2017 SUMMER PROGRAM OFFERINGS This is a summer program for students in grades K and up. Three sessions: June 26-30, July 5-7 and July 10-14. More than a summer program, each session offers a week long, full-day program that offers a choice of athletic, academic, and personal interest sessions. Each day will feature dynamic sessions to provide enrichment and to challenge your child in their areas of interest. This program will be staffed by Lunenburg Public Schools teachers, staff, and coaches as well as recent graduates. A Lunenburg Public Schools nurse will be on site at all times. LUNCH: Provided daily. There will be three options for participant’s to choose from including a hot meal, a cold meal and a vegetarian option which could be hot or cold depending on the day. Registration for weekly camps is open at this time. Interested parents should complete and return the program application to register today. Payment is due June 1, 2017. ARTS # 100- Character Design and Cartooning: an introduction to character design and illustration through the study of comics, expressions of the human face, dynamic posing, and personality types. Students will learn how to manipulate and combine simple geometric shapes to create original characters with distinct appearance and defined personalities. Recommended for Elementary, Middle, and High School Students. Week 3 only- Morning session only. #300- Introduction to Theatre Production: All enrolled will participate in the production of a short play. Students will learn about the production process from play selection to casting to rehearsal to performance. This unique, fun, experience will serve as a gateway to improved public speaking skills, confidence, creativity, and the ability to collaborate. Recommended for Middle and High School Students. Week 3 only- Afternoon session only. # 301- Mask Making: Design and create a wide variety of masks from different materials like paper and plaster. Recommended for Grades 4-8 # 101- Crafts: Develop your creativity and fine motor skills. Choose from projects that include pottery, jewelry making, gimp, dream catchers, painting with acrylics, oils, sponges and watercolors, collage, print making, drawing, papier maché. Recommended for Elementary and Middle School Students. # 102- Studio Art: Painting, drawing, ceramics, spin art, and more, get creative in our fabulous art studios. Recommended for Primary, Elementary and Middle School Students. MATH & SCIENCE # 200- Hands on Science: Fun and engaging activities in engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology designed to develop problem solving skills and creative thinking. Recommended for Elementary and Middle School Students. # 201- STEM: Engaging activities on set theory using attribute blocks and Venn Diagrams, using similar triangles to construct a clinometer to measure the height of flagpoles and other tall objects, designing roller coasters with insulation tubes and marbles, and exploring algebra hands on using Algeblocks®. Construct polyhedras and make mobiles, and study the principles of buoyancy and flight as we fly kites! Recommended for Elementary and Middle School Students. # 300- Practical Mathematics: A hands on approach to everyday math with mini projects - balancing a checkbook, shopping on a budget using coupons, designing and building for home repairs, mortgages and car loans. Students work together to solve real-world problems through hands-on activities. Recommended for Middle School Students.

# 301- Introduction to 3-D Computer Modeling: Learn to design objects using Solid Works and turn your designs into reality with our 3-D printer. Recommended for Middle and High School Students. SOCIAL SCIENCES # 302- Fun With Money: Discover the fundamentals of economics, banking, money-making, and entrepreneurship. Run the school store. Will include food and cooking activities. Recommended for Middle School Students. #303- Personal Finance: Learn to manage your finances, explore sound methods of investing your money and financing your college education. Recommended for Middle School Students. Weeks 1 & 3. MUSIC #304- Band: Have fun and play popular music while collaborating with a wider range of student musicians. Morning session only. Recommended for Middle and High School Students. #305- Chorus: Have fun and sing popular songs with a wider range of students. Morning session only. Recommended for Middle and High School Students FILM #400- Horror in Film: A look at the "Dark side" of individuals and define what it really means to be a monster. Students will learn Horror/Gothic Elements, authors, use popular culture, etc. students create their own visual representations of elements as demonstrated through specific ancillary materials, such as poetry and short stories. A compilation of class work is distributed to all students. High School Students only Physical Activity and SPORTS & GAMES Sports and games are recommended for all age groups. In all of our sports & games programs, our students are grouped by age, ability, and sometimes gender. Students will feel comfortable in their groups but will also be challenged. Sport and game activities will vary within each session but will include activities of 20-30 mins followed by short breaks. Each session offers skill building and team building activities such as drills and small sided games. Individual development can be measured through participation in a variety of contests during the week. # 500- Competitive Sports/Games: Challenge yourself while participating in a wide variety of competitive sports and games, individual and teams sports, and games played all week. # 501- Fun and Games: Have fun, learn new skills, and make new friends while engaging in games and activities designed to encourage teamwork and friendship. Both new games/activities and traditional games/activities will be offered. # 600- Basketball: Teaching fundamental basketball skills for players of all levels. Develop and improve your shooting, offense, defense, rebounding, team play, and game IQ. Basketball sneakers are required. Please do not bring your own basketball. # 610- Field Hockey: Improve your game through a deeper understanding of field hockey. Develop and improve critical skills like passing, scoring, defense, sport fundamentals, team work and game

play. Bring your stick, shin guards, cleats, mouth guards, and goggles. Please let us know if you need to borrow a field hockey stick. # 620- Boys Lacrosse: Emphasizing fundamental skills such as stick work, position training, drills and scrimmages. This is a no contact, no pads, no helmets program. Mouth guards, goggles, cleats (and/or sneakers) are required for this program. # 630- Girls Lacrosse: Focus includes stick work, footwork, and gaining a better sense of the game by working on smaller concepts of the defensive and offensive ends. Bring your stick, mouth guard, goggles, and sneakers. # 640- Soccer: Emphasizing critical skills like dribbling, passing, and shooting using a variety of drills, small sided games, and scrimmages. Sneakers and shin guards are required. Please do not bring your own ball to the program. # 650- Tennis: Let’s bring tennis back to Lunenburg High school. Seeking tennis players to learn the game from the basics through high school championship play. This program will accept tennis players of all ability levels to develop a pool of players to become our first tennis team in 5 years. Emphasis on developing forehand, backhand, serve, volley, and match play through drills, games, and fun exercises. Weeks 1 & 3. # 660- Track and Field: Explore, develop, or enhance your athletic skills through running, jumping, and throwing. Focus on individual events or multiple events. Develop a proper warm up and conditioning routine, learn new drills, and receive event specific coaching. Sprints, hurdles, short, middle, and long distance training. Participation in all field events, (long jump, triple jump, high jump, discus, javelin, and shot put) except the pole vault, the pole vault will be an exhibition event only. #670- Football: Emphasis on learning the game of football, offensive and defensive skills, conditioning, succeeding on and off the field, game anaysis through film study.


    

Full Day Program $250/week- 8 AM–4 PM o Sibling discount- 2nd child $175, 3rd child $100 Half Day Program $150/week- 8 AM–11:30 AM or 12:30 PM – 4 PM o Sibling discount- 2nd child $100, 3rd child $ 50 Early drop off by arrangement ($5 per day) Late pick up by arrangement ($5 per day) Please indicate if you need early drop off and/or late pick up.

An invoice for your tuition and a schedule of your child’s activities will be sent to you following the registration deadline. Any significant changes to the program will be emailed to you prior to invoices and schedules are sent out. Contact Information For more information, contact Peter McCauliff, Summer Program Director at Email: [email protected]

DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES Drop off time:  7:45 - 8:00 AM for full day students and morning half day students  12:15 – 12:30 for afternoon half day students Pick up time:  11:30- 11:45 AM for morning half day students  4:05 – 4:30 PM for full day students and afternoon half day students. Please return your registration / schedule request form by May 15, 2017. Early returns are greatly appreciated. You can return registration / schedule request form by email to [email protected] or [email protected] Or by mail to Peter McCauliff Lunenburg High School 1079 Mass Ave Lunenburg MA, 01462 Once forms are received, we will determine which courses will run. We need 8-10 students to run each course. We hope to be able to run all of the courses so we can give each student their primary choices. We will then build a schedule for your child and send you an invoice along with your child’s schedule. Invoices must be returned by June 1st unless other arrangements made with the program director. Daily Schedule: Drop off through 8:15 AM Morning Warm ups, group activities, team building, through 8:45 Morning Session - 9:00 – 11:30 AM ½ Day Pick Up -11:30 – 11:45 AM Lunch 11:30-12:15 Afternoon Warm ups, group activities, team building, through 12:45 Afternoon Session – 1:00 – 4:00 PM Afternoon Pick UP 4:05 – 4:30 PM Early/Late Drop off or Pick up by prior arrangement.

2017 Lunenburg Public Schools Summer Program APPLICATION Mailing address: 1079 Mass Ave Lunenburg, MA 01462 Email: [email protected] Phone: 978-582-4115 ext. 3105 • Fax: 978-582-4153






(age at time of program)




























Program Selection: Rank your selection in order of preference #1-5 (1 being first choice) First Choice #

Second Choice #


Third Choice #

Fourth Choice #

Fifth Choice #

WEEK 1 - $250.00

WEEK 2 - $150.00

WEEK 3 - $250

JUNE 26-30

JULY 5-7 (3 DAYS)

JULY 10-14


Drop off Time:_______

Drop off Time:_______

Pick up Time:_______

Pick up Time:_______

Drop off Time:_______ Pick up Time:_______

Please let us know if you need a different drop off or pick up schedule. We will do our best to accommodate your request.


I authorize Lunenburg Public Schools to release my child to the following individuals: Initial



Phone Number:


2017 Lunenburg Public Schools Summer Program APPLICATION Mailing address: 1079 Mass Ave Lunenburg, MA 01462 Email: [email protected] Phone: 978-582-4115 ext. 3105 • Fax: 978-582-4153

SIGNING PARENT AGREES: • No child will be allowed to begin without full prior payment of tuition

• It is the parent’s responsibility to bring any special concerns regarding their child to the attention of the director at the time of registration.

• To the LPS Summer Program price schedule and accepts the program fees, tuition and terms of enrollment for all scheduled weeks with all fees paid in full or reservations are subject to cancellation. Payments must be received by June 1, 2017. After June 1st, all weeks are $275. Makeup camps or refunds will NOT be provided for any days missed for any reason.

• The director reserve the right to dismiss a student when, in their judgment, the camper’s behavior interferes with safe program operation, the rights of others, the smooth functioning of activities or groups or violates the principles of conduct.

• Late enrollment will be accepted if openings are still available. Payments must be made in full at the time of enrollment.

• Week one may be canceled if enrollment is too low or as a result of snow make-up days.

• Only 50% of tuition will be refunded with written notice of cancellation at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the session. All refunds due to cancellation will be issued only after August 15, 2017.

• I agree to have my child abide by the program rules

• Child may not attend unless a current Health form & Physician’s form with current immunizations is at the program prior to attendance.

• By enrolling my child in the program, I am agreeing to follow the guidelines provided by the program director.

PHOTO RELEASE: I give permission for the staff of Lunenburg Public Schools Summer Program 2017, or their designate, to take photographs or video of my child(ren), and I do not object to those photographs or videotapes being used for publications or publicity.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY: I do hereby consent to my child’s participation in voluntary, athletic or recreation programs of the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public Schools. I also agree to forever release the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public Schools, the School Committee, and all their employees, agents, board members, volunteers and any and all individuals and organizations assisting or participating in voluntary athletic or recreation programs of the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public Schools (“the Releases”) from any and all claims, rights of action and causes of action that may have arisen in the past, or may arise in the future, directly or indirectly, from personal injuries to my child or property damage resulting from my child’s participation in the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public Schools voluntary athletic or recreation programs. I also promise to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Releases against any and all legal claims and proceedings of any description that may have been asserted in the past, or may be asserted in the future, directly or indirectly, arising from personal injuries to my child or property damage resulting from my child’s participation in the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public Schools voluntary or recreation programs. I further affirm that I have read this Consent and Release form and that I understand the contents of this form. I understand that my child’s participation in these programs is voluntary and that my child and I are free to choose to not participate in said programs. By signing this form, I affirm that I have decided to allow my child to participate in the Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public School’s athletic or recreation programs with full knowledge that the Releases will not be liable to anyone for personal injuries and property damage my child or I may suffer in voluntary Town of Lunenburg/Lunenburg Public School’s athletic or recreation programs. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Please print Parent Signature name here

Date: Thank you!

For Parents of Students Attending the Lunenburg Public Schools: I consent to the Lunenburg School’s Summer Program in accessing information from my child's Emergency Dismissal Consent for Emergency Care Form and Health Record that is on file with the Lunenburg Public Schools. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date:


Application Packet FY17 - Summer Camp revised 5-8-17.pdf ...

Students work together to solve real-world problems through hands-on ... With Money: Discover the fundamentals of economics, banking, money-making, and.

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