The author and his scientific adviser are responsible for scientific aliment of his/her publication. Organizing Committee has a right to edit style, spelling and punctuation of materials sent by participants and deny materials in case of plagiarism and if they are not qualified with the topics and/or requirements of the Conference. Digest with scientific publications of the participants will be published as a result of the Conference. Contacts: +38 (095) 00 77 890 – Theory of Law and Constitutional Law Department. E-mail: [email protected] Address: National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, Poltava Law Institute, Theory of Law and Constitutional Law Department, Organizing Committee of the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Legal fundamentals of guaranteeing and protection human and civil rights and freedoms”, 14 Pershotravnevy Avenue, Poltava, 36003, Ukraine Notes:  Please notice about your arrival (date, plane/train number, number of carriage etc.) in a week before the beginning of the Conference.  If we are noticed about arrivals of participants they will be met personally in the airports and railway stations by organizing committee.  The organizing committee does not pay for expenses for passage, residence and feed of the participants.

SAMPLE OF A SCIENTIFIC WORK DESIGN Olena Volodymyrivna Bobkova NU “Yaroslav the Wise LAU”, Poltava Law Institute, student, year 2, group 3 ACCESSIBILITY AND GRATUITOUSNESS AS PRINCIPLES OF A RIGHT FOR EDUCATION

National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” Poltava Law Institute Theory of Law and Constitutional Law Department National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” Alumni Association

[…a text of a report…] Scientific adviser: candidate of law sciences, associate professor Zakayevskyi O.O. SAMPLE OF APPLICATION FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE CONFERENCE Please include an article/a thesis of a scientific report or message in the digest with scientific publications of the Conference __________________________________________ surname, name, patronymic (in full) ________________________________________________________

(position, scientific degree, title/ educational status, faculty, year, group) __________________________________________ (scientific adviser (surname, name, patronymic, scientific degree, title) for persons without a scientific degree) __________________________________________ (address, telephone) __________________________________________ (e-mail) __________________________________________ (section (see Conference Sections) __________________________________________ (topic of a scientific report) ____________________________________________ (will you personally take part in the Conference (yes or no)

Informational letter International Scientific-Practical Conference


23rd November 2012 Poltava (Ukraine)



Formatting Guidelines:

You are welcome to participate in the International Scientific-Practical Conference “Legal

Hetman Anatoliy, doctor of law sciences, professor, vice-rector for science researches of the National University “Law academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Mudriy”, academician, head of Ecological law department – the head of the Organizing Committee, Barabash Yuriy, doctor of law sciences, associate professor, vice-rector for educational work of the National University “Law academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav Mudriy”, corresponding member, head of Constitutional law of Ukraine department, Bushchan Oleg, director of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, candidate of law sciences, associate professor, Dashkovska Olena, doctor of law sciences, professor, head of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law Department of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, Kutsepal Svetlana, doctor of law sciences, professor, head of Humanities, Social and Economic Subjects Department of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, Lemeshko Oleksandr, candidate of law sciences, associate professor, head of Public Law Department of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”, Polkhovska Inna, candidate of law sciences, associate professor of Theory of Law and Constitutional law Department of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”. Lyubchenko Oleksiy, assistant of Theory of Law and Constitutional law Department of Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine”.

the choice of the submitted materials form lies with the author – a scientific article, report or a message; extent: scientific report or messages – up to 3 pages, scientific articles – up to 10 pages formatted A4; all page margins – 2 cm; font – Times New Roman; font size – 14-point, 1,5 spaced; first line – last name, name of the author; second line – place of studies, job; next line – the author status: student, graduate student, competitor, lecturer etc.; department, faculty, year of study, group (clarendon, equalization to the right side); thereunder the title of the scientific publication (capital type, clarendon, equalization to the center); at the end of the publication specify the information about the scientific adviser (degree, post, last name, name).

fundamentals of guaranteeing and protection human and civil rights and freedoms” to be held on 23rd of November, 2012 at Poltava Law Institute of the National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” to the address: Ukraine, Poltava, 14 Pershotravnevy Avenue. Conference Sections: 1. Human Rights and Freedoms in Terms of Ukrainian Constitutionalism Formation. 2. International Legal Mechanisms of Human Rights Protection. 3. The Role of Civil Society Institutions in the Protection of Human and Civil Rights: Philosophical and Legal Aspect. 4. Public Authorities in the Mechanism of Human Rights and Freedoms Realization in Ukraine. Program of the Conference: 23rd of November 2012: 09.30-10.00 - participants’ registration; 10.00-12.00 – plenary meeting; 12.00-13.00 – lunch break; 13.00-15.30 – sessions of sections; 16.00 – concluding plenary meeting. Order of speeches: -

report – up to 10 minutes; scientific message – up to 7 minutes; debating the report – up to 5 minutes. Languages of the Conference:


Ukrainian; Russian; English.

TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONFERENCE you should e-mail at [email protected] by November 10th, 2012: 1. text file in Microsoft Word (.doc) which is named with the author’s last name and contains the text of the scientific publication; 2. a scanned review of the scientific adviser in Portable Document format (.pdf) – for the participants without a scientific degree; 3. conference application form; 4. a scanned receipt of registration fee payment in the amount of 60 UAH (Ukrainian hryvnia) in Portable Document format (.pdf). Payments for the Conference materials are accepted at the card account: №6762 4683 0758 7828 Polkhovska Inna, PRIVATBANK. Within 1 day upon submitting these documents you are to receive a message confirming the materials obtaining. In case you do not receive the notification contact the Organizing committee.

An author and scientific and scientific adviser are ... -

the choice of the submitted materials form lies ... Portable Document format (.pdf) – for the participants without a scientific degree;. 3. conference application form;.

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