Always Dreaming Of You

Sara Rae

Always Dreaming of You is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, business establishments or locales is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author(s). Sara Rae Copyright © 2013 by Sara Rae Published by Sara2Rae Publishing at Smashwords All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction. Please visit Sara Rae on Facebook or on Twitter.

Contents Cover Title Page Copyright Dedication? Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Excerpt from Book 2 Acknowledgements About the Authors

Acknowledgements We would like to thank our husbands and family for being supportive and understanding when the house was dirty, the dishes were piling up and there weren't any clean clothes around. We would like to thank all the many authors who wrote fabulous books that inspired us to do this. Also, we would like to thank you, the reader. We hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as we enjoyed writing it. Lastly, Rae would like to thank Sara for recommending book after book for her to read and gain more creative juices.

Chapter 1 I suddenly jump out of bed when I hear my phone ringing. "Ouch! Fuck that hurt!” I have no idea why I always think its a good idea to run around my room in the dark, especially when my toes love to smash into the dresser. I quickly answer, trying not to swear, while rubbing my big toe attempting to get the pain to subside. "Hey Jewel, how did it go last night with the hunky wanna-be model? You'd think that since I'm your best friend that I would have gotten a phone call after you dumped his ass." I didn't call Krista because I was ashamed and too busy packing all his shit and dropping it off on his doorstep. He was lucky I didn't just throw it all away. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss him a little. His large warm hands massaging my tits while his huge thick member slides--more like pounds--deep inside me. In and out, filling me just shy of my brim. I almost moan thinking about it. How hot it was hearing him groan and seeing the look in his eyes when he emptied, thankfully into a condom. "Well Krista, that's another relationship failed. I don't know why I keep falling for guys that want to pretend they own my cars and house." I say shaking my head as if she can see me. She sighs, "You guys were together for four months. Are you going to be okay?" "Yeah he isn't the first man I caught cheating on me or driving my car without my knowledge. That's why I have tracking devices on both of them to begin with." I say calm and collectively. I'm not hurt, I didn't love him and I was already suspicious. I will miss the sex though. "Cheating bastard! Ugh, you just have no luck. So what now?" She's worried that I'm going to go into a deep depression and lock myself in my room for months. That isn't going to happen, not one tear will be shed. "I don't know yet. Our business is taking off without a hitch, we've just opened our second boutique in the Los Angeles area and you’re running both of them really well." It has always been Krista's dream to own her own business and with me being her best friend, I couldn't let that dream go to waste. I'm more of an investor and occasionally an employee, but she likes to introduce me as the co-owner so I won't complain. "It’s Saturday morning, give me until tomorrow night and I'll have an answer to your question. But I'm thinking it’s going to be big." Watching a surfer wipe out, I almost laugh. "How about we have dinner at Mario's Italian restaurant? By then I will have an idea and you can help me decide where to begin." "Sounds like a plan! I'll make reservations for six and see you there." We say our good byes and hang up. Walking into the bathroom to get ready for the day, I look around my vast bathroom filled with stone and glass. I turn on the Jacuzzi tub made for two, squirting some bubble bath soap in and as it fills. I spin and stare at myself in the mirror, "What am I going to do?" I ask myself, looking into my twenty-six year old sapphire blue eyes, that have seen way more than they ever should. Looking at my round freckled face, plump lips, and little button nose. "Vacationing around the world sounds like a good idea, but I've been everywhere I have ever wanted to go." I brush my long straightened light chestnut colored hair. "Maybe it’s time for me to step back, get away from California, and start somewhere new." Putting the brush down, I turn walking back to the tub. "Go somewhere, where no one knows who I am." I step into the tub and instantly relax

as warm water moves up my legs, stomach, and chest. I moan and exhale in total contentment. I am not famous by any means, but I do have more money than I need and the amount gets larger and larger every day. Thanks to my grandfather who built his company from the ground up. He made millions, invested and turned it into billions. When he passed five years ago, my mother and father were left his fortune. I miss my grandpa every day. He was a great man, he raised my mom and built his business all by himself. He had always been there to support my mother, father, brother and me. Physically, emotionally and financially, anything we needed. We were all he had since his wife died when my mom was only a year old. My parents didn't know anything about his company, or what it took to run it. They sold it and kept the investments going. We went on family vacations around the world, and on a few road trips around the country. We made memories that I'll never forget. While rinsing my hair I continued to think about my options. Stepping out of the tub, I grab my favorite thick white towel and wrap the towel around my hair to dry while padding over to the closet. Opening the door and turning on the light and I realize that I have too many clothes. "I don't need all this." The room is half the size of my huge bathroom. With clothes hanging as long as the eye can see. "This is ridiculous. I don't even wear most of these. When did I let this happen?" I start throwing clothes on the floor, ripping them off their hangers. I'm getting more and more frustrated. "Why did I buy all these clothes? What a waste of time and money." Needing to stop before I tear it all down and burn it, I put on a bra and pair of panties. I decide today will be the day I make new decisions and change my future for the better. Finding a gray cotton V-neck shirt and a pair of black yoga pants, that accent my breasts and bum, I hatch a plan. Going into my kitchen, I grab a box of trash bags from under the sink and skip back to my bedroom to set my plan into motion. Swiftly gliding into my closet I start bagging all of my clothes that were on the floor. I yank more off the hangers and throw them into the bags. When all is said and done, I have five large 50gal trash bags full of clothes and it's only noon-awesome. It’s time to get rid of these bags. One by one I take them to my Cadillac Escalade, heave them in the back and slam the door when I'm finished. It feels good to clean out my closet and leave just enough to have clothes to wear daily for about a month.

-------------------------------------------------Hours later, I pull back into my drive way after dropping the clothes off at Goodwill, and eating some lunch. I quickly park my Cadillac and scurry into the house. I've decided I'm leaving California. I log on to my computer to begin my research. First, I need to find a place to live and decide what I'm going to do with my things I have here. Then I need to come to a decision, do I want a job? I don't need to work, but I love doing charity work at hospitals so maybe I can get a job as a receptionist at a doctor’s office, or find something in a hospital that I can do. I start making a list of everything that needs to be done. Considering it's Saturday, there isn't much I can do today. "Wow, where has the time gone?" I look up from the computer and see that it's really late. I didn't even get to watch the sun go down. Sitting at the island, in my kitchen, I close my laptop, put my pen down and stretch out my muscles. I have found a place to live, a condo with fantastic views. I'll put in an offer on Monday.

I've also created my resume', even though there isn't a whole lot on there, mainly charity work. I have sent it to a number of medical offices and a couple hospitals and have numbers to call on Monday. Getting up from the island, I walk over to the fridge and find some leftovers to reheat and quickly eat. Just before midnight, I crawl into bed, switch the TV on and drift off into sleep. Dreaming of rushing rivers and small cities where nobody knows my past, my bank account or me. -------------------------------------------------"Do you think you would want my Escalade?" I ask hoping she doesn't scream and lunge at me in pure exuberance. I would offer my blue Lamborghini as well, but she doesn't appreciate a fast sleek car. "You’re joking right? Jewels, you love that car." Krista pauses and thinks a moment, her eyes are a pretty dark coffee brown color--same color as her hair. "Why do you want to give me your car? You love that car. It used to be your fathers." She's looking at me like I'm crazy with her fork full of food, hanging midair between her plate and her bright red lips. I can see she wants to be excited but is afraid at the same time. "Because I know how much YOU love my car and how much YOU have wanted one, but YOU never let me buy you one." Looking down at my plate, moving around my food anxiously, "So now I ask again, can I gift my car to you?" I jump from the ear-piercing scream and without warning I'm being bear hugged. Her tanned arms wrapped around my neck and her long hair is in my face. "Krista, I can't breathe." She giggles and removes her arms, "Sorry. I can't believe your giving me your car... Does this have something to do with your 'plan' you have been talking about since you got here?" I take in a deep breath knowing she isn't going to like my idea but I'm not going to back down. "Yes, it's all part of my plan. You're right about me loving the Cadillac, I don't want to sell it but I don't want to bring it either. I know you will take care of it and appreciate it as much as I do since you loved my father as much as your own." Having a hard time moving through my lump in my throat I continue, "Krista I don't know how to say this any better, but I'm moving. And before you ask, NO, I'm not moving closer to L.A. In fact I'm moving out of California." I wait as the waiter takes our plates and asks if we want dessert. We both decline and he leaves us to retrieve the bill. She looks like she is going to cry. I try to continue but she interrupts, "I had a feeling this was coming, when you told me it was going to be big yesterday, I figured you'd be moving. Actually, I had figured after your parents and brother were killed, and you sold their house and belongings, that you would've moved out of the state then. But you stayed and I'm glad you did." The waiter swings by and drops off the bill, I throw down enough to cover it and give a great tip. I grab her hand and we walk out. When we get back to her car, I give her a huge hug and the tears she has been fighting come pouring out. In between her sobs I tell her to follow me back to my house so that I can fill her in with the rest of the details. We both pull into the driveway and slowly walk into the house silently. We pass the kitchen and go into the oversized living room. I place my purse and keys on a dark wood end table and look over at Krista who is staring out into the ocean, pondering something with unshed tears in her eyes. I walk over to her and give my best friend--in the whole world--the biggest hug anyone has ever known. While my heart is breaking, I think of how badly I'll miss her presents. I can't

hold back my tears and every tear that runs down her face, is matched by my own. We start crying so hard we keep gasping for air and hugging tighter and tighter, we put all our feelings into the hug. Eventually, I step away and collect myself as she does the same. When she turns her head she sees a picture of my family and me hanging out on a beach in Guam. I take it off the wall and hand it to her. "Jewels..." She says my name with so much agony in her voice. "Where are you going? How are you going to get there? When can I visit?" "KRISTA, you're always welcome to visit me anywhere I go. All you have to do is call me and you'll have plane tickets waiting at the airport. You can stay with me for as long as you would like..." I sigh, "I'm going by plane and I'm moving to Michigan." "MICHIGAN? What’s in fucking Michigan?" She's surprised, I think she was thinking I would say somewhere more interesting like New York or Las Vegas maybe. "Well, when my family and I went on one of our road trips across country, we spent some time in Michigan. It’s truly a beautiful state. I feel like I had a connection to that state when I was there years ago. Maybe I can go to some of the areas we all had gone to, make new memories and relive some of the old." I'm hoping my answer will calm her fears a little. Also, it gave me confidence and hope that I will survive by myself away from the only place I have ever called home. "Okay, so where are you going to live? Are you going to work?" I decide to pull out my laptop and show her the answers to all her questions--it’s just easier that way. I got more and more excited as she seems to relax. She sees that I had thought this through, did my research and actually have a good plan. Krista says she will help me do everything, pack, find a realtor to sell my house, put my Lamborghini up for sale, and tie up any loose ends. I'll be in Michigan starting on my new life in no time.

Chapter 2 4 Months later... "Krista! I MISS YOU!" I scream in enthusiasm as I answer the phone and place the last picture on the wall of my new home. She laughs, "I take it you're enjoying your new life?" "Yes, I can't wait for you to see the views from my condo. I can see down town Grand Rapids and the Grand River. It’s so pretty but totally different than looking at the ocean. I just finished unpacking the last box." I walk over to my favorite window and look onto the river and the city. I can tell she is smiling. "Jewels, I cannot wait to see it either." She starts talking about the boutiques and how well they're doing as well as how great the employees are. She asks me about my job, I was able to obtain thanks to a couple phone interviews and a wonderful Skype chat. I work as a receptionist at an orthopedic office by the main hospital. I love it, and it’s close to home. "It's so great. I'm having a great time. My co-worker May and I have been going to lunch a lot, she helps me out when I need some direction. Of course we hang out with her high school best friend Leah, the three of us run this town on the weekends." I say with a wide smile. This conversation with Krista has been a long time coming, we haven't talked all week, and we keep playing phone tag. "And you should see some of the people that come into the office, MY GOODNESS. You'd go crazy, most of them are athletes with a few seniors in the mix. The doctors aren't so bad themselves. I'm just glad that I feel like this is finally where I belong." Krista sighs, I know she misses me but when I say stuff like that, it hurts her. That makes me feel awful. She has always been there for me--she's like my sister. Actually, she almost was my sister-in-law, and I love her like that as well. I miss her like crazy. "I am glad you’re doing well, I miss you and I hope that we don't continue to play phone tag, don't forget you can text me anytime." Krista says with pain in her voice. "I know and I have but I miss hearing your voice sometimes." We give our closing goodbyes and sentiments and hang up. "HHMM what am I going to do the rest of the day?" Looking around the condo I love what I see. It’s around 1800 square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths open layout with high ceilings. I have decorated it with plush, off white sofas and a 55" TV. Dark wood end tables match the TV stand and plush tan carpet. The living room is wrapped with windows giving me different views of Grand Rapids. Even from the kitchen you can see the city. Dark cabinets and granite countertops in the kitchen are just like the ones I used to have. The island has the same details but the one side facing the living room has a blue glass top that works well with the city buildings in the background and the sky. The buildings are beautiful and that river takes my breath away every morning. I can feel the energy from the city and it’s wonderful. I decide to order take out and have it delivered. When I hear the phone ring, I answer and inform Dan the door man/concierge to send him up. I was hungrier than I thought and inhaled the whole dish. Settling into the comfy couch, watching TV as I doze off. -------------------------------------------------Wednesday has been hectic, it’s normally not this busy but I'm keeping up just fine. It’s

just an hour before we leave for the day and we have a few patients left in line. I hear the elevator ding and absentmindedly I look up. Instantly, I can't breathe--has the oxygen been sucked out of the building? It feels like someone has put a flame to my back and I'm on fire. Silently gasping for air, I watch as a tall sexy man with a braced leg, using one crutch, steps out of the elevator and begins moving in my direction. He has short brown hair, a sculptured face, great jaw line and cheekbones with a little stubble--he looks like a greek god. Wide shoulders and large chisled arms, make my mind go numb. I feel a magnetic pull toward him. Easily over six feet tall, a hulking man. With out a doubt, the hottest man I have ever seen. May looks over, "Jewels, are you okay? Your face is all red?" She asks in a worried tone. "Umm... umm..." I'm frantically trying to think of any excuse to leave my desk and collect myself. "I need water, I'll be right back." I've never felt like this before. If I didn't get out of there, I would be a pool of liquid on the floor. Breathing and trying to control my feelings, I fill my cup with water. I walk back to my desk with a coffee mug filled with water, attempting to control my breathing and thoughts. I sit down and without looking up call the next patient. "Hello, I'm here to see Dr. Jones." His voice is deep and sexy as hell. I can't control myself, my panties start getting wet, his tone has reached me right to my core. I know it’s the guy from the elevator. I am so screwed, I'm going to have to look him in the eyes eventually. If I look once, I know I'll give up all my self-control. "Okay, your name sir?" If anything else that was for me. I do need it for the information I'm filling out--checking him in. 'God, all I have to do is look up and I'll be able to check him out.' I think to myself. Slightly shaking my head--I have to get my thoughts together. "Logan S. Morris." His voice is almost a growl, not painful, more sexual. I hear him clear his throat, I'm so tempted to look up. I have to fight to control my feelings and the more he talks the more I'm soaked. I hope I don't need to go anywhere because these blue scrubs aren't going to hide the affect he is having on me. According to his records, Logan is twenty-seven years old-only a year older than me. He leans over the counter, the heat between us is powerful and he smells amazing. "Look up, let me see your face." Logan says in a demanding sexy tone. HOLY SHIT! As if on command my head rises and I almost faint. My body wants to be closer to his, like it needs his warmth, his strong arms around me. My pussy clentches at the thought of him touching me. "I was right, you are beautiful." He whispers, leaning on the counter, staring into my eyes about a foot away from me. I'm breathing in his breaths. I want to reach out and grab his jaw, it’s so brawny, his cheek bones are dominate and his eyes are a gorgeous sea foam green. My whole body tingles--like I have been shocked--in a sweeping movement from the top of my head straight down to the tips of my toes. His lips--oh his lips--are so tempting, I almost jump up and kiss them. I hear his intake of breath, which helps me focus. I shake off my thoughts as an older gentleman behind Logan interrupts us with some snide remark. Logan quickly looks over, gives the gentleman a dangerous look and the old man immediately apologizes. We finish checking him in. As well as the brace on his leg, he has a sling over his right shoulder and arm? I wonder if he pulled a muscle or dislocated his shoulder. I occasionally look up and notice his tight green tee shirt not only brings out the color of

his eyes but also defines his arm muscles as well as his chest and abs. I'm imagining an eight pack with that sexy V that athletic guys are gifted with. Oh shit, that body is to die for. I want to pull his hair, it’s not long, doesn't even reach the collar of his shirt--but long enough to grab. I want to hear him moan in his deep voice as we fuck, feel his arms travel all over my body and have those tender lips on mine. "Mr. Morris, Dr. Jones will be right with you, please have a seat in the waiting room." Logan takes a deep breath and gives me a leg-quivering smile. I'm done for, I hope he isn't single. My body desires him too much, I feel it's just going to end in pain and scars. I didn't think he could get any closer but he does as he whispers for only me to hear, "Don't look at me like that beautiful. I want to see you naked and under me, but not in front of all these people." He pulls back and turns toward the waiting area, my focus is then on that tight ass hobbling away from me. I want to spank it and then take a bite. My thoughts are running wild. I need to focus on my work. Logan sits where he can watch me and I can see him in my . He peripherals talking to a blonde man, who looks to be our age. Their talking about me, he never takes his eyes off me. A couple times I hear a sexy laugh, not sure if it comes from Logan or the man sitting next to him. Once May is done with our last patient she takes my arm and pulls me over to the corner. "What in the hell was that?" I'm just as confused as she is, "I have no fucking idea, and I've never felt that before." She laughs, "What I felt between you two, I've never felt before either." We go back to our areas and I start cleaning up, getting ready to clock out for the day. Twenty minutes left and I hear that same sexy laugh. I look up and it’s Logan. He's by the elevators and is chatting with the very nice looking blonde man who was sitting next to him earlier. They must know each other, hopefully they're just friends. The blonde gentleman has a great body like Logan. Suddenly, Logan looks my way and catches me staring. I turn bright red. He notices my discomfort and gives me a suggestive wink. He and his partner enter the elevator and I let out a soothing breath when the doors close. When did I start holding my breath? I might be in trouble if I ever come face to face with that man again. He affects me more than any guy should. "So what are you doing tonight?" May asks as we enter the elevator to head home. "I don't know, I'm probably going to just go home, cook dinner and relax on the couch. What are your plans?" "I don't have plans, probably going to do the same thing as you. But Leah and I were talking at lunch and we are planning on going to dinner tomorrow. We would love for you to come with us. Leah thinks you’re great and asked if I could invite you." Leah and May are the kind of friends I want to have. Their loyalty reminds me of Krista, and I need to have that here. As the elevator doors open I reply, "I would love to go with you guys, thank you so much for inviting me." We walk out the main doors, turn right and I'm halted in my steps. Logan is leaning against the building, looking like he is waiting for someone--or something. I stop breathing, I feel that flame again and the way he's looking at me makes me blush. His body is so slender and defined only by his muscles. "I'll see you tomorrow. Text me later?" May asks when she realizes I'm in a trance. I nod my response, unable to speak right now. May wouldn't be able to understand me if I tried. She walks by and turns the corner for the parking garage. He pushes away from the wall and it's then that I realize that he isn't using his crutch and

his shoulder sling is gone. "Where is your crutch?" I instinctively run to him, grabbing his left arm and putting my chest into his, expecting to have to hold him up. He wraps his arms around me, smashing my body against his and locking one of my arms between us. Realizing he doesn't need any of my help--I stiffen--I'm too close and I am burning alive. I feel his muscles moving with every inhale and exhale. One of my hands is on his firm chest, while my other hand still clenches his arm as his muscle tightens. I am immediately turned on, and I feel a warm liquid in between my thighs, just his touch makes me wet. "The doc says I can start putting weight on my knee, with the support of my brace, and that the surgery was a success. My shoulder has healed so no need for the crutch or sling anymore." I release my hold on his arm and slide it in between us to his chest. I'm upset that he had to have surgery on his perfect body. He sees the shift in my eyes, from heat and seduction to sorrow and pain. He quickly changes the subject. "Well, now that I have you in my arms, will you tell me your name?" Remembering I just met this man, I try to step out of his arms but he tightens his hold. I take a deep breath, not realizing I'm holding it again. "Jewel Kessler" is all I can spit out. My knees are starting to shake, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I need to focus on keeping my breaths steady. There is a huge knot in my stomach and I'm as wet as I was earlier. He smiles, leans down and puts his nose to my neck, chills spread all over my body. I feel him grin against my neck. He whispers in my ear, "You smell so good." And he breathes me in deeply. "LOGAN! Come on man, we have to go." The blonde man from inside is standing next to a truck yelling in our direction. I hear him grunt and sigh as he pulls back and looks at me. "I need your phone number Jewel." I hesitate, unable to speak or even think about what my number is. He shakes his head, "Give me your phone." I step away from him, just far enough to pull my phone out of my purse. I look over at his friend who is slinking in our direction. Logan quickly enters his number, checks it and hands it back. The blonde joins us and playfully thrusts his hand out for a shake, "Hi, I'm Roy, Logan's best friend and ride home." Looking at Logan with a silly smile on his face. I shake his hand "I'm Jewel, the receptionist he just gave his phone number to." Beaming as I say the last part. Roy seems playful and fun. I take a step in the direction of the parking garage and speak to them both, "It was a pleasure to meet you two. Have a good night." Logan is the first to speak, with a seductive grin on his face, "I will give you pleasure, and a GREAT night. You make sure you use my number." He gives me a flirtatious wink and as I round the corner I giggle and shake my head. That man is sexy as hell and his personality just adds to his appeal. When I reach my black Cadillac CTS my smile gets bigger. Before I moved to Grand Rapids I ordered the newest model. I had it delivered to my condo two days after I arrived. Growing up my dad always praised and owned Cadillac's. They always make me think of my family. If they would've been driving one that night, I might still have them in my life. Instead they took my brothers new SUV to break it in and ended up not coming home at all. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts as I back out of my parking spot and head home. Entering the building I smile at Dan and he gives me a wave. I stroll into the elevator and

think if should I call Logan? Maybe I can just text him. The doors open on the twentyth floor and know I'm almost in my home and winding down. I make it to my bedroom put on my favorite yoga pants and gray V-neck shirt. Before dinner, I decide to go to the gym in my building and run on the treadmill for a little while. I need to keep my mind off contacting him and relieve some of this sexual tension. Once I'm done and back home, I start making dinner. "I don't want to seem desperate so I'm not going to call him until Friday. It’s only a few days away, he can handle it." I smile as I take out my pots and pans I need to make my favorite pasta dish. "Hopefully I can too." I have looked at his number multiple times with in the last few hours. I'm afraid I have dreamt the whole thing. After watching a couple shows, I take a shower and crawl into my nice comfy queen size bed and drift off to sleep.

Chapter 3 I took a taxi to TGI Fridays to meet the girls after work. The ladies are already seated and as I look around for them I spot him. Logan is in the corner with Roy and a beautiful blonde woman, who I'm hoping is Roy's girlfriend. We lock eyes, and as he registers me, his mood shifts and he looks pissed. He slides out of the booth and starts hobbling towards me as quickly as his constricted leg will allow. 'Shit!' I think to myself as I quickly look around for May and Leah. Both Logan and I pause as we see May's hand in the air, waving me over. She and Leah are sitting in the middle, between where I am and where Logan was. He smiles darkly and stops just before Leah's table, waiting for me while leaning on his good leg. As I get closer, he crosses his arms and gives me an angry glare--I'm not fooled--I can see he's trying to prevent a smile from spreading across his face. May and Leah are looking up at him in complete silence and awe. I smile and wave at the girls, stopping closely in front of Logan. He smells delicious, my body zings awake with lust and longing. Trying desperately to play off how undone I am. I'm legless, and once again on fire. He uncrosses his arms, uses one hand and picks imaginary fuzz off my blue sleeveless satin shirt. It's low cut and I catch him staring at my cleveage. When I clear my throat he looks into my eyes and licks his soft lips. I can feel my face heat as I blush. That sweet sentiment made my core clench. He leans in to me so closely, I thought he was going to kiss me. He is a lot taller than me, I'm 5'8 and have 4" heels and he still towers over me. The height is sexy. I'm throbbing and feel warmth between my legs. I want him, my body is drawn to him. I haven't been able to stop thinking about him since I first laid eyes on him yesterday. Right now my body is saying, 'take him right now, kiss him, bring him to the ladies room and take what you want.' My head is smarter than that, thankf... "You never called or texted, I can't stop thinking about you. Give me your phone back." Logan says interrupting my thoughts. Moving his left thumb over my trembling lower lip, "Now.." He growls. While looking into his eyes I pull my phone out of my purse and hand it to him. I break our eye contact, as he quickly types his number in my phone number and hits the call button. When his phone begins to ring, he ends the call and hands my phone back to me with a sexy smirk on his face. "Thank you, sir." I say with a giggle as I put it back in my purse. He messes with his phone quickly and slides it into his front jean pocket. He leans in and kisses my temple, whispering in my ear, "Thanks beautiful have a good dinner with the girls." I feel his warm breath on my neck, and goose bumps roll across my body as my nipples tighten. My core is throbbing. I'll need to fix that tonight myself because I don't need to act like this every time I see him. If he didn't move away so quickly, I wouldn't have let him leave. He nods at the girls and limps away. I practically collapse into the booth and the girls stare at me like I'm about to explode--I feel like I'm about to explode. "See what I mean?" May nudges Leah, "I told you there was a lot of sexual tension between those two." She looks at me, "Holy shit! When you guys have sex you need to tell me every detail. I bet he is awesome in bed and hung like a horse." We all sigh and look off into

space. After ordering and receiving our dinners, I have some great discussions with the girls. I hear my phone *bing* and I check it--immediately getting excited. Logan doesn't waste any time. How's dinner? Great, I love having ladies night especially with these two. When will you have a night with me? Hmm, I would love to have him for a night. I don't want to seem too willing, I want him to fight a little. I can't just give in. Hmmm, I don't know... I'm not busy the first Monday next month, would you like me to pencil you in? I'm thinking a lot sooner than that. I can't even look at you without wanting to take you into the back and make you scream my name over and over again. I choke on my water and turn bright red. The girls look at me and grin. They know who I'm talking to, they continue their conversation. Okay, he wants to play that way. Let’s make it so he can't stand up, because right now, I'm drenched. Not only in sweat but in my lace panties as well. I would like that. That's been my idea since I first saw you. Right here, right now. I want to rock your world...By the way...I’m already wet and waiting for you. I take a deep breath and wait. I hear a loud sound behind me of glass breaking. It’s coming from where Logan's sitting. I look up at the girls and they're trying not to laugh. I smirk and turn my head. He has his head down and a few waitresses are bending over, starting to clean up broken glass around the booth. Roy and the blonde looking at him in confusion. He looks up and locks

eyes with me. They are heated and I can see what he intends to do to me. I lose feeling all over my body and tighten in excitement. I need to get out of here or we will be fucking in the bathroom. I know I just met the guy yesterday, but I don't care, lately one-night stands are all that define my sex life. I look up at the girls and they are staring at me trying to figure out what I am thinking. "I need to get the hell out of here." As soon as I say it, the waiter walks by on his way to help clean up the mess and I quickly and quietly shout out, "I would like my bill please, I'm in a hurry." Both the girls are still staring at me begging me not to call the night short. I give them a sympathetic face and explain that I'm tired. The waiter comes back and hands us our bills. I grab all three of them throw some bills in the tray stating, "I don't need change" as I hand everything back to him. As he walks away I look behind me at Logan. He is focused on Roy and the skinny blonde, he looks like he's apologizing. I don't wait around, he isn't paying attention, so I slowly get up and start for the door, quietly saying goodnight to the girls as I slink by. I push open the door and practically run grabbing a cab that had just dropped off a small group. Quickly calling out my address and slipping in the back seat. Just after I close the door I look up at the entrance of the restaurant and see Roy frantically looking for someone. He spots me, and as I pull away, he slightly shakes his head with a small playful smile on his face. Roy was looking for me. I'm so glad I got out of there when I did. If this cab hadn't been at the curb at that time, I was prepared to run--even in 4" heels. I ran through the front door, to my bedroom and threw myself onto my bed. I don't relax until my back hits the mattress. I have pent up sexual energy and I need to decide to satisfy it or fall asleep and try to deal with it. I'm going for it. I haven't been able to get Logan out of my head so he'll be the star of this fantasy. I reach into my nightstand and take out my satin bag that holds my favorite toys. A pair of silver bullets attached to a battery powered remote. I strip before getting comfortable in the middle of my dark red comforter and slide those babies out of the bag. Sinking back onto my pillows, I turn the little gadget on. Sliding one bullet past my wet folds and into my vagina I moan. Oh--it feels so good--I turn down the speed so it’s a sweet, slow vibration. The other bullet I place over my clit, holding it there with my hand and letting it work its magic. The whole time I'm focused on Logan, his rough warm hands sliding all over my body. His hand starts at my shoulders than moving down to my breasts. I pinch my own nipple and almost come, crying out. I continue sliding my free hand down my stomach past my vibrating friends, down my upper thigh. I'm so close, I envision him having a thick, strong cock. Visualizing it sliding in and out of me, filling me so warmly, and I can't stop my hips from moving with my fantasy. Feeling myself building, I continuously imagine his body all over me and I explode with a gasp. Warmth begins in my center and spreads throughout my entire body. Instantly, I feel relieved but not totally satisfied. Good enough to be able to survive a few more days without Mr. Logan S. Morris. I take my weapons into the bathroom and thoroughly clean them before putting them back into their bag and placing them into my end table, I relax back into bed. I turn the TV on and find a channel worth watching. Looking over and spotting my phone on the end table, I didn't realize I had a text message waiting for me. I hesitantly open it, knowing exactly whom

it’s from. Where did you go? I had Roy chase after you. I was enjoying our conversation. I had to leave immediately. There was something that I needed to tend to. I have something you can tend to ;). Please tell me you went home for the reason I'm praying you went home for... Darling, did you need to relieve yourself? I blush, thankfully he can't see me, I turn my volume back up on my phone. For your information sir, I did. My twin friends with magical powers helped me come quickly and peacefully. Now that I'm relieved I would like to go to sleep. I’m hard... again. Twin friends? Are you in a relationship? My twin vibrating bullets, and only the occasional one night stand. Why did I text that? I need to be more careful with what information I'm throwing out there. I don't even know this guy. He could be some kind of nut job for all I know. *Bing* It makes me angry that other men have seen you naked and I haven't...Yet Okay, let’s change the subject. What happened at the restaurant after I sent you that message? You seemed distraught, was everything

all right? Time for me to take this conversation into my own hands. I have questions and I want answers. *Bing* Man, he's fast. Where to begin... After I read your message I grabbed the table to stand up quickly but lost my balance, because of my ridiculous brace, and fell back into the booth. I'm actually glad I fell back because I was as hard as a rock. You didn't get hurt did you? Only my pride because after I apologized to Roy and Dahlia I looked for you and you were gone. I asked Roy to find you. Okay let’s back track, now that I know he wasn't physically injured. Obviously, Dahlia must be the blonde so I want to know how he is related to her. Then I want to flirt more, if he answers correctly. Aww did you miss me ;)? Who is Dahlia? Dahlia is Roy's girlfriend, you'll like her. And baby, I did miss you. Tell me step by step what you did to yourself with the help of those magical bullets. He has answered my questions, so on with the flirting. Well, I slowly stripped my close off, crawled into the bed and started massaging my breasts. Then I turned on my bullets and started moving

them south. I was already wet from our conversation and couldn't wait any longer. I pictured you with your hands all over my body. I have read it and reread it, embellishing some steps, that sounds good though. I deeply inhale, press send and exhale. "What am I doing?" *Bing* almost instantly. Oh God, I am rock hard, where do you live? Time to end this conversation and go to sleep. I'm sorry, after my very eventful day, great dinner with the girls, and a little rumble under the sheets with the twins... I'm exhausted. Good night, sweet dreams. I mute my phone, roll over and close my eyes. I have to force myself to focus on falling asleep and not checking my phone all night. I'm very proud of myself for not inviting him over. How would I explain where I lived? Logan would question how a receptionist could possibly afford a place like this.

Chapter 4 His mouth is around one nipple and his rough hands is stimulating my other. We are completely naked and Logan is on top of me weighing me into the mattress. With his remaining hand, he slides it down my waist, over my hip. I arch my back the best I can as he gently slides over my pubic bone and through to my smooth moist waiting lips. He slips one finger in and I moan. The feeling of him on top of me makes all my senses go wild, I can feel his muscles all over me, and we are both a hot sweaty mess already. Logan brings his index finger back up to his mouth and sucks my juices off slowly. Growling, "So sweet, you're dripping for me" I half cry, "I'm ready for you, please, I can't wait much longer." He slowly pulls back and positions his shaft over my entrance. Taking my hands, he pins them next to my head. Logan's tip slides gently into me and we inhale deeply together. He puts his forehead against mine, looking straight into my eyes, his whole body is shaking. "I can't hold back." He groans out as he thrusts deeply forward. It feels too good--there is a faint burning between my legs and then he starts to move. Instantly the burning sting turns into a burning passion. I tighten my inner muscles and start to move my hips as he glides out to the tip and roughly pounds back in, filling me. Logan is huge, thick and powerful. Continuing his rhythm and thrusting with all his might. It makes my nerves tingle endlessly. His movements are so strong, they push me further and further up the bed and closer to release. I'm building quickly, starting to get more and more ravenous. I can't control myself. I need it, and he is giving it all to me. I'm so close, one more thrust and I will fly over the edge. I hear a faint noise. What the fuck is that? The noise is getting louder and his pounding is weakening. I try to pull him closer and suddenly the noise is so loud I jolt upright and he vanishes. When I look around, there is a glow from the curtains that tells me its morning, and my alarm clock is going off. "FUCK!" I scream and I start thrashing around my bed. I turn off the alarm with a huff and jump up. "This is fucking ridiculous... Okay, we need to rectify this situation A.S.A.P!" I turn my volume back up on my phone and check the messages I know I have missed some. NO!! Don't go to sleep, I can come to you. It won't take me very long. I'll speed if I need to. I'm so hard for you. Hello???? Jewel?? Wow, you weren't fucking around. I guess I'll be taking care of myself also.

Baby, you are a little tease, but I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about you. I hope you have sexy dreams. And dream of me ;). Nighty night. I have a huge grin on my face. His messages have made me laugh, Logan was so desperate. He can't even drive, he has a brace on his leg. I guess a man will suffer through pain for a little pleasure. "HMM I don't mind a little pain for pleasure." I say out loud and quickly shake my head, I need to get rid of these thoughts. I begin my normal morning routine and head into work. Walking into the office, I notice a delicate flower arrangement on my side of the reception desk. I look at it in awe, I've never seen anything this magnificant. It’s a mixture of pink day lilies and red roses, absolutely stunning. The roses are tight and closed off while the day lilies contrast by being wide open. That’s how I feel most of the time, fighting with myself whether to be open and unprotected or closed off and safe. It's the most elegant arrangement I have ever seen. I walk over and grab the note attached.

Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman. I want to see you this weekend so you can finish what you started twice last night. LSM X I sigh with a huge smile on my face. I can't believe I've crawled under his skin so quickly. Now, how do I crawl into his bed? Images from my dream start filling my thoughts. "Those are from him aren't they?" May interrupts. "Yep!" I answer excitedly. "You know he had that blonde guy chasing after you. He looked like he was in pain when you left." Of course Logan did, he couldn't come after me, he wasn't quick enough and was rock hard. "I know, we were texting last night. During dinner and after." I start to giggle. "Well, in your conversation did he also tell you that he came over and demanded to know where you lived? I would've told him... If I knew the answer. We've been friends for almost four months and I have never been to your house. You've been to Leah’s and mine. Is there something wrong with us, or your house?" She looks like she's in so much anguish. I wonder if she and Leah talk about why they haven't been invited over yet. I knew this was going to happen at some point. So I try to ease her mind. "I'm sorry May, I'll have a girl’s night at my house soon. I still have a massive amount of boxes to unpack." I'm lying through my teeth to pacify her. I don't want her upset with me. Her and Leah

are my only friends and they have been nothing but perfect and loyal. She visually relaxes, "Leah and I can help you unpack. We can come over, order a pizza and break into boxes." She says with a smile, her blonde hair and green eyes almost make me give in. Fuck, I need this conversation to change and quickly. "I'll think about it. What are we doing tonight?" Changing the subject to something fun--like a clubbing night--will totally work. She straightens in her chair and looks at me with a bigger smile than before, "Going clubbing and spending our paycheck on large amounts of liquor and door fees, does that sound like a good plan?" "Absolutely, can we go to the club that has the dueling piano bar on the first floor and the dance club on the second?" "Yes! Is that your favorite place too?" I nod in response. Normally, they have comedic pianists. So not only can you dance but you also get a good laugh. Upstairs is where we spend most of our time. A flooded dance floor with a huge bar and a good amount of tables. They always have great a DJ mixing songs. We normally say we're going club hopping but just end up staying there. "Oh, before I forget, Leah and I say 'Thank you so much' for paying for dinner last night. You didn't have to do that." They are so sweet, I didn't even think twice about paying, I just wanted to get out of there before he got his hands on me. "No problem, I was just glad I was invited to go to dinner with you two. I love spending time with you. You guys have made my move here so much easier to handle." May smiles and hugs me. "We love spending time with you too." When she goes back to her seat I look back at my flowers and happily sigh again. I pull out my phone and text Logan. Thank you for the amazing flowers, the girls at work are jealous. :) What are you doing today? Do you work? I purposely do not tell him that I want to see him this weekend too. I really do--badly--I have needs that require some attention. But I'm nervous as well. I know I'll lose all my free will if he gets his hands on me again, and I don't know if that is what I want. I like to be independent. I do want him but I feel like this is going to be more than just a one-night thing. Friends with benefits would be great too. Keeping him at an arm’s length is what I need to do, until I can trust him. Yes I do work, in fact I'm doing so right now. And then when I get out I have to go to my daily physical therapy appointment. Hopefully, I'll have this damn brace off soon.

I smile, but don't respond. I get back to my work as patients start filing in. May and I blow through our Friday. We walk to our cars together, and make plans to meet at the club. I get home, place the beautiful flowers on my dining table and get ready for the night. I take a shower and blow-dry my hair. Make dinner and peacefully eat it in front of the TV. After cleaning off the plate and putting it in the dishwasher I stride back into my bedroom with attached bath and walk in closet. Turning to the closet and opening the doors I sigh. I love the size of this walk-in, it’s extremely smaller than my last and satisfies my every need. I throw on white shorty shorts and a blue halter-top with silver sequin. After putting on makeup and fixing my hair into loose curls I walk back into my closet and look at my selection of shoes. A normal size selectoin that I am proud of. "Let's see...I choose blue." I say out loud to myself with a smile. Slipping on the 5" heels that match the color of my halter I look at myself in the mirror and smile. I don't normally think I look gorgeous, but today I feel it. I call the cab company to pick me up. I also call down to Chris, the night shift doorman, to inform him of the taxi coming for me. I hang up and check my phone. I have multiple missed calls and a couple missed messages. What are you doing tonight? Do you want to get together? Logan just won't let up. I'll text him tomorrow, tonight is girl’s night and we're going to run this town. I move onto my next message. I miss you, I hope you’re doing well. Tell me all about the hottie you bring home tonight. LOL I miss you too, I'll call you tomorrow, and I cannot wait to hear how your week has been. Krista knows my Friday night sometimes consists of me hooking up with some random hot guy from the club. Doesn't make me a slut, just makes me single, young and having fun. I take ALL of the precautions and I get tested regularly even though a condom is always worn. I don't want to hook up tonight with anyone, maybe Logan and I can get together tomorrow and finish where we left off, but tonight I want to have fun with the girls. Just then Chris buzzes, letting me know the cab is here to pick me up. I load my pockets with my ID and some money and head down. Pulling up in front of the club I spot Leah and May. They're looking awesome. Leah is wearing a skin tight mid-thigh, strapless green dress that brings out her read curly hair and hazel eyes. She has on platform nude heels that make her legs drool worthy. May is wearing a black mini skirt with a purple tank top that has embellishments. She has

put her blonde hair into a ponytail and she looks killer. We all look at each other and realize that our smiles have gotten bigger. "We are going to own this club tonight. Let’s go ladies, I need to dance." May smiles a sexy smile that could bring a man to his knees. I make a mental note to remember and use that smile tonight. Just because I don't want to sleep with anyone, doesn't mean I don't want to dance with a hunk. We enter the club and go directly upstairs. It’s just after ten and it’s packed. A group of guys move out of the way as we step up to the bar. The bartender gets our drinks and we pay. After downing our drinks, May drags us to the dance floor. The DJ is awesome tonight, one great song after the other. The three of us are dancing against one another and having a blast. A few songs in, I feel a man behind me. I turn around and there is a nice looking twenty-something guy dancing closely against my back. I don't miss a beat, I turn back stepping my back into his front and continuing to dance. He puts his hands on my waist--I don't remove them. I look over to May and Leah and they have both baited men as well. We move so we are in a triangle and continue. After dancing a few more songs with my new dance partner, I feel a tingle move from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. My nipples become hard, as goose bumps travel throughout my body--I stiffen--Logan's here, I can't see him but I can feel him. The girls turn and look at me at the same time the gentleman with his hands on my hips, bumps his pelvis into me and whispers, "Why'd you stop?" I realize I have no reason to be nervous, Logan and I aren’t together. Me dancing with someone else is no big deal. So I resume where I left off and the man behind me pulls me closer. Half way through the next song I feel the powerful warmth roll through me. He's closer-I'm getting hotter and hotter. The hands on my waist and the chest against my back quickly disappear. New strong arms wrap around my waist and chest, his muscular front to my back. Before I know what is going on, I'm being pulled toward the brick wall behind me. I relax, I know exactly who it is, there is a slight limp to his steps and an electric wave courses through me. The crowd is closing around my view of May and Leah who are frozen, in a state of shock with smiles on their faces. Logan pushes my back against the wall, his eyes are hooded and his lips are in a tight straight line--he's pissed. I could care less, I'm thrilled he's here. I knew once he touched me again, I would lose my will to stay away from him. I rub my hands up his arms onto his shoulders. He moans, "What are you doing dancing with anyone but me?" Pulling him closer against me, "You weren't here and I don't belong to you. I can dance with whomever I want." I whisper in his ear with a flirtatious smirk, making sure my lips slightly graze his lobe. Logan pulls his head back roughly growling like a wolf. I start dancing again, sandwiched between him and the wall. I roll my hips, his pelvis is still attached to mine and I love the feeling. I feel a twitch in his pants and feel a burn from our connection in my core. The song fades into another and he grabs my hips holding them in place with a groan. I don't hesitate, "I want to go back to the girls, plus I'm thirsty. We can pick this back up in a moment okay?" I sweetly smile at him. "What are you drinking?" Logan demands in a calm smooth voice. "Whiskey and water." I say grinning from ear to ear. I know Logan was expecting some girly drink.

That's just not me, some girls like beer, some girls like fruity tutee drinks, I like the strong 'burn in your throat' kind of drink. Normally, I drink it with some sort of soda, but my stomach gets upset quicker, so I'll just do water. He shakes his head, "You surprise me every time we communicate." He grabs my hand and we head back to the girls. May and Leah wave 'Hi' to him. Logan smiles, "May... Leah." He nods to them as he says their names. They swoon, you can tell they are smitten, "What are you ladies drinking?" He takes their orders and heads to the bar as the girls and I grab a table. "Did you tell him you were here?" May grabs my hand. I shake my head, "No, I wasn't going to contact him until tomorrow." He comes back and isn't alone, Roy and Dahlia trail behind him. Logan passes out the drinks and stands in between Leah and me. He puts his arm around my waist and introduces everyone to Roy and Dahlia. I beam at Roy who returns the smirk. Dahlia shakes my hand and gives me a sweet smile. She is in a red swift dress that is just above the knee with scarlet red lipstick, she looks gorgeous. The guys are in dark jeans and V-neck shirts. From what I can see, Logan has a smooth chest. Oh, I can't wait to have him naked. I want to touch him, memorize his body for my wet dreams. I hear him clear his throat and I look up. I was caught staring again. "Don't look at me like that right now. You have that look in your eyes like you want to eat me alive. I know you came here with the girls but you'll be coming home with me." I blush and look around to see if anyone heard him. I let out a sigh of relief. Then he moves behind me and wraps his arms around my shoulders, kissing my neck as he whispers in my ear, "Unless you are ready to leave now, I know I am." I glance back at him and his eyes have darkened, I give him that killer smile that May gave us earlier. He gasps and squeezes me tighter. "Okay, it’s time to go, say good bye to your friends." He says loud enough so everyone can hear. I can feel his thickness against my butt. Logan moves away from me and repositions himself under the table. Oh shit! I like how affected he is by me as well. I drain my drink and we say good-bye to each of them. Logan shakes Roy's hand and then places his hand on my lower back, leading me down the stairs. We grab a van taxi that had just dropped off a large group of people. Logan glides me in and gets in behind me making sure his leg is only slightly bent and his brace is settled. After giving the cabbie the address to his home, he scoots me closer to him and puts his arm around my back. His other hand trails from my ear, tracing my lower jaw and down to my chin. He lifts my chin and locks with my eyes. So slowly he leans in and kisses me, sucking on my lower lip, asking me to let him in. I can't handle it I open up. I kiss him with need--like I need my next breath. Exploring eachothers mouths, I meet his tongue with caress after caress. Eventually, I slip my tongue on top of his and roll it, my hands go into his hair and his slip into mine. I hear him groan, but I can't stop--it makes us more urgent. A few moments later, our hands drop out of each other’s hair and move all over the others body, savoring every inch. His hands go straight to my breasts and he starts massaging and kneading over my bra. I feel a tightening in my belly, I'm burning and wet for him already. We try to breathe each other in, enjoying every whimper and moan the other makes.

Chapter 5 I lose track of time and slowly he starts to pull away as the taxi stops. Logan gives the guy a bill, grabs my hand and gets out with me trailing behind him. He leads us up the sidewalk onto his porch. I can't stop thinking about the cab ride, he's a great kisser and I've never been able to feel what he makes me feel. We enter his home, he flips a switch, the whole room lights up. It’s an open layout, like my condo, with high ceilings. We are in the living room/kitchen area. The walls are a cream and the couch and love seat are black leather, it looks very modern but bachelor. He has a big screen TV, looks to be around 55" sitting on top of a dark wood entertainment stand that matches the coffee and end tables. I can see into the kitchen with cabinets of dark wood and laminate counter tops with a stainless steel sink and appliances. Surprisingly the house is very clean for a bachelor pad, I didn't expect that. Off the kitchen there is a dark wood dining table for four. It’s very cozy here. He takes my hand after closing and locking the door behind us. Logan drags me to the closest piece of furniture, which thankfully happens to be a love seat. Sitting down and pulls me on top of him lifting the footrest for his leg. I'm straddling him as he grabs fists full of my hair and smashes our mouths together, resuming our actions in the taxi. I don't stop him, my hands fly into his hair again and I get warm all over. Everything intensifies, I feel him in between my legs, he's huge and thick in his pants. I roll my hips forcing friction for both of us. When he growls, I'm dripping. Logan rips his hands away from my hair frantically and starts undoing my shorts. I don't hesitate, my hands go straight to his pants. I unbutton, unzip and start for his shirt. He grabs the hem of mine and he quickly pulls it over my head. It hits the floor and I clench again. I remove him of his shirt as well, I stare with my mouth wide open. My dream did nothing for this man. He has an eight pack and muscles bulging everywhere, his pecks are delicious. I can't help myself, leaning in I run my tongue and lips from the base of his ear down the side of his neck to the middle of his chest. Feeling his tight skin stretch over every muscle. He lifts his groin into mine as he moans. "Pants off now." Logan growls through gritted teeth. I carefully crawl completely off his lap being, attentive of his braced leg. I back up and sexually, stripping off my bra and slide my panties and shorts straight down my body. Stepping out of my discarded clothes, I stand happily in my birthday suit with the exception of my blue heels. He has a mile long smile on his face. I bend down to move his boxers and jeans down so I have access to his cock. My pussy is throbbing in anticipation. Damn he is huge, bigger than I dreamt. Not wasting any time, I grab him by the base and suck him in to my mouth, purring at the wonderful taste and feel of him sliding to the back of my throat. I squeeze the base and suck as I pull back up, a little harder when I get to the tip while slipping my tongue over his slit. Before I swallow him back in, he grabs a handful of my hair and gives me a good rough yank and a look that makes me stop and lick my lips. Logan leans forward, grabs my hips and repositions me back on top of him. I'm hovering over his bulging head, holding onto it so that as I start moving downward he starts filling me and opening me to fit him. It’s a glorious feeling, but I want it rough--I NEED it rough. Somehow he can tell how badly I crave it rough. Logan grabs my hips and thrusts--with

all his might--into me. He hits my max, I freeze and savior the burn. Slowly, I start moving as he begins thrusting, every time hitting a special spot. It’s such a deep lovely feeling. Once we get our rhythm he wraps both arms around my midsection as he thrusts up into me and I roll my hips. We start ravaging each other's lips and body again. I'm not going to last long, he's what I have been missing my whole life. Logan grabs a fist full of my hair, pulling it so my neck is stretched out for him to savor. As he's kissing and licking my neck he slowly pants out between thrusts, "Baby, I'm close and we aren't using a condom. Do we need to stop right now or are you going to make me the luckiest man in the world?" Asking in a deep voice, he's holding back and I can tell it's painfully hard for him to do so. There is no way I'm going to ask him to pull out and get a condom. I am too close and this feels way too good. "Consider yourself lucky. I'm on the pill and I get checked regularly. Plus, you are the first I have allowed in without a condom." I say gasping for air. I'm one thrust away from losing my mind and screaming out in ecstasy. Then he surprises me; pulling my body closer to his, Logan grabs a nipple in his mouth, sucks hard and gives me a nip all the while thrusting. 'FUCK!' I think to myself as Logan tugs a little harder on my hair just to the point of a little pain. I see stars and scream out his name as I feel the warmth spread like rolling thunder from my core throughout my body. He doesn't let up, my muscles start pulsing and throbbing around him. "Please don't hold back, come in me, I want to feel your cock fill me with your cum. I need to feel it twitching in me." I beg him. He moans and squeezes me tighter. Logan groans really loud, thrusts hard one more time and spills into me. I whimper and relish the feeling of him erupting inside of me. Laying in his arms as both of us try to catch our breaths, he kisses my forehead and plays with my hair. After a few moments, I slowly and carefully back off of him and ask for the restroom. "At the end of the hallway, and baby, don't get redressed you are a beautiful goddess and I feel gifted to be able to see you completely nude." Logan says with a smirk. I give him a sexy grin, remove my blue heels and scamper down the hall. I pass a few closed doors and an opened one. Inside is an office, I quickly look as I pass. A dark wood desk in the middle of a good-sized, cream carpeted room. There are three monitors on his desk, he's a techie--and I like that. I see different cars in pictures hanging on his wall. I almost enter to take a better look, but realize I'm about to drip our juices all over the floor so I make a break for the bathroom. Opening the door at the end of the hallway, expecting to see the bathroom, I step into a master bedroom. I pause for a moment. There is a king sized bed with a light blue comforter. The headboard and footboard are slotted, made of dark wood and the walls are a deep gray. It’s very masculine and modern. There is another TV on the wall, about 32" but it’s perfect. I see two doors. 'Let’s go with the one closest to me' I think quickly. It’s a walk in closet full of clothes, I do spot out a few suits. Fuck, thinking about Logan and that body in a suit, reminds me I need the bathroom. I throw open the next door and am relieved to find the room I'm looking for. Just like in his kitchen, dark cabinets and laminate counter tops. Ceramic tile floors and a shower tub combo with a toilet next to it. After cleaning up I wash my hands in a metal bowl sink. It’s very interesting--but I love it. As I exit the bathroom I'm swept into a hug, I realize he has removed his boxers and

shorts and is completely naked other than his brace. He starts walking us back to the bed. It looked soft and comfy but as I'm slowly being lowered onto it, it feels better than I thought. The mattress and comforter practically eats me as I sink in with a sigh. He isn't laying on me, just looking down at me. He's gorgeous, I can't believe how perfect his body is. In a huff he throws himself down on his back next to me. He seems upset about something, I slowly sit up on my elbow and look at him. I know there is something wrong, I can see the anguish on his face. Scooting up the bed, he places his head against the head board. He pats his hips wanting me to straddle him again. With a smile I crawl on all fours up his body. I can see his cock twitch, instantly turning me back on, and my eyes shoot straight to his. Biting my lip and giving him that sexy smile, it twitches again. I lean down licking it from root to tip making it twitch again. I continue my way up his body; kissing, licking and nipping. Keeping my knees by his hips I can feel him getting bigger as my pussy hovers over him. When I get to his neck, he continues moaning and growling but begins rolling his hips, pushing his cock against my sex. I get to his ear and whisper, "What was your mood change for a few moments ago. You can't hide from me Logan." I nip his earlobe. "As I was looking at you, your hair like a halo around your head and your stunning body perfectly in my bed, I was wishing that I could attack you. That I could crawl on top of you and take you to places you've never been. Could kneel between your legs and make you come with my mouth. I wish that I had met you months ago. I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in now if I had. "Lastly, I wanted to rip off my damn brace and ram into you, rip you in half... But I can't do any of that. I'm hindered by this fucking brace! I can't be the man, I can't do the things I need to. I don't want you to look at me like I'm weak. When I'm healed, you won't be able to walk right for weeks, I promise." As he finishes he gives me the most heated look I've ever seen and I squirm. He moves my hips so that my head is over his, against the head board and I'm on all fours. Logan sinks down and places his warm wet mouth over my nipple and sucks. His hands glide all over my body as he focuses on my swollen breasts. Pulling away I lower myself back onto his body. "I can't wait. How much longer are we talking?" I say the last part in a joking manner and start giggling as he grabs my ribs and tickles me. I wiggle and roll my hips on his bulging cock. It doesn't matter how long it takes. What I feel for him already won't be phased by how long it takes for him to heal. I lay my head down on his chest, over his strong beating heart and trail his shoulder and arm with my finger tips. "Well, Nel says with the way I'm accelerating in physical therapy, I'll probably be getting this damn brace off with in the next few weeks." He says excitedly. "Logan, what happened? How did you get injured?" Instantly he stiffens and cringes. Maybe I shouldn't have asked. Leaning up and looking back into his eyes, I feel his pain--I see his unshed tears. He shifts us, sitting up more and holding on to my hips a little tighter. He takes a deep cleansing breath, "I was in a car accident." My heart completely drops, I stiffen and get a cold chill all over my body. I don't know if I want to hear anymore, it will trigger memories of the past and remind me of my parents and brother. "I wasn't driving but it was my car. We were up north on some curvy wooded roads and my friend decided to push my car to its limit. There was a blind corner, we couldn't stop or turn in time and we flew off the road. Rolled down a small steep hill and hit a tree on the driver’s

side. There were witnesses who called the police and paramedics. We were both air lifted to the closest hospital and my friend was pronounced dead on the scene." His voice breaks as he gets choked up--full of sorrow--but continues, "I had some brain swelling, dislocated shoulder, a torn meniscus and a ligament or tendon that needed to be operated on. The docs fixed me up nicely." I don't like to see him in this much agony, I need to mend this situation quickly and change the subject. "I'm sorry about your friend, and for what happened to you. I wish I had met you months ago as well. But I guess everything happens for a reason and we're here now. I'm not going to waste another minute. So let’s put that behind us for right now and we can talk more about our pasts later." I smile, lean in and take his lips. Our kiss become heated quickly, I instantaneously start burning for him and feel him twitching again. In response my pussy tightens and throbs. His hands move from my hips, one goes into my hair and the other one caresses and massages my breast. The warm feeling intensifies the desire to have him in me, the need for him fill me in my most intimate ways. I slide my palms from his chest down his arms and back up again. I'm getting wetter and wetter. I can't wait much longer, Logan's full length and I feel him pulsing as I roll my hips to feel the connection and friction. He groans and I know he can't wait any longer either. I push my hand into his hair as my other glides from his shoulders to his chest, his stomach, tracing his sexy abs and following the V down to his package. Grabbing a hold of his remarkable prize and place his head in between my warm wet lips, I hear him gasp. I know I'm headed in the correct direction. I make sure I am wet enough before I roughly power down on to him. Pausing because he's massive, I don't know if I will ever get used to him. Logan is so warm, I start rolling my hips and moving up and down. I can't even open my eyes nor I can't stop moving. Leaning up and pushing back down as he thrusts deeper into me. We are getting into a rhythm and I won't be able to last long. I straighten and place my hands on his upper thighs as he places his hands on my breasts and steadies me. Arching my back into his palms, I come down harder onto him. When he thrusts me back up his shaft, he pounds hard into me, vibrating my sweet spot. The heat builds so quickly--I can't control my noises. "LOGAN! I'm not going to last much longer." I cry out. "Baby." He whispers so sweetly. "PLEASE!" I scream unable to hold back anymore. "Come...Come as hard as you can." He hammer deeply into me and his words send shockwaves through my body. I begin spasming, rendering me useless, as my pussy walls pulse around him. He gives me all he has, whimpers out my name and shoots his hot seed into me. "That is the most intense orgasm I've ever had." I look up at him and kiss his chin, I move so he slips out of me and I rest my head back onto his chest. Rubbing my back, "Wait until I'm at a hundred percent." Fuck. The deep voice he uses, makes my walls pulse--another shake roll through me.

Chapter 6 I slowly stretch as I wake, feeling completely sedated and relaxed. Logan’s on his side with his bent arm draped over my midsection and his hand rests on my breast. His face is beautiful as he sleeps, the corners of his lips are slightly raised and he looks like a god. All the features of his face are as relaxed as I feel. I wish I knew what he was dreaming about. 'Wait, what am I thinking? I can't have feelings for this man, he's going to be bad for my health, I know it.' I need to get out of here, get some distance and get my feelings in check. I need to get him back at an arms length. Last night’s conversations and actions make me realize that 'friends with benefits' is the best for us--for me. Very slowly, I start sliding out of his grip, pausing momentarily as his hand tightens around my boob. Once I get out of his grasp, I quietly open the door and exit the room, focusing all my energy on silently closing the door. I tiptoe to my clothes and quickly throw them on, deciding to just carry my shoes until I get out of the house. Getting dressed and rethinking my plan I realize that I left my cell phone at home. Shit, I cannot believe I forgot my phone. I placed it back on my dresser after I texted Krista to tell her I would call today. Making sure I still have my ID and money for a cab, I can't hesitate anymore. I slide open and close the door mutely as I begin quickly moving away from the house to the corner of the block. I don't want him thinking our relationship is anything more than it is. I can't be with him right now or I'll start believing this is something more as well. I don't know him, I can't put all my trust in him. I just need to think everything through, I've been hurt too many times to jump into a relationship. It’s a really nice neighborhood so I'm not nervous at all when I see people moving about in their yards. I don't even know where I am, how am I going to catch a cab? Or a bus for that matter. I continue walking in the direction where I think businesses are located. I figure, once I get to a store or gas station, I can call a cab to pick me up. -------------------------------------------------I'm lost and I feel like I have been walking for hours. I've put on and taken my heels off multiple times. Finally, I see a gas station. The road has gotten busier and I don't feel as comfortable as I did before. I've picked up the pace in my steps to get to the building faster. Breathing in a sigh of relief as I open the doors to the gas station. The gentleman behind the counter looks at me and gives me a friendly smile. I smile back stepping closer to him, "Is there any way I can use your phone to call a cab?" He nods and hands me a cordless. "Oh, do you by chance know a number? I accidentally left my cell phone at home and normally I have them on speed dial." I grace him with another sweet flirtatious smile and he grabs a phone book, finding me a number. A few moments later, I pass him back the phone to tell the company where I am. As he hangs up I thank him and look around for some food and something to drink. Ten minutes later the taxi pulls up as I'm throwing the trash away from my bag of chips and bottled water. I hop in and tell him my address. Stepping through the doors I greet Dan. He gives me a wink and a smile and I turn to the elevators. Riding them up, I start to relax and think about what I'm going to say to Logan when I

see or hear from him next. He isn't going to be happy. Honestly--I don't care--I need to take care of myself, I don't depend on anyone. As I walk through my door I throw my shoes on the floor, instantly feeling bad, it’s not their fault I had to walk so many miles today. I run to my room and grab my cell phone, hoping I didn't miss any important phone calls or texts. I have over ten missed calls, nine of which are from Logan from this morning and one was from my financial advisor--I'll need to call him shortly. There are also a boatload of text messages. One each from May and Leah asking how my night was and the rest are from Logan. So I rolled over to give you kisses and make you moan and cry out my name, but all I was grasping onto was a pillow. Come back to me so we can start our morning off right. ;) I am so pissed right now, I had many plans for us this morning. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU RUN OFF? Just text me, or call me. I need to know you're all right. JEWELS?? I am about to call the police to help me find you. You are soo going to get an ass whooping when I get my hands on you. The last one was sent fifteen minutes ago. He's freaking out, I need to get a hold of him and tell him I'm fine. If the police get involved he might find out where I live. I can't have him influenced to like me more because of what I own. I start to text Logan back but my phone begins ringing, its him so I answer without hesitation. "Hey, I made it safely home. I forgot my phone here." I hear a sigh of relief, “Fuck! Jewels, I've been having a stroke all morning. Where the HELL have you been? I needed you this morning and you were gone. I hobbled outside and searched for you, but I couldn't find you. I asked Roy and Dahlia to drive around and look for you. No one bothered you, right? You weren't harmed?" He goes through too many emotions to count during his little rant.

"I'm sorry Logan. I just didn't want you to think this thing between us is anything more than it is." I say in complete and utter conviction. I only hear silence, "Logan? Did you hear me?" "That's BULL SHIT! There is something special between us and you know it. This isn't a one-night stand, some 'hit it n quit it' thing. This isn't even a 'friends with benefits' deal. Let me tell you what this is..." He's pissed. I immediately regret leaving him. "This is, different. I feel different with you than I have with any other woman. I know it’s just been a few days, but I feel protective of you. I feel... A lot of different things for you which I can’t explain right now, because I haven't felt them before. I haven't been able to nail them down. BUT RIGHT NOW, I AM COMPLETELY PISSED AT YOU." Logan's voice is deep and I know he's trying to make me nervous and maybe a little scared. Oddly, I trust him enough to know he'll never hurt me, physically. This deep voice he's using is totally turning me on, it is so sexy to have a man act like this. I sigh, "I feel different things too. But I don't want to throw myself into a relationship, especially since I know nothing about you." I'm pacing my bedroom. Walking over to the window and pulling open the curtains, I look onto the city. Wondering what exactly I want from him, where our 'relationship' is going to take us. I still feel like its going to end badly but still not sure if he will hurt me emotionally like the others. "Jewel, have dinner with me. We can sit and eat a meal together and get to know each other more. I know you're reserved about us, and I normally would be too. But with the feelings I've been feeling for you...I'm not willing to give us up that easily. Give me your address, I know I can't drive, but I'll call a cab and pick you up at your house. I have a special restaurant in mind, we can sit in a corner booth and disclose our whole lives to each other. What do you say?" I start panicking. Everything sounds great--awesome even--but I can't get past him seeing where I live. "NO!" Oh shit, that sounded horrible. "I'm sorry, I meant to say no, how about I come pick you up? I love driving. Tell me your address so I can enter it into my GPS and I can come get you. We can go on our date to your restaurant of choice." Logan is quiet on his end. I hope I didn't offend him. After his confession, I guess it wouldn't be so bad being cared for and protected. I mean, I did want to find a man that likes me for me, but he knows nothing about me. Maybe tonight we can get to know each other and decide if we still like each other. "Logan, are you still there?" "I'm sorry baby... Yes, it all sounds great." He seems to be holding back on me again. Does he seriously think that I don't notice when his mood changes? "I can tell you had another mood change. What's wrong?" I hope he doesn't get upset by my question. I'm just trying to know him better. He exhales deeply, "I'm still pissed at you for running out on me. But the mood change was because I'm more pissed at myself because I can't drive to you. I can't pick you up at your house and hold your hand while I take us to the restaurant." He emphasizes his I's. I know he feels helpless. Logan is anything but helpless, he is strong, powerful and wonderful. I would be stupid to let any of my mixed feelings get in the way of a possible relationship with this man. "That is enough!" I say sternly, "I'm not going to listen to you belittling yourself. Thinking about yourself in any way other than an all-powerful god, your perfect the way you are." I will be strong for him, until he's done feeling sorry for himself. He pulls himself together and we make plans to meet at his house around six o'clock, he gives me his address and then we play that middle school game of 'you hang up first'.

Chapter 7 After taking a shower, I slip into my skintight black quarter sleeve cocktail dress. The front of the dress plunges just past my breasts, showing a shit ton of cleavage. In the back there is also a deep plunge that ends right above my butt. Putting on some make-up and curling my hair into loose curls I choose to put on scarlet red heels that match my lipstick. I glance in the mirror and give myself a sexy grin. I collect my ID and money, put them back in my wallet and in my purse that I'm using for the night. I grab my keys and exit my room. I walk to where my cars are parked and spot my baby. I wanted to make sure I enjoyed my life here in Michigan, so not only did I tell myself that I'd be rewarded with a beautiful view every morning. Also, I would give into my weakness for fast cars and allow myself to have my getaway car. Right there, sitting next to my Cadillac CTS is a beautiful red Lamborghini Aventador. I only drive her when I need to let off steam, but I want to find an area where I can drive her fast-possibly race. Sometimes I just need the feel for speed, that adrenaline rush. The Cadillac's lights bleep and I turn, open the door on the passenger side and move the seat all the way back. There is a lot of leg room in this car but Logan is so tall and I don't want to risk him hurting himself. I walk back around the car, dragging my fingers over my red beauty as I pass by. Slipping in the driver’s seat, I pull out of the garage. I find myself at his house faster than I thought. Logan doesn't live that far away, just a jump on the highway and a few other roads. I pull into his driveway as he rounds the corner of his garage, with a slight limp, before I have my car put in park. Holy shit. He's wearing a black fitted suit, white dress shirt and black tie. He looks so fucking sexy! If I wasn't so hungry, I would jump out of my car and drag him back into the house by his tie, just to unwrap his body. His bulky brace is on the outside of his pants, still giving support to his knee. I can't believe how goregous he is with his hair moused and messy. I could eat him up. After putting his jacket in the back seat, Logan opens the door and positions himself comfortably in the passenger seat. Thankfully, there is a good amount of room left. I smile at that thought and he smiles back at me. "I like your car, she's a beaut." I freeze. Shit! What do I say? "Yeah I've worked really hard and saved ALL of my paychecks to be able to afford her. I'm glad I'm not the only one who enjoys her." I continue as I pull out of his drive way and he enters the address into my GPS. "So tonight, I have made a rule for us, any questions that are asked will be answered with pure honesty, understood?" I nod, but know I'll be doing some covering up tonight. "So you like cars?" He asks as we pull onto the main road to get to the resturant. "Throughout my whole life, my dad only wanted and owned Cadillac's and idolized Corvette's." Logan smirks and doesn't realize, I have a hard time continuing. "I don't give out this personal information very often, but considering we are going on a date to get to know each other, I should inform you..." I sigh and brace myself for this, "My parents and older brother were killed by a drunk driver on July eighteenth, almost two years ago. Two days before my twenty-fourth birthday." I started shaking, holding back my tears. "They were driving home from their vacation in Mexico and were about fifty miles away from home. A drunk driver fell asleep at the wheel. Just as my parents were about to pass, he woke and jerked the wheel. I got the call in the middle of the

night." I don't think it’s fair for him to have to comfort me, so I try to rein my feelings in and trying to do so, makes me shake harder. "Pull over, right now." Logan growls and it startles me. I pull off into a parking lot only a few blocks away from our destination. I finally get the nerve to look up from my lap, to turn to apologize for making this date so somber but am shocked when--without warning--I'm sucked into his warm embrace. Logan holds on to me tightly and whispers his apologies. I instantly start bawling, he put so much security and emotion into the hug that if I could fight--with all my might--not to cry, it would all be worthless in the end. I let all my tears out as my face goes into the crook of his neck. He comforts me as I cry, rubbing my back and kissing my hair. I try not to get make-up all over his white shirt and black tie. When I push away, I check to make sure his clothes are still perfect--they are. I straighten his tie and collect myself. I give him a sweet kiss, silently thanking him for letting me get that out. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I wish I could have been there to comfort you. You must have been so scared, and horrified." Logan continues to rub my back speaking sweetly. Nodding my head, "It helped that my best friend Krista was always there for me. We were both supposed to be with them. Krista was engaged to my brother Brian. She couldn't go on the yearly family trip, she had a family reunion that she was obligated to attend. "I didn't go because my boyfriend at the time wasn't invited and he refused to let me go. Let's just say, he wasn't in the picture for very much longer after the funeral. The worst part about everything is I had argued with them before they left, and I had said some truly horrible things to every single one of them. I chose a jackass over my whole family." I start sobbing again. He pulls me closer and takes my lips this time. He kisses me with such devotion that my heart skips a beat and I start to feel hotter than I already was, "I'm so sorry for your loss, and I feel horrible for this, but I'm thankful that you weren't in that car. You're so strong to go through that." I just nod wipe my tears away and kiss his jaw. Pushing away again, "I'm sorry for turning this date more into a crying session. We should start driving to the restaurant." "Don't ever be sorry for telling me anything about yourself. I want to know everything, whether happy or sad. I don't care if you think I'm going to get pissed off or not. I want to know." I just continue nodding and he kisses my temple, "Good girl." He smiles and it makes me smile back. I shake my head and start back toward the restaurant. We enter a very beautiful family restaurant. "Hi, Logan Morris, I have a reservation at six-thirty." The hostess doesn't take her dark eyes off him. She gives him a sexy smile with her crimson lips and marks something on the desk. I just think to myself, 'yeah lady, believe me, I know how hot he is, now keep you’re fucking eyes to yourself.' She must not have heard me, because after she grabs the menu's she places her hand on his upper arm, he stiffens and looks at me. She moves her dark hair from her chest exposing her fake boobs in a tight shirt, "Mr. Morris, please follow me." She moves away as he puts his hand against the small of my back and we follow close behind. Logan rubs the skin of my back with his thumb as we walk, the contact makes my legs weak and my skin burn. "You look sexy as hell in this dress." He whispers in my ear and as I look at him, he's staring at my breasts. "Very revealing, but incredible. It's a good thing the restaurant isn't full like usual." Our table is in a hidden area in the back of the dining room. Logan pulls the seat out for

me as the hostess places the menus on the table, "Your waiter will be right with you, enjoy," she says as she only looks at him. She walks away and I watch as she turns back hoping he's looking in her direction. He isn't, he only has eyes for me. He lowers to his seat carefully and grabs the menu. I look around, this place is so sensual. The lights are low and there are a lot of deep reds and dark browns. It’s absolutely beautiful in here, every table has a few roses on it, and I feel like this meal is going to be expensive. I know he won't let me pay for it either. This is when I just sit back and enjoy being cared for. It’s way better than taking care of someone, but I still haven't been able to get over the fact that I like my independence. The waiter comes by and offers some Chardonnay. Logan looks at me and I nod. Pouring us both a glass, Logan and I tell him what we would like for dinner and he leaves us. Logan reaches over and takes my hand. "Okay baby, let’s begin getting to know each other. Ask me anything." I smile, "Do you have any siblings?" Taking a sip of my wine, I shift closer to him--I'm excited to get all the information I can about him. "I do, I have a younger brother, but I don't talk to him or my parents very much. We had a falling out a while ago and I just haven't had any desire to rekindle our relationship." I gasp, I am horrified. After all I have been through. "Logan, you need to let bygones be bygones. I lost my family and I would give up everything to have just one more day with them. You never know what tomorrow will bring, hell, so much bad stuff can happen in such a quick amount of time. Please, try to fix things." I kiss his hand attached to mine. He just silently nods. "What’s your favorite color?" He counters, quickly answering his own question, "Mine is dark red, the color of seduction." He winks. I giggle, "Mine is dark purple, the color of royalty." I match his wink playfully. Trying to think of another question that keeps us away from family issues. "What do you do for work?" "It's complicated, but I work with computers." Logan sighs, "I already know what you do, so... What do you like to do with your free time?" I don't want to tell him about my car, considering I drive her in my free time. So I'll inform him of my other free time activities. "Every other Sunday I volunteer at the Children’s Hospital. I don't get to hang out with the kids so much. I just run errands for the doctors and nurses. I try to spend as much time as I can with May and Leah. I don't like being cooped up in my house, it makes me feel lonely." I didn't mean to say the last part, but I guess I'm opening up so why not spill MOST of my guts. He looks at me in amazement. "I can't believe I have you here, I knew there was something special about you. You’re an angel aren't you?" I smile and shrug, he is so sweet. "What do you do with your free time?" I'm totally excited to find out. "Well, when I am able to drive again, I'll be taking my car to the track with a few buddies and drag race. Not for money or pinks, but for bragging rights." I look at him in amazement. That’s exactly what I need, a track to open my baby up. I shake that out of my mind. I cannot tell him any of this. "I wouldn't mind watching you race, once you’re better again." Logan's eyes light up like a Christmas tree. The waiter brings us our dinner and all questions end. The only noises heard from us are moans and whimpers because the food is delicious. We quickly finish our food and wine. The check is paid for and we leave. Logan leans in as we walk out the door, past the hostess and her

stares. "Your place or mine, beautiful?" I hesitate a bit, I would love to take him home with me "Yours." I say grinning from ear to ear. "Good choice, baby. I want to do some things to you, and what I need is at my house anyway." My body went from neutral into overdrive within a millisecond and I pick up the pace. I want him, and want him now. We need to get back to his home fast. Logan can tell I'm excited so he wraps his arms around me as we near the car and he licks and kisses my neck as we move. I heat instantly, fire is burning in my core and my legs become weightless. I squirm out from his grip right before we reach the car and practically run to the driver side. He laughs and settles in his seat. By the time he puts his seat belt on, we are on the road. I don't wait, once we're on the highway, I push the pedal to the metal and get back to his place in record time.

Chapter 8 We jump out of the car at the same time, as I run around the car he grabs my hand and we walk in unison to the door. When we get inside the house he turns and shuts the door behind us. He grabs my chin, "Go into the bedroom, and strip into your bra and panties." He looks down at my red heels, "Keep the heels on, they are sexy as sin." Logan goes to the door by us and opens it into the garage. I see a quick glimpse of a sleek looking black car as I pass by the closing door. Turning down the hallway I start peeling off my dress. I get it up and over my head before getting completely in the room. I don't know what to do with myself, I'm still hot and wet for him. My breathing has accelerated, I sit on the edge of the bed just to keep from pacing. The garage door opens and closes again and him padding this way. I hear another door open down the hallway. Getting more and more excited, my body tingles and tightens in anticipation. He is almost in here. I hear the door close; he is walking closer and closer. When he finally enters, he walks straight to me, watching my eyes searching for something in them. I arch my back has he reaches behind me and unsnaps my bra. He pushes the straps down my shoulders and pulls the bra off my arms. He leans down to where I'm sitting and grabs a swollen heavy breast in each hand. Logan starts kneading and molding each one, thumbing my hard nipples, sending shock waves through out my body. Sliding his hands down, he puts his thumbs in between my lace panties and my skin. I raise enough to let him slide panties off of me completely. He takes my mouth and devours my lips. I meet his every move of passion. He pulls back briskly, "Stand up, go to the end of the bed." He has a stern tone, a 'don't mess with me, do what I ask' tone. Without question, I bolt straight and quickly move to the footboard. He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to the foot board and I hear metal clanking. I silently watch as he cuffs one wrist, puts the cuffs through the foot board and cuffs my other wrist. I'm bent over and hand cuffed to his wonderful bed with only my scarlet red heels on. I'm dripping down my leg and my pulse in uncontrollable. Logan tests the handcuffs to make sure they aren't cutting off circulation. I find it sweet and gentle, and they are still tight enough to give me a slight bite when I move in any direction. Moving to my back, he leans against me. My back against his fully clothed front. Logan kisses and nips my shoulder moving up to my neck, he licks the side of my ear slowly, "Have you ever been handcuffed before baby?" I moan and nod in response. "Does it make you hot for me?" "Yes." I seductively whisper back. He kisses, sucks and licks me from my neck down to the base of my spine. Everywhere he touches, my nerves go wild, an electrical feeling running through my veins. The bite of the handcuff are making it harder to control my body. "Have you ever been spanked, beautiful?" My legs go weak and I almost collapse to my knees, he is physically holding me up by my hips now. "I plan on spanking you for running off on me this morning. We don't need a safeword, if you can't handle it at any time, just say 'stop'. Nod if you understand." I nod vigorously. I've been spanked before but the guy doing it crossed the line and I know Logan never will. I'm insanely heated and shaking in excitement. He runs his hands from my ass, up my back to my shoulders. Giving each one a gentle squeeze, he leaves one hand between my shoulder

blades and the other slides down my back. My nipples tighten and my breasts feel heavier. They need his warm massaging hands. I know it’s coming soon and I begin throbbing from the anticipation. His hand glides down to my ass cheek and he starts rubbing *slap*. I moan, it was sweet and gentle. He starts rubbing the other cheek *slap*, I whimper on that one. I want harder, I want to feel the vibration in my pussy, and I want to feel like he's slapping me there. "Logan..." I whine out. He pauses instantly, one hand on my ass, the other on my back. He's holding his breath. "Harder please. I need it harder. I was a bad girl and I need to be punished." I say in a raspy voice. There is silence for a moment until finally he breathes out, "Holy fucking shit. That is the sexiest thing I've ever heard in my life. Baby, you have been bad." He rubs my cheek *SMACK*. It was so loud and it had to have hurt his hand, but damn that felt so fucking good. I cry out in satisfaction. Logan starts to sweetly rub the opposite cheek *SMACK*, and as I cry out again he shoves two fingers inside my weeping slit. I can't control myself, I'm about to come, "AGAIN!" I cry out. He grabs my hair and pulls my head back "This is a punishment baby, I can't allow you to come, at least not until I say." He removes his fingers from between my legs. I hear him sucking them and then he starts rubbing my ass again. *SMACK* rub *SMACK*, this time he doesn't enter my cunt. Rub, *SMACK*, rub, *SMACK*. My ass is on fire! But so is my pussy. I need him in me, I can't take much more. I feel his hand in the middle of my back disappear and he isn't rubbing my cheeks. I sag, missing the connection immediately. His hands fly to my hips as his legs spread mine, then he throws himself into me. I scream out in ecstasy. Between the bite of the cuffs and the burn of my ass and the sting of him ramming full tilt into me, I'm barely able to stand. Logan is holding me up, as my whole body shakes. Continuing to pound into me, I bite my own arm trying to focus on not coming until I'm allowed. "Baby, I'm not going to last much longer, I want us to come together. I need to feel your pussy pulsing around me." He picks up his pace and thrusts harder and harder. I start crying out, trying to inform him that I can't wait any longer. "Come for me beautiful. I need you to come for me. Don't hold back anymore." I follow Logan's command on a scream. I see bursts of light behind my eyelids and burning lava waving through my body. Dropping my head onto my arm and feeling weightless. My muscles start vibrating and pulsing around him, trying to milk him of everything he has as he spills into me. In a sensual move he leans his chest against my back and places his head between my shoulders. He has to hold my body up, my legs are useless. Trying to control his breathing and heart beat that I can feel, he kisses my back. That was the best experience of my life. My trust for him is more than I ever thought I could have after my ex-boyfriend. Logan lifts his body off of me and slowly slides out, he bends down and pulls the keys out of his pants on the floor. Moving to me he unlocks my wrists, kissing and rubbing each one. He stands me up and tenderly takes my mouth, framing my face with his hands. I throw my fingers into his hair deepening the passion. When we pull away I'm aroused again, not only does his roughness turn me on, but his tenderness does as well. This man is bad for me, everything I've ever hoped and searched for in one person. He's going to scar my heart for any man after him.

Logan puts his forehead to mine and looks me in the eyes, "Once again, you're always surprising me. You are my dreams come true. I can't believe I've ever wasted time with anyone else." He has no idea what those words mean to me. I'm truly starting to feel myself falling. It scares the shit out of me. I think he can see that in my eyes, he quickly straightens to a stand, with an unreadable look on his face. "Let’s get in the shower and clean ourselves off. Then we can crawl into bed and you can tell me your experience with my lifestyle." I smile and nod in agreement. He rubs my arms, kisses my forehead and turns, walking into the bathroom giving me time to think. I hear the shower turn on. Honesty is the best policy, well for this it is. I'll keep my big secret for as long as I absolutely can. I gather my thoughts and go into the bathroom. Logan is standing, looking into the shower with his back to me. Damn, Logan's ass is round and biteable, his back muscles are so tight and strong, he's a dream. I hope that he was sculpted for me--I love his body. I notice his brace is against the wall between the shower and toilet. I look at his legs, unhindered by a brace. They're remarkable like the rest of his body. I walk closer to him and put my arms around him. My front to his back, he sighs heavily. The bathroom is filling with steam, "I'm ready to get wet...Again." I step away from his back, slap his tight ass and move around him, walking backwards into the shower. Giving him one of my best sexy grins. He smiles widely and steps toward me, backing me into the corner, caging me to the wall. Lowering his face to mine and biting my bottom lip, he looks deep into my eyes. I think he can see straight into my soul. Logan kisses me gently and pulls me away from the wall and into his warm arms. He spins us, putting us under the showerhead. Stepping away from me he grabs some soap and squirts some into the palm of his hand. I hold mine out and he complies. We start at each other’s shoulders, as he washes my arms, I wash his neck and chest. 'Fuck, his chest is like a slab of granite, stiff and muscular.' We switch, and I wash his arms while he washes and rubs my heavy sensitive breasts. We both move down to the abs and hips, moving lower to our pelvic areas. Logan is aroused, but I am too. We don't get much further than that, stroking his length I quickly move to rinse him and drop to my knees. Not able to wait any longer, I lick the weeping tip and as he starts groaning, I swallow his swollen cock. Looking up at his body, I watch the water run down like a waterfall off of boulders. I push him to the back of my throat, while sucking him and taste more saltiness. My pulse quickens and I can feel my pussy walls matching the beat. I pull back sucking and when I get to his head, the suction gets a little harder while licking his slit and swirling my tongue around his head, paying special attention to his most sensitive spot. Once I'm satisfied I do it all again. Knowing he's about to come I increase my movements, his balls tighten, his hands shoot down and grab my shoulders. It all happens so fast; I'm pulled up, pushed back into the ceramic tile wall and Logan's mouth is attacking me. He grabs my legs and lifts me against the cold wall, thankfully cooling my burning body. I wrap my legs around his waist. He positions his penis into the entrance of my sex. I expect him to throw himself in me, instead he slowly drives forward--pushing every inch in me sensually. Once he has fully filled me he rolls his hips, giving my clit friction. This feels different, this isn't rushed, it isn't primal, this is slow and intimate. Logan slowly kisses and sucks my skin from my shoulder up to the side of my neck, up

further to my ear. He starts slowly pulling out to the tip and then filling me back to the brim, "Damn, you feel so fucking good." He growls into my ear. I feel myself building with each slow sensual movement. I grab his chin and pull his mouth to mine, I tell him how I feel with my kiss. Thanking him for all the orgasms he has given me. "Jewels..." I love when he moans my name. I can't stop kissing him, it’s not the ravaging kissing that we are used to, and I'm matching his intimacy with my own. He's pushing back into me again and my arms lock around his neck as my hands go into his hair. I need him to take me there, I'm getting closer to the edge and I don't want to go without him. He must know what I desire because his body consumes more of me, pushing me harder into the ceramic. I cry out, sliding my hands down to frame his face, placing them on his jaw by his ears. He looks into my eyes with pure lust. I can't handle it and have to close mine, "Logan, I'm about to come, come with me." His whimper answers me. "Shh, baby, I know." He thrusts a little harder and I start feeling that warmth spreading through my body. "Logan! I can't hold back anymore I need you." He pulls back. Shit! I'm going to lose it. As he thrusts back, I scream out biting his shoulder. My body tingles, my core tightens, and my walls start constricting which sets off his orgasm. I love to feel him releasing into me. The warmth is overwhelmingly powerful. "Okay, we really need to clean up now sweetheart, we need to go to bed." I nod but just want to stay in this position, with him in me--forever. He kisses my neck, unravels my legs and arms, and we take an actual shower, we wash each other and ourselves. Logan dries and wraps me in a towel before doing the same to himself. I stand naked in front of the mirror attempting to further dry my hair as I watch him move around the bathroom getting ready for bed. I know he doesn't have a blow drier, so my hair will be a mess in the morning. We crawl into bed together, and I slip into my new favorite spot. I slide into his side and place my head against his shoulder and my arms across his chest. He kisses my forehead and we're both so exhausted from the day that we fall right to sleep--forgetting about questions of his lifestyle.

Chapter 9 I wake up from my alarm on my phone, it’s Sunday and I have to get to the hospital to do some charity work. "Fuck! I need to leave right now to be able to make it home, change and get to the hospital on time." I quietly whisper to myself. I quickly sit up and kiss him awake, "Logan, I’m sorry but I have to go. I'll be done in a few hours, we can make plans then, okay?" I say hesitantly, what if he won't let me leave? He grabs me and rolls onto me, molding his body to mine, his braced leg weighs my leg down. He’s supporting his upper body with his elbows so he doesn't crush me, he rolls his hips with a playful smile on his face. I feel him, hard as a rock, wanting me. "Logan!" I giggle, he's so cute when he’s playful. "I have no time. I'm going to be late and this is a huge thing for me. I promise when I'm done I'll fix that for you." I kiss him in hopes that he understands. He rolls again, "I have a huge thing for you. What is so important that you can't fix this now? And what is up with you running away every morning. Are you afraid I'm going to see your lovely morning hair?" As he finishes the last part he starts playing with my hair. "No, it has nothing to do with my hair. I told you yesterday that I volunteer at the hospital and today is one of the days. I can't miss this, I know they won't mind--but I will." I need this to pacify him so I can leave. The longer I’m here the later I'll be. He sighs and rolls back over. "You're so much better than I am, I don't deserve you." He sounds somber. I kiss Logan passionately and he growls when I pull away. I give him a sad face and apologize again. I run around his room, throwing my clothes back on and rushing out of the house. I make it back home, thankfully without getting a ticket and get ready in enough time that I'll only be about five minutes late. I've already called them and informed them--they didn't seem to care. I don’t like being this irresponsible. It makes me feel like everything is going to fall apart. I need to keep my head on straight and not let this happen again. A lot of my money goes to charities, but unless I'm physically a part of that charity, I feel like they don't get it. I get to the hospital and the whole time, I can only think of Logan. I miss him already, what he did last night was exactly what I needed. What did he mean about his lifestyle? I wonder if he's into BDSM? It's not like I haven't been with someone like him before. I've always seemed to draw one in. I wonder, every time I said 'sir' to him, if it turned him on. Maybe I should continue, I don't mind--I’m used to it. I'll need to tell him tonight about the situations related to this topic. Running through my normal routine, stocking shelves in empty rooms, filling nursing carts and talking to the nurses and doctors making sure they have everything they need and if they have any errands they need me to run. Before I know it, my time has passed and my shift is over. I wave goodbye to the nurses at the desk and leave the building. As I get to the parking garage I pull my phone out of my purse. I've already missed a few texts. My bed is sooo empty without you, I miss you already.

It was sent twenty minutes after I left this morning. He's so sweet. I don't respond, I plan on calling him. I check the next message. It's from Krista! I miss her! You were supposed to call me yesterday. I just want to make sure you’re doing well and you’re safe. I immediately call her, I don't want her on the other side of the country worried that something has happened to me. As I unlock my doors and slide in, she answers. "Hey you! I just got your text. I'm sorry I was at the hospital. How was your weekend?" She lets out a sigh of relief, "Now I know that you're safe, I’m doing much better. I went out to dinner with my parents, and my mom wants to set me up with her co-workers son. I don't know if I'm ready yet. I can't stop loving Brian, I miss him so badly and I don't want another man in my life right now." Krista sounds like she's moments away from crying. I sit quietly in my car, I hate that she is so broken and will never get the love of her life back. Tears start welling in my eyes. "Krista, Brian wouldn't want you to miss out on life because you're still mourning him. He would want you to move on. Not replace him, but live your life." That is the honest to God truth, he was so selfless and would do anything for anyone. He wouldn't be happy if he knew that she was still putting him before herself. "I know, it’s just easier said than done." I can hear her crying through her broken voice. I wish I could hug her. Changing the subject to something else she loves, "How are the boutiques going, Miss Mogul?" I start my car and pull out of the parking spot heading home. I'm listening to her explain her newest shipment of items, and other details of the shops. After we've had a few laughs we have both relax, and I’m at home. We say our goodbyes. I make sure the trash is taken out, the dishes are done and my laundry is finished. It’s been an hour or so. I pick up the phone to call Logan and notice I missed a message and a couple phone calls. I thought you were going to get a hold of me when you were done at the hospital? I need to know, when you tell me you're going to do something, you actually do it. I call him. I feel bad that I let the time slip through my fingers. "Hey Logan, I’m sorry, I came home right after and wanted to make sure I had everything cleaned and ready for this coming work week." Not wanting to start an argument as to why I chose to call my best friend before him, I left the information out about Krista. "You drive me crazy lady. How much longer until I have you back in my arms? Do I

need to come to you?" "I’m all done with my chores, so I can come out and play now." I respond playfully trying to lighten the situation. "I can be right over if you would like?" "Absolutely!" He screams down the phone, "Get your sexy ass over here now woman." He growls and I get excited. "Coming" I moan out sexually trying to turn him on. "Baby, don't start with me right now, I need you here and I need you now." I'm already out the door and almost to the lobby. "See you in a bit." I speed again to his house. If I were driving my beautiful red Lambo, I would've been there at least five minutes ago. Listening to Matt Nathanson, 'Come On Get Higher' as I pull into his drive way. Taking a controlling breath, I turn off my Cadillac and practically run up the sidewalk to his porch. Before I could knock, he has the door open and his hands are around the back of my head pulling me to his lips and inside his house. Shutting the door behind me, he slaps his other hand to my ass and starts groping me. I love his hands all over me. My hands are on his bare chest feeling his muscles tighten, tense and release his every move. We kiss each other so fiercely I don't know how we don’t bleed from our lips. We've only been away from each other for four hours and I've missed him like, we've always known each other and have been separated for years. From the way he is tightening his grip on my body I think he feels the same way. Finally, we separate panting loudly, looking each other in the eyes with wide smiles. "Okay beautiful, this is what we are going to do today. I’m going to worship your body, then we are going to talk about some things, then I want to show you something special to me. Lastly, we are going back to your place and we're going to cook dinner together." I freeze with the last sentence. I’m not comfortable with him finding out where I live yet. I’m going to continue using the same excuse that I have all along. "Logan..." I sigh his name. "How about we go to the store, pick up some groceries and have dinner here. Your kitchen is so great. My place is full of unpacked boxes, and I just think it’s easier to have dinner here." He looks at me questionably, like he knows I'm hiding a very important piece of information from him. "Why don't you want to bring me to your home? In fact, why haven't your friends been to your house yet either? May was adamant that she didn't know where you lived. She said you had moved here months ago and you guys have been friends since you started working with her, but she has never been to your place." Logan seems like he's trying to put the pieces together. I could tell him I live in a shit hole, I could tell him I live in a hotel. I just don't want to lie to him--but I can’t tell him the truth either. "I just like your home more, it’s so cozy. Anyway, you said you wanted to worship my body, when is that going to begin?" I want to know how he plans to do it. I see his eyes darken to almost a hunter green. Damn that's sexy. He starts moving closer and closer with that hungry look in his eye. I back away playfully and he instantly grabs me and pulls me against him. He kisses my temple and grabs my hand. In the bedroom we can't keep our hands off each other. We rip each other’s clothes off, Logan grabs my shoulders and stills me. "Stay right here until I ask you to move." He gets on the bed, moves to the middle, gets settled and looks back, "I can't do much with this damn brace, but

I want you to come and sit on my face." His has a huge grin on his face. "I can't wait to taste you." Logan's words do crazy things to me. I’m totally aroused and my walls start to throb. I’m ready and needy. I change his plans though--I want to be able to worship him. I crawl up next to him and kiss him up to his ear, "How about we worship each other?" I begin rubbing and kissing down his body stopping when I reach his erection. I lift up and straddle his head. Opening up my legs wide and giving him access to my pussy, which he takes in his mouth. Logan's right hand, wraps around my hip, pushing me down further onto to his hungry mouth. His left hand is traveling down my body caressing every inch and making me want more. Grabbing his cock, I lick the pre cum off the tip, he tastes delicious. Sucking him in as he sucks and licks my clit. I moan and the vibration causes his thickness to leak and his cock pulse. I increase my sucking and licking and he increases his. The pleasure is just too much I need to focus on pleasuring him. He continues to lick my slit and suck my clit. It's so intense. Logan removes his hand from roaming my body and slides two fingers into my pussy. I can't hold back anymore, I come with force and scream with him in my mouth. I come back down quickly and grab his balls desperate to get him off. I start pushing him further into my throat, he can't help the whimper. I feel his balls tighten and lift, I can't wait to fully taste him. I hum--he feels so great in my mouth. Logan grabs my head and thrusts his hips a couple times. He comes in a hot burst that shoots straight down my throat, shouting my name and begins convulsing. I have no problem swallowing his seed. I love bringing him to his knees--its very empowering. "God, how did I get so lucky?” He asks as he watches me climb up his body and lay my head on his shoulder to rub his chest. "Okay, now it’s time to talk about a few things. I have some questions and I need answers." He's serious and that makes me very nervous. "Last night, when I was spanking you, you asked me to make it harder. I did because that's what we both needed. I need to know..." Logan takes a deep breath, he seems to be anxious now. "Have you ever been involved in a BDSM relationship?" I don't mind talking about this, it's a lot better than talking about my home or my money. "Yes. Mark, the ex-boyfriend that didn't allow me to go on the family trip was my dominate. We were together for about six months, he taught me a lot and was very patient with me. I didn't go into the relationship wanting any of the whips and chains, but after a few scenes I couldn't get enough. I love how pain is turned in to pleasure and passion. It’s the weirdest thing." Logan looks at me with pure lust, but I'm not done. "Our relationship didn't survive my family's death, in fact the only relationship that had, was between Krista and me. I blamed Mark for their death, I blamed him not allowing me to be with them. "The more I put the blame on him, the less I followed his command and the more I got punished. The last scene we ever did together, I was getting punished. I was chained up and he was whipping me with a riding crop, he was rougher than he had ever been. I screamed the safeword and before releasing me, he lashed me one last time... "After he released me, I slapped him in the face, grabbed my clothes and told him to go fuck himself. He tried calling and apologizing, but I told him we both just needed to move on." I won't tell Logan this, but Mark was the only one who didn't love me for my money. He loved me for my body and my submission.

"Did you love him?" He looks at me nervously but very seriously. I think about the question longer than I should have. We told each other we loved each other, but I never felt for him what I already feel for Logan so that must mean one thing. "I thought I did at the time, but no." I haven't known Logan long and the feelings I have for him are different than I had with all my exes--pure infatuation and worship. That has to mean something. He lets out a sigh of relief.

Chapter 10 "Okay, so you want to show me something special? I just had something special in my mouth, what else are you going to show me?" I wink at him as I say it. There is a huge grin on my face. His smile reaches his eyes, Logan is so amazing, how am I so lucky? I stroke his face and he kisses my wrist. After our make out session he grabs my hand and we walk naked down the hallway to one of the closed doors. "Close your eyes beautiful." Without indecision I follow command. A door opens, he takes my hand and leads me into the room. The impatience is killing me. Finally, Logan whispers into my ear, "Open your eyes." The way his voice breaks, I can tell he is nervous and for some reason so am I. Slowly opening my eyes I have trouble taking it all in. The walls are a tan like the rest of his house, the carpet is a cream color like his bedroom and office. There is a lounge chair on one corner and a wooden X attached to the wall with straps in the corners and center. Lastly, my most favorite, there is a set of handcuffs attached to chains hanging from the ceiling. I pant and realize that I’m wet and warm all over. Turning to him with a huge smile on my face, Logan isn't looking in my direction, and he has an uneasy look on his face. He's afraid I won't like it. The exact opposite--I love it! As he turns to me, I quickly change my emotions to revolted--just messing with him. His shoulders and head drop, "I know, it's awful. I shouldn't have showed you. Normally the women I bring in here are ones I bring home from the club I’m a member of. So to just bring you in here after knowing you less than a week...I’m sorry." He shakes his head. Grabbing a black silk robe by the door, he puts it over my shoulders, "I shouldn't have shown you this." Logan straightens and grabs my hand. I yank it back putting on a great actress face. I have to turn my back to him and face the lounge or I’ll start laughing. "This is awful Logan, I can't believe you would bring me in here after hearing my story about my ex, who was rough with me and didn't stop after I safeworded." My voice breaks mid sentence, but not because I'm upset, I had to stop a laugh from bursting out. I shake my head, more trying to get my huge grin off my face--I’m going to have to turn to him eventually. Without warning he turns me to face him. I’m not able to wipe the smile off my face fast enough. Logan looks at me bewildered. "I thought you were mad at me, I thought you were in pain. What's going on? I’m so confused." He looks away as he finishes. I laugh and throw my arms around his neck. "I love it, I love everything about this room. Those handcuffs have made me so wet, I feel like I’m going to leak all over your floor." I look into Logan's beautiful sea foam green eyes. "Listen, what I was just saying before was a joke. I trust you, I know if I ever safeworded, no matter how mad you are at me, that you'll stop. I love sex, I love rough sex even more, remember this isn't my first rodeo." He smiles, and lets out a sigh of relief. "You love it?" Logan wraps me in his arms in a huge embrace. "I’ve finally found you, and I’m keeping you forever. You’re mine, don't plan on being with anyone else ever again, I’m never letting you go." He kisses me with so much emotion that it takes my breath away. I have to stop myself from crying and telling him I will always be his. I can't possibly be in love with him yet. It hasn't even been a week. I need to stop this kiss, get my head back on straight. I can feel his arousal against my stomach, it’s so sexy and I

feel more moisture between my thighs. I push away from him, I want to play with the cuffs in the ceiling. I jerk my head toward the cuffs and give him an eyebrow wiggle, he laughs. "Oh baby, what am I going to do with you?" Logan smiles and shakes his head. "Okay, before we start... Is there anything you won't do? Are there any instruments you don't like?" He has changed, his body posture and tone. This is his dominante side and it’s so alluring, he has his heated eyes on me and I just can't speak. "Answer me Jewels, now." "Preferably no ass play or any instruments along those lines." Logan growls and nods. "Go stand underneath the cuffs with your hands behind your back.” I can barely walk without needing help, and my legs are so weak from wanting him. I don't say one word, and follow command, looking at the floor when I'm in position. I know Mark, the last dominante, didn't like me speaking or looking at him unless permitted. So I'll just do that until Logan tells me to do something else. Logan's hand trails from my ear to my chin and he lifts my face to kiss my lips so tenderly, "Good girl". One of his hands slides down my shoulder pushing the robe away from my body. It disintegrates to the floor as his hands continue down past my arms to my wrists. I hear the clinking of chains and I feel him place the cuffs around my wrists. Then I hear more clanking. I don't remember seeing where the chains ended--I only saw the cuffs were there. "Bend over." I do instantly and am rewarded with a quick playful slap on the ass. I whimper. "Shh, shh, I know." Logan tries to quiet me as he rubs my hair. The chains are still sounding loudly. I suddenly realize how this is going to play out. When the chain stops, my arms are in the air behind me, while I’m bent over and my legs are spread open. Nothing is painful, but if I were to attempt to stand straight, I would be in some pain. The closet door opens and Logan is rummaging around looking for something. Next thing I feel is a cat o' nine tails whip hitting my breasts, one tail flicks my nipple and gives me a nice bite. I cry out, mainly to let him know that I enjoy what he’s doing, and I love the cat whip. He continues down to my body, when he reaches my hip he moves around to whip in between my legs. I’m soaking wet, it’s running down my thighs as I feel the cat tails hit my pussy. I throb and whine out. I must have him in me, I need him filling me. Logan hits me two more times and then moves around to the other side. Starting on my ass, he gets a couple good licks in. I’m purring as I push my thighs together and try pumping my hips to get some relief. He starts on my back. Suddenly, I feel him pinch my nipple and the cat whip hit my back side. I explode and scream out his name in ecstasy, as I start shaking uncontrollably through my orgasm. Logan is standing at my side as he whips me one last time in the back. Then the whip falls to the floor. Now I feel his warm wet lips all over my back, as his hands rub all over my body. I’m heating up again. His hands are rubbing my swollen heavy breast as he kisses his way to the base of my spine. I need him in me, I spread my wider legs in preparation. When he gets to the base, he moves around to my backside and starts rubbing my cheeks. I whimper, I can't control myself, I try to back myself into him but my arms hinder me. I feel his thick cock against my cheek, then I feel him push two fingers into my slit. I almost come again. "Oh God..." I moan. I’m so close and this is almost too intense. "I know baby, you're so wet, and ready for me." His fingers retract and I almost cry out.

Then I’m gifted with the feel of his head pushing slowly inside me. Logan pauses once he has breached the entrance. I’m impatient and he can tell, he slams himself full tilt into me and I come without delay. Whimpering and shuddering as the pleasure rolls through me and my walls contract around him. Logan lets me come down from my high before he begins to vigorously thrust into me. He has his hands on my hips and he pushes and pulls as he thrusts hard. Every movement intensifies the bite of the cuffs and the strain on my shoulders. I’m not going to last much longer. I start crying out again. "Come for me baby, one more time and then we will rest." My body submits to his request. I start shaking and the warmth flows through my body once more. I feel a few more strong thrusts and he releases into me, filling me with his seed. I heave a sigh in full satisfaction. It’s so great to be yourself around someone, who is himself as well. We aren't acting around each other. It’s so different and a welcome feeling.

Chapter 11 A week later.... "Okay, where are we going? Don't forget we need to pick up some ingredients for tonight’s dinner." I say as we drive through a busy downtown road. Logan picks up my hand and kisses it, "I remember baby, take a right on the next road and park." Directing me into a parking lot. "I come here regularly, I want to see what you think of it. You're sure you don't want to cook at your house?" "I’m positive. Any place you go, I’m sure I'll love." I say with a smile. We are surrounded by tall buildings, cars honking at each other and driving quickly through the intersection. He takes my hand when we exit the vehicle and we start walking towards a brick building on the corner. Cars are parked all over the side of the road in front of the building so it seems to be a busy place. We use the cross walk and stop outside of the estatablishment. Logan pushes me against the side of the brick building and covers my body with his. Taking my head in his hands, he begins kissing me sweetly before looking me into my eyes, "Jewel, if you feel uncomfortable or want to leave at any time, just tell me. I will remove you without any questions. Nod if you understand." I nod and feel the butterflies begin to flutter in my belly. He smiles, kisses me once more and opens the door gesturing for me to enter. Stepping inside and it looks like a normal pub. People are already gathering and it’s only about four in the afternoon. I shouldn't judge, it’s none of my business--it's Sunday anyway. We walk past the bar, Logan nods at the bartender who nods back at him and smiles at me. He opens another door for me and it’s just a flight of stairs going to a lower level. I freeze and realize how nervous I truly am. Where is he taking me? All I can see at the bottom of the stairs is a dark red carpet. After closing the door behind us, he takes my hand and leads me down. At the bottom is a room with a desk. A beautiful busty woman with sleek shoulder length black hair is sitting and waiting to greet people. She quickly stands up as we enter the room, "Good afternoon Mr. Morris." She flashes a sexy grin at him and pushes her breasts out, trying to get his attention. I notice that he's looking only at me. We smile at each other before he turns back to her. "Good morning Lily, I thought Dahlia was working today?" He asks as we walk to the desk hand in hand. "She did work, we just switched shifts about an hour ago. I think her and Roy are still here." She twirls her hair in a flirting movement, eyes wondering over his great body. "I see. Lily please meet Jewel, she's my plus one." He looks down at me in pure lust. I smile at Lily and nod hello. She just blankly stares at me, obviously my dislike for her is mutual. She pulls out a form and a pen, "Will she need to sign a consent/nondisclosure form?" Lily doesn't take her eyes off me, she's assessing me, trying to figure out how I landed a hunk like Logan. I break the eye contact with her to look up at him and he's still smiling at me. I'm so confused, consent to do what? "No we are just hanging out today." Logan stares at me again and his smile falters slightly, like I should know what is going on. So I think really hard, consent…consent...I shake my head--still drawing a blank.

"Okay, enjoy your time Mr. Morris." Lily doesn't acknowledge me at all. Logan moves us from the desk and to the door. Obviously, Logan and Lily have done some things before. I will need to ask him about that later. When we walk through the door, it’s difficult for my mind to take in all that I'm seeing. It's a club but not a dance club, there is no dancing. There is a very sexy song that fills the room, and the lights are turned down low. The walls are dark and the floors are a dark red carpet. A large bar separates the room. There are tables in front of the bar where people are seated and having conversations. Booths on the left side of the bar on the far wall, where people are cuddling and looking cozy. On the opposite side of the large room, glass doors litter every wall. Some doors you can see into while other doors are tinted. The doors start out very close to each other, but increase in distance the more you move around the room. I'm guessing that means that the rooms start out small and get increasingly larger. There are people looking through some of the doors into rooms. I wonder what they are looking at? Logan pulls me off to the right side, and pushes me against the wall and presses his body against mine. "Baby, what are you thinking?" He asks in a soft whisper while kissing my neck. "Is this a BDSM club?" It all hits me immediately, as I watch people going in and out of rooms. Some are dressed very provocatively. I'm even more anxious now. He sucks my neck and gives me a little nip. I begin panting. "Yes, more like a sex club though, not everyone is a Dominate or Submissive. Are you uncomfortable?" He starts kissing the other side. "No, I’m just nervous. Are all these people members? What if they don't like me and don't want me here?" I don't want people to judge me before they know me. He grabs my face, "Are you afraid these people are going to judge you? No one is going to judge you here." Continuing to kiss my neck as Logan's hands trail down my arms. I'm too numb to move, watching the people around me. "Not everyone here is a member, but to participate you have to sign a consent form and you have to have a written or verbal agreement with all participating parties. To enter the club you need to be with a member though." Logan stops his assault on my neck and looks into my eyes, "Honey, we aren't going to do anything today, I wanted to bring you here so you could get comfortable and one day we can come back and play." He caresses my cheek and jaw with his thumb, "When you’re ready I would like to walk around and show you what goes on at 'The Club'. "Right now let’s get you something to drink and a place to sit. When you are more comfortable, tell me and we can investigate." Logan gives me a quick kiss. Grabbing my hand we go to the bar and order our drinks. We get our drinks and make our way over to a booth. "NO SHIT! Logan?" We look to our left and see Roy and Dahlia in a booth waving for us to sit with them. Logan smiles at me and we walk over to join them. I scoot into the dark wood, padded dark red booth first and sit across from Dahlia. She gives me the biggest smile and I'm instantly jealous--she's so damn beautiful! I smile back at her, "Hi Dahlia! I'm so glad to see you again." She lets out a quick laugh. "It's nice to see you too." She says sweetly. I hope to be friends with her. Logan and Roy are best friends and if I have any hope in this relationship I need to be friends with this sweet woman. "So..." Roy begins, "You don't waste time turning a sweet girl into a pain loving sex addict." Dahlia nudges Roy in the ribs as he finishes and they both muffle their laugh. "I didn't have much influence, Jewel was already a pain loving sex addict." He puts his

arm around my shoulder and he kisses my hair. "I think she was made for me." "Awe," Dahlia has her hands over her heart, "that's sweet Logan. I hope you’re right, we want you to be happy." She grabs my hand, "I'm so glad he found you." Dahlia is so sincere. I smile back at her and then take a huge sip of my water. "Cool it guys, it's only been a week." Roy rolls his eyes playfully, I hold my glass up to his statement. "Thanks Roy." I turn to Logan, "Sorry sexy, but I'm going to need to know you a lot longer than a week before we start hearing wedding bells." Everyone starts laughing. "That's fine with me beautiful." He takes a sip of his drink, "But you're still mine. All mine." The way he growls that statement instantly turns me on. I scoot practically into his lap, my legs are over his lap and my head rests on his shoulder. "As long as you want me, I'll be yours." I purr and I kiss his neck. I feel his arousal. He looks up at Roy and Dahlia whom--I've forgotten are there--and gives them his mile wide smile that reaches his eyes. "See what I mean about being made for me?" He chuckles and they join in. I would too but I'm too horny to care. Logan lifts my face and kisses me tenderly. "Get a room you two." I look at Roy and as he winks at me, I laugh again. I see Dahlia seems to be resting her hand on Roy's lap. Her arm slightly twitching, I know something more is going on there. I kiss Logan's neck again, "Okay, I’m ready to go check the place out, will you show me?" He resituates himself in his pants and picks me up with him. Setting me on my feet we step away from the booth. "Bye guys, have fun. And it was nice to see you again." I say over my shoulder giving them a knowing look. We walk hand in hand to the first door, there is a green light next to the door. Logan opens the room just to show me what's inside. There is a dark leather sofa with a table against one wall. Four pairs of straps attached to the couch, one set on each arm, one in the middle of the head rest and one set in the middle of the base of the couch. My mind starts to race at all the options that could be done. I suddenly wish I signed the damn consent form. Logan closes the door and moves to the next room. The light is now red, and the room is occupied. The couple inside is visible. It's the same room as before but now there are people using those straps. A nice looking naked man is seated on the couch, fully aroused as a pretty blonde naked woman with knee high leather stilettos stands to the left of him. She is what you would think a dominant woman would look like, high ponytail and dark make-up. The woman is holding a riding crop which she slaps across his chest. The rooms must be sound proof because she's talking to him and we can't hear one whisper. She starts to rub his cock with the leather of the crop. I hope she doesn't hit him there. Suddenly, she throws the crop on the ground, and straddles him--plowing his cock deep inside her. It's such a hot scene that I blush and start feeling the moisture between my thighs. Logan looks down and sees how affected I am. We move to the next occupied room, that is open to public viewing, and it's bigger than the last. It has the exact set up except for the large T made of metal on the wall. A beautiful naked woman is attached to it with cuffs, she's ball gagged and blind folded. There is a naked man using a feather tickler on her. He bends down and takes her nipple in his mouth. This has a different feel from the last room we were at. This one is more passionate and sensitive. Logan moves us past a few closed doors that are occupied but unable to have an

audience. Good, I have a little time to ask my questions. "So... Are you supplied with instruments or can you rent them?" I don't want to ask him my other question, 'how much does it cost to be a member?' I think eventually I can ask Dahlia and she won't give me some stupid line like, 'don't worry about it baby, you're with me.' "You can bring your own, or you can buy some at the store, behind the curtain by the bar. They will also store whips, cuffs and other tools that are not inserted into any orifaces. I think they still have a couple things of mine if you want to get a room... We can go see Lily if you would like?" "Not today, I just want to observe. Maybe the next time you bring me." I give him a nudge and a wink. "The lights by the doors?" "Green means the room is clean and ready to be used. Yellow means it needs to be cleaned, and usually the door is locked. Lastly, red means occupied." Logan smacks my ass playfully as we stop at the next door. This room is again, bigger than the last. A couple is already deeply having sex against the wall. No restraints or kinky supplies used, just a man and a woman in the middle of passion. We continue around the room, passing a couple more rooms and scenes. The bigger the rooms get, the bigger the furniture. We walk up to the last door to a room we haven't seen that allows observers. This one is way more interesting than the others, this one doesn't turn me on as much but it is very intriguing to watch. There are three people. A large muscular naked man strapped into the T by his arms, and possibly neck--I can’t tell if it’s a collar or a strap. He's blindfolded and is being sucked off by a woman who is bent in half and is being fucked by another man. The second man, who's pumping in and out of the bent woman, is slapping the blind folded man in the chest with a belt. "Huh...That's interesting." Logan has a playful tone as he grabs my hand to move me away. I pull him back to me. "I don't want anything like this between us, but I'm fascinated. Give me a few more seconds." Logan wraps both arms around me, snuggling me into him and resting his chin on my head. After a few moments it gets even more interesting, the man getting the blowjob comes. I watch his face change as he orgasms, he isn't as sexy as Logan. After the woman has swallowed his release, she places her forehead on his hips and lets out a muted scream as she and the man thrusting inside her come together. I look up at Logan, "Wow, that was intense. Now what? Are you ready to get some groceries, so we can go back to your home and you can relieve all this pent up sexual tension I now have, after all of this?" I wave my hand around the room. He smiles and kisses me, "You got it babe." As we turn around hand in hand, he runs into a man walking by. They both quickly apologize without looking at each other. Then instantly they stiffen. I look up at Logan and he looks possessed and pissed. I glance at the man who is looking at me. He looks like a nice looking man, a model mixed with a football star. Dark longer hair and dark piercing eyes. He isn't as sexy as Logan, but I'm sure he has no problem with the ladies. "Dylan." Logan nods but has a deep pissed off tone. My bones shake with fear, it sounds like he wants to swing at this man. "Logan." Dylan has the same tone. He looks at me and back at Logan, "How’s Amelia?" Logan lets go of my hand and steps further into Dylan's face. Oh shit, Logan is going to kill this

guy, he has that look in his eyes. I look around and notice we are drawing the attention of everyone in the room. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Logan barks in his face with his hands balled into fists. I grab Logan’s shoulders trying to pull him away as I look around Dylan trying to find someone to help me. Dylan looks at me, "Hey doll, be careful with this one, he'll tell you he loves you, but once he gets bored he will dump you or let you drive his car off a cliff." Looking back at Logan he has the balls to continue. "Take my word for it sweetie, he has taken many of my subs and has left them heart broken or dead." The heavens were listening to my pleas for help, Roy comes running up and pushes Logan back. Pushing him further and further away, Roy tries to calm Logan behind me. Dylan steps right in front of me and touches my face, I freeze and feel vomit in my mouth. "You sure are beautiful. Why don't you leave him, before he hurts you and come with me." He leans in and whispers in my ear, "I can do things for you that gimp can't even dream of." I gasp. How dare he talk about Logan like that! I step back and with all the power inside me, slap Dylan so powerfully in the face. The sound could be heard for miles and my palm is on fire. It's going to hurt for a year. He rubs his face, and growls at me with a look of animalistic sexual need. Shit! I didn't want to turn him on, I wanted to injure him. I lunge at him with my fist in the air, so ready for it to hit his face HARD. Next thing I know, foreign strong arms wrap around my waist and chest. I'm being dragged back as I watch Logan's fist land a powerful blow onto Dylan’s temple. He drops to the floor and doesn't move. Logan's whole body is shaking with rage, even with his brace he was able to move quickly. I squirm out of my captor’s arms and run to Logan. Craddling his fist in my hands and looking up at his face in pure adoration. I kiss his fist and rub his cheek, trying to calm him. "Jeez woman you are a wiggle worm." Roy puts his arm around my shoulders, "And talk about a mouse starting a fight with a bull, you didn't have a chance with that man. Thank goodness my man Logan saved the day." He starts laughing and slaps Logan's shoulder. He's still vibrating with anger, and now is staring at Roy's arm around my shoulder with the look of intense frustration in his eyes. "Please remove your arm from Jewel." Logan says through gritted teeth. I can't help but throw my head back and laugh. Roy laughs and follows his command as Dahlia walks up. I look at both of them and see pure love, it’s adorable and I'm instantly jealous. Logan wraps his arms around me and exhales deeply, attempting to remove his anger and to get his head back on straight. "Would you guys like to have dinner with us? We are going to buy groceries and go back to Logan’s house to cook. We'd love for you to join." I invite Roy and Dahlia without even asking Logan. I don't care, I like his friends and I want to know them better. Logan clears his throat about to retract my offer but I elbow him in the stomach right as Dahlia accepts my offer. "What are we having?" Roy asks excitedly. "I’m thinking chicken parm." I say as I look at Logan and he nods in acceptance. Roy pats his stomach, "Sounds great to me, I'm starving." "Great, let’s get out of here." Logan grabs my hand and we walk around Dylan, just as he is becoming conscious. "YOU WILL REGRET THIS MORRIS! I'll get what is owed to me, I will take everything you love." Dylan shouts as we walk by and Logan squeezes my hand harder as if he

didn't hold on, he was going to kill Dylan. "Shut the fuck up asshole." Roy spits as he walks by with Dahlia under his arm.

Chapter 12 We're all sitting around the dinner table after eating our delicious meal telling stories and laughing. It's getting pretty late and I feel like I've made great new friends. "Next weekend we'll have dinner at our house, is that alright honey?" Roy looks at Dahlia. "Yeah! We can make it a weekly thing." Dahlia is the sweetest person I have ever met, and she keeps Roy grounded and in line. "Sounds like a deal." I agree for both Logan and myself. I look at the time, "I've had the best weekend and I don't want it to end, but I need to go home and get ready for the work week ahead." I turn to Logan sitting next to me and give him a sweet kiss, not caring who is watching. I start getting playful, "Your kitchen is all cleaned up sir, may I be excused to go home if I promise to call you before I go to bed?" Everyone starts laughing as Logan stands up and pulls my chair out. I walk over to Roy and Dahlia giving them each a hug and promising to see them soon. Logan asks Roy and Dahlia to stay a bit longer to go over some plans, they have to get him to and from work and physical therapy. He walks me to my car and before opening the door, we embrace and kiss passionately. I don't know how much time passes until he pulls away and kisses my forehead. "I'm going to miss you tonight baby...I don't want you to go." He says pouting. I love moping Logan, he's so adorable. I stroke his face, trying to soothe him. "I'm sorry, I’m going to miss you too. I will call you before I go to bed and maybe we can have phone sex." I wink at him and he smiles. "If you need help getting to or from work or PT this week, just call me. I work from eight to five. I don't know if that works for you but I'll try to help out as much as I can." Logan puts his hand on mine and kisses my palm, "Thank you for the offer beautiful, but I only need help for a couple days, hopefully Nel will give me a bill of health and I'll finally be able to drive you around. Also, I'll also be able to do unspeakable things to you. Just you wait and see." He kisses me softly. As I look into my rear view mirror, pulling away from his house, the distance I'm putting between us is unbearable. Knowing that I won't be seeing him for a few days, won't be wrapped in his arms tonight, it makes me feel depressed. He's getting under my skin too quickly. Last work week wasn't so bad with out him, I survived and we still talked or texted every night. It will be the same this week. I pull into my parking spot and kiss my red baby as I walk by. I skip into the foyer and wave to Chris, who is on the phone. After a quick elevator ride I enter my home. It’s so quiet, I hate it. I turn the TV on for noise and I pick up my phone to call Krista and inform her of my weekend. Our conversation lasts for an hour. I tell her all about Logan and everything we've done. She knows about my sexual needs so she wasn't surprised when I told her about the club he took me to today. She was surprised that I smack and almost went buck wild on a guy I didn't know because he talked like an ass hole about a man I barely know. "Who is Amelia?" Krista asks the one question I wanted to know but forgot to ask. "I'm not sure, but I will find out A.S.A.P." We tell each other how much we miss the other and we say our goodbyes. Hanging up, I

instantly miss her more than I did before. I turn the TV off--wasn't watching it anyway--then turn off the lights in the living room and kitchen. As I walk to my room the glow of the city lights stop me in my tracks. It’s so beautiful at night, I sigh at the serenity and continue to my bedroom. I put my phone on the charger as I strip and take a shower to clean off the day. After I’m done I grab my phone and crawl into bed. Normally, I would have my yoga pants and gray shirt, but I wasn't kidding about phone sex and I’m not wasting time with clothes. I dial his number and he answers on the first ring. "Hey baby, I miss your warm body in my bed." He says instantly. "I miss you too, what are you wearing?" I ask in my warm sexy phone voice. “Basketball shorts, and if you keep talking like that, I'll be popping a tent in no time." He answers, speaking in a low sexy voice as well. I start feeling that warmth building in my core. "I want a tent popped so I can crawl under the blanket and suck you like a melting Popsicle." I give him a sexy moan. "Jesus, baby you weren't fucking kidding." He's panting now, "I'm rubbing and massaging your tits, prepping them for my mouth. Do you want your nipples in my mouth baby?" "Yes..." I purr. "I want you to get your bullets out. Tell me when you've done that." Speaking deep, like he did when we were in his special room. I don't question or hesitate, the bullets are out of the bag and on my belly waiting for the next step. "Now what sir? I'm so wet for you." I pant, excited, and now writhing at the thought of us getting each other off over the phone. "Place one in your pussy. Don't turn it on. Moan when you have done so." I moan before he finishes his sentence. "Good girl, place the other between your butt cheeks. Right outside your tight rose bud." That is the first time he has ever asked me to do something that I hesitate. "Baby, don't over think this, just do it. I'm not asking you to enter, just place outside." I listen to him this time and moan in approval. "Good girl. Okay, close your eyes and focus. I'm kissing you from your ear down to your belly button." Beginning to gyrating my hips as he speaks, he isn't here but I can feel his phantom lips on me. The warmth spreading down my body. I'm getting restless, so I interrupt him, "I take you in my warm mouth and swirl my tongue around your head, licking your juices from your tip." I try to get him off at the same time. "Don't speak unless told to. I want to focus on you, I'll get off by knowing I got you off. Focus on my touch, I’m rubbing and pinching your nipples now. I replace one hand with my mouth. Can you feel me?" I'm caressing and kneading my breasts, pulling on my very hard, tight nipples. It feels like his hands, his warm lips on my nipple. I feel him nip me and I feel the tingle it sends through my body. "Yes, I can feel you." I growl out. I'm getting closer to the edge. His breathing becomes rougher as my panting increases. "My hand slides from your chest down your belly. I start playing with your clit. I love your clit, it’s so soft and swollen for me. I begin to massage, keeping the same pace and rhythm as your breast that I'm still playing with. Are you getting closer baby?" Massaging my breast and clit, I'm so close. "Yes...yes..." I moan out. He can hear my ecstasy and his voice is becoming more and more broken.

"Okay baby, turn the twins on. Put them on medium." Shit! I moan and start whimpering. It’s so good, even with out him here, I feel him all around me. "It feels so good Logan. I’m about to come. Are you going to come with me? Please come with me." I beg. “Didn’t I tell you not to speak? I guess I’m going have to punish you next time I get my hands on you.” Good lord, that just makes me hotter. "Okay Jewel, are you ready?" I can hear him pumping himself faster. "YES!" I scream out. I start moving my hips trying to wait for his release. I hear him groaning, that's so hot. It gets harder and harder for me to hold back. "BABY, PLEASE!" I can't hold back much longer. I'm trying to think of things to distract me but the only thing I can think about, is his thick cock. He's getting louder, I make the mistake of focusing on him masturbating. SHIT! "NOW JEWEL, let me hear you." I come so loudly, I can't believe my neighbors aren't banging on my door. I scream out his name as the heat rolls through my body and those magical bullets keep me shaking until I turn them off. "Holy shit, Logan that was amazing...I miss you." I'm winded as I pull the bullets away from my body. "I can rectify this situation right now, I'll come to you, where do you live?" I can't tell if he wants me, or to know where I live. Either way it’s not happening. "You can't drive, what about your brace?" I rip my blankets off and walk into the bathroom to clean my toys. "If I’m getting to take it off this week sometime, why can't I take it off a few days early and comfort my baby in her time of need?" He makes a good point...'What am I saying? I'm so horny that I would let him see where I live, even though I swore to myself not to give in.' Would Logan really change how he feels about me because of my money? I don't think he would, but then again my judge of character doesn't have a great track record. "Sorry Logan, I won't allow you to put yourself in a dangerous situation." I get done cleaning, I put my friends back in their bag and into the end table. "Crawling into bed right now, I need to go to sleep. When will I see you again?" I hope he says sometime soon, I am craving his touch already. "I'll call you when you get out. Text me anytime you want babe. I miss you, dream of me. Nighty night." "Good night Logan, thank you for such a great weekend." We play the middle school game, 'you hang up' and finally I'm able to attempt to go to sleep and dream of the man I'm falling head over heels for.

Chapter 13 A few days later, I roll out of bed exhausted, I haven't been able to get any sleep, and I miss his big, warm body around me. I miss his smell and the sound of his breathing--I just miss him. This is ridiculous, I should be able to survive a few nights without him. I have never been so in need of a man before in my life. I love the feeling I feel when he is around me. I grab my phone and notice I have missed a message from him: Hey baby, once again, I got shit for sleep. I hope your night was better. I miss you in my arms and in my bed. It won't be happening for much longer. I didn't sleep again last night either. I miss being in your arms as well. When are we going to see each other again? Come over when you get out of work tonight. Bring some clothes so we can snuggle and finally sleep. ;) I'll be over after work, but I’m not bringing a change of clothes. We can spend our evenings together, and if you would like I can stay over on the weekends. But I don't want you getting tired of me so soon. I have to get ready for work. I'll see you tonight. I put my phone down and ignore the *bing* I hear as I walk into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Sitting down at my desk and booting up my computer, I hear May come in. She is carrying another flower arrangement and sets it down on my desk with a smile and a sigh. "I wonder who those are from?" She asks rolling her eyes as she walks back over to her desk. This time the arrangement is a mix of purple and green flowers. I’m excited, I think I'll

bring them with me tonight to his house. His home needs a womanly touch. I giggle out loud and pick the card out of the flowers.

I miss you and your kisses. Yours LSM XXX He is so sweet. I love it. MINE? I wish he were mine, I wish he knew everything about me, and loved me for me. Not for any other reasons. I pull my phone out to thank him and I remember the text I ignored this morning. You don't get to say 'No' woman! I want you in my bed and in my arms tonight. I hope you have a good day at work. X I get a say, because I'm not staying over on a weeknight. It's not going to happen, we can wait a couple more days for the weekend. I don't want to fight with him about this right now, so I will wait. Hey sexy, thanks for the beautiful flowers, again. I miss you too, now let me work :). XO He doesn't text back and the day flies by. May and I go out to lunch together and she gets every stitch of detail from me about our weekend. Except of course the whips and chains parts. She is a good friend but I don't think she would understand, just like she wouldn't understand about my other secret I’m keeping. -------------------------------------------------At the end of the work day May and I walk out of the building together. In one hand I have his flowers and the other I'm rummaging through my purse for my phone. The doors open and I stop breathing. Logan is waiting for me leaning against the building. I run up and throw myself at him, splashing water from the flowers everywhere. He laughs and catches me at the same time. He puts me down as he kisses me all over my face. "Get a room!" I hear May laughing as she turns the corner to the garage. I look around, "How did you get here? Where's Roy or Dahlia?" Logan grabs my hand and we walk hand in hand to the garage. "They dropped me off. They knew how much I missed you, considering I couldn't stop talking about you." He says the last part thinking I couldn't hear him. My heart skips a beat and I instantly swoon. We climb into the car and I turn it on. My stereo blasts Selena Gomez, 'Come and Get it'.

Perfect song for how I feel right now. I laugh and turn it down so our ear drums don't burst. We pull out of the garage and head for his house. Halfway there he looks in the back seat, "Where's your bag? I told you, you didn't have a say in the matter." Here comes the arguing. "I'm not staying the night Logan," I say on a sigh, "I can't be late for work and I know that if I stay over during the week, I won't want to leave." I try patiently to get him to understand. "I'll make sure you aren't late. Promise. I'll even wake you up earlier than you need. I need you in my arms tonight." "I'm sorry, I can't. I'll make up for it though." I give him a quick wink. "What are we having for dinner? Do you have food at your place we can make?" Logan nods and turns his head to look out his window. He doesn't say a word to me. I can see him trying to work something out in his head. What's he going to do? -------------------------------------------------We enter his home and I put the flowers on his dining table. I smile and turn, running right into him. Logan throws his hands into my hair and takes my mouth harshly. Surprised I'm not bleeding but I don't care--he's ravenous and I know he needs me. I need him too, I kiss him with just as much force and intensity. Logan's arousal is felt through our clothes, against my stomach. Backing me into his dining table he lifts me to the edge and I kick off my shoes. We pull each other’s shirts off, I need to feel his bare chest against mine. Not able to keep our lips off each other we tangle our tongues in our joined mouths. When we break breathing heavily, I grab the button of his jeans as he reaches for my scrub bottoms. I lift and he pushes my bottoms and panties off. My turn to jerk down his zipper, pulling his boxer briefs and jeans down to around his ankles, only then realizing he took his brace off when we walked in the house. Tracing the V of his hips and pelvic area with my finger tips, I watch a chill roll through him and his eyes become a hunter green. I love to see his muscles ripple with my touch. I glide my hands up his bare chest--the feel of his body--I just can't get enough. My whole body is sizzling in anticipation. His eyes are full of sexual tension and I can't wait anymore. I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and pull him back to my lips. Logan moves in between my thighs, with the help of the table--I'm perfect height for him. He dips two fingers in and moans when he feels nothing but my heat and wetness. “Always so wet for me." He pulls his moist fingers out and pushes them into his mouth, groaning and sucks my juices off. DAMN, that's so sexy. I wonder if it's as sexy for him? I grab is cock and just my touch sends him into a shake and causes him to leak. I wipe my thumb across his head gently and slow bring my thumb to my mouth. I lick it off and moan as he did. Logan growls, takes himself in his hands, roughly guides himself in--without pause. I scream out in pure ecstasy and grind my hips pulling him in deeper. He retracts slowly and when he gets to the tip he thrusts back in. I can't focus when I hear water sloshing around, I look at the flowers afraid they will spill over and I don't want to have to clean it up or injure the beautiful flowers. "Baby,” I gasp out, “grab the flowers, put them somewhere else." He growls, steps out of his pants and underwear, lifts me and walks me to the counter, never out of rhythm. His slight limp causes my inner muscles to grip him tightly and sends a vibration through my body. He sets

me down on the cold counter which makes my nipples pucker even tighter. Pulling me to the edge, he slides back out and slams back in. We are panting and gasping for air while we devour each other’s lips. It’s so erotic we don't last very long. He is pounding in and I match his thrust with his hips. "Come for me beautiful, let me hear you scream my name from those rosy, full lips." I do as I'm told, I shatter and scream his name. Feeling Logan explode into me, and my walls are milking him greedily. We hold and kiss each other as we catch our breaths and come down from our highs. That was a much needed orgasm for both of us. "Will it ever stop being so powerful between us? I've never felt this way before." Logan says after he carries me into the bedroom and sets me on the bed. "I don't know. I’m just as confused about it as you are." He tosses me one of his shirts to put on while he throws on a pair of nice tight fitting boxer briefs that make me wet again--his ass looks good enough to eat. Logan laughs, "Close your mouth baby, I'll let you take a bite after we've eaten and you're less hungry." I smirk at him and smack that nice ass as he walks by, just to hear the glorious sound it makes. He turns with a comedic shocked face on--I start giggling. I love when he's playful. I put on the shirt and follow him out into the kitchen. He puts his brace on and we find something to cook. As we clean up I make sure to rub every single part of my body somewhere against his. He stiffens every time, he knows what I'm doing. Quickly wrapping me in an embrace. "Baby, get in the bedroom and strip for me. Lay on your side of the bed with your arms over your head, and your eyes closed." Logan kisses my neck, my lips and gives me a quick smack on the butt as I walk away. I squeal in utter delight. I do as asked. After this next sexcapade I'll need to leave to be able to make it home, settle in and get ready for tomorrow. I hear Logan come in, and the quick intake of his breath makes my heart stop beating--I love that I affect him that much. He stands on my side of the bed. Uses his fingers to circle my wet, moist pussy lips. Pulling them away, he places them just in front of my mouth. “Suck,” he demands. I take his finger into my mouth and suck. I can taste myself and it's a complete turn on. He pulls his finger out and starts trailing them down my chin, my neck. Logan starts his journey to the valley of my breast, down my stomach. His touch is so soft that it sends electricity all the way through my body, down to my toes. He reaches the slit of my very wet cleft and slowly parts me with his finger. He pushes one finger inside of me, than a second thrusts deep inside. Logan slowly stretches me, massaging every inch his fingers come in contact with. Logan pulls his glistening fingers out and lifts them to his lips. He starts rubbing my juices on his lips and as I watch he begins licking his lips with moans. “DAMN, You’re the most delicious thing I've ever eaten.” He leans over me, rubbing my legs and kissing his way up my thigh. Logan gets to my slit, licking and sucking my clit before trailing up my stomach and kissing the same path that his fingers had made just moments ago. He places both hands on my breasts giving my nipples a slight twist. Taking one of my nipples in his mouth, giving it a sweet nip--just enough to make me gasp. Logan blows on where he was once sucking. I'm slipping closer to the edge. My body is buzzing, my nerve endings are on fire. Logan's lips move from my nipples and start slidding up my body, towards my neck. His

hands are traveling down from my shoulder, rubbing down to my hands. He then lifts and pins them up above my head, stretching them slowly so they're straight. My hips are pumping, I need him in me, I feel so empty and I don't care if it’s his hands, tongue or cock. I need to be filled. Unexpectedly, I hear the click of a cuff around one of my wrists and my eyes burst open as I gasp. Logan bends and nips my ear, "Close those beautiful blue eyes Jewel." I follow command and I hear the other cuff click. He starts moving back down my body, kissing, licking and sucking. I moan louder with exasperation, I know right where he's going and I'm impatient. When he gets there he thrusts two fingers in my pussy and starts his attack on my clit with his warm wet mouth. Whimpering, I can't hold still, moving into him and with him as he moves his fingers so sensually inside me. I burst at the seams, and scream Logan's name as the burning heat rolls through my body. "Kiss me, I need your kiss." I plead and am rewarded instantly. I can taste myself and it sends another pulse through my core. Damn, this man is going to be the death of me. Opening my eyes after he breaks from the kiss I watch him masturbate, straddling my hips. His eyes are closed and his face is so sexy, focused and tense. I want to grab him and take him in my mouth, I want to crawl up his body and shove him inside me. I can't, I'm still handcuffed to the fucking bed. I wiggle trying to fight them and checking if I can find a way to release them without a key. I feel a warm hand on my breast and I turn back to face him. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Please don't remove your hand." I cry out, hoping it will help him just by him touching me. It does, I watch his body tense--the veins are bulging on his forearm. He moves to my head and puts his cock into my mouth. I take him in with complete frenzy and desperation. Logan's head falls back and he hisses as he empties himself into my mouth, I take every drop that he gives. When he's done and happy, he pulls up his underwear, puts his brace back on and walks around to the other side of the bed. Picking up a blanket and crawls into be, covering both of us. Cuddling close to me, he rests his head on my breast, turns the TV on and gets comfortable. Shit, this is how Logan is going to keep me here with him. I bump my shoulder up to get his attention. He lifts his head and turns to face me with the most evil smirk on his pretty little face. "Logan, are you keeping me handcuffed to the bed so I don't leave tonight?" I should've known he was going to do something like this. "Yep!" He says with a wide smile as he kisses my nipple and puts his head back down. Okay, I need to do something because my arm is going to fall asleep soon. "Logan, let me go. I'll stay tonight." I say with a sigh. "I'll just leave early enough to get back home and get ready." When he lifts his head again, he's beaming at me. I have to laugh, I've just made him the happiest man by saying I'll stay the night--that was easy. He rolls and grabs the keys off the end table, he releases one wrist then kisses my palm and rubs the marks the cuffs left behind. I formulate a plan. Logan releases the other wrist and repeats his tender actions. When he's done I rub both of my wrists and as he rolls over to place the key back on the table, I jump off the bed with a huge smile on my face, and watch him as I slowly back out of the room. He turns and sees me just outside the door. Logan jumps to his feet and runs as fast as he can with his brace on. I squeal and giggle as I sprint down the hallway. He's close on my heels with a grin on his face, he looks like a cheetah about to attack a gazelle.

I'm not planning on going anywhere--I’m naked. I turn to the dining area and grab the top of my scrubs, quickly pulling it over my head as he is about to grab me. I jump away and try to evade him but I'm cornered. Logan captures me and throws me over his shoulder, jabbing my side. I laugh and try not to jerk away. He turns us around and smacks my ass hard--I giggle again. "God, I love your laugh and giggles baby. You're a sex goddess and you’re all mine." As we enter the bedroom, he tosses me on the bed and I bounce laughing. "I feel naughty, sleeping over on a school night." I say when he climbs in bed and scoots over to let me snuggle into my favorite place on his chest. "What time are you waking up in the morning?" "I always wake up around five. Do you want me to wake you at that time as well?" He's caressing my hair. I feel like this is where I belong, where I have needed to be all my life. "Yes, please." I whisper as I kiss his chest. "Done. Sweet dreams Jewels. Dream of me." "Always." We drift off together. -------------------------------------------------Wednesday goes by quickly and it’s such a great day. I can't wait to see Logan, today he is getting the 'Okay' from Nel, his physical therapist, to keep his brace off. I can't wait to be able to jump into him and not worry about hurting him. May and I walk out the doors to the parking garage and I hear a roar of an engine, I stop walking. A newer body Chevrolet Corvette pulls into our parking lot and stops right by me and May. I wasn't paying attention to who was driving, just the car, It's so striking, as well as Cadillac's, my father loved Corvette's. My brother and I would always playfully argue with him about cars. I look up at the driver and my jaw hits the ground as Logan steps out. Damn he's even sexier standing next to that beast. He looks cockier than he did before, looks more like dominante Logan. Shit, I'm instantly wet. He comes around to me and a sly smile starts to spread across his face. Lifting me into a big hug, I wrap my legs around his waist and he kisses me passionately. May clears her throat, and Logan pulls away as he speaks. "I'm sorry May, I haven't been able to be myself with her, I have been 'fragile'." He looks down at me, "At least that is how everyone has been treating me. It’s my turn to show her how unbreakable I truly am." He kisses me once more, "Tell your friend you will see her tomorrow." I look over my shoulder with the biggest smile on my face, "See you tomorrow May!" She laughs and shakes her head as she walks away towards the garage. He lowers me into his car and closes the door. I am so enthusiastic! The seat hugs me and the black leather looks freshly cleaned. The car vibrates as it runs in idle, it's sexy. We start driving around town but when we get on the highway, Logan opens her up and I am pushed back into my seat as we fly around cars that look like they are standing still. She's louder than she was when he pulled into the parking lot. Normally, I freak out when I'm riding with someone who is speeding and weaving in and out of traffic, but I trust Logan. I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me and he would protect me if I were in danger. I want hold to his hand, but him pushing and pulling through the gears, turns me on and I know he has wanted to do this for a while. "Will you show me where you race at?" I scream over the engine.

"Yes, but not today." He says with a huge smile on his face as he slows down and the car begins to purr instead of roar. Logan turns on to Michigan Avenue and drives us back to my car. Pulling next to my car, I give him a huge kiss and turn to get out. He quickly grabs my shoulder. "Follow me back home, I want to celebrate with you." I smile and kiss him with need and desire. "See you there." I wink at him. Quickly jumping into my car, I follow him to his house. When we get on the highway Logan punches the gas, and I floor my Cadillac. I'm not as fast and I can't keep up, but the ride doesn't disappoint. People are pretty smart, they quickly move out of the way. Right now I wish I were in my Lamborghini. How fun would it be, messing around on the highway together? Or even taking them to the track together. It sounds like he has done things to make his car go faster. I wonder who would win between the two of us? When we get to his house, he pulls me into his warm embrace, "Do you like my ride?" He sounds excited, "Today is the first time I've ever driven it." That threw me off. "I love your ride. Why is today the first time you have driven it?" Logan sighs, "My other car was totalled. I couldn't wait to own another, so I had Roy test drive all the vehicles I wanted to possibly buy. He loved this one the most and told me I couldn't pass it up it was a great deal and an even better ride." "Roy did well didn't he?" I smile and kiss him as I did earlier. "Mmm. You taste too good." Logan picks me up and carries me into the house, then to the bedroom.

Chapter 14 A week later, I park my car in the parking garage and see that May is already here. I had plenty of time to get ready this morning. Logan was almost late for work though, that's what he gets for being so sexy and teasing me with his naked body before climbing into the shower. Of course I climbed in after him, and then climbed all over him. Our sexcapade lasted longer than we thought it would and he had to rush around getting ready while I made a quick breakfast for him to eat. I climb out of my car and make my way into the office but I get a call right before I make it to the door. It's Logan, he should already be at work, and I hope everything is fine. "Hey sexy what's up?" I say playfully. "Jewels," he sighs, "I just found out I have a late meeting tonight and I have to work over time. I won't even be home until around eight. I would say we should have lunch, but because of this damn meeting, I have to use my lunch for my physical therapy. I'm sorry baby. Will you come over when I get home?" He's really pissed but he is pleading in his last sentence. "Logan, I have a shit ton of things to do around my house tonight. Just call me and tell me how your day was." I try to sound sincere, I’m sad that I won't see him tonight. I probably could go over, but my house is a damn mess. I haven’t been home enough to do laundry, so I have no clean clothes. "FUCK! Fine!...Of course I'll call you, and I'll miss you every fucking second of this shitty ass day." "I will miss you too. Have a good day baby." We say our goodbyes and I walk into the office. -------------------------------------------------"THIS DAY HAS BEEN SHIT!" I scream as I close my condo door. Patients were being assholes, either because the doctors weren't helping them fast enough, or they waited in line too long. The phones were ringing off the hook and at one time, both of our computers crashed. May and I weren't even able to have lunch today. By the end of the day we didn't even have the energy to go out to dinner, we were barely able to wave each other goodbye. I grabbed some crackers and devoured them. Digging through my purse and pulling out my phone, the one thing that would brighten my day right now would be a text from Logan. I look at the screen in disbelief, there is nothing? I almost cry, "Fuck this. I’m going for a drive." I need a long drive, need to speed. I need to go to one of my favorite places, a place where I went with my family. I grab my purse, keys to my Lamborghini and leave. Sliding in, I instantly feel relieved. The seats are a soft leather and hug me, the smell of the interior also calms my nerves. I start her up and listen to her roar as I step on the gas pedal. Backing out of the parking spot and garage, shaking my body to relieve my tension. I need to be focused today, I don't want to get pulled over--but I want to go fast. As I get on I-96 west towards my destination, I start to pick up speed. In between where I think cops sit, I put the pedal to the metal. I get her up to about one hundred thirty miles per hour and slow back down before I get to the next hide out. I do this all the way to my exit, and eventually my destination. A thirty-five minute drive takes me half that. Looking down the pier onto the Grand Haven lighthouse, I think back to

being here with my family. How beautiful it was that day, how much fun we had running in and out of the water and sun bathing with mom. Just being here makes me feel warm, like they are here with me too. I hug myself as I start down the peir. I walk up and down the pier a few times. Deciding I’m hungry, I get back in my car to leave just as the sun is setting. The sky is a beautiful red and orange and I wish Logan were here to see the magnificent. Pulling into my parking spot an hour and a half later, after getting dinner and taking a few detours to get some more time and speed in. I'm exhausted now and happy I’m home. Looking at my phone, willing it to ring so I can hear his voice. It doesn't work, he should be home by now it’s almost ten. I won't be pesky, I clean up and do laundry--getting ready for tomorrow. The whole time I'm cleaning my condo I can't stop thinking about Logan. Tonight will be the first time in over a week that I have to sleep by myself. As I crawl into bed my phone starts ringing--I squeal! "Hey baby." Logan breaths, sounds like he has had the same day as me. "HI! I miss you so much, I'm already in bed though and I had a shitty day so I'm not risking physical damage by driving to you. How was your day?" "I'll drive to you if you want." He seems hopeful but at the same time, he knows that I will decline him. "With the Vette I can be anywhere in a very short amount of time." "Knowing my luck today, something would happen to you and I would go crazy. Stay home, we can see each other tomorrow. Right now, I'm just happy to hear your voice." The only thing that went right today is my drive to Grand Haven. They even fucked up my dinner order, but I guess it could always be worse. "I miss you too Jewels." We tell each other what happened today I leave out my drive obviously. Logan's day sounded just as shitty as mine. As our conversation gets longer, both of our moods change drastically and by the time we hang up, we both have laughed and it sounds like he has a smile on his face as well. "See you tomorrow Logan, I miss you." I say with a smile on my face. "I miss you too beautiful, dream of me. Nighty night." He hangs up first because normally I hang up on him. "Always." I say as I hear the click. I grin wider.

-------------------------------------------------The following day I'm tremendously stressed. I need Logan's warmth, he must have read my mind because he meets me at the office when the day is done. He lifts me into a hug and kisses me intimately. My body relaxes into him and I'm home. We drive back to his house together, playing 'follow the leader' with him in the lead--as always. He pulls into the garage, and I pull in behind him. "Will you stay tonight?" Logan asks as we walk into the kitchen hand in hand. "Absolutely, I can't spend another night away from you." If I refused, I'd be forced to stay anyway. Plus, last night was awful, I was only able to have a few dreams of him, until I woke up so horny I had to relieve myself. Logan pulls me into an embrace and takes my lips sweetly and passionately. "Are you hungry?"

"Only for you." I respond seductively. He grabs my hand and walks me down the hall. We go into his office and he sits down in his chair. "I've wanted to fuck you in every room since the first night I brought you home. We are almost done, we just have the office and garage left." I'm standing by the door and he just stares at me. "Strip now." I slowly pull my scrub top over my head and undo my bra. Logan’s quiet gasp lets me know what he always makes me feel. Sexy and empowered. I slowly shimmy down my panties and pants, slipping out of my socks and shoes before stepping out of my clothes. When I stand straight up he gazes up and down my body for what seems like hours. Logan motions me over and when I step next to him, he takes my hips and leads me to sit on the edge of his desk in front of him. He slowly spreads my thighs wide open and runs his hands up the inside and down the outside of my legs. I'm spread open for him and am having a hard time breathing. As I listen to his pants I can hear my heart beat in my chest. "Fuck, I've missed you." Logan wraps one arm around my hips to my back, the other lowers to my sex with his head. Two fingers slip in and as he massages me with his fingers, his tongue plays with my clit. The hand on my back, pushing me into his mouth, causing me to arch my back and sending a flame throughout my body. I place my hands on the desk for stability as my body takes over. I feel my nerve endings losing control. Logan swipes his tongue over my clit once more and his fingers are circle a sensitive spot deep inside me, that sky rockets me into space. "LOGAN!" I scream out, biting my bottom lip from saying the rest of my statement. I pull his hair trying to remove him, but my body doesn't want him to stop. I continue to quiver and shake as my heart rate attempts to calm. He finally pushes away from me with my hands still in his hair. He's too far from me, I pull him to my lips and shove my tongue in his mouth. I taste myself in his warm mouth and I can't get enough. With him against my lips, I lunge off the desk and push him and his chair against the wall. I rip his shirt off of him, hearing buttons flying around. Logan helps me remove his pants and underwear. I'm in control now and ever since I saw this damn room I've had dreams about what we are about to do. Now that he is naked, I pull the lever that lowers his chair. Once he's as low as it will go, I scoot him closer to the desk. Slowly leaning across his desk to pick up his phone, he smacks my ass hard. It makes me more wet, and even though I want his cock in me--now--I need this dream to come true. I hold his phone to him and order him to call Roy and talk about work. Nothing is sexier to me than a man at work. A man who should be focused on one thing but can't take his mind off another. I watch a dark smile stretch across his face, "Did I say you could have control?" Leaning down, placing a hand on each arm rest, I put my nose against his, "No, but I've been dreaming about this since our first night together. So I'm taking control, now make the damn phone call so I can make my dream come true." Logan dials a number, "You're so fucking hot." He smiles as I hear a male voice answer. "Good evening Mr. Farley..." He didn't call Roy, "I wanted to explain to you the program Roy and I put together for you." Oh shit, the fact that he's speaking to someone other than his friend turns me on more.

I crawl under the desk as he continues his conversation. Pulling his chair closer to the desk, I run my hand up and down his shaft. His whole body jerks and I hear him mid-sentence, clear his throat. Damn, this is hotter than I imagined. Logan resumes his explanation and pauses when I lick him from root to tip. Tasting his precum, I suck him into my mouth with a moan. Logan's hand slamming against the desk startles me. I pause until he begins speaking again. Fucking him with my mouth, my hands roam over his body under the table. I don't understand his conversation, but I hear him having a difficult time putting together a sentence. When I start pumping him with my hand the same time I'm sucking him with my mouth, his whole body tenses and I hear his voice change to a higher tenor. "Do you have any questions about what I have told you thus far?" I tighten my grip, swirl my tongue and suck hard one last time, shoving him to the back of my throat. Logan squeezes the leather arm rest as he growls from his chest and comes blasting into my mouth. I lap him clean and crawl out from under the desk as he apologizes to the man he's talking to. "Sorry about that sir, I walked into the corner of my desk. Please continue." His eyes follow me as I lick my lips and straddle him kissing his neck and chest quietly. A few moments later he hangs up the phone. "My fucking goddess." Logan wraps his arms around me and kisses me with more passion than I've ever experianced. "It's amazing, the things you do to me. Let’s go eat." He lifts me off of him and sets me on my feet. I turn to walk out of the room with him when my eyes glance over a picture of Logan standing next to a 1958 Chevrolet Corvette, one of my dad’s favorites models. I gasp, Logan looks like he's a teenager. "Are you intrigued by the Vette or by me as a hot ass teenager?" "My dad would’ve loved you, I wish he was still alive to know you." Logan grabs his shredded shirt and assists me into it. "He raised my brother and me to be car kids. I used to work on his cars with him, he never let a mechanic do anything." Even after we had all Grandpas’ money. "He loved Corvette's we would always whoo and awe every time we saw one on a road trip." My vision starts to blur, as I stare at the picture. “When Brian and I got older, we would always have debates with dad about what cars were the best. Brian would always choose a Lamborghini and I would always choose some other foreign car." I let out a quick tear filled snicker, "My dad would get so frustrated, but we were always messing with him. We each had our favorites and we knew we'd never be able to change each other’s minds." By this time, I’m breathless, and tears are streaming down my face. Logan moves behind me and wrap his arms around my chest and waist, like he's trying to suck me into him. It feels like he's trying to keep me from crumbling into pieces. "I would've loved to have met your family Jewel." I turn into him, and rest my hands on his chest. "Everyone would've loved you, my mom was my best friend, next to Krista. I would tell her everything. She would love your spirit and personality. My brother and dad would love your car and car talk. My grandpa would love you..." Because I do, “Because you're supportive, and you seem to care about me." I can't believe I've known him just less than a month and I already want to confess my love for him. It's too soon. I need to be cautious, what if he ends up like every jerk before him? What if he gets bored with me? I'll be shattered. Logan tilts my chin so I’m looking into his sea foam green eyes, "I do care about you, a lot. This is the first time I have ever felt this way for anyone."

"I hope so, I've been hurt a lot in the past. By men who used me, men who cheated on me, men who abused my body, my trust and loyalty. I can't handle another one, please don't be another one." I put my forehead on his chest letting a few tears roll down my cheeks. "Absolutely not." Logan pulls my head back up and wipes the tears away gently with his thumb. "Trust me baby, let me in. I won't ever hurt you or betray you." He kisses me tenderly. "I trust you with my body, and my mind, but not my heart...Yet. I’m trying, it’s the best I can do right now." I kiss his chin. "That's all I can ask from you." He grabs my hair and pulls my head back, looking into my blue eyes, "I'll wait as long as you need me too. I want you. And only you. Promise me you are mine." "Just promise me one thing, promise me you won't tell me you love me until you're one hundred percent sure that I'm the only one in the world you want, ever." I say pleading. "I promise baby." He kisses me deeply, he doesn't need to tell me--I can feel he loves me. "You do that for me, I'll work on giving you my heart, I'm yours as long as you want me." My heart is already his--I just can't tell him. I've told others and they have hurt me, and Logan already has the power to destroy me. "Always." He uses my word and I melt into him.

Chapter 15 The next night we finish eating dinner together. Clean up and I'm horny as hell. Logan goes to the bathroom and I go into my favorite room in his house. Stripping and putting my clothes in the corner. I keep the door open and drop to my knees, keeping my arms down on the sides of my body. Bowing my head, I kneel and wait. This is how the asshole liked me, I hope Logan likes his subs this way as well. I hear him walking down the hall. "Jewels I think that show you said you wanted to wat..." He has spotted me, right in front of me. "HOLY SHIT, baby you have no fucking idea how damn sexy you're. You take my breath away every time." His voice has dropped in both volume and tone. Dominant Logan is setting in and I'm wet and excited. "Stand." He growls, I almost sway because I jump up so quickly. "Go to the X, keep your head down and extend your arms." I follow command. He straps me in and spreads my legs. Logan's hands trail up from my ankles to my inner thigh, he touches my pussy lips and I clench--wanting him inside me. He moves to my outer thigh and lightly trails back down. My nerves are flaring where he touches, intensely warm and then tingling when he has left. When he's done, he grabs my hips and slides up my sides and down my chest to my stomach. I'm burning, burning for him to be inside me, making me scream his name. He continues his affectionate rubbing of my body. Logan stops and steps away from me, I feel bereft and cold. Moments later, his warmth comes back. Wet and wanting from his rub down, anything else is just a plus. "Lift your head to the ceiling." He asks not wanting eye contanct, so I close my eyes and follow command. "Good Girl." Something soft follows the same trail he just did with his hands. It almost tickles, "Baby, we might need a safeword or action, just in case this gets too intense. You won't get hurt but you might need a way out. What would you like for it to be?" How can he ask me to make a decision when Logan has my blood boiling? I snap my fingers "Good Girl, that will be your way out, you understand what it means correct?" I nod. "I know you have your eyes closed, but I'm going to blind fold you, move your head forward." He places the blindfold over my eyes. "Look back up again and leave your neck open." I follow command putting all my pleasure in his hands, trusting my body to him. "Good girl. Now you get rewarded." I feel something between my legs and his fingers lunge inside me. "Mmm Jewels, you taste so good, and you’re ready for me." Logan pushes a dildo into me and turns it on. It's large and filling as it starts rotating inside me. HOLY SHIT! My brain and body is going wild, I start bucking. He grabs my hips, "Calm down baby, keep still. If I have to ask you again, you'll be punished." Shit, Shit, Shit! He turns the dildo down and let’s go of it, "Hold it in baby. I need both of my hands" I'm not going to last and I'm going to get punished for the spasms. "Focus." I feel the feather touches again. FUCK, this is too much, I can't take it. I roll my hips and moan. He rips the dildo out and I feel a slight nip of a crop on my thigh. The sound of the crop is always worse than its bite. Slowly coming down from my almost orgasm, the feather touches my skin again. When I'm heated, him puts the nipple clams on. They aren't weighted, so it’s just a pinch and I love it. I begin slowly building when I feel him at my entrance again.

Logan pushes the dildo back into me and turns it on. My body jolts again and the crop slaps my ass--shit, this is so good. This has to be the best time I have ever had as a sub. He starts trailing the feather up my neck and he kisses and nips my earlobe. "You’re doing such a good job baby. Don't come until I tell you to, nod if you understand." I nod, he wants all my pleasure. He gets rid of the feather gloves. The next thing I feel is the end of the crop treading the same paths. Oh god, I won't be able to handle this. It starts trailing up my leg and I'm trying to focus on the whip and not the dildo making me want to shatter into a thousand pieces. I start whimpering, "I know baby, try to control it." I can't, if I come, I'll be so disappointed, and so will he. I have to hold on for a little bit longer. Maybe I can...I pump my hips and moan and he rips the dildo out of me and swats me with the crop. That was too close, I almost came from the lick of the whip. Logan continues to trace me with the crop. When he gets to my breasts he slaps each nipple, with the clamps on, I scream and buck. He swats me harder on the thigh, fuck I thought I was screwed with the dildo--I won't be able to withstand that again. Logan slaps the crop to my other nipple and before I know what happened I snapped my fingers. The dildo is removed gently, as well as the nipple clamps. He uncuffs me and carries me to the lounge chair in the corner of the room. He takes the blindfold off kissing my eyes, picks up my legs and powers himself into me. I come instantly with a scream of his name. Thrashing my body, trying to control the tremors rolling through me. I've never had an orgasm like that before--EVER. I feel light headed like I'm going to pass out. Logan's still pounding into me, milking my orgasm and making me convulse continuously. He throws his hand to my breast, stills and spills into me with a grunt and my name through his gritted teeth. I shudder again, it’s so sexy to watch him lose himself. He collapses onto me and we hold each other, trying to get our breathing and minds under control. This is why I love him, right here, I am bared open for this man as he is for me and neither of us feel insecure. We both know the other would never hurt us. Well, physically. Mentally and emotionally, I'm still hesitant, I think what is more scary is the fact that I have given him the total power to be able to wound me for life. I fall asleep on the lounge with him in my arms and my legs around his waist. I wake just for a second and feel him move me into the bedroom, he kisses my forehead as he places me in bed. I think to myself, 'I love you, good night Logan.' As I pass out again.

-------------------------------------------------The rest of the week flies by. We are starting to get into a routine. Friday morning he wakes me up as he gets up to take a shower. I pretend to continue sleeping, I want to surprise him. After I hear the shower turn on, and the door close, I quickly get out of bed. Quietly opening the bathroom door, and tip toeing to the shower. Once I get into view I freeze, he is completely wet and naked. Watching the water fall onto his toned body, move down every crevice and muscle. I lick my lips and almost come just by looking at him. Knowing he is mine and I get to play with that hot sexy body all I want. "Are you being a creeper baby?" I look at his face with the most seductive smile and nod. "You want me don't you?" Logan is grinning from ear to ear. He is the sexiest person in the world, looking at me like he's going to pounce, those beautiful sea foam green eyes looking into

my soul and darkening. "Always." I say as he opens the door for me. I scurry into the shower to be with him. "Damn you're so gorgeous." He places my hands against the tile wall, pulls my hips back and spreads my legs. Reaching between my thighs, he pushes two fingers into my pussy, growling as he pulls them out--they are drenched. Without warning, he grabs his erogenous cock and fills me completely. I scream out against the tile, it feels like he gets bigger and bigger every time. He doesn't let up, so rough and hard that I come quickly and without warning, only a few thrusts in. "You're going to have another." He pauses, letting my orgasm settle and starts thrusting hard again. I have to focus on keeping my arms steady and strong, so I'm not crushed into the wall. I push back to him as he throws himself into me. Logan rubs my back, my thighs. I'm building again. His other hand trailing my skin around my pussy. "If you put any pressure on my clit I'm going to explode." He does it anyway and I come screaming as he pumps his warm release into me, my muscles milking him. I feel him pulsing inside me and it makes me shutter. "Damn baby, I want to keep you forever. You are my dreams come true." He kisses me all over. I push away, "Finish your shower, I'll cook you breakfast." I give him a peck on his cheek and he smacks my ass as I walk out. We eat breakfast together smiling and enjoying each other’s company. He always makes me laugh, it feels so great to laugh and not have a care in the world. We kiss goodbye and he practically skips to his car. He is so happy to be able to drive again. The day goes by so quickly. Before I know it, it’s over. Logan calls me at lunch and tells me that he'll be late getting home, he has a couple meetings. I go home pack a weekend bag and eat dinner. I decide that I want to go to 'The Club' and get a membership. I’m not sure how much it is, but I don't care. I grab my Cadillac keys and walk out the door. On my way to my car I get a call from my financial guru. "Good evening Henry, how's everything going?" I slide into my car and turn it on. "Everything is great, I just wanted to inform you that I have moved some things around and you're making more than you did before." He's an older gentleman, and his voice reminds me of my grandpa. "Thank you for looking after my money, I know it’s your job but I really appreciate it. Is there any way you can make sure I have my normal amount in my account? I need to make a couple large purchases and I want to buy some first class tickets for Krista to come out here." "Don't worry about it, you have more than your normal amount in that account. I checked before I called, you haven't been using that account very often." "No, I’m trying not to, only for my car insurance and association fees." I say smugly knowing I'm doing well. "I also called to see if you wanted to increase your donation amounts for the Children's hospital and a few other organizations? You’re making a lot more than you were before..." I cut him off, "Absolutely, my grandpa would be pissed if I was making more and not donating more. Thank you for asking." We talk about a few more things and I hang up with him as I pull into a parking spot a block away from The Club. I'm so excited, I hope Dahlia is working. I open the doors to the pub and smile at the bar tender as I walk past and to the other

door. I take the stairs carefully, I have on black platform heels with skinny jeans and a cute red top. I finally get to the lobby before the club and am excited to see Dahlia. "JEWELS! I'm so happy to see you, what are you doing here?" She stands up and comes from around the desk to give me a hug, then walks back when we're done. "I have a few questions actually. Is there a payment plan that you can do?" "Yes,” With curiosity in her voice, “are you thinking you may want to get a membership?" She asks with a huge smirk on her face. "I am, and I know you can't tell me whether Logan is on the payment plan or not, but if he is, can I give you my information so I can pay for it? I don't want him to know that I'm doing this." I'm nervous she is going to realize that I have money. "Umm, I'm sure that won't be a problem. I will just need to make copies of some things. Do you know how much it is to be a member?" "No, but I don't care. Please don't tell him I’m doing this for him." I give her my card and information to be copied. "We're very protective of our member’s privacy and security." She says smiling at me sincerely. Dahlia gives my information back as she searches her cabinets for something. "Okay, I need to go get some membership forms. First, you need to schedule an appointment to speak to Farrah, she is the owner of The Club and she sits with every person who wants to become a member." We pick a date and time. This is so exciting, my heart is racing. I can't wait to tell Logan that I plan on becoming a member. "I'll be right back, I have to go get those forms." She leaves through the door that takes her into the club. A few moments later the door opens again and I look up from my phone expecting it to be Dahlia, but its Dylan. He looks at me and smiles. "Hello butterfly, what are you doing out here?" He's so sleazy, I want to throw up on him. Instead I ignore him, I don't want to talk to him, he isn't worth a moment of my time. He walks closer to me, "I just thought that if you and Logan were still together, you'd be in there with him." That got my attention. Logan isn't here, he is in a meeting at work. "You didn't know Logan was here did you? What kind of guy doesn't tell his girlfriend where he is? Maybe, he isn't the same guy you think he is. Come with me, I'll show you the kind of guy he is." He grabs my upper arm and walks us through the door. I see him instantly in a corner booth with a beautiful blonde. His back is partially to me and she is sitting across the table from him. "She's beautiful isn't she? They used to be together, I used to watch them while they were in a few rooms, and they are hot together." Dylan points to Logan, "This is the guy Logan is, he uses women for one thing, and then dumps them when they love him or when he is bored with them." I see him say something. She laughs a flirty laugh and grabs his hand in the center of the table. Pulling him to her as she leans in to whisper in his ear. Logan throws his head back and chuckles, they are totally flirting. I can't believe I was so stupid--naieve. I have fallen in love with him, just like all the others. Maybe Dylan is right, Logan's the type of guy to take everything a woman has and then leaves her cold. He has ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. I'm shaking and this nasty person is still touching my arm. I jerk away just as Dahlia comes through a curtain by the bar. She sees me staring back at her and quickly walks to me. "Jewels, it is not what it looks like."

I turn to leave immediately seeing the blonde nod in my direction. I kick off my shoes, pick them up from the floor hugging them tightly to my body, and run as fast as I can. I run up the stairs and out of the pub, I run to my car and just as I'm getting in I hear Logan yell my name from the pub's entrance. I start up my Cadillac and floor it, almost causing an accident as I pull away from my parking spot. I'm crying so hard I don't know where I'm going. I jump on the highway going eastbound and floor it. After a few miles I look down and realize I'm going well over 100 miles per hour. Slowing down, I pass by a sign for the airport. My phone won't stop ringing or beeping. I'm not going to answer, I don't want to hurt any more than I already do, and I don't want to hear his excuses. I speed to the airport, I hope they have a flight out, with in the next ten minutes. I pull into the long-term parking. I don't need anything special, I have my weekend bag and if I need anything else, I'll just fucking buy it. If I can't stay with Krista, then I'll get a room at my favorite hotel. Putting my shoes back on, I walk briskly from my car to the terminal with my purse in one hand and my small bag in the other. Damn, there is a long line! I silence my phone, people are starting to look at me--I am a mess. "Are there any flights out, or connecting flights, that can get me to L.A. tonight? There has been an emergency and I need to be there as soon as I can." I begin crying again. Hoping I'm not taking someone’s seat, that actually has an emergency. The lady is tapping the keys so quickly it makes my head spin. She looks up, "Do you need any bags checked." I hold up my purse and small black leather bag, choking out another sob. "No." She nods and prints me out some tickets. I can barely breathe, and I'm uncontrollably shaking. She leans in, "Okay sweetie, your flight is going to be boarding in a few minutes, you'll be going from Grand Rapids to Chicago and then to L.A.X. Your layover in Chicago isn't very long, so run fast to your terminal." She gives me a smile and returns my card and driver’s license. I try to control my breathing, but it's not working. She hands me my tickets and tells me to have a safe flight. I walk quickly through security having only a few things, it makes it easier. I feel safe now that I'm sitting at my terminal, waiting for them to begin boarding. I pull my phone out and it's buzzing with Logan's name on the screen. Turning my phone off, I put it back in my purse. I need to call Krista, tell her what's happening but I don't want to see his name, or accidently answer as I'm trying to contact her. I pull out my MP3 player, thankful it has all the same play lists on it as the one on my phone, and scroll until I see 'Break up songs'. Plugging my head phones in, I sit back in my seat and let the music say everything my heart feels. Starting with Train, '50 Ways to Say Goodbye.'

Chapter 16 I cried from Grand Rapids to Chicago, I had to run from one terminal to the other for my connecting flight to L.A.X. I slept the rest of the trip. "Jewels? Is everything alright, you never call this late?" Krista's at a club, I can hear the music pulsing through the phone. "I'm in LA." I start crying. "I saw Logan being a little too cozy with a beautiful blonde when he should've been in a meeting and then home to me." I'm sobbing uncontrollably by the time I finish. "SHIT! I've been drinking Jewels, I can't drive to pick you up, can you get a cab and I'll meet you at home?" "Yeah, see you at home." I sniffle hailing a cab. "Could it be a misunderstanding?" Krista asks whispering. She wants to be loyal to me and call him a cheating bastard like she has about all the others. At the same time, she wants me happy and she knows that's what he made me. I don't answer. "I'll be home shortly." Knowing where she hides her spare key, I let myself in. I crawl onto her couch and lay in the fetal position continuing to listen to more break up songs until she gets home. I had to turn my phone back off, it was going crazy and I couldn't handle it. Krista walks into the house and drops her things at the door. We don't say one word to each other, she walks over as I sit up, and I hug her and bawl my eyes out. I've never felt this bad, except for when my family was killed, and that was worse than this. I don't want to feel that way ever again. This is a different kind of pain, betrayal and jealousy. Once I've calmed down and finally am able to breathe again, Krista passes me a glass of water and starts questioning me about everything I've already told her. "Has he tried calling or texting?" "Yes, I can't have my phone on, it won't shut up! I can't talk to him, I'm too hurt." I hold my knees to my chest, trying to keep from falling apart again. "Okay, well let me get your room ready and you can go to sleep, we'll start over tomorrow. I know it’s on awful terms but I am glad you're here. I've missed you." I give her a pathetic smile and she walks away. After I take a shower and clean up, I crawl into bed with the biggest crying headache and attempt to fall asleep. I just end up crying more and harder. Eventually, I'm all out of tears, I get up and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I pass Krista's bedroom and hear her whispering to someone. As I reach the kitchen I realize I'm a horrible friend, she was at a club, she was probably dancing with a guy and I stopped her from possibly moving on from my brother. I kick myself in the ass and call myself every name in the book. I walk back to the bedroom, passing by her room again. I'm startled and stop dead in my tracks when her whisper quickly turns into a yell. "NO YOU FUCKING LISTEN, I cannot control her, I cannot tell her what to do. YOU are the asshole that has hurt her. YOU are the asshole that lied to her. It isn't my fault she came to me it’s YOURS... All I can do is tell her what you have told me and pray that she sees that it's all a misunderstanding. "But I will tell you this, if you are lying to me and you hurt her again, you will NEVER see her again. I will make sure she moves far far away from you. I will go with her and make damn sure she stays the hell away from you, and that you can never find us, so you better have

told me the honest to God truth!" She pauses for a while and then starts back up. "You have to remember that every guy Jewel has been in a relationship with has cheated on her or has hurt her, and hurt your chances of her trusting you with her heart...Put yourself in her shoes, pretend you walked in on her with a man you don't know and they looked 'cozy'. How would you feel?" Her laugh tells me it was overdramatic. "I'll do what I can but I can't make promises. If she knew I was talking to you right now, she would strangle me...Have a good night Logan, and please stop calling and texting. If anything changes I'll have her contact you...Thank you." Krista puts the phone down and lets out a deep sigh. I debate on whether I want to try to go to bed or if I should talk to her about it. If it's all a misunderstanding and I could be spending this time talking it through with Logan, then I would get a good night sleep. If I don't hear what she has to say about it, and try to go to bed, I'll toss and turn all night thinking about all the 'what if's.' I shift on my feet and the floor creeks. "Jewels? Come in here please." Damn--I'm caught. I groan and opened the door. She is sitting up in the middle of the bed with my phone on her nightstand. "How long have you been out there?" "Long enough to hear that it was a possible misinterpretation and you chewed his ass out." I say the last part with a smile. The first smile since this all began. "I did chew him out. He seems to be truthful and honest. He told me how everything went down. I'd love for you to hear it from him, but I'll tell you what he told me first." Krista pats the bed in front of her. When I sit, she begins, "He said he got a call at lunch from the owner of The Club, interesting name by the way. The owner said she needed to talk to him about the altercation with a man named Dylan? So he set up a time after his work meeting, that was also just sprung on him. It all sounds very coincidental, but whatever. "Logan said he got through his meeting and then went straight to The Club. He got there just as Dylan was done talking to the owner and they exchanged some dirty looks. When it was his turn, he and the owner were talking and snickering, she hates Dylan but won't revoke his membership because he doesn't break the rules. Logan told her that it felt good to punch him, and the owner said she wishes she could do the same. They both got warnings and if another incident happens one or both of them will have their membership rescinded. Logan told me that he and the owner used to date, but mutually split after she found her current boyfriend." She rolls her eyes, "Anyway, Logan says he saw you turn and leave and Dylan had a huge grin on his face. Even though he wanted to slaughter Dylan, he chased after you, and you were pulling away as he ran outside. He jumped in his Corvette and drove after you but couldn't find you. He doesn't know where you live so he didn't know where to go." Krista starts rubbing her head in agitation, "He sounds really distraught. He asked me to tell you to come back to him, he misses you and would NEVER cheat on you. You're all he wants." She rolls her eyes again. "I hope that makes sense. I thought I heard him get choked up, but I didn't want to push it." I give her a bear hug and thank her for being the median. "Thanks for talking to him. I'm so happy I have you." I give her another hug, grab my phone and walk to my bedroom. I need to call Logan, I need to hear his voice.

-------------------------------------------------"JEWEL?" Logan sounds panicked.

"Krista told me everything. I'm so sorry I left, I just felt everything falling down on me when I saw you two. SHE WAS HOLDING YOUR HAND for crying out loud. What if I was holding hands with a man you didn't know?" "I'd be in jail for manslaughter." BINGO! "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the meeting with Farrah, I should've told you, but I wanted to surprise you. Before she gave me a warning about the violence, I asked her about getting you a membership. She said that all you have to do is fill out the form and she'll approve it, you don't need to meet with her. She'll even give you some months free." I laugh hard. He is so sweet, even with that attractive blonde in front of him, he was only thinking about me. "I was there getting stuff done for a membership. I already have an appointment to meet with Farrah next week." I smile, wanting to tell him about what else I did, but I don't want him questioning me. He'll notice when he gets his first bill, or he has more money in his account than he should. I smirk knowing I pulled it off. "Baby, I need you here, come home to me. I panicked when I couldn't find you. Dahlia refused to release any information to me, of where you live or how I could find you." SHIT! I didn't realize I gave my driver’s license to Dahlia. She can't tell anyone and she's so trustworthy that she probably didn't even look. "I need some time to get my head together. I felt like you cut me open with a knife, like you took my, heart ripped it out of my chest and threw it in a blender. It scares me that I've given you the power to destroy me. I've given you all my trust over my body but my heart is my true treasure, I've given it out so many times that I'm too afraid to give it out again." Even though I know he already owns it. "You can give me your heart baby, I'll never hurt you. I know we haven't known each other very long, but what I'm feeling for you is powerful and intense. I can't believe it’s my fault you're crying and on the other side of the country. It hurts me, I feel like I can't breathe when you’re not by my side." Logan is overcome with emotion, that makes me cry again as I bang the back of my head against the bed. I can't believe I've left him, I should've stuck around and heard what he had to say. I listened to Dylan and I should have known better. "I'm going to stay for a day. I'll be home tomorrow night if I can get a flight. I'll call you with the information. My car is at the airport so I'll just drive to your house when I land. I miss you, and I am sorry I left without hearing what you had to say." "It's okay beautiful, don't run out on me again, EVER. I won't get any sleep tonight without you. Text or call me, I'll be going crazy missing you." "Good night Logan." "Dream of me." "Always." We both hang up together. ---------------------------------------------------The next morning I listen to all of the voicemails, and read all the texts. Logan professed his feelings for me over and over again. Didn't tell me he loved me, which is great I asked him not to until he was a hundred percent sure. He reassures me constantly and begs me to come home. I need to get up, get tickets home and go to the beach with Krista before I leave. I find a flight out and won't be in Logan's arms until almost ten tonight. I call him and inform him of the flight information. He is just happy to hear my voice. When we hang up, I go in search of Krista.

"Hey, can we go and lay out on the beach today? I need to soak in some rays and spend time with my best friend before I leave tonight." "YES! I just have to stop by the boutique before we go. Do you need a bathing suit? I have about four in my dresser if you want to pick one." She takes a sip of her coffee. "Thanks." I smile and run to her bedroom. I put on a pair of blue shorts and a white tee shirt, you can see the bright orange bikini under the white shirt. While Krista is in the shop I find myself in a toy store. I saw a model in the window that reminded me of Logan that I had to buy. Thankfully it will fit in my purse because I have no room in my carry-on. We lounge around on the beach for hours, talking about old times and old friends. Then she takes me to the airport after I change out of her bikini. I can't sit still, I miss him, and I miss his warmth around me. I hug Krista and beg her to come visit me soon. She says she will, but I may need to buy her tickets to set a date. "You need to meet the man you yelled at last night." We both laugh. We separate and I board my flight home. I can't wait to get to his house and jump on him. I have thought about it, as long as he can forgive me for leaving. I don't want to hold this against him because he didn't lie to me. He just withheld information. Just like I have been doing to him. There is no point holding a grudge or being mad for a long time. We never know how much time we have left on earth. As long as we are loyal and love each other, nothing can part us. I finally land in Grand Rapids. They haven't even opened the doors and I call him. Telling him I've landed safely and I can't wait to see him. I called while I was eating dinner before my connecting flight--making me miss him more. I get off the plane and make my way to my car. Half way through the airport I'm literally swept off my feet. Giggling and being swung around, Logan has his warm strong arms wrapped around my body. Kissing him all over his face and neck, but I want to be resituated against him, so I can give him hugs and more kisses. When he releases my legs to put me down, I wrap them quickly around his waist and my arms drape around his neck. Feeling every inch of the front of my body somehow touching his makes me relax and the tension to seep from my bones. Logan's my home--my paradise. Kissing all over his face and neck, I want to breathe him in. I've missed him so much, for only one day away. He's also kissing me all over my face as he walks us through the crowd and out to the garage where our cars are parked. He's paying extra to be parked right next to mine. I don't want to get down. I've missed him too much. I almost tell Logan I love him, I feel like I've known him all my life. Why should I be stopped by how long we have actually known each other? I just can't bring myself to do it. He slides me down his body and it turns me on. "I want you now." I whisper. "Not here, not now. I want you home, in our bed. I don't do welcome home sex in your car." He kisses me adoringly and I melt into his amatory embrace. All the way home I listen to, 'Home' by Phillip Phillips. I sigh and relax because I know where my home is. I keep replaying the 'our bed' comment. At first I was enthusiastic about the statement but now that I've thought about it. It's not actually 'our bed', it's his bed, we'll need a whole new bed if it’s going to be ours. We're going to have to talk about this and a whole number of other things.

Chapter 17 We get to Logan's house, he opens the door for me and I can see on the dining table there is a new arrangement of flowers. He is so sweet, I turn and throw my arms around him and he lifts me up to wrap my legs around his waist, I can't stop kissing him. "I've missed you too damn much, your touch, your warmth, the feel of you around me and in me." I say when we part quickly for a breath. "I know baby, I've missed you too." Kissing me all over my face, he walks us down the hall to his room. "I'd love to throw you over my lap and spank your tight little ass until it’s as red as the roses on the table, but I have something else in mind." Logan sets me down on the bed and I lay back as he slowly starts taking my clothes off. Slipping off my shoes, he kisses my ankles as he slides his hands up both legs, rubbing my hips and thighs before he undoes my shorts. When my pants and panties are removed he kisses me from my smooth mound to my belly button. Pushing my shirt up he continues until he gets to my bra. I sit up as he removes my shirt and undoes my bra. This isn't what we are used to, Logan's taking his time, touching every part of my body. It's like Logan hasn't seen me in years and is recalling every inch of my body again. It’s so sentimental, I want to do the same to him. After gliding off my bra he grabs hold of my breasts and strokes them, slowly and meticulously thumbing over my nipples, making them tight and wanting. Logan places both arms on each side of me for support as he lowers onto me and kisses from my chest up both sides of my neck before going straight up the middle and taking my lips. Our kiss is slow, savoring, we hunger for each other more than air. He lifts up, slowly removes his clothes and crawls back onto me. I watch every muscle movement in admiration. 'All mine, Logan is all mine', I recite over and over in my head, thanking the heavens for giving me such a magnificent gift. With a warm, ernest deep voice, "Wrap around me Jewel." I'm too shocked to contemplate, somehow I'm able to follow command. He rolls us and sits up in the middle of the bed, his thighs are open, sitting heel to heel making a comfortable hole for my butt. My legs wrapped around his waist. This is way more intimate than I've ever had. We hold onto each other tightly, rubbing the other's body. Logan pushes his penis in between my warm waiting lips, slowly inching into me. I roll my hips into him, increasing our movements and adding some friction. It's too deep this way, and passionate. My blood is boiling and my bones feel like liquid as he moves his hips back and slides slowly out of me. Together we push our hips into the other. Logan isn't pulling out far but the way we tightly are embraced, I build quickly. He rubs places inside me that make a fire ignite through out me. Kissing sweetly and slowly again, going right with our rhythm. We are panting, breathing in the other. I soon start moaning and whimpering this is too intense, "I'm not going to last much longer babe." He starts to groan as well. Logan holds me tighter and the electricity, from where his hands are on my back bolts through my body. He grabs my hair and puts us forehead-to-forehead, nose-to-nose. We look into each other’s eyes as we come together, he shattering inside me makes me tremble and come with a quick intake of breath. I close my eyes as my body starts to settle back down and I can't help the tears that trickle down my face. He doesn't need to tell me--I can feel it. I almost lost this because I ran away

without talking things through. I bombard his face with kisses trying to get the same message a crossed. I love the way he tastes, but my tears are ruining it. "I know baby, I know..." He wipes my tears from my face, kissing my eyes when he's done. He pulls out but keeps me on his lap. "Okay, we need to talk about EVERYTHING." I say, anxiously about where this conversation is going to take us. He tells me the same story that he told Krista, emphasizing that he was there to be warned and to talk to Farrah about me getting a membership. I tell him what Dylan was saying while I watched their discussion. "He hates me, he wants to destroy me. He knows that you’re the only weapon he can use against me." "That's another set of questions. Why does he hate you? Who is Amelia?" I ramble out, I'm surprised Logan can understand what I'm saying. "He hates me because at least three of his subs have left him for me. They saw how I was with my previous subs and wanted what I was giving. They all said they felt more connected to me, they liked how I was so in tune with women, how I was able to give them exactly what they needed. Dylan tried, couldn't do it and they moved on to me. Some of them had other dom’s before me, but he doesn’t' care." He takes a deep breath. I can tell he is getting uneasy. "I had cautioned every submissive not to fall in love with me, that our relationships would be purely physical. One girl stalked me until I had to release her from my control and put a PPO on her. Another girl told me she loved me and when I told her I didn't feel the same way, she went crazy literally...She is in the psych ward right now. I hope she gets the help she needs, she was a great person, just not the right one for me." He visibly tenses as he takes another controlling breath. "And lastly, Amelia. She was Dylan’s favorite, I think he loved her the most. Her and I got close, she was one of the only subs I ever brought home with me. She was fun to hang out with, our personalities worked so well. After a few months she told me she loved me. I didn't want to lose our friendship so I told her, we could stay together and I'd try." Logan rubs his face and caresses my bottom lip with his thumb before beginning. "We were on our way to a resort up north to spend the weekend together. We had gotten into a fight over who would drive, for once in my life, I sucked it up and gave in--allowing her to drive my car." He shakes his head, and puts his hands over his face leaning his head against the head board. "The one time I let a sub/girlfriend drive my car." He doesn't say any more. I pull his hands away from his face, his look is agonizing, this is probably what keeps him up at night. "I'm sorry you lost someone special to you. But you aren't alone. We can help each other through our losses." I take his face in my hands and kiss him sweetly. "While I was in L.A. I went to the cemetery with Krista before she dropped me off at the airport. It was dreadful, I miss my family so much. When they were killed in the car accident my whole world came crashing down. I had nothing, but an empty house and worthless cars." And a shit ton of money I didn't want but couldn't get rid of. "I sold the house and my mom's car. I kept my dad's for a while and just recently bequeathed it to Krista because I didn't want to sell it. She appreciates it. But I'd trade in everything I own for just one more day with them. To be able to tell them I love them and I'm sorry." This time I take a controlling breath so I don't melt down. "We all got into a huge fight a

few days before they left because I wasn't going with them. They tried calling me while in Mexico, but I ignored their calls. After the accident, Krista was the only one I had left. She was the only one to help me rebuild and get back on my feet. I was momentarily living with her when the accident happened. After the fight, I had moved in with her to get away..." I shake off the words I said to every member, "Will you tell me what happened, why you don't talk to your family?" I need to comprehend how ones family practically disowns them. "One day, Amelia and I were in the playroom. I had her chained up, she loved to be whipped with a belt crudely. I was too into the scene and had music playing. I didn't hear my brother come into my house. "The next thing I know, my brother rushes in, tackles me to the floor and starts whaling on me. He believed I was hurting Amelia, he thought he was defending her. After Alex released her, she ran to me and tried to clarify what was going on but he refused to listen. He left and went and told our parents what he saw. "They don't understand, they ganged up on me, called me an abusive asshole and said they never wanted to speak to me ever again. I haven't seen or heard from them since. I'd love for you to meet them. We were really close, up until that point." I see the unshed tears in his eyes. I don't like to see him in pain, I feel protective. He needs his family. They shouldn't care about his sex life, they should just be content he is happy. "I’m sorry they don't understand. I hope one day, they can get over what has happened." I try to comfort him, I feel awful. "Let’s go to sleep babe, I'm tired. Thank you so much for opening up for me tonight. You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me." I nestle closer into his chest, delightfully stroking and massaging his muscles. Logan kisses my forehead, "I missed you, I'm glad you're home. You are the best thing about me, you make me whole. You make me want to be a better man." "That is inconceivable, you can't get any better." I kiss him as he leans back and I find my most favorite place in the world. Drifting off to sleep with the most attractive man lying next to me. -------------------------------------------------Sunday we lay in bed all day. Until we get a call from Roy and Dahlia to notify us that dinner would be ready around five. We both had forgotten, I jump out of bed and go to the shower. We have already had sex twice today. I’m hoping he allows me to take a shower in peace. As I wrap the towel around me, stepping out of the shower, I hear Logan chatting with someone. "I was talking to my girlfriend last night. Her name is Jewel, she's the best person I've ever known, you guys would love her, she is so sweet, thoughtful and compassionate. Well, she has lost her whole family and it got me thinking..." He takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry for everything I said to you guys after you found out about my sexual behaviors. You’re right, I can understand how it looks, but I can't help it--it’s who I am. And there are people out there, who are like me and like what I do. "I need control, you know I always have. I am the same boy you raised. There is nothing that can be done to change my habits or me. I love you guys and miss you. The ball is in your court, you get to decide if you want me in your lives or not. I'll tell you, I'd love for you to be in Jewel’s life and mine. She doesn't have a family and I would like to share mine with her, she means the world to me." He ends the call. Logan must have been talking to an answering machine.

I open the door and run to him, enfolding my legs and arms around him. He grabs me and embraces me affectionately. I don't know what to say other than I hope they call him, not just to be part of his life, but a part of mine too. Logan is my family--he is my life. As we finish getting ready for Dahlia and Roy’s, I search through my purse for my sunglasses and feel a box. "Oh! Logan I forgot I bought you something before I left California. Krista owns a boutique in a small plaza and I saw this in a neighboring window. I instantly thought of you and bought it. It's a good thing my purse is so big." I hand him the box that isn't wrapped. It's a model of his Corvette. An exact miniature replica, my whole life brightens as I see his mile long smile and his eyes light up. "It's perfect..." Wow, rendering Logan speechless is a feat. I laugh as he quickly rips the box apart and places it in the middle of his coffee table. He steps back and admires it in wonder. "We have to go or we'll be late." I take his hand and put my sunglasses on. "I can't wait to thank you later for this superb gift." He grins and leads me out of the house. We get to Roy and Dahlia's house, it's just like Logan's modern open floor plan. Perfect. I help Dahlia with any last minute things while Roy and Logan are in the garage talking about his Ford Mustang. Dahlia and I talk about what happened on Friday, she apologizes for not telling me that both Logan and Dylan were there. I told her I understood confidentiality, I deal with it on a daily basis. I thanked her for not telling Logan any of my information, nor paying any debt he owes to The Club. Dahlia just smirks, she's so delightful. We talk about work and friends. I tell her about my day in Los Angeles and she tells me about her weekend. When dinner is ready we all sit and eat joking and laughing. This feels like a family dinner, it’s the same feeling I had last weekend when we had them for dinner at Logan’s. This is what I need, one of the things I miss about my family. After dinner is cleaned up, we plan on making this a weekly habit, to always get together on Sunday's for dinner, and we will switch between homes. One day I hope to have them at my condo. Before we leave, Logan and Roy discuss their meeting they have to attend in Florida on Friday, they won't be home until late on Saturday night. I slump and pout, instantly bummed that I'm going to have to survive more time away from him.

Chapter 18 The week flies by. On Wednesday I meet with Farrah after work. She is very nice but independent with a hint of controlling. You can tell she is the dominate in her relationship. She's intimidating but still kind, I like her, and I feel like she's trust worthy. Farrah apologized for everything that happened on Friday, she didn't mean for it to look the way it did. She confirmed Logan's story and made me laugh a few times as well. "I know what you did, paying for the rest of his membership. I know Dahlia can't tell you, I shouldn't either, but obviously you care about each other. I'm very happy to see him in love, after our relationship we became more like brother and sister, I want to see him happy like I am." We smile at each other and finish our discussion about The Club. Farrah has me fill out paperwork and she tells me about what the entire club includes. She tells me about the rules and safety and when I'm done, I sign a few forms and she welcomes me to The Club. I hear a gentleman clear his throat and I look over. Logan is standing by the bar, "Is she good to go Farrah?" "Yes she is. You guys have fun." She gives me a wink as I climb out of the booth and jump into his arms. He picks up a gym bag and we walk to one of the medium size rooms, with the wooden T on the wall. Once we are inside he flips a switch making the glass door tint--no one can see us--and presses another button, and I assume it’s to change the color of the light by the door. Logan pulls out cleaner and cleans the T and cuffs. "They clean these things just about every second of the day, always with the strongest shit, but I don't want to take any risks." Everyone needs to have a clean bill of health to be able to be a member, and they fully scrub down every piece of furniture before after a room has been used. "Okay baby, strip and stand in front of the T with your legs spread and arms up." Logan smiles as he begins pulling items out of the bag. Blind fold, mini speakers that connect to his phone, my favorite crop, nipple clamps and a finger vibrator. I'm naked and standing how he wanted me, in no time. He cuffs my hands against the T, puts the blindfold on and turns on the most intense violin dubstep, it’s very sensual. I can't hear him or see him. All of a sudden I feel the crop gliding up one leg and his hand slithering up the other, moving as slowly to the song. The beat drops and he whips my pussy lightly, the vibration radiating to my core making my muscles squeeze. His hand and whip are moving up my body together. The whip whacks me in a different spot every other time the bass hits. On one nipple, then Logan sucks and wallops the other nipple. Slaps across my belly then his earnest hand caresses where the whip hit. The lick from the whip and then his sensual touch makes me build quickly. My heart rate follows the violins speed, becoming increasingly faster by the second. When the beat drops again, he smacks my pussy harder, closer to my clit and it sends a seizure through me. The beat picks up and he loses the crop, replacing it with both his hands, I can feel the infrequent kiss or lick from his mouth and it sends my nerves into overdrive. The song slows back down as he places the nipple clamps on me so erotically, just like the music. Logan begins rubbing my body with his hands and finger vibrator. Placing it against my nipples which, miraculously makes it tighter than they already were. Logan trails his finger from my chest slowly down my body, the pulsation is going

straight to my sex, every movement makes me clamp together and tighten in anticipation. The beat drops again and he slaps my cleft, and each nipple with the riding crop. When he places his finger against my clit, I come loudly. I have no choice, between the vibration and the smacks of the whip, my body takes over and loses control. I scream out his name, as I'm overwhelmed in the blaze. Logan takes my lips to quiet me, removing the nipple clamps as he explores my mouth with his tounge. He lifts me to wrap my legs around his waist. The song repeats as he nips my ear and starts a trail of lite pecks from my ear to my chest and back up the other side. When the beat drops the first time he pounds his huge shaft into me, moving slowly with the music, in and out. It's in total rhythm, he quickens when the music does and when the beat drops again he plunges harder into me, the cuffs bite into my wrists. He continues throughtout the course of the whole song, slowing to a lazy pace when the music calms. Kissing with the violin as much as he can because its fast, I didn't think having sex to dubstep could be this passionate. The song increases the intensity as well as the passion. The last beat drop Logan growls, "Now!" into my ear as he grinds roughly into me. Between the song, the frenzy and friction of our bodies, I come without comprehending how close I was. The warmth heat courses over my body as I feel him spill into me. We come down, repeatedly kiss each other trying to tell each other with, our actions, how much we love the other. We don't need speak, words would ruin the moment--we know. ---------------------------------------------------The week flies by quickly and Friday morning comes faster than I thought it would. We make sweet love in the shower before he leaves for work and I drive home to get ready for my work day as well. He boards his plane today to meet clients in Florida. Normally, I'd be worried, but Roy is going with him, so I know that if anything happens to either of them--I'll find out. I make plans with Dahlia, Leah and May to go out clubbing tonight. I also found out where the drag strip is, and what time they open. I'll be there tomorrow at ten in the morning. I'm so thrilled, I can't wait. Logan and I have spoken on the phone at least four times since he left this morning-we've sent multiple texts as well. He knows that the girls are going out tonight--isn't pleased about it. What made him seem agreeing, was knowing that Dahlia was coming with us. I meet the girls at our favorite club. We're all looking stunning, wearing miniskirts or skimpy dresses and our legs look like they go for miles with our heels. We're ready to own the night. Like always the DJ is amazing and Dahlia and I stick close together. When a man comes up to dance with us, we remove ourselves. Dahlia wears a fake ring so all she has to do, is hold up her hand most of the time, but there are always a few guys who didn't care that she was 'married.' We all get wasted and by the time we leave the club we're hysterical and walking into each other. I wave bye to the girls, who all live by each other, and I hop in a cab to go home. I call Logan, hoping he isn't doing anything awful. He answers on the first ring. "Hey baby, how was your girls night?" He yawns. "We had such a good time, I didn't wake you did I?" I'm overlapping and slurring my words so badly. "Not at all, Roy and I just got back from the bar."

"Did any hot bitches try to pick you up?" I snicker. "How many men did you have to shoot down honey?" He's being frisky as well. "Let’s just say we broke some hearts tonight." I tease just as I'm walking into my building. "Good evening Chris!" I say to the doorman not realizing I'm on the phone with Logan. "Good evening Ms. Kessler." "WHO THE FUCK IS CHRIS?" Oops. "He lives in my building." I smirk, "Why are you so distressed baby?" He growls, "You’re lucky he sounds like an older gentleman, or I'd be flying home right now." "Are you saying I couldn't pick up an old man Logan?" I joke. "Darling, don't push your luck. I already want to beat your ass for going out tonight." He's lightheartedly serious and it's fucking hot, but I do need a whopping. "I can't wait for you to come home either." I giggle. "So are you and Roy sharing a bed tonight, holding each other so you guys don't miss me and Dahlia too much?" I snicker. "We are in the same suite but we are in separate rooms. He is speaking to Dahlia right now, so anything you'd like to admit should be done before we hang up, he is good at getting everything out of her." He chuckles--I don't doubt it. "Nope, nothing to report, but we all looked sexy as hell. May and Leah even brought men home with them. Dahlia and I were angels all night." I say with a contended smile. "I have to go to sleep, I have to run some errands early in the morning, and I'll see you when you get home. I'll call and text every chance I get." "Okay beautiful, I can't wait to see you tomorrow. It's so great to hear your voice and know that you are safely at home. Good night, dream of me." "Always. I miss you." We hang up.

-------------------------------------------------I'm in line at the drag strip. I've passed inspection, thankfully I put a roll cage in when I first bought the car otherwise I wouldn't have passed. I get up to the line wait for the other car and watch as the light turns from red, to yellow and finally to green. I push the gas down hard but not floor it, she has way too much power than I need, I don't want to wreck. I still get about one hundred thirty five miles per hour and it feels so good, but I can push her harder. I won against an older body Porsche. I run four more times, around the same speed. Even after losing a few races I still feel so much better, I park and get out leaning against the fence and watch other cars for a few runs. I look down at the time, of course it flies when you're having fun. Recognizing I have spent most of my time here today I get back in my car and drive towards my home, calling Dahlia to see if she wants to go to dinner with me. We're going to surprise Logan when he gets home. She gets to pick them up from the airport and I'm going to follow so she doesn't have to drive out of her way to drop Logan off. Plus, he isn't expecting me and I've missed him intolerably. We go out to dinner, hang out at her house for a few hours and then drive to the airport. I'm so tense and anxious, I know he'll be pleased to see me. We have called and texted each other all day, in between my runs at the track. Telling him I was busy cleaning my house and doing all my laundry, he thinks that I'm drained and will just meet him at his home. Just thinking about seeing him is putting a huge grin

on my face. Logan's plane lands on time and he texts me stating he'll call when he gets to the car. I look at Dahlia with an enthusiastic smile. When people begin exiting the terminal, I scamper off to hide behind the flight schedules so he doesn't see me. I watch as Dahlia runs up to Roy and throws her arms around him. It gives me enjoyment to see two people so in love. I hope that's what Logan and I look like. Logan just watches and rolls his eyes. Dahlia hugs and smooches Roy, so lovingly. Logan rolls his eyes again, I can't hear what he says but it has the two love birds chuckling. They walk past me, Logan appears to be a man on a mission. Dahlia winks as they pass. My heart batters loudly in my chest as I sneak up behind them, I'm astonished he can't hear it. I would cover his eyes and murmur in his ear, but he is just too damn lanky. Instead, I tap on his shoulder "Excuse me, sir, are you missing something?" I purr seductivly. "FUCK YES!" Logan turns lifting me off my feet into a huge embrace. I wrap my legs around him and we kiss intensely, pouring our emotions into each other. Muttering sweet nothings in one another’s ear about how badly we have missed the other. "Get a room!" Roy hoots. "Will do buddy." Logan slaps Roy in the back. "You ready to go home baby?" I nod. He doesn't put me down until we are by the cars. I give Dahlia and Roy hugs and then lob Logan my keys. I know how much he loves to drive. We pull out of the airport parking lot. Listening to 'Gone, Gone, Gone' by Phillip Phillips, I turn the song up. "I love this song, it reminds me of you." "I love it too." We sing it together and talk about all the music we like. We both like a large assortment of music. "It all depends how I'm feeling that day." And I have to agree with him, but music also soothes me, almost as much as going fast does. We get to his house and spend the rest of our night together, making up for lost time. The following day, I wake early and go to the hospital to volunteer. I have influenced Logan to get involved and volunteer somewhere as well. He's talking to the owner of a local animal shelter. It pulls at my heartstrings, I know it will be hard for him not to bring home any animals. After volunteering I went home, got clothes for the coming week and went back to Logan’s house. I made him breakfast in bed. After a great dinner with Dahlia and Roy we slink into bed together and drifted off to sleep. -------------------------------------------------The following day we decide to meet after work at The Club. I get there early and have a drink, waiting for Logan. I see Dylan, he comes over and sits across from me in the booth, and I instantly stiffen. "Well, hello butterfly. What are you doing here by yourself?" "I'm waiting for Logan. He should be here any moment. Why does it matter to you anyway?" I'm disgusted that he can't get the picture, I don't like him and don't want him anywhere near me. "I just wanted to know how much time I had to talk to you." He pulls a yellow envelope out of his shirt and tosses it on the table in front of us. "It’s for you butterfly, open it." "I don't want anything from you, except for you to leave Logan and me

alone...FOREVER." Shaking his head Dylan pushes the envelope closer to me, "Oh, you'll enjoy this surprise." I stare at him, strangling him in my mind. If looks could kill, I would have killed Dylan at least twenty times by now. Jerking the damn envelope off the table, ripping it open as I watch him. I pull out the contents and freeze in astonishment with my mouth open. A chill cartwheels through my body. "You see butterfly, I like to go to the drag strip often. To watch and take pictures of the cars competing. You should've seen how flabbergasted I was, to see you there and with a very luxurious car." I remain speechless. "Then I got to thinking, 'Why isn't Logan with her?' He generally goes to the track and considering I haven't seen him all year, and then all of a sudden I see you...Made me gather that Logan doesn't know you were there does he? “I don't answer I need to pull myself together. I want to tell Logan eventually, certainly not this way. "Does he know about your lavish car butterfly?" "Yes, he does. He knows everything about me." I state as I look Dylan in the eyes, untruthfully, praying he doesn't see through me. "I think you’re mendacious Jewel. So I have a proposition for you." Fuck, I've never been a very good deceiver. "I don't want to hear your proposition Dylan. Logan knows about the car, he knows me. You have nothing here. To be straightforward, I'm not afraid of you, I don't like you and I wish you'd just leave us alone." I take a sip of my drink trying to play it cool. He smashes his fist against the table. "Logan will be here any minute, I guess we'll just see what he has to say about all this." He relaxes in his seat. "Or you can just leave." I’m panicking, I don't want these pictures to get to Logan before I can clarify. "Not happening. I'll take him down, I will make him pay for all the shit he has done. I can tell you're getting nervous. My proposition is, one hundred thousand dollars and these pictures are gone." I spittle up my drink. "I don't have that amount of money. Listen, I bought that car after my family died, I used the money I got from their estate to move here and buy my cars. I don't have a lot left. I might be able to do...umm...twenty thousand dollars." I play it off, staying calm, look into his eyes trying to pull out that empathy. "Once again, you’re deceitful. Fifty thousand dollars and I'll shred these pictures." "AND LEAVE US ALONE." I snarl through my teeth. He passes me a card with his number on it. "Can't make promises, but I will leave you alone about the car." I'll take what I can get. I grab his card, "Call me when you have my money. Cash will be good." FUCK! I can't believe I'm going to pay this slime ball to keep his mouth shut. Dylan gets up and walks away with his damn pictures. I can evade this whole situation and just tell Logan about my money and my preceding life. But I'm too frightened he is going to leave. I don't think he will be influenced by my bank account. I get done putting his card in my wallet just as Logan sits down. "Hey beautiful! How was your day?" I can't let him know anything. "Great but it’s always better when your here. What are we doing here tonight?" "I figured we would just look around and possibly take notes." He gives me a wink. I could go for a rough spanking. I shake my head trying to clear it.

"I would rather grab a room. You owe me a chastisement for going to the club the other night." I wink back at him, trying not to let him see that I'm strained and hiding important information from him. "I am supposed to be the Dominant. You’re not supposed to like your punishments. I think I'm doing something wrong." He says with a chortle. "I love being with you, regardless of if I'm getting disciplined or gratified." We stand up and he brings us to the first room, a small one with just a couch and an end table. He takes my pants off and bends me over his knee, "You will receive eight spankings for your disobedience." He turns me on quickly, by using his deep dom voice that is sexy as hell. Keeping his elbow in my back, he spanks me hard, I cry out in satisfaction. Logan rubs that cheek and then *SMACK* on the other. I focus on this being a punishment for me lying to him about my car and home. *SMACK* I'm almost in tears, not because of the spanking. They hurt, but I know I'll be fine, *SMACK* no consequences will come from *SMACK* this spanking other than not being able to sit for a little while. Me lying to him can be a deal *SMACK* breaker for our relationship. He may think he doesn't know me at all and walk away. *SMACK* my heart is breaking at the thought of him leaving me. I can't help the tears that start tumbling from my eyes as he spanks me one last time. Solitary restless nights, fantasizing of him and what might have been. "BABY? Are you crying? I did that because you wanted to be reprimanded, why didn't you snap like you’re supposed to?" He's irritated but compassionate. He moves me around and hugs me, making it so my ass isn't touching anything but air. "Because I can handle it. I'm sorry. So sorry." I hug him and continue to cry into his shoulder. Logan doesn't know precisely what I'm sorry for but I feel better saying the words. "I don't want to have sex here. Let’s go home." He says cupping my face. I nod. He pulls my pants back up and buttons and zips me. As we walk out my pants are chaffing my ass, making it sting more. I don't care, it’s my constant punishment for my lying. When we get home he strips me, and himself, we creep into bed and he rubs oil on my scorching bum. Logan finishes and positions me to straddle him. I slowly come down onto his enormous copious penis, flinching when my ass touches his legs. I love the little bite though, gradually gliding back up and holding him firmly on my way down. He thrusts at the perfect moment shooting me back up his length. I can't be this far away from him. Even though Logan is inside me, I need more connection. I lean down and cover his lips with my own. Logan grunts and moves us so he is on top kneeling and propelling roughly into me. This is what I want; he grabs my legs and puts them on his shoulders, kissing my ankles. He caresses up and down my legs. I build quickly, grumbling and whining as he pounds into me, forcing my whole body to throb. He is so great in bed. "Logan, I’m almost there." I wail out. "Good honey, I can't last another moment. Come for me, let me feel you." My body listens and I burst as a nice progressing heat burns through my spine and nerve endings. I feel him shuddering inside of me and that extends my own orgasm. He is flawless. "Logan..." Fuck! I'm anxious but I can't hold it back any more. "Yes sweetheart..." He says kissing my face. "I love you." He grasps me tighter, "I swore I wouldn't say it until I'm one hundred percent sure..." I nod in delight because he listened, I don't want him to say it because he feels he needs to. "Thank you for not saying it back. I’m pleased you’re keeping your promise. I just

wanted to tell you because I've been feeling it for a long time and couldn't hold back anymore." "Actually I have been exceeding my promise. See the thing is... I'm over one hundred twenty percent sure. I love you, Jewel. I've loved you from the instant we kissed. The way I feel about you is indescribable." I cry in bliss. There is so much desire in his voice, like I am the reason for him to live. "I think we were made for each other. Where have you been all my life?" I choke out with a wide bright smile on my face. "Right here waiting for you to find me." Our kiss is more fervent than ever, my heart skips a beat and my body goes numb. This is where I belong, in Logan’s arms. "Good night Baby, I love you." Logan says as he nuzzles me into him and kisses my hair. "Always."

Chapter 19 The following day after work I call Henry, I tell him to wire fifty thousand into my account in Michigan. I also call the bank and notify them I need to pick up that money tomorrow at noon. On my lunch, I'll bring it home and put it in my safe. I also call the asshole and inform him that we can meet somewhere after work. He decides The Club, I decline and tell him the parking lot across the street from the club. I'm the one with the money, we'll do this my way. He's arrogant of course but in the end settles. Lastly, I call Krista crying. "Hey Jewels, how was your day today? How was your night last night at The Club?" She jokes she knows what we were doing. "SHITTY!" I tell her everything that happened. "The only good thing that came out of yesterday was Logan told me he loved me." "Awe, I can't wait to meet him. Congratulations lady, I'm so glad you found the love of your life." Krista takes a deep breath, I know she is thinking about Brian. "So tell me about this asshole? What’s his name? Dylan?" "Yeah, I have a meeting with him tomorrow to give him the damn money. I just need to buckle down and tell Logan about my condo and car, but I don't know how to start that discussion. 'Hey baby, I live in a half a million dollar home and drive a quarter million dollar car. Do you still love me even though I've been untruthful to you this whole time?' I don't think it's going to work out the way I imagined it would." I sigh. "I don't know sweetie, but I’m sure you will figure it out, maybe you should tell him tonight and spit in Dylan’s face tomorrow when he wonders where his money is." Krista sighs too. "I just can't bring myself to do it... Listen, I’m going to buy you plane tickets for you to come out here in two weeks. You own your own business, you can take a vacation any time you want. I've already taken the time off. I’m going to buy the tickets tonight and I'll call you in the next couple days to give you your itinerary. No ifs, ands or buts." "Deal! I finally get to meet Logan, see your home and meet your other friends you’re always talking about." Krista is animated, I knew this was a fail-safe plan. "Plus, I'll take you to a few places that I think you'll love." I have plans of my own to entice her when she is here. We say our goodbyes and hang up. That night I just wasn't myself when I was at Logan’s. I know he detected it so I'll make up for it tomorrow when all this shit is past. -------------------------------------------------The next day I pull into the parking lot and see Dylan waiting for me. I walk over to his car, throw the money in his lap and he hands over my picture. I don't trust him at all and plan on telling Logan soon about my place, I just don't want him to leave me. I don't say word to Dylan and I walk away. "It was a pleasure doing business with you butterfly." "ASSHOLE! Go fucking jump off a tall building." I give him my favorite finger continuing to walk in the opposite direction. --------------------------------------------------

Crawling into Logan's bed that night, I decide I need to compensate him for my attitude. "I'm sorry I was so shifty last night. I’m going to give you something special for your patients." I lick my lips and wiggle my brow. He laughs, "Anything you wanna do baby. I'm all yours." "Good, strip." He is naked and laying on the bed before I can roll over. I kiss him from his shoulder in a line down to his magnificent abs and V. I run my fingers back and forth between his hip and penis. I'm salivating, his body is amazing, and I can't stop kissing it. Grabbing his erection at its base and licking up one side and down the other before I put him completely in my mouth. Sucking and licking his slit as I squeeze him in my hand. When he starts thrusting his hips I begin pumping him up and down in coordination to my bobbing head. Every time I reach the tip he shakes and whimpers. Damn, he's so hot. I move my hair over to one shoulder so I can watch him writhe underneath me while I rub his chest and abs, which makes me even hornier. My muscles pulse every time I hear him moan or whimper. "OH Fuck!" He grabs my head and pushes himself deeper into my throat. I breathe through my nose as he releases and I swallow all he has. When I've sucked him clean he grabs my shoulders and brings me up to him. Logan kisses me so violently, like he is trying to inhale me. I return his kiss with just as much enthusiasm. I need him, these weeks we've spent together have been the best of my life. I also need to tell him my secret. Thinking about all the possibilities, what he could do, what I hope to achieve from telling him. Deciding I'll tell him tomorrow, I plan on cooking dinner for him and we can have a serious talk. I'll just explain to him, why I had to hide this information from him and then after dinner I'll bring him home. -------------------------------------------------The next morning my world comes crashing down as I get kissed awake. "Good morning baby, I just got a call from Roy, we're needed back in Florida, our meeting fell through and we need to go pick up the pieces." "What the fuck? It's the middle of the week. When will I see you again?" I pout. "I'm going to miss you!" "I know, how about this, if you get lonely at your place. Come to mine. I have a key hidden under the big rock by the back sliding door. Oh and here..." Logan gives me a key that has 'home' written on it and I almost begin crying. Throwing my arms around his neck while kissing him as I tell him I love him at least a hundred times. "I love you too. While I'm away move some of your belongings here. When I get back we can talk about moving the bigger items in." "I got one better for you. When you come back, I want to take you home with me. Deal?" He laughs, "You got it babe. Roy's here, I have to go. I love you, be good while I'm away." "Yes sir." I roll over onto his side of the bed and hug his pillow, taking in his intoxicating scent. He slaps my ass and I giggle as he leaves the room. "I love you too! Have a safe flight." I scream as I hear the front door close. -------------------------------------------------He has been gone for a week and a half. We've had a lot of phone sex and we have even

texted a lot of naked sexy pictures. I miss him, my body misses him. It's finally Sunday and he comes home this afternoon. I'm so excited, I'm bringing him to my home tonight. Then we're having dinner with Roy and Dahlia, making up for last Sunday that was missed. I hope I get to go to dinner tonight, and he doesn't run out on me for being mendacious to him throughout our whole relationship, we've been together for a little over a few months now. In case he doesn't take the news the way I want him to, I decide I‘m going to go to his house and surprise him when he gets home, have sex for maybe the last time. I have a great idea, and I can't wait until he sees what I have in store for him. I pull into his driveway, get out and realize, in my exuberance I forgot the key. "Damn I left it at home on the table." I trudge around the house waving and smiling at the neighbor as she looks at me weirdly. I find the rock with the key and start doing a little dance. I unlock the front door and walk through the house to put the key back under the rock. I leave my car keys on the table and my purse on the floor. My phone starts blaring Kenny Chesney's, 'Me and You'. "Welcome back to Grand Rapids, Logan. I'm glad you landed safely. How far away are you from being home?" "I should be home within the next ten to fifteen minutes. Do you want to start driving over?" "Yeah, let me get ready and I can be there in about thirty." My last lie I tell him--ever! "Okay baby see you soon. I miss you and love you." "I love you too." I lounge around for ten minutes. Then I walk into the playroom, undress, kneel on the floor, and blindfold myself. Lastly, I handcuff my hands behind my back. I'm right inside the door, if he walks by he'll see me immediately. I focus on controlling my breathing when I hear a door open. My heart is racing, he's going to love this surprise. He doesn't say anything, I can hear him moving around the living room and kitchen area. I picture him with a smile on his face, putting down his carry on, he has to know I'm here, my car is in the driveway and my things are by the table. My breathing stops as I hear him come down the hall, I quickly drop my head to be more submissive. Hearing him stop in front of me, his breathing is different...He doesn't smell right...Something's not right... "Logan?" Suddenly a blanket is thrown over my head and naked body. My legs are caught in a loop and tightened before I can wiggle or fight. I'm picked up, thrown over a guys back and taken out of Logan's house. I struggle and squirm trying to get free, while screaming. My Cadillac unlocks and suddenly I'm thrown into the trunk and the trunk slams shut. I scream, not understanding why no one is helping me. What feels like ten minutes later I hear the car start and we take off down the road. I wiggle, trying to kick my trunk latch. It's all padded. Reminding myself to focus and stay calm I realize there has to be a quick release. I keep kicking and screaming. I can't see or hear anything, I burst into tears screaming Logan's name. I'm so terrified, I need to calm down and figure out where we are headed. If I'm correct, we are driving east away from Grand Rapids. Shit, I should have been keeping better track. As soon as I get a chance I'll be fighting my way out of my captor’s hands. I’m so glad the last words I said to Logan were 'I love you'. How is he going to find me?

How is he going to save me? He knows nothing about me but my birthday, what I look like, my weight and height. And that I love him--I cry harder.

Chapter 20 "Hey Jewels, how's it going chica?" "Krista, its Logan. Jewel is missing. I got home about forty-five minutes ago...Her shoes, purse, and phone are all here. There are clothes of hers in the spare bedroom, it's like she was here, but then vanished. Her car isn't in the driveway, but she wouldn't have left without her purse and phone, right?" He is panicked. I hear a male and female voice trying to calm him. The female voice speaks up, "May and Leah haven't heard or seen her today. Neither have I, Logan I’m worried." I hear a male soothing voice, "We'll find her Dahlia." I have a horrible feeling about this. "Krista, I don't know what to do. We've already contacted the police, but she hasn't been missing long enough for them to do anything. When did she call you last? Did she tell you anything that might be able to help us find her?" Logan is frantic. "Okay...Let me think...Yesterday we spoke, she told me you were coming home today, you asked her to start moving her things in, and that she was bringing you home with her. Let me see...Before that, she told me about your confession of love for her, she is excited about that...OH! She was having a problem with some asshole. He..." “Wait.” Logan interrupts "What kind of 'problem'? Who was she having a problem with? Why didn't she fucking tell me this?" Logan seems pissed and hurt. "His name is...Damn, what was his name?...DYLAN!" I’m excited I remembered the asshole's name, but nervous because I feel that he may have something to do with this situation. "What kind of problem was she having with him?" Logan is even more pissed now. I hear the male voice trying to calm him again. I must be on speakerphone. "He was blackmailing her. When I spoke with her last night she said she was going to tell you everything about it today. Right now, that part doesn't matter, we just need to find Jewels. You need to get the police further involved. I don't think this is a missing person, I think this is possibly a kidnapping." We need to find her, what if something awful happens? If it's Dylan and he wants revenge, how far is he willing to go? I hear a commotion, something breaks, sounds like glass and Dahlia cries out. I hear a man’s voice reassuring them both. "We all need to calm down and think of how to find Jewel. Dahlia, I want you to call the cops back and inform them we have new information. Logan, you need to chill the fuck out, man, if we get the police involved you can't be having all this rage. Krista, can we call you back on Logan's phone in case we hear anything from Jewels? Dylan evidently knows her phone number. Maybe Jewel didn't delete his and we can contact him?" I can't think, I feel like I’m missing something. I quickly cut the gentleman off. If Dahlia is there, the other guy must be Roy. “Logan please call me back on your phone. I can guarantee you, she has deleted his number off her phone." I quickly hang up, trying to think really hard while I'm waiting for Logan to call me back. The phone rings and I pick it up so fast, the first ring didn’t have a chance to finish. I don’t have time to say anything Logan starts in with a lethal tone. "If Dylan has anything to do with this, he will never see the light of day again. I'll kill him as quickly as I can with my bare fucking hands and watch the life drain from his eyes. How do we find her Krista? I can't think..." He starts getting emotional, "Damn my chest burns so much. Like my hearts being ripped out." Logan chokes out. "That's all Jewels could say when she came here. Wait! You said her car isn't in the

driveway? None of you saw her today? Okay, there could only be one of two possibilities, she either took a cab to your home, or she took her car and whoever has her, also has her car." It's starting to make sense. "How are we going to find her car, do you know her license plate number?" Logan asks. "The police can find that. Hopefully it's not too late." Roy says and then rattles information off to Dahlia. "Don't wait for the cops, she has a tracking device on all of her cars. I had to get the one from her dad's Cadillac changed into my name and it was a difficult process." I tell them the website and how to look for a vehicle. We don't know her password. "Try everything you can think of." I hear keyboard keys typing away forcefully. "FUCK THIS! Logan, move out of the fucking way. I’m hacking in." I hear more energetic typing and groaning. About fifteen minutes later, "FINALLY! Jesus, they're fucking secure. Okay, I show one car here and one car here." Roy says. "Two cars? Jewel only has one, are you sure you're in the right account?" Logan sounds confused. I feel bad he has to find out this way. "It says her name right here." Roy confirms. "You should be able to press a button on the side of the screen that will let you choose which vehicle you want to find." I’m trying to help, but not give away my friends secret. "Click on the Cadillac. She has a fucking Lamborghini? What the fuck?" Logan sounds more pissed instead of confused. I hope this doesn't affect his feelings for her in anyway. I understand her hesitance to want to tell him. "Focus Logan, you need to find her. She could be in danger." I try to calm him. I know this is all coming as a shock to him. "I have the address, we have to go Logan, we don't have much time." Roy declares. "Please keep me informed, how far away are they?" I beg for any information. "About forty minutes." Logan utters briskly. I hear footsteps, a few doors slam and a car roars to life. Dahlia's sweet voice informing the police about the new information and the address that they found the Cadillac at. "Krista?" "I’m here Logan." I don't want him to hang up. What if something ghastly happens to her, or them on their way to her? "Thank you so much for helping, but please don't hang up." He clears his throat, "I’m losing my fucking mind. I feel like I don't even know her, I don't know where she lives, I just found out she has an expensive as hell car. She is a receptionist, how can she afford her Cadillac and a Lambo?” "None of that matters Logan, the only thing that matters is she loves you." I say trying to get him to focus on Jewel. "I need to find her, I need her safe. She always talks about you as the strongest person she knows. You were the one that kept her stable even though you went through the same horrific tragedy, how did you do it?" Logan is overcome with emotion. It's so hard to hear a powerful, strong man break down like this. I can't hold back my tears, he has brought up the worst experience of my life "I made sure she couldn't hear me crying my eyes out and cursing the world. When I was in bed, or the shower, or alone in the car. I was engaged to her brother. Jewels and I were

supposed to be in that car with her family." I hear Dahlia gasp. "We had to go to the hospital and pick up their belongings. She couldn't even step foot in the building. I forced myself to do it, for her, but mainly for Brian. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that he's in a better place, and I have his sister as a best friend, to remind me every day of how much we loved each other." I choke out. Roy starts talking to us very slowly so that we understand him clearly. "We'll get her, both of you need to think better thoughts, and all of you please pull yourselves together. The police will be there before we are, they won't let anything happen to her. If Jewel can live through losing her family, than this girl is a fighter and she isn't going to give up on us." I hope it isn't too late. 'Please Brian watch over your sister right now'. I pray and sniffle quietly. "Oh God…" Logan starts struggling to speak, "I bumped something on her phone. It opened her MP3 player, there is a whole play list named, 'Logan's songs'...I’m plugging this into the car radio." 'Me and You' by Kenny Chesney begins to play through the line. It always reminds me of Brian and my heart breaks further. "Roy, drive faster please…" Dahlia says sweetly, trying to calm herself. I hear the car accelerate which makes me nervous. "Please don't put your lives in danger, I can't be there, and if you’re not...Then how will we know she is okay?" "Don't worry, Roy is a great driver, we'll get there in half the time. Dahlia, help me watch for cops." Logan seems a little more hopeful, like the songs are lifting his spirit. 'Gone, Gone, Gone' by Phillip Phillips begins playing. That makes my heart break further.

Chapter 21 Finally, the car comes to a stop. I can't hear much of anything, I have no idea where I am. I was able to push down my blindfold, and wiggle around to have my hands in the front of my body. I tried to get the blanket off of me, but it's wrapped around me and I'm unable. I hope Logan is home, I hope that he has recognized that I'm not there and something is suspicious. The trunk opens and I am crudely taken out--my head hits the trunk door and I groan. When I feel fresh air on my legs, I squirm and scream at the top of my lungs, hoping this time someone will help me. "I'm sorry butterfly, no one will be able to hear you." FUCK! It's Dylan, I had a feeling. "By the time I’m done with you, no one will be able to recognize you, especially since they won't be able to find your body in the first place." "Logan will find me." I say without thinking. We're in a building now, it has a mildewed and moldy aroma. Dylan drops his shoulder and I fall to the hard concrete floor. I cry out, that hurt my hip and shoulder. There is a loud grinding of metal, maybe a door being shut. "It will be kind of hard for him to do that since I fucked with his vehicles before we left. Hmm, just like I did with his other car. I should've known that Amelia would have been in the car. If he was driving that day, my plans would've worked and Amelia would be mine." He is so smug about it. My body vibrates with rage and I just want to punch him in the face. I hear a large heavy chain moving, possibly sliding across the floor. "So you actually killed Amelia, you realize that? You're the bastard that murdered what you loved the most, not Logan!" Dylan rips the blanket off me and I look around. We're in an industrial building with metal, concrete and wood. I look around for my escape, I realize he has attached the rope from around my ankles to a loop in the cement floor. I fight with him as he loops a thick chain in between my cuffs. I follow the chain and comprehend, this is going to hurt like hell and I'll be hanging vulnerably soon. Dylan attaches the end of the chain through a link out of my reach. “It's really a shame you didn't listen to me the first time we met. Your body is beautiful. It won't be when I'm done with it. Considering I am the last one to see it, I will be taking advantage of it." Dylan has his back to me, walking toward the end of the thick chain by the wall connected to some kind of pulley system. I ignore his comment, I need to focus. I reach down attempting to escape the rope around my ankles. Before I can figure out the knot, a loud clanking ensues and soon my hands don't reach my feet anymore. Shit, I'll be in the air soon, I need to better situate the cuffs around my wrists. I also grab the chain between them, hoping to be able to put less pressure on my wrists if I can hang on. Logan needs to find me before this asshole finishes me off. I'm scared to death but I need to stay composed and strong to be able to survive. If I can just focus on what needs to be done, to cause the least amount of damage to myself, I might be able to hold on long enough. Dylan pulls harder on the chain and I hear more my arms fly up, I pull back again the chain, struggling and attempting to stand. The chain doesn't budge, he pulls hard again and my arms are over my head. My feet faintly touch the ground, so I try to pull back again but the chain still doesn't move. He gives one last pull and locks the chain against the wall. I'm naked and stretched out, holding onto the chain trying to alleviate the pressure of the cuffs around my

wrists. Shit, I have no possible way out of this unless someone comes in and stops this maniac. Dylan starts touching me with that uncanny smirk on his face that makes me vomit in my mouth, "Wow, I shouldn't call you butterfly, you should be called temptress. A lying temptress, who owes me big time." He punches me in the stomach like a punching bag. "I have been following you all week. I notice you live in an expensive building and drive expensive cars. You're not short on money are you butterfly?" Dylan fondles my breast. His hand on my body makes me feel agitated and perturbed. "So I had to decide, do I want more money? Or revenge?" His hands sliding all over my body, I jerk as much as I can. I want him touching me, I would rather be abused than have this pervert touching me. "He took my love...Now I will take his…" Dylan says as his hands begin traveling further south on my body. I continually jerk away from his touch. "Don't fucking touch me you repulsive prick." I spit on him. He's tall so we're almost face-to-face, he is a few inches shorter than me in this position. He starts slowly shaking his head, eyes switching from pure desire to executioner in an instant. "Oh... Butterfly, you really shouldn't piss me off, I have a tendency to lose my control when I'm angry." Dylan picks up a bullwhip that he must have brought in with us. Shit! This is going to hurt. I have to pull myself together, focus on something other than the pain that is going to happen. *SNAP* right across my chest, I shriek out, because I'm frightened of how hard it would hit. He doesn't know how to use the whip to cause damage apparently. That wasn't that bad, if Logan was doing it, I would have thought it was for fun--but I need him to think this is hurting. I can handle this burn, this sting of pain, the only thing I'll have from this is a few red marks and maybe a few drops of blood spilt. *SNAP* on my back, I make the same noise, that one hurt a little more, but nothing horrible. *SNAP* a crossed my belly, nothing, maybe a red mark. If I can keep this up, someone should be able to find me eventually. Dylan drops the whip, "This isn't working…I need something rougher..." Damn it. He looks around and I watch as he begins walking towards a big piece of wood, in the corner of the large area. I slump and give up all optimism, he’s going to kill me. No one will be helping me, how will they be able to save me? I'm far from home, how will Logan even know I have been abducted. He might think I'm playing a joke on him. I start crying, when I think about never seeing Logan again. After a few tears stream down my face, and Dylan is still walking towards the large beam to beat me with, I realize this is what he wants--me in agony and misery. It might turn him on more. I need to pull it together and protect my feelings--stop showing emotion. Dylan picks up the wood and walks back my way. My adrenaline kicks in, and my arms begin to fall asleep from being above my head for so long. I'm hoping that I won't be able to feel this pounding, maybe my body will shield me from the pain. Watching me like a demon, he builds up power and swings the beam, strikes me hard below my breasts. A direct blow to my ribs and diaphragm, it takes my breath away and my lungs burn like a branding iron. I instantly know I either have a punctured lung or a broken rib, I can't take any deep breaths but thankfully I'm still able to breathe and I need to focus on that and not the pain.

Dylan pulls back and smashes me again in the back. I have to focus on breathing, not the scorching, piercing pain that is now radiating through me. It's like he is a baseball player swinging at a ball. I close my eyes and focus on breathing and staying strong while continually saying in my mind, 'Hurry Logan, I need you to find me', 'I love you, please hurry’. He hits me with all his strength, my legs, my hips, my shoulders and arms. I can't focus on the pain, I know I have broken bones. I'm barely holding onto the chain, my arms hurt from being hit, I think at least one of them is broken. Dylan doesn't rest until he has hit every part of my body. I don't make a sound, the pain is just too torturous. A few swings later, my body takes over and the throbbing begins to numb. I keep my eyes closed and focus on Logan, his face, physique, and his scent, telling me he loves me. Minutes, which feel like hours pass before I hear the chain release and I fall to the floor, I don't move. If he considers I’m lifeless, maybe he'll leave. He grabs my waist to set me on my knees and I attempt to resist and fight him. I jerk and squirm, I don't care how much discomfort it puts me in. Either, I will die from the pain or I will live through it--I choose to live. Dylan gets really close to me as he attempts to sit me up on my knees, he's standing behind me, and I can feel his legs against my back. Focusing on my breathing as I quickly lift my arms enough to elbow the asshole in the balls. He collapses to his knees quickly as I fall on my bum and attempt to undo the rope around my ankles, it's no use. Next thing I know he takes his pants off, grabs my cuffs, pushes them over my head and starts touching me with his free hand. FUCK! This is his grand finale, the last thing he does before he dumps me somewhere. I can't be quiet anymore, "Quit being a fucking pussy Dylan, just fucking kill me. I will squirm so much that you won't even be able to insert your tiny penis into me." I spit at him, praying that he just fucking finishes me off. "Your wish is my command butterfly." He picks up the beam and hits me hard in the head. I instantly see black. Then am filled with warmth throughout my body and see Logan's face appear. I look into those beautiful sea foam green eyes as he repeatitively tells me he loves me over and over again...

Chapter 22 "Krista, we are a few minutes away." Logan is getting antsy as I listen to, 'The Right Kind of Wrong' from LeAnn Rimes playing in the back ground. Suddenly, I hear sirens pass by, through the phone. "Where are the sirens coming from?" I ask, hoping they are closer than I think. "It’s an ambulance and they are flying past us right now. Follow them Roy, I know they're going to her." Logan seems hopeful that they've found her alive. I hear the car roar again. A few moments later, I overhear a seatbelt unclick and a door flies open, "Logan! Wait until we are parked!" Dahlia shrieks, panicked but I have a feeling he's already gone. The car is thrown into park and I hear a couple of seat belts and doors. "DON'T LEAVE ME! Please bring the phone I need to know she is alright." I beg. "I've turned you off speaker and am walking to where Logan is. When Roy put the car in park he had to get out hurriedly." I’m listening to Dahlia's voice, it keeps breaking. "Roy is running to Logan right now, trying to keep him under control. I don't think they have taken her out of the building yet. Logan's shouting at a cop right now." She exhales. "Do you see Dylan anywhere? Once we know Jewel is safe, you need to make sure Logan doesn't get his hands on Dylan. Jewel won't be pleased if Logan goes to jail for homicide." I have an easy feeling Jewel is safe now. My whole body relaxes and I'm able to actually breathe. "OH, wait, I see some commotion by the door... Yes it's a stretcher." I hear movement and her saying 'excuse me'. The noises get louder and louder as Dahlia moves, voices seep through the phone. I can't hear what is said but I don't care. I close my eyes and beg and pray for her wellness. Dahlia gasps and starts crying. I go numb expecting the worst. "Dahlia, what is it, please tell me she is fine." I'm terrified of her answer, 'please Brian, guard your sister', I chant in my head. "I see a white sheet…" My heart drops to my stomach, it's never a good sign when there is a white sheet involved in a recovery of a body--healthy or not. "I can't tell if it’s over her face. I need to get closer." I hear some more movement and she lets out a breath as I realize I'm holding mine. "Okay, it’s not over her face just over her body. She looks really banged up. Logan has ignored all of the cop’s demands, went past them and their damn police tape and is walking next to the stretcher rubbing Jewel's hair and talking in her ear. I’m with Roy now, do you want me to pass you off to Logan when he walks by?" Dahlia is so caring, and sympathetic, a very sweet soul and a compassionate heart. She and Roy seem to be great friends, Jewel is in good hands. With a protective boyfriend and great friends that are more like family. Exactly what Jewel needs. "Yes please. I can't wait to meet you while I'm out there in a few weeks. Talk to you later. Thank you again, not for with your support today, but also for being a great friend to Jewel. She needs amazing friends like you and Roy to make up for her absence of family." Dahlia and I say our goodbyes and then I hear her scream for Logan. "Krista? We have her, he beat the shit out of her. She is breathing but is not conscious. Dylan is fortunate he is in police custody, if I ever see him I'll kill him, slowly and VERY

excruciatingly." He snarls out the last of his statement. I chuckle, no wonder Jewel is head over heels for this man, and his erotic voice. "We are going to the hospital now...No jackass I’m her fiancé and I'm going in the ambulance with her..." I hear grumbling and commotion, possibly her being placed in the ambulance. "Krista?" "Yes Logan?" I say with a grin, I caught what he just said to a paramedic or police officer. "I'll call you from the hospital, I'm sure they're going to have me filling out paperwork on her, I don't know anything. Hopefully you can help me with that. Thank you so much, once again you saved my life.” I know Jewel is going to be safe and blissful with him. "Bring her wallet with you, she has a lot of information in there, including driver’s license and medical cards. Please tell her I miss her and I'm so glad she has you, Roy and Dahlia. She is a very fortunate woman." We say our good byes and hang up.

Chapter 23 "Jewels come back to me baby, listen to my voice and concentrate on it. Come back and open your blue eyes. I need to know you comprehend me." I hear music playing in the background of his voice. I attempt, trying my hardest to focus on him, to open my eyes. I hear beeping and movement around me. I must be in the hospital, that asshole didn't kill me. I get to see Logan again. His hand is in my hand and I try to squeeze. I think I moved a finger because his voice raises a few octaves. "Baby, I felt your finger move. Open your eyes, try your hardest." I feel his hand on my forehead pushing my hair back. I want to see his face so much, I try harder. I'm beginning to sense some aching, some dull throbbing and it hurts to take a deep breath. Slow and steady I breathe and calm myself. Lazily, I open my eyes but quickly close them because the room is so bright. "SHIT, close the blinds and shut the damn light off. Fuck, what was I thinking. I'm sorry baby, let me get the light away, just enough so we can see each other...Okay love, try again." He marginally squeezes my hand. I open my eyes to the most outstanding face I've ever seen--Logan’s--just inches away from mine. I can’t speak, there must be a ventilator in my throat, I begin pleaing to myself, 'please kiss me, I need to feel your lips on me, and I've missed you so much.' Like he can read my mind he slightly bends and he lightly places a kiss on my forehead. The longer my eyes are open the more I'm in agony. "Go back to sleep baby. I'll get a nurse to get you more meds." Logan articulates with a smirk and a sigh of relief. I feel his lips on my hand. I don't feel my hand lift or move, just feel his warm lips. "Jewel you’re safe now. I refuse to leave you alone, until you’re ready that is." He presses a button on my bed, "I love you. I am so sorry I didn't get home sooner." The mourning and remorse in his voice makes tears stream down my face. Logan pacifies me, very lightly dabbing away my tears as I see his eyes start to glisten. "You're safe now, I won't ever let anyone hurt you again. Close your beautiful eyes and sleep love. When you wake up, I'll be right here with you." He kisses my eyes and forehead. Closing my eyes, I wander off and dreaming of him like always. -------------------------------------------------"I want her moved to Spectrum immediately...Just make it happen, I don't give a shit how...I swear to God if you wake her..." Logan hisses in a deep deadly voice, I'm terrified for whomever he is growling at, but damn it’s sexy. I try not to laugh, it hurts too much, but I am able to get out a little humph. "You fucking asshole, get out...Good morning baby..." He starts softly rubbing my forehead, as his voice changes significantly to sweet and tender. "Well essentially it's about ten at night, so it's more of a good night…Did that prick wake you?" He pecks my hand. They have taken the ventilator out so I'm able to speak, but it still burns. "No sir, your quiet barking did though." I murmur, my throat hurts and it's difficult to talk. I try to smile. "I'm sorry baby, are you still tired? What do you need?" Logan's stroking my forehead

and hair again. "I'm kind of famished and thirsty. I need some chap stick, my lips are so dry." I continuously try swallowing my own saliva, hoping to relieve the grittiness in my throat. He gets out of his chair and gives me a kiss on my dry cracked lips. The warmth and moisture makes me want him in a different way. His minty clean breath makes my mouth water. Logan separates from me and dries my lips with his thumb, then applies some chap stick for me. I feel like shit, but I'm more awake then before. He calls for the nurse and notifies her of my requests. I notice there is a cot on the other side of my bed and another chair in the corner of the room. After the nurse leaves to fill my wishes, I look at the date on the wall... "Is that correct? Have I really been out for three days?" "Yes baby. Don't worry, I have already spoken to your boss, informed her of what happened. Dahlia called May and Leah, told them that you're okay, but won't be on your feet for a while. Krista has been in constant contact. "I even went to your building and told Dan--your door man--what happened and asked for his number so I can call him and tell him if we need anything put into your condo for when we get home. Lastly I spoke to the volunteer director at the Children's Hospital informing him that you won't be in for a while. Does everything sound good?" Logan beams a mile wide, satisfied with himself. "Yes it's perfect, you’re flawless. What about your work? Aren't they going to be pissed you’re not there?" I don't want him to lose his job over this, but I need him here. "Boss man said I can work remotely from the hospital. So I’m good, plus Roy is keeping them up to date on your condition. I’m trying to get us moved to Spectrum Hospital so we're closer to home." He is impeccable in every way, shape and form. I am so grateful to have him "Awesome. Please tell me what the damage is. I ache but it’s a dull soreness. How many meds am I on? I know I am peeing through a catheter, how long do I need to be on it?" Logan takes a deep breath and rubs his head in stress, "You have a shit ton of bruises, and a couple broken ribs. Hairline fractures in your hip, your femur and skull. You were or are internally bleeding. I don't think they are planning on removing your spleen but that’s the culprit. You had a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder. Not to mention all of your mental problems that we'll work through together." He scoots in closer looking like he’s petrified to ask me a question. Just then the nurse comes in and checks my vitals, gives me water, asks me about my pain and leaves. I turn back to Logan and his emotion has changed, he looks like he has worked out whatever was bothering him. "A detective has been by every day. She really needs to speak with you. Will you tell me what you remember?" Logan leans in closer, looking me in the eyes and he is tense again. "I remember everything, I went to your house, when I was on the phone with you I was already there. I lied and said I would take longer than I did to make it to your house. I wanted to surprise you. I undressed, blindfolded and cuffed myself and waited for you in the playroom." He isn't breathing, I can't tell if it's difficult for him to hear or if he is intrigued at what would've happened if he had gotten home on time. "I thought you were home, heard him come into the house and thought it was you. I stayed still trying to be discreet, he must have seen where I placed your spare key. He said he was following me around all week. Anyway, he wrapped me in a blanket and tied my ankles together." I flinch at the memory. "Threw me in the car and took off... WAIT! Don't drive your cars.

Dylan said he messed with them, he said he had messed with your other car too, that’s one of the reasons you crashed, and that he was hoping it would've happen when Amelia wasn't in the car. He tried to kill you before and instead killed her." I’m rambling, I need him to understand that it wasn't his fault that Amelia died, I know how much it hurts him. Logan hushes me with his fingers and I control my breathing. He picks up his phone and dials Roy. "Hey, can you meet the police at my house sometime tomorrow? I'm going to call them, I need you to show them my cars. The fucker tried to set me up and kill me. Don't show them anymore of my house other than the garage. Thanks man." He hangs up, "So he told you that he fucked with my other car and that's why we got into the accident? Did he tell you what he did? Will you make sure you tell the detectives?" I communicate to him everything that Dylan stated, which wasn't much. "Okay baby, continue please." It takes me a while to recall where I left off, "I was in the trunk and kicking as much as I could, because my ankles were tied. I was screaming the whole time. I couldn't find the quick release--I know there has to be one in there." I say drifting off thinking. "When we reached the building he carried me in, tied the rope of my ankles to the ground and hung me up by my cuffs..." I take a deep breath. "Dylan whipped me with a bull whip, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would, he realized it didn't affect me so he picked up..." I clear my throat trying to stay strong, "He picked up a large piece of wood, it was really thick. He attacked me with that. I tried to be quiet, figuring he would enjoy my yelps for help. I focused on you, your face, your voice, your warm embrace and you got me through it." Tears begin streaming down my face, "Finally he stopped. If he had went on any longer, I'd be dead. Dylan released the chain and I crumpled to the floor...Then he started touching me." Logan stiffens immediately, his fists are balled tight and white, it looks like they are porcelain and are going to shatter. I take another breath. "I told him to fucking kill me, because I would never give him the chance to rape me. That's when he cracked me in the head and I blacked out." "What do you recollect after that?" Logan asks patiently, twiddling with his fingers. “I don’t remember anything until I woke up, mentally beseeched a kiss and went back to sleep. I’m feeling more awake now, but I’m still hungry." "You got it babe." He gets the nurse and questions, 'where the fuck' my food is. I love it when he's forceful, but I don't want the people in control of my pain medicine, pissed off at us. "Baby, can you be pleasant to them? They're taking care of me the best they can. How long until I’m home or can piss by myself. I want the catheter out...Like, now." I’m getting impatient, it happens when I’m starving. "We'll get you all fixed up and fed. Be patient love." He kisses my lips and applies more Chap Stick. "Tell me everything that happened please…How did they find me?" "I got home and saw your things, your purse and shoes. I searched the house and called your phone. When I heard it ringing in your purse, I promptly called Roy and Dahlia. Roy had just left me so he drove home and picked Dahlia up. I then called the police and told them what was going on. I didn't know what to do. I got pissed and yelled at the cops because they said they couldn't do anything until a person is missing for a certain amount of time. Logan begins massaging his temple out of frustration, “When Dahlia and Roy got to my house, not very long after I told them what was going on, Roy suggested I looked through your phone to see if you had called anyone recently. I saw a bunch of calls to me, and then I saw one

to Krista. I called her and she helped us figure out what had happened." I'm glad they called Krista, she knows everything about me. She knows I wouldn't just leave my stuff and that I wasn't a missing person. "She told me that Dylan was blackmailing you and that it might have been a kidnapping and not just a missing person. Then she informed us that you have tracking devices on all of your cars, so we hacked into your account and tracked your Cadillac." Logan gives me a look, making it known that we'll be discussing what else he found when they looked into tracking my vehicles. I wish he didn't have to find out this way, it's not fair for him. I should've womaned up and told him everything when I had the chance. He continues, "We gave the information to the police, they contacted the area's department who found you. We got there just as they were pulling you out of the building. I was able to ride in the ambulance with you. Roy said he and Dahlia stuck around and watched them remove Dylan in cuffs. Dahlia had to hold Roy back, otherwise he was going to slaughter Dylan. Then they came to the hospital and sat with me while we waited for you to get done with all of your tests. They went out and got me some food, they were with me when they permitted us in your room, even Roy bellowed at the nurse after she told me I couldn't stay with you. Dahlia was trying to keep us both composed." Logan kisses my hand and pauses long enough for me to see a tear roll down his face. "When Krista said it was a kidnapping, I lost it. Thinking I was going to lose you forever. If we would've pulled up and you were deceased…" I watch a shiver roll through his body. "The police wouldn't have been able to hold me back. I would've murdered him. I was prepared." He says with death in his eyes. My attractive, good looking man, my guardian, I love him so much.

Chapter 24 "Okay baby, you're being released tomorrow. Whose house are we going to?" Logan is just as animated as I am. "I love your home, but I don't think I can feel safe there anymore. I feel terrible saying that because I know you'll defend me, but what about when you’re gone, or go out to get the mail even." I shake my head, knowing it's pathetic. "I'd love for you to come home with me. I have a lot to explain and I want to show you everything. Please baby." I push out my bottom lip and beg him with my eyes as well. "Absolutely, I can't wait to see your home." He's quickly moving around the room, collecting items and putting them into bags that Roy and Dahlia brought to us when we moved to Spectrum Hospital, down the street from my condo. "I just feel like I'll be a little more protected. Someone can't just crawl in through the window or find a key hidden under a rock. They have to get through Dan or Chris, up the upstairs or in the elevator and lastly if they do somehow get in my house, they'll have to deal with you." "I understand. I have some things that I want to bring over. So tomorrow after we get you settled I need to go home and grab a few things so I can work out of your home." I stiffen and feel fear roll through my bones. I can't be alone. Logan was asking me to move in with him before the incident. "Our home..." I say hoping he understands what I'm asking. He stills and looks at me from across the room, "You want me to move in with you?" "I want you in my life, forever. I want to wake up with you, and fall asleep in your arms. I've loved you since I met you. We never know how long we have left in life and I want to spend as much time with you as I can. Plus, right now, I don't think I can be alone." "It’s settled then. We'll move into your home, I'll sell mine. But sometime soon, I want to buy a house that is actually ours." Logan says as a smile slowly stretches a crossed his face. "That sounds like the best idea ever." He's quickly at my side and kissing me sweetly. These past few days I've been transferred, I've had a physical therapist teach me a few moves for my shoulder. I've been able to handle the pain a little better and in some places, I've done a little healing. Roy, Dahlia, May and Leah have all come by, almost daily and before they leave every time they softly hug me and thank God that I'm still alive. Krista calls every day, she's so excited about getting on a plane in a few days to visit us. I think Logan is almost more excited to see her than I am. 'The girl that has help save my life in more ways than one,' he always says when I get off the phone with her. The detective has been by and I've told her everything that happened. She informed me that Dylan had pictures all over his house of me. He had a journal with things written down, like my schedule, addresses, it went on. She also informed me that when they busted in, he was knelt between my legs with a condom on. A rape test was done while I was unconscious and getting all my other tests done. Thankfully it looked like he didn't have time to rape me. I'm just glad I was passed out. Logan has touched every inch of my body since then, replaced filthy hands with sensual sweet caresses. He only stopped when I winced and replaced his hand with fluttering sweet kisses along the whip marks or the rough bruises.

When he first did this cleansing, my heart rate increased and the nurses came rushing in to make sure I was okay. Logan and I couldn't help but laugh. He so sweetly took care of me, everything I needed, I got. If I didn't have it in a timely manner, he would piss off everyone until I did. It made me hot for him, and after a week of no sex, I am going crazy. The next morning I'm bouncing off the walls, as much as I can. I'm so tired of being in a hospital bed. The only time I’m capable to get out of the bed is when I go to the bathroom, and I'm going stir crazy. I can walk, but I wobble and it hurts like hell, so Logan is always by my side. He would carry me everywhere if I wasn't so shattered. The nurse wheels me out and Logan helps me into the Cadillac. It’s bringing back that horrific incident but Logan is with me and I know that he won't let anything happen. Logan already knows where to go, but I tell him how to get to the garage. We pull in and I see my Lamborghini. I sigh in liberation, I'm so enthusiastic for Logan to see her. I look at Logan's face and he has a full blown grin that could be seen from outer space. He helps me out and I slowly saunter to my car. Putting my hands on her hood I look at him, "Logan, I'd like you to meet my baby." I say with a giggle. "She's very nice, I can't wait for you to take me for a ride, when you are all healed. Until then, I want you in your bed resting." He says with a sweet smile. I just nod in agreement. We walk into the lobby and Chris is waiting at the desk. He looks up and smiles, happy to see me walking. He and Dan are around the same age, elderly with a loving grandfatherly heart. "Chris, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Logan Morris. He is moving in, so put him on my list. Anything I need to sign?" "Nice to meet you Mr. Morris. Ms. Kessler, I'll need you to sign a form but I'll have you do that once you are healed." He shakes Logan's hand and gives us both a smile. "It’s nice to meet you Chris. Baby, we need to get you to bed. Let’s go." We leave Chris with a smile and get on the elevator. "What floor?" I press the twentieth and his mouth drops. Logan still has my keys so I show him which one will open the door. I also inform him that if he ever loses his key, that Dan and Chris have a spare for every condo in a locked safe. They're only able to release to the tenants of that particular condo. Just saying it makes me feel safer. We enter our home and he looks around. I can't read his face, but he hasn't left yet so I'm happy about that. I show him around the spare bedrooms, he chooses which one will be his study and we decide to make the other spare bedroom our playroom. We'll wait to put the furniture in until after Krista has left. I open the door for our master bedroom and he inhales. "I've been wondering what this looks like, and to be honest, I thought this whole time you lived in some shit hole and you were embarrassed to show me." Logan pulls the comforter back and I slowly slide in. He kisses my forehead, then he walks around to his side and crawls in next to me. "My Grandpa was a tough man, he lost his wife when my mom was only a year old. He had to raise her by himself. He also started a business, which made him a huge amount of money. He had some friends in investment firms who turn that money into a shit ton more." I tuck myself further into his arms as I continue, "My mom met my dad in high school, and fell in love instantly. My grandpa loved my father, and when my parents got married, it was the happiest time in all of their lives. Then she had Brian and me to complete the family. My Grandpa was always around, always helping my parents. Always there to take my brother and I

fishing, or camping. He went with us on family trips to Europe, Australia and a bunch of other places. When he passed, the family was devastated...He got sick one day and it just got worse and worse." Logan has me close against him, my back to his chest. I carry on as he starts softly petting my hair. "He left my parents everything, including the business, which they sold. They kept all his investments going, and when they passed, I got everything. I'd give it all away to have all of them for one more day." Not knowing how to make him understand, "I’m ashamed of the money, I didn't earn it, and I don't deserve it. But at the same time, it’s the only thing I have left of my family so I cherish it. Other than pictures and memories...I kept the information from you because I wanted someone to fall in love with ME. Not my cars or house or money. For my brain and personality. I'm really sorry I lied to you, I'm still the girl you fell in love with, that's who I'll always be, just with the added bonus of a few bucks." I smile and shrug. He moves out from behind me and pulls my hip carefully to make me roll onto my back. Logan moves my face to look into my eyes, "Baby, I love you for you. I don't care how much money you have, or your cars or house. As long as you let me love you and be with you, we could live in a card board box." He smiles and kisses my lips gently. My need for him bursts through me. To see him so sweet and gentle but hear him saying the things I've always wanted, makes my kisses uncontrollable. He is mine, and I'm completely his, mind, body and soul. Knowing that I'll always be loved and protected only increases my mood and I need to be released. "Logan, I need something from you...I don't know how right now, but I'll pay you back big time." "You got it babe." He helps me undress. I haven't been able to just lay completely naked. My bruises and marks on my chest and body are fading, but Logan still can't look at them without pain in his eyes. My arm is still broken and in a sling, but my shoulder is better. I spread my legs wide and the pain from my hip is killing me, but this is going to be worth it. He slowly moves between my legs, and slides his hands lazily up my legs to my pussy. He takes me in his mouth. OH! I take a deep soothing breath in and out. This is what I've been missing, the sweet connection, knowing that he will give me everything I need. Logan slowly slides two fingers inside me as he sucks and licks my clit, it's the best feeling other than him being balls deep inside me. I moan and I roll my hips into him. A sharp pain shoots through my hips up my spine and I realize I can't move. He gets more aggressive with his fingers, as well as sucking he occasionally nips. After a few more whimpers I feel my tight muscles quickly relax as my orgasm bursts through my body and I start blissfully convulsing. My body feels weightless and free now that I've relaxed. I let out a breath, "Thank you baby. You've helped me so much. This bed is our bed. You are the first guy I've ever had in my home, or in this bed. I can't wait for you to move in. We should get a storage unit, I want your things here, more than I want my own. When we buy a house, maybe it can be big enough for all of our things to be together." "Sounds good baby, but for now, I want you sleeping. Dahlia is going to come over so you are not alone. Roy and I are going to pack up my office and move it here so I can work." I can tell he is cautious, he doesn't want to leave me. Logan hasn't left me at all since that day. We kiss fervently, I feel heated again and I clamp, wanting him. I'll never get enough of him. When I moan, he just shakes his head. He kisses me on the forehead.

"I love you baby." He says cupping my face. "I love you more." "Impossible." We hear the phone ring, knowing its Chris informing us Dahlia and Roy are here. We kiss goodbye and he leaves the room as I start dozing off.

Chapter 25 I jar awake, I can't tell if it’s from the horrifying dream repeating my abduction, or if it’s from the loud clatters coming from down the hall. The jerk causes my whole body to emit with agony. I muffle a shriek, I need pain medicine. I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen. On the way I hear a noise in Logan’s new office, I open the door and I laugh. Logan is on all fours under his desk swearing and messing with a ball of wires. He looks up, "I told Roy to separate and tie up all these damn cords but he didn't fucking listen." "I just threw everything in the damn box." Roy strides in from the kitchen and stands next to me, "What he fails to mention is, he was yelling that we were taking too long and he wanted to get back here." Roy hands me a bottle of water. "Dahlia has cooked us dinner, let’s go eat." He winks and leaves the room as I snicker. As Logan starts getting up from the floor, he whacks his head on the bottom of the desk. I laugh harder and it hurts like hell, but it feels good to laugh. He growls, "Baby...Are you laughing at my pain?" "Logan, if you were in pain I wouldn't be chuckling." He just grins and strolls to me, "I love you." I cautiously lean into him and cloak my good arm around him. He tugs me closer to him softly by the back of my neck and kisses me with hunger. Dahlia made us a delicious dinner and we all sit down to eat. "Your home is so lovely." "Thank you Dahlia, I’m sorry it took so long for everyone to see it, specifically Logan. You should've seen it a long time ago. But every guy I have ever been with, who told me they loved me, always used me. So, I figured that I'd hide what I own from all relationships. If you didn't know what I had, then you would like me for me." "I love you for you and I always will." Logan takes my hand. I just smirk. This is where I belong, these are my friends who are rapidly becoming more like family. "We don't give a shit about what you own, we like you for you and how you make Logan feel." "Thanks Roy." We all talk about what we're going move around. What's coming with Logan and what will end up in a storage unit. We also talk about what we're going to do when Krista gets here. Roy and Dahlia want to be included in everything we do, it's such a great feeling to have both lives meet. Lastly, we talk about my car and when we'll all be able to get to the track. Just like I thought Logan can't wait to go to the track, but he wants to race me, not race my car. I smile and kick myself for waiting so long to tell him about my secrets. I wouldn't be in this position if I would have confessed, but at the same time, everything happens for a reason. -------------------------------------------------"Hello, is this Ms. Jewel Kessler?" "Yes, how my I help you?" "Hi my name is Officer Michaels. I regret to inform you that there has been an accident involving a Logan S. Morris. He has you in his wallet as an emergency contact." My chest starts

to constrict. My body chills, I feel like this call has happened before. "What happened? Is he okay? Where is he?" "He was pulling away from a stop light and another car ran their red light. He was hit in the driver’s side door." I begin shaking, this can't be happening, I've gone through so much shit, why does this always happen to me? "Oh. My. God. Where are you taking him? Is he okay?" Hysterically blubbering, I have no idea how he could comprehend what I mumbled. "Ma'am, I'm sorry but he didn't survive the accident." I drop the phone and it splinters like glass. I sink to the floor in my kitchen and weep into my hands, "NO! NO! NO!” I have nothing, I cannot recuperate from this. The throbbing in my chest is appalling and I can't keep myself together. I feel like if I jumped out of my window and fell twenty stories, that discomfort would feel better than what I'm feeling now. I can't get off the floor, I can't move. Maybe if I just lay here, he'll come through that door. I can't breathe, I've worked myself up. I hear an indistinct sound, did I leave a TV on or my radio? "Wake up sweetheart, you’re having an horrific dream." I wake suddenly, he's leaning over me stroking my face. I throw myself at him, not caring about my broken arm or my hips, or the awful pain from my ribs. I grab his face and aggressively kiss him. Not believing that was a dream, it was so tangible. When Logan smoothly rolls me on to my back he grasps my face. "What the hell happened?" "A dreadful dream." I shake my head hoping the horrendous feelings will subside. “Don't worry honey, I’m here, I'll protect you from everything!" He kisses my face and gradually wraps his arm around my shoulders. Logan strokes my head trying to soothe me as we fall back to sleep. --------------------------------------------------I wake up and am immediately thrilled! Krista flies in today and Logan has finally given in and said I can go with him to pick her up. He's terrified that I’m going to get wounded somehow. I'm fine just as long as she doesn't hug me too forcefully. The house is clean, the kitchen is full of groceries and the spare bedroom and bath are both made up and ready for her visit. Tomorrow we're going to leave town when Roy and Dahlia get out of work, and we're going up north to do some camping. I'm taking her to a place that my parents took me and my brother, I hope she'll enjoy the camping trip. It will be a special place to us. Krista also loves lighthouses so while she is in Michigan, I plan on showing her all the lighthouses I can. I want to take her to the blockhouse, show her where Brian and I wrote our names in the wood. I heard that it had burned down years after we were there, so I wonder if they are still there. I have so many plans and Logan has a few things planned for us too, he won't tell me though. I get out of bed and I get ready for the day. When I get out to the living room I see that it is raining outside. They never said anything about rain. Shit, with any luck her flights not delayed, I go into Logan's office. "Baby, do you think that Krista's flights going to be delayed?" I sit down in a chair he put in just for me. "I have been watching flight information all day, they have delayed a lot of flights, but

now they're canceling." "CANCELLING? I want her here today!" I pout. "Stop moping beautiful, it turns me on. We want Krista here safely, if that means she flies in tomorrow, then so be it. Now come over here and give your dearest some kisses. "YES sir!" He'll never have to ask me twice. I get up and put my hands on either side of his head and kiss him hard, taking everything he has to offer. When we break, we're panting. "I want you, can you handle it?" I nod. It’s the only thing I can do, I need him in me, and it’s been way too long. We go into the bedroom and Logan helps me strip. My ribs are still swathed so maybe it won't hurt as bad as I’m imagining, I don't mind a little pain with my desire. I lie on my back and spread my legs waiting for him to undress and take me. When he gets done, he places himself at my entrance, "Baby, I'm going to be as gentle as I possibly can. Tell me if it discomforts you and I will stop promptly." I don't care if it hurts, I am wet and waiting. Logan just needs to look at me and I am ready. I nod in acceptance. He slowly shoves his thick penis into me, filling me. I moan out, I treasure this feeling. Nothing can make me feel like this except him. Being joined to Logan in this way makes my world go round. When he halts, I get aggravated and I squeeze him with all my might. He groans and slowly withdraws back out. I can't take it, I need a little quicker than this or I am going to lose my mind. "Logan, I need you to go faster, I'm appreciative you’re being restrained but I can't handle this." "Yes ma'am!" He picks up the pace and I start rising to ecstasy. "Oh God, this is what I've been waiting for." I whimper and rub his chest and arms, I place my hands on his abs and love to feel them moving while he uninterruptedly pushes in and out of me. "I love you, I love your body. Just taking your shirt off makes me melt inside." He’s carefully rubbing my breasts, the marks that were there are disappearing rapidly. Logan leans down, not touching another part of my body except between my thighs. He takes a nipple in his mouth and I cry out. I'm very close to my climax. "Babe, I can't last much longer." "Jewel, come with me.” We look into each other’s eyes as we both groan out the others name. My cherished feeling comes shortly after when I feel him release in me. He bends back down and kisses all over my chest, neck and face. "I've missed being inside you, how badly did it hurt?" "Not any more than I could take. I missed you inside me as well." I suddenly hear my phone ring. "Logan! Can you get that?" He hurries from the bedroom with his discarded shirt over his junk. I hoot at the view and drool when I watch his tight ass run down the hallway. Damn his body is stimulating. "Jewel is going to be so disappointed, I'm sorry, here she is Krista" Logan hands me my phone, and kisses my temple as he tells me it’s Krista. "Hey Krista! How are you doing? I'm so excited to see you." I say with a grin as I watch Logan get his clothes back on. "Jewel, I'm sorry, but they cancelled my flight. I tried to tell them it’s an emergency, but they said the storm is too powerful and they aren't letting any flights come to you. I am sorry, they moved my flight to tomorrow and I won't be getting in until about noon. Will you guys still be able to pick me up?" Logan saunters out of the room back to his office.

"Do you even have to ask? Of course we'll be there, we can't wait to see you. I'm wretched that you aren't flying in today, we had plans to take you to our favored restaurant." "I hope you don't mean The Club." Krista jokes. I can't help but snicker. "No not The Club silly, unless you want to try some hot public sex.” "I wouldn't mind fun public sex, it’s the whips and chains I don't want." I shake my head, she just doesn't comprehend. "It’s not always whips and chains lady. Anyway thanks for calling, I'm really bummed. Now Logan is going to have to work extra hard to make me happy." I jest. We say our good byes and hang up. I stride back into Logan’s office and he is on his phone. Damn! I was anticipating he was going to see me and take me again. "Yes, I understand, I'll be in shortly." He hangs up, "Damn beautiful, you're sexy. Sadly, I have to go into the office. I'll be back home in about thirty minutes, will you be alright by yourself?" He’s anxious to leave me. I am too, this is the first time I'll be by myself since the incident. I'm immediately nervous and start trembling. Logan stands out of his chair and treads to me. He commences drawing my collarbone and kissing my neck. "Shh Shh baby, it's tolerable, no one is going to hurt you." Logan's murmuring in my ear. "You are safe here. Don't answer the door for anyone, in fact if you want, lock yourself in our room. I am remorseful but I have to go." He starts pulling at his hair wildly. "Shit maybe I can call Roy and have him..." "NO! I need to get used to the fact that you won't be able to guard me every second of the day. This needs to be a healing process." I cup his face and kiss him. I turn and march briskly into the bedroom and get my silk pink robe. I gait into the kitchen, where I hear him snatch his Corvette keys off the counter. "WAIT! You're not driving your car today, are you? Can't you take your truck or my car, please take the Cadillac." I beg, I'm already on edge about him leaving and now he wants to take his car. "Please, please I'm begging you, take my car." "Jewels, I can't take the truck, it’s at my house, and I'm not taking your car in case you need it. Everything will be all right. I drive my car all the time." He kisses my head, "Why don't you go back to bed and rest. I'll be home before you know it." I seize fistfuls of his shirt, "NO! Please just take my car, there is no where I need to go, I'll feel so much better if you take it." I have my hands together pleading. "I AM NOT TAKING YOUR CAR. End of discussion, now go back to bed and I will see you when I get home. I love you but you’re pissing me off right now." He kisses my head again, "Now go!" He says through his teeth. "I love you too." I whisper and bow my head as I hurriedly run into the bedroom sobbing. When I close the bedroom door, I hear the front door close and the deadbolt turn. That’s when it hits me, I recognize I’m entirely alone. I start quivering and howling harder. Trying to compose myself and catch my breath but there is no use. I go to the door and turn the lock. Every noise I hear makes me jump or my skin crawl. Turning the TV on, I pray there is something decent to watch to keep my mind from playing tricks on me. The rain drumming my windows sound like someone’s tapping to get my attention. It makes me feel even more apprehensive. "No one is tapping on your windows, the doors are locked, and no one can get in." My

phone beeps next to me. It makes me jump, as my body stiffens, the aching grows. "Damn it! I need to calm the fuck down." I'm at the office baby, I made it here safely. How are you doing? I told Dan that you are home alone and to make sure that you are safe. I hope I can trust him. He is just an old man. Thank you for informing me you are at the office. I love you, be safe. I love you too beautiful. I don't hear from him for over forty-five minutes, I'm in super panic mode. I want to call him but I know he'll get distraught and say that I'm worrying too much. So I sit on my bed and wait. Ten more minutes pass by, what am I going to do? I hear the front door unlock and jolt up, tip toeing to the bedroom door. "Jewel... Baby, I'm home." Oh thank God! I unlock the door and run to him, I don't care about my discomfort, and I throw my arms around him and kiss his chest. "I've been so unbearably concerned. I know it's not fair for you to have to suffer from my anxiety, but the nightmare I had was you being killed in a car accident. I should've told you, maybe then you would've just taken my fucking car, or laughed at me for being stupid. Either way, I’m sorry for being so petrified and trying to force you to do something you don't want to." Logan attempts to still me by rubbing the back of my head as it’s pressed against his chest. "I'm okay, I am glad you worry about me, it means you love me. But there is something I need to tell you. I should've listened to you. I should have just taken your car." He rubs his face with his hands. "On my way home a car rear-ended me at a stoplight. It didn't cause major damage, but I do need to have my car taken to a shop to get fixed. It’s not a big deal, the old man felt horrible. I’m sorry, instead of making you worry I should've just lost that battle and bit my tongue and taken your car. I have to learn to choose my battles, bear with me as I learn this relationship stuff." I squeeze him tighter, "I'm so pleased you are alright, why didn't you call me?" "I knew you would freak out. I wanted you to see that I was fine." "Good thinking sir." I let out a big breath, no matter how hard that hurt, it felt good knowing he is alright, he's home and I'm safe again. "How did you do on your own?" Logan asks as he kisses my head and face. "I would've been a lot better if you took my fucking car and we didn't get into an argument before you left. But now that your home I feel completely better." "I'm sorry baby. Okay, I have to do some more work and then we have to decide if we want to go out and eat or if we want to just cook in. Go lay back down and rest." He kisses me sweetly on the lips and I follow his command, I'm drained from my fretfulness anyway.

Chapter 26 "I am so excited! YOU finally get to meet Krista." I'm hopping up and down in my seat. I grimace from my ribs but I can handle the throbbing. "The woman I'm going to spoil the hell out of while she's here. Not only did she mediate for me when you ran off. But she also saved you from being killed by a psycho." Logan kisses my hand when he finishes and we pull into the airport garage. We got to the airport early because I couldn't wait any longer. Going inside and sitting in the restaurant by the terminal to have an early lunch. Thirty minutes later we hear that her flight has arrived. I jump out of my seat, grab my things and leave Logan to pay the bill. I stand at the windows watching her plane. I can't wait to see her, bearing the biggest grin on my face. Logan comes up behind me and puts his arm around my shoulders and chest, holding me as still as he possibly can and hugging me the whole time. A few moments later, people start coming from the terminal. Krista's one of the first. I run from Logan to Krista and hug her as tightly as I can with one arm. We do our little bounce and I hear Logan clear his throat. "OH shit..." I back away from Krista and grab Logan's hand, "Krista, meet Logan Morris, the love of my life." She looks up in astonishment. I start giggling, I can see it in her eyes, she thinks he is smoldering hot--she's right. "Nice to meet you it’s a pleasure Logan." Krista puts her hand out. He grabs her into a hug, "We don't shake hands, we hug. You've saved my life in more ways than one." I beam when she squeezes him back. He backs away, "Did you just bring a carry on?" Krista shakes her head. "Logan she is here for a week, I bet she brought her biggest suit case and her whole damn closet." He chuckles and nods. "I have to use the bathroom" She stares at me, and I know she doesn't want to go by herself. "I'll be waiting by the luggage corral." Logan winks at me, turns and walks away. Krista grabs my arm, "Holy shit! Is he a fucking model? He is the sexiest man I've ever seen, other than your brother that is.” GROSS I don't want to think of my brother as being a 'hot guy'. "He's undeniably something exceptional, I thank my lucky stars every day that he is mine and I get to look at him stark-naked. You might have the pleasure of seeing him without his shirt on while your here. We have some fun things planned." When we are done in the bathroom, we find Logan watching the luggage go round. We get up to him just as Krista's purple suitcase slides out of the tunnel, she points to it and he hefts it off the carousel. Logan grabs her carry-on from her, and wheels them both out to the car while holding my hand and keeping up with our conversation. He is the greatest thing about my life. Once we get to the car, Logan opens both doors for us and then puts her luggage in the trunk. I love that he is pampering both of us. We pull into the garage, I'm getting so thrilled, and I can't wait for Krista to see our home. I inform Dan of my visitor, he gets all her information in case there is a problem down the road. I grab Krista's hand and we enter the elevator with Logan and the luggage trailing us. I grin and wink at him. He just shakes his head, I can't wait to reward him for his civility. Once we get in the house, I show her around our home. "It’s so beautiful." She loves the views of the river.

"Wait until its dark outside and the cities lights are on. You'll be seeing a lot of gorgeous views this week. I have so many places I want to take you." I say with pure giddiness. "Ladies, I have to do some work, we have reservations at six. Please be ready by fivethirty." Logan leaves us in Krista's room and gives me a kiss on the way out. "Damn you're the luckiest son of a bitch I know. Does he have a best friend or brother that is available?" We both giggle. "He has a brother, I don't know if he's single. I haven't met him yet." I say as I help her unpack her suitcase, hanging up some clothes and putting others in the dresser. When we're finished we both collapse on the bed and lay there the rest of the day laughing and telling stories of our past. Around four o'clock we separate, she goes into her bathroom to get ready and I slide into Logan's office, to see how he's doing, before taking my leave to our bathroom to begin my process. I close his office door silently, he's on the phone and staring at the screen. I undo my shoulder brace, whip my shirt over my head, and rip off my shorts. When I get closer he looks at me with pure longing in his eyes, I'm in my erotic black lace bra and panties. He clears his throat and continues to speak into the phone, looking me up and down. I undo my bra and pull down my panties so deliberately and sexually, my own heart rate starts increasing. Logan's eyes are impassioned, I can tell he wants to end this conversation and tackle me to the floor. "Yes sir, I'll get on that immediately... I do see the desire." He’s gawking at my body with deprivation. "Have a good day as well." Logan leisurely hangs up. "So baby, you came in here demanding attention, what do you require from me?" He's fucking with me. So I'll let my sex kitten totally take over. I put my finger in my mouth and suck. "HHMM I'm not really sure what I need." I slowly pull my finger from my mouth and let it trail down my neck and chest. It joins the rest of my hand when it spreads down my stomach. I continue descending down my body and I see him ogling at my hand and repositioning himself in his pants. Finally, when I get to my pussy, he jumps out of his seat just as I insert two fingers in. Logan pulls my fingers out and sucks on them. Then he grabs my ass lifting me, forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist and gently backs me into the wall as he takes my mouth cruelly. I don't hold back, I bite and pull his bottom lip and shove my tongue in his mouth and my hands into his hair. We're matching each other passion and craving. I roll my hips beseeching him. "I gotcha baby." He undoes his pants and lets his boxers and jeans plummet to his ankles. I put my arm, which should be in a brace, on his shoulder as I slink my other hand up his shirt. I need to touch his abs, and his warm chest. I don't let him stay away from my lips for long. As he is positioning himself at my entrance, I'm kissing his neck and chin. I can't wait, I am dripping and ready. He slowly pushes into me, damn this feels so fucking good. I moan out softly and he takes my lips again quieting me, we are ravenous. "I love our connection, it feels like electricity runs through me every single time." I continue to kiss him. He propels into me, pushing me into the wall even more. Every thrust vibrating through my body, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. He breaks from my lips and takes my neck and eventually my nipple. I try to be as quiet as possible, not knowing how much Krista would be able to hear. I'm building quickly as I feel each drive, it sends heat right to my core. Holding it back,

holding it in. I tighten around Logan hoping he'll comprehend I'm close. The only noises coming from me are whimpers and whines. One of his arms is enfolded around my waist, keeping me up and his other hand is wandering up my thigh, hip and side. He finally takes my nipple in his hand and pinches it while kissing my neck. I scream out, I'm about to come. I squeeze hard which just intensifies the building. "Time to explode Jewel, don't hold back, let me feel it baby." I do explode as a fire burns through me. I whimper his name as my body starts shaking. My muscles tighten around him as he thrusts and he spills into me, coming powerfully. I sigh in satisfaction, only I can do this for him. Only I get him, all of him. I smile and once again thank all that is holy for this awesome gift. He kisses me all over as he slowly puts me down and pulls out. Lastly taking my lips in an adoring kiss. "You were made for me. I love you." Logan spanks my ass, "Now go get ready for our dinner." "Yes sir!" I give him a quick salute, covering my parts with my clothes and scamper to our bedroom. I don't make it far before Krista starts giggling. "HHMM I wonder what you were doing?" She shakes her head before going into her room from the bathroom. I don't say anything, she has seen me in more compromising positions before. We get to the restaurant right on time, and as we are shown to the table I'm questioning why we're going into a different part of the restaurant. Finally, our table comes into view and everyone is there, Roy, Dahlia, May and Leah. I hop up and down in exhilaration. Krista gets to meet everyone in one day! I squeeze Logan's hand harder and he looks down with a huge smile. "Thank you baby, you're way too good to me!" "Right back at'cha love." Kissing our joined hands As we get to the table I let go of Logan's hand and grab Krista's arm as I bring her around the table. "Thank you for saving Jewels." Roy jumps up and gives Krista a bear hug. "It’s so nice to finally meet you." Dahlia gives her a sweet hug. Both May and Leah take Krista's out stretched hand and greet her as well. We all sit down and let the laughing and joking begin. As I look around, I think to myself, this is my family. I may not have my mom and dad or my brother, but I do have an awesome boyfriend, a brother, two sisters, and two great girlfriends. What more could one ask for? After a few conversations, I get up from the table telling everyone I have to go to the bathroom. I go to our waitress and inform her that I want to pay for everyone's meal. "If anyone asks for the bill, please inform them that Mr. Logan Morris has paid for the meal. Thank you." At the end of the night we'll have a discussion about this I'm sure, but I want to do things for him, for our friends and us. "Jewel, why did you pay and tell everyone it was me?" Crawling into bed, he pulls my back to his front and holds me gently. "I want to spoil our friends. Plus, it made you look awesome." I say worming my ass into his groin. "I don't like it. I don't want your money, I don't want you paying for shit for me." He stiffens immediately and I feel his whole body tense. "You fucking paid for my membership didn't you?" He's pissed, and snarling into my ear. I feel his breath on my ear and the vibrations of his voice travels to my pussy. My walls start throbbing, needing him in me.

"Listen, I love you. If I want to spoil you, I will. I'm hoping one day, maybe it will be our money that we can share with each other and our friends. Please understand." Logan just shakes his head and groans. He isn't happy about it, but there is nothing he can say to change my mind about this. -------------------------------------------------It's been storming for the last couple of days, putting a hinder on everything we wanted to do. Dahlia and Krista have hit it off, and Dahlia has gone with us everywhere. Logan has taken us to the dance club and the three of us have danced the night away. We've eaten out for lunches and dinners. It’s been such a blast. Finally, the weather has let up and we are all packed for our camping trip. We're going to Sleeping Bear Dunes, up north, staying a night, and then Logan has a secret surprise for us. Roy and Dahlia are coming along with us. Sleeping Bear is one of the places my family went to on our road trip. I hope the views are still amazing. We get to the campground and unpack, set up the tents and start the campfire. It’s a beautiful starry summer night, we sit around the fire and roast marshmallows and drink while bringing up stories from the past. I find out that Logan, his brother Alex, and Roy were all extremely close, until Alex found out about Logan’s sexual tendencies. Alex told Roy about the situation and Roy defended Logan ultimately losing Alex as a friend. Story after story rolls out, we laugh and laugh for hours. By the time we slink into our tents it’s about one in the morning. Krista is sharing the tent with Logan and me, so no messing around. We do get to snuggle all night and whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ear as we hear the crickets and the sounds of water sing us to sleep. The next morning the girls get to lay out on the beach while the men pack up the vehicles. When they're done, they come down topless with their swimming trunks on. All of us girls look at each other. Krista mouths 'holy shit!' and we all giggle. Logan is so fucking sexy, his swimsuit hangs off his hips perfectly showing his abs and that enchanting V that makes me want to rip off our clothes and do filthy things in front of the world. The V that is like an arrow to where I want to be ALL THE TIME. I lick my lips, and become fiery, he sees me do it and comes over to me. Damn it, I have been caught! He falls to his knees and whispers in my ear, "Keep looking at me like that and I will take you in front of your friends." He swiftly picks me up and I can't stop giggling. Logan starts carrying me towards the water, "Baby I think you need a cold shower." I start squirming, "Logan I can't get my cast wet, please don't bring me in too deep." "We won't get your cast wet honey, but we'll get other things wet." "I'm already wet there hun, I have no control over that, just looking at you makes me wet." I laugh. We get to the water and he pretends to throw me. I squeal and giggle the whole time. He slowly and carefully places me in the cold water and slides me down his body. I keep my cased arm on his shoulder but my other hand roams all over his wet body, even slipping under his red swimming shorts. I grab his thick erected cock and moan, I want him in. "Do you think we're going to be doing the dirty in this water? Are you crazy?" I splash him with one hand and move away as quickly as I can. He catches me and pulls me back to him, my front to his. "Oh, you should know you can never run away from me, I will always catch you

beautiful." Logan kisses me so zealously I say 'fuck it' and wrap my legs around his waist. I can't help myself nor can I refuse him. After we get hot and heavy, he pulls away and I sulk. "You're right Jewels, we shouldn't do that in this gross water. HHMM Oh well." He shrugs, and starts wading towards the shore. My mouth is dropped open, he just turned me down! I know he is only getting me back so I splash his back playfully and he rushes me pulling my body to his. "That’s not nice love." Logan growls "You would be in so much trouble if you didn't have that cast on." He kisses me sweetly and cups his hand in the water. Carefully squirts water onto my chest, and slowly moves the squirts to my face. I laugh, "Okay! We are even, can I go lay out with the girls again? I won't stare at you like I want to attack you!" Logan nods and I latch onto his back as we go back to the shore. I whisper things in his ear the whole time, 'thanks for coming with us', 'thanks for being the best boyfriend ever', 'thanks for moving in with me', and a lot of ‘I love you's.’ The rest of the day is full of swimming, tossing of a football and helping us ladies put sunscreen on. Every time they help us, they go for a swim after. We know what's going on, we aren't idiots, and we chuckle and throw out comments. Around four in the afternoon, we leave Sleeping Bear and arrive at a Mackinaw City hotel a little while later. We check in and put our bags in the biggest suite they have. We're all hungry so we decide to go out and eat, all piling in the Cadillac, women in the back gabbing and men in the front trying to ignore us. On our way to dinner we drive to the marina and we get to the see beautiful views of the Mackinaw Bridge all lit up with beautiful stars. I just hug Logan closely and thank him for bringing us here, giving him tons of kisses. After dinner we hit up the local bar. They're playing country music and a very nice gentleman asks Krista for a few dances. We all decide to go out and dance to the beautiful melody, 'Begin Again' by Taylor Swift. Logan is such a great dancer, he can carry us both. As I listen to the song, it just reminds me more of how much I love him. "Do you have a new song for my play list beautiful?" "Yep." I say with a huge smile on my face. "You are the best thing about me. You're my life. I love you, I wish I met you years ago. I wish I never wasted my time with any other man." "Me too baby, me too." He kisses me sweetly as the song ends. The girls and I dance the night away, I even dance a slow two step with Roy. I had to have Dahlia dance with Logan otherwise he would give Roy a death stare the whole time. I laugh at how possessive he is of me. I love it, I love feeling needed and wanted. After the song finishes that Roy and I were dancing to, Logan swoops in and wraps his arm around me. He leans in and whispers in my ear, "We're going to tell everyone you don't feel well. Then we are going back to our room and we're going to make this a memorable night." I gasp at his great idea. We all rode in one car, Dahlia doesn't normally drink so she is the designated driver anyway. We inform everyone of our fib and we catch a cab back to the hotel. Staying in a three-bedroom suite, Logan and I have a room all to ourselves. We are grabby all the way to our room, bouncing off walls and giggling the whole time. Opening our bedroom door in a rush and I push him on the bed. I straddle him and start my assault. After a few heated moments of making out and touching, we start slowly undressing each other, taking our time and appreciating one another. Finally, we're both naked and I'm wet with yearning. I couldn't help myself, I take his thick member into my mouth, without warning and I suck and lick until he begs me to stop. He

loves it but he needs to be in me, almost as much as I want him to be. He sits up, "Go stand with your palms on the wall and your legs spread, sexy. It’s time for us to finally play again." Oh, I am so fucking ready! I do as he asks and he pulls my favorite whip out, the cat. "If you feel like you can't do this, you know the safe action. Let me hear you do it." I snap without a problem. "Good girl." He moves my hair out of the way, over one of my shoulders. Then he swats my ass, it feels so good. Logan trails the tails down my back, my butt my legs. It almost tickles. Then he whips my upper back not roughly, just sensually, enough to give a little bite, my back won't even be red. This is the difference between punishment and pleasure. He has a heated look in his eyes and after he whips my upper back, he spreads sweet kisses or his warm palm over where he whipped. Then he smacks the middle of my back and repeats the process. When he gets to my ass Logan gives them both a nice smack with his hands before whipping them. My whole body is tingling with longing and desire. I'm warm, wet and wanting. I moan out and that is all it takes. He pulls my hips back a little more and then lunges into me. The small amount of pain makes me come instantly. I cry out his name and Logan freezes, letting me come down from my high. After few moments I move my hips back and he begins his onslaught again. I take my cased arm off the wall and push back with my other. Logan wraps one of his arms around my waist to help hold me up, trying not to put any weight on my ribs or hips. His other hand is roaming my body. Rubbing my clit as I clench, I'm climbing quickly. He is so sweet and sensual as he trails kisses all over my back. When he growls I know he is close, I squeeze him and let him know I'm ready to erupt. "Give me all of you." Logan whispers into my ear, my heart melts and I come screaming into the wall. He bites my back and releases into me. Damn that's so hot, it makes me clench harder around him and I can feel him pulsing inside of me. "Damn I love to feel you going inside of me!" I say as he kisses the bite marks on my back. He slowly removes himself and rubs my back and shoulders. "Good girl, now get your sling back on and get in bed. Time to cuddle and sleep so we can be up early for the surprise. Oh, you should look outside our bedroom window as well. You'll love the view." I look at him with questioning but I go to the window and look out. I see an up close view of the bridge and it is breath taking and glowing. I sigh as he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "I love you so much Logan. You are what I have always wished to find." "I know exactly what you mean. You complete me." He kisses my neck. -------------------------------------------------"Rise and shine gorgeous!" Logan is already up and dressed. "UGH! It's too early, let me sleep!" I say jokingly. He begins touching my body under my clothes, I am already awake, but now I'm horny. "Babe, don't tease me." I try to push his hands away. "Hhmm I didn't know I was teasing...What is this then?" I feel warm lips over my clit and I jerk. He starts sucking and licking. He sluggishly begins moving his fingers around my entrance before pushing in. Logan has such an effect on me, my body is heated, my head is spinning and my core is tingling. I'm almost there when he suddenly stops. He sucks my juices off his fingers and

repositions himself in his pants. "Time to quit fucking around. Get ready for the day sleepy head." He says with a smile. I pull him by his shirt and take his lips, I don't care if I have morning breath, he was just down there, and he can handle it. I don't let him up until Logan has the same thing on his mind that I do. I undo his pants, even though he fights me a little bit. I tear his boxers and pants to his ankles and put him in me, I thrust and buck my hips pushing him further than he expected. I rub my hand up every bump on his chest and stomach and bite my lower lip. Logan's body is so tight, I have no idea how he keeps it like this. I've never seen him work out. Whatever he is doing, I need to beg him to never stop. He starts pounding harder into me, and my body takes over every. He thrusts so hard that my whole body shakes and moves up the bed. I start moaning and whimpering loudly. "I don't care that the others can hear us, but I think you might, so be cautious with the volume love." He says as he lowers and takes my nipple in his mouth. I cry out louder, I don't care if everyone can hear us making love. "Baby..." I whine out trying hard not to come apart. "I know..." Logan thrusts harder, "Give it to me beautiful." I do immediately on command, fire rolling through me in waves as I spasm. That is the best wakeup call I have ever had. He goes the same time I do and he rests on top of me while we catch our breaths. "Okay love, we have kept everyone waiting long enough, you need to get up and get ready." He kisses me briefly and fixes his clothes. "Hurry up now." He winks at me before he leaves. I hear Roy hooting and hollering as Logan reaches the living room area. I giggle as I get up and get ready for the day.

Chapter 27 Logan informs us that we are going to be spending the day on Mackinac Island. I am so eager. I have wanted to go there since I moved to Michigan. I was supposed to go with my family when we came here years ago, but the weather was atrocious and we were on a tight schedule. We get to the boat port and are whisked away back in time to an island where there are no cars, only horse drawn carriages and old homes. I'm bouncing in my seat as we fly across the water. The boat ports in Haldimands Bay and we unboard the boat. The five of us decide to rent bikes and pedal around the island. We see the Grand Hotel, Nicolet Watch tower, and Arch Rock, and even did a little swimming in Lake Huron before we toured Fort Mackinac. Dropping our bikes back off we walk down the shop lined street, stepping into every business to spend some money. Lastly, we decide to have a late lunch at one of the pubs before we leave the oasis. We all get seated and order our food. As we're drinking our first drinks, Logan puts a wrapped box down in front of me. "Didn't think I forgot, did you baby?" I look up at him in surprise. Then I notice Roy and Dahlia pushing a small gift my way as well as Krista. "UUMM.. It’s not that I thought that you forgot...It’s more of, I don't like to remember..." Logan hugs me closer. "Happy Birthday baby." He kisses my forehead. I bow my head and begin to cry. I don't know why, I can't tell if it’s because my family isn't here to celebrate with me, or if it's because the most important ones in my new life are. "Enough of that love, it’s your birthday, no crying allowed. Now put that beautiful smile back on your face and open your presents." Everyone gives a sweet laugh and a smile as I wipe my eyes. "Thank you all for being such a big part of my life. I love you and I'm so happy to have your support." I start with Roy and Dahlia's present, and unpack a beautiful frame that has a picture of the four of us. Logan, me, Dahlia and Roy, taken with a timer and a tripod during our first Sunday night dinner at Roy and Dahlia's. I hold it to my chest and thank them so much for the beautiful picture. Next, I open Krista's and I freeze, it’s a picture of her and I that Brian took at our beach in California. I thought we lost this picture. I look at her with surprise, and she begins to cry. "I found it when I finally went through Brian's things that he took with him on the last family trip. He had it in his suitcase. He must have taken it from my house, that's why we couldn't find it. I've been dreading going through his luggage, but I finally got curious a few months ago. I know, I know, I should've done it a while ago but I just couldn't do it." I grab her hand, "I love it, it’s perfect. Thank you." I turn to Logan and smile. "I'm sorry baby, but your gift has to be amazing to beat out those two." Everyone laughs. He pushes his box closer to mine, "I don't know, mine is pretty damn perfect." I shake my head, "We aren't talking about your body." I giggle in pure delight and Logan throws his head back laughing with everyone else. I commence opening his box and I'm shaking, it's a long box. I pull off the top and sure enough, it's a stunning diamond heart necklace. It is flawless, it’s not too big, but not small either. My heart melts and I request for him to put it on me, it will go with everything I wear. I

hold on to the pendant like it’s a lifeline and wrap my arms around him kissing him with all my thanks. Logan has to pull away before he starts becoming affected. "Thank you so much baby, I love you." "I love you too. Happy Birthday." We finish eating and then we board the next boat and are on our way back to the car. It's about three in the afternoon. When we get back to our car we decide we want to go to one more place before we leave northern Michigan. We cross the beautiful big Mackinac Bridge into the Upper Peninsula. We drive to St. Ignance to a place that has Ziplining. None of us have ever done it and we're all really nervous. When we get to the place, we pay and two guys tell us what we are going to be doing and experiencing. I take my brace off, so it’s just my cased arm, I can lightly hold onto straps with my hand. They help us all into our harnesses and helmets and make sure we are all properly strapped. Logan watches the instructor as he puts his hands all over my straps double-checking. I laugh, Logan looks like he is ready to snap a neck. We begin hiking to our first landing. Logan and Roy are bouncing up and down with their excitement. I am panicking, as we climb the steps to the first landing. Logan's walking up behind me and has his hands on my ass the whole time. He makes me giggle and laugh but as soon as we reach the takeoff spot, I start freaking out more. Logan grabs my face and kisses me, "You can do this baby, you're one of the bravest people I know. Look at all you have been through! Think to yourself, when you jump off this landing, you are leaving one life behind, and starting a new one." He smiles, he is right, this is my time to shine. I listen to the instructors, one hooks up and takes off while the other stays behind to hook us up to the line. Dahlia goes first, flawlessly unscarred, runs and jumps off the landing. Then Krista goes screaming the whole way, after I push her in front of me. Finally, it’s my turn, the instructor attaches me to the line and I kiss Logan goodbye. Right before I jump he smacks my ass and I giggle. Jumping off the landing I try not to scream, it is such a freeing experience. I don't hold on, I just spread my arms in total happiness and let the wind blow through my body, it’s very cleansing. I get to the connecting landing deck and breathe a sigh of relief. Now that I know what to expect, I'm ready for the next one! We watch as Logan does a front flip off the landing and hangs upside down on the way in. He is so cute when he is playful. Of course Roy tries to one up him. He does a back flip and also hangs upside down the whole way. The guys joke and mess around as we jump off another and when we get to the last one, we all get our picture taken with the background of Mackinac Bridge. It is such a perfect ending to a perfect day. We get back to the hotel, the five of us change our clothes and go out to dinner and drinks, Dahlia and Roy leave after dinner to head back home. They both have to work tomorrow, thankfully they were able to get an extra day off from work, thanks to Krista's original flight being cancelled. After a few drinks Logan, Krista and I decide to go back to the hotel. We enter and Logan says he's tired and is going to bed so he can be wide-awake early in the morning. I know he wants to give Krista and me some time to be alone, but I have other plans.

He heads off to the bathroom before going into our bedroom, so I know I have a few moments with Krista before I put my plan into motion. "He is so great, you better keep him for life!" Krista laughs and hugs me. "I plan on it, he's pretty damn special, huh?" I smile, "I want to thank him for being so thoughtful today, I'm going to bed. Good night." "Good! I'm exhausted and want to go to bed too." We hug again and separate. I turn the TV in the living area on, to make him think that we are watching TV and then I quietly sprint into the bedroom. I can hear the shower running, so I go through our bags, grabbing what I want and need. I had packed a few things because I was hoping to reignite our kinky sexual appetites. I grab what I need, place it on the bed and begin undressing. When I hear the shower turn off, I kneel in front of the bathroom door with nothing on but the necklace he gave me. My hands are linked in front of my body and my head is down. When I hear the door open and him inhale, I know I'm doing something right. "Holy. Fucking. Shit! I'm the luckiest man in the whole damn world." Logan clears his throat and starts speaking in his deep dominate voice, "Stand." I do without a noise or clumsiness. "Walk to the bed." I feel his warmth close behind me as I go. My head is still down and my hands are still linked in front of me. Logan sees the items I've laid out on the bed and he makes the sexiest growling noise. I heat and clench just thinking about all the fun we're going to have. "Lay on your back in the middle of the bed." I crawl in as sexy as I can and wiggle my little butt in the air briefly before rolling and falling onto my back. He walks to the end of the four-post bed and puts the two ankle straps around the posts and around my ankles. Then he takes my good arm cuffs it to the bed. "Keep your other arm at your side...Good girl. It's the most amazing thing, my need for you gives me boosts of energy." He chortles a deep quick burst. I'm not supposed to look at him, but I briefly sneak a peek here and there. Logan strips and climbs over the footboard crawling and kissing my legs and inner thighs before taking my pussy in his mouth. I attempt to hold back my moan but fail. I arch my back moving my hips further into his face. He is turning this from being all for him, to being all about me. Not slowing down or stopping, I come quickly, already primed and ready from the anticipation. One hand sliding up and down my legs as he sucks every last bit of my orgasm out, until I'm twitching and begging for him to let me come down. Then he begins kissing up from my clit to my breasts, placing one arm on the bed for support, as he begins his assault on my nipples. Sucking each nipple hard, rubbing his tongue over my tight sensitive pebble while I crave his thickness inside of me even more. I writhe as much as I can to alleviate the need. I'm focused on his warm wet mouth around my areola and him sucking hard on my nipple, without warning I feel his powerful hand slide up my thigh and two fingers push into my sex. He moves his fingers touching my sweet spot and I cry out another orgasm, he removes his fingers and trails them up my body. Logan stops sucking my nipple and with his tongue follows the line his fingers just trailed up my body. FUCK! I feel warmth again, my core tightens, these orgasms have been great, but they aren't from his penis, and that is what my body craves. I feel his tongue enter my pussy, I whine out my need for him. He stops and slowly moves up my body, sliding his thick erect cock into me, where I need him the most. When his

lips reach my chest and neck I moan out again. Just him filling me, makes me feel complete. Slowly placing his whole body against mine and with his weight he pushes me into the bed. Logan kisses and sucks the base of my neck slowly and I tighten around him deep inside me. As he groans I can feel his body wants to move, but he won't allow it. I roll my hips as he does his the same time, giving me friction and movement. We both continue moving together in unison and we get into a rhythm that is going to make me explode. He releases one of his arms and puts it on my breast, pushing his body up and to one side. That gives him more power to pull out and thrust roughly in. I whimper his name and beg him. Logan pulls back slowly as he kneads my breast and pounds in again. I cry out, telling him how much I love him and need him, how much power he has over me. This is definitely not us, in our dominant relationship or he would've silenced me the first time I moaned. Growling for me to come with him, he slowly pulls out and slams into me one last time as I feel the burning electricity rolling through my body and I come hard. Logan doesn't move, but his thick member pulsing inside me makes my orgasm last longer as I spasm and beg for him to hold on to me tighter. A few moments pass before he sweetly takes my mouth and slides out of me. "I love you. You came into my dark, dank life and brought brightness and love." Logan kisses my nose and rolls off me, undoing my cuffs and straps. He rubs my wrist and shoulder, my ankles and hips. Once he's satisfied he helps me get some pajamas on, a pair of shorts and a tiny tank top. Then we put my arm back in a brace and Logan tells me stay in bed as he gets our luggage ready to leave tomorrow morning. It doesn't take him long, and then he's lying in bed in his boxers next to me. We cuddle under a sheet and fall blissfully to sleep. -------------------------------------------------That Friday, I have a doctor’s appointment later in the afternoon and Krista goes with me while Logan works from home. The docs tell me that my arm has healed and I don't need the brace any more. My ribs are also doing better and my hip and leg is already healed. I am good to go. I have nothing left to remind me of the horrible event weeks ago except for a few fading bruises. We head back home and we wave to Chris as we enter the lobby. Dan hasn't been feeling well this week so Chris has been working more than normal. When we get up to my condo, I put my purse down and skip to Logan's office. I listen to make sure he isn't on the phone and burst into the room with my arms in the air, "I'm cast and brace free!" His whole body jumps because I scare him. I laugh so hard that I almost pee my pants. "Oh, baby, did I scare you?" I ask as I begin laughing again holding my stomach. Logan gets up from his chair and starts walking towards me with his head down and eyes heated like he is a puma and he is going to pounce. I back away slowly but he is coming too quickly. I turn and bolt out of the office, running down the hallway into the living room where Krista is watching TV and playing on her phone. "Krista! Help he is going to get me!" I say laughing. "I wouldn't get involved Krista, I can take both of you." Logan says in his deep voice, almost his dom voice but this one is playful. "You must not know me very well, I stand up for my friends." Krisat stands up and blocks him from getting to me. I'm behind her giggling and sticking my tongue out at Logan. "How are you going to get me now?" I ask mockingly. He starts walking forward and Krista starts backing up into me. Once Logan has us both against the wall he starts tickling her

ribs with one hand and mine with the other. We're both squealing and laughing, trying to fight him off until Krista pushes me in front of her, surrendering me over. "TRAITOR! YOU'RE A TRAITOR!" I scream as he throws me over his shoulder and tickles her a little more for getting involved to begin with. Then Logan smacks my ass and carries me into the bedroom. I push my upper body up from him to look up at Krista as we walk away and she just smiles and waves at me. When we enter the bedroom Logan shuts the door and slides me down his body. I wrap my legs around his hips as he turns us and pushes my back against the wall by the door. He grabs my wrists in one hand and raises them over my head. "You can't run away from me love, I'll always find you." He covers my mouth with his and I give in immediately. I'm so turned on, and ready for him. "Now, your punishment for piercing my ear drums, laughing at me, and running away." Logan says after I start pushing my hips into him, wanting him to tear off our clothes and fuck me hard. He pulls us away from the wall and tosses me onto the bed. While I'm down, he tickles me as he takes my pants off. When he completes his mission he grabs me and puts me over his lap, places a hand in the middle of my back and spanks me hard five times. I'm even more turned on when he stops, rips my panties and sets me on all fours on the bed. He kisses the middle of my back as he drops his pants. "Well, considering you love to be spanked, and this is supposed to be a punishment. You're not allowed to come." How the fuck am I not going to come? "Well that's going to be impossible, but let’s try anyway." I’m still playful as I wiggle my ass. "I'll make sure you don't come beautiful." Logan slaps my ass and pounds his thickness into me. He doesn't stop, or slow down. He rubs my back, sides and legs as he rams me hard from behind. I'm building quickly, he moves his hands to my shoulders and thrusts harder into me. All of a sudden he collapses on to my back and spills into me. I can't believe that just happened. I'm frozen on the spot, "What. The. Fuck?" I growl as I move so he falls out of me and I crawl off the bed. He may be punishing me, but I can reward myself. "You are such a dick, get back to work so we can go out to dinner for Krista's last night here." I'm trying to get him out of the room so I can finish myself off. Use my bullets and make it a quick process. He smiles and shakes his head, "Get dressed beautiful. Go hang out with your best friend, she leaves tomorrow." Logan walks over to me and slaps my ass before going into the bathroom. "NOW!" I hear him scream from the bathroom. "UGH! Okay!" I roughly put on new panties and my pants I was just wearing. Just as he is walking out of the bathroom I give him a pissed glare and leave for Krista. We watch the rest of her TV show and then we separate and get ready for dinner at our favorite restaurant. I decide to wear my favorite skintight black dress that I wore to our first date, with one exception, I'm not wearing any panties. I make sure he watches me put the cocktail dress on, giving him a show when I put lotion on my smooth legs and slide my hand up my thigh to where he can't see what I'm doing. When I'm done with the lotion, I ask for help getting my heels on. I continue to sit as he puts each shoe on and lifts my leg to kiss each ankle. Logan tries looking up my dress, but he can't see anything. I laugh and shake my head. I'm going to make him beg. Krista looks gorgeous in her navy blue cocktail dress and nude colored heels. Her brown long hair is straightened and she is ready for the night. Logan is dressed in a very nice dark gray

suit and red tie. His hair is done just the way I love it, moused up and messy. I have my hair in my signature curls and I'm ready to get this party started. We have a great dinner, May and Leah showed up as well as Dahlia and Roy. Even though Krista has to get on a plane early tomorrow morning, she begged us all to go out clubbing. How can a girl refuse? I pay for everyone's dinner, and tell the waitress, to inform everyone that Logan paid when they ask for their bill. Logan hates it when I do that but I don't care, it makes me feel good and makes him look generous. The girls and I walk into the club laughing and messing around, with our bodyguards trailing behind us. The guys take our drink orders as we slide on over to the dance floor. After a few songs, we go to the table and down our drinks, excited for the night a head. The whole group goes out and dances to the next song, 'S&M' by Rihanna. Logan is such a great dancer, he's keeping up as my hip sways to the base. I keep my ass pressed to his groin and after a some great moves, he is up and ready for me. I let the song take over my body as I dance, essentually making me become just as aroused as Logan. When the song slows I sexually wiggle my body and do a few more errotic moves before he interrupts my fun, by grabbing my chin and whispering, "I want you, here, now!" I pull back with a fake shocked look and shake my head 'no'. "You don't get a say princess." Logan growls at me, resituates himself and grabs my arm. I pass the girls laughing as they give me funny looks, just as the song ends. We walk into the guys bathroom as he shields my eyes, "Sorry guys, I can't wait." I laugh when I hear a few grumbles and one says, "I wouldn't either." Logan pushes me into a large stall and pulls my dress up past my waist. Pushing his pants and boxers down, he picks me up, and throws me against the stall wall. I wrap my legs around his waist and he fucks me hard, just like I need. I can't help the few quiet noises I make, he hushes me by taking my lips viciously and doesn't let me go. This need I have and his passion takes me over the edge quickly. As I come, I whisper, "I love you Logan, you have all of me." He pounds one more time and groans as he explodes inside of me. He kisses my forehead, "I love you too baby." After we get control of our breathing and our bodies, he places me on my feet and fixes my dress, then he pulls his boxers and pants up. Now I'm wishing I wore underwear. Logan looks at me and winks as he slowly opens the door and covers my eyes again. He doesn't say anything on his way out and neither do any of the guys. Obviously they weren't the same ones that were in there when we entered. We leave the bathroom, I give him a kiss and go into the ladies to clean up. When I walk out of the bathroom in search of Logan, I walk past the bar. A guy turns and puts his arm around me. My body turns to stone. The creep leans in and whispers in my ear, "Do you always do special things for every guy who buys you a drink and dances with you?" "No, and if you want to keep your fucking arm, you had better remove it before my boyfriend sees you." I peel his arm from my shoulder and continue walking. Thank goodness Logan didn't see that, we'd be kicked out, and he would possibly be thrown in jail. I join the rest of the group and enjoy my night. -------------------------------------------------The next morning, Logan wakes before me and Krista. He makes us breakfast, then

informs me that he has to go into the office and pick up some items for the week to come. He won't be able to go with us to the airport. He hugs Krista, and gives her a kiss on the cheek, making promises that we will be out in a few months to visit. Before Logan leaves, I thank him--hugging and kissing him. After we're done eating and getting ready, we leave the condo. I grab the Lambo keys. Krista looks at me funny, "What? I haven't been able to drive her for weeks." We laugh and walk out. I get her to the airport with more than enough time to check her bag, and have a drink before her flight. She has a long way to go and will be a ball of nerves until she lands in L.A. After a couple drinks we stand, I pay and we say our goodbyes. We shed a few tears, but we know we'll call each other as much as possible and probably be seeing each other with in the next few months, when Logan and I decide to get time off and go to L.A. As she leaves I wave goodbye and wipe the tears from my eyes as I walk away and back to my car. I get a little jumpy walking alone. Ever since I was taken I've been afraid to be by myself. As I drive home, I spot Logan in his Corvette on the highway and catch up with him. We start messing around, playing 'follow the leader' again, but this time--I'm the leader. We get home and he's on the phone making plans before we enter the building. "Yeah, we can be there in about two hours. We can do dinner tonight as well...We have plans tomorrow night though. Yeah, see you soon." Logan looks at me, "Roy and Dahlia are meeting us at the drag strip in a couple hours. Get ready baby, we are going to do some racing." I laugh, I knew it wouldn't take him long. When we make it to the strip, Roy and Dahlia are recording our first race. I'm at the line with my helmet on, I look over and see him looking at me. I blow him a kiss through my helmet and watch the lights turn. The light hits green and I pound the gas petal to the floor. I'm instantly shoved to the back of my seat. She starts doing a quick swerve but I get her under control and I focus only on the finish line. When I cross it first, I scream out in excitement--I beat him. He'll probably never let me drive like that again, but I don't care. I won! I pull off into the grass by the bleachers and get out. Roy and Dahlia meet me with smiles on their faces. Logan pulls in next to me, I'm so glad that he climbs out with a smile on his face. I run up and jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. He kisses me and laughs. "That was so much fun!" I say with pure joy. "Yeah. Fun. Getting your ass whooped by your girlfriend isn't a whole lot of fun, but considering I almost had a heart attack when I saw you getting close to the wall, I refuse to let you do that again." He kisses me sweetly. "Well, then how will I know which car is faster between the Lambo and Roy's Mustang? HHMM?" I unwrap my legs, "Will you drive my car and show me?" I hold the keys out to Logan and give him a huge smile. "HELL YEAH!" Roy says excitedly and slaps Dahlia's butt before walking towards his car, "See you in a bit baby, better have a big kiss ready for the winner." Dahlia just rolls her eyes and giggles. Logan grabs the keys and kisses me hard. "I know how much this car means to you, I’m so happy that you trust me with her. But I'll ONLY drive her when you ask, you understand?" "Yes sir!" I have a wide grin, from ear to ear, on my face. He kisses me again, "I'll be the one getting the winning kiss, Dahlia, pucker up!" We laugh and Logan winks at me as he gets in the car. Dahlia and I lock arms and make our way to

the bleachers. Needless to say Logan won and he did get a big winning kiss, but from me. We stayed all day and watched the guys race, I was able to run a few more times, as long as I didn't floor it like I did the first time. After a day full of racing we all went out to dinner. "So what are your plans for tomorrow? You said we weren't going to be able to do dinner tomorrow night." Roy says after we're done eating. Logan looks at me and grabs my hand from the table. "I’ve been talking to my family for a while and Jewels and I have been invited to dinner tomorrow night at their house." WHAT? "Logan, why didn't you tell me?" I instantly get uneasy, what if they don't like me? What if they ask if I like to be whipped? "Don't worry baby, everything will be alright, they'll love you." I give him a quick look, basically telling him we will be talking more when we are home. Shit! What am I going to wear? I wonder if I have to bring anything. "Will you call your mom and ask her if she wants us to bring anything tomorrow for dinner? I'm so worried I am going to fuck this up somehow." We both slide into bed, and I push myself to rest into his chest. "I will, and actually, she's my step mom. My mother past away from cancer when I was five, Alex was three. My dad and my mom married when I was seven. She's great, I call her mom because she raised us, and she has always loved my brother and me as if we were her own blood. She's going to love you to pieces, just like I do." Logan kisses me, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner about the dinner. I wanted it to be a surprise. I want to give you everything I possibly can, Jewel. I know I can't give your family back to you, but I can, maybe one day, give you mine...Maybe even one of our own." Logan finishes fidgeting nervously. I crawl on top of him and hug him close to me. Giving him sweet kisses all over his face, "I've never had anyone want to give me all of them, including their family. You're so great, I couldn't ask for more." "You won't ever have to Jewel, anything you want from me, you can take. I am all yours."

Chapter 28 "Krista, I am so fucking nervous. What do I wear? You know just about every piece of clothing I own. Should I go out and buy something new? HELP! I don't have time to buy anything new." "Damn, Jewels, cool it. Everything will be just fine, you’re just meeting the parents. Do you want jeans, dress pants, a skirt or a dress?" "Either dress pants or a knee length dress." "Why don't you wear my favorite dress, burgundy lace with nude under body?" Krista just saved my sanity. "THANK YOU! I have to get ready. I miss you. My house is so quite without you." We quickly hang up, and I rip my towel off to put on my bra and panties. Logan walks in from his shower right as I am bent over, "Jewel, your body is so fucking tempting. Fuck it, we'll just be late." I finish putting my panties on and stop him before he touches me. "Don't even THINK about touching me right now Mr. Morris. I have a shit ton of things to do, and not enough fucking time." "Jeez, when you’re stressed out, you have such a dirty mouth." He laughs, "No swearing tonight, mom doesn't like it." Ugh, could he make me anymore nervous about tonight? "Gotcha, can we pick up a bottle of wine on the way over? What do you want to drive?" Thankfully his step mom said we didn't need to bring anything over. He had her on speakerphone and I could hear her sweet voice. I really should calm down, she seems nice. "Yes we can get some wine, and even though I would love to take the Lamborghini or the Corvette, we are going to take the Cadillac." I nod and finish slipping into the dress. I run into the bathroom and braid my hair off to one side, put on my makeup and clip my stockings into my garters. While I'm staring at my shoe collection, Logan comes into the bedroom in a pair of charcoal gray pants and a dark navy dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, giving him a more relaxed look, with nice black leather shoes. He looks good enough to eat, you can see his muscle tone through his shirt, and I can't help but to stare. Damn, I should've taken him up on his offer earlier. "Beautiful, how many times do I have to tell you not to look at me like that? Put your damn shoes on so we can go." Logan slaps my ass, which turns me on even more. I choose black leather heels to go with the black decorative belt on my waist. I grab my large black leather purse transfer everything over and am finally ready to go. We pull into a nice older subdivision with two story family homes. I love the houses, they aren't huge or expensive. We park in front of a two story tan sided house with black shutters and a bright red door. When we get up to the beautiful door Logan holds my hand and rings the doorbell. "You ready baby?" I shake my head no and he laughs. My heart is racing and I feel like I'm going to throw up, like a thousand butterflies flutter in my stomach. Logan puts his hand to my cheek and just his warmth soothes my nerves, a little bit. "I love you, they will love you." He bends and gives me a gentle kiss, deepening the kiss until my body fully relaxes. The door opens after we separate and an older gentleman who looks like Logan with wavy silver hair greets us. "Son! How nice it is to see you. Come in, come in." He looks at me.

"This beautiful woman must be the one you've been telling us about, Jewel?" I nod and flash a polite smile as I shake his hand, "I'm Scott, it's a pleasure to meet you." I return his compliment and give him the bottle of wine as we enter the home. Oak wood floors and light cream colored walls, in every room I can see, its all very pretty. We walk by a couple doors and the stairs to the second floor. I instantly wonder if this is the home Logan grew up in. Is his room still intact? I'd love to see it. "Is Alex here? I saw his car in the driveway." Logan asks as we enter the open living room and kitchen. "Yeah, I think he is upstairs in his room. Jewel, I would like for you to meet Logan's step mom Olivia. Dear, this is Jewel." After introducing me, he turns and sits on the couch to watch TV. She looks up from the sink and her honey brown eyes are nothing but gentle and caring. She has short chin length dark brown hair and gentle facial features. Reminds me of my mom, and a wave of sadness washes over me. She is beautiful as she smiles at me. Olivia drops what she is doing and dries her hands. I smile at her and put my hand out, but she ignores it and takes me into a hug. "I've heard so much about you. You are very beautiful, just like Logan said." She gives Logan a hug as well and after he kisses her on the cheek she turns back to the kitchen. Logan looks at me before whispering in my ear, "I'm sorry but I need to have a chat with my brother, do you think you can survive without me?" I nod as he kisses me in the temple and I follow Olivia into the kitchen to see if I can help finish dinner. Logan disappears through the same hallway we entered. I start chopping some vegetables as she begins the twenty questions, what’s my life story? Where do I work? How did Logan and I meet? How long have we been together? I answer all her questions, I tell her about my family, about Krista, about moving here. I tell her everything except the fact that I have money. I know Logan would never mention that. I hear a commotion upstairs, a deep loud voice reverberates through the walls. I can't tell if it's Logan and he's pissed or if it's someone else. Scott jumps off the couch and leaves the room. Finally Olivia asks, "What has Logan told you about us?" "On our first date, he told me you guys weren't speaking. Eventually, he told me why. I begged him to contact you and fix things, because of my family. Logan also told me you were his step mom, and that his biological mom passed when he was young. He says they call you mom because that's all you've ever been. I think it's really sweet." She looks like she is going to cry, I can tell she loves the fact that she was able to step into that position. "He told you why we weren't on speaking terms? I was against everyone being so upset, he's a great man, and he would never hurt a woman on purpose. But Scott and Alex didn't see it that way, they over reacted, just like they always do." She rolls her eyes and continues, "Now my question to you is, do you accept his life style or has he changed for you?" Olivia is truly curious, but like Logan and I have discussed, it’s not his families business. Plus, I don't want her judging me before she knows me. "I'm sorry. That information is just between Logan and me..." I say it very neutrally, and trying my hardest not to offend. "Good girl! It's no one's damn business, now if only his brother and father would understand that. I have been able to get Scott to relax about it, but Alex's still having a major problem." She shakes her head. I feel him in the room before seeing or hearing him. I look up

and he's sitting in a stool on the other side of the counter staring at me. "Is dinner almost ready? I'm starving." Logan says with a cute grin on his face. "Almost dear, is everything alright between you and Alex?" Olivia answers before I can get a chance. "It's fine, just a little sibling argument." Logan says as he shrugs. Scott isn't back on the couch so I have a feeling he separated them. "Mom, can I steal Jewel? I want to show her around the house." She nods and shoos me away. I wash my hands and grab Logan’s out stretched hand. He shows me the study, where I look at all the pictures of him as a kid, and a few of him and his mom and brother. Then we go upstairs and pass by a few doors before he opens one and ushers me in. It's very masculine, with a twin bed and half naked posters. I shake my head, of course. "So this is the home you grew up in? It's so beautiful." I sit on the edge of the bed. "Damn, I wish I knew you in high school." Logan continues slowly sauntering towards me like he's going to peel my dress off and make me scream his name. "I would've quietly snuck you in here and did awful things to you." He reaches me and collapses to his knees so we are eye to eye and he positions his body between my legs. "We'd probably be married with a van full of kids right now if that were the case. I can guarantee you, I wouldn't be complaining one bit." Logan looks at me with want and need. "You have no idea what kind of fantasies I want to act out with you in my childhood room right now." There's a knock on the door, Logan's head falls and his body deflates. It's Scott, I can hear him clear his throat. Logan turns and sits on the bed next to me and resituates himself before allowing his dad to come in. Scott walks in and looks nervously at Logan. "Can I talk to you privately?" "Anything you need to say can be said in front of Jewels. What's up?" Logan's trying to ease the heavy atmosphere that has shifted in the room. "I just got done speaking with Alex, and he is afraid to come to dinner. He's afraid he won't be able to look at Jewel without thinking of all the ways you've hurt her, or even all the ways you plan to." You can tell how upset he is to even have to say these words. I can see the images of what Alex has told him flash through his eyes, and I don't like it. I stand up, "Logan hasn't hurt me, he'll never hurt me, and I'd never allow it if he did." I'm pissed that they are dragging this on, "Anything that happens behind closed doors is between me and Logan. That being said, I am upset that you are allowing this to go on any longer than it already has. I have lost my whole family in a car accident, I'm sure Logan told you about it. I just can't believe you've let that event shape how you view him." I walk over and put my hand on Logan’s cheek and that calms my shaky nerves, "I have lost too much and I know how it feels to lose your family." I turn to his father, "Don't let those past actions separate your family. You have no idea how much longer everyone will be together." Scott nods and looks ashamed, "I understand, and you're right. Logan, I'm sorry, it's none of my business." He turns to walk out of the room, but before he does, he turns back and looks at Logan one last time, "Son, you better keep this one, she is strong, brave, and she doesn't take crap." He winks at me and leaves. "You didn't have to do that, stand up for me." He stands from the bed and grabs my hand "I know, I’m just tired of them being in your business. Did you know Olivia has always been on your side? She probably argued for you when you weren't around."

He looks shocked, "I didn't know that, interesting. Are you hungry? I think dinner is ready." I nod, "Yes, but before we go..." I pull him to the bed and push him on his back. I pull my dress up past my hips so I can spread my legs and straddle him. He sees my garter belts attached to my stockings. "Fuck baby, you're so hot!" As he plays with the straps, I slap his hand away and I lean down and kiss him. Logan doesn't let me back up, he cups the back of my neck and puts his other arm around my back holding me to him. We don't stop until I feel him growing under me, it makes me giggle. "We need to go down stairs now or your parents are going to start to wonder where we are." "NOT yet." He growls, "I want you now." I start shaking my head, we aren't going to do it here. "You can say 'no' all you want love, but I'm not letting you leave this room until we are both satisfied." How can I say no to that? I don't think I could ever truly say 'no' to Logan. I lift allowing him to unbuckle his belt and pants and pull them down, just enough to release his thick waiting cock. He grabs my favorite pink lace panties and rips them off. FUCK! Even though that was hot, they were my favorite, and now I have none to wear the rest of the night. I'm still hovering over him, he grabs himself and puts his thick head at my entrance. Logan looks up briefly and nods. He thrust up as I push down and its pure ecstasy. I take his mouth sucking his lower lip and tongue. We fuck hard and fast, trying to be as quiet as possible, only the sound of our bodies colliding and a few moans are all that can be heard. I come biting his shoulder and moaning his name as he erupts into me. Logan fixes his clothes, puts my panties in his front pants pocket and then assists me in fixing mine. "I need a bathroom." I say as he takes my hand and leads me out of the room. After I'm done with the bathroom Logan and I start walking down stairs to the dining room. On our way, I hear two gruff male voices coming from down the hall. Hopefully it’s Scott putting his foot down. We get to the kitchen, help Olivia set the table and put all the food out. It's very unnerving to be around his family with a bare bottom. Once we are done Logan and I sit and wait for everyone else. First Scott comes, then Olivia and finally Alex. He has Logan's jaw structure and his athletic body, but Logan is bigger, even taller. Alex has dark brown hair and brown eyes, not Logan's beautiful sea foam green. Alex walks straight to me and shakes my hand. "Nice to finally meet you Jewel, I'm Alex, Logan’s better looking younger brother." He slaps Logan's shoulder roughly, "If he ever hurts you, just give me a call, I will take care of him." Then he winks at me. I just smile and nod. The rest of the dinner is lovely, everyone is joking around and telling stories. I can tell they missed this time with each other. After dessert I help Olivia clean up as the guys watch TV and talk about sports and cars. I'm ready to go home, not because I'm not enjoying myself, but because I'm embarrassed that I don't have on underwear. Sure, no one knows, but I do, and it's uncomfortable. I feel him close to me, warm strong arms hug my waist, "You ready to go home beautiful?" "Yes, I need underwear." I whisper so he can barely hear me.

"I have some in my pocket." Logan laughs when I playfully slap his arm. "What's so funny kids?" Olivia asks curiously. "Nothing, Jewel is exhausted. We're going to go home now." Logan grabs my hand and we start for the door. "Wait? Going home? Do you guys live together?" Alex asks. "Yeah, I moved into Jewels condo. Well, not fully, we're planning on finally moving everything this week. We've been really busy recently." Logan starts kissing my neck when he finishes. "So, what'cha doing with your house then? Are you going to sell it or would you possibly think about renting it out to someone?" I see where Alex is going with this. It could be the way to bring the family together. "We will pay two months’ rent in advance if you let Alex live there." Scott says without hesitation. He must want Alex out of his home as well. I try not to laugh. "I wasn't thinking about renting it out, only selling it. But I wouldn't mind helping you out little brother. How about $500 a month and you can move in next weekend?" "DEAL!" Both Alex and Scott say in unison, which makes us laugh. "Good. You ready to go beautiful?" I just nod and start giving hugs goodbye. Everyone seems to accept me so I'm at ease. "Next time we'll have dinner at our place." I say with certainty as we walk out the door. "That would be lovely, thank you for helping me clean up. We're so glad Logan has finally found someone to love and who loves him back." Olivia gives me a big hug, and then I am passed onto Scott and lastly to Alex, who surprisingly gives me a hug as well. I look over and Logan is getting hugs from everyone also. When he gets to Alex, I hold my breath. Logan moves first and takes his little brother into a hug. My heart melts, this is what I wanted, Logan to have his family back. We wave goodbye as we pull down the road. "We need to empty your house and get things from both places into a storage unit, as soon as possible. When do you think Roy will be able to help? At least get all the playroom things set up in the spare bedroom. I love your king sized bed, but that's not our bed, it's yours. Can we keep my queen?" "We can keep the queen, but I think the playroom needs to wait until we get a house. We're putting the condo up for sale soon and it'll need to be shown. If we want to play, we'll go to The Club." He says without hesitation or question. I nod, "Okay, but I want your furniture in our condo though, your dining table, and couches. Everything else can be cleaned out of both homes and go into a storage unit." I'm so excited to get things rolling. "Sounds good love." -------------------------------------------------"So are you excited to go back to work tomorrow?" I have been out of work for weeks, first because I was kidnapped and beaten to within an inch of my life, then because I requested vacation time for Krista's visit. Tomorrow will be my first day back and I hope no one is pissed because I was gone for so long. I also get to start back up on my volunteering at the hospital next Sunday. "Yes, surprisingly, I love my job and my coworkers. Plus, that means you can go back into work as well. What are you going to start doing after work now that you don't have to go to physical therapy?" We're lying, snuggling together, watching TV.

"I'll pick up more hours at the Humane Society. What would you think about maybe getting a dog? I've such a hard time helping out, I just want to adopt them all." I know he loves animals as much as I do. "Can we wait? I want to put the condo up for sale and buy a house before we get a dog. I don't think it would be fair for the animal to not have a big yard to play in." Logan pushes his lower lip out. Damn even when he pouts he is hot! "You're so sensible." He kisses my head and rubs my back, "That's a great idea." "I'm glad you’re going to be helping out your brother, getting him out of your parents’ house." "I am too, he needs a place of his own. I hope that he’s able to make the payments on time though. This land lord is a stickler." Logan pulls me closer to his chest as we both laugh and doze off to sleep.

Chapter 29 My first day back was great, the clients were in good moods, my coworkers were very caring and the day just flew by. When I got home, Roy and Logan were moving things from the house into a huge truck. Now I’m even more excited about this day. I walk into the house and everything I wanted is here. Logan sneaks behind me and wraps his arms around me. I turn and kiss his face. "It's so perfect. Now, when do you want to put her up for sale? I was thinking this week. I want to start my life with you." "It's your place baby, whatever you want." "NO! It's OUR place. You’re the only guy I've ever brought here. I'm ready when you are." I need him to understand that this is his home too, I'm ready to share everything with him. "We'll stay here a little longer. Maybe next month put it up for sale." I just nod in agreement. "Well, considering Roy has been such a great friend and helped you move, I think we should do something special for him and Dahlia. I'm thinking something big. I have a lot of money and if I can't spend it on my friends, whom can I spend it on?" Plus, I'm thinking just a couple grand. "I couldn't agree more, what are you thinking beautiful?" I love the bright ear-to-ear smile on his face. "I'm thinking possibly maybe a cruise or we can go to Las Vegas? Where do you think they'd like to go?" I'm ready for another vacation already. "I think we should plan it for a few months from now, or during the winter and make it a tropical vacation." I'm so concentrated on our conversation I didn't even notice Roy walking back into the room. "We'd love to go on a tropical vacation during winter. But we don't want you paying for anything. How about we just plan a trip together, that can be your gift?" Roy overheard. "Roy I didn't mean to offend you, I just love you guys and want to spoil you like you have spoiled me with your friendship." Roy looks relaxed but I can tell he isn't comfortable. Roy rests his arm around my shoulder, "I understand, but you don't need to spoil us, we are spoiled by your friendship as well. Just cook us dinner and we'll call it good. Now, where are we going on this tropical vacation? Is it just going to be the three of us, or are we going to invite Logan as well?" He asks jokingly and winks at me. I laugh harder when Logan jerks my arm and pulls me to him. "I think we can invite Logan, I might get lonely with you and Dahlia running off every five minutes." Roy laughs at my statement and at Logan’s possessiveness. "I'll make us dinner tomorrow night, around six-thirtyish. Please bring your better half and we'll talk about all of our plans. Thank you for all you've done today, Roy. Have a good night." I leave the guys to change into my gray shirt and yoga pants, and begin to cook dinner. -------------------------------------------------Everything is working to my advantage, finally. I have the impeccable boyfriend, the perfect life, perfect friends and the perfect job. What more could a girl ask for? After work I pick up a few things from the grocery store. I stop by the mailbox before going upstairs with all my bags. I don't look at what I grab, just put it in a bag and take the elevator home. When I'm done changing into my comfy clothes I begin cooking dinner for the night and

I see the mail. I browse through it, most of its junk. I pull out a normal white envelope that doesn't have a return address, but is addressed to me. Just touching it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. There is something about it that doesn't feel right. I take my letter opener and slowly open it. I let out a sigh of relief, it’s just a letter.

Too bad I took my time with you. Next time you won't be so lucky. That will be soon, you had better enjoy your life because you won't be alive much longer. I know where you work, I know your daily schedule. I'll get to you, you'll never be safe. I'll take out anyone who gets in my way. Fuck, I sink to the floor and curl into a ball. I know Dylan didn't send this, even though it seems like it's from him. He’s in jail, they haven't started his trial yet. I know they keep track of everything the inmate’s mail out. Either someone is playing tricks on me, or someone is working with Dylan and my perfect life is going to be destroyed. What do I do? Do I take this to Logan and show him? Do I take it directly to the police? Can they track down the writer? I start shaking and hearing creeks all throughout my house. I'm getting extremely anxious, I need to breathe and calm down. This doesn't mean a thing. No one can get me, Logan won't let anything happen to me. And I'm not going to allow myself to be kidnapped again. I push those thoughts out of my mind and focus on cooking food. I welcome everyone home and we have a great dinner. I didn't inform Logan about the letter, I couldn't bring myself to do it. The last thing I want to do is to hide things from him, but I’m strong and brave enough to handle this by myself. If someone is out to get me, let him or her come. I don't want Logan to get involved and potentially get hurt somehow. I've been through enough to know, what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger. By now I should be damn near invincible. On my way home from work the following day I get a call from a number I don't recognize, it might be from a number of people so I answer like I always do. "I will get you, I'm coming for you. Your boyfriend won't be able to save you this time." The voice is deep and garbled, I can barely understand it, whom ever it is--has a voice changer.

"Come and get me ass hole. I’m not afraid of you." I hang up. I'm not allowing anyone to rack my nerves any more. The only way anyone can ever hurt me, is if they ever do anything to Logan. I don't think they're after him, they sound like they're only after me. Good. I'm ready to fight. I wave to Dan and continue to the elevator after getting the mail. Once again there is another envelope. I know exactly whom it is from, well not really but I don't even open it, it’s pointless. Whoever it is can threaten me all they want, they won't touch me without getting attacked themselves. A few days later, I have had at least three menacing calls and I now have a good amount of letters piled. I've called the numbers back, they are different every time. Now when the phone rings I answer, "Hello ass hole, are you any closer to 'coming and getting me?'" They always have some smart ass remark and then I hang up. I laugh every time, I'm not afraid of him. I’m only afraid of Logan getting in the middle. Logan is keeping me strong, he doesn't know about the threats, but knowing he's there if anything happens makes me know I'm safe. I’m hiding all the letters in my side table. I haven't even told Krista about them. I know she'll call Logan as soon as she finds out. I don't tell anyone, there's no point. Whoever is threatening me is obviously too afraid to do anything or I would already be dead or injured. As I walk into the house, I put my things down and take my shoes off. I grab the latest letter and start walking to the bedroom to put it in the drawer with the rest of them. I pass by Logan's office, I know he's home, knocking I tell him I love him and dinner will be ready soon. I continue to walk down the hall. I hear a response than hear footsteps stomping towards me. I get to my side table and pull it open. Freezing immediately, all the letters are missing. FUCK! "What are you looking for beautiful?" Logan asks in the deepest dom voice, a chill begins at the base of my spine and travels up. My heart rate increases, I know he has opened even the ones I hadn't. "Nothing you haven't already found." I hold out the most recent one, "You want to read this one too?" I’m pissed, I didn't want him in the middle of my problems, and I know he keeps me out of his. "Why didn't you fucking tell me? We would've had this situation handled by now? Is this the reason you cuddle so far into me at night and I've had to wake you up from horrible dreams?" I turn away, I've had awful dreams about Dylan coming for me, and dreams that keep replaying what has already happened. "What else are you fucking hiding from me?" "I've been getting calls every day after work. I didn't tell you because the only thing that can hurt me is if they get to you. This idiot has no idea what they're doing or I would've already been taken. I'm not worried about it." I shrug and try to walk past him. Logan grabs my arm and turns me back to face him, "We aren't done with this conversation, I've been on the phone with the police, and they want to speak with you. I have a detective coming over and they want to see all of the letters. They'll want all the numbers in your phone that this person is calling from." His grip on my arm is almost painful. "It doesn't matter." I yank my arm out of his grasp, "I've recalled all the numbers and they're from disconnected numbers or phone booths. I don't think the cops can do anything. Just let me handle this Logan, don't get involved, I don't want anything to happen to you." I’m trying to be sincere, I don't need him making anything worse. "They're coming after you because of me. You haven't read any of the damn letters. You don't know what the fuck is going on." Logan grabs my hands, "I'm the reason you're in this situation, and you being with me has put you in so much danger. I'm not sitting by and watching

you get hurt anymore. You need to speak with the detective, we'll be changing your phone number today and then I want you to take a mini vacation somewhere. I want you to get out of here until we find out who's behind this." I rip my hands away from him, "I am not going anywhere. I'm not running away from this." I start down the hallway to the kitchen, "If I leave, this asshole wins, and I'm not going to allow them to win!" He follows close on my heels, "I'm not going to allow you to stay here and risk you getting injured or killed." I quickly turn around, "LOGAN! Just us fighting about this is also allowing them to win. You're making a bigger deal out of this than it is. Nothing you can do or say is going to make me leave, I'm staying here, this is my home and I'm not running away. I'm not afraid, I will fight. I AM NOT LEAVING! Now let me cook dinner." I go into the kitchen and think about everything that is happening in my life right now. He doesn't follow me, I hope he isn't planning on getting involved any more than he already has. I don't want to speak with a detective, no one is able to help me. Leave town? What is that going to achieve? Absolutely nothing, just me running from my problems, like I always have. I came here to start a new life, I’m finally happy. I feel him watching me. "I finally have everything that I've wanted. I'm not going to let someone come in and take it all away from me. Please, don't get involved, let me deal with this. I'm tired of running from my problems Logan. I love you and I don't want anyone to tear you away from me." He starts walking closer to my back as I'm cutting vegetables. Logan's hands slide down my arms until he reaches my hands. He makes me drop the knife and he spins me so my front is against his. My arms twisted across my chest. Lowering, he begins kissing and hugging me tighter. I open up letting his tongue meet mine and explore my mouth. This is what I want, what I've been fighting for. "I love you too Jewel, I just can't imagine my life without you. When I read those letters it made me feel murderous. If anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't know how to survive." Logan releases my arms so I can wrap them around him. We continue kissing sweetly and passionately, breathing in each other. I know exactly what he means, I don't know what I'd do without him. I need him as much as he needs me. I move the cutting board, hop on the counter and pull him close. "I can't survive without you either." I say with a quiet voice. "I need you." Logan breathes "Take me, anyway you want, I'm all yours." He reaches for my scrub pants and I lift as he pulls them down my waist with my panties. After he pulls his pants down, I smash my lips to his and hold tightly. I don't permit any space between us. He’s nuzzled between my thighs and I wrap my legs around him. I feel his warmth all over my front and am appreciative that my back is chilled, the heat is almost too much. He fills me so seamlessly, as Logan pauses and concentrates on our mouths instead of our bodies and then unhurriedly pulls out and pushes back in. I feel every inch of his penis as he moves. This is slow, this is making love and my need to be dominated, spanked or whipped, flies out the window. I want what we have, what we're doing. Logan begins his sluggish assault of my neck and chest before taking my lips again, kissing me like there is no tomorrow. Actually, that is exactly how he's kissing me, and making love to me. Like we'll never see each other again. I don't think too much about it. I'm getting closer to my release, rolling my hips, he hugs me tighter and kisses rougher.

His hands are rubbing my back slowly and softly. My hands move from his ass to rub his biceps, when I do the warmth in my core increases and I'm about to fall over the edge. I don't need to say anything, he knows when I'm close, knows my body better than I do. Thrusting roughly twice, I come quietly with a moan, my walls pulsing around him. When I say his name Logan releases with a grunt, into me and I spasm even longer, prolonging my orgasm. When we pull away after moments of being connected, Logan speaks first, "How about we just order out?" "That sounds great." I feel he's holding back information, he's being withdrawn and tense. What does he have running through his mind? I hate the feeling that he is troubled. "What's going through that brain of yours? You can't hide from me Logan." I hope to lighten the mood so I give him a sincere smile. "Nothing love, I just want to eat something quick. I have a lot of work to do and the detective will be here soon." Just then my phone rings and I pull my pants and panties back up and run to my purse. I look at it and shake it at Logan informing him its Krista. He just smiles and walks back to his office. "Hello." I say with excitement. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I have to hold the phone away from my ear and I can still hear her perfectly. "Actually, why didn't you fucking tell Logan? He fucking cares about you and will protect you from evil. No, instead of getting his help, you hide shit and cause more heartache! I thought you would've learned your lesson the first fucking time!" Damn it! Why did he call Krista the first chance he got? "Krista, it's not a big deal. You two are making a big commotion." I try to ease her worry, but as I'm speaking I walk to the office, open the door and give Logan a pissed off look and point. Essentially informing him of the trouble he is in. I just get a smile, but it’s a completely fake. Logan's still hiding something and I'll figure it out. "I want you to come here, I don't want you to be in danger any more. Let Logan find out what's going on. No one can hurt you here. Please just come to California and let Logan fix everything." She can beg all she wants, it's not happening. "NO! Krista, I'm not running, this isn't a big deal, and no one is going to get me. Enough now. If you're going to force me to come there, then this conversation is over. I love you both but it's not fair to gang up on me." "Okay! I'm sorry but please think about it. We love you and care about you we don't want you to get hurt." "I understand. Now how has your week been?" I want our normal conversation. I understand they are worried, but I am not leaving Michigan. After a few moments I hear the home phone buzz and I know its Dan telling us that either the detective or dinner is here. Logan takes care of things and the next thing I know, he's making us two plates of Chinese. I tell Krista I have to go and will talk to her later. Then Logan and I sit down to eat. "So obviously you contacted my best friend to try to convince me to go to California. I'm not going to tell either of you again. I'm not leaving, definitely not leaving you here by yourself. I love you, you're my life." I take a bite from my sweet and sour chicken. "Okay. But if this gets any worse, you're leaving until I've this figured out. You had better believe it." He says smugly.

The phone starts ringing so I answer and it's Dan informing me that the detective is in the lobby. "Send her up please and thank you." Logan comes from his office with the pile of letters as I let the detective in. "Good evening Mrs. Singer." "Good evening Ms. Kessler. I heard you are being threatened?" I just shake my head as I lead her into the living area where Logan is already seated on his black leather couch and the letters on the coffee table. He stands and introduces himself. "Nice to meet you Mr. Morris. Thank you for calling about the situation. Most people don't take any action until it's too late. I'm glad you stepped in and got involved." She says politely. "I’m just afraid something horrible is going to happen and I need her in my life. She doesn't want help. She thinks there isn't a threat." He just rolls his eyes at the end of his statement. I simply say, “There isn't a threat, I've seen no action." "Ms. Kessler, just because you haven't seen any action, doesn't mean they haven't been watching your every move. Just waiting to find their opening. You should take this seriously, considering the last horrific thing that happened to you." She looks up from her notes. "Are those all the letters?" Logan and I both nod. "Can I take these in for evidence?" Logan answers before I get the chance, "Yes, I've already scanned and copied them."

Chapter 30 "Wow, I'm sorry but I don't think the police are going to be able to help me." The detective has left me with no hope that they'll be any assistance. "At least they know what's going on. Have a little faith." Logan comes to my side of the bed and gives me a sweet kiss. "I have a few things to do in the office before coming to bed. Sleep love, I'll be in shortly." When he brushes a few hairs away from my face, I grab his arm and pull him to me, kissing him passionately. "I love you Logan, please don't stay up too much longer, I will miss your arms around me." "You got it babe." He kisses my forehead and walks out of the room. Hours later, I jolt awake and take deep breaths. Quickly looking around the dark room, I'm not in that creepy warehouse, I'm in our bedroom. I reach over knowing that if I just touch Logan, I'll know everything was just a dream and that I'm safe. Feeling only emptiness, and cold sheets, he hasn't come to bed yet. A chill runs through my body, I’m alone. Yet, I have that eerie feeling that someone is watching me, waiting for me to get out of bed to take me. What do I do? Run and find Logan or pull my covers over my face until I feel my unease subside enough to go back to sleep. I need to know Logan's here, I need to know I am safe. Taking a couple deep breaths to control my anxiety, I feel the pull of Logan. He's in the room, he is the one watching me. I pull myself together and tell myself that this is my test, he wants to see how strong I'm emotionally. I rise out of bed and go to the door. When my hand touches the handle my wrist is grabbed from behind. I try to reach with my other hand and that too is grabbed. I feel Logan's muscular chest against my back, the smell of him and that sizzle of warmth I get when he touches me in any way. He moves both wrists into one hand and covers my mouth with his other. I get a thrill, this is his way to see what I am made of, and even at three in the morning, I am able to focus. I lightly bite his hand, rapidly tossing my wrists down and in separate directions, propelling my hips back all at the same time, eradicating his body from mine. When I'm done I grab the door and skip down the hall. I'm proud of myself for not taking it as far as my mind wanted to. Chop him in the throat and knee him in the balls, but I could've. I hide behind the corner to the kitchen and wait for him to come down the hall. He's being extremely quiet but I hear him padding closer and closer until I can feel his warmth next to me. I turn from the corner and slap his ass before running back down the hallway into our bedroom. Logan quickly catches me by the arm and swings me into him. I can't help but giggle the whole time. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. "Did I pass your test my love?" I ask playfully. "That you did. Now for your reward." Logan shoves me against the hall wall. I'm just wearing a pink silk nighty with no underwear and he's only wearing his boxers, which he has pushed down already. Logan's warm strong hands start sliding all over me, making my body burn for him. He starts pushing the silk up my hips leaving my bottom half naked, inserting his thickness inside me and beginning his assault. I moan with satisfaction. He isn't gentle, holding me tightly and slamming into me with his whole body, moving quickly in and out. Nothing on Earth is greater than Logan completely lost in me.

My head is swimming and my body is on fire waiting for a few more powerful thrusts that will send me over the edge and into oblivion. I can't believe this feeling hasn't dimmed at all in these past months. I'm about to shatter into a billion pieces. "Come for me beautiful. I love you Jewel let me feel your body drain me." That's all it takes, he sucks on my nipple as I explode. Logan impales me a few more times and he erupts into me. I kiss his face as he carries me into the bedroom and lays me down while pulling out. Walking around to his side and crawling in. He drags the covers over both of us and pulls me close. "Time to sleep. No more bad dreams. I’m here to protect you." He kisses my hair and I close my eyes knowing I'm safe in his arms. -------------------------------------------------I stand staring at my cars, all windows are shattered, and there are dents and flat tires. At this moment, it actually hits me that someone wants to hurt me and is out there waiting for me, watching me. I walk briskly back into the foyer and march right up to Dan. "What the fuck happened to my vehicles, why the fuck haven't I been notified that there was damage caused? And where the fuck is the police? I'm already late for work." "I am very sorry ma'am, last night we had a glitch in our system, all of the cameras shut down. Look at my screen. I can't actually see your spaces." He tries to pacify me and it just enrages me even more. I'm more scared than pissed and I'm taking it out on poor Dan. If all of the cameras crashed, who’s to say it won't happen again and the creep gets up the stairs without anyone knowing, especially if the doorman is away from his desk trying to fix the system. "I was told when I bought the condo that every square fucking inch of that garage was covered. Now I’m being told that I am one of the only spots that aren’t. I have the most expensive fucking cars in that garage. Why aren't mine covered?" I pause trying to catch my breath. I have insurance they will be fixed. It's not that big of a deal. The problem I'm having is the possibilities for horrible things to happen. I take another soothing breath and massage my temples trying to calm myself. "I'm sorry Dan for blowing up on you. I've been getting death threats and am taking my anger out on you. I'm sorry. Please, just call me when the police arrive." Taking the elevator back up to the house preparing myself for the argument I'm about to have. Logan doesn't have to be to work until later, he doesn't know about the problem. I call my work and tell them I'm taking the day off, I have had a problem that needs attending to. When I walk back into the house, Logan exits the bedroom ready for the day. He has a dress shirt and pants on, he is sex personified and I can't stop drooling. "What are you doing back home, baby?" He asks concerned. "There's a problem with my cars, I’m waiting for the police to come and help me out. I already called work and informed them I'm not coming in today." He instantly stiffens and his smile fades. "What kind of problem are we talking about?" Fuck! Logan's pissed and he has every right to be. This conversation isn't going to go my way at all. "My cars were vandalized last night. Dan had a problem with the cameras and apparently our cars aren't under surveillance. We need to put this condo for sale sooner." I start digging for my cell phone when I hear it ringing.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Jewels this is ridiculous, you need to leave. It's time, I'm not waiting around for something to happen to you. You’re leaving today, I'll go call the airport and get tickets." He turns to walk away. "Don't even fucking think about it Logan, I'm not going anywhere." I pick up the phone and I realize it’s most likely my stalker. "What the fuck do you want?" "I'm sorry Ms. Kessler. I was just informed by your door man that your vehicles were vandalized?" Damn it, of course I answer rudely to Detective Singer. "I’m sorry. I expected you to be the stalker rubbing in their latest actions." I'm trying to get back on track. "Yes, they were vandalized and I want to report it." "I'll be by soon, please inform your doorman that I'll need to spend sometime in the garage." She is being as helpful as she can. "I'll also need to see any surveillance that he has acquired." "That won't be possible. I was just informed that the system was down and apparently my spots aren't completely within view of the cameras." Ugh! I thought I was protected. Or at least my cars were protected. We say a few more things and I hang up. I quickly call Dan and inform him of the Detectives needs. I go in search of Logan. I can hear him on the phone, "I don't know what else to fucking do. She is not listening to me. I'm at my wits end...I understand but it’s the last resort...Yeah, yeah I know...Thank you. Okay. Bye." He hangs up and I throw the door open, "Who the fuck were you on the phone with?" "Jewels you need to leave town, you need to go. I am not going to sit around and wait for something horrible to happen to you." Logan slowly rises from his chair and places both fists on the desk. He looks menacing, domineering, and hotter than hell. "DAMN IT LOGAN, THAT'S ENOUGH! I'm not going anywhere!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Why won't you just do this one fucking thing for me? Put yourself before others, one fucking time." One quick movement, Logan throws his desk on its side and all contents fly through the air before crashing to the ground. "Pack your damn bags and leave, just long enough for us to find out who is doing this! Just fucking do it for me!" His hands are in his hair and he is pulling with everything he can. Pleading me with his eyes, begging me to just walk out that door, run from my problem. I understand his worry but this is fucking ridiculous, I can't take any more of this damn conversation. "The detective will be here soon. I'm not leaving now, or ever!" I turn and leave hugging my chest, to control my temper. "GOD DAMN IT! If you won't fucking leave, than I am." That stops me and I turn back to him. His chest puffing as he tries to control his breathing. "We're done Jewels. I can't worry about your every fucking breath. I can't fucking protect you when you won't do what I fucking ask." He isn't screaming but he has a tone that scares the shit out of me. "You aren't going anywhere. I can't let you leave. I need you, I feel better when you're near me." I'm trying to ease my own mind. Am I hearing things now? I thought he said he was leaving. I can't have that, my insides start shaking, like I'm freezing, my soul has just been turned to ice. "I would feel better if you would just fucking leave, but since you won't I am." Logan passes me, out of the destroyed office, and into our bedroom. He grabs his bag and throws some clothes in.

I can hear my heart literally breaking as he continues, "I can't stand by and watch this. Last time I wasn't prepared for what happened, last time you hid the truth from me as well. This time I know the outcome and you won't do a damn thing to change it." He zips up his bag visibly shaking, I can see pain and pure rage in his eyes. Unshed tears that are threatening to break the surface at any moment. "Logan, I'm warning you right now, you walk out that door and you can kiss us goodbye. I don't play the fucking game of 'break up and makeup'. It only happened, once because I didn't hear you out. This time you're literally turning your back on me." I’m serious and too numb to cry. Knowing as soon as that front door slams I'll lose all my control. Logan walks past me again, this time with his bag in hand and heads for the door. "I'll be by later on to pick up the rest of my shit." Before he walks out the front door my cell phone starts ringing. I run past him and answer without looking. My whole world is crashing down, I don't care who is calling, but it better be fucking important. "Do you like what I've done to your shit? It'll be you next, I can't wait to feel your last breath escape from your body." I can't believe this asshole has the balls to call me right now. "COME AND GET ME MOTHER FUCKER, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO HURT ME!" I growl and throw my phone at the wall. Watching as it shatters into a million pieces just like my perfect life. Pulling my hair, I sink to the floor by the island facing Logan and the front door. "No one, including Dylan has ever hurt me as much as you are right now. I'm not fearful of this new asshole. You’re the only one who can rip my heart out, and you’re doing an awesome job." Logan looks back, "Good bye Jewels" and grabs the doorknob. I panic and without thinking I instantly snap my fingers. He freezes in the door way and I hear the bag hit the floor. I'm on my knees begging him to stay with my head bowed and my hands linked behind my back. Sadly, I know he's still going to leave me. Logan's going to ask me to go to California and I'll still refuse. He'll walk out faster than I can say, 'I love you'. The pain in my chest is excruiating. My whole body is shaking and I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. "You'll get on a plane, you will go to California and you'll wait for me to call you." Logan speaks deep, but I can hear a faint tone of possible relief. He is my dominante but also the man I love. I really should listen to him, which is what he needs me to do. But I need to stand my ground, I need to expose this demon and take them down. I cannot leave. I cannot allow them to win. This is my, life not theirs to control. "I. AM. NOT. LEAVING!" I growl, "I thought out of everyone you would understand." I turn my head away as the tears continue to fall. "But I guess not, I guess you don't know me as well as I thought you did. You once said I was strong and I was brave. Now you ask me to run with my tail between my legs and allow this person to win." I look into his eyes, "You're the only one in the world who can harm me. You're the only one that can hurt me enough to stop my heart from beating. You walk out that door..." I can't even finish. I won't kill myself, but a part of me will die. The part of me that cares about selfpreservation. I can feel it draining from my body now. The only one who I will fight against will be the asshole that is threatening me. I will get revenge for them taking everything from me. "I love you, but I can't watch you destroy yourself, I can't watch you sit and wait to be kidnapped, beaten or killed. I. WONT. DO. IT!" He takes a deep controlling breath and I can tell by the way his voice is shaking that he is crying, "Good bye Jewels."

Chapter 31 I can't look, I put a shield up to protect myself from jumping up and running to him, telling him I'll do whatever he wants. But when I hear the door shut, my life comes crashing down on me like a million tons of brick. It's too much, I curl into a ball on the floor and hug my knees tighter, praying that the pain will subside just long enough for me to get off the floor. It doesn't and when I hear my home phone ring, I know it is Dan informing me that Detective Singer is here. I can barely breathe and move to answer it. My whole body is shaking like I'm swimming in the Grand River in the middle of winter, my heat just walked out of my life. The light in my darkness has been put out and I am clouded in misery. Finally, I answer after two calls, "Dan, please send her up." I can barely get the words out. I have no idea how he understood what was said. A few moments later, the Detective is at my door and I am escorting her in, trying to hide my face and wiping my eyes. "I've looked at your cars, it’s a good thing you have insurance." She sees my face, "Oh my, are you hurt?" She takes a breath and quickly looks over my body, looking for damage. "Darling, take a breath please and tell me what’s going on." I sob so hard I can't breathe, I can't function, and I'm feeling faint. I need to sit down, I walk toward his couches and quickly turn around when my chest constricts. I clench it, in hopes to feel something other than cold and pain, it’s no use. I turn toward the dining table and realize that's his too. Instead I decide to just fall to the floor again and Mrs. Singer runs over in an attempt to help me. She doesn't make it in time as I crumble to my knees. "They won. They took the thing I hold most dear to me, the only thing they could take away that I care about." I take a deep cleansing breath before I begin again, "They called before he left to inform me that I’m next. You can have my phone, it’s in pieces by the wall." I point. "Logan begged me to leave, but I’m too stubborn to follow his command." Kneeling next to me, Detective Singer starts rubbing my back in an attempt to sooth me. I just begin shaking worse. "He only wants whats best for you, maybe you should leave. Protect yourself." "There is nothing to protect. I’m a shell of a woman, my life has just walked out that door." I say blankly as I realize I have nothing worth fighting for. I am nothing worth fighting for, that's what Logan just proved to me. I stand quickly, "He wants me to leave? Fine, I'm gone. He walked out on me, he left me. He doesn't want me anymore." I’m not leaving because of the threats to my life. I’m leaving because I don't have a life here anymore, because the love of my life just walked out on me and I have no hope to ever see him again. I need to get out of this town, I'll never come back. Everything here will remind me of him and everything we've done together. I'll never have another Logan, just people who use me. "Detective Singer, do what you need to. Take what you want. I'll be in California if you need to reach me." I give her Krista's number to reach me at and inform her that if she gets any information, she can give it all to Krista. "I don't give a shit!" Going into the bedroom and grab a few clothes. Before I leave I call a cab with my house phone and pick my family pictures off the wall, shoving them briskly into my bag. I look at the other pictures, all I see is Logan.

There are pictures of us at the beach, eating dinner, us at the races. I rip them off the wall and smash them, letting the glass fall to pieces. That pains me more, wanting to feel relief, I spin around and throw one of my lamps at the TV on the wall, as I cry out. The TV's screen cracks. That didn't feel as good as I needed it to either. I grab the big screen and yank it off the wall. I still feel nothing. "FUCK!" I look at Mrs. Singer and she looks afraid of me. "I’m sorry to worry you, thank you for your help." I walk past her and before leaving the condo, I rip the diamond necklace off tossing it onto the counter and leaving the door open as I go. I'm surprised I could make it to the elevator without falling to the floor. Surprised I’m still able to breathe. But that is all I'm doing, breathing and walking. I have no feelings, I am blank. "Dan it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll call you in a few weeks to inform you where to send my belongings. Logan said he would be by later to pick up his shit. I don't care what he takes. Tell him he can have the whole damn place for all I fucking care." I walk out just as the taxi pulls out front and before Dan could say anything. I have the driver put on the country channel while he is driving, knowing I'll hear something that might cause some feeling. After a few sappy love songs, I hear Miranda Lambert singing, 'Mama's Broken Heart'. I yell at the cabbie to turn it up. I think I've just found my new song, it fits me perfectly. Maybe it will bring some feelings back to me...eventually. -------------------------------------------------We arrive at the airport, I grab my bag and pray that there is a flight out soon. I don't want to be here anymore. Just knowing that Logan is somewhere in this state and he doesn't want me, makes me slip deeper down the dark tunnel, deeper into depression. Luckily, there's a flight out to Detroit and then a connecting to L.A. within an hour. I decide to spend my time with a glass of whiskey and a couple fries, just staring blankly at the TV. If someone were watching me, they'd think that I actually gave a shit about the sports news station. After a couple of glasses of whiskey and water, I pay and go to the bathroom before I pass through security and to my terminal. I'm so numb, I've never felt this way before. Not even when my family died, I always had tears in my eyes or all over my face. The only thing I feel is warmth in my stomach from the liquor and a burning throbbing pain where my heart used to be. I'm standing at the sink washing my hands when a small skinny brunette woman walks in and stands behind me by the wall. She's in black yoga pants and a black tee shirt, looking at me through the mirror. She looks intimidating, if I was normal, I probably would have been worried. I stand straighter, I'm taller than her and I have tennis shoes on. There is nothing she can do to me to make me hurt. She could stab me in the back and I might think it tickled. "I told you I'd come for you." She puts on a wicked grin. I don't even turn around, looking at her through the mirror I put that same smile on my face, "Well, you have me bitch, what the fuck do you want?" I see a wave of shock roll through her, but she has a deadly look about her. I’m not worried, there is nothing she could do to hurt me. Plus, I'll take her the fuck down. I have a plane to catch. "I followed you, I've been watching you. Do you like your cars? Where do you plan on going? Are you running away from me, are you afraid?" She's so cocky, reminds me of Dylan.

"Obviously you followed me. Damn, you guys are so fucking stupid. You and Dylan both don't have a fucking brain in your head do you?" When I mention his name her emotion changes so briefly, if I wasn't staring at her, I wouldn't have noticed. I turn and begin walking towards her, "If he would've just stuck to his plan and killed me and hid my body, the dumb ass wouldn't be in jail right now and I'd be at the bottom of a river or lake. But he decided to attempt to rape me with his little dick, giving the police time to find me. How the fuck do you plan on getting me out of here? Or do you plan on just slitting my throat and wrists in here?" I'm bent a little but face-to-face. I see another wave flash through her; anger, jealousy and fear. I know she didn't think that far ahead. That makes me even more pissed. If you’re going to waste my fucking time, there had better be a good fucking reason. My nails are clenched so tightly that they are most likely causing my palms to bleed. "Now look at you, instead of acting on what you have been threatening, I'll be walking away from this as well." As I finish she throws both her hands to my neck. I let her win for a moment, hoping I would feel something other than emptiness. Nope, damn, Logan did a number on me. Just before needing air, I quickly smash both her ears with my palms making a suctioning. It must have hurt because she let up on choking me, I punch her in the throat and she starts gasping for air. Lastly, I clock her in the face hard, knocking her to the ground, she is stunned and gasping for air holding her face. After a few glasses of whiskey and water I'm surprised I am not feeling even a slight buzz. I turn and wash my hands again, watching the clear water turn red. I see movement behind me through the mirror. Damn this bitch just doesn't give up. She stands quickly and stumbles to me. She grabs my head, jerks it to the side to open my neck. I see a syringe in her other hand and I’m tired of this damn game. Grabbing both of her hands with mine, swiftly move, so now I'm standing behind her with just her hand with the syringe. I begin pushing it further and further up her back. As she bends her body to relieve some pressure from her arm. I keep dragging it up as she screams out and places her other hand on the sink for support. Eventually, she releases her hold on the syringe and I catch it before it slides down her back. Moving as quickly as possible, I grab her head like she did to me, and give her every last drop of the substance in the syringe. Watching as she wobbles and falls back into me. I give her a slight nudge forward and she smashes her face into the counter. I wait for her to crumple to the ceramic tile and then use my feet to push her against the back wall, also kicking the syringe over to her body. I turn back to the mirror and continue putting on my lip-gloss. I fluff my hair looking at the red marks around my neck. Another woman walks in and gasps with her hand to her mouth. I turn, looking her straight in the eyes and don't miss a beat. "Fucking crack heads." Shaking my head and pointing at the syringe on the floor next to her hand. The lady just shook her head and walked around her. I laugh inside, nobody gives a shit about her. I hope it was all worth it. I walk up to the security guard and give her my ID and ticket. "Oh, by the way, there is a druggie passed out on the floor of the ladies bathroom. You might want to get her some help." She looks at me, grabs her radio and says a few garbled words I don't understand, and then lets me continue on my way through security. I have an hour-long layover in Detroit, I find a pay phone and call Krista. I'm glad she

doesn't answer, I leave a message. Speaking just as I feel, emotionless. "Hey, I'm moving back to Cali. There is nothing here for me. I’m calling from a pay phone, my phone is broken and in police custody. See you in a few hours." I land at L.A.X and grab a taxi to Krista's home. I knock on the door and she doesn't answer. Grabbing her hide-a-key I enter on my own. After taking a shower and putting on a pair of skinny jeans and sexy as hell shirt, I apply makeup like I'm going out for the night. Grab my purse and leave a note for Krista of my plans today. Hailing a taxi to a cell phone place, I get a new phone and number. Only putting Krista's and a cab company's numbers in it. Then I head to the boutique hoping to see her. All the employees treat me with the utmost respect and inform me she just left. I go to a bar and eat dinner, and attempt to drink my problems away. Before I know it, I'm getting into a cab and heading back to Krista's. I walk in and put the key on the kitchen counter, I hadn't notice the half-naked hunk by the fridge. I'm too tipsy to do anything other than smile and look him up and down. His body is delicious, as soon as I see the V and the abs, it reminds me of Logan and I turn my head briefly to collect my thoughts. "You must be Jewels? I'm Gage." He walks closer with his hand out. "It's a pleasure." I shake his hand, "Where is Krista?" "She is in the bedroom on the phone. She'll be done shortly." I nod in understanding. "Will you just tell her I'll be at our favorite club?" I don't want to stick around and hear what they plan to do. "Oh! She was saying she wanted to go out clubbing tonight. Maybe we can meet you there?" I give him a polite smile, "That would be great." I call the cab company and change my shoes to my sexy as sin heels, I just bought at the boutique. Entering the club minutes later, it’s packed with heated bodies rubbing against each other. The lights are pulsing and the music is vibrating through the walls. I walk to the bar and grab a drink, quickly chugging it down as I watch the people on the floor. When my glass is empty, I make my way to the dance floor. I’m alone, I can dance by myself. There is nothing anyone can say or do to hurt me. I hope maybe I can work myself up enough to feel exhausted. I dance through three songs, multiple guys have danced with me. I thank them after each song and walk to another area of the dance floor. What am I doing? I should grab the next hottie and just fucking let loose. I am newly single... Moving to the bar and grabbing another drink. I feel small, feminine hands wrap around my waist as I take a sip of my drink. I turn into her and hug her back. "Hey babe. How many drinks have you had?" She is being too gentle. I don't want that, I want rough and painful. I need to find that somehow. "A few." I slur, "Damn girl why didn't you tell me about Gage, you lucky duck!" Krista laughs hard, "He's the brother to one of our employees, and we're just having fun right now. If it turns into something, I won't complain." "Well, I'm looking for fun tonight too. Let’s go dance." She looks warily at me and then nods and smiles. I down my drink and grab her hand. We dance closely until Gage comes up and grabs her. I just smile at them and he winks at me as he whispers into Krista's ear. I feel hands slide around my waist and I freeze. I've felt these hands before, praying I'm imagining who is behind me. Looking at Krista and the poisonous look in her eyes tells me, my

thoughts are correct. Looks like I'll get my rough and painful like I wanted. I almost jump with joy. His hands start traveling very slowly up and down my body as I continue to dancing to the music erotically, already feeling his erection pressed against my ass. "I thought you moved away. Why are you back and tempting me? You're at our club, are you saying you want me back?" Mark whispers into my ear. "This was my club before it was yours." I turn in his arms and wrap my hands around his neck, bringing him down to my level. "I want you in other ways. Do you think you can handle that sir?" I give him a vixen look and know I have him right where I want him. Krista pushes away from Gage and grabs my arm before I can tease Mark any more. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" She doesn't need to scream, she's very close to my ear, and she probably just blew out my drum. "Whatever the fuck I want." Mark hands me my favorite drink and I down it. "Logan left me Krista, what am I supposed to do except move on." I reach my hand out for Marks hand and he takes it with joy. "You don't have to do this, you aren't proving any point. Logan isn't going to like this Jewel." Krista says as we walk toward the door. I yank my hand out of Mark's and stomp back to her. "Logan walked out on me when I needed him the most. He trampled all over me and left me empty. I don't give a shit what he likes, because obviously it's not me. Go ahead and be a traitor, call and inform him of what I'm doing. I don't care, I don't feel anything. Maybe a little bit of pain will give me some kind of feeling! Don't wait up!" Before turning I see her take her phone out of her purse and frantically type out a text. I need to get out of here. "You ready Mark? Can we go to your place?" "Anywhere you want to go." He has a dirty smile on his face and I can't wait to see how far we take this. -------------------------------------------------We get to his house and as soon as he helps me out of the car he slightly lifts me off my feet and bites my lips, nips his way to my neck and starts sucking. I pull my neck away, "No marking, I'm not yours. I am nobodies." "Okay, sounds good to me." Mark continues to bite, nip and kiss me. My body pressed against his while he carries me until we enter his playroom. It’s dark brown color with leather and dark wood everywhere. He has a metal cage contraption that has cuffs and straps attached. When Mark places me on my feet, I walk over to it, that's what I want. I need it. I strip throwing my clothes in the corner. He hasn't moved from the door but when he sees me with absolution on my face and completely naked, he gets a sexy smile on his face and assists me into position. He rubs my body and moans out in happiness, "Do you remember the safe word?" I nod, "What is it Jewel?" He asks as he finishes attaching my wrists to the cage. "Orange." Mark takes my nipple in his mouth. I don't feel anything but my chest tighten and burn a little more. "Perfect." He walks over to the wall that holds the whips and paddles. I watch as he slides his hand over the cat, knowing it's my favorite. "I want rough, I need hard. I crave pain." He turns around and looks at me like he is going to devour me. "I want that." I nod towards the bullwhip. I know Mark knows how to use it to cause pain, to leave scars.

Pulling it off the wall, Mark runs it through his hand. He grabs a blindfold, "You know I don't like you speaking out of turn. You'll receive a punishment for that." He places the blindfold over my head. I feel the whip slide from my shoulder down my back. I hear the crack but I feel nothing. I growl with frustration, I was hoping this was going to bring some feelings to me. I hear the loud crack again, once again no feeling. "Harder. I don't feel anything, are you even hitting me?" This time I feel a mosquito bite, well at least I can still feel irritation. I continue to stand there and take the 'punishment'. I'm bored and this doesn't hurt, "HARDER! Damn Mark, did this time away weaken your strength?" Oh! I felt that one, it didn't hurt. It felt like a love tap, just a little harder than that mosquito bite. Like a bee sting. I want more. I want it to feel like I'm being whipped. "Like that?" He says through clenched teeth, he's pissed that I have taken control of this scene. "You can do better." He makes a growling noise, I feel a quick snap and a little burn. "YES! You’re getting closer!" "Shut the fuck up!" Mark hits me again just as hard, it feels good. It's not going to bring me to tears, just being able to feel it makes me warm a little. I moan out, I'd love for him to hit me harder, I want pain not the small bite. "Make me shut the fuck up, hit me harder." This time, its pain, and I welcome it. Three cracks, I feel pain and heat all over my back. I love it, I'm now smiling like a fool. "What the fuck has happened to you? I have never hit you like this, you will scar from this. I can't do it anymore." I hear the whip drop and his pants unzip. A foil package opens and I know what’s next. He moves to the front of me, grabs my ass and wraps my legs around his hips. He roughly throws himself in me and it sends a vibration up my spine. I feel his heavy, warm, liquored breath on my neck in between his sucking and nipping. The last three marks on my back burn and sting. I'm focusing on that as he thrusts powerfully into me. I can only see Logan's face behind my eyelids. I pretend he's here, taking me. Mark is smaller than Logan, but he's rough and if I focus I might be able to get off. Mark starts sucking and biting my nipples, I don't feel Logan's stubble. I don't smell him and feel the electricity of his body against mine, this is doing nothing for me. I am going to fake it, then he will release me and possibly let me sleep. "Let go Jewel." I tighten my inner muscles and moan out, pretending to follow his command. He explodes, in to the condom. I don't feel anything. The heat and sting from my back has subsided to barely noticeable. He pulls out, takes the condom and blindfold off and slides his pants back on. Keeping his chest exposed. Mark has a great body and a small amount of dark hair on his chest trailing down his body, which matches the hair on his head. Mark's muscles ripple with every breath, any other woman would consider herself in heaven if they were in my place. If I wasn't so broken about Logan, Mark might actually be able to bring me back. He releases my arms and puts me over his shoulder, bringing me into the bathroom. He places me on the counter with my back to the mirror and grabs cleaning items. A wash cloth and soap, some kind of antiseptic liquid and large gauze. There is no way that he needs those, he's exaggerating. I look over my shoulder and gasp. I have three deep strips across my back, blood slowly running down, in a line to my crack. They

aren't deep enough to need stitches, just a little care but I'll still have scars. I just breathe in deeply, not understanding why I couldn't feel them. Mark comes over and warms the, water putting some soap into the washcloth. "Why did you want it so hard?" He’s curious, I don't feel like I need to hide from him. "A lot of shit has happened to me in a short period of time." I tell him about Logan, the kidnapping, and then the threats. Mark isn't the demon I make him out to be, he still cares about human life, and he still cares about me. "I know Logan and I were together for a short amount of time, but I've never loved anyone as much as I do him." I look up at him and I see the sting of pain flash through his eyes. "You didn't love me?" Mark's hurt and I try to feel something. "I thought I did, but everything was stronger with him. I think I just deeply cared about you. I don't know. I'm sorry." I really don't feel sorry but I hope it soothes his feelings. "Well maybe we can try again, continue to work on us and we can make it work." Mark puts the bandages on me. "I'm sorry I sliced you this deeply. I was only following your needs." "I know, and surprisingly it doesn't hurt. I’m numb all over. About us making this work, I would like to do that, but right now I'm focusing on getting my emotions back. These marks are the first actual feeling I've felt since he left this morning. Can we just have fun until I start feeling again and we can take it from there?" He nods. I know he's still pained. If I can't have Logan, I don't want anyone. Definitely don't want to make a relationship work with Mark. I just need his help on getting this emptiness to subside. After we're done in the bathroom, he takes my hand and helps me off the counter. We into the bedroom and he dresses me in one of his old tee shirts. Tucking me into bed and snuggling into my back, he wraps his arms around my chest and waist, I almost begin to cry. Marks arms around me feel like he is attempting to hold my heart in its place and prevent me from falling to pieces. This is my first night with Logan no longer in my life. The numbness is going to wear off and I'm going to feel pain, excruciating pain. Not from my back, but from my heart. I don't sleep that night. Every time I close my eyes all I see is Logan's face, his eyes. The numbness is still there, but I'm starting to feel sorrow now, a deep depressing sorrow. When Mark wakes, I beg him to take me to the liquor store and then to Krista's house. We pull up outside of her house, I give him a hug. I feel a slight sting, when he hugs me back. "You have my number, call me if you need me." Mark places an old receipt in my hand with his number written on it. He's being a better friend, than he ever was a lover. "I know how it feels to lose the one you love, when they walk out on you for doing what you think is best for yourself." He grabs and kisses my hand. "Thank you, Mark." I give him a fake smile while grabbing my purse and sliding out of his car. I quietly sneak into the house and down the hall. Hearing a shower running and Krista having a one sided discussion. She must be on the phone. "I don't know what to do either, it’s like she doesn't care about her own safety and health. She didn't come home last night...Don't yell at me, you did this...What did you expect me to fucking do? I know...I fucking know Logan! When she comes home I'll attempt to have her call you... She didn't answer my calls or texts either. NO! I know Mark wouldn't kill her. He cares

about her, he has told me multiple times that he regrets what he did so I know Jewel is safer with him than a complete stranger. Listen, I have to go. I have business to attend. I'll see what I can do. Talk to you later." I hear her huff and start walking toward the hallway. I quietly sprint into my room so she doesn't know I'm here. Why does she have to help him? Why can't she be on my side and ignore him, maybe even chew him out for breaking me. When I hear the bathroom door open and close I drop my purse and bag on the bed, pull out my bottle of whiskey. I open the bottle as I fish my phone out of my purse. I have a shit ton of missed calls, and multiple texts. Mainly they're from Krista, telling me she's pissed I left with Mark. She hopes he doesn't hurt me, and she wants me to contact her as soon as possible so she knows I’m okay. I'm glad to have her in my life, worrying about me. I go to look at the other messages that are from a number my phone doesn't recognize. I know its Logan. Just as I'm thinking about possibly answering one of the messages, my phone starts vibrating and flashing that foreign number. I ignore the call and take another swig of whiskey. I don't feel the burn as it travels down my throat to my stomach. The only burn I feel is the one where my heart used to be. The rest of my body is numb, cold. I change into my yoga pants and a heavy sweater, hugging my chest as I crawl back into bed, putting my head on my pillow. I look at my phone one more time and decide not to read the messages. I take another deep pull from my bottle as I stare at the ceiling. I pull out my MP3 player and put, 'Jar of Hearts' from Christina Perri on repeat as I finish a good amount of my bottle before passing out. When I wake hours later, I have been tucked under the comforter, there is a glass of water and pain pills on my end table. The music has been turned off and I can hear voices down the hall, in the kitchen. I don't want water, I want more whiskey and to sleep longer. I sit up and finally feel a little pain in my head and back. Finally, I’m starting to feel something, but it's not enough to need medicine. I drink the water and climb out of bed, go into the bathroom and get cleaned up. Listening to my, 'Break Up' songs as I go through my routine. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me, I don't care if Gage sees me, Krista has all the same parts. She's skinnier than me so hers looks better anyway. Krista walks in the bedroom as I drop the towel and put on panties and a pair of black shorts. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" I jolt straight and stiffen. "What?" I spin around, pretending I don't know what she is talking about. She grabs my shoulders and holds me so she can see the marks, "Mark fucking did this to you, didn't he?" I jerk out of her arms, "I fucking begged him too." I spin and look her in the face. "I would've allowed him to destroy my whole damn back if he wasn't such a pussy! It’s the only thing I've been able to feel since Logan left! I need to feel something, this emptiness and darkness is chilling and I want to feel something. Pain. Warmth. These marks are all he could handle before dropping the whip." I turn and continue putting my shorts on. "Holy shit! Where the fuck is he? I'm going to kick his fucking ass!" I turn my head and see Gage looking at my back. I just shake my head and put a pretty purple halter-top on while Krista tells him what I just said and asks him to wait for her in the living room.

"You need to call Logan. He wants to explain to you about what happened. He wants you back, the only reason he left was because he knew that would be the only way you would leave to protect yourself." "I don't want to fucking hear it Krista. He hurt me worse than anyone possibly could, how the hell am I supposed to trust him again? Always fearing he's going to leave me when things get a little rough. We should’ve stuck together, fought through it together. How am I ever going to trust him again, with my heart or my body? If he can damage my emotions so deeply without a second thought, who’s to say he won't scar my body too?” Krista looks me up and down. "YOU mean like Mark?” "I asked him to do that!" I start finally crying, the floodgates have opened, "I am not in control of my body Krista. I want my control back. I need to feel something. You remember how you felt after the accident? That's what I'm feeling, except instead of me hiding behind a calm emotion, my body has taken over and I have no control, no emotion. No warmth, light, love, happiness. I don't even have anger, fear or pain. But I don't want anyone to see how deeply I have fallen into the black hole. I have no one that can help pull me out. I have to do this by myself." I sob trying to breathe, "Just let me work this out by myself... Oh! I would also appreciate it if you would stop calling him. That’s not helping anything. He doesn't get a second chance. I won't ever be able to feel for anyone the way I felt for him. Logan broke me permanently, for anyone else and even him." I walk out of the bedroom and continue to the kitchen hoping to find my remaining bottle. I find it but it's empty, she dumped it down the drain. I walk to the empty, like I am hoping some liquid will magically appear. It doesn't, I put it back down on the counter, hard enough that it shatters, cutting my hand. FUCK! I need to get out of here. I see blood, but have no pain. I just sigh, wash my hand and wrap a dishtowel around it. Gage has already started cleaning it up as I turn. He's a really great guy, I hope they stay together. I grab my purse, throw on some heels and storm out of the house. Walking to the nearest restaurant. My long hair covers most of my back but I'm sure others can still see some spots. I don't want to be alone right now, I need to look for a place to stay. I can't stay with Krista, she’s a traitor, telling Logan everything. I take my phone out and start to dial. "Hello?" "Hey Mark, can you pick me up from McDonalds down the road from Krista's? I found out that she has been keeping in contact with Logan and is telling him everything. She found out about the marks. I need to find a place to crash a few days." "Yeah, I'll come get you, you can stay with me. Do you need to go pick up your things from her place?" I don't want to go back. "No, I'll get a few things later today. Are you sure you can pick me up? Don't you need to work?" "Jewels, I own my own business, they can handle things without me." After finalizing a few minor details we hang up. I call my boss and inform her that I quit. She asks if everything is all right and I inform her that I decided that Michigan just wasn't working out and I moved back to California. She doesn't question further, just says she's going to miss me. I still feel nothing, no pain, and no sadness or guilt for leaving a job I loved. Twenty minutes later Mark pulls into McDonalds in his red Porsche 911. I thank him for

once again being there for me when my best friend is just pushing me away. He takes me to the mall and we do a little shopping for some of my essentials, then he takes me to his home and I settle in. I beg him to allow me to stay in the spare bedroom. I can't be the girl he wants me to be right now. I'm broken and need to find a way to be fixed.

Chapter 32 A few days later, Mark and I have gotten into a routine. I wake, make breakfast for us, bring him his and we talk about how difficult it was for me the night before. He holds me tight and comforts me. We spend some time in the playroom, where he whips and paddles me as I pretend to get a thrill. Mark and I clean up and as he goes to work I go out completing something off my to-do list. I'm starting to feel more now, and the emptiness has been replaced purely by pain. My heart is broken, my muscles ache and I only feel the hole that is left. I've bought a used car, just to get from point A to point B. I don't even care about what I drive, that's how low I am right now. I called a realtor in Michigan and put my condo up for sale. Had a cleaning company clean it out and will have a moving company move everything once it's sold. I've called Dan and told him to have a tow company come out and pick my cars up and get them fixed. I plan on having them shipped here with the rest of my belongings. Nothing is helping me get back to myself. Today I need to find a place to live. I don't want to continue being a burden to Mark. I don't want to get his hopes up either, thinking this thing between us is ever going to be more then sex. I'm not ready to be in any kind of relationship, let alone a purely sexual one. I drive to a nice family neighborhood and look for a house. Ever since living in Logan's house I have found that there is no reason to have a huge house, when you can have a normal size home and a normal life. I find one that I want to see so I call my realtor and set up an appointment to view it later today. A few hours later, I find myself at a Humane Society, I don't know what pulled me here. Either it was needing to volunteer or to feel a connection to something new to me. I walk through aisles of dogs and begin to cry. This is a new pain for me, sorrow! I feel horrible for these animals, their owners have just given them away, given up on them, abandoned them and took their love away. I weep harder, that's how Logan broke me. He gave up on me, on us. Handed me off to the world and took away his love. I need to get away, need to go to Krista. I need her to help me out of this black hole that is eating my soul. I drive as quickly as I can without putting anyone’s lives in danger. I run up to her door and unlock it, throwing it open. I find her in the kitchen and run to her, she puts her arms around me and I sob, holding nothing back. After I've calmed down enough to speak and breathe without convulsing I tell her what's been going on. I tell her about my feelings I've been able to obtain and I beg for her to help me. She tells me to call Mark. Thank him for his hospitality and tell him that I’ll be staying with her and will be picking my things up soon. Krista decides to go with me to view the house, she even drives. It feels nice to sit in my dad’s Cadillac, brings back memories. After viewing the house I turn to the realtor, "I would like to make an offer on this home." When Krista hears me, she grabs my arm and pulls me aside. "What are you doing? It's a beautiful house, but you shouldn't buy it." "Why? It's perfect. This is a new beginning for me. Well, technically an old beginning for me." I don't understand why she doesn't want me to move on, move back to Cali. and be a bigger part of her life.

"Why are you doing this? Logan has been trying to do everything to apologize. To get back with you, he misses you greatly and is in just as much pain as you are. Why don't you just hear him out, talk it out?" "Krista, he and I are over. We'll NEVER be together again. I have written him off for good, I have been fucking Mark for crying out loud! There is never a possibility of Logan and me getting back together. This is my way of moving on and beginning over again. Either support me or leave just like he did." I don't know what more I need to say or do for her to realize that I need to focus on how I was before I met Logan. I need that life back. Maybe once she does, she will convince Logan to leave me alone and let me move on from him. I put an offer in and begin my waiting game. We get back to Krista's and she tells me to go get ready, we are going out to lunch at our favorite restaurant. -------------------------------------------------We get our table. It's just the two of us. Gage is doing some family function. I know Krista is going to talk to me about Logan, I just have to steel myself so I don't break down. We order our food and drink our waters. "I don't think you should buy the house Jewel. I think you need to go back to Michigan. I think you need to get back with Logan. Detective Singer called, they found your stalker. She was in the airport bathroom, passed out because of a horse tranquillizer. She had a letter in her back pocket that she was planning on sending out to you. You wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?" I sit up straighter, proud of myself. "Yep, she confronted and attacked me in the airport, I’m stronger and faster. I took her down. I was stronger than you and Logan both thought. I'm able to handle my own problems." I end with no emotion. I feel a stab in my chest every time I say or hear his name, it’s awful. "Logan has been sending flowers every day, with notes begging for forgiveness and trust." She says taking a sip of her water. "He has also been sending me texts and calling me every day. I ignore everything, I don't want anything to do with him Krista. I need to move on and so does he, I don't give second chances, you out of everyone should know this. Logan left me when I needed him the most." I keep as calm as possible, preventing myself from crying. My new theme song. 'Trojans' by Atlas Genius continues to play in my head as I think about him. "You 'don't give second chances', but you're giving Mark a second chance?" Krista spits out his name after she air quotes me. I take another deep controlling breath, "I'm letting him fix me." I'm starting to get very angry, and I need to remain calm. "I don't want to be with Mark, but he is the only one that is willing and able to fix me. He listens to me, knows my pain. Mark says it's what he felt when I left him." Krista is just being a friend and she wants me happy. What she doesn't know is, I'll never be happy again. "Why can't you let Logan fix what he has messed up? He isn't doing well Jewels, he needs you." She gives me a pouting face as she tries to persuade me. I put my hand painfully over my heart, trying to keep it from bursting through my chest onto the table. Trying to get her to understand I speak very slowly, "He hurt me. You are mad at Mark for the physical damage that he caused, that will heal by the way. Why can't you be mad at Logan for the emotional damage he has caused, that won't ever heal?"

She slams her hand on the table, splashing water from our drinks. "Because I gave him the fucking idea! I told him, 'Logan, if you love her, let her go. Let her save herself.' He didn't want to, I had to fight with him. He wanted to stay and fight with you but was scared to death that he wouldn't be around or able to be involved enough to protect you." Krista grabs my hand as I go to stand up. "IT WAS THE ONLY WAY!" She shouts. "I need you to understand Jewel. I need you to see that we did this for you, please just think hard about your decisions. Logan didn't want to hurt you, he wanted to protect you. He broke up with you to send you away, unknowingly putting you in harm's way. And he was listening to my advice. I'm so sorry Jewel." I jerk my hand away as I stand up, I throw a large bill on the table and walk out. I run to a cab and tell him where to take me. I'm in disbelief, why would Krista hurt me, why would Logan listen to her? As I exit and give him money, I slip my shoes off and carry them in my arms as I walk across the boardwalk to the sand. When I'm closer to the water I sink to my knees, bury my face in my hands and cry hard and quietly. I'm feeling now, anger, pain, and betrayal. My whole body is heated and shaking. I don't know what to do. I'm beginning to understand what was going on, why Logan left. And I can't hate Krista, she is my best friend, my sister. I need them both, but this pain is excruciating. I can't handle this, I can't continue to live this empty life. I need Logan, the only one that can light up this dark tunnel I can't find the end of. I need Krista. Without either of them I have nothing. I have to change what I'm doing, do I get back with the love of my life? I need to get up, build my armor up and begin doing what I need to do. I go to Mark's home, pick up my things. Tell him the new information, he can't believe Krista had a part in destroying me. "Thank you so much for everything you've done for me Mark. You've been so great to me." I kiss his cheek, "I'm very sorry. I know how much you hoped to get back with me. You'll find a woman one day who wants everything you do. It's just not me. But I do care about you and I'm glad I can get good feelings back about you. After I left you, I put you in the same category as all the other men who used and abused me. You were just having a rough time." I hug him tightly, "Thank you." "No, thank you Jewels, and I’m sorry for everything I did before that hurt you. You're strong and whatever decision you choose will be a great one. I'll always be here for you." Mark's embrace is warm and loving. I leave his home hoping for the best for him. --------------------------------------------------I get back to Krista's house but I don't go in. I slide into my car and leave. I know where I want to go, what I have to do. I'm starting something new for myself and I hope that it'll make me feel complete. I end up pulling back into the Humane Society an hour before they close. I walk through the kennels again and find the dog I felt the closest connection with earlier. He's a full grown two year old Bernese Mountain dog, Labrador Retriever mix. He looks like a purebred Bernese but smaller than normal, about eighty pounds. His name is Barney and I instantly fell in love with him. I fill out the paper work and walk him out on his leash. We go to the closest pet store and grab the essentials. I hope I can bring him to Krista's house for one night. I plan on putting the rest of my decisions into place tomorrow. Arriving at Krista's, I have Barney do his business outside in the front yard before I take him in. Once we're inside, I let him off his leash and he starts sniffing around. Hopefully he doesn't get too used this place.

"KRISTA?" I scream, searching for her. Barney barks in the direction of the kitchen when Krista runs out and stops dead in her tracks. She has been crying, her face is red and tear stained. I walk straight to her and hug her. "I'm sorry for leaving you during lunch, it was too much. I didn't know what to do. I went to the beach that we'd always went to with Brian and I figured out what needs to be done. I'm going back to Michigan tomorrow. I can't live without him, I've tried and it seems like it's been centuries since I've seen him. I just don't feel complete and I can't live this way." I say as I rub her back trying to pacify her, she is blubbering in my shoulder. "I shouldn't have done that to you, you've been so self-destructive. I can't believe it. It’s entirely my fault. Did you buy a dog?" I laugh at her quick change of subject. "I adopted him," I look around for him, but he isn't in the room. "Logan wanted a dog a while ago. I saw Barney and thought immediatly of Logan and us as a family. I couldn't handle the pain in my chest as I left Barney. Hoping you'd help me lift the depression away and begin my life again here. Until you dropped the information on me and I left you." I pull her body away from mine. "When I was at the beach I couldn't stop thinking about being a family and there's only one person I want that with. I adopted Barney in hopes my vision of Logan and us as a family will come true. He's cute isn't he?" She giggles, "Yeah, I have something for you. It was here when I got home from the restaurant, Gage hand delivered it. It's in your room if you want to see it. That's where all your flowers are too. You should read the notes." She begins to smile, the first genuine smile I've seen on her face since I got here days ago. I walk to my room I can hear Barney's collar, I hope he isn't eating my flowers. "Barney, I hope you're not being naughty." I quicken my pace and open the door wider to find out where he is. I freeze, my heart skips a beat and my body bursts into flame, I drop my purse and bags of dog supplies. The smell of this room is beautiful, every type of flower that is known to man has to be in here. There are arrangements everywhere, on the floor, windowsills, filling every table and flat surface. But that's not what has stopped me dead in my tracks, I found Barney, he’s lying on my bed next to the man who has haunted my dreams since the day I met him. I want to crawl into the bed and take him. I want to throw myself at him, my arms around him and never let him go. But I can't, I have been glued to the spot right inside of my door as tears start raining down my face. Every feeling that I've missed this past week comes crashing into me. I long for his love, the burn of passion and the weightlessness of bliss. Logan slowly climbs out of bed and moves toward me, my legs begin to quiver. When I see his body move, I'm finally able to take a deep filling breath. Damn, I've missed his gorgeous face, my fingers through his hair. His beautiful sea foam green eyes and those warm, moist lips that I want all over me right now. Logan raises his hands in a show of surrender, "I know you probably don't want to see me or talk to me. But please believe that I love you, and I only did what I did for your well-being. I'll never do it again. I should've stayed, I should've fought by your side. I've kicked myself in the ass every second that I've been away from you." He is now standing in front of me, rubbing one of my arms. "I've never been in as much pain as I was when I walked out on you. I feel like I crashed head first into a brick wall. My whole body hasn't been the same, I ache all over."

Barney looks at us and makes a whining noise, like he can feel the knife pushing further into my heart. I have to hold my chest, the pain is ridiculous. Like my heart is glass and has been thrown out of a window. "Please believe me, I didn't want to hurt you as much as I have. I shouldn't have listened to her, but I knew it would be the only way you would be safe. I didn't expect the psycho to follow you to the airport. You're so strong. I never give you enough credit. I am so very sorry Jewel." Logan drops his hands and bows his head as his shoulders start shaking. "Please forgive me, take me back. Tell me you can't live without me and you need me as much as I need you." Logan lifts his head and I watch more tears stream down his face. "I don't care about anything that has happened here. I want you home. I need you baby, please don't make me live one more moment without you." He frames my face with his hands. Krista was right, he hasn't been doing any better than I have. I begin sobbing harder as I put my on hands his. The warmth from them travels throughout my body. Beginning to lift me, it’s only been a few moments and I already feel him shinning his light onto me, releasing me from the dark abyss. "I can't live one more moment like this either, without you. We've a tough road ahead of us. We're going to need to work through it together. I can't have you running away when things get rough." I have to control my breathing, getting too worked up and gasping for air. "If someone is coming for one of us, they are coming for both of us and we have to stand together. I'm only strong when you are by my side." I lift a hand and sweetly wipe the tears from his face. I can't take this distance between us, it's only a few inches but I need to feel him all over me. Allowing me to know this is real, he is really here. I walk into him, wrap my arms around him, and kiss him with everything I have left--pouring my soul into our kiss. My heart mends with every breath of his I breathe. He breaks our kiss continuing to hold my face, "Please come home with me, and please let me spend the rest of our lives making this up to you. Please let me give you everything I have. Everything I can. Everything you will ever want, and need." I can't stop crying nor can I answer him. I just pull him back to me and take his lips again. I hope he understands this kiss. Picking me off my feet into an embrace he deepens the kiss, which heats my body further. Intertwining our tongues and tasting each other’s need. "I have missed you baby, you are my air and I'm finally able to breathe again." Logan says as we briefly separate. "We need to talk about what happened while we were apart." I need to tell him about Mark. I don't want him to think that I've been celibate. "I don't care." He shakes his head. I step around Logan, and begin pacing. "I've been sleeping with my ex, Mark. Actually I've been living with him for most of my time here. Our first time back together I asked him to be really rough with me and I'll have scars once the cuts have healed. My body..." He hushes me with his finger before I can finish. "Do you love Mark?" I shake my head as he continues, "Was he able to have sex with you without a condom?" Once again the answer is no, "Have those scars changed you as a person?" "Not one bit, but I thou..." I'm silenced again. "Are you still MY Jewel? Do you still love me?" He looks slightly nervous about my next answer.

"I will ALWAYS be your Jewel and I will love you FOREVER." "That is all I care about." He takes my hand and calls for Barney to follow. It feels like he was always meant to be in our family. We pass Krista hand in hand. I smile at her while Logan hooks Barney to a leash and we leave. We all pile in my car and he takes us to the beach. The sun is setting and the sky is a beautiful red and orange. It's remarkable. We walk closer to the water and he stops me, drops the leash and Barney immediately sits without question. All three of us just looking out to sea and watching the sun attempt to vanish behind the ocean as the sky changes into darker colors. "I've always wanted to come to California. Watch the sunset, swim in the salty water. I can't see any of this though, the only thing I see is you." Logan says looking at me. I feel like this is my destiny. Not so much on the beach, but with Logan on one side and Barney on the other, my family. I look out at the view trying not to cry again but the feeling is powerful. Suddenly, Logan takes both of my hands, and it all happens in slow motion. He drops to one knee and looks me with nervousness in his eyes. I gasp not realizing I have been holding my breath, as tears begin pouring down my face. I know exactly what he's doing. I don't need to hear his words, I just want to shout on the rooftops my answer! "I know I have a lot of making up to do. I promise to never abandon you, never turn away from you. I promise to always be your rock, always be your protector and your best friend. I promise to love you for all of eternity, and even in death, allow nothing to stop me from loving you. I beg you to spend the rest of your life with me, let me love you always and forever. Please be my wife Jewel." Logan pulls out a velvet box from his shorts and opens it to reveal a beautiful round cut large diamond ring with two smaller diamonds on each side. The way the prongs hold the main diamond, makes it look like its princess cut. It's so beautiful. The band isn't just plain either, it has an art deco design to it. Making it look old, vintage. I love it, it's perfect. I can't breathe, can't speak, and can't think. My body stops working, I need to get it together before he thinks that this isn't what I want. All I can do is look into his eye and try to hold back another sob long enough to squeak out, "Yes". He lunges up and wraps his arms around me, picking me up in the air and spinning me around while whispering, "Did you say yes? You said yes?" Barney is jumping around us barking, and I giggle, still crying in happiness. "You've made me THE happiest man in the world." He kisses me all over my face. He puts me down, pulling the ring out and placing it on my finger. Amazingly it fits effortlessly, I smile and can't stop staring at it. "Okay, now to do something I've always wanted to do..." Logan scoops me up, one arm behind my back and one under my knees. Turns and carries me into the water. I quickly kick off my shoes as he wobbles, kicks his shoes off, and throws my keys by them. Barney is bouncing around playfully behind us. "Come on Barney, mom and I are going for a swim." Logan says and I giggle as Barney barks. When Logan is about hip deep, he throws me and I fly laughing through the air and into the water. When I come up, he has already swum to me and pulls me back into a tight gripped hug. He kisses my face, "Thank you for making this the best day of my life." I kiss him back, "No Logan, thank you. I know you'll give me everything within your

power and you'll make me the wealthiest person in the universe." We briefly swim while Barney stays on the shore crying for us. "Do you love our new addition or what?" I laugh as he cries out. "He's adorable. I do love him. Why'd you adopt him? I thought you wanted a yard for him first." We start drifting back to shore, as it gets darker. "I put the condo up for sale. When we get home I want to look for a house for the three of us." I say with certainty. "I couldn't allow him to stay one more second in that cage, look at him. How perfect is he for us? The first time I saw him, I saw us as a family. You said you wanted to get a dog, I was going to fly home tomorrow and surprise you. I couldn't stand to be away from you for one more moment, I didn't think I was going to survive." "I couldn't have picked a better dog." Logan says as we start walking back to the beach. We get to Barney and both play with him, chase him around and have him chase us. Then we get to our car and go back to Krista's house. -------------------------------------------------Krista and Gage are dressed up nicely. Logan just smiles and greets Gage when we walk in. I run over to Krista screaming and showing her the ring. We get our congratulation hugs and kisses. Logan turns to me, "Okay Love, go get ready. We're all going out to dinner. These two have been waiting for us to get back. Krista, will it be alright if we leave Barney alone in the house?" "Don't worry about it." She smiles as she pets the dog. "Let’s go get ready now." Logan grabs my hand and we walk into my room. I am about to take off my clothes but then I remember my marks. SHIT! Logan is going to freak! My body isn't going to be perfect anymore. I grab Logan's hands as I sit on the bed. "I need to tell you why I begged for Mark to be so rough. I need you to know, it entirely was my fault. Mark was only listening to my begging. I did it to punish myself for not listening to you and putting my life in danger. But the main reason I did it was because I had no feeling in my body. I couldn't feel pain, I couldn't feel anger. I felt nothing. I was scared and tried to feel anything I possibly could." I take a deep breath, this next part is going to be hard, "I thought we were NEVER getting back together. I needed to know that I could move on. I begged to go into his playroom and I initiated very rough play. I cried for more, I needed to feel pain and he was having a hard time giving it to me." Logan is visibly shaking, I'm sure Krista told him, but he doesn't realize how bad it got. "I was able to only feel three of the multiple cracks of the whip. My back doesn't hurt, it never has, but there will be a couple scars." Before I could finish he yanks my shirt off my chest and punches the bed when he sees my back. "WHAT THE FUCK? Why would you allow someone to do this to you? This is worse than I thought!" I grab his face, "Didn't you hear me? I needed to feel something. The only ones I barely felt are the bloodied ones. If Mark didn't care about me as much as he does, I would've had a bunch more. He did the three and dropped the whip. A dominante dropped a whip because he couldn't continue down that rough road..." I look into his eyes and they are murderous, "Baby, that's how fucked up I was without you. I couldn't get enough pain from the bullwhip. I bet Mark could have stabbed and slashed my back and I wouldn't have felt a thing." I need him to understand that it's not Marks fault, he was just following my pleas.

"I will never leave you again. You won't ever have to go through this again." Logan hugs me tightly. I know what my back looks like, I still have red slashes all over, but there are three very distinct marks that bled for a while. There is no pain, except when I first wake up and it’s only while I'm stretching. I put lots of lotion and antiseptic gel on it. After he sighs and calms down, "Please tell me the sexual encounters didn't matter to you." I pull back, "They didn't mean anything to me. I was trying to give Mark some kind of payment for allowing me to stay with him. For helping me get my emotions together, for being there for me as the darkness was taking over. I haven't had an orgasm, unless I'm touching myself picturing you." That's all it took, he grasped me tighter and smashed our lips together. Both of us ravaging the other and breathing in combined breaths. I shove my hands into his hair and hold him to me. I missed his warm smooth tongue against mine. Every move between us makes me wet, and the need for his thickness inside me increases. "I don't care what you and Mark did, it'll always just be you and me honey. Let’s get into the shower and get ready for tonight." We slowly undress each other. Our lips gliding over every body part we unclothe, memorizing the other again. Logan spends a lot of time on my back while he keeps his palms kneading my breasts. Slipping into the glass shower in each other’s arms, we clean one another. When we're done caressing and kissing each other he picks me up. I wrap my arms and legs around his body as he pushes my back gently against the glass. "Are you alright?" Logan asks, unsure if he's hurting me. I need him in me, filling me and enjoying my body. "Yes, please don't stop. I've missed you. I have never needed anything as much as I need you now." He places the head of his penis at my entrance. "Please don't stop, don't hesitate, just give me everything you have." I arch my back and place the back of my head against the glass. He continues to kiss my neck and chin as he slowly slides into me. I cry out and he covers my mouth with his, muffling my joy as we swallow each other's need. Logan slides out and back in with even slow movements. My body recognizing his thickness immediately and my need increases as I build. The water splashes over us and every droplet makes my body tingle. I haven't felt this way since he and I had sex last. No one can make me feel the way he does. My nerves are zapping my body awake and pushing me closer and closer to the edge. Logan erases every sexual encounter I have had since he left and before I met him. I run my fingers down his back as his cock moves in and out of my sex. I feel every inch of him, I hold him tighter inside of me. When he sucks just behind my ear, I can barely hold back anymore, "Fuck Logan, no one can do the things you do to me. I love you with all my heart and soul. I'm about to come and I need to feel you burst inside of me." I moan out. "I'm ready baby, come for me. It's been way too long since I have felt you. I need to feel you too." Logan doesn't finish his sentence before I cry out his name and feel the roll of my orgasm burst through my body. He keeps his hands on my ass as he rolls his hips and spills into me. His warmth fills me and I'm in complete bliss. I'm in heaven and the love of my life has finally joined me, after being away for far too long. We don't move, we stay in this position for what feels like hours, kissing each other,

needing each other’s warmth. Steam is no longer in the air and the water that is pelting Logan’s back is freezing. Neither of us seems to care. Our bodies are keeping each other warm. "Baby, we can pick this up after dinner, Krista and Gage are waiting for us. I promise tonight I'll make up for the time we've been apart." Logan gives me a quick peck and slowly slides out of me. I just nod and focus on getting prepared for the night. -------------------------------------------------The girls are dress in nice cocktail dresses and the guys have on suits. Logan must have planned this. Why else would he have a suit and tie? When I inform Logan that we are riding in my dad's Cadillac he looks around in wonder. I think he's trying to envision what it would've been like to be in the car with my family. Tomorrow, before we leave California, I'm going to bring my boys to meet my grand parents, parents and brother. I'm excited, I know Logan will appreciate the sentiment. We pull in front of a large expensive hotel and give the valet the keys. Walking in and going to the twenty-fifth floor. There is a great restaurant that I haven't been to in years. We're escorted to our table that looks over the city. It's such a beautiful site, Logan is taking it all in. The gentlemen pull out our chairs and as Krista and I slide into them and are pushed closer to the table, we smile at eachother. I've looked at my ring at least one hundred times. I can't wait until after dinner, I have been promised to a night of passion and love. "Okay, when is the wedding?" Gage asks. I look at Logan and answer because it doesn't look like he is going to, "We haven't exactly talked about it, but I want to wait a few months. Get everything situated before getting married. I have a few things I want to do before." I look at him for acceptance. "I'm ready any time you are honey. You have said 'Yes' that's all that matters to me right now." He lifts my hand and kisses the ring. "That ring is gorgeous, where did you get it? It looks old." Krista is intrigued by the art deco look. "It was my biological mothers, and her grandmothers before her." He says with a sense of pride. "I should've known, it's so beautiful and I'm blessed to have it on my finger." My heart melts knowing he had to go to Scott and Olivia asking for it. I'm going to ask Logan to take my mother’s ring to a jeweler and have it made into the wedding band. That would be awesome to have both of our family’s rings in one. We eat dinner and have a few fun conversations. Gage is very interactive, I hope he and Krista work out, he seems really great. I might like him more because he went to the airport while Krista and I were at lunch and picked up Logan. He didn't have business to attend, he was helping out Krista and her best friend. Gage and Logan have multiple conversations, even chat about cars, long enough for me to ask my best friend to be my maid of honor. Of course Krista squeals and accepts the position. I hope Roy will be Logan's best man. Of course Dahlia will be one of my bride maids, as well as Leah and May. I wonder who else Logan will have, hopefully Alex, his brother. We all finish our dinner and before dessert comes out I excuse myself to give our waitress my card. She looks confused. "I'm sorry Ma'am, but Mr. Morris has already paid for the table,

including the desserts." That bastard, damn I love him. I can't wait to share my billions with him. I turn to actually go to the bathroom and I run into his hard, warm and powerful chest. Slowly sliding my hands up his body and wrapping my arms around him. "I have missed your sexy body." "So baby, what were you planning on doing?" Logan asks playfully. "I think you already know, sir. What are you doing away from the table?" I flash him a sexy smile and grab his hand, walking us toward the bathrooms. "Your friend and her boyfriend started talking gushy and I wanted to find you. Do you need assistance in the bathroom ma'am?" "Always." We laugh in unison. I walk into the women’s bathroom first and check the stalls. They're all empty. Opening the door, looking both ways, I grab Logan's tie and quickly drag him in with me. We go to the first stall, they are more like little rooms, with ceramic tile on three of the four walls, and a heavy wooden door on the fourth. I unzip and push his pants and boxers down to his ankles. Lifting my dress over my hips, Logan quickly tears my panties off wadding them into a ball and tossing them into his pants on the floor. His hands slide down my body to my pussy. "Is your cunt wet and ready for me?" Asking in his deep tone. I mouth 'Always' and he slowly slides his fingers into me. I'm drenched, there is nothing hotter than fucking somewhere you can easily get caught. Logan moves his fingers around inside me, getting them wet with my juices and then spreading them around my lips and clit. He picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist, and thrusts roughly into me. Wet and ready for him, I moan out in complete satisfaction, my body is on fire. Only he is always able to burn and then soothe me. I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling. He places me so just my upper back is against the wall. As Logan thrusts into me, he pulls my hips against his, making everything more intense. Fuck, this is so hot, knowing someone can walk in at any moment and hear what is going on in our little bubble. Pulling out to his tip, he quickly throws himself back into me. Logan's fingers dig into my hips so tightly that I get a bite of pain. I cry out, "Oh, fuck!" Why is it always like this, this electricity. Like our bodies were made for the other. I throw my hands under his shirt and feel his muscles ripple as he thrusts and pulls me into him. My body is going numb, preparing me for an amazing orgasm. He doesn't need to say anything, the look in his eye and the tightness of his abs that my hand is pressed against, lets me know he is going to come any second. Just the knowledge that I can do this to him anywhere we decide makes me pulse. We come together, looking into the eyes of the one we love. Moaning out the others name in pure ecstasy as he rockets inside of me. We both take deep soothing breaths and kiss each other's body until we can breathe again. Logan slowly pulls out, setting me on my feet. He starts to pull his boxers and pants back up. Once again putting my destroyed panties in his pants, he helps situate my clothes and hair. "I love you Jewel. You are my life." Logan frames my face with his hands and leans down kissing me intensly, “I'll meet you back at the table. Don't make me wait too long beautiful." He kisses my temple and slaps my bum before walking out of the stall. I quickly clean up, wash my hands and leave, walking briskly back to my seat. I faintly blush and feel everyone is looking at me, knowing what just happened. I don't care, I'm going to

marry that marvelous man and we are going make to each other orgasm whenever we feel like it. Damn our honeymoon is going to be amazing. I wonder where he wants to go. I get back to the table and Krista looks at me, just smiling and shaking her head. She isn't a fool. I smirk and take Logan’s hand. We get back to Krista's house and discuss her bringing my car to a church for donation. I also ask her to take us to the airport tomorrow, after taking us to the cemetery. I need the dog crate moved into the Cadillac and to get some kind of medicine to make Barney sleep for tomorrow’s flight. I can't wait to get home, I also call Chris and inform him of the details. Thankfully, I won't be at the condo much longer, they only allow small dogs, and Barney is not little by any means. I know he will be good and quiet so maybe they won't have a problem. Or maybe we can ask Dahlia and Roy to keep him at their house for a few nights. I hope we can find a house that is move-in ready so we don't have to wait long. I don't want a huge house, maybe one just like his parents. Considering I don't have a job anymore, maybe we can find a place closer to his work. Logan, Barney and I, all go to bed when we get home. Logan spends the rest of the night making me cry out and whimper his name multiple times. We don't fuck, we make love all night, whispering encouraging and loving words the whole time. I've missed his touch so much, and the feel of his soft lips all over me, sets me on fire every time, and throughout my whole body. The way he wraps his body around mine when we fall asleep together can never be replicated.

Chapter 33 The next morning we wake early. I'm excited about bringing him to the cemetery. He doesn't know about it yet. We throw our luggage in the back and all load into the Cadillac Escalade. Barney is laying in the third row comfortably and panting. I can tell he's nervous about the trip. When we get to the Cemetery and Logan grabs my hand. I look at him with awe and love, "I brought you here today to meet my family. I hope that when we get back home, maybe you can bring me to your mom." He nods with a smile on his face. I know he isn't really meeting my family, but in my experience I like to come here and just mentally talk to all of them. We all get out of the car and I take the leash off of Barney, he will stay with us. I grab Logan's hand and bring him to my family’s area. Everyone is here, my gramps and grandma. My parents and my brother. I'm glad Krista is here. Gage isn't, he had something to do this morning. Krista goes straight to Brian. We used to come here together, we know we like to have our own time. Logan wraps his arms around me, my back to his front as I tell Logan one good memory of every person. I even have a story of my grandma that was passed to me when my grandpa would come here with my brother and me. Logan just smiles and listens. Krista stands up and she also shares memories of my parents and brother. The guys are so patient, Barney just sits next to Logan and pants. Anytime a leaf moves or there is a noise, he's distracted but he's a great dog. "Thank you for bringing me here. I know how difficult it is for you to not have them, but I'm thankful every day that Mark didn't allow you to go." Logan says with sincerity, even the last of his statement. "You're welcome Logan, I'm happy to share this memory with you." I kiss his cheek and cuddle into his chest under his jaw. After about twenty minutes we get back in the car and drive to L.A.X. We have to get there early enough to check in Barney and his crate. After we give him a pill to help him sleep and let him do his business, we secure him in a crate and allow the airport workers to take him in the back to be loaded on the plane. Krista, Logan and I find a restaurant to eat at while we wait for our plane to start boarding. I’m excited, this is the first time I'll be on a plane with Logan. We relax, have a quick drink and after we've paid I hear that they are boarding our flight. I give Krista a big hug and kiss on the cheek, Logan does the same, "Thank you for saving my ass, AGAIN." Krista just laughs, "If you wouldn't have listened to me in the first place, neither of you would be in this situation." We all say goodbye and Logan and I continue through the terminal hand in hand. --------------------------------------------------When we get to Grand Rapids, we have to go to a special area to get Barney. We release him from his cage and throw it in the back of Logan's truck with our luggage and have him jump in the back seat. This is my family and this is my home. I feel fulfilled here. "I didn't want to worry you before, but Detective Singer wants to speak to you about what happened at the airport. She knows that you had an altercation with Claire and that you tranquilized her. I told her not to contact you, I would come and get you and bring you home. She could then come by and get a statement. You could get into serious trouble for fleeing the

scene of a crime. But considering your condition at the time, Singer knew where you were going. She also knew that you were only protecting your own life. They went to Claire’s house and found damning evidence as to what she had planned for you." Logan grabs the wheel rougher. "I'll call the detective as soon as we get home." I don't want to get into trouble. Hopefully the Detective will take pity on me. When we pull into the garage, neither of my cars are in the parking lot. I know they're getting fixed right now, but it's surreal that they aren't here. We walk into the foyer and are greeted by Dan. I wave and smile at him. "That dog is huge, Chris said you told him that your dog wasn't 'that big'." I laugh and he smiles. "It's only for a few days or weeks. He's potty trained and doesn't make a noise, he'll be good I promise." Barney just sits at my hip while Dan pets him. "Welcome back home Ms. Kessler and Mr. Morris." He nods at Logan with a smile. "Actually, it's soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Morris." Logan says with a radiating grin. He's so cute when he talks about us getting married. I see pride and joy in his eyes. "Goodness!" Dan stands from petting Barney, gives Logan a handshake and me a big hug. "Congratulations you two!" He laughs a very elderly, grandfatherly laugh. He reminds me of my grandpa and it makes my smile brighter. We finish our conversation and load the elevator. Barney doesn't like the elevators too much. We'll be taking the stairs with him. Logan and I laugh as he shakes in the corner all the way up to our floor. After we've settled in and Barney knows the layout, I call the Detective and invite her to the condo for her questioning. It doesn't take her long to arrive, and I welcome her in. Of course Barney whoo's her and he sits with us in the living room. I apologize for leaving and not giving my statement. She understands and says she was keeping tabs on me, calling Krista every day. She takes my statement, asks all her questions. I'm informed that she knows it was self-defense. That there shouldn't be any consequences, but considering I fled, as well as drugging my attacker, she has to run all this by her superiors and she would get back to me. She doesn't think it will be a problem though considering they found out that Claire was Dylan’s latest girlfriend and submissive. Logan and I order delivery and I sit on his lap in the office and look at houses online. He didn't move anything out of the condo. He said he had heard that I had left. He got a call from Singer stating that the stalker was caught. He figured he would find any way he could to get me back and there was no reason to move everything out just to move it all back in again. We look at dozens of places and we decide to move to the East side of Grand Rapids closer to Logan's work. I have him choose the price he thinks is acceptable and we find a beautiful house on a private road with views of the glorious Thornapple River. Green front and back lawns, Barney is going to love it. It has a two-stall garage, but a very long driveway so we can keep the truck and the Cadillac outside. I might even add another garage and tear up some of the large front yard. It has an open layout, but I'm going to do some upgrades to it because right now the dining room is bigger than the kitchen, which is separated by a wall, and there is carpet throughout. It has a finished basement walk out and a beautiful stone patio area in the back and deck. I love it and hope we can grab it before someone else does. We call our realtor who is selling our home and inform her we want to view it tomorrow. While she has us on the phone, she has a couple appointments to show our condo. She gives me the times so I can vacate with

Barney. I have no problem, anyone who buys this place is going to love it. -------------------------------------------------The following day, Logan leaves me the truck and takes his Corvette to work. I take Barney to a dog beach in Holland. We need to be gone for a few hours so I throw on my bikini and grab a towel. It's a beautiful day and as we step onto the dog part, I unhook Barney from his leash. Dogs are running all over the place, about three dogs run up to Barney and sniff him. He's so confident that he doesn't freak out like other dogs do. He just looks at me and continues walking forward. He is a great companion. I lie out my towel and take off my shirt and shorts. Barney lies beside me as I soak in some rays. I get a phone call a few hours later, "Ms. Kessler, we have an offer." I sit up with a huge smile on my face and pet Barney as the realtor tells me the information. Of course it isn't as high as I want, so I counter. I tell her my base limit, making sure it's just over my actual amount and ask her to get close to that number. She laughs, "That won't be hard to do." We exchange a few more pieces of information and then we hang up. I get dressed, pack up and we head back to the truck. "It's time to go home Barney." He just looks at me. He has a great calm, relaxed personality. When I get home, Logan is there waiting for me. We take the Corvette to our appointment with the realtor. I'm shaking with nerves, I look at Logan, "Does it feel like we are being dragged to the house? Like we belong there?" He just nods. I knew he would feel it too. We pull into the house and I see that extra garage I want to build. I don't voice my opinion, I know Logan won't mind, but I don't want to jinx it. Logan knows what to look for in a house. I'm just too excited. It's small in comparison to my house in California, but this one would be Logan's as well, making it worth more to me. The realtor meets us at the front door and ushers us in, "Welcome to your new home." I look at her and laugh, "You’re good at this." I laugh again as she winks. There is a little foyer with a coat closet and an area to put a bench. A half bath with the washer and dryer between the foyer and kitchen which has oak cabinets, a snack bar, and a big walk in pantry. There’s a living room with a fireplace and doors and windows to the deck that leads back to the yard. It has a great view of the river. With Cathedral ceilings and numerous windows that face the river. Walking past the kitchen and through to the other side of the dining area there is a hallway with the three bedrooms, the master bedroom faces the river and has a walk in closet with a full bath. The other two rooms are good sized and separated by another bathroom. The basement is finished with another living area, a bar, a third full bathroom and another bedroom. I feel like I'm home. The realtor leaves us to talk and continue looking around. We use the walk out slider and go onto the stone patio. Walking the half-football sized back yard to stand on the dock and look out on the river. Logan grabs my hand, "What do you think honey? Can you see us living here? Can you see us raising a house full of kids here?" I smile, I can see it. There is a little girl with bouncing curly hair and his beautiful green eyes. "I can, I have a few upgrades that I'd want to do, but I love it." I kiss him and hug him

just as the realtor walks up. "We aren't wasting any more time on this. We want it." Logan says sternly. "That's great. The people who own it want to downsize, it’s just an older couple whose kids moved out and they don't need all the space. If you'll follow me back, we can sign some papers on the dining table and get the ball rolling." I practically melt, I'm so ecstatic about the way my life is progressing. "I hope we get it, and to be able to move in within a few weeks would be great!" I can't hide my excitement, I am bouncing in my seat. "What upgrades are you thinking about?" He seems a little nervous to ask. I bet he thinks I want to remodel everything. "Granite counter tops in all bathrooms, the bar and the kitchen. I want to tear down that wall between the kitchen and the dining area, making the kitchen larger, with more cabinets. Pulling up all the carpet and putting floors in that go with the wood already in there. Does everything sound alright?" Logan grabs my hand and kisses it as we head back to the condo. I want to surprise him with a new garage and a couple other things. "It all sounds beautiful, and everything I was thinking of as well." Logan smiles and I laugh, I tell him what Barney and I did today, and that we already have an offer on the condo. He tells me how his day at work was. We go out to eat to celebrate our new exciting life and I bring up my next important conversation I want to have. "Logan, do you want to work for the company you are with for the rest of your life? What do you want to do in the future?" "Roy and I have been talking about starting our own business. We've actually been saving our money since we both began working." He says as he eats his steak. "Umm, why haven't you said anything? You'd better start putting those plans into motion Logan, everything that is mine, is also yours. So you and Roy now have the funds." I smile, but Logan doesn't seem happy about it. "I'm not marrying you for your money. I'm marrying you because I love you." He is trying to stay calm, I've upset him. "I know that, but for the first time EVER I want to share my money, and enjoy it with you. Please don't be offended." I say grabbing his hand on the table. "I don't want anything I don't work for." He says briskly. That stung, "I didn't work for my money." I say ashamed, "I know I don't deserve it, but I have it and it's the only thing I have left of my family. You're my family now, and I want you to use it. Make your dreams come true for me, once you start making money you can pay it back. I don't care, just please don't shoot down my offer. Talk it over with Roy. I would love to help." I know Roy will say the same thing Logan has said, I have to convince them somehow. We get home, take Barney for his last walk of the night and then return a call that we missed from the realtor. I put her on speaker and we are in the kitchen cuddling each other. "I have two pieces of information. I was able to confirm and seal the condo deal. I'll set up an appointment with you to sign papers. Also, I have received a counter offer on the house." My eyes light up. She tells us the counter offer and we accept it. It's lower than the asking price, but not by much. I would've paid a lot more than that for the house Logan and I want to start our family in, but no one needs to know that. We set up an appointment to sign papers. The people who are moving into the condo will only have to wait a couple weeks instead of a month. We'll get the keys to our new home tomorrow when we sign papers, but the remodeling is going to take some time. Thankfully we

don't have a lot here. All of our stuff is at the storage unit. We hang up with the realtor and I jump into Logan's arms. "We just bought our first house!" I laugh in excitement as he spins me around again. Barney is off somewhere, playing with a toy or eating dinner, I'm not sure, he is pretty independent. "Let’s celebrate tomorrow love, we'll go to The Club, play a little. Then we'll go out, maybe get Roy and Dahlia to join us. Break all the great news to them?" I agree, it's a perfect idea. I pull away from him, and scurry down the hall to see if I have any boxes that I can start filling. Logan goes into the bedroom and gets ready for the night. I realize we don't have any boxes to start packing, I will just call a moving company--quick and easy on my part. When I go into the bedroom to get ready for bed, the lights are low and there are candles lit throughout the room. I stop in my tracks and am instantly turned on. I hear Barney moving somewhere and order him to leave the room. I start to strip, even though Logan isn't in the room, he can still command my movements. When he does eventually come out of the bathroom with only a towel on, he almost doesn't notice that I'm naked on my side and in bed waiting for him. He gasps and drops the towel looking at me like he is starved. As he walks over, his cock gets more swollen by the moment. I can't stop staring, I need time to slow down. I need a slow motion button so I can memorize how his body moves, his muscles shift. Logan puts sculptures to shame, his body is smooth with hard defining lines where his muscles are outlined. I have touched and licked every line and inch, but I could never do it enough not to be surprised every time I see him naked. Damn, I'm drenched already. I hold my hand out, halting him from moving. I just stare, like I could devour him. I lick my lips, biting my lower lip to muffle my moan. The fact that I get to enjoy him for the rest of my life doesn't damper the need I have for him. "You are a fucking god." I say as I rub my hand from my shoulder down to my hip. Giving my swollen breast a nice squeeze as I pass, putting on a little show. Logan's body tightens and he continues walking slowly towards me. I tempt him as I continue touching my own body, my hand is nothing compared to his burning large palm. Logan crawls into bed like he is a sleek large cat stalking it’s pray. I turn onto my back and he moves so he's on his knees between my legs. I want him in me, all over me. He slides his hands slowly from my ankles up my open legs, past my slightly bent knees and to the upper inside of my thighs. I roll my hips tempting him to touch me. His hands slide from the inside of my thighs, thumbs graze my slit, sending flames through me. He follows my pelvis to my waist, past my ribs and straight for my breasts. Everywhere Logan touches, continues to burn after he leaves. I can't wait for him to enter me, I need him more than I need the blood boiling through my veins. He trails kisses from my belly button up to my sternum as he massages one of my breasts. Using the other arm to support his weight as he lowers his hips onto mine. He's literally memorizing and worshipping my body. I squirm and rotate my hips. He moves his lips from my chest to a breast. Suckling and kissing his way and supporting himself with both arms. When he gets to my nipple, he puts it in his mouth--sucking tenderly. I feel the warmth of his mouth, the electric pull of his sucking and the sting of his nip. Almost sends me over the edge, I'm building quickly just by his attack. He hasn't even touched my slick wet pussy. I can feel his thickness in that area pressed against my mound, putting the perfect amount of pressure on my clit. He rolls his hip and repeats his assault on my nipple.

I say his name as I grab fists full of his hair. I have never come by a touch, only his hands and his mouth can give me that. He replaces his mouth with a hand and moves to the other nipple, giving me the exact same feelings. I explode, flames bursting through my body, quivering as my orgasm erupts through me. He uses both arms for support and continues to kiss up my chest to my neck and my ear lobe. "Are you hot and wet for me beautiful?" "Always" I moan out. Logan pushes two fingers in and when he pulls them out, they are glistening with my juice. He puts them in his mouth and then guides himself into my entrance, taking my mouth as he lowers into me. I can taste myself on his tongue and it is so erotic. I roll my hips to take all of him and we lay still for a matter of moments enjoying and memorizing the feel of the other. I rub and lightly scratch his back as he kisses my face and neck. "If I ever got the choice of how I would die, I would beg for the lord to take me while you are in me. It is the best feeling in the entire world to be so intimately connected to you." The fullness, the warmth and thickness. When he comes, the pulsing that vibrates through my muscles is indescribable. Logan just growls, slowly beginning to back out and just as measurably reentering me. I love the slow, 'let’s make love' sex, but I'm excited and I want it rough. I roll my hips and clench his ass, "Rougher please baby." I feel him smile against my neck. He kisses and sucks for a brief moment. "You got it honey." He pulls back and out of me. Logan grabs my legs, slides my ass to the edge of the bed and brings my legs up, one ankle on each shoulder. Grabbing my hips positioning himself. Before I can take a breath, he pounds into me. I scream out in pure ecstacy, this is what I'm talking about. My ass isn't even on the bed and as he thrusts into me, he pulls my hips into his. As he pulls out, he pushes my hips away. It makes everything vibrate in my core and gives me friction against my sex and clit when I roll my hips. I climax faster when he controls my hips like this. He is so fucking big and this way makes him fill me more completely, than any other position. Feeling him pound into my end, I'm surprised he fits fully inside me. The feel of his penis shaping my insides gives me a slight sting of pain. I moan and cry out trying to stop the impending orgasm that is going to crack through me, before he has a chance to build. It's going to tear me in half, I might not be able to survive when he is done. "I'm about to come Logan, I want you to come with me." He resituates and leans in causing my knees to be by my head but still on his shoulders, FUCK! I thought he was deep before. I squeeze him once and bust at the seams. I come so hard, feeling like I'm falling off a cliff and into hot lava, as the heat swallows me and I start uncontrollably shaking, my walls clench and vibrate around him. Thankfully, Logan thrusts a couple more times before he releases into me. I purr with that wonderful feeling of him shooting into me. When we've caught our breaths, he picks me up, slowly pulling out of me. He carries me around the bedroom while he opens the door, blows out the candles and then carefully slides us into bed and positions me to lie on top of him. We begin kissing good night passionately. "Every day I think I can't love you more. But by the end of the day I feel my love for you has grown from where it was." It's a very heady feeling. This feeling must be the same couples

have that have been together their whole lives. "Good night Logan, I love you." I kiss his bare chest. "I love you too Jewel, Good night."


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