3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block to Motorola MPC555 CPU Design Guide Application Note 714 April 2000
Document Number: 292262-003
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Contents 1.0
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
Hardware Interface .................................................................................................... 1
Interfacing the Fast Boot Block Memory to MPC555 at 40 MHz .............1 3.1 3.2 3.3
Interface Considerations ....................................................................................... 2 Processor Interface Signals .................................................................................. 2 Control Signal Generation ..................................................................................... 3
Summary ........................................................................................................................ 5
Additional Information ............................................................................................. 6
Revision History
Date of Revision
Original version
Previous version used extended temperature parameters. Revision -002 implements automotive temperature parameters.
Reformatted document
Introduction 3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block memory provides low-power, cost-effective, high performance asynchronous page-mode and synchronous burst read operations. Its enhanced architecture and interface dramatically increase read performance beyond previously attainable levels at 8- and 16-Mbit densities. With zero wait-state burst reads up to 54 MHz, the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block is an ideal memory solution for burst CPUs. This application note will cover the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory’s interface to the burst microprocessor. It will also discuss some of the general concepts involved when interfacing the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory’s integrated features and control signals.
Hardware Interface The 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory integrates several new features that increase its CPU interface compatibility to a range of burst microprocessors and microcontrollers:
• • • •
Address latch Read configuration register Burst address generator WAIT# output signal
The address latch latches the address during read and write cycles. CPUs that employ a multiplexed address/data bus can leverage the internal latch to de-multiplex the bus. ASICs can also use the latch to reduce pin count while improving performance. The read configuration register optimizes the flash memory component to specific CPU characteristics, such as burst length, burst order, operating frequency, and clock configuration. This register tells the burst address generator how to generate addresses during burst-mode reads. Generating the addresses internally eliminates the memory’s dependence on the CPU for new addresses during a burst read, which improves system read performance. Finally, a WAIT# output signal is provided to ease CPU to flash memory communication and synchronization during continuous burst mode. When configured for continuous bursting, this signal is used as an input to the system wait-state generator. It informs the wait-state generator when a delay is needed during a continuous burst access. Combined, these integrated features enable a simple, and in many cases, “glueless” interface.
Interfacing the Fast Boot Block Memory to MPC555 at 40 MHz The MPC555 microprocessor is a high-speed 32-bit control unit that combines high-performance data manipulation capabilities and powerful peripheral subsystems for automotive applications. The MPC555 microprocessor integrates a high-performance embedded PowerPC* core with a Floating Point Unit, a Queued Serial Multi-Channel Module, dual Time Processor Units, and dual Queued Analog to Digital Converters. It can operate at a bus frequency of 40 MHz with four-word burst capability. Figure 1 illustrates the block diagram of the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory interface to the MPC555.
Figure 1. The 3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block Memory Interface to the MPC555 Microprocessor
Fast Boot Block
Interface Considerations The interface uses two 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory components to match the MPC555 32-bit data bus width. No logic is required in this glueless interface. All components run on a 3.3 V power supply. The settings for RCR[15:0] are 0010000x11000001.
Processor Interface Signals The interface uses the following signals provided by the MPC555. A31–0: The 32-bit address bus transmits instruction and data addresses to memory and subsystem peripherals. D31–0: The data bus contains bi-directional data paths to transfer data between the processor and external memory. CLK:
The Output Clock signal is used to synchronize all processor/memory requests.
The Chip Select signal indicates which memory bank the processor is accessing.
The Transfer Start signal indicates the start of a memory access.
The Output Enable signal enables the selected device to drive the data bus.
WEn#: The Write Enable signal is asserted during writes to enable writing to the selected device.
Control Signal Generation In this interface, the MPC555 directly controls the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory’s ADV# and CE# signals with TS# and CSn# respectively. OE# and WE# are controlled by the processor's OE# and WEn# signals respectively. The signal timings are controlled by programming the processor's Memory Controller Option Register OR[20:31] as 0x040h for normal timings with six clock-cycles single accesses and zero wait-state burst performance. The processor’s Memory Controller Base Register BR[20:31] should be set to 0x001h for 32-bit burst operations, and the Burst Buffer Controller Module Configuration Register BBCMCR[18] should be set to 1 to turn on the burst buffer. Figure 2 shows an initial read from address 0 following a reset. The rising edge of the processor's HRESET# signal indicates a restart. During this restart, the processor will fetch its first instruction after the rising edge of HRESET#. Fifteen wait-states are inserted in this first access by the processor's default settings. The CPU must be held in reset for approximately 210 ns to match the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory power-up delay. Reference AP-617 Additional Flash Data Protection Using VPP, RP#, and WP# for details about CPU reset and RESET# timing. Note that the MPC555's first instruction after restart can only be a single read. Because the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory is asynchronous after reset, burst reads are allowed only after an initial write operation which synchronizes the flash memory and set up the processor's registers.
Figure 2. The 3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block Memory/MPC555 Power-Up Single Read at 40 MHz SCY = 15 CLKOUT B8 R11
A31-0 B11 B10 R16 TS#/ADV# B22
OE#/OE# R22 B18 B17 DQ31-0 WEn#/WE# B19 R12
Figure 3 shows a burst read example which contains four words. CSn# and OE# timings are set by programming the processor’s memory Controller Option Register as 0x030h. Addresses are latched at the rising edge of CLKOUT. At 40 MHz, the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory provides zero waitstate performance with a new data at every clock after an initial delay. WE# must be held high throughout the read cycle. Figure 3. The 3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block Memory/MPC555 Four-Word Burst Read Cycle at 40 MHz R4 R5 R6
B17 B18
A31-0 B11 R16 B10 TS#/ADV# B22
OE#/OE# R22 R7
DQ31-0 WEn#/WE# B19 CSn#/CE#
Figure 4 shows a write cycle. The processor’s WEn# signal can be directly used as WE#. Note that the processor can perform burst writes. Burst writes must be disabled in software. Figure 4. The 3 Volt Intel® Fast Boot Block Memory/MPC555 Write Cycle at 40 MHz CLKOUT B8
A31-0 B10
TS#/ADV# OE#/OE# B22
B25 W7 W3
WEn#/WE# W5 B8
DQ31-0 B19
Consult the appropriate datasheets for specific information about the individual components in this interface. Refer to the MPC555 User’s Manual for timings shown in the waveforms that start with “B.” Refer to the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block Flash Memory; 28F800F3, 28F160F3 datasheet for timings that start with “R” or “W.”
Summary The 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory’s integrated features such as the built-in address latch, the read configuration registers, and the integrated address generator enable simple, and in many cases, “glueless” interfaces to burst processors. These features minimize interface logic while providing high read performance. SmartVoltage capabilities provide fast factory programming and reduce power consumption. A selection of different densities and packages increase design flexibility. With its enhanced architecture and available options, the 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory provides the best cost/performance value available. The 3 Volt Fast Boot Block memory is the ideal memory solution for burst processors.
Appendix A Additional Information Order Number
3 Volt Fast Boot Block Flash Memory; 28F800F3, 28F160F3 datasheet
3 Volt Fast Boot Block Flash Memory; 28F800F3, 28F160F3 Specification Update
AP-655 Fast Boot Block Design Guide
AP-617 Additional Flash Data Protection Using VPP, RP#, and WP#
NOTES: 1. Please call the Intel Literature Center at (800) 548-4725 to request Intel documentation. International customers should contact their local Intel or distribution sales office. 2. Visit Intel’s World Wide Web home page at http://www.Intel.com for technical documentation and tools. 3. For the most current information on Intel Fast Boot Block products, visit our website at http:// developer.intel.com/design/flash/bblock