SABADO 16 DE DICIEMBRE El sábado 16 a las 11:00 todas las secciones deben de estar en el recinto de las fiestas de los molinos Marfagones (junto a el salón de celebraciones el jardín de los molinos) donde se celebrará nuestro festival de Navidad. Deben de llevar: almuerzo, comida, cantimplora y la ropa de vestuario para la actuación. El festival comenzara a las 16:30, se ruega puntualidad. La hora de convocatoria para padres, familiares y amigos será 16:30 para dar comienzo al festival. Por lo que de 11:00 a 16:30 los castores estarán bajo la responsabilidad de sus monitores y a partir de la llegada de los padres y del comienzo del festival estarán bajo la responsabilidad de sus padres/tutores. También tendremos a vuestra disposición una cantina dirigida por nuestro comité de padres.
Keeo 622707395
Burbuja 659266868
Tic-Tac 672123232
Arco Iris 630767086
Kibu 694492444
D/Dña.___________________________________________con DNI _____________________ y teléfono ____________________________ padre/madre/tutor legal del Castor ____________________________________ lo autorizó a asistir a la actividad del día 16 de diciembre. Firmado:
Miembro de Exploradores de Murcia – SCOUTS DE ESPAÑA
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Padre/madre/tutor/a. Page 1 of 1. autorizacion white.pdf. autorizacion white.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying autorizacion white.pdf.
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MORROâ âDOâ âCANÃRIO â(DOC, 8', ES) de Diego Locatelli. Page 3 of 8. Main menu. Displaying 24º Festival de Cinema de Vitória.docx.pdf. Page 1 of 8.
entrega. La cuantÃa de los premios estará sujeta a la correspondiente retención fiscal. Page 3 of 5. BASES 12º FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOMETRAJES ATENE@S - FESCORA 2017.pdf. BASES 12º FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CORTOMETRAJES ATENE@S - FESCOR
There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Manual Festival ...
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I. O Festival de talentos será no dia 19 de outubro (quinta-feira) no Teatro Municipal Dr. Altino Afonso Costa com. inÃcio à s19:30h. Art. 4o â DAS CONDIÃÃES DE PARTICIPAÃÃO. I â As apresentações podem ser individuais ou grupais. II â A
o To celebrate twenty years of transformative feminist struggles for women's rights, .... Women's/feminist organisations and networks in Tanzania and Ghana, for ...
witnessed the eerie milky green glow of the water, had read numerous reports in the media about such events, and had been frustrated by the apparent lack of solutions .... chance to talk to Transportation Minister Ron. MacKinley about the Oyster Bed
Loading⦠Whoops! There was a problem loading more pages. Whoops! There was a problem previewing this document. Retrying... Download. Connect more apps... Try one of the apps below to open or edit this item. Festival accordeon.pdf. Festival accordeo
Gender Festival we will encourage participants to reflect on 'where we have come ... Right from the beginning, the members recognised the need to challenge both .... celebrate twenty years of activism with song, poetry, dance and story-telling.
Apr 10, 2014 - I can't wait for her to bring this intellectual energy to the organization!â ... exploring urban topics including immigration, green development, and ...
Festival Project Description.pdf. Festival Project Description.pdf. Open. Extract. Open with. Sign In. Main menu. Displaying Festival Project Description.pdf.
11:00-4:00 Dinner â Menu includes your choice of turkey or roast beef, plus sides of noodles, stuffing, gravy, corn, ... Music by Joe Pascuzzo. 7:45-9:45 p.m..
QUERÃTARO. 1er. Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra Gorda. Sótano de las Golondrinas. FotografÃa: Gustavo Vela. P R O G R A M A.
Oct 24, 2015 - Contest info, aerial photo/map, and flyer at Judged-contests: 4 Way Insurance Costume Contest - 5:45 p.m.. Lion's Club All Things Pumpkin Bake-off Contest - 6:30 p.m.. Belz Enterprises Pumpkin Pie Eating Conte
... money order or credit card. . There is a $35.00 âcheck feeâ for any returned checks. Items that are. returned may have an additional $35 processing fee applied ...
theme, with a number of events promoting. a sideways ... God's Bridge. The resulting ... Visit for daily updates. Louise Plant is ...
Apr 10, 2014 - For the intellectually curious, CHF's vibrant year-round programming and robust Fall. Festival offer the opportunity to engage with some of the world's most brilliant minds. Collaborating with leading arts, cultural, and educational or
Feb 18, 2014 - boosters for your unconditional support! Concert Etiquette. Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to ... Skylar Orlando. Gavin Parker. Jenae Poole. Savana Raines. Meghan Scott. Grace Stickler. Ava Waldeck. Callie Wallis. Isabella Wallis.
release date of the Film Guide, and have created new tools that we believe will improve your ability to ... Festival CatalogâAs the official record of the 2015 Sundance Film Festival, our formal Catalog will be distributed ...... Australian desert,