Federation of IndianRailwaymen Natictnal ROAD,NEWDELHI- 11O055 3, CHELMSFORD Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTrade UnionCongress(INTUC) TransportWorkers'Federation(lTF) International

12015 Dated:31107

No. II/70/Part.II .fhe

Secretary(E), RailwayBoard. \ew Delhi DearSir, Sub: Appendix-3 IREM Examination* Change of pattern - Clariflcation on cxemption-reg. Ref:


NFIR's PNM agenda item No. 4ll20l5 sent to Railway Board on




Railway Board's letter No. A(E)IA3l2Kl9 dated 0611112006, A(E)/A312015lll1dated A(E\IA3l20l4l1ll dated llllll20I4, 0910612015. 1 I /3 dated & A(E)/A3120151 0310312015 & &. 2510512015 NFIR',sletterNo. lll7}lPart. II dated 1310512015 l6107l2ol5' *.k**,F>Fxs

Consequentupon issuanceof Board's clarificationon exemptionvide letter dated had lodgedprotestagainstthe & 2510512015 NIIIR vide lettersdatedI 310512015 0310312015, agreementreachedwith the of the arbitrarydecisiontakenby the Railway Board in violation Federationin the PNM meeting.At the sametime. the Federationhad requestedthe Railway and restoreinstructionsdated 0611112006 Board to withdraw the letter dated 0310312015 immediately.In addition. the Federationhad apprisedthe Railway Board that therp are a who had clearedPart-l Paperof Appendix-3IREM Exam and waiting numberof-en-rployees to clear Paper-ll,and if the revisedinstructionsare implementedthe said staff will have to reappearafresh.which is notjustified. Besides above. Federation desires mention following repercussionsof Board's :instructionsdated03/0312015 .


in 2006was rcquircdto of passingPart-lof-Appendix-3Hxamination Thc benef-rt has beenallowed facility the years however but 213 be extendedfor subsequent now tbr only two ycars (namely2010&.2012). -[-his 'I'herc are large scalevacanciesin the cadreof SO/lSA/TIA due to attrition. has been adverselyalfecting the working system.Candidateswho have passed got rich experiencein diverseareaof Accountsworking. already,have Part-l [:..xam If beneflt o1'one more year is extendedto Part-l passedcandidates,it would and would eventuallyhelp in gettingpass. reducethe pressureon thesecandidates the 2015Appendix-3Exam. C o n t dP . age...2

Phone: 011-23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax : 011-23744019, Rly.22382, Telegram: RATLMAZDOR E-mail: [email protected] [email protected], Website:



NFIR is surprisedto note that the Railway Board have issuednotification vide letter No. A(E)/A3/20151112 dated07/0512015 addressed to all GMs etc.,for holding Examination on the changedpattern from24l08l20l5 to 0310912015, when the issue is in the NFIR/PNM agenda. Federationonce again urges upon the Railway Board to consider the points raised aboveas well as contentsof letters sent to the Railway Board already and keep in abeyance the notificationdated0710512015, pendingdiscussion. Action takenin the mattermay pleasebe advisedto NFIR without lossof time. Yours faithfg\,

.rf - q


(Dr. M. Raghavaiah). ' l, General Secretary Y . Copy to GeneralSecretaries of affiliatedUnionsof NFIR Media Centre,4.iFIR FileNo. 4112015 (PNM).


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