arXiv:0901.2806v1 [hep-th] 19 Jan 2009

Gauge invariance in wavelet-based quantum field theory S.Albeverio Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Bonn University, IZKS, Bonn, D-53115, Germany

M.V.Altaisky Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141980, Russia∗

January 19, 2009

Abstract Continuous wavelet transform has been attracting attention as a possible tool for regularisation of gauge theories since the first paper of Feredbush [1]. However, up to the present time, this tool has been used only for identical substitution of the local fields in the local action   Z x−b 1 dadd b 1 ψ , φ (b) S[φ(x)] : φ(x) → φ(x) = a Cψ ad a a where φa (b) is a field measured at point b with resolution a (by a device with aperture ψ). For the case of gauge fields this approach assumes the local gauge invariance φµ (x) → φµ (x) + ∂µ f (x); neither the gauge invariance of the scale-dependent fields Aµa (x), nor their commutation relations have been specially treated. In present paper we consider the waveletbased quantum field theory as a nonlocal field theory [2]. We formulate the gauge principle for the scale-dependent fields, and set up the causality relations [3, 4]. We also present the Ward-Takahashi identities for scale-dependent fields without any requirements of the final limit a → 0.



Troubles with ultraviolet divergences taken together with the fact that strict localisability of quantum events is just an approximation, that cannot be reached experimentally, stimulate the efforts to construct a self-consistent nonlocal field theory, at the expense of microcausality [5]. This is specially important for gauge field theories, including quantum electrodynamics and quantum chromodynamics. The former has well tested experimental consequences of the regularisation and renormalisation ∗

Also at Space Research Institute RAS; also at University of Dubna,Russia


results, which are nonlocal operations. The latter is still waiting for an adequate field theory valid out of the asymptotic freedom domain. In local abelian gauge field theory the local phase transformation of the matter fields ψ(x) → e−ıef (x) ψ(x),

¯ ψ(x) → eıef (x) ψ(x)


is accompanied by the substitution of space-time derivatives by covariant derivatives ∂µ → Dµ ≡ ∂µ + ıeAµ ,


which makes the theory invariant with respect to the local phase transformation (1), if the gauge field Aµ transforms accordingly: Aµ → Aµ + ∂µ f. (3) The generating functional of such a theory is invariant under transformations (1,3) if the source terms and gauge fixing terms are invariant, heuristically thus  Z  Z ¯ Z[J, η¯, η] = N DAµ D ψDψ exp ı Lef f dx , (4) ¯ µ Dµ ψ − mψψ ¯ − 1 Fµν F µν − 1 (∂ µ Aµ )2 + J µ Aµ + η¯ψ + ψη, ¯ Lef f = ıψγ (5) 4 2α where N is normalisation constant, and α is a gauge fixing parameter. The constancy of the generating functional (4) under the transformations (1,3) is ensured by so-called Ward-Takahashi identities [6]. The aim of present paper is to formulate a gauge theory of the fields Aµ(a) (x) that depend on both the position x and the resolution a. Same as in previous papers [7, 4] this is done by substituting the matter fields in the Lagrangian (5) in terms of their continuous wavelet transform:   Z 1 dadd b 1 x−b φ(x) = φa (b) g , x ∈ Rd , (6) d Cg a a a where Cg is a positive normalisation constant. The substitution (6) makes the local field theory (5) into a nonlocal field theory. That is why the local gauge invariance principle (1) should be reconsidered for such a theory. Using the ideas of nonlocal gauge field theory [2], we assume that the local phase invariance of the matter fields should be preserved under the substitution (6) and the gauge transformations of the scale-dependent gauge fields   Z x−b 1 Aµ (x)dd x (7) g¯ Aµ(a) (b) = d a a should be choosen accordingly to keep that invariance. This implies to the transformation conditions:     Z e 1 dadd b x−b ψ(x) → ψ(x) exp −ı fa (b) (8) g Cg ad a a ∂fa (x) Aµ(a) (x) → Aµ(a) (x) + . (9) ∂xµ 2

In infinitesimal form this leads to the transformation law   Z e dadd b 1 x−b ψ(x) → ψ(x) − ı f (b) g . a Cg ad a a


Because of the linearity of wavelet transform the equation (9) guarantees the gauge transform Aµ ′ (x) = Aµ (x) + ∂f∂x(x) µ for ordinary local fields. Let us now specify the gauge theory and the Ward-Tahakashi identities for the theory of scaledependent fields Aµ(a) . The Lagrangian itself is gauge invariant by construction and only the source term aquires a multiplication by the factor  Z   1 µ 2 µ ¯ exp ı − (∂ Aµ )∂ Λ + J ∂µ Λ − ıeΛ(¯ ηψ − ψη) , α which can approximately be represented by a first order term for “small Λ”:   Z 1 2 µ µ ¯ 1 + ı dx − ∂ (∂ Aµ ) − ∂ Jµ − ıe(¯ η ψ − ψη) Λ(x) ≡ 1 + ıδ α


Let us substitute the fields by their wavelet images in those terms. Integrating by parts we put the Laplacian ∂x22 onto the gauge fixing parameter f . Heuristically:   Z Z i h 1 1 Z 1 x − b  1 x − b2 1 2 µ Aµa1 (b1 )d1∂x fa2 (b2 )d2 g g δ = h dx − α Cg2 a1 a2 ad1 ad2 Z Z   dadd b ıe 1 µ [∂ Jµa (b)] fa (b) η¯a1 (b1 )ψa3 (b3 ) − ψ¯a1 (b1 )ηa3 (b3 ) fa2 (b2 ) (12) − 3 − 2 Cg a Cg       1 x − b2 x − b3 x − b1 × g g dxd1d2d3i, g¯ (a1 a2 a3 )d a1 a2 a3 where g µ ≡ functions

∂g , ∂xµ

d1 ≡

da1 dd b1 . a1

Introducing the matrix elements of operators between wavelet basic

    x − b2 x − b1 1 2 ∂ g dx, g T (1, 2) ≡ (a1 a2 )d a1 a2     Z 1 x − b1 x − b2 (µ) 2 µ T (1, 2) ≡ ∂ g dx, g (a1 a2 )d a1 a2       Z 1 x − b2 x − b3 x − b1 M(1, 2, 3) ≡ g g dx, g¯ (a1 a2 a3 )d a1 a2 a3 Z


we heuristically derive the Ward-Tahakashi identities for the scale-dependent fields. In terms of above operators (13) the variation term (12) can be written in the form Z 1 µ 1 1 µ T (1, 2)∂ ∂ Jµa2 (b2 )d2 A (b )f (b )d1d2 − δ = h − µa 1 a 2 1 2 b 1 α Cg2 Cg2  ıe  η¯a1 (b1 )ψa3 (b3 ) − ψ¯a1 (b1 )ηa3 (b3 ) fa2 (b2 )M(1, 2, 3)d1d2d3i − 3 Cg 3

To obtain the heuristic variation of the generating functional the fields should be substituted by corresponding functional derivatives: ψ→

1 δ , ı δ η¯

1 δ ψ¯ → , ı δη


1 δ ı δJ

with all variations taken with respect to the measure on the affine group dj ≡ dµ(aj , bj ) ≡

daj dd bj . aj


Assuming the full variation of the generating functional with respect to gauge transformations is zero, this gives the functional equation   hı 1 i 1 µ e δ δ µ δ T (1, 2)∂ − ∂ J − η ¯ M(1, 2, 3)d1d3 Z[¯ η , η, J] = 0. − η µ2 1 3 1 α Cg2 δJ1µ Cg2 Cg3 δ η¯3 δη1 To heuristically derive the Ward-Takahashi equations for connected Green functions we substitute Z = exp(ıW ). This gives heuristic equation in functional derivatives    Z Z  1 µ ıe ı 1 δW δW µ δW η¯1 M(1, 2, 3)d1d3 = 0. − d1 ∂1 µ T (1, 2) − 2 ∂ Jµ2 − 3 − η3 α Cg2 δJ1 Cg Cg δ η¯3 δη1 ¯ Aµ ] we apply the Legendre transform To get the equations for the vertex functions Γ[ψ, ψ, Z ¯ ¯ + JA Γ[ψ, ψ, Aµ ] = W [η, η¯, J] − η¯ψ + ψη


to the latter equations. Doing so we arrive heuristically to the following equation in functional derivatives for the vertex function 1 1 µ 1 δΓ ∂1 Aµ (1)T (1, 2) + 2 ∂2µ µ 2 α Cg Cg δA (2)   δΓ δΓ ıe ¯ M(1, 2, 3) = 0, ψ(3) − ψ(1) − ¯ Cg3 δψ(1) δ ψ(3) −


where the integration over all repeated indices is assumed (14). The Ward-Takahashi equations are derived by taking the second derivatives of the equation (16) at zero fields (A = ψ = ψ¯ = 0). This gives δ 3 Γ[0] δ2 ıe 1 µ ∂ − 2 ¯ 1 )δψ(y1 )δAµ (2) Cg3 δ ψ(x ¯ 1 )δψ(y1 ) × Cg2 δ ψ(x   δΓ δΓ ¯ − ψ(1) ¯ × ψ(3) M(1, 2, 3) = 0, δψ(1) δ ψ(3) 4

where the arguments of all functions are taken on the affine group, i.e. include both the resolution and the position, e.g. x1 ≡ (ax1 , bx1 ), ψ(x1 ) ≡ ψax1 (bx1 ). Performing the heuristical functional differentiation and using the symmetry under the permutation 2 ↔ 3 after the integration we have the Ward-Takahashi identities 1 µ δ 3 Γ[0] − ∂ ¯ µ Cg2 x δ ψ(x 1 )δψ(y1 )δA (x)


δ 2 Γ[0] δ 2 Γ[0] = ıe ¯ M(x1 , x, 1) − ıe ¯ M(1, x, y1 ) δ ψ(1)δψ(y1 ) δ ψ(x1 )δψ(1) Following [8] we define vertex functions and inverse propagators in the Fourier space Z δ 3 Γ[0] dd bx dd bx1 dd by1 exp (ı(p′ bx1 − pby1 − qbx )) ¯ δ ψ(x1 )δψ(y1 )δAµ (x) := ıe(2π)d δ(p′ − p − q)Γµax1 ay1 ax (p, q, p′ ) Z δ 2 Γ[0] dd bx1 dd by1 exp (ı(p′ bx1 − pby1 )) ¯ δ ψ(x1 )δψ(y1 ) −1

:= ı(2π)d δ(p′ − p)S ′ ax1 ay1 (p).


(19) ′

Using the definitions (18,19) we multiply equation (17) by eı(p bx1 −pby1 −qbx ) and integrate over dd bx dd bx1 dd by1 . This gives Z da2 −1 µ ˜ a2 a3 a4 (p + q, q, p) S (p + q)M (20) q Γµa4 a3 a1 (p, q, p + q) = a2 a1 a2 Z da2 ˜ − Ma1 a3 a2 (p + q, q, p)Sa−1 (p), 2 a4 a2 where

˜ a1 a2 a3 (k1 , k2 , k3 ) = (2π)d δ d (k1 − k2 − k3 )˜ M g (a1 k1 )˜ g (a2 k2 )˜ g (a3 k3 )

is the Fourier image of the vertex operator (13). The equation (20) is an exact nonlocal analog of the ordinary (local) Ward-Takahashi equation in Fourier space.

Acknowledgement The paper was supported by DFG Project 436 RUS 113/951.

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