RegistrationNo. : RTU/Nnnl}l /2O12
National Federation of IndianRailwaymen 3, CHELMSFORD ROAD,NEWDELHI- 11O055 Affiliatedto : IndianNationalTradeUnionCongress(INTUC) Internationat Transport Workers'Flderation (ff F) No.IV34lPart 15
The Chairman, Railway Board, New Delhi Dear Sir, Sub:
Aptitude test for induction as motorman*-*Abnormal increasein failures number-reg.
The Railway Bo'hrd vide letter No. 2007lSafety-I/2813dated,0310712015 have issued guidelines that rhe specified safety category staff be declared suitable in the Aptitude test based on the instruciions contained in Board's letter No. E(NG)I-20021PML13Idated29103/2005. Theseinstructionsinter-alia stipulatethat the Railways should adhereto the systemof multiple cut off for the Aptitude Test with the existing .yst"* of adding marks of aptitude test with written examination continuing for deciding the eligibility for ernpanelment amoirgst those candidateswho scorethe minimum cut-off marks in all the sub testsof G Aptitude test. Wittr the implerientation of theseinstructions,there has been phenomenalincreasein number of Inco Pilots (Pass)failing in the Aptitude Test for induction as motorrnan. In this''connection,NFIR cites an exampleof Central Railway where percentageof failures of Loco pilots in the Departmental selections is between 70-80. Federation is aiaid ttrai witn this position, there is every likelihood of heavy shortagein the motormancategoryin the near future. Considering the crisis situation where nearly 70-80% of Loco Pilots failing in the Aptitude Test, the General Manager, Central Railway vide letter No. sFrruso/P/A[/INs-2 (cR) dated,1711112016 addressedto the Board (MS), has requestedfor re-test of the candidbtesfailed in the Aptitude,Test for the post of motorman as a one time measureto prevent dislocation to services.A copy of GIWC. Rty's., letter datedolllll20l6is enclosed for reference. NFIR, therefore,requeststhe Railway Board (CRB & MS) to considerthe proposalof CentralRailway an& issue instructions to the Zones in general and Central Railway in particular to allow re-test of the Loco pilots (Pass)who failed in Aptitude Test sincethe introduction of new provisions as per instructions dated 0310712015. DA/AS above
Yours faithfu!1
.Tb- U l
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah)-./ General Secretary 9/ Copy to the Member Stafi Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryactionplease. Copy to the Member actionplease. !ra!!c, Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necess-ary Copy to the Member @olling Stgck),Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryaction please. Copy to the Member (Traction) Railway Board, New Delhi for information and necessaryaction please. Copy to the Director (Personnel),Railway Board, New Delhi for information and n"r"rrury action piease. le1eral Copy to the Advisor (S:Fty), Ra1lwayBoard, New Delhi for information and necessaryactionplease. Copy to the Executive Director (IR), Railway Board, New Delhi for information and nec".saryiction please. to the General Secretariesof Zonal Unlons of NFIR. t-.lhpy Media Centre/]rlFlR.
Phone:011-23343305,65027299, Rly.030-22283,22626, Fax:011-23744013,Rty.21312,Tetegram : RATLMAZDOR E-mail:
[email protected];
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srfua 3il'frnEr qmiqq AkhilAgrawal
rGeneral Manager
q:qta, E?.,qRffieffii-fi', g{g - 400os1. CENTRAI. RAIL$dAY SHIVAJI TERMINUS, OHHATRAPATI MUMBAI- 400 001.
Date : 07 -11-2A18
: Member(Staff;, Railway.Board, NewDelhi.
. $ub ; Psychob$i*iltestfor inductionas motorman'
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There lrqg been a' sharp increase.'in .LPs{Passenger}faillng in the PsychologicaltegJ for induction as has happened presumably beilauseof s recentchange:inthe qualificationc*leria wherein it,is Srescribed pdss everysqb'-setof the Psycholggicaltest as well as that ttie ciindidates::must
passing'in itsentire$.
This provisionhas led to ? stuationwheg ltearly70 - 8A%of LPslare Thi$utilllead to a situatignaf for'motormara failingin the'Psyqhologicaltest of motoimanin future. , shor:tage Board is iequestedto,re.csnsidefthe recent charrgesto preventa likely crisis in lillihg up.posts.of is {el! that inductionof rnsderl roliing sto-sk as well. ?s universal installation aT AWS pravidss qdequate safe$ in opeFqtionsoJsuburbanservices.(qMY): :l{ iq also requestedthat a'retest be'pennittedi,,:€19 ? onetimqmea$ure,for the new provisipnshave those motormen,who have been disqualified'gince comeintoforce.
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1'ld'unb {AkhilA{fawal}
pax{d} +"91:2?€?62.455.5qmai!:
[email protected]"sov.ln n: (E $40S$ ,ff{9} +91.22;226?"1238,