Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2015

with projections for Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017

Working to make Mobile the safest, most business and family friendly City in America by 2020.

2015 BUDGET MESSAGE CITY OF MOBILE, ALABAMA CYCLE OF POSITIVE CHANGE Introduction I am pleased to present the city’s proposed fiscal year 2015 budget. It is a budget that directly addresses the greatest needs of our city while adhering to funding the core functions of city government – public safety, public works, city finance, strategic planning and economic development. Our focus is to increase and redirect capital dollars toward fixing things that are broken in the city’s infrastructure from our streets, sidewalks and parks, to the outdated computer management systems and other old equipment the city uses to conduct dayto-day business. And secondly, it addresses long needed adjustments to our employees’ compensation. These two areas of focus, when combined with better management by city government, will result in our citizens receiving improved basic services which they deserve.

Together, we must collectively invest in our city’s future. Government alone cannot move a city from good to great; it requires an army of believers and those who are able to contribute ideas, volunteer time or financial resources through publicprivate partnerships.

As we work to improve our quality of life, to grow the city and to generate more revenue – Mobile will continue moving down the path of becoming the safest, most business and familyfriendly city in America by 2020. This is a “Cycle of Positive Change” for Mobile. The Cycle of Positive Change begins by the city being a good steward of its resources while partnering with the citizens to address our greatest challenges. Together, we must collectively invest in our city’s future. Government alone cannot move a city from good to great; it requires an army of believers and those who are able to contribute ideas, volunteer time or financial resources through public-private partnerships. Background Cycle of Positive Change Upon taking office, my Administration realized that the City of Mobile did not have a revenue problem – it had a spending problem – specifically where and how the citizens’ money was spent. At the end of fiscal year 2013, the city had a negative unassigned general fund balance of $4.3 million. Mobile was projected to run out of general fund monies by late summer 2014 and ran the risk of not being able to meet its financial obligations.



My Administration immediately went to work addressing this challenge and on April 1, 2014, the City Council unanimously passed an amended 2014 budget that began to help get our fiscal house in order. Also, in April, Moody's placed the city's ratings under review because of a "rapid deterioration" in the city's general fund and financial reserves during fiscal 2012 and 2013. In late June, after extensive effort by the Administration to outline a recovery plan to improve the city’s fiscal health, Moody's Investors Service decided to maintain the City of Mobile's Aa2 credit rating, avoiding a possible downgrade. Next Step The next step in the Cycle of Positive Change is to create and get approved a budget that begins to give the city the capacity to excel in the delivery of its core functions that will improve the quality of life for all of its citizens. That is what we have presented. General Fund The accounts of the General Fund reflect the major share of the city's fiscal transactions. It details the city’s revenue (taxes, fees, licenses, fines and forfeitures, interest, etc.) and expenditures (personnel costs, operating costs, etc.). In the 2015 budget, our department heads have built reasonable and manageable budgets that allow the city to operate effectively while redirecting much needed monies back to capital investment. Projected 2015 revenue ($227,137,621) and expenditures ($222,594,869) in the proposed General Fund are within a half-percent of last year’s budget. This type of fiscal discipline allows the city to begin achieving the goals of: o Addressing the city’s capital and infrastructure needs; o Giving the city employees a significant and long overdue raise; o Delivering better basic services to the citizens of Mobile; o Developing and implementing a comprehensive city strategic plan; o Fostering neighborhood cohesion and public safety; o Cleaning-up our city through blight, litter and storm water initiatives; o Improving parks, recreational opportunities and public spaces; and, o Creating greater mobility and accessibility across the city. As we strive to find the right balance of how to allocate and direct the resources entrusted to the city, we are taking a practical approach at evaluating every budget cost center. The following General Fund items are likely to standout because of their significance.




Compensation Adjustment: In the area of employee compensation, we need to be fair to both the employees and the public. We need to be balanced. We also need to be competitive. But, we are not. I am a firm believer that in order to provide the citizens improved basic services, the City of Mobile needs to be able to attract and retain quality personnel. I further believe that if we take care of our employees, they will take care of our citizens. To do so, our employees must be competitively compensated. In fairness to the public, I am also a believer in the notion that “to whom much is given, much will be required.” I have high expectations for our employees and will be requiring more productivity from them as we are able to improve their compensation and give them better training. 

Pay Raise: The last time the city employees received a pay raise was in 2007. The gap in raises may be a result of economic factors beyond the city’s control, but it is nonetheless too long. Our employees deserve a raise. Included in this year’s personnel costs are two pay raises - a 2.5% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) in October 2014 and a 2.5% Merit Raise in April 2015. The COLA will bring up the baseline pay across the board and begin to make Mobile competitive with our regional peers. These pay raises are partially funded by the department heads’ meticulous management of head-count and overtime.

Health Plan Cost – Sharing: The City of Mobile’s health plan has excellent coverage with below market expense sharing to its employees. The city needs to make adjustments to the cost-sharing model of the employee and retiree health plans. For the last several years the city has not been in compliance with its 80/20 (city/employee) cost share. Presently, the cost share is about 84/16 for current employees. Beginning in January 2015, we will make adjustments to get back into compliance at 80/20 and will remain in compliance going forward. Beginning in January 2015, the cost share for new hires will be 60/40 (city/employee).

Recognizing that some will say you cannot give raises only to take it back with increased health care plan premiums; the city has a thoughtful solution. For current employees who make $40,000 or less – the city will pay their first year premium increases. This gives these employees the full realization of the two pay raises in the first year. Performance Contracts: The purpose of performance contracts is to partner with organizations that provide a service that the city needs and cannot otherwise provide for itself. Performance contracts have morphed into a collective of both organizations providing services for the city -and charitable, non-profit organizations in need of funding. For many years, the city has been one the largest funders of benevolent organizations in the City of Mobile. There is no doubt that every organization the city previously funded is an important part of our community. However, we can no longer sustain previous years’ funding levels and address our priorities of returning money to capital projects and employee compensation. The city recommends funding those organizations that provide a specific service for the city and funding other qualified non-profits through the United Way of Southwest Alabama (social services) and the Community Foundation of South Alabama (arts and culture) for one year only – ensuring city funds stay in the city and have collective and measurable impact.




A top priority of my Administration is redirecting capital back to capital improvements – fixing what is broken in our city.

Capital Funds I am also proposing a series of budgets addressing the capital needs of the city via the Capital Improvements Fund; Strategic Plan Fund; and, Convention Center Fund. In future years, I will be working with the City Council to streamline these capital funds to be user-friendly for the citizens. We only need two budgets – a general fund budget and a capital fund budget. As stated previously, a top priority of my Administration is redirecting capital back to capital improvements – fixing what is broken in our city. We have a sizeable list of capital improvements that needs to be addressed now. Therefore, the proposed 2015 budget contains a 400% increase ($3,513,000 in 2014 to $14,345,000 in 2015) in directed capital allocations for backlogged infrastructure improvements, repairs and capital equipment, such as: o ($750,000)

Litter Trap for Dog River and Litter Vessel for our littered waterways;

o ($3,200,000) Additional 100 New Police Cars in 2015; o ($2,000,000) New Fire-Rescue Vehicles; o ($750,000)

New Public Works Vehicles;

o ($3,000,000) Park Improvements and Repairs; (Fields, Lights, Restrooms, Dog Parks, Splash Pads, Walking/Bike Trails, Playgrounds, etc.)

o ($4,000,000) Maintenance and Repair of Streets, Drainage, Buildings, etc. The city is also upgrading to a modern and efficient, citywide software system, an investment costing $2,200,000. This system will allow the city to shift from paper intensive operations (e.g. Municipal Court, Police, Permitting, Finance, etc.) to efficient data input and processing capabilities. The city and the public will realize efficiencies through our customer service model, and ultimately through operating cost-savings -- it will be cheaper for the city to conduct business and redirect money to where the citizens need it the most -- fixing the broken parts of our city.




Closing This proposed budget is only possible because the city employees have bought into the vision of becoming the safest, most business and family-friendly city in America by 2020. We have empowered department heads, like never before, to be in complete control of their personnel and operating budgets. They know what they need to do to get the job done for the citizens. Every day, I become more excited about the future of One Mobile – a city working together across all parts of our community for the greater good. I am inspired daily by the citizen who asks how they can help and by the city employee who improves our community by finding ways to do their job even better. Almost a year ago, I received the most humbling honor of my life, being elected as the Mayor of this great city. The charge to lead this city and to improve upon the work done by generations of Mayors before me is a charge I will keep. It is a pleasure to serve as the 108th Mayor of Mobile, Alabama. It is without reservation and in accordance with Alabama Code § 11-44C-42, that I submit a balanced, fiscally responsible 2015 budget to the Mobile City Council for their consideration.

William S. Stimpson Mayor



Elected Officials

William S. Stimpson Mayor

John C. Williams District 4

Joel Daves District 5 Levon C. Manzie District 2

Fred Richardson, Jr. District 1 • Vice President

Gina Gregory District 4 • President

Bess Rich District 6

C. J. Small District 3

General Fund

General Fund Revenues and Transfers In FY2015 $179,188,699




$440,000 Licenses

$7,491,928 $2,994,000



Fines & Forfeitures Transfers In

General Fund Expenditures and Transfers Out FY2015

Personnel Costs

$126,597,274 $27,485,904 ($1,442,066)


Operating Costs

Natural Employment Reduction Reserve for Retirements

Other Cost Centers

$36,344,397 $31,609,360

Transfers Out


General Fund Budget Summary General Fund Budget Objectives

• Fund COLA raises and merit system raises. • Continue efforts to reduce personnel cost through attrition of vacant positions. • Build reasonable, realistic budgets that can be managed by department heads.

Revenues and Transfers In: Taxes Licenses Other Fees Fines & Forfeitures Interest Income Miscellaneous Revenues Transfers In Total Revenues and Transfers In

Amended Budget FY2014

FY2015 Projected Budget

$ 153,142,879 34,540,815 428,000 9,227,000 3,407,000 60,000 1,050,000 26,049,752 227,905,446

$ 179,188,699 36,342,994 330,000 7,491,928 2,994,000 60,000 50,000 680,000 227,137,621

Expenditures and Transfers Out: Personnel Costs Operating Costs Natural Employment Reduction Reserve for Retirements Other Cost Centers Transfers Out Total Exp and Transfers Out

121,969,350 26,879,640 (1,901,574) 1,800,000 35,860,653 37,276,332 221,884,401

Budgeted Reserve Ending Balance



126,597,274 27,485,904 (1,442,066) 2,000,000 36,344,397 31,609,360 222,594,869

1,724,842 $

Budget Increase (Decrease)

4,542,752 $

(0) $

FY2016 Forecast

FY2017 Forecast

26,045,820 1,802,179 (98,000) (1,735,072) (413,000) 0 (1,000,000) (25,369,752) (767,825)

181,876,529 36,888,139 334,950 7,604,307 3,038,910 60,900 50,750 690,200 230,544,685

184,604,677 37,441,461 339,974 7,718,372 3,084,494 61,814 51,511 700,553 234,002,856

4,627,924 606,264 459,508 200,000 483,744 (5,666,972) 710,468

127,230,260 27,898,193 2,000,000 36,889,563 29,852,946 223,870,962

127,866,412 28,316,665 2,000,000 37,442,907 30,167,379 225,793,363



2,817,910 (4,296,203) $





General Fund Revenues Amended Budget FY2014 Taxes Sales Tax-City Sales Tax-PJ Property Tax Motor Vehicle Lease-City Lease-PJ Room-City Room-PJ Car Rent-City Car Rent-PJ Gas Tax-City Gas Tax-PJ 2 Cent County Gas Liquor-City Liquor-PJ Wine Beer Liquor ABC In Lieu of Taxes Cigarette Tax Other Tabacco-City Other Tabacco-PJ Total Taxes Licenses Business License-City Business License-PJ Business Privelege Tax Motor Vehicle License Dog License Total Licenses Other ABC Board Financial Excise Oil & Gas Tax Dog Track State Star Fees Total Other Fees Lot Cleaning Building Demolition Animal Shelter Landfill Inspection Police Engineering Fire Plan Review Fire Fees Parking Management County Collection Property Rental Franchise Fees Permit Fees Sale of Assets Recreation Fees Total Fees


114,501,492 7,399,282 12,282,915 1,760,000 4,560,000 300,000 3,450,000 10,000 1,095,000 73,000 2,100,000 670,000 431,190 480,000 24,000 200,000 1,175,000 190,000 25,000 1,990,000 390,000 36,000 153,142,879

FY 2015 Projected Budget $

139,919,937 7,979,879 12,043,994 1,733,199 5,166,256 350,000 3,514,129 10,771 953,616 50,000 2,102,060 676,191 432,000 480,000 24,000 200,000 1,120,000 200,667 0 1,800,000 390,000 42,000 179,188,699

Budget Increase (Decrease) $

25,418,445 580,597 (238,921) (26,801) 606,256 50,000 64,129 771 (141,384) (23,000) 2,060 6,191 810 0 0 0 (55,000) 10,667 (25,000) (190,000) 0 6,000 26,045,820

31,886,815 1,980,000 0 650,000 24,000 34,540,815

33,277,841 2,075,000 278,688 687,465 24,000 36,342,994

1,391,026 95,000 278,688 37,465 0 1,802,179

75,000 200,000 60,000 33,000 60,000 428,000

0 200,000 60,000 0 70,000 330,000

(75,000) 0 0 (33,000) 10,000 (98,000)

20,000 12,000 15,000 210,000 1,250,000 420,000 440,000 34,000 150,000 250,000 2,300,000 45,000 2,620,000 1,000,000 1,000 460,000 9,227,000

20,000 15,000 22,000 0 1,225,000 410,000 480,000 34,000 160,000 275,000 1,775,928 45,000 2,620,000 0 0 410,000 7,491,928

0 3,000 7,000 (210,000) (25,000) (10,000) 40,000 0 10,000 25,000 (524,072) 0 0 (1,000,000) (1,000) (50,000) (1,735,072)


General Fund Revenues Amended Budget FY2014 Fines & Forfeitures Police Fines MOT D A Restitution Bond Forfeitures Drivers Education Corrections Fund Municipal Court Admin Court Costs Alarm Ordinance Total Fines & Forfeitures Interest Income Interest Income Miscellaneous Revenue TRANSFER IN: Strategic Plan Fuel Inspection WAVE Transit Capital Parking Garage 7 cent Roadway 5 cent Gas Total Transfers TOTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS IN


FY 2015 Projected Budget

Budget Increase (Decrease)

1,250,000 75,000 130,000 75,000 375,000 1,050,000 75,000 365,000 12,000 3,407,000

1,025,000 48,000 115,000 95,000 370,000 930,000 55,000 340,000 16,000 2,994,000

(225,000) (27,000) (15,000) 20,000 (5,000) (120,000) (20,000) (25,000) 4,000 (413,000)

60,000 1,050,000

60,000 50,000

0 (1,000,000)

4,270,084 80,000 1,670,565 17,864,103 1,000,000 300,000 865,000 26,049,752

0 80,000 0 0 0 0 600,000 680,000

(4,270,084) 0 (1,670,565) (17,864,103) (1,000,000) (300,000) (265,000) (25,369,752)







General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center

Department City Clerk

FY2014 Amended Budget $ 543,135 20,508 563,643

FY 2015 Proposed Budget $ 567,823 27,630 595,453

Personnel Operating

709,620 132,454 842,074

574,214 140,050 714,264

Personnel Operating

288,081 169,710 457,791

288,081 211,100 499,181

Personnel Operating

0 1,085 1,085

0 0 0

Personnel Operating

206,877 61,093 267,970

259,350 62,652 322,002

52,473 1,559 54,032

Personnel Operating

57,209 3,371 60,580

59,558 4,925 64,483

2,349 1,554 3,903

Personnel Operating

77,857 4,623,234 4,701,091

80,385 4,888,985 4,969,370

2,528 265,751 268,279

Personnel Operating

2,074,500 128,800 2,203,300

2,079,543 118,100 2,197,643

5,043 (10,700) (5,657)

Personnel Operating

1,023,001 240,174 1,263,175

1,105,839 191,720 1,297,559

82,838 (48,454) 34,384

Personnel Operating

893,460 245,221 1,138,681

1,103,938 144,329 1,248,267

210,478 (100,892) 109,586

Personnel Operating

1,445,807 622,589 2,068,396

1,528,025 568,460 2,096,485

82,218 (54,129) 28,089

Personnel Operating

137,670 28,477 166,147

147,982 28,477 176,459

Category Personnel Operating

City Clerk Total Mayor's Office Mayor's Office Total City Council City Council Total Office of Strategic Initiatives Office of Strategic Initiatives Total Archives Archives Total Internal Audit Internal Audit Total City Hall Overhead Total City Hall Overhead Municipal Court Municipal Court Total Legal Legal Total History Museum History Museum Total Mobile Museum of Art Mobile Museum of Art Total Mobile Film Office Mobile Film Office Total

Budget Increase (Decrease) $ 24,688 7,122 31,810 (135,406) 7,596 (127,810) 0 41,390 41,390 0 (1,085) (1,085)

10,312 0 10,312


General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center

Department Public Safety Administration

0 0

FY 2015 Proposed Budget $ 196,064 11,320 207,384

Personnel Operating

323,095 9,646 332,741

179,781 33,712 213,493

Personnel Operating

1,612,955 94,475 1,707,430

1,882,537 182,807 2,065,344

269,582 88,332 357,914

Personnel Operating

861,276 30,252 891,528

1,388,832 30,252 1,419,084

527,556 0 527,556

Personnel Operating

264,726 34,510 299,236

409,387 34,510 443,897

144,661 0 144,661

Personnel Operating

23,102,245 994,387 24,096,632

23,014,224 1,006,387 24,020,611

Personnel Operating

1,481,594 12,554 1,494,148

1,556,360 12,554 1,568,914

Personnel Operating

3,857,585 734,220 4,591,805

3,615,081 605,105 4,220,186

(242,504) (129,115) (371,619)

Personnel Operating

5,325,640 415,320 5,740,960

6,013,935 413,436 6,427,371

688,295 (1,884) 686,411

Personnel Operating

16,723,414 802,910 17,526,324

16,492,455 801,744 17,294,199

(230,959) (1,166) (232,125)

Personnel Operating

5,405,359 294,479 5,699,838

5,079,092 289,224 5,368,316

(326,267) (5,255) (331,522)

Personnel Operating

1,833,991 0 1,833,991

1,429,282 0 1,429,282

(404,709) 0 (404,709)

Personnel Operating

5,986,819 1,131,999 7,118,818

7,734,254 1,298,516 9,032,770

Category Personnel Operating

Public Safety Administration Total Safety and Performance Safety and Performance Total Fire Administration Fire Administration Total Bureau of Fire Prevention Bureau of Fire Prevention Total Fire Training Fire Training Total Fire Suppression Fire Suppression Total Fire Communications Fire Communications Total Police Administrative Services Total Police Administrative Services Police Special Operations Police Special Operations Total Police Field Operations Police Field Operations Total Police Investigative Services Police Investigative Services Total Police School Traffic Police School Traffic Total Police Support Services Police Support Services Total Police Impound Operations Police Impound Operations Total

Personnel Operating

FY2014 Amended Budget $

505,790 (769,504) (263,714)

569,426 (913,093) (343,667)

Budget Increase (Decrease) $ 196,064 11,320 207,384 (143,314) 24,066 (119,248)

(88,021) 12,000 (76,021) 74,766 0 74,766

1,747,435 166,517 1,913,952 63,636 (143,589) (79,953)


General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center

Department Police Animal Shelter

FY2014 Amended Budget $ 682,899 172,321 855,220

FY 2015 Proposed Budget $ 739,281 172,308 911,589

Budget Increase (Decrease) $ 56,382 (13) 56,369

Personnel Operating

217,146 2,753 219,899

204,777 8,321 213,098

(12,369) 5,568 (6,801)

Personnel Operating

1,050,941 424,400 1,475,341

1,134,448 424,400 1,558,848

83,507 0 83,507

Personnel Operating

674,861 231,920 906,781

697,770 257,920 955,690

22,909 26,000 48,909

Personnel Operating

1,164,064 209,444 1,373,508

1,252,666 209,444 1,462,110

88,602 0 88,602

Personnel Operating

571,369 102,020 673,389

562,211 102,020 664,231

(9,158) 0 (9,158)

Personnel Operating

577,231 146,484 723,715

569,865 146,484 716,349

(7,366) 0 (7,366)

Personnel Operating

359,549 126,748 486,297

327,253 126,748 454,001

(32,296) 0 (32,296)

Personnel Operating

630,803 97,104 727,907

656,130 95,604 751,734

25,327 (1,500) 23,827

Personnel Operating

931,842 135,188 1,067,030

1,000,730 160,188 1,160,918

68,888 25,000 93,888

Personnel Operating

3,400,255 341,276 3,741,531

3,583,310 362,476 3,945,786

183,055 21,200 204,255

Personnel Operating

2,581,257 416,848 2,998,105

2,662,044 1,076,848 3,738,892

80,787 660,000 740,787

Personnel Operating

0 37,100 37,100

0 37,100 37,100

0 0 0

Personnel Operating

153,665 6,227 159,892

140,270 9,791 150,061

Category Personnel Operating

Police Animal Shelter Total Public Works Executive Admin Public Works Executive Admin Total Flood Control Flood Control Total Public Works Administration Public Works Administration Total Concrete & Sidewalk Concrete & Sidewalk Total Right of Way Maintenance Right of Way Maintenance Total Asphalt Street Repair Asphalt Street Repair Total Street Sweeping Street Sweeping Total Dredge Dredge total Storm Drain & Heavy Equipment Storm Drain & Heavy Equipment Total Solid Waste Solid Waste Total Trash Trash Total Bates Field Bates Field Total Parks & Recreation Administration Parks & Recreation Administration Total

(13,395) 3,564 (9,831)


General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center



Parks, Cemeteries, Operations

Personnel Operating

Parks, Cemeteries, Operations Total Athletics

203,761 5,131 208,892

Personnel Operating

313,245 121,060 434,305

329,167 125,347 454,514

15,922 4,287 20,209

Personnel Operating

737,260 64,569 801,829

751,755 70,594 822,349

14,495 6,025 20,520

Personnel Operating

672,067 75,887 747,954

883,861 78,172 962,033

211,794 2,285 214,079

Personnel Operating

3,125,050 442,200 3,567,250

3,796,478 584,088 4,380,566

671,428 141,888 813,316

Personnel Operating

1,203,442 136,124 1,339,566

1,275,911 195,030 1,470,941

72,469 58,906 131,375

Personnel Operating

3,062,692 7,564,789 10,627,481

2,856,921 6,911,647 9,768,568

(205,771) (653,142) (858,913)

Personnel Operating

1,712,303 330,524 2,042,827

1,842,035 398,742 2,240,777

129,732 68,218 197,950

Personnel Operating

293,271 59,110 352,381

296,588 54,985 351,573

3,317 (4,125) (808)

Personnel Operating

412,780 17,133 429,913

430,559 30,665 461,224

17,779 13,532 31,311

Personnel Operating

233,516 1,892 235,408

243,154 3,132 246,286

9,638 1,240 10,878

Traffic Engineering Total Equipment Services/Garage Equipment Services/Garage Total Electrical Electrical Total Keep Mobile Beautiful Keep Mobile Beautiful Total Finance Administration Finance Administration Total Budget Budget Total

12,103 (203,313) (191,210)

2,581,667 69,421 2,651,088

Parks Maintenance Total Traffic Engineering


2,377,906 64,290 2,442,196

Special Activities Total Parks Maintenance

223,974 1,745,433 1,969,407

Personnel Operating

Community Activities Total Special Activities


672,043 174,589 846,632

Mobile Regional Community Center Total Community Activities

211,871 1,948,746 2,160,617

Budget Increase (Decrease)

688,192 164,227 852,419

Recreation Total Mobile Regional Community Center


FY 2015 Proposed Budget

Personnel Operating

Athletics Total Recreation

FY2014 Amended Budget

(16,149) 10,362 (5,787)


General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center




Personnel Operating

Purchasing Total Accounting

456,169 11,939 468,108

19,038 0 19,038

Personnel Operating

276,463 62,725 339,188

294,993 62,725 357,718

18,530 0 18,530

Personnel Operating

301,445 21,899 323,344

327,546 27,720 355,266

26,101 5,821 31,922

Personnel Operating

239,578 (3,244) 236,334

254,043 (5,549) 248,494

14,465 (2,305) 12,160

Personnel Operating

134,591 84,815 219,406

135,111 84,815 219,926

520 0 520

Personnel Operating

1,802,333 192,333 1,994,666

1,938,598 203,443 2,142,041

136,265 11,110 147,375

Personnel Operating

176,232 0 176,232

293,104 144,504 437,608

116,872 144,504 261,376

Personnel Operating

3,936,632 342,923 4,279,555

3,676,650 290,855 3,967,505

(259,982) (52,068) (312,050)

Personnel Operating

1,761,940 100,750 1,862,690

2,202,620 174,997 2,377,617

440,680 74,247 514,927

Personnel Operating

225,766 42,932 268,698

315,281 131,690 446,971

89,515 88,758 178,273

Personnel Operating

396,030 18,285 414,315

0 0 0

(396,030) (18,285) (414,315)

Personnel Operating

400,839 48,881 449,720

0 0 0

(400,839) (48,881) (449,720)

Revenue Total Senior Planning Director Senior Planning Director Total Urban Development Urban Development Total Engineering Engineering Total Historic Development Historic Development Total Municipal Enforcement Municipal Enforcement Total Environmental Services Environmental Services Total

6,536 10,260 16,796

437,131 11,939 449,070

Police & Fire Pension Total Revenue


Personnel Operating

Payroll Total Police & Fire Pension

391,633 24,330 415,963

30,646 (2,264) 28,382

Human Resources Total Payroll


662,184 138,230 800,414

Treasury Total Human Resources

385,097 14,070 399,167

Budget Increase (Decrease)

631,538 140,494 772,032

Inventory Control Total Treasury


FY 2015 Proposed Budget

Personnel Operating

Accounting Total Inventory Control

FY2014 Amended Budget


General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center



Real Estate Asset Management

Personnel Operating

Real Estate Asset Management Total Real Estate

1,044,027 379,625 1,423,652

76,492 23,393 99,885

Personnel Operating

1,930,494 201,494 2,131,988

2,089,490 206,514 2,296,004

158,996 5,020 164,016

Personnel Operating

1,397,185 224,174 1,621,359

1,514,520 230,408 1,744,928

117,335 6,234 123,569

Personnel Operating

0 0 0

281,649 33,500 315,149

281,649 33,500 315,149

Personnel Operating

318,340 131,939 450,279

345,176 131,184 476,360

26,836 (755) 26,081

Personnel Operating

188,149 0 188,149

0 0 0

(188,149) 0 (188,149)

Personnel Operating

613,346 111,088 724,434

625,027 120,717 745,744

Personnel Operating

0 509,458 509,458

0 0 0

0 (509,458) (509,458)

Personnel Operating

2,269,771 756,554 3,026,325

2,265,233 1,261,076 3,526,309

(4,538) 504,522 499,984

1,800,000 (1,901,574)

2,000,000 (1,442,066)

200,000 459,508

Senior Director Info Technology Total GIS GIS Total Telecommunications Telecommunications Total MIT MIT Total Reserve for retirements Natural Employment Reduction GRAND TOTAL DEPARTMENTS

7,145 114 7,259

967,535 356,232 1,323,767

Special Events Total Senior Director Information Technology


Personnel Operating

Community Affairs Administration Total Special Events

178,168 3,429 181,597

9,027 1,117 10,144

Mechanical Systems Total Community Affairs Administration


235,736 5,353 241,089

Public Buildings Total Mechanical Systems

171,023 3,315 174,338

Budget Increase (Decrease)

226,709 4,236 230,945

Architectural Engineering Total Public Buildings


FY 2015 Proposed Budget

Personnel Operating

Real Estate Total Architectural Engineering

FY2014 Amended Budget

$ 148,747,416

$ 154,641,112

11,681 9,629 21,310




General Fund - Expenditures by Department and Cost Center

Department Other Cost Centers: Mobile Metro Jail Personnel Board Board of Health Juvenile Court Board of Equalization Emergency Management Legislative Delegation Library Retirees Insurance Employee Education Worker's Compensation Unemployment Compensation Employees Pension Fire Insurance Mayor's Discretionary Fund City Council Discretionary Funds Performance Contracts Dues Fee Waiver Expense Contingency Reserve

FY2014 Amended Budget



8,300,000 1,257,500 600,000 3,250,000 7,152 432,876 9,972 6,597,319 4,808,380 120,000 3,000,000 125,000 76,872 2,092,000 25,000 175,000 4,503,657 374,925 0 105,000

FY 2015 Proposed Budget


8,736,007 1,368,438 600,000 3,400,000 7,152 436,116 4,490 6,788,077 5,043,012 120,000 4,048,600 75,000 110,412 2,000,000 25,000 280,000 2,421,640 375,453 400,000 105,000

Budget Increase (Decrease)


436,007 110,938 0 150,000 0 3,240 (5,482) 190,758 234,632 0 1,048,600 (50,000) 33,540 (92,000) 0 105,000 (2,082,017) 528 400,000 0

Other Cost Centers Total



Transfers To Grants To Capital To Civic Center To ALS To WAVE Transit To RSA (MTA) To Motor Pool To Tennis Center To Saenger Theatre To Seven Cent Gas Fund To Golf Course To Solid Waste Authority To P & F Pension Fund To General Municipal Employee Pension To Health Plan To Liability Fund

375,000 156,229 983,605 3,048,090 6,026,948 0 300,000 482,045 0 0 98,506 2,250,000 12,904,772 22,800 8,494,537 2,133,800

375,000 0 819,565 4,924,437 6,026,948 200,000 0 542,959 155,000 350,000 265,464 1,600,000 8,904,772 10,000 5,186,335 2,248,880

0 (156,229) (164,040) 1,876,347 0 200,000 (300,000) 60,914 155,000 350,000 166,958 (650,000) (4,000,000) (12,800) (3,308,202) 115,080

Transfers Total




$ 221,884,401

$ 222,594,869

Total Expenditures





GENERAL FUND DUES & PERFORMANCE CONTRACT DETAIL FY2014 AMENDED BUDGET Dues Alabama League of Municipalities Coosa-AL River Association National League of Cities Sister Cities International South Alabama Regional Planning American Society of Public Admin U.S. Conference of Mayors Mobile County Municipal Association Warrior-Tombigbee Development Total Dues Performance Contracts Business Improvement District Chamber of Commerce Foreign Trade Zone Historic Preservation Ladd Memorial Stadium Magnolia Cemetery** Mobile City Youth Athletic Mobile Bay Sports Authority Mobile Tennis Association South Alabama Workforce Development United Way of SW Ala, Inc./Community Fdn Other Performance Contracts General Fund Performance Contract Total






23,721 1,500 11,091 880 321,591 2,000 12,242 100 1,800 374,925



86,670 390,740 18,000 52,650 249,816

75,000 375,000 18,000 50,000 200,000 188,640 100,000 100,000 45,000 70,000 1,200,000 $ 2,421,640

100,000 67,797 38,880 3,499,104 4,503,657


23,721 1,500 11,091 880 322,119 2,000 12,242 100 1,800 375,453

528 528



(11,670) (15,740) (2,650) (49,816) 188,640 100,000 (22,797) 70,000 1,161,120 (3,499,104) (2,082,017)

*McKemmie Place FY2014 Budget was $18,000 and was included in Parks,Cemeteries, Operations Budget. **Magnolia Cemetery FY2014 Budget was $188,640 and was included in Parks, Cemeteries, Operations Budget.



City Departments Motor Pool

Motor Pool Net Mobile Tennis Center

Mobile Tennis Center Net ALS Transport

ALS Transport Net Azalea City Golf




Revenues Transfer from GF Personnel Exp Operating Exp Capital Exp

$ 4,575,000 300,000 149,699 3,372,927 1,333,488 $ 18,886

$ 5,011,480 136,685 3,318,941 1,408,488 $ 147,366


Revenues Transfer from GF Personnel Exp Operating Exp



242,500 542,959 507,973 277,486 -



157,680 482,045 391,167 248,558 -




436,480 (300,000) (13,014) (53,986) 75,000 128,480 84,820 60,914 116,806 28,928 -

Revenues Transfer from GF Transfer from SP Personnel Exp Operating Exp

$ 5,101,930 3,048,090 1,023,428 5,326,560 3,846,888 $ -

$ 5,101,930 4,924,437 6,171,479 3,854,888 $ -


Revenues Transfer from GF Personnel Exp Operating Exp

$ 1,359,091 98,506 767,597 690,000 $ -

$ 1,297,132 265,464 861,906 700,690 $ -



(61,959) 166,958 94,309 10,690 -

$ 983,605 $ 6,026,948 $ -

$ 819,565 $ 6,026,948 $ 155,000

$ $ $

(164,040) 155,000

Run by Management Companies Civic Center Transfer from GF WAVE Transit Transfer from GF Transfer from GF Saenger Theatre*

1,876,347 (1,023,428) 844,919 8,000 $ -

*FY2014 the Saenger Theatre was budgeted in the Capital Fund in the amount of $200,000.


Capital Improvement Fund


Capital Debt Service, Expenditures and Transfers Out FY2015

Capital Revenues and Transfers In FY2015

$350,000 $290,000





$2,000,000 $16,853,715

$1,722,554 $3,000,000


$4,000,000 $445,000

Net Sales Tax Receipts From Reserve Policy Surplus

Prior Period Carryforward From Convention Center Fund

From Strategic Plan Fund

Strategic Plan Revenues FY2015 $600,000

$379,180 $2,790,238


Debt Service

Transfer to Metro Transit

Improvements & Repairs

Street & Building Repairs

Park Improvements

Economic Incentive

Capital Escrow-Publ Ser & Safety

Stormwater Management


Strategic Plan Debt Service, Expenditures and Transfers Out FY2015 $4,991,100


$5,140 $395,723 $140,000

$5,458 $2,200,000 $5,054,719 $3,913,798 $1,756,978

$100,000 $1,135,000 $25,000



Car Rental

Sales Tax Discount

Gas Tax Increase

Room Tax--City

Room Tax--PJ

Business License Increase

Interest Income

Apt Business License

Transfer to Capital Improvement Fund Site Rental for 800 MHZ Mary Abbie Berg Center Consultant & Misc Expenses

Receivable From College Bowl Game


Debt Service New Software System Communication/React/CitiSmart College Football Bowl Game

Convention Center Debt Service, Expenditures and Transfers Out FY2015

Convention Center Revenues FY2015

$4,154,016 $1,350,000

$1,756,801 $500,000 $135,000 $100,000 $100,000 $1,722,554


$40,000 $2,000,000

$8,794,769 Sales Tax

Room Tax

Transfers to Capital Imrovement Fund

Debt Service

Convention Center Operations

Maintenance & Equip. Allowance

Senior Bowl

Events Mobile


Citywide Sporting Events

Mobile Bay Conv & Visitors Bureau

Building Insurance


CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND BUDGET FY2014 ADOPTED BUDGET ANTICIPATED REVENUES Net Sales Tax Receipts SPF Library Loan (Through FY 2014-15) Prior Period Carryforward From Reserve Policy Surplus From Convention Center Fund From Strategic Plan Fund TOTAL REVENUES


LESS Debt Service G.O. Warrants Debt Service--Cruise Terminal Bank Service Charges Arbitrage Rebate Calculation Transfer to General Fund Transfer Citywide Improvement Projects Lease Payments Transfer to Metro Transit Advertising Revenue-Metro Transit Total Reserve, Debt Services and Transfer AMOUNT AVAILABLE FOR ALLOCATION EXPENDITURES Improvements & Repairs City's Share-Eco. Dev. Incent-Through FY 2015 City's Share-Eco. Dev. Incent Capital Escrow-Publ Ser & Safety Stormwater Management Equipment Finance Equipment Administration Equipment-City Clerk Finance-Equip/Software Upgrade TOTAL EXPENDITURES UNALLOCATED BALANCE



41,383,336 100,000 41,483,336


23,582,292 100,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,722,554 4,954,719 34,859,565


(17,801,044) 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,722,554 4,954,719 (6,623,771)

10,883,115 1,862,385 20,000 10,000 17,664,103 200,000 958,207 307,526 (75,000) 31,830,336 9,653,000

14,184,278 1,863,704 20,000 20,000 765,733 500,000 17,353,715 17,505,850

3,301,163 1,319 10,000 (17,664,103) (200,000) (192,474) 192,474 75,000 (14,476,621) 7,852,850

1,738,000 2,000,000 3,800,000 1,775,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 270,000 9,653,000

7,445,000 2,000,000 500,000 6,900,000 350,000 20,000 270,000 17,485,000

5,707,000 (3,300,000) 5,125,000 350,000 (25,000) (25,000) 7,832,000








IMPROVEMENTS & REPAIRS Building Demolitions Hank Aaron Stadium Engineering, Row, Testing Buildings & Grounds Allowance Mechanical Allowance Public Buildings Maintenance Misc Bridge Improvements Bi-annual Bridge Inspection Citywide Drainage Projects Misc Street Improvements Adem Consent Decree ($135,000) $45k/y through '17 Architectural Engineering Proj Parks-Lights, Equipment, Repairs Civic Center Maintenance Saenger Theatre Lease Obligations TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS & REPAIRS

CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Park-Lights, Equipment, Repairs Equipment Public Safety Admin Equipment-Fire Turnout Gear Equipment-Public Service Equipment-Police Vehicles Equipment-Fire Dept-Remounts Equip.-Public Works Equip.-Fire Dept.-Vehicles NPDES Equip. TOTAL CAPITAL ESCROW



50,000 88,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 530,000 70,000 200,000 1,738,000


400,000 25,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 150,000 -




50,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 300,000 75,000 1,000,000 2,025,000 45,000 100,000 3,000,000 150,000 $ 7,445,000



(88,000) 50,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 250,000 75,000 500,000 1,495,000 45,000 100,000 3,000,000 80,000 (200,000) 5,707,000


200,000 3,200,000 750,000 2,000,000 750,000 $ 6,900,000



(400,000) (25,000) (400,000) 2,600,000 (150,000) 750,000 2,000,000 750,000 5,125,000


Capital Improvements FY2015




$ 23,582,292 100,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,722,554 4,954,719

$ 22,557,441 1,500,000 1,921,728 6,249,406

$ 22,895,802 1,500,000 2,143,275 8,913,795

$ 23,239,239 1,500,000 2,306,333 10,147,555

Total Revenues and Transfers In






Debt Service and Transfers Out






Amount Available for Allocation






7,445,000 2,500,000 6,900,000 350,000 290,000

5,715,000 2,500,000 6,650,000 350,000 290,000

5,815,000 1,500,000 6,700,000 350,000 290,000

7,215,000 1,500,000 8,250,000 350,000 290,000

8,365,000 1,500,000 8,600,000 350,000 290,000

Revenues Net Sales Tax SPF Library Loan Prior Period Carryforward From Reserve Policy Surplus From Convention Center From Strategic Plan

Expenditures Improvements & Repairs Economic Incentive Public Service & Safety Stormwater Management Office Equipment Balance









FY2019 $


23,587,828 1,500,000 2,471,836 10,361,984



STRATEGIC PLAN FUND BUDGET FY2014 ADOPTED BUDGET STRATEGIC PLAN REVENUES Lease/Rental Car Rental Sales Tax Discount Gas Tax Increase Room Tax--City Room Tax--PJ Business License Increase Interest Income Apt Business License Receivable From College Bowl Game TOTAL REVENUE


1,329,270 429,502 3,718,637 2,062,198 1,599,710 4,800 2,443,760 6,000 385,281 1,000,000 12,979,158





1,722,095 395,723 3,913,798 2,102,209 1,756,978 5,458 2,790,238 5,140 379,180 600,000 13,670,819

392,825 (33,779) 195,161 40,011 157,268 658 346,478 (860) (6,101) (400,000) 691,661

TRANSFERS To Capital Improvement Fund To Capital Improv-MPL Loan Additional Police Officers ALS Transport 4th Paramedic Unit To Capital Improv-MPL Loan TOTAL TRANSFERS

1,308,812 466,837 2,494,435 619,282 404,146 100,000 5,393,512

4,954,719 100,000 5,054,719

3,645,907 (366,837) (2,494,435) (619,282) (404,146) (100,000) (338,793)

DEBT SERVICE 2006 G.O. Ref & Cap Warrants USA-Cancer Center Debt TOTAL DEBT SERVICE

4,994,475 763,671 5,758,146

4,991,100 4,991,100

(3,375) (763,671) (767,046)

EXPENDITURES Site Rental for 800 MHZ Mobile Education Foundation Community Fdn-Workforce Development Hank Aaron Stadium Homeless Coalition New Software System USA Cancer Center Mary Abbie Berg Center Communication/React/CitiSmart Consultant & Misc Expenses College Football Bowl Game TOTAL EXPENDITURES

140,000 135,000 54,000 71,000 67,500 100,000 100,000 25,000 1,135,000 1,827,500

140,000 2,200,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 1,135,000 3,625,000

(135,000) (54,000) (71,000) (67,500) 2,200,000 (75,000) 1,797,500









Strategic Plan Fund FY2015




$ 13,670,819

$ 13,875,881

$ 14,084,020

$ 14,295,280

To Capital Improvement Fund






Debt Service






























Transfer to Capital Improv Fund


8,797,979 1,599,710 10,397,689



8,794,769 1,756,801 10,551,570


(3,210) 157,091 153,881




Debt Service




EXPENDITURES Convention Center Operations Maintenance & Equip. Allowance United Cerebral Palsy LPGA Senior Bowl Events Mobile Bayfest World Wide Leisure Conference Citywide Sporting Events Battleship Restoration

1,350,000 500,000 22,500 315,000 135,000 100,000 243,000 150,000 50,000 45,000

1,350,000 500,000 135,000 100,000 100,000 40,000 -

(22,500) (315,000) (143,000) (150,000) (10,000) (45,000)

Marketing Mobile Bay Conv & Visitors Bureau Sports and Marketing Building Insurance Total Expenditures

100,000 2,400,000 365,000 450,000 6,225,500

2,000,000 450,000 4,675,000

(100,000) (400,000) (365,000) (1,550,500)









Convention Center Fund FY2015




$ 10,551,570

$ 10,709,844

$ 10,870,491

$ 11,033,549

To Capital Improvement Fund






Debt Service




























Annual Budget - City of Mobile

The accounts of the General Fund reflect the major share of the city's fiscal transactions. It ... meticulous management of head-count and overtime. ... The city is also upgrading to a modern and efficient, citywide software system, ... becoming the safest, most business and family-friendly city in America by 2020. ... C. J. Small.

2MB Sizes 5 Downloads 564 Views

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