A cultural trip • Certificate of attendance

• Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception • Management of Small Medium Enterprise • Consumer Culture • Cyber Culture • Intelectual Property Rights Law • Cyber Law

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Cultural Trip

Surabaya Probolinggo



Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya


Airport Transfer Provided

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Manager of International Class International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia



Juanda International Airport Surabaya

• Materia Medika Botanical Garden • Mangrove Ecotourism • Urban Hydroponic Vegetable & Mangrove Plantation • Bromo Mountain • Madakaripura Waterfall

Program Benefits • Experiencing the Indonesian dynamic economic growth • Gaining insight on of Indonesian creative industry • Gaining applicable knowledge of some short courses; Management of Small Medium Enterprise, Cyber Culture, Consumer Culture, Cyber Law and Intelectual Property Rights Law into Indonesian Creative Industry

Airport Pick-up service provided

[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Pluralism In Harmony: Unity In Diversity

Pluralism In Harmony: Unity In Diversity As the largest archipelagic country in the world with more than , islands, Indonesia has a unique social characteristic which influences the character of the prevailing law. In Indonesia, there are three prevailing and applicable laws in society. Long before Islam came to Indonesia, the Indonesian society has applied Adat law (customary law). Currently, in some local communities, Adat law is still applied in their social living to resolve disputes in the community, such as family and inheritance cases. The  Constitution recognises the existence of the Adat law, and courts may apply this law when the parties are the subject to the Adat law. Moslem as the largest population – more than % -- has been shaping the pattern of the applicable law in Indonesia with Islamic law. The Islamic law is applied to Islamic civil and business cases, such as family law, inheritance law and Islamic finance cases (murabahah, mudharabah, musyarakah). The state also provides a special court for the Islamic cases, the Pengadilan Agama (Islamic Court) has jurisdiction to adjudicate cases in Islamic issues. Moreover, Indonesia also has a special province which applies Islamic law. For instance, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam has been given authority to apply Islamic Law not only in civil cases, but also in criminal cases. Indonesia was the colony of the Netherlands East India administration; therefore, it inherits the civil law system. Indonesia recognizes legal codification both in substantive and procedural laws in its national law. In the first stage, the codification was designated to reduce legal pluralism in Indonesia. However, in reality, the legal pluralism in Indonesian remains exist. Legal pluralism becomes the unique identity for Indonesian legal system in which the three different regimes (Adat law, Islamic law and national law) can be harmonized in one Indonesian legal system.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  to  targeted international students who are interested Indonesian Law, Islamic Law, Adat (Customary) Law, and Indonesian Language and Cultures. They are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each courses and  credits in total. It emphasizes on the learning of Indonesian Law, including Adat (Customary) and Islamic Law, and its implementation. The learning focuses on understanding the society, including how the Law works in harmony with the Islamic Law, Adat Law and National Law. It also offers Indonesian Language and Cultures class. Students will learn about Indonesian National Language, called Bahasa Indonesia, and some Indonesian cultures; both for traditional and urban culture. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional dance; Javanese traditional instruments, called Gamelan; and also the famous traditional clothes painting, Batik. During some free times, students will be guided to play traditional games. This short program combines some interactive classes, workshop, field trips and also a cultural trip to the volcanic mountain of Bromo and city tour of Surabaya.

Payment Information

Program Venue Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Faculty of Law, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B, Universitas Airlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline

----- Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Arrival Program Orientation

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year


Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

Airport Pick-up service provided • Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception • Indonesian Language & Culture • Indonesian Law • Adat (Customary) Law • Islamic Law

Program Fee

USD ,



What You Will Get • Courses: . Indonesian Law, including Adat (Customary) and Islamic Law . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Visit local community . Legal tour • Cultural Trips: . Bromo Mountain . City tour . Rumah Batik Surabaya • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Cultural Trip

Application Process

• Bromo Volcanic Mountain • Roemah Batik Surabaya • City Tour

. Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Law

Program Fee

Juanda International Airport Surabaya


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Law”


Farewell Airport Transfer Provided

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

Program Benefits • Basic knowledge on the pluralism pattern of Indonesian legal system. • Introduction to Indonesian legal history, culture and diversity • Understanding on Indonesian multicultural urban lives • Fun cross cultural experience with other local and international students from other countries • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances

Mr. Adhy Riadhy Arafah Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga

+   


[email protected] | [email protected]

Surabaya Probolinggo

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Indonesian Traditional Medicine

Indonesian Traditional Medicine Indonesian traditional medicine plays an important role in supporting the health care system in Indonesia. It is popularly known as Jamu and it has been used through generations for its benefits and it costs very cheap. This program has been designed to give general and detail overview on Indonesian Traditional Medicine. Universitas Airlangga through such efforts of the Faculty of Pharmacy is able to share the knowledge on Jamu. The course is aimed to build the base knowledge for active management of traditional, complementary medicine through appropriate policies, to make an understanding on the philosophy, and application of the medicine. Also, it aims to give the participants of the program a better understanding on the preparation of herbal materials and production of Jamu. It will be quite challenging to enhance the performance of Jamu, especially in order to be able to use it more effectively in the primary health care systems. Nowadays, most universities and research institutions have conducted research to expand the understanding of the education and research of medicines. Some field trips will help students to understand better about the importance of good quality herbal materials as a prerequisite in serving a good quality of traditional medicine. The topic of Indonesian traditional medicine consists of learning the basic concept of Indonesian Traditional Medicine, the herbal plants for medical purposes, and recent development of Indonesian Traditional Medicine. The studies are conducted through various methods including classes, laboratory works, and field trips.



and Cultures

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  targeted international students who are interested in Indonesian traditional medicine or herbal medicine and Indonesian Language and Cultures. Both are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each. First, it emphasizes on the learning variety of herbal medicines including local and scientific names, and the uses for health. It focuses on understanding the process of Jamu medicines production, including harvesting and post-harvesting of plant-based materials, extracting and mixing methods, packaging and distributing of the medicines. It delivers you to look closely on the process of making Indonesian traditional medicine in a scientific way; observing and learning about the role of Jamu in the health care system of Indonesia. Students can understand how to make traditional medicine from natural resources product and look closely on traditional producer of Jamu. Second, it also offers Indonesian Language and Cultures class. Students will learn about Indonesian National Language, called Bahasa Indonesia, and some Indonesian cultures; both for traditional and urban culture. Students will have a chance to learn a traditional dance; Javanese traditional instruments, called Gamelan; and also the famous traditional clothes painting, Batik. During some free times, students will be guided to play traditional games. This short program combines some interactive classes, workshop, laboratory, field trips and also a cultural trip to the volcanic mountain of Bromo.

Payment Information

Program Venue Universitas Airlangga, Kampus C Faculty of Pharmacy, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga Jl. Airlangga Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Timeline and Schedule Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 

 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Program Fee

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code



USD 


Included (-Stars Hotel)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Jamu Class . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field & Cultural Trips: . Materia Medika Botanical Garden . Bromo Mountain . Madakaripura Waterfall . City Tour • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games


Bank Mandiri

Program Orientation

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)


Airport Pick-up service provided • Short Orientation • Course Introduction Welcoming Reception

Requirements • Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS *) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Program Fee

Program Timeline

Courses & Workshop

Cultural Trip

Application Process . Fill out the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Jamu


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - Copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificates The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Jamu”


. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

• Materia Medika Botanical Garden • Bromo Mountain • Madakaripura Waterfall • City Tour

Farewell Airport Transfer Provided

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Program Benefits • Experiencing making Indonesian Traditional Medicine and herbal plants, its development through time to time, the scientific explanation of its benefits; • Experiencing fun cross culture with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

• Jamu Class • Indonesian Language & Culture



[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

Surabaya Probolinggo

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya




Safari Program

Safari Program As the biggest archipelagic country located in the equator, Indonesia is home to diverse vegetations as well as million species of land animals and marine wildlife, some of which are exotic and indigenous of Indonesia. Observation and conservation of such animals have been done years ago by government, scholars, and non-government organization through various programs. National Parks and Safari Park are established to introduce, observe and conserve the rich nature of Indonesia. Universitas Airlangga through collaboration of the Faculty of Veterinary and Faculty of Fisheries and Marines will explore and share their knowledge in this program. The course is aimed to build the base knowledge for exotic animals, marine wildlife and the oceanography of Indonesia, followed by close observations to the studied animals and wildlife marines to deepen students’ understanding. Also, it aims to give the participants of the program a better understanding on the animals’ conservation programs in Indonesia. The program offers complete package since participants will not only learn about the course in classes but also study the animals through close observation in the nature as well. With recent changes in nature due to global warming and human’s activities, it will be both challenging and exciting to observe and study animals in their habitat during summer, when their daily activities are higher than in other season. Another part of the field trip will involve patrol to find turtles’ eggs which needs to be saved since the period of the program overlaps with the peak of mating season of turtles. The topic of Safari Summer Program consists of learning the basic concept of exotic animals, wildlife medicine, marine wildlife, oceanography, and recent development in Indonesia’s safari condition. The studies are conducted through various methods including classes and field trips.

Airlangga Summer Program Airlangga Summer Program  opens for  targeted international students who are interested in Indonesian exotic animals and wildlife medicines; Indonesian oceanography and Indonesian language and cultures. Both are earnable and transferrable credits;  credits each. Exotic Animals and Wildlife Medicines discusses the wildlife in general with some specific reviews related to conservation, behavior, management, breeding and the health care of wild animals in the zoos and wildlife parks. The course provides some case studies of wildlife management of tropical animals in some zoos and wildlife park in East Java. Indonesian Oceanography explains the relationship between oceanography and fisheries followed by the description on Indonesian water topography and division. This course also conducts various discussions. First, discussion on physical characteristic of marine water includes large-scale patterns, ocean circulation, as well as small-scale phenomena such as waves. Second, discussion about chemical characteristic includes marine water nutrient, essential substances as well as the role of chemical substances on marine productivity. Third, discussion on biological characteristic of marine water includes the living organism and its effect on marine productivity. Topics of current interest such as climate changes, global warming, coastal development, fisheries, and introduced species, resumption of whaling, coral bleaching, hydrothermal vents and water pollution are presented throughout this course.

Payment Information

Program Venue Faculty of Fisheries and Marines, Kampus C Faculty of Veterinary, Kampus C Universitas Airlangga Faculty of Humanities, Kampus B Universitas Airlangga

Timeline and Schedule

Name of Account Account Number Bank

Rektor UNAIR


KK Surabaya, Indonesia

Swift Code


Program Timeline



Bank Mandiri

Wire Transfer (after notification of acceptance)

Program Orientation

Personal Application Application Deadline Announcement Payment Deadline

 May 

Accomodation check in

 July 


 May   May 

Program Duration  July -  August Accommodation check out  August 

Group Application • Minimum participant :  persons • Application deadline : three months before the program, open for the whole year

• Undergraduate students, limited for  participants ONLY • CGPA: minimum . out of . or equal • English proficiency score*: • IBT : minimum  • Paper based TOEFL : minimum  : minimum . • IELTS

Courses & Workshop

*) Students who are from the institution whose medium of instruction is in English are not required to submit the above English requirements

Cultural Trip

Application Process . Fill the online registration form: http://bit.ly/ASP_Safari

Program Fee Program Fee


USD , (Accomodation Included)

What You Will Get • Courses: . Exotic Animals & Wildlife Medicines and Marine Biology . Indonesian Language & Culture • Field Trips: . Baluran National Park . Taman Safari • Meals, snacks, and transportation during the program and field / cultural trips • Certificate of participation and Academic Transcript • Learning about Indonesian traditional music instruments (Gamelan), traditional dance and games


. Send the following required documents: - A recommendation letter from home university - A letter of consent from your parent or guardian (if needed) - A certified copy of CGPA (Academic Transcript) - A copy of passport - A copy of TOEFL/IELTS/any other English proficiency certificate The required documents are to be emailed to: [email protected] with email subject “Your Name_ASP_Safari”


• Short Orientation • Course Introduction

• Indonesian Language & Culture • Exotic Animals and Wildlife Medicines • Oceanography • Traditional Dance

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

• Pasar Burung Bratang • Taman Safari • Urban Hydroponic Vegetable & Mangrove Plantation • Roemah Batik Surabaya • Kebun Binatang Surabaya • Baluran National Park

Farewell Airport Transfer Provided



Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya

International Office and Partnership (IOP) Universitas Airlangga Selasar Lt.  Kantor Manajemen, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya , Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Program Benefits

Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Welcoming Reception

Dewi Sartika, M.Ed (Ms.) Coordinator for International Programs

. Wait for acceptance notification by email . Transfer the payment

• Observation of exotic animals and marine wildlife in their native habitat including patrol to find turtles’ eggs and surfing; • Fun cross culture experience with other local and international students from other countries; • Applicable knowledge of some short courses; Indonesian language, traditional games and dances.

Airport Pick-up service provided

[email protected] | [email protected] http://www.international.unair.ac.id

Surabaya Pasuruan Banyuwangi

Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya Juanda International Airport Surabaya

Airlangga Summer Program 2017.pdf

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