AMP Assessment Center What is NOT Allowed? Guidelines for Acceptable Calculators  Calculators that are NOT acceptable include AMP Assessment Center Guidelines for Acceptable Calculators

Several AMP testing programs allow candidates to

calculators that have printing capabilities Several AMPuse testing programs allow candidates to use a calculator to large complete their examination. However, not all a calculator to complete their examination. or need to be plugged However, not all calculators are acceptable. calculators are acceptable. To help identify acceptable calculators, AMP has created thesein.guidelines. To help identify acceptable calculators, AMP has AMP Assessment Center created these guidelines.

for Acceptable Calculators What isGuidelines Allowed? What is Allowed?

• An allowable willprograms be hand-held, solar Severalcalculator AMP testing allow candidates to or battery operated, and silent (i.e., the calculator a calculator completewill their use An allowabletocalculator beexamination. hand-held, solar has NOHowever, printing capability). not all calculators acceptable. or battery operated, and are silent (i.e., the To help identify acceptable calculators, has NO printing • Calculatorscalculator with simple memory orcapability). scientificAMP has these guidelines. created Calculators with simple memory or scientific function are allowed. function are allowed. • Financial and Estate calculators generally isReal Allowed? What Financial and Real Estate calculators generally ARE allowed, but they be must handbe held, ARE allowed,must but they handsolar held,  solar An allowable calculator will be hand-held, solar or battery powered and silent. or battery powered and silent.

or battery operated, and silent (i.e., the hasTI-BAII NO printing capability). The HP 12C, HP17BII, TI-BAII The calculator HP 12C, the HP17BII, theplus, TI-BAII plus, TI-BAII  Calculators with simple oralpha scientific plus Professional calculators do not memory have fullhave plus Professional calculators do not full alpha function are allowed. keypads and ARE ALLOWED. keypads and ARE ALLOWED.  Financial and Real Estate calculators generally ARE allowed, but they must be hand held, of acceptable calculators: Examples Examples of acceptable calculators: solar or battery powered and silent.

Calculators with display screens that can display more than one line of numbers or those What is alphabetic NOT Allowed? keypads (keys from A-Z that Whatwith is NOT Allowed? allow text input) are not allowed due to the • Calculators areare NOT acceptable include  threat Calculators that NOT acceptable include of that candidates storing exam information. large calculators that have printing capabilities or large calculators that have printing capabilities  Any mobile device with a calculator function or need to be plugged in. need to be plugged in. (cell phone, PDA, tablet, etc.) is not allowed.  Calculators displaythat screens that can more • Calculators withwith screens can display display more than one line of numbers or 39G, those The I-Touch TI-83 Plus, HPwith 19BII, than onealphabetic lineand of I-Pad, numbers or(keys those alphabetic with keypads from A-Z that 49G, 48Gx calculators are true programmable keypads (keys fromare A-Z allowdue text input) allow textalpha input) notthat allowed the devices with keypads and are NOTtoallowed. are not allowed due to the threat of candidates threat of candidates storing exam information. storing information.  Anyexam mobile device with a calculator Graphing calculators and phones of any function kind, even phone, PDA,with tablet, etc.) is notfunction allowed. (cell with (cell calculator functionality, are STRICTLY • Any mobile device a calculator PROBITED. phone, PDA, tablet, etc.) is not allowed. The I-Touch and I-Pad, TI-83 Plus, HP 19BII, 39G, 49G, 48Gx are true programmable ofcalculators calculators which are NOT TheExamples I-Touch and I-Pad, TI-83 Plus, HP 19BII, 39G, devices with alpha keypads and are NOT allowed. acceptable: 49G, 48Gx calculators are true programmable 

devices with alpha keypads and are allowed. Graphing calculators and phones of NOT any kind, even with calculator functionality, are STRICTLY

The HP 12C, HP17BII, the TI-BAII plus, TI-BAII plus Professional calculators do not have full alpha keypads and ARE ALLOWED.

Graphing calculators and phones of any kind, PROBITED. even with calculator functionality, are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Examples of calculators which are NOT

Examples of acceptable calculators:

Examples of calculators which are NOT acceptable:

There are many calculators available on the market What is NOT Allowed? Calculators today. If you are unsure a calculator presented to you is allowed to for testing, please contact AMP Technical Calculators that are NOT acceptable include allow candidates large calculators that haveconfirm printing capabilities Support at the number below and we will either ir examination. or need to be plugged in. acceptable. or deny the calculator in question before the candidate  Calculators with display screens that can ulators, AMP has begins the examination.


display more than one line of numbers or those with alphabetic keypads (keys from A-Z that AMP does ongoing detailed research regarding the   allow text input) are not allowed due to the more popular calculatorsthreat that of may be usedstoring for AMP candidates exam information. examinations bemobile able todevice answer  Any withany a calculator function be hand-held, solar and should Notice: Notice: For all Real Estate Appraiser examinations, (cell phone, PDA, tablet, etc.) is not allowed. nt (i.e., the questions you may have. For Realthe Estate Appraisermemory examinations, the the proctor mustallclear calculator before apability). proctor must clear the calculator memory before The I-Touch and I-Pad, TI-83 Plus, HP 19BII,and 39G,after the examination. mory or scientific Thank you!  and after the examination. 49G, 48Gx calculators are true programmable AMP Technical Support  1-888-288-7480 devices with alpha keypads and are NOT allowed. alculators generally Rev. 8/28/2012 be hand held, Graphing calculators and phones of any kind, even

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AMP Calculator Guidelines_CM2.pdf

devices with alpha keypads and are NOT allowed. Graphing calculators and phones of any kind,. even with calculator functionality, are STRICTLY. PROHIBITED. Examples of calculators which are NOT acceptable: Rev. 8/28/2012. Page 1 of 1. AMP Calculator Guidelines_CM2.pdf. AMP Calculator Guidelines_CM2.pdf.

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