Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors 2015-2016 School Year

Contents Message from the President and Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 About Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Gifts to LASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Board Member Spotlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 VISION 2020: Our Children–Our Future Campaign . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Planning Your Gift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Endowments at The Green Dragon Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-11 Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Donor Giving Societies and Honor Roll of Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-22 PA EITC Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-24 2015-2016 School Year Annual Report Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Corporate Sponsors ($500 and above) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover

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Message from the President and Executive Director Dear Friends,

On behalf of The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF), we are pleased to present our 2015-2016 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors. The number of donors who support our organization continues to grow, placing GDF in a strong position to support the students of the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD). The foundation’s multi-year comprehensive campaign, VISION 2020: Our Children-Our Future, is making great progress toward its goal of raising $2.5 million to broaden and enhance support of strategic academic programs and facility enhancements within the LASD. In the next few pages, you can read about the campaign’s success to date and the impact we are making. This past year, our board of directors reviewed GDF’s overall communication strategy, and made the decision to adopt the following changes: 1) To eliminate the print version of the semi-annual newsletter, The Green: For Alumni, Parents, and Friends of the Lewisburg Area School District; 2) Reduce the size of the Annual Report from 32 to 24 pages; and 3) To increase the frequency of communicating with you through electronic media. Throughout the upcoming year, we will continue to share wonderful stories via email, Facebook, and our GDF Web site, about the many ways LASD programs have been enhanced because of your generous support.

photos by The Lewisburg Studio

We hope you’ll join us in taking pride in all the projects, enhancements and activities you helped make possible, and that you find this publication informative and inspiring. We also hope it encourages your continued support of Lewisburg students through GDF. As always, we would like to recognize the foundation’s extraordinary team of board members, staff and volunteers for their tireless hard work, dedication and commitment. Our board remains active and full of Green Dragon spirit, and we are always looking for new volunteers and new ideas to help our organization grow. On behalf of our entire organization, we would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt thank-you to our donors, sponsors and local advocates. We are tremendously grateful for your generous participation and ongoing support.


R. Brooks Gronlund ’86 President, The Green Dragon Foundation

Ann M. Glock Executive Director, The Green Dragon Foundation

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


About Us A Review of 2015-2016 Successes The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) raised more money in 2015 than in its entire eight-year history. Thanks to loyal and dedicated donors and volunteers, the hard work of the foundation’s board of directors, Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) leadership, faculty and staff, it was the most successful year since the inception of GDF in 2008. Your gifts, and your willingness to invest in Lewisburg students, faculty and programs every year, make a difference in every student’s life every day. Thanks to you, our very generous donors, contribution revenue totaled $963,365 in 2015. This additional revenue creates wonderful opportunities for Lewisburg students. Endowments provide even greater long-term programmatic support of our students; major gifts underwrite improvements at the new high school; and increasing annual support enhances a variety of programs throughout the district. A Plan for 2016-2017 and Beyond GDF will continue to support LASD by soliciting gift commitments for capital improvements and multi-year support of programs, long-term investment through endowments, and planned giving opportunities for future support.

“The Green Dragon Foundation is a community-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing and directing funding for the realization of educational, cultural and athletic programs, and capital improvement projects, for the enrichment and enhancement of the students of the Lewisburg Area School District.” In its first year of operations, GDF raised $212,525; in 2015, annual revenue totaled $963,365. Today, the charitable organization is governed by a 25-member board of directors, led by executive director Ann Glock, and staffed with administrative assistant Casey Miller. In 2015, GDF benefited from the services of 76 volunteers who provided 726 hours of service. We invite you to join our team! Contact the GDF office at (570) 522-8433 or by email at: [email protected].

Please consider becoming a financial supporter to make a positive difference for our current and future students!

Gifts to LASD Through the generosity of parents, alumni, businesses and friends, GDF supports LASD students, faculty and programs in a variety of ways. In 2015, the foundation provided a total of $163,804 to benefit Lewisburg students. GDF donated $130,383 ($100,703 financial and $29,680 in-kind) to the district and endowed an additional $33,421.26 for future programmatic support. These gifts will help enhance and enrich educational opportunities for all students in the Lewisburg area for years to come!


Foundations/Charitable Trusts $9,686


Alumni $63,196



Parents $443,143

Individuals $876,240

2015 Contributions to GDF by Source


Cultural Programs $7,938


Businesses $77,439


Community Members $369,901

Breakdown of Contributions from Individuals Totaling $876,240

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

5% 48%

3% 21%

Capital Improvement Projects $79,065 Educational Programs $38,812


2015 Gifts to LASD by Program Area Total: $163,804

Athletic Programs $4,468 Endowment Funds $33,421

The Lewisburg Studio

2016 Green Dragon Foundation Board of Directors and Staff

From left to right: (1st Row-Seated) Katie Cavanagh, Jennifer Shabahang, Don Steele, Brooks Gronlund, Gale Reish and Niki Weber. (2nd Row-Standing) Jackie Cvik, Kathy Swope, Ann Glock, Karen Nicholson, Kristin McVicar and Casey Miller. (3rd Row-Standing) Scott Rosevear, Larry Winans, Amit Johal, Scott Pinchak, Graham Showalter, Bob Harder, Mark DiRocco and John Donahoe. Missing are: Tim Apple, Andrea Bertram, Paul Beswick, Bob Kallin, Brad Lawton, Matt Markunas, Bob McCormack and Chris Still.

Why I Serve

Graham C. Showalter, Esq. The Lewisburg Studio

The most important responsibility of a community is the education of its children. Lewisburg loves its young people and we all want them to succeed in life. To make that happen, we must ensure that they receive the finest education possible! And it is possible—when we generously support the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) by: • Electing the most qualified school board directors; • Appointing the best and brightest school administrators; • Hiring outstanding teachers and staff personnel; and • Ensuring that they all have the means to provide our young people with a framework for success. Historically, schools depended upon the generosity of the state, and taxpayers, to fund financial obligations. But there are limits to what these two funding sources can support. Enter The Green Dragon Foundation! Since 2008, the foundation has provided LASD with over $700,000 in gifts and has committed an additional $700,000 in future contributions from the private sector. I have had the honor and privilege of serving on the Board of Directors of The Green Dragon Foundation since its inception. I serve because: 1. I have been blessed to grow up in Lewisburg and graduate from its high school [Class of 1958]; 2. My father, the Honorable Paul M. Showalter [Class of 1929], and my daughter, Abigail K. Showalter [Class of 1994], both benefited from the school; 3. Many of my role models were teachers and administrators at Lewisburg High School, who encouraged us to: • “Take advantage of your opportunities in life.” Bill Lane, Football Coach • “Excel in the classroom as well as on the athletic field.” Bill Lane, Football Coach • “Strive for perfection in all you do in life.” Robert E. Beckman, Former Superintendent, Lewisburg High School • “Have a fundamental appreciation for English grammar.” Jennie Erdley, English Teacher • “Have a true appreciation for all languages.” Mildred Pursley, Latin Teacher 4. Education is the answer to most of society’s problems, not the least of which are poverty and crime. Those of us who grew up in Lewisburg have been blessed by its great people, wonderful school system and the privilege of living in a community that treasures its heritage. That said, we all have an obligation to give back to our little community a small portion of what it has given us. To ensure that the children of today have the same—if not better—opportunities for success in life, we must dedicate ourselves to make sure they have the finest education that we can give them. My friends, we are all on the same team! Together we can make a difference!

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Architect’s rendering of new high school.

VISION 2020: Our Children–Our Future Campaign In fall 2013, The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) kicked off an ambitious multi-year comprehensive campaign, VISION 2020: Our Children-Our Future. The foundation aspires to raise $2.5 million to broaden and enhance its support of strategic academic programs and facility enhancements within the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD). The foundation seeks support through gift commitments for capital improvements, long-term investment through endowment, and multi-year support of educational, athletic, and cultural programs. The foundation is excited to present donors with a variety of naming opportunities within the new high school, as well as programmatic endowments. Through June 2016, the foundation has raised $1,976,879 toward its goal of $2.5 million. This represents 79%!


of our goal!

On location at the construction site of new high school.

Through the campaign, the foundation has already begun providing funding for exciting projects at the new high school. Since last year, we are proud to add the following: • The Gronlund Family Learning Commons (library) • The Garisto Family Instrumental Music Room • The Shabahang Family Science Lab • The Apple Family Science Lab • The Still Family Science Lab • The Evangelical Community Hospital Science Lab • The Miller Choral Music Room • The Paul & Elizabeth Beswick Gymnasium scoreboard • Mifflinburg Bank & Trust Gymnasium scoreboard • The DiRocco Center for Instruction • The David E. Mensch ’54 Classroom • The Showalter Classroom • The Richard L. Bingaman ’66 Classroom • The Fulton Bank Flexible Learning Space • The Cavanagh Family Flexible Learning Space • The Rosevear Family Flexible Learning Space • The Rippon Family Concession Stand

Donors wishing to support the VISION 2020: Our Children-Our Future Campaign to fund educational, cultural or athletic programs, or capital improvement projects, can make a donation online or by credit card by visiting: Gifts also can be mailed to: 115 Farley Circle, Suite 306, Lewisburg, PA 17837.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Donors Outfit Flexible Learning Spaces by Ann M. Glock

Construction at the new Lewisburg Area High School is almost complete. Thanks to the generosity of donors like Fulton Bank and the Cavanagh and Rosevear families, students will have access to unique and innovative learning spaces. A few years ago, LASD administrators, including Kathy Swope, president, LASD School Board, visited Bucknell University and observed how students were utilizing “hearth spaces.” Kathy thought about our students and the way they currently work on projects while sitting in hallways. She envisioned this college model as a perfect way to incorporate collaborative working environments into our new facility. As a result, the new school is slated to include four flexible learning spaces at the end of each classroom hallway. The district’s goal for the Flexible Learning Spaces is to outfit each area with a combination of technology, soft seating and hard seating (tables and chairs)—ideal places for students to gather. This environment, incorporating technology and design, will fuel creativity. The Green Dragon Foundation is helping the district by partnering with donors who would like to see this dream become a reality. This year, in addition to annual support, these donors are generously supporting the VISION 2020: Our Children-Our Future Campaign with gifts to completely outfit two of the new flexible learning spaces.

“Swineford National Bank and Fulton Bank are very happy to support e Green Dragon Foundation and its campaign for the new Lewisburg Area High School, particularly the Flexible Learning Space. ere has been so much change in education and how students learn. ese Flexible Learning Spaces will be able to accommodate changes and improvements in teaching methods to best educate our students and prepare them for their future.” –Leslie Temple, Senior Vice President, Swineford National Bank

Gym Scoreboards Enhanced by Ann M. Glock

“The Green Dragons are always at or close to the top of the standings. The fans, coaches, parents and student athletes deserved the upgraded scoreboard.” –Paul Beswick

The new high school gymnasium will feature two enhanced scoreboards, thanks to generous donors Paul and Beth Beswick and Mifflinburg Bank & Trust. As a result of their generosity, the district added two side panels to the main scoreboard. The panels will include players’ numbers, points and fouls. Also added is an arch across the top which features “Lewisburg Area High School” and the school’s mascot. Across the bottom a message board allows businesses and individuals to sponsor an ad, generating revenue for the district.

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Science Laboratory Classrooms Enhanced by Ann M. Glock

The Lewisburg Area High School (LAHS) Science Department is committed to providing students with opportunities to explore the world around them. Courses emphasize learning science content and processes through various hands-on activities. Students use critical thinking skills and modern technology as they apply scientific principles to solve challenging problems. Special emphasis is placed on issues linking science, technology and society as students prepare to become responsible members of a local and global community. The school’s science curriculum incorporates a variety of courses, from earth and environmental science to AP courses in biology, chemistry, physics and environmental science. During the next school year, LAHS is adding a senior STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) course. Generous donations from Jennifer & Mo Shabahang, Chris & Maggie Still, the Apple Family and Evangelical Community Hospital will improve the quality of education for Lewisburg students. These campaign gifts will help enhance all six of the planned science laboratory classrooms in the new high school. Basic science classrooms will be transformed into state-of-the-art science laboratories, while also supporting STEM educational programming through endowment creation. These gifts will enable the district to acquire advanced laboratory equipment. Equipping each lab with necessary learning tools will create advanced educational opportunities for each of our students. Remaining funds will be placed in a STEM endowment, ensuring funding for an enriched science curriculum through the life of the fund. By working with these committed donors, the foundation is providing amazing enhancements for this project while also providing financial support for annual STEM programs. Their generosity allows GDF to provide our students with leading-edge science laboratory facilities and enhancements for the advanced curriculum to create an enriching scientific environment in which students can grow, learn and thrive.

“With our interests in medicine and public health, supporting the science labs seemed like a natural fit for our family. We hope that our gi will help ensure that the labs are equipped with the latest technology to prepare LAHS students for future careers in the sciences.” –Mo & Jennifer Shabahang

Donors wishing to support the VISION 2020: Our Children-Our Future Campaign to fund educational, cultural or athletic programs, or capital improvement projects, can make a donation online or by credit card by visiting: Gifts also can be mailed to: 115 Farley Circle, Suite 306, Lewisburg, PA 17837.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Planning Your Gift • Donate in Various Ways Financial gifts to The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF), a 501(c)(3) organization, make a difference for current and future LASD students and facilitate opportunities to learn and grow that are not otherwise possible. It is through the generosity of gifts like yours that our students are served by GDF. Below is a summary of the many ways a gift can be made or planned. • • • • • • • • • • •

Outright Gift of Cash Matching Gift In-Kind Gift Gift of Appreciated Securities Gift of Real Estate Bequest/Last Will and Testament Gift of Retirement Assets Gift of Insurance Policy Proceeds Charitable Gift Annuity Charitable Remainder Trust Charitable Lead Trust

Outright Gifts of Cash This is the most common method of providing a gift. A cash gift to GDF is tax-deductible. You may donate through PayPal or you may send your donation to: The Green Dragon Foundation 115 Farley Circle, Suite 306 Lewisburg, PA 17837 Visit: to make a donation online! Matching Gifts Does your company have a matching gift program? Many employers will match charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company has a matching gift program, you could double or possibly triple your gift quickly and easily. In-Kind Gifts Contributions of goods or services to either GDF or LASD can provide an ideal opportunity for both the donor and the recipient.

Bequests and Other Planned Gifts Bequests are provisions in wills to leave a gift to GDF. Charitable bequests are fully deductible from the estate and can significantly reduce estate taxes on the balance of the estate. Bequests may be specified as a gift of cash or securities, real estate or other property. Alternatively, they may take the form of a percentage of the total estate. A donor may consider a residuary bequest, which is a gift of all or a portion of one’s estate after other conditions are met. For more detailed information about charitable planned gifts and the most advantageous ways to make them, please contact: The Green Dragon Foundation (570) 522-8433 or [email protected]

A Planned Gift Helped Establish The Pat Collins Endowment Fund In May 2013, Pat Collins notified The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) about his commitment through a planned gift and became the inaugural member of The 1885 Society. The foundation was thrilled to learn about Pat’s generous intention. Pat and his three siblings graduated from Lewisburg High School; Pat and his sister Terry graduated in 1949. Pat began his career in the building industry and moved to California with his wife Ann. He was a builder, carpenter and real estate developer. At the time, Pat credited his success to the education he received in high school. “My Lewisburg education was fabulous, both in and out of the classroom. I learned to be a leader, not just in my profession but also in my life. I'm hoping my bequest gift can help provide a similar experience for Pat Collins LHS ’49 future generations of Lewisburg students.” Pat wanted to share his love of building and woodworking with as many students as possible. Unfortunately, he passed away in December 2014. Because Pat had previously contacted GDF and expressed his wishes, we were able to work with him to create a lasting legacy to benefit current and future Lewisburg students. To meet Pat’s philanthropic goals, GDF created The Pat Collins Endowment Fund to provide funding for LAHS Technology Lab programs, formerly known as “shop class,” in perpetuity. To explore the benefits of a planned gift, please contact The Green Dragon Foundation at (570) 522-8433 or by email at [email protected].

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Endowment Creation Creating a gift in the form of an endowment will provide funding for the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) in perpetuity. It is a perfect way to establish an enduring legacy in honor or memory of a loved one. It also creates a stream of permanent funding for a donor’s particular interest. Through the campaign, The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) is focused on matching donor interests to the academic, arts, athletic and support program opportunities that exist throughout the district. To accomplish this goal, the foundation seeks support for program-specific endowments, both general and named, the income from which will support LASD programming for the life of the fund. Examples of general endowments include: • 21st Century Classroom Endowment • STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) Endowment • Performing & Visual Arts Endowment • Athletic Program Endowments • Educational Programs

VISION 2020: Our Children–Our Future Campaign

GDF has been working with donors to create “named” endowments. On the following pages, you will read about newly established funds, as well as updates on funds eligible to make annual distributions. If creating an endowment for the benefit of current and future Lewisburg area students meets your philanthropic goals, please contact the foundation for more information.

The Lewisburg Studio

The DiRocco Fund for Professional Development In March 2015, the Kallin and Lawton families created The DiRocco Fund for Professional Development in honor of Dr. Mark D. DiRocco, who has served the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) for more than 20 years in various capacities. As the district’s superintendent, beginning in 2002, Dr. DiRocco developed a vision and culture that led the district to exemplary levels of student achievement. The district has been recognized both nationally and statewide as one of the highest performing districts in many areas. Dr. DiRocco’s philosophy promotes the ideal that people and relationships are the heart of the organization. Providing opportunities for professional

development to dedicated staff is a core component of his fundamental beliefs. The fund will provide annual funding to LASD to support professional training opportunities for: • Administrators • Teachers • Staff It will support the kinds of activities that improve, enrich and enhance professional skills by funding opportunities such as: • Workshops • Conference participation • Speakers • Programs • Certifications This fund ensures that the culture of learning Dr. DiRocco established will continue as a keystone of LASD’s success educating students.

Lewisburg Area School District ranked in the Top 5% of 500 districts on PA State Exams for eight straight years.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

The Nathaniel Hafer ’96 and Christopher Hafer ’99 Endowment for LAHS Science Curriculum Chris and Nate Hafer

The Nathaniel Hafer ’96 and Christopher Hafer ’99 Endowment for LAHS Science Curriculum will provide annual funding to benefit Lewisburg Area High School (LAHS) students. Once fully endowed, the fund will support science education in a variety of ways: • • • •

Augment LAHS science courses; Outfit science laboratories with advanced equipment and materials; Provide experiential learning through field trips; and Other educational activities to enhance the curriculum and enrich students’ experiences within the LAHS science department

The endowment was created in February 2016 by Ken and Jeanne Hafer in honor of their sons, Nate and Chris. Ken and Jeanne believe that all students in the district should have the opportunity for a robust and enriched foundation in the sciences. “Nate and Chris received a great education while they were students at LAHS and went on to pursue careers in the field of science,” said the Hafers. “We would like to make sure that current and future Lewisburg students have the same opportunities they did and ensure that there are available funds every year to continue the learning and understanding of an enriching science education.”

The Riya K. and Aamar S. Johal Endowment for the Enrichment of Environmental Sciences The Riya K. and Aamar S. Johal Endowment for the Enrichment of Environmental Sciences will provide annual funding to the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) for students studying environmental sciences. The endowment will support environmental science education in a variety of forms: • Outdoor science labs • Research/teaching equipment • Field trips • Nature trails • Guest speakers • Other educational activities within this field (including biology, ecology, physics, chemistry, zoology, oceanology, geology and astronomy) The fund was created by Amitpal and Rupeet Johal in October 2015 in honor of their children, Riya and Aamar. “We believe that all students should have the opportunity for a robust and enriched foundation in the interdisciplinary academic field of environmental sciences,” stated the Johals. “We want to ensure that there are available funds every year to continue the learning and understanding of the complexities of the beautiful world around us.” The Johal Family

Donors may make a gift to support any GDF Endowed Fund, general or named, online or by credit card by visiting: Gifts also can be mailed to: 115 Farley Circle, Suite 306, Lewisburg, PA 17837.

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


The LAHS Class of 1980 Endowment Fund LAHS Class of

1980 2015-2016 Contributors to the fund: Lisa Confer George Drozin Steve Glock Rolf Sturm

The LAHS Class of 1980 Endowment Fund was started in January 2016 by two members of the Class of 1980—Steve Glock and George Drozin. To honor the LAHS Class of 1980, this fund will provide annual capital to the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) to support district-wide student field trips—activities that improve, enrich and enhance students’ educational opportunities and provide individual opportunities for students who otherwise would be unable to participate. The intention is to enhance Lewisburg students’ experiences beyond what is taught in the classroom. According to Steve, 1980 graduates who attend class reunions every five years are reminded of the unique character of this class. “The Class of ‘80 was the first freshman class ever to win a pep rally—and actually won the first one it ever participated in,” said Steve. “The friendships have lasted a lifetime and cross all social and economic boundaries. Success followed us out of high school and into all walks of life. With that in mind, George and I started a fund that would support class togetherness; this is a perfect way to honor our very special class. We hope our classmates will join us and make a gift to augment the fund.”

The following endowed funds (Brandon S. Kramm and Miles McKennan Foreman) have reached the minimum criteria to begin disbursing funds to support their intended purpose-enhancing LASD programs, projects and capital improvement projects.

The Brandon S. Kramm Memorial Endowment Fund The Brandon S. Kramm Memorial Endowment Fund was established in 2014 by friends, classmates and members of the Kramm family to strengthen and maintain the district’s athletic programs and facilities. As of December 31, 2015, the market value of the fund was $32,040.52. This fund was created as a quasi-endowment, allowing The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) to liquidate part or all of the endowment to support an athletic program or facility project at the Lewisburg Area School District. Although eligible for a distribution from the fund, the GDF Board of Directors did not approve an annual distribution this year and instead chose to let the fund grow for a recently-selected future capital project. Together with Brandon’s family and friends, the foundation has launched a fundraising effort to raise $250,000 to $500,000 to construct The Brandon Kramm Memorial Baseball Field and will use funds from the endowment to support it.

Donors may make a gift to support any GDF Endowed Fund, general or named, online or by credit card by visiting: Gifts also can be mailed to: 115 Farley Circle, Suite 306, Lewisburg, PA 17837.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

2015-2016 LAHS Photography Club with John Gardner

The Miles McKennan Foreman Memorial Endowment Fund The Miles McKennan Foreman Memorial Endowment Fund was established in February 2015 by David and Winnie Foreman in memory of their son Miles. The goal is to provide arts support to strengthen and maintain programs primarily for poetry and the visual arts, including photography, video, film, painting, drawing, ceramics and sculpture, and, secondarily, meet the needs of the band and the performing arts. The fund will support the kinds of activities that enriched Miles’ education while he was a student in LASD schools. As of December 31, 2015, the market value of the fund was $20,072.06. The permanent fund was created to provide annual support for the benefit of Lewisburg students in perpetuity. On February 4, 2016, GDF made its first distribution from the fund and presented LASD with a check in the amount of $763.79. The gift was given to support photography needs of the new LAHS photography club. According to Ms. Paula Reber, principal of LAHS, the club requested funding for additional printers so that students could print photographs directly from their phones.

Lewisburg Area School District named the #1 District in PA for best value in public education by Nerd Wallet.

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Special Events 7th Annual Donor and Volunteer Recognition Reception The Green Dragon Foundation held its 7th Annual Donor and Volunteer Recognition Reception on December 6, 2015, to celebrate the many donors and volunteers who have helped the organization grow and support programs for the students of LASD.

GDF Volunteer of the Year, Polly Patterson

Brooks Gronlund with DHE Middle School Principal, George Drozin

Drs. David and Susan Borys

3rd Annual Brandon Kramm Memorial Golf Tournament The sell-out event was held on Friday, June 10, at Bucknell Golf Club. A total of 112 golfers played in the scramble format to support the Brandon S. Kramm Memorial Endowment, which raised $8,718.

The Kramm Family with Ryan Fitzpatrick

L to R: Scott Schade ’00, Alex Peck ’02, Ben Eshelman ’00, and Todd Thompson ’02


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

L to R: Ethan Walgran ’06, Glenn Beswick ’07, Abby Beswick ’07, and Kevin Glock ’12

The Brandon Kramm “Field of Dreams” Benefit Auction & Reception Together with Brandon’s family and friends, The Green Dragon Foundation hosted its first benefit auction in the Colonel John Kelly Room at Country Cupboard on Saturday, June 11. The event was a great success and raised $54,348. Overall, the weekend events netted $63,000! Proceeds will be used to help build The Brandon Kramm Memorial Baseball Field at the new high school. “Master of Ceremonies,” Ryan Fitzpatrick

LAHS Alumni Weekend 2015 More than 300 individuals attended the 5th annual event October 2 to 4. Fun and engaging events for every age included the “Fire Breathing Tailgate Pit,” golf tournament at Bucknell Golf Club, Spastics dance party at Parkview Catering, post-game celebration at Brendan’s Towne Tavern Shanty, tours at Lewisburg Area High School, wine tasting at Fero Vineyards and a cocktail reception at Country Cupboard, concluding with the farewell breakfast buffet at Country Cupboard. This year, the event will be held October 7 to 9. Visit for registration information. See you there!

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Donor Giving Societies and Honor Roll of Donors The 1885 Society: The Green Dragon Foundation’s Legacy Society What kind of legacy will you leave? The 1885 Society recognizes individuals and families who have remembered The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) in their estate plans through documented planned gifts, including: bequests, life insurance, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts and other testamentary gifts. How can you become a member? If you have already made a planned gift or have included GDF in your will, you are already eligible for membership in The 1885 Society. If not, you may become a member simply by notifying us that you have named GDF as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan. To explore the benefits of a planned gift, please contact The Green Dragon Foundation at (570) 522-8433 or by email at [email protected]. 1885 Society Members Mr. Richard L. Bingaman • Mr. Pat Collins (deceased) • Karen A. Nicholson

e Green Dragon Foundation established giving level societies to recognize the dedication and commitment of its donors. We are very grateful for the financial support of the contributors, listed on the next several pages, who have made annual pledge payments and donations (including in-kind) between July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. In parentheses are the years of consecutive giving.

Summa Cum Laude

Major Gift


$25,000-up Pat Collins Estate Robert & DeOnne Gronlund (7) Joan and Dale Miller

$5,000-$9,999 Mr. Paul C. Beswick & Atty. Elizabeth M. Beswick (7) Dr. & Mrs. William B. Bruce (In-Kind) Michael and Kimberley Drexler (6) Evangelical Community Hospital (4) First Community Foundation Partnership of PA (7) Giant Foods Mr. & Mrs. Brad Greiwe (3) The Johal Family (4) Dr. Steven R. Kramm & Dr. Colleen Flaherty (2) LAHS Class of 2015 Lawton Insurance Agency, Brad & Barb Lawton (7) John and Marge Gardner, The Lewisburg Studio (In-Kind)(7) M&T Bank (4) Mifflinburg Bank & Trust (5) Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Miller (4) Jeff and Deb Ranck (3) Swineford National Bank/Fulton Bank (5)

$1,000-$4,999 Albright Care Services Carol & Tim Apple (7) Arnold Foundation Associated Oral Surgeons, PC (5) Ms. Kendra Aucker Alan and Martha Barrick (6) The Bertram Family BNY Mellon Wealth Management (2) Drs. David and Susan Borys (5) Dr. John C. Bravman & Dr. Wendelin Wright Daniel and Kathryn Cavanagh (6) Mr. & Mrs. James Cotner (2) Jane Fornwalt Coyle (5) Cornelius Family Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation (5) Bob ’58 & Peggy Degling (2) Dr. & Mrs. John F. Devine (In-Kind) Dr. & Mrs. Mark D. DiRocco (8) Tom & Kim Dominick & Family (7) William L. Donehower, Jr. (3) Steve and Ann Glock (8) Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Habig (2) Ken and Jeanne Hafer (4) Scott & Judi Hartzell (6) Rick and Marie Herman

Magna Cum Laude $15,000-$24,999 Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Baylor (6) Amy and Brooks Gronlund (8) Karen B. Nicholson (6)

Cum Laude $10,000-$14,999 The Apple Family (2) Ryan and Liza Fitzpatrick (3) The Garisto Family Charitable Fund (4) Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Lebda (In-Kind) David E. Mensch (6) Lily & Dave Openshaw Playworld Systems, Inc. (7) The Shabahang Family (6) J. Donald Jr. & Joanne K. Steele (6) Drs. Christopher & Margaret Still & Family (6) Weis Markets, Inc. (4)


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Mrs. Patricia M. Jenkin (4) Jersey Shore State Bank Mr. & Mrs. Chris Juban (2) Bob & Tory Kallin (8) David and Kristen Koconis (3) Jeff & Julie Kramm & Family (In-Kind)(3) Mr. & Mrs. J. Brad Lawton (7) Wendy’s, Lewisburg Chris Evangelou & Joan Holt (4) David and Clayton Lightman (4) Linntown Pops Concert Families Allen Macky Atty. & Mrs. Michael D. McDowell (2) The McVicar Family (Scott, Kristin, Brittany & Rachael) Meckley’s Limestone Products, Inc, Matt & Kim Markunas Ms. Kathleen M. Miller ’78 (4) The Northumberland National Bank (5) Robert H. Odell Jr. Mike & Polly Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rabb Reba and Pancho’s Restaurant (In-Kind) Gale and Suzanne Reish (7) Bernadine and Jean-Paul Richard (6) Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rippon Rockey Auctions, Clint & Julie Rockey (In-Kind) Dr. & Mrs. Scott G. Rosevear (7) Dianne and Charles Sawyer (5) Graham C. Showalter, Esq., ’58, Ronda K. Showalter, Abigail K. Showalter, ’94 (8) Cindy & Dick Skelton (4) Susquehanna Life Magazine (In-Kind)(7) Susquehanna Valley Limousine Kathy and Jim Swope (8) The Lamar Companies (In-Kind)(5) The Philadelphia Foundation (3) Ron & Janet Tomcavage (7) Waste Management of Central PA (2)

Salutatorian $500-$999 2-Anonymous Tom & Keri Albright (3) The Algonquin Hotel (In-Kind) B.Z. Motors Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram (4) Steven and Christie Beattie (5) Paul & Carol Brann (5) Eric and Christine Brann (5) Brendan`s Towne Tavern (4) Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Byrd (3) Mr. Thomas R. Candrick Jr. Atty. & Mrs. Daniel J. Clement Country Cupboard, Baylor-Hamm Companies Custom Care Pharmacy Mr. & Mrs. John B. Donahoe (4) George Drozin (5) Peter A. Ellis (5) Eye Center of Central PA

Fero Vineyards and Winery, Daneen and Chuck Zaleski (In-Kind) First National Bank of PA Ms. Brenda Fisher (In-Kind) The Han Family (7) Robert and Christena Harder (5) Virginia and Fred Kessler (4) LOBAR, INC. M & R Foods, Inc., Matthew Rabb Jamie and Lindsay Malone (6) The Merck Foundation (2) Mr. & Mrs. Glenn G. Miller NoMad Hotel (In-Kind) Kim & Jan Oberdorf, Oberdorf Carpet One (2) Orchard Pump & Supply Co., Inc. (4) Pennsylvania Public Education Foundation Mr. Scott Pinchak (2) Michael & Denise Prince The Rearick Family (In-Kind) Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Reish (2) Mary Russin (2) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Smiley (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. William C. Stackhouse (3) Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Steffensen Mark and Leslie Temple (2) Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Toboz Mike & Amy Toole (3) Ulrich Farm (In-Kind) Verizon Foundation (3) Victor Koons Graphic Design (In-Kind)(5) Nancy Vollmer Witkowski ’75 and Kenneth Edward Witkowski ’68 (2) Wood-Mode, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. E. Charles Wunz

Distinguished Honor Roll $250-$499 3-Anonymous Bank of America Charitable Foundation (3) Barlett Family (5) Kelly Miller Barrick (2) Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Beddall (3) Mr. & Mrs. Alex Bernt Mr. Richard L. Bingaman (7) Robert and Lisabeth Black (5) Blaise Alexander Ford (2) Blue Heron Sportswear, Matthew & Amber Pierce (In-Kind)(2) Terry W. Light, J.D. (5) Dr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Bruce (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Campbell (In-Kind) Dr. & Mrs. David M. Castellan (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chadwick Matt & Erin Checkowski Dr. Mitch Chernin Dr. & Mrs. Danny H. Cho (4) Citizens’ Electric Company (4) Lisa M. Confer (3) Courtyard Philadelphia Airport (In-Kind) Kathleen Bergeson and Marcus Dollard (6) Robert J. Donahoe (3) John and Patricia Driver (3)

Mr. Costy Fokas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Friery (5) Mr. Steven George (2) Dr. & Mrs. Ryan K. Graver (5) Greenspace Properties Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hersh (2) Dr. and Mrs. Jay Holthus Dick `57 & Jane Humphreys (5) Mr. Joe Kawczenski (In-Kind)(2) William & Douglass Knapsack (In-Kind) Justin & Catherine Kramm Mr. Randy Kramm & Dr. Jamie Kramm Skip Kratzer (5) Sharon and Bob Kribbs (2) Kuhns Lumber Company Mr. & Mrs. Ned Ladd (6) Mr. & Mrs. Steve Leauber Mr. Stephen J. Lindenmuth Dr. Joseph Lock, Jr. and Ms. Karen Schatten-Lock Erica L. Shames and Tony Massoud (7) Mr. Michael Matukaitis & Ms. Amy Lowe-Matukaitis (2) Ted & Diane Meixell (7) Meixell-Diehl Insurance (7) Mickey & Ruth Melberger Ms. Cathy S. Moser Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Y. Normington III (7) North Central Digital Systems, Inc. Office of Dr. David R. Robinson, DMD, PC Office of Dr. Lawrence J. Winans (3) Thomas & Jessica Olenginski (2) Outer Image Salon, Gene and Tracy Bruno Lisa & Felipe Perrone (6) Gayle W. Pollock (6) Jan and Bill Pursel (2) Paula Reber (3) Rohrer Bus Service (5) Rusty Rail Brewing Company (In-Kind) Mr. Stephen T. Ryan (2) The Schade Family Daniel Schrader Anne Shapiro (2) Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Snook (4) Stackhouse & Son, Inc. Well Drilling (2) Ted and Tracy Strosser (5) Mr. Rolf Sturm Ali and Jason Sweeney (3) That Kitchen Witch...On Wheels (In-Kind) The Madison Square Company (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thompson Mr. Anthony Threet (2) Shirley A. Troutman (4) Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ulrich (2) Eric & Jennifer Wetzel (3) Gregg Wetzel Family (4) Wolf`s Jewelry/ David, Karen, Zachary and Jordan Baker (In-Kind)(4) Barbara A. Yocum (7) Mr. & Mrs. Gregory F. Yurkoski `80 (4) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Zorn (3)

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Why We Give

Honor Roll

Joe and Lisa Tranquillo Joe and Lisa Tranquillo made their first donation to The Green Dragon Foundation in 2012 and have been faithful supporters ever since. Joe, an associate professor of biomedical and electrical engineering at Bucknell University, and Lisa, a former high school history teacher, feel it’s important to help teachers feel supported. “As educators, we know how much it means to teachers to have the financial support to pursue activities that may complement or supplement their curriculum,” they said. “It's important for our teachers to feel supported by their community and The Green Dragon Foundation helps to make this possible.” With two children in the district, Laura age 10 and Paul age 8, the Tranquillos believe giving to GDF is a great way to create opportunities for their children. “As parents, we want our children to have access to a variety of opportunities in their educational career,” they added. “To help achieve this, they need to have access to the best resources available. GDF helps to make this possible. We are blessed to live in a town with an amazing school district. That being said, we believe that by donating to GDF we can help make opportunities for our students that they would not otherwise have.”

“Donating to GDF is another way to support our teachers, staff and our students in creating stateof-the-art educational opportunities—whether it be the new high school, supplementing the arts and performing arts programs or providing up-to-date technology for the classroom. The Green Dragon Foundation works with the school district behind the scenes to make so many of these initiatives possible.” – Joe and Lisa Tranquillo


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

$100-$249 9-Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Bharat Ahir Leonard C. Anderson (2) APL Associates Dr. & Mrs. Michael L. Ayers (4) Mrs. Frances A. Baker (3) Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bankert Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barbella (2) Mr. & Mrs. John W. Barchet (2) Mr. & Mrs. Dan Baumwoll (2) Mr. & Mrs. Jim Beddall (2) Param & Chris Bedi (6) Karen and Michael Belenko Andy & Lyssa Benincaso Karen Bennett (6) George Benson ’64 (5) Mr. & Mrs. Dale K. Berger Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Hodrick Realty Bill & Lisa Bernard (6) Glenn & Abby Beswick (5) Maria and Darsh Bhangdia (7) Mr. Mark C. Bird & Dr. Susan Glock Bird (4) Ms. Karen Bolig Chris Boyatzis & Robin Jarrell Cliff and Erin Brown (2) Bernie & Cindy Campbell Megan Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Bill Coons Edward and Jacqueline Cotter The Coup Agency Courtyard Philadelphia Downtown (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Cowher Jr. (3) Mrs. Laura B. Cozac ’68 (3) Mr. Michael Creeger (3) Jeff and Mary Csernica (5) The Daily Item Mr. Michael Dennen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. DeSantis, Jr. (3) Dian Diamond (2) Mr. & Mrs. Brian Diggins (2) Mike and Phyllis Donegan Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Tim Eshelman Ms. Susan E. Evans (2) Dr. Daniel Fassero & Dr. Tera Unzicker-Fassero (2) Stein Fegley (2) Pat and Patti Flannery Carmen & Kathleen Folio (2) Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Gallegos Gerald & Linda Gemberling (4) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gernold Angelo and JoAnn Giunta (3) Katy Glock Ms. Audrey Goff Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Goff Angelina & Geoff Gronlund (2)

Greg Habig, Joe Hudock, Derek Friebolin, and Danny Shaw The Haile Family Mr. Donald Hall & Ms. Vickie Varklet (2) Ellis & Jane Harley (3) Mr. Eric Heine (2) Helen H. Hower H. Ray Hendrickson (4) James Hendrickson (6) Ms. Danielle Hill (2) David A. Himes (4) Mr. Benjamin Hohmuth and Dr. Anju Dayal (2) Jim and Darlene Holtzapple (4) The HoneyBaked Ham Co., Mr. Joe Beddall (In-Kind) Hotel State College & Co. (In-Kind) Mr. Ethan Hummel The Inn, Farmhouse and Brewing Co. at Turkey Hill (In-Kind) Ira Middleswarth & Son, Inc. Stephanie Jackson (6) Courtney & Kevin Jamieson (4) Jersey Mike’s Subs (In-Kind) James L. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Ken and Corey Jusko (3) Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Keiser (3) Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kelly Tim and Marsha Knoster (5) Ms. Kelly Komula Bob, Gay and Diane Kramm Reagan & Breckin Kramm and Jeffrey & Nathan Beddall (2) Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Kratzer Thomas & Kathy Kubinsky Ella Jane (Koch) Kunkle (4) La Primavera Italiano Ristorante & Pizzeria (2) Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lane Jr (2) Bob & Judy Lebda (3) Mrs. Barbara Leland (5) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lepley (2) Mr. Harold Levy Lewisburg Plastic Surgery & Laser Center (In-Kind) Ms. Sheila Libby (2) Lynne Pittenturf Lindemann (4) Andrew and Susan Lyons (6) Dr. & Mrs. John T. Magill Dr. & Mrs. Henry C. Maguire Dr. & Mrs. Patsy J. Marra (2) Chip & Nancy Marrara (3) Mrs. Leona Martin Pamela Martzell (In-Kind) Greg & Debi Mathias Jim & Susan Mathias (7) Paul and Pamela Mauger (2)

The McIlwaine Family Matt and Wendy McTammany MedExpress (In-Kind) Me-Push (In-Kind)(8) Amanda Meixell (4) Mr. & Mrs. William J. Metzger Dr. Steven C. Miller & Ms. Ellen M. Gauthier Paul & Karen Miller (2) Michele Moohr (2) Christopher & Angela Motto Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Nash (7) Miriam Naugle (2) Mollie Glock Nelson (6) Sandy Nelson (2) The Open Door Gallery (In-Kind) Ms. Meghann Paisley Brent and Ashley Papson (3) Jolayne Pinchak Mr. William J. Poynter Larry & Roberta Putterman (6) Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rearick (In-Kind) Mr. David Redcay Don and Vickie Reichenbach Retrah and Gingerbread House (In-Kind) Mr. Brian Roadarmel Rick and Donna Rosenberg Ms. Jean Ross Roger & Jaxi Rothman (2) Joseph & Anmarie Roy (4) Mr. Christian Ruhl (3) Robert L. Ryan (2) Mary Lou Doyle Sax Ms. Abbey Scheckter (2) Terry Schnure (2) Mr. David Schwanger Becky and Sam Shannon (2) Michelle Johnson & Edmund Searles (4) Rhoda and Norman Seider (2) Dr. George C. Shields and Sonya Co Co Harris Mr. Doug Shiffler Mr. Joseph Shulman Steve Shwartzer & Shara McCallum (5) Ms. Lisa Rae Sims Marguerite and Jim Smith (4) Dana Walter (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Stauder (6) Frank `53 and Mary Stillman (5) Dr. Andrew Storm Dr. & Mrs. Randle H. Storm Street of Shops (In-Kind) Tim & Joi Sullivan (In-Kind) Tanner of Pennsylvania, Inc. Paul & Marsha Tarves (6) Mr. Michael Tomasky Mr. Sean Tracy (2) Joe and Lisa Tranquillo (3) Mr. Nate True-Daniels (2) Under Armour, Terran Potor (In-Kind) Linda Jones ’76 Vaji and John Vaji (3) Chuck and Trish Vollmer

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Walker Christina Masciere Wallace (6) Richard and Linda Wampler (2) Mr. Jonathan Walz (2) Niki Weber, Olivia & Nora Hockenbrock (6) West Branch Rental (In-Kind)(2) West Milton State Bank (5) Gregg Wetzel Family (4) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Willey Mr. Rich Williamson Mr. Rick Williamson Marty & Lori Wilson (7) Matt Wilson (6) Donald B. Young Jr. (4) David and Paula Young (3) Ms. Mary V. Zimmerman (2) Zimmerman Comas Family (2)

Dragon Star Up to $99 16-Anonymous Craig & Shelly Adams Mrs. Peggy Albright (2) AmazonSmile Foundation (2) John W. Arbogast, MD Sue & Brian Auman Diane Baker (4) Keith and Katie Baker Beauty Counter, Lindsay Woog (In-Kind) Mr. Robert A. Beck Mrs. Gloria B. Beckley (2) Ms. Erin Bennett Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Benoit Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Boney Mr. Bill Borys Al Bothe & Jackie Paul Mrs. Peggy E. Bouton Mrs. Faith Brininger (2) Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brouse Mr. Ken Brouse Dr. Michael Brown & Dr. Jan Reichard Brown Brushstrokes Gallery Art Supplies & Framing (In-Kind) Rebecca Cooke Burgee (2) Pat Campbell (3) Chun-Miin Chen Chloe + Isabel, Lindsay Woog (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Chronister Cole’s Hardware (In-Kind) Ms. Susan Conway (2) Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Crebs Tammie Cristini (4) Custom Container Solutions Mr. & Mrs. Mark Davies Mr. Jeff Deisher Mr. Kyle Deisher Mr. & Mrs. Brian Doebler Mrs. Dottie Douglas Mr. & Ms. Evan Dresser Mr. Bill Eager Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ellis

Mr. Ben Eshelman Mr. Robert Evans Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Fitzpatrick (6) Fogle Forest Products (In-Kind) Joseph and Lisa Folker (4) Lu Ann Foster (3) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Freeman Mr. Derek Friebolin Penn Garvin Amanda Geer (In-Kind) Ms. Katie Gessner (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gilmore (2) Sylvia Gleason (3) Kevin Glock Angela Gockley (2) Greater Susquehanna Valley United Way (3) Mr. & Mrs. David A. Grill (2) Ms. Janelle Groff (2) Ms. Kathleen Habig Ms. Susan B. Haddad Nate Hafer (3) Mr. & Mrs. Craig Harley (2) Mr. Matt Haulman Mr. & Mrs. William Higgins Biliana & Kevork Horissian (2) Mr. Joe Hudock Mr. Ethan Hummel Hannah Irion-Frake Ms. Karen Ishii Mr. Rob Jacob and Ms. Eustacia Muir Marion and Steve Jacobsen (4) Dave and Shari Jacobson (5) Ms. Erin Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jody R. Johnson Ira & Connie Keeperman P. Joseph Keller David & Sara Kelley (2) Justin Kerr Randy Kreisher Mr. Bernhard Kuhn & Ms. Emek Ucarer Mr. Brad Laidacker Mr. Jason Lamay Ms. Carol Lamparter John P. & Jeanne M. Letteer (6) Lewisburg Freez (In-Kind) Dan Lohr and Nicole Miller (3) Ms. Julie Lonardo (2) Lula Roe, Casey Peck (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lydic Mr. Kevin Lynch Mr. Cody Lytle Mr. & Mrs. Sean Madden (6) Mr. & Mrs. Andrew F. Mahoney (2) Jim & Dawn Maneval (3) Mr. John Martin Kim Maser & Rick Zaccone (3) Mr. Mark Mathias Steve “Reno” Mathias (2) Donald and Connie May (3) Mr. & Mrs. Park McKissick Jr.

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Larry Means (3) The Mercantile (In-Kind) Casey G. Miller Laurie Miller (5) Mary Emma Milligan (6) Kathryn E. Morris Rev. & Mrs. Jack D. Moyer (3) Mr. & Mrs. Bob Needham Ruth Blume Nicholson (4) Mike & Emily O’Connor (2) Original Italian Pizza (In-Kind) Susan Overdorf Dr. & Mrs. Charlie Pagana (2) Mr. Alexander Finneus Peck George & Myrna Perkins (6) Dr. & Mrs. Clayton O. Pesillo Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pierce (2) Eric Pinchak Rick & Larissa Pittenger (3) Pizza Phi (In-Kind)(2) Ms. Catherine Platusich Mr. Cyrus Rasti (2) Carol Rheam Tevis Mrs. Mary Ritter (5) Mr. Brian Roadarmel Mr. & Mrs. Janet Roberts

Rodan + Fields, Ruth Brewer (In-Kind) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rosenberg Mr. Jeremy Roskovensky Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Roskovensky Ann & Tim Running (2) Ann Gearhart Sabol (3) Linda Smolka and Peter Sak Mr. Scott Schade Bart and Linda Shaffer (6) Mr. Daniel Shaw Mr. Doug Shiffler Darlene and Pete Simmons (2) Skeeters BBQ (In-Kind) Ms. Nancy Slease Mr. Neil Slotterback Michael, Rachel, Maura and Thea Smith Rob Smith Lana Storer Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Philip Sosland Spangler Motors, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Stackhouse (6) Mark Stein Mr. Scott Stein Maggie Stern Ms. Kathleen Styer (3) Mr. and Mrs. K. Michael Sullivan

Sweet Frog (In-Kind) Mr. P. Christopher Tarves Tastefully Simple, Taylor Walter (In-Kind) Ms. Wendy A. Testa Bob & Barb Thomas (2) Mr. & Mrs. Todd Thompson Suzanne Tufts Marshall and Sherry Ulrich (3) University Hair Design (In-Kind) Allison Tufts Utecht (2) Robert and Deborah Van Horn (6) The Van Kirk Family Mr. Jay Vasil Van Wagner (6) Mr. Ethan Walgran Ms. Heather Walter (In-Kind) Ms. Abby Wetzel Beverly A. Wetzel (5) Mrs. Lisa Willoughby Wilson Ross (In-Kind) Mrs. Jil Zeigler Stan and Karen Zellers (2) Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Zimmerman Abigail Zingone (5) Mr. Craig Zolner

Financial support from our alumni has been critical to the success of e Green Dragon Foundation. We would like to recognize the individual alumni and former students for their generous support. Class of 1940 Mary Emma Strohecker Milligan Class of 1943 Fred Brouse Class of 1944 John W. Arbogast, MD William L. Donehower, Jr. Angeline Causa Stackhouse Class of 1945 Ruth Sauers Brouse Robert E. Stackhouse Class of 1946 Frances Asher Baker Class of 1948 Miriam Baker Naugle Class of 1949 Pat Collins Estate Beverly Beaver Wetzel Class of 1951 Robert J. Donahoe


Class of 1952 Anonymous Jack D. Moyer Class of 1953 Frank Stillman Shirley A. Troutman Class of 1954 David E. Mensch Mary Lou Doyle Sax Class of 1955 Anonymous Robert Harder Kathy Dietrich Morris Class of 1956 Carol Himmelreich Brann Ella Jane (Koch) Kunkle Jean Fornwalt Ross Class of 1957 Dick Humphreys Ted Meixell Bernadine Nace Richard

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Class of 1958 Bob Degling John B. Donahoe Stein Fegley Angelo Giunta Bob Kribbs Graham Showalter Carol Swartzlander Snook Class of 1959 2-Anonymous Leonard C. Anderson Linda Sauers McKissick Park McKissick Jr. Terry Schnure Linda Lubrecht Wampler Class of 1960 Gloria Berger Beckley Jane Fornwalt Coyle Robert D. Edwards Susan E. Evans Gale Reish Janice Goodall Rolecki

Class of 1961 Arnold Biscontini Julie Borys Sharon Sholley Kribbs Suzanne Martin Reish Class of 1962 Dale K. Berger James L. Johnson Class of 1963 JoAnn Williams Giunta Class of 1964 Anonymous Barbara Alspach Baylor Gary Baylor George Benson Chris Bouton Rebecca Cooke Burgee John P. Letteer Don Reichenbach Class of 1965 Thomas R. Candrick Jr. Frank J. Fitzpatrick Robert H. Odell Jr. Chuck Vollmer Trish Eagan Vollmer

A Student’s Perspective

Class of 1966 Richard L. Bingaman Penn Garvin Gerald Gemberling Greg Mathias Michael D. McDowell Robert L. Ryan Karen Smith Zellers Class of 1967 Peggy Emery Bouton Dian Biernstein Diamond James Hendrickson Jim Holtzapple Darlene Snyder Hotzapple William H. Lane Jr Lynne Pittenturf Lindemann Donald B. Young Jr. Class of 1968 Robert Black Dave Cornelius Laura Biernstein Cozac H. Ray Hendrickson Stephen J. Lindenmuth Andrew Lyons Jim Mathias Ruth Blume Nicholson Ken Witkowski Class of 1969 Eileen Brzeskiewicz DeSantis Steven C. Kratzer Ann Gearhart Sabol William C. Stackhouse Suzanne Weller Stackhouse Class of 1970 Ken Hafer Jeff Ranck Lana Storer Snyder Class of 1971 Vickie Stevenson Reichenbach Gregg Wetzel Marty Wilson Class of 1972 Timothy Goff Karen Ishii Class of 1973 Anonymous John W. Barchet Mark C. Bird Karen Bolig Jackie Dershem Goff Mark Mathias Jim Poynter Kim Oberdorf Class of 1974 Susan Glock Bird Steve “Reno” Mathias Paul Miller

Class of 1975 Bill Eager Larry Means Nancy Vollmer Witkowski David Baker Class of 1976 Anonymous Lisabeth Walters Black Linda Jones Vaji Lisa Tucker Willoughby Class of 1977 Chip Cowher Karen Glock Miller Lily Heiner Openshaw Doug Shiffler Karen Yost Baker Rick Slear

Tenaja Henson ’16 by Casey G. Miller

Class of 1984 Randy Kreisher Rob Smith

Through the generosity of its donors, The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) has been an annual supporter of the performing arts at Lewisburg Area High School (LAHS). GDF met with recent graduate Tenaja Henson to learn how theater arts has impacted her educational experience at Lewisburg. As the star of this year’s spring musical, Into the Woods, Tenaja Henson left many people in awe of her performance as The Witch. Even more spellbinding than Tenaja’s voice is the joy depicted on her smiling face—an illustration of her love for life. The gifted and hard-working graduate says music has played a very important role in her life. “Music is the one thing that has kept me going and allowed me to express myself in a variety of different ways,” she said. Although Tenaja loves to sing, one of her favorite parts of being involved in theater arts is the friendships and memories she formed over the last four years. “Musical season is hard work and can at times be tiring,” she added. “I have so many good memories from shows because we spend so much time together. We become close, like a family.” Tenaja’s high school music and theater resumé also includes Mrs. Beaver in the Chronicles of Narnia, Humpty Dumpty in Shrek, Betty Blast in Footloose and studentdirector of The Crucible. She also is in the choir and plays the violin in school orchestra. Tenaja has been a member of the lacrosse and track & field teams, works part-time, is a member of the LAHS Diversity Club, and is involved in her Quaker community. In July, Tenaja departed for Bolivia, where she will spend the next six months teaching at a Quaker elementary school and working as a nanny for two children. In the spring, she will begin her college adventure at Guilford College, in Greensboro, NC, where she will major in either sociology or political science while she continues her pursuit of music.

Class of 1985 Anonymous Daneen Fero Zaleski

“Lewisburg is a good school for music and education. I felt very supported by the community and the school, and was lucky to end up here,” she concluded.

Class of 1978 Anonymous Buck Gruneberg Kathleen M. Miller Matt Wilson Class of 1979 Craig Adams Michelle Singletary Cowher Craig Harley Laurie Walters Slear Jil Dershem Zeigler Class of 1980 Shelly Cowher Adams Lisa M. Confer George Drozin Steve Glock Joe Roy Rolf Sturm Greg Yurkoski Class of 1981 Anonymous Carol Rheam Tevis Wendy Ammon Testa Class of 1982 John Albright Roger W. Crebs Maredith Libby Spangler Scott Stein Class of 1983 Tim Apple Mark Stein Mark Temple Heidi Zeigler Zimmerman

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Class of 1986 Tom Albright Kelly Miller Barrick Dan Baumwoll Kerstin Ziegler Baumwoll Brooks Gronlund John Martin Kristin Pray McVicar Suzanne Tufts Class of 1987 Keri Flournoy Albright Timothy D. Friery Amy Goulstone Gronlund Curt Keiser Amanda Meixell Allison Tufts Utecht Class of 1988 Eric Brann Douglas Lebda Matt Miller Class of 1989 Matt Reish Class of 1990 Costy Fokas Shea Madden Class of 1992 Geoff Gronlund Kevin Jamieson Bekah Meixell Class of 1993 Julie Skelton Lonardo Ali Goulstone Sweeney Class of 1994 Angelina Brown Gronlund Abigail Showalter Class of 1996 Nate Hafer Class of 1997 Holly Brown Barbella Class of 1998 Abbey Scheckter Class of 1999 Justin Kramm Class of 2000 Ben Eshelman Jim Gulden Mike O’Connor Jeremy Roskovensky Scott Schade Lindsay Ranck Woog


Class of 2001 Zachary Baker Brian Diggins Phil Donegan Justin Kerr Amber Lilley Pierce Scott Pinchak Steve Ryan Chris Tarves Eric Wetzel

Current and past LASD students benefited from the dedication of their teachers, staff and administration. Current and future students will benefit from the generous support e Green Dragon Foundation receives from e LASD Board of Education and current and retired staff and teachers. Listed below are individual financial supporters:

Class of 2002 Jordan Baker Courtney Nachtway Jamieson Alex Peck Andy Storm Todd Thompson

8-Anonymous Mrs. Peggy Albright Diane Baker Mrs. Marianne Barlett Mrs. Courtney Beddall Mrs. Chris Bedi Ms. Karen Bennett Mrs. Faith Brininger Mr. James Cotner Mr. Michael Creeger Ms. Tammie Cristini Ms. Ashley Diggins Dr. Mark D. DiRocco Mr. George Drozin Mr. Peter A. Ellis Mrs. Lisa Folker Ms. Lu Ann Foster Mr. Delbert Gallegos Ms. Amanda Geer Mrs. Angela Gockley Mr. Timothy Goff Ms. Janelle Groff Ms. Helen H. Hower Ms. Danielle Hill Mr. David A. Himes Ms. Hannah Irion-Frake Ms. Stephanie Jackson Mr. Steve Jacobsen Mrs. Courtney Jamieson Ms. Erin Johnson Mr. P. Joseph Keller Mrs. Michaele Kelly Mrs. Marsha Knoster Mr. Skip Kratzer Ms. Andrea Kratzer Ms. Kelly Komula Mr. Bob Lebda Mrs. Barbara Leland Mr. Kenneth Lepley Mr. John P. Letteer Ms. Amy Matukaitis Dr. Patsy J. Marra Ms. Laurie Miller Ms. Kathryn E. Morris Ms. Cathy S. Moser Mrs. Emily O`Connor

Class of 2004 Courtney Kramm Beddall Erin Bennett Kevin Lynch Brian Roadarmel Neil Slotterback Maggie Miller Stern Abby Wetzel Class of 2005 Amy Magill Davis Class of 2006 Ethan Walgran Class of 2007 Glenn Beswick Abby Glock Beswick Matt Haulman Allen Macky Jennie Miller Reinard Class of 2008 Erin Johnson Casey G. Miller Class of 2009 Eric Pinchak Elliott Goff Rachel Kramm Class of 2010 Katy Glock Class of 2012 Kevin Glock Class of 2015 Nicholas Garisto Attended LASD Mollie Angstadt Glock Nelson

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Ms. Susan Overdorf Mrs. Ashley Papson Ms. Myrna Perkins Ms. Jolayne Pinchak Ms. Roberta Putterman Ms. Paula Reber Mrs. Mary Ritter Mrs. Michelle Rosenberg Mr. Christian Ruhl Mr. Marvin Schade Mr. Daniel Schrader Mr. Daniel R. Schwanger Ms. Linda Shaffer Ms. Becky Shannon Ms. Marguerite Smith Coach Jim Snyder Mrs. Suzanne Stackhouse Mr. William C. Stackhouse Mrs. Tracy Strosser Ms. Kathleen Styer Mrs. Kathy Swope Mr. Mark Temple Mrs. Barbara Thomas Ms. Shirley A. Troutman Dr. Tera Unzicker-Fassero Mr. John Vaji Mrs. Deborah Van Horn Mr. Van Wagner Ms. Heather Walter Mr. Jonathan Walz Mrs. Debby Wetzel Mr. Eric Wetzel Mrs. Lisa Willoughby Ms. Barbara A. Yocum Mrs. Paula Young Dr. Brenda A. Zack Abigail Zingone Coach Brian Zysset

Why We Give & Volunteer

Commemorative Gifts 2015-2016 In Honor of Marianne Barlett From: Mr. & Mrs. Evan Dresser In Honor of Dawn Bertinet From: Christina Masciere Wallace In Honor of Michael Creeger From: Rick & Donna Rosenberg In Honor of Harry T. Fornwalt - my dad From: Jane Fornwalt Coyle In Honor of Brooks & Amy Gronlund From: Mary Russin In Honor of Bob Hammerlee From: Harold Levy In Honor of Craig Harley From: Ellis & Jane Harley In Honor of Bill Harley From: Ellis & Jane Harley In Honor of Sam Howe From: David & Shari Jacobson In Honor of Henry & Devin Hughes From: Tim & Ann Running In Honor of John Hunter From: David & Shari Jacobson In Honor of Cate Jacobson From: Roger & Jaxi Rothman Norman & Rhoda Seider In Honor of Courtney Jamieson From: Carmen & Kathleen Folio In Honor of Marsha Knoster From: Niki Weber, Olivia & Nora Hockenbrock

In Honor of Mrs. Knoster, Mrs. Bardo, Mrs. Papson & Miss Hahn From: Michael, Rachel, Maura and Thea Smith In Honor of Luca Kuhn From: Bernhard Kuhn & Ms. Emek Ucarer In Honor of Josephine Victoria Mathias From: Mark Mathias In Honor of Scott Nelson From: Sandy Nelson In Honor of Gregory & Lukasz Olenginski From: Tom & Jess Olenginski In Honor of Kristin Nelson Schrimper From: Sandy Nelson In Honor of Robert G. Stackhouse From: Bill & Suzanne Stackhouse In Honor of Ingrid Steffensen (Salutatorian 1985) From: Dick & Elsbeth Steffensen In Honor of Nils Steffensen ’88 From: Dick & Elsbeth Steffensen In Honor of Ryan and Owen Van Kirk From: The Van Kirk Family In Memory of Bob Angstadt, Class of 1934 From: Mollie Angstadt Nelson In Memory of J. Richard Baker From: Fran Baker In Memory of Wendell B. Bertram From: Judy Bertram In Memory of Bernard Blamble From: Ruth Blume Nicholson

Bill and Suzanne Stackhouse After dedicating a combined 67 years teaching Lewisburg students, Bill and Suzanne Stackhouse retired and began serving Lewisburg students in a new way. In January 2015, Bill contacted the foundation and inquired about volunteer opportunities. These are just some of the ways this couple is committed to Lewisburg. They have been generous supporters of GDF for years and graduated from LAHS in1969. While Suzanne didn’t officially graduate from LAHS (she transferred to State College High in her senior year), she proudly considers herself a member of the Class of 1969 and they gladly welcome her! In 1978, Bill began his teaching career at Lewisburg as a middle school health and physical education teacher; in November 1979 Suzanne came to Lewisburg as the middle school librarian. Bill volunteers in a number of ways: most visible is communicating the ways in which the foundation has provided enhanced opportunities for Lewisburg students. He regularly writes articles for newsletters, annual reports and e-mail postings. “Volunteering for GDF provides me an opportunity to keep in touch with Lewisburg schools and students,” said Bill. He is willing to help in a variety of ways and also prepares mail appeals and serves on the Strategic Initiatives board committee. He credits Suzanne with putting the final editing touches on his articles. The Stackhouses have a long history in Lewisburg: Bill’s father Bob graduated from LAHS in 1945 and grandfather, George, in 1921; his aunt, Jennie Erdley, and brother Bob were both English teachers for the district. Suzanne’s mantra is “be true to your school” and the couple has shown it by dedicating their careers, their volunteer efforts and their financial support to enriching the educational opportunities available to Lewisburg students. “We think The Green Dragon Foundation is an awesome organization,” they concluded. “We see how highly regarded education is in our community and, as educators, we want to support it.”

The Green Dragon Foundation is fortunate to have generous supporters and volunteers like the Stackhouses!

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


In Memory of Margaret (Peggy) Brzeskiewicz `68 From: Eileen DeSantis In Memory of Margaret (Peggy) Candrick From: Thomas R. Candrick In Memory of Chie Crowley From: Paul Crowley In Memory of John & Jeff Donahoe From: Robert J. Donahoe In Memory of Brendan Fisher From: David & Shari Jacobson In Memory of Miles Foreman From: Chris Boyatzis & Robin Jarell Megan Carpenter Steven George Susan Haddad Dan Lohr and Nicole Miller Cyrus Rasti Anne Shapiro Darlene and Pete Simmons Lisa Rae Sims Kathleen Styer Michael Tomasky

In Memory of Alan Gardner From: Dick Humphreys In Memory of Sue Ann Harley Geisler From: Ellis & Jane Harley In Memory of Ray Goulstone From: Julie Lonardo In Memory of William H. & Lillian D. Heiner From: Lily & Dave Openshaw In Memory of Tim Jarrett From: Wendy Testa In Memory of Helen Kaiser From: Nora Ellen Forbes

In Memory of Anna Louise Benson Stolz McDowell ’38 From: George Benson In Memory of McDowell Family: David ’37, Mary Ellen, Mary Eleanor ’33, Gladys ’43, Benson From: Mike McDowell In Memory of Robert Nace From: Bernadine Richard In Memory of Robert Odell From: Robert H. Odell, Jr.

In Memory of Gretchen Wysocki From: Helen Heaton-Hower In Appreciation of David Himes From: Chris Ruhl In Celebration of Doug & Megan Lebda’s Wedding From: Jeff & Julie Kramm Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thompson Mr. & Mrs. E. Charles Wunz

In Memory of Betty Tufts From: Suzanne Tufts

In Memory of Brandon Kramm From: Joe & Barbara Habig Justin & Catherine Kramm In Memory of William Lane From: Ray Hendrickson

In Memory of Paul R. Wilson From: Matt Wilson

VISION 2020: Our Children–Our Future Campaign

In Memory of Gary James Libby ’60 From: Sheila Libby

All costs associated with special events or receptions have been underwritten by generous individuals and businesses. e 2015-2016 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors is made possible through gis provided by members of e Green Dragon Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Lewisburg Area High School is one of the top 50 High Schools in PA on SAT Scores for eleven consecutive years.

Donald H. Eichhorn Middle School recognized as a Model School for Positive Behavior Support.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program Every gift The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF) receives through the PA EITC program improves the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD) educational experience for our students. Last February, GDF distributed $25,200 to LASD to enhance the television studio program at the new high school.

This innovative program will: • Provide training to students in technical and communication skills necessary to the operation of a broadcast system; • Supplement current professional development presentations with LASD training via videos; and • Expand district and building-level communication outreach to the community at large.

Why We Support GDF

Weis Markets Through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, corporations like Weis Markets significantly impact the educational experiences of Lewisburg students. “Businesses such as Weis Markets have contributed $208,580 through the program over the years,” according to Brooks Gronlund, president, The Green Dragon Foundation (GDF). Since October 2012, Weis Markets has generously contributed a total of $50,500 to support innovative programs for students of the Lewisburg Area School District (LASD). “The EITC program allows us to direct our donations to local educational and cultural institutions,” added Dennis Curtin, director of public relations, Weis Markets, Inc. “When we talk to education foundations we hear about the benefits of the program. In times of tight budgets, this funding allows schools to fully serve students and prepare them for college and adulthood.” Weis Markets enjoys working with GDF and thinks it is an effective organization. “I’m sure it is a difficult environment to find funding for advanced programs and we find it immensely satisfying to know that our EITC donations are helping support advanced programming,” said Curtin. Weis Markets employs nearly 1,500 full and part-time associates in the Lewisburg, Selinsgrove, Sunbury, Mifflinburg and Milton areas. “We live and work in the communities we serve,” notes Curtin. “We like to give back locally—it is a big part of what we do.” The late Robert Weis was a generous supporter of local charitable causes and that legacy lives on with chairman and CEO Jonathan Weis. Weis Markets continues to be strong supporters of local causes and organizations. “Businesses like Weis Markets are having a tremendous impact on Lewisburg students through the EITC program,” concludes Gronlund. “Innovative initiatives like the Interactive Language & Literature program, the middle school television studio and the new high school television studio programs have all been enhanced through their generosity. Lewisburg students are directly benefiting.”

The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016


Become a Partner for Education The EITC program, administered by the Department of Community & Economic Development (DCED), awards tax credits to eligible businesses that make contributions to educational improvement organizations like The Green Dragon Foundation. A gift to GDF can provide your company with a substantial tax credit – 75 percent credit (against taxes owed) or, with a written two-year commitment of equal funding, a 90 percent credit. For more information about the EITC program, please visit: or call the GDF office at (570) 522-8433. The following businesses partnered with GDF during the 2015-2016 school-year to provide funding for advanced and innovative programs:

2015-2016 School Year Annual Report We thank the following individuals for their help in preparing the 2015-2016 School Year Annual Report. Without their help, the 2015-2016 Annual Report and Honor Roll of Donors would not have been possible! Board of Directors, The Green Dragon Foundation, who provide funding for the publication Volunteer Photographer: John Gardner, The Lewisburg Studio Volunteer Editor: Erica Shames, Owner and Publisher, Susquehanna Life Magazine and Susquehanna Life Magazine’s Museum and Gallery Guide Project Director: Ann M. Glock, Executive Director, The Green Dragon Foundation Project Assistant: Casey G. Miller, Administrative Assistant, The Green Dragon Foundation

Kelly Elementary selected as a Title I School of Distinction for three consecutive years.


The Green Dragon Foundation | Annual Report 2015-2016

Many thanks to the following corporate sponsors who made gifts of $500 or more…

VISION 2020: Our Children–Our Future Campaign

115 Farley Circle, Suite 306 Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 522-8433 [email protected]

115 Farley Circle, Suite 306 Lewisburg, PA 17837

Annual Report 2015-2016.pdf

The foundation's multi-year comprehensive campaign, VISION 2020: Our Children-Our. Future, is making great progress toward its goal of raising $2.5 million to ...

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