AP French Language and Culture Syllabus Course Overview AP French Language and Culture is a college-level course intended for students in their fourth and fifth year of French. The class is conducted almost exclusively in French. The three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive and presentational) defined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century are foundational to the AP French Language and Culture course. Students who enroll in this course should already have a good command of the grammar and considerable competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing. In the communication process students will demonstrate an understanding of various francophone cultures, incorporate interdisciplinary topics (connections), and make comparisons between the francophone world and their own. Students are encouraged to take the AP French Language and Culture exam at the end of this course.

Primary Textbooks: Ladd, Richard. Allons au-delà! Pearson, 2012. Delfosse, Geneviève. Thèmes. Vista Higher Learning, Inc., 2016 Muyskens, Judith A., et. al. Bravo!, 4th edition. Boston: Thomson-Heinle, 2002. Sturges, Hale, et. al. Une Fois pour toutes, 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Longman, 1992.

Supplementary Textbooks: Camus, Albert. Ed. Germaine Brée and Carlos Lynes, Jr. L’Étranger. Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955. Comeau, Raymond F., et. al. Ensemble: Grammaire. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, editions may vary. Ionesco, Albert. Rhinocéros. Distribooks, 1959. Ladd, Richard. AP French: Preparing for the Language and Culture Examination. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Schultz, Jean-Marie, and Marie-Paule Tranvouez. Réseau. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson, 2010.

Other Sources and Materials: France-Amérique—magazine published 11 times per year by FrancePress LLC Le Français dans le monde (available at a discount to AATF members) Websites such as tv5.org, google.fr, youtube.com (multiple videos pertinent to all themes), lepoint.fr, bbc.co.uk/languages, rfi.fr, radio-canada.ca, laits.utexas.edu/tex, Tennessee Bob’s Famous French Links, Page 1 of 8

French Verb Busters, commeaucinema.com, monjtquotidien.com, lafrancebis.com, french-word-aday.typepad.com/motdujour, lepointdufle.net, frenchteachers.org, faculty.trinityvalleyschool.org/aatf, about.com (French language section), and many others Music selections both classic and current (artists such as Edith Piaf, Patricia Kaas, Francis Cabrel, Gilles Vigneault, Garou) Clips from movies from France and other francophone countries (Inch’Allah Dimanche, Cyrano de Bergerac, Jean de Florette, Au revoir les enfants, Molière, La Rue case-nègres, Entre les murs, to name a few examples) Podcasts from francophone regions

Course Planner Based on Thematic Units August/September (approx. 5 weeks)—Unit 1—Families and Communities  

Vocabulary related to family, childhood and adolescence, and social relationships Structure • Review of present tense formations (Fois, Ch. 1) • Possessive adjectives and pronouns (Fois, Leçon 6) • Passé composé/imparfait/plus-que-parfait (Fois, Leçon 2) • Conjunctions (Fois, Leçon 11) Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) -Thèmes, p. 6-7 : L’institut Diambars: Première structure de sports études -Allons au-delà, p. 310—Débat: Il faut tout un village pour élever un enfant -Lettre à Chère Abby • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -Allons au-delà, pp. 298-300—Le Gone du Chaâba (Read, discuss and react) -Allons au-delà, pp. 302-309—Le Petit Nicolas—On a eu l’inspecteur -AP French—Print selection #5, pp. 12-13 -AP French—Audio selections #2, p. 129; #15, p. 142 • Presentational (written/spoken) -Allons au-delà, p. 310, Situations—Jeu de rôle: A la table ronde! -Allons au-delà, p. 311, A vos stylos!: Les Stéréotypes -Tell a true family story to the class using visual aids (without notes) Supplementary Sources • L’Enfant noir by Camara Laye • Songs such as Prendre un Enfant par la Main (Yves Duteil), Ménilmontant (Charles Trenet), Il faudra leur dire (Francis Cabrel), La Famille (Jean-Jacques Goldman), S’il suffisait d’aimer ( Céline Dion), Je t’aime, je t’aimais et je t’aimerai (Francis Cabrel), Ça donne quoi (Marc Duprès), Dégénérations (Mes Aïeux) • Clips from movies such as La Rue Case-Nègres, La Gloire de mon père, Le Château de ma mère

October (approx. 3-4 weeks)—Unit 2—Science and Technology Page 2 of 8

Vocabulary related to discoveries, inventions, technology, research, and social and ethical impact of scientific and technological advances  Structure • Future, futur antérieur, conditional, past conditional, and their uses (Fois, Leçon 3)  Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) -AP French—Courriel #4, p. 167; courriel #7, p. 170; dialogue #3, p. 202 • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -AP French—Print selections #4, p. 10; #29, pp. 60-61 -AP French—Print and audio selections #3, pp. 90-91 ; #7, pp. 98-99; #10, pp. 104-105; #11, pp. 106-107 --AP French—Audio selection #9, p. 136 -Allons au-delà, pp. 111-119, La fin des livres -Allons au-delà, pp. 122-123, La mauvaise surprise Kindle -Allons au-delà, pp. 133-135, Tricher au bac comme un geek • Presentational (written/spoken) -AP French—Essai #6, pp. 188-189  Supplementary Sources • Items from French news sources and contemporary podcasts • Songs such as Satellite (Indochine); techno music; selected songs from Mes Aïeux • Clips from movies such as La Jetée

October/November/December (approx. 6 weeks)—Unit 3—Contemporary Life   

Vocabulary related to education, housing, leisure, sports, professions, and rites of passage Structure • Nouns and articles (Fois, Leçon 1) • Adjectives and adverbs; comparative and superlative (Fois, Leçon 10) Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) -AP French—Courriel #1, p. 164; courriel #5, p. 168; dialogue #2, p. 201 • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -AP French—Print selections #2, pp. 6-7; #6, pp. 14-15; #40, pp. 82-83 -AP French—Print and audio selections #2, pp. 88-89; #6, pp. 96-97 -AP French—Audio selections #6, p. 133; #11, p. 138 -Allons au-delà, pp. 139-145, 99 Francs -Allons au-delà, pp. 167-169, Qui sont les SDF? -Allons au-delà, pp. 170-178, Le chandail -Allons au-delà, pp. 194-195, Voyage au bout du RER -Allons au-delà, pp. 206-207, «Allô maman, j’ai décroché mon bac . . .» • Presentational (written/spoken) -AP French—Essai #4, pp. 184-185; speaking #7, p. 213 Supplementary Sources • Items from French news sources and contemporary podcasts • Songs such as L’Abbé Caillou (Patricia Kaas), Ça me regarde (Yannick Noah), Enfant de la ville (Grand Corps Malade) • Clips from movies such as Les Choristes, Le Fils de l’épicier, Être ou avoir, Entre les murs

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January/February (approx. 5 weeks)—Unit 4—Global Challenges  

Vocabulary related to diversity, economics, environmental and health issues, human rights, peace and war Structure • Subjunctive (Fois, Leçon 4) • Relative pronouns (Fois, Leçon 8) • Imperative (Fois, Leçon 1) Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) -AP French—Courriel #2, p. 165; dialogue #10, p. 209 • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -AP French—Print selections #1, p. 4; #19, p. 40 -AP French—Print and audio selections #1, pp. 86-87; #5, pp. 94-95 -AP French—Audio selection #5, p. 132 -Allons au-delà, pp. 9-16, Le racisme expliqué à ma fille -Allons au-delà, pp. 20-26, Soyez polis -Allons au-delà, pp. 30-37, Le dernier espoir -Allons au-delà, pp. 74-77, Une génération «élevée au fromage pasteurisé et au soda» and Cantines scolaires : Ce que l’on vous cache -Allons au-delà, pp. 78-85, Le dormeur du val, Liberté, Familiale -Allons au-delà, pp. 86-91, La lettre de Guy Môquet • Presentational (written/spoken) -AP French—Essai #5, pp. 186-187; speaking #14, p. 213 Supplementary Sources • Items from French news sources and contemporary podcasts • Songs such as Ma France à moi (Diam’s), Face à la mer (Calogero), Nouveau Français (Amel Bent), Aux arbres citoyens (Yannick Noah), L’Injustice (Garou), Tire-toi une bûche (Mes Aïeux) • Clips from movies such as Inch’Allah Dimanche, Les Indigènes, Monsieur Ibrahim, L’Homme qui plantait des arbres, Au revoir les enfants, Poumy

February/March (approx. 5 weeks)—Unit 5—Beauty and Aesthetics  

Vocabulary related to architecture, cultural heritage, beauty, literature, music, and the arts Structure • Negations (Fois, Leçon 9) • Demonstratives (Fois, Leçon 6) • Object pronouns and disjunctive pronouns (Fois, Leçon 5) Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) Debate: pros and cons of plastic surgery; standards of beauty in various cultures Discussion of personal music preferences and presentation of a selection from francophone source Allons au-delà, p. 418, Comparer: Le Spectacle! • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -AP French—Print selections #3, p. 8; #7, pp. 16-17

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-AP French—Print and audio selection #16, pp. 116-117 -AP French—Audio selections #17, p. 144; #24, p. 151 -Allons au-delà, pp. 354-358, Ballade des pendus -Allons au-delà, pp. 359-360, Mignonne, allons voir si la rose . . . -Allons au-delà, pp. 361-362, Le corbeau et le renard -Allons au-delà, pp. 363-366, Il pleure dans mon cœur -Allons au-delà, pp. 367-369, La Réunion, perle de l’humanité -Allons au-delà, pp. 400-418, La farce de Maître Pathelin • Presentational (written/spoken) -AP French—Essai #2, pp. 180-181; speaking #1, p. 212 Supplementary Sources • Items from French news sources and podcasts; virtual visits of museums, monuments, etc. • Songs such as Aux Champs-Élysées (Joe Dassin), La vie en rose (Edith Piaf), Douce France (Charles Trenet) • Clips from movies such as Molière, Les Choristes, Cyrano de Bergerac

March/April/May (approx. 5 weeks)—Unit 6—Personal and Public Identities   

Vocabulary related to alienation and assimilation, values, language and identity, multiculturalism, nationalism and patriotism Structure • Infinitives and their use with prepositions (Fois, Leçon 12) • Present participle (Fois, Leçon 12) Activities/Evaluation • Interpersonal communication (written/spoken) -AP French—Courriel #3, p. 166; dialogue #8, p. 207 • Interpretive (audio/visual/print/written) -AP French—Print selections #9, pp. 20-21; #39, pp. 80-81 -AP French—Print and audio selection #9, pp. 102-103 -AP French—Audio selection #20, p. 147 -Allons au-delà, pp. 222-229, Vincento -Allons au-delà, pp. 239-241, Immigration—Ces étrangers, élèves modèles -Allons au-delà, pp. 258-265, Schizophrénie linguistique L’Etranger by Albert Camus • Presentational (written/spoken) -AP French—Essai #3, pp. 182-183; speaking #9, p. 213 Supplementary Sources • Items from French news sources and contemporary podcasts; election year items will be particularly timely • Songs such as Métro-boulot-dodo (found on youtube.com) and Métro-boulot-dodo (Redstar), Nouveau Français (Amel Bent), Aïcha (Khaled) • Clips from movies such as Inch’Allah Dimanche, Les Indigènes, Monsieur Ibrahim, La Classe de Mme Lise, Persepolis

Teaching Strategies The class is conducted almost exclusively in French. Students are asked to keep a list of newly acquired vocabulary for quizzes on thematic topics. Grammar quizzes will also be given. All skills Page 5 of 8

(listening, speaking, writing, and reading) are covered during a typical week in the AP classroom. Students are encouraged to seek additional resources that will enhance all skills. All speaking and writing assignments will be graded according to the AP rubric. Dropdown digital language labs will be used frequently to practice listening and speaking skills and to evaluate student progress.

Listening Comprehension Students are exposed to film clips from movies or YouTube segments relating to the thematic topics in order to enhance comprehension. Music videos, CD’s, news segments from sources such as TV5 and France24, and documentaries are used in the classroom in order to stimulate discussion and evaluate student understanding. Dictées will be included on a regular basis.

Reading Comprehension Texts are drawn from a variety of authentic sources including francophone literary excerpts representing different genres and francophone newspapers and magazines from the Internet. Assessments vary depending on the type of reading involved. For instance, finding the main idea and supporting details is the most important skill in reading newspaper and magazine articles. Students earn participation points for explaining their answers in class. For more intensive reading assignments, such as those of a literary nature, students need to understand linguistic as well as semantic detail. Follow-up exercises may include dictées from the text and discussion of theme, as well as relationships of ideas and the text to the students’ own knowledge and experience.

Writing Skills Students are assigned writing tasks at least twice a week for homework. For magazine or newspaper articles, they describe the main idea, list supporting evidence, and create a list of new vocabulary items that they define in French. Additionally, they describe their personal reaction to the text. The most challenging writing assignment involves an in-class composition of at least 200 words once every few weeks. The teacher marks each paper with various error codes for the student to correct. The students then work in groups of three to edit, make suggestions and help each other correct their errors. Finally, the students rewrite their papers, incorporating the suggestions and corrections. For their efforts, they earn additional points on their grade for the paper. Of course, all compositions are graded on the new AP rubric.

Speaking Skills The AP French course will include partner activities, group activities, and individual or small group presentations. Students will do activities such as video projects and movie discussions, and they will develop and perform impromptu responses or comparisons related to the six thematic units. Students are also encouraged to sing songs, to learn and recite poems or fables in order to develop the French ear. Oral grades are determined using the AP rubric. A participation grade will be given during each grading period.


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Francophone culture pervades all skills. The cultural aspect is brought in specifically through a daily warm-up of facts and events, often presented as YouTube clips or selections from other sources.

Post-AP Exam Project Choices Since the school year finishes 10 to 14 days after the administration of the AP French Language and Culture Exam, students will do one of the following activities: A.

The students will be required to design in French a virtual trip for 15 days in the francophone country of their choice. They will include the following components: flight, hotels, daily itinerary, restaurants, places visited (at least 3 different cities), and a journal in French of their adventure. The project will be presented orally, as well as in written form.


The students will read (or finish reading) an authentic French literary work such as L’Etranger by Albert Camus or Rhinocéros by Eugene Ionesco. Questions, debate, discussions, and written and speaking evaluations will be included in the study.

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AP French Language and Culture Syllabus Course ...

Century are foundational to the AP French Language and Culture course. Students who enroll in this course should already have a good command of the grammar and considerable competence in listening, reading, speaking and writing. In the communication process students will demonstrate an understanding of various ...

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