December 2015

Baltimore Cursillo Newsletter

Newsletter Contents Spiritual Advisor 2 Cursillo Christmas Open House 2 Lay Director Message 3 Spiritual Advisor Message 3 Precursillo 4 Give the Gift of Faith 4 4th Day 5 Treasurer 6 Cursillo Day of Reflection 6 Cursillo Day at the National Shrine of St. John Paul II 7 Epiphany Party 8 PURSE and BAG BINGO Help Needed! 8 Cursillo Annual Picnic and Pool Party 9 Palanca Mass 9 Cursillo Day at the Grotto 9 CURSILLO REGION II Encounter 9 Time in Adoration 10 What is God Teaching Us? 10 2016 Calendar of Events - MARK YOUR CALENDARS 11 Upcoming Cursillo Weekends! 12 PURSE and BAG BINGO 13 Secretariat Members Nov. 2015 14


Spiritual Advisor

Father Larry

s we reflect on the mystery of Christmas, How can we appreciate the awesomeness of the mystery of the Incarnation? Cardinal Basil Hume writes in his book, The Mystery of the Incarnation (p. 60) “In Western society belief in God has been massively undermined for nearly two centuries. There has not been a formal assault, but a general acceptance throughout society that unbelief is the necessary consequence of the development of science and a rational approach to the great questions of life.” When cavemen saw the lighting and wondered how a tree could be split in two by a streak of light, they did not understand and called it God. When the Egyptians wondered why the Nile overflowed its banks every year to provide fertile soil in a desert environment, they called it god. When ancient astronomers looked at the sky and saw the rotation of the sun and the planets and the stars and wondered about its movements, they called it god. When 21st century Americans wonder how information can flow almost instantaneously from one computer to the next, they call it technology. That is if they even wonder at all. We are some bombarded by amazing thing unknown to our ancestors, cell phones, microwaves, open heart surgery, that we suffer from technology overload. We have lost our sense of awe and wonder. We have lost our need to use God as an explanation for the mysteries of life. Cardinal Hume quotes a Greek theologian who wrote (p. 66) “We see that it is not the task of Christianity to provide easy answers to every question, but to make us progressively aware of mystery. God is not so much the object of our knowledge as the cause of our wonder.” The truly amazing thing is that God became man. Why would an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, perfectly complete Being Itself who has no need of anything or anybody chose to first of all create man in His own image, male and female he created them, but then to actually become one of His own creatures. The answer is in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.”

Cursillo Christmas Open House Come celebrate the Advent season at Dave & Sue Luddy’s home on December 13th, from 1-5 PM. Their address is 473 Brightwood Rd, Millersville, MD.  Please bring a dish to share at this pot-luck event! Your whole family is welcome. Call or email Dave at 410-987-6562 or [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to rsvp.


Lay Director Message

s we look back over our Cursillo efforts during the past year, there are many things that we can rejoice in. The leaders started the year with an inspiring retreat at St. Anthony’s Shrine in Ellicott City. Then, we met with the Director of Evangelization to talk about how Cursillo supports the Evangelization efforts within the Archdiocese. Our School of Leaders flourished with improved attendance and wonderful doctrinal and techniques topics. While we had to close our Towson Ultreya due to limited participation, attendance at the Ultreya at the Church of the Crucifixion grew significantly and we were blessed to have inspiring witness talks by Cursillistas from many of our Friendship Groups. And, we had lots of 4th day events to include Palanca masses, a summer picnic, our new bi-weekly adoration hours at St. Mary’s, and strong attendance at this year’s National Encounter at Villanova. While these wonderful community activities help to nourish and inspire us, they are secondary to our main

Dave Luddy goal of living our 4th day in service to our Lord. So, now is a good time for each of us to ask ourselves some challenging questions. Am I continuing to nourish my relationship with God through acts of Piety and continued Study of our Catholic faith? Am I striving to “be truly Christian” in every aspect my life? Am I bold enough to “witness” to my friends, neighbors, and fellow workers about how God is working in my life and how I find peace when I open myself to his guidance? Am I “giving back” to the Cursillo community that helped me grow in faith? Let’s not forget that “God is counting on us” to fulfill our part of His great plan. Looking ahead to the new year, there are some exciting things in the works. First, you and your family are all invited to our house for a Cursillo Christmas Open House on Dec 13th. Then, on January 16th, all Cursillistas are all invited to join us for a day of reflection at St. Anthony’s in Ellicott City. In addition to the talks and time for reflection, mass, and reconciliation, we’ll discuss our Cursillo goals for 2016. Please come and join us. Details on both of these events are inside this newsletter along with information about many other 4th day activities. And, as many of you have heard, we are working hard on plans for Men’s and Women’s weekends in July 2016. There are many ways that you can help to insure the success of these weekends. Please see the thoughtful and challenging Pre-Cursillo article by Paul Gonzalez. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. De Colores

Spiritual ADVISOR message Deacon Monti Montalto.


A Call to Prayer and Action

have been prayerfully thinking about the upcoming Weekends and the need for a Cursillo Revival in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. At my age and the current turmoil in my life, I should be spending all my time elsewhere, but the Cursillo method and the effect it had on me and in my personal relationship with the Lord, my family, my work and my diaconate has to be shared with as many active Catholics within our Church that each of us can reach. I say “within our Church” because I believe that the key to our success is going to come from “active Catholics” who seem to be going through the motions of our Faith, but are not “on fire” with the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. I don’t know how to put it in any other way, so please allow me a few lines to explain what I mean and let the Holy Spirit take it from there in your hearts.

I am a “people watcher” and always have been. I now sit in the back of the Church and watch people come “into the presence of the Lord” like they are looking for a good seat at a concert or the movies, rather than coming into the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. Too many people very capable of dipping their finger into the holy water to remind them of their Baptism and making the sign of cross to remember the price Jesus paid for each of us are more reverent getting a beer out of the refrigerator. So few people who are capable of genuflecting do so even though I recall a Protestant minister once saying that if he believed that Jesus was really present in the Eucharist, he would crawl down the aisle to receive Him. I hope  you get my points. I am trying to get permission to give a talk on Cursillo to the Catholic Business Network in Baltimore County because they are Church goers and in a position to influence a lot of people in their work environments and professions. They hear great talks from people who live their faith, but I don’t think they make the connection on how they can fully live a life of Grace in their work and professions. I hope you understand what I am saying because I am not being critical or judgmental – far from it – these are good people but not on fire. So what I am suggesting is looking around your parish or Catholic organizations for “active and practicing” Catholics who are potential “shakers and movers” that the Lord needs to “work in the fields where we stand”. Maybe it’s time to start our own groups and Ultreyas where we stand.  I remain with you in His Service.



rothers and Sisters in Christ,

Paul Gonzalez

The Cursillo Movement has been granted many charisms, and along with them, many responsibilities, including the power to evangelize.

Over the past several years, due to the lack of candidates, we have not had many Cursillo weekends.  We have set weekend dates, trained teams, prayed, but eventually cancelled them due to a lack of interest.  This, begs the following questions: If we live our Cursillo method and, therefore, live a fundamental Christian life, how is it that more weekends have not taken place?  If we love our families and our neighbor as Christ loves us, why aren’t we enabling their salvation by bringing them closer to a “fundamental Christian” life?  Shouldn’t this be a priority? We are a community of hundreds of Cursillistas, some active and some not.  For many, even though active in parishes and other environments, evangelization has become the weakest leg of the tripod with Piety and Study taking priority.  Unfortunately, because we have not balanced the stool with evangelization, the Movement has been weakened. Like any Christian community, it is our duty--our responsibility--to bring each other to heaven.  Most Cursillistas, whether active or not, recognize that to this day, we have not come across a better way to do so other than Cursillo.  Implemented properly, it is so successful that other programs have modeled Cursillo; they too have realized that its method brings everyone it touches to live a fundamental Christian life. We, however, have neglected an important leg of the tripod. If you are reading this note, you are probably “part of the choir” and my words may sound redundant. Regardless, I would like to pose a challenge to you and anyone who has ever lived a Cursillo Weekend:  Study your environment and find ONE candidate to attend the scheduled 2016 weekends.  Yes, just one!  “Make a friend, be a friend, and bring a friend to Christ”.  If each parish does this, we could have 153 candidates at our next weekends!  Can you imagine? We promised Jesus that He could “count on us” in bringing other laborers to the field, let’s keep that promise!


ive a Gift of Faith This Christmas!

Not sure what to give that family member or friend for Christmas this year? How about a subscription to the Lighthouse Catholic Media CD or MP3 of the Month Club? The recipient will receive a dynamic new-release talk from one of our nation’s leading Catholic speakers to either their mailbox or their inbox at the beginning of each month. As an added bonus, a portion of the subscription cost will be donated back to our Cursillo movement. Your gift of faith will help the Baltimore Cursillo movement raise money all at the same time.

Go to and use promo number 103514.

4th Day


Andy Roe

trust everyone is having a blessed holiday season so far! I also hope everyone is as excited as I am about the upcoming weekends! Finally we can get those applications filled out and sent to Paul Gonzalez our new PreCursillo Coordinator! Applications and more sponsor information can be downloaded at

Have someone in mind for a weekend? Now is the time to get them to commit to attending the weekend. If you haven’t sponsored anyone in a while it would also be a good time to refresh your memory on what sponsorship means to the Cursillista. Look no further as here is what it means to be a sponsor!

BEFORE CURSILLO Candidates’ selection for the Cursillo Weekend is very important and necessary, and so is candidate preparation. The Leaders’ Manual states there is no better preparation and attraction for the candidates than a personal and authentic witness of our Fourth Day, “See how they love one another.” Such preparation should be done by means of a sincere friendship established through personal contact. Therefore, sponsors, preferably the whole Friendship Group, rather than individuals, are encouraged to provide their candidates with the necessary information about the Purpose of our Cursillo Movement. Give the candidate a general idea of what Cursillo is about and what will be expected of a new Cursillista after the weekend regarding his/her environments, i.e. EXPLAIN THE FOURTH DAY. 1. Have your candidate read the booklet, "Cursillo…What is it?" (found on the internet at Have your candidate group and attend an Ultreya with you at least twice prior to the weekend. 2. After your candidate has returned his/her application to you, check it over to make sure your candidate is eligible to make a Cursillo. 3. Notify Paul as soon as possible if your candidate is unable to attend the weekend and would like to be considered for the next one. [email protected] 4. Write your candidate a personal palanca letter and also obtain palanca from other Cursillistas and family. Flowers and gifts are discouraged. Palanca is prayer and sacrifice, not gifts. 5. See that your candidate has transportation to and from the Cursillo.

DURING CURSILLO 1. Palanca must be received Thursday evening for the Shepherds to sort and prepare. 2. Make yourself available to the candidate's family should the need arise while he/she is attending the Cursillo. 3. Pray and do palanca for your candidate before, during and after his/her weekend. Also pray for the other candidates. It is not mandatory, but highly encouraged to attend the Friday night Prayer Vigil. 4. Must attend the Sunday closing and invite as many others as possible from the candidate's family and parish to attend also. 4th Day support is imperative.

AFTER CURSILLO 1. Keep in close contact with your candidate after the Cursillo. Show as much interest and concern for him/her as you did before the Cursillo. Support and follow through with your candidate for at least six months following his/her weekend. Encourage your candidate to persevere in their environments. 2. See that your candidate acquires the experience of sharing in Group Reunion and Ultreyas. A list of Ultreyas is included in the candidate's 4th Day Packet.

REMEMBER: When you sponsor someone, you have made a commitment to follow through on the responsibilities

asked of a sponsor. Don't be a sponsor just so someone can make a Cursillo. Be a sponsor so you can change someone’s life forever! If any of the above is unclear we will be holding a Sponsor Workshop on April 2, 2016 after the Palanca Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Glen Burnie. Details in this newsletter.

We are planning a Cursillista field trip to the St. JP II Shrine in Washington DC on the 5th Saturday of Lent which is March 12th. Please mark your calendars! The Saint John Paul II National Shrine recently underwent a major renovation, which included the construction of the new Redeemer of Man Church and a reliquary chapel. The new Redemptor Hominis Chapel at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine inspires awe with biblical scenes depicted in mosaics pieced together to create a masterpiece. The new altar in the reliquary chapel is the work of noted Italian sculptor Edoardo Ferrari and features sculptures of the apostles. Together, the altars contain first-class relics of 11 saints connected to St. John Paul II or to the evangelization of the North American continent. The walls of both sanctuaries are decorated with mosaics by Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik. Designated as a national shrine by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2014, the shrine is primarily a place of prayer and pilgrimage. Its permanent exhibit, A Gift of Love: The Life of Saint John Paul II, allows visitors to walk in the footsteps of John Paul II by exploring the major events of his life and themes of his papacy.


Joyce Dutilly

Remember the beauty of your Cursillo Weekend and the benefits and love you received? Please consider giving the gift of a Cursillo weekend this Christmas. The Baltimore Cursillo Movement is having a pair of weekends this summer in July (see page 12)! To keep the cost to candidates down the retreat is going to be partially subsidized so we are in need of contributions to do this. Any amount would be greatly appreciated! Please mail donations to Joyce Dutilly, 8676 Mission Road, Jessup, MD 20794.

CURSILLO DAY OF REFLECTION WHEN: Saturday, January 16, 2016, 9 AM – 3 PM WHERE: Shrine of St. Anthony, 12300 Folly Quarter Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21042 COST: $35 (includes lunch!) TOPIC: “Being a Witness for Christ”


ll Cursillistas are invited to share in a day of reflection and spiritual renewal. The day will begin with 9 AM arrival at the Shrine for coffee and breakfast refreshments, followed by a presentation on “Being a Witness for Christ,” noon Mass, lunch and a short afternoon talk, with time for reflection and Reconciliation. The Shrine

is on beautiful grounds, and is home to Conventual Franciscan friars. Checks for $35 made out to “Shrine of St. Anthony” mailed to Tina Delaney, 3606 9th Ave., Edgewater, MD 21037 by January 6th will reserve your spot! Please contact Tina for more information at [email protected].

CURSILLO DAY AT THE NATIONAL SHRINE OF ST. JOHN PAUL II When: Saturday, March 12, 2016 (5th Saturday of Lent) Meet at 10 am in the Main Entrance Lobby. Where:

3900 Harewood Road NE, Washington, DC 20017

Why: Dedicated a National Shrine March 14th, 2014 the main floor has recently been converted into 500 seat Church called The Redeemer of Man and the lower level a permanent exhibit on the pope’s life and teaching.

Tentative Schedule

10 am – Meet & greet Cursillistas from our Movement (Main Lobby) 10:30 am – Tour the Shrine 11:40 am – Rosary 12 Noon – Holy Mass (preceded by the Angelus) 12:30 – Lunch @ Busboys & Poets (about a 15 min walk past the Basilica) 1:30 – Return to Shrine or visit Basilica (if you’ve never been you should) Cost: Gas money to get there (carpooling will cut this expense). Donation to the Shrine (optional). Lunch ($20 or less). Call/email Andy Roe to let him know you’re coming so we’ll know when everyone has arrived (240-444-3973/ [email protected]). Directions from Baltimore (or use GPS) Take I-95 S to Exit 27 W & merge onto I-495 W toward Silver Spring. Take exit 28B to merge onto MD-650 S/New Hampshire Ave toward Takoma Park. Go 6.2 miles & turn left onto Blair Rd NE (for .2 mi) then turns into Rock Creek Church Rd NE (.1 mi) and then into Fort Totten Dr NE (.7 mi). Turn slight right onto 2nd St. NE (.3 mi). Turn left on Taylor St NE (167 ft.) then slight right onto Harewood Rd NE. Shrine will be on your right. Directions from Annapolis (or use GPS) Take US-50 W for 23.8 miles. Turn slight right toward Montana Ave NE (.7 mi). Continue onto 14th St. NE (440 ft.) then turn left onto Franklin St. NE (.8 mi). Turn right onto 4th St. NE (.3 mi) and then slight left onto Harewood Rd NE. Shrine will be on your left.

EPIPHANY PARTY On Friday, January 8th, there will be a special Ultreya at Church of the Crucifixion. This will be followed once again by an Epiphany Party. Everything begins at 7:30 p.m. in the basement hall of the Church. Please bring snack food to share. Drinks will be provided. We also ask that you bring clothing for the homeless such as hats, gloves, thermal underwear, socks and/or non-perishable foods. We will give these items to the homeless through “Winter Relief ”. Also, bring your guitar and your voices as we plan to sing – sing –sing. All are invited.

PURSE and BAG BINGO It’s time to play BINGO to help the Cursillo Movement of Baltimore!

Saturday, February 27th St. Philip Neri Parish Hall 6:00 p.m. – Doors Open 7:00 p.m. – Games Begin


Sponsor a Basket – a monetary donation! Fill a Basket with items! Ask local businesses for Door Prizes Buy a ticket! Cost is $20 in advance, $25 at the door Help with Set-up (4 PM) and Clean-up for the event! Call Sue for more details at 410-850-5680 or email at [email protected] Checks can be made payable to “Cursillo Movement of Baltimore”.




eacon Monti was in the process of selling his home which is where we usually have our annual summer blowout so we had to find another venue. Fortunately for us Dave Luddy our illustrious leader has a pool in his backyard and he offered to host the shindig! About 20 Cursillistas gathered to enjoy a spectacular warm summer day back on August 8th. Andy (4th Day chair extraordinaire) cooked up a storm with 2 grills going at the same time! There were loads of hamburgers, hotdogs, brats & chicken breasts in addition to all the great food brought by the guests. No one left hungry that's for sure. Dave's pool was the perfect temperature and several people jumped in to played pool volleyball (sort of) to work off all that food! We also played a little corn hole and threw around the Frisbee in Dave's large backyard. An excellent time was had by all. Can't wait till next year!

PALANCA MASS We held our Palanca Mass on Saturday, October 24th at Holy Trinity Church in Glen Burnie starting with the 8:30 AM Mass. Deacon Mark Loepker did the homily, with a touch of Cursillo!!!  Thank You Mark. We had about 20 Cursillistas in attendance. After Mass we went into the hall to continue our fellowship. Deacon Mondi gave the blessing for our pot-luck meal. We had a feast of good food and good fellowship!! Sue started strumming her guitar to our Cursillo song – DeColores and everyone sang along!  We shared ideas of our future weekends, day retreat (day of reflection) with the whole Cursillo Community and our upcoming activities. We discussed the importance of Palanca with our world Cursillo and our Baltimore Diocese.  There will be another Palanca Mass on April 2, 2016, held at the same location. This Palanca Mass and gathering will focus on helping us to be better sponsors. We closed around 11:30 AM with a beautiful blessing and our hearts

ready to serve.

Thank You Bernadine Smith, Julie Ruf and Darlene Conley for organizing the setting up and cleaning up.  Thanks everyone for coming.

CURSILLO DAY AT THE GROTTO Our day at the Grotto was cancelled due to the impending bad weather of Hurricane Joachim. After looking at the schedule for the month of October we noticed that we were booked solid! Sorry about this last minute cancellation but we plan on keeping this event on our calendar for next year!



ave Luddy and Sue Wenzlick traveled to Vineland, NJ to participate in the Fall Region 2 Encounter. This was another chance for Cursillistas throughout our region to get together in faith! Jackie DeMesme Gray was honored for her leadership as the Region 2 English Coordinator for the past three years. Phil Rodney was voted in as the new Region 2 English Coordinator for the next three years. Besides celebrating Mass, the Rosary, Benediction, and fellowship this weekend always provides us with insightful information from National. Another big plus is that we learn from other diocese what is working and what is NOT working in their communities. We look forward to the Spring Region 2 Encounter scheduled for April 15-17, 2016.

Articles by Cursillistas TIME IN ADORATION


am so grateful to Vicky for arranging a time for us to spend in Eucharist Adoration  to pray for the Cursillo movement.  Late Friday night (actually Saturday morning), after attending the beautiful Ultreya at the Church of the Crucifixion, I traveled to Annapolis for my first visit to St. Mary's Catholic Church.  It was an easy drive and I didn't have much trouble finding the Church parking lot even in the dark.  After parking, I walked to the garden area just outside the chapel to await our 1 am time slot.  Even in the dark, the garden area is so beautiful.  I walked around a bit and then sat on one of the benches to soak in the beauty.  Can't wait to see these gardens sometime in the daytime! Getting into the chapel was very easy using Vicky's instructions. When I entered, I was overwhelmed.  The chapel is just incredibly beautiful and holy.  I immediately felt the presence of the Lord.  After being greeted by the person before me, and signing in (using a new page since this marked the start of a new day and no one signed in for the 12 am slot), I knelt down in front of the monstrance. It is so beautiful and was literally glowing in the light.  It was hard to

Dave Luddy

look away from it due to the beauty and the knowledge that Jesus was present right there in front of me.  I brought reading materials with me.  But, I spend most of my time talking  to Jesus and Mary and asking for their support and guidance for our leaders, our fellow Cursillistas, for the movement and the challenges that we face in sharing God's love with others.  After a bit, I took some time to look around the chapel at the other religious items there.  The crucifix on the left hand wall is so lifelike and Jesus' eyes seem so real and alive.  My closest moment was looking into his eyes. The hour went fast and the next person came to relive me right on time.  The drive home was so much fun since I have so many pleasant thoughts running through my mind. I hope that you will all take advantage of this opportunity.  Adoration is a wonderful experience anytime.  But, there is something truly moving about doing it in the middle of the night.  I plan to sign up again. Thanks for listening.



ummer has given way to late autumn, as I write. Most of the bright red and golden leaves have made their way to the ground. Trees which once stood garbed in budding greens and flowering colors in the warmth of spring and heat of summer now begin to show the sturdy branches which supported these marvels. The apron of crisp brown leaves below crunch under the weight of my car. I turn down a neighborhood lane and reach the 2-lane access road toward the city. Every now and then, I see a tree whose branches had evidently grown too close to power lines. The left side of the top is gone, but the remaining branches continue to thrive on the right, leaving a lopsided look. I wonder: If the tree had feelings, was it painful to have so many limbs severed? Did it feel embarrassment or shame in front of other trees and plants? Feel naked? Did its surrounding fellow trees bear any kind of sympathy? Or, ridicule? If so, one would not guess. For, this tree, whose perfect roundness was taken

Christina Delaney

away, thrives and pushes on to grow bountifully on one side, lopsided though it be, allowing the power lines to take the place of the other. It grows in circumstances beyond its control. I can’t help but think of God teaching us. How many times have we felt cut back from our agenda, in order for someone else’s to take place? How do we respond? Do we shut down completely, in essence, die to enthusiasm? Feel vulnerable, naked, angry, or shamed? Or, like this majestic tree, do we continue to blossom with what we have remaining? God has given us the tools to push forward and thrive: Piety, Study and Action. If we accept the challenge of perseverance, we will continue to grow, and hope that others will see the beauty of Christ blossom within us. He is our sturdy foundation. He is the vine, we are the branches. Remain in Him. Read John 15: 1-17.


OPEN TOALL CURSILLISTAS! 12-13-15 – CURSILLO CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE – Celebrate the Advent season at Dave & Sue Luddy’s home from 1-5 PM in Millersville, MD. Please bring a dish to this pot-luck event! 1-08-16 – EPIPHANY PARTY – Celebrate the Epiphany at the Church of the Crucifixion Ultreya on Friday, January 8th at 7:30 PM. Bring a goody to share with the community. Plus don’t forget to bring your singing voices! 1-16-16 – CURSIILO DAY OF REFLECTION – Come join us at the Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City from 9 AM to 3 PM. The topic is “Being a Witness for Christ”. 2-27-16 – CURSILLO BAG BINGO FUNDRAISER – Please join us for a night of fun yelling BINGO at St. Philip Neri Church in Linthicum! Proceeds help pay for National Dues, Regional Dues and defray the cost of the weekends. 3-12-16 – VISIT TO THE JOHN PAUL II SHRINE – Enjoy a tour of this facility in Washington, DC and take in the beauty of this site. Take in the love of Christ in this shrine. 3-27-16 – EASTER SUNDAY - Celebrate! The Lord has Risen! 4-02-16 – SPRING PALANCA MASS – Starts with 8:30 AM Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Glen Burnie. We will be discussing the summer weekends and discuss sponsorship to your candidate. 4-15-16 – REGION 2 SPRING ENCOUNTER – Come and celebrate the spirit that is alive and well in Region 2 in Vineland, NJ! Learn helpful hints how other Dioceses are doing in their Cursillo journey. 7-14-16 – WOMEN’S WEEKEND – The start of the 3-day weekend for the Women at the Oblates Sisters of Providence in Catonsville, MD. 7-17-16 – CLOSURA FOR THE WOMEN’S WEEKEND – Please join us as we welcome the new “babe chicks” into our Baltimore Cursillo Community. Meeting at 4:45 PM at the Oblate Sisters of Providence in Catonsville, MD. 7-28-16 – MEN’S WEEKEND – The start of the 3-day weekend for the Men at the O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD. 7-31-16 – CLOSURA FOR THE MEN’S WEEKEND – Please join us as we welcome the new Cursillistas into our Baltimore Cursillo Community. Meeting at 4:45 PM at the O’Dwyer Retreat House in Sparks, MD. 8-4-16 – CURSILLO NATIONAL ENCOUNTER - Cursillistas throughout the nation will participate with enthusiasm in this event at Lewis University near Chicago. TBD – CURSILLO PICNIC SOCIAL – Time for Fun & Fellowship! Come splash in the pool, play a game of corn hole, and enjoy the wonderful food in this festive setting at Dave & Sue Luddy’s home in Millersville, MD. TBD – GRAND ULTREYA – Welcome all Cursillistas – old & new – to celebrate the spirit of Cursillo. Location and time is TBD. TBD – FALL PALANCA MASS - Starts with 8:30 AM Mass at Holy Trinity Church in Glen Burnie. The Secretariat will be hosting another Cursillo teaching session! TBD – CURSILLO DAY AT THE GROTTO – Join us as we travel to Emmitsburg to visit the Grotto which features one of the oldest American replicas of the Lourdes shrine in France. 10-21-16 – REGION 2 FALL ENCOUNTER – Another chance to talk with Cursillistas throughout our Region about their strengths and struggles within their movement. This weekend will also include a recap of the National Encounter.

The Cursillo Movement of the Archdiocese of BaltimoreAnnounces

Upcoming Cursillo Weekends!

Women’s Weekend: Men’s Weekend:


July 14 – 17, 2016 @ Oblate Sisters of Providence July 28 – 31, 2016 @ the O’Dwyer Retreat House

The Oblates Retreat Center is located at 701 Gun Road, Baltimore, MD 21227 Monsignor O’Dwyer Retreat House is at 15523 York Road, Sparks, MD 21152


Oblates – 410-242-8500 O’Dwyer - 410-666-2400 Cost: $175

How You Can Help:

Sponsors please let your potential candidates know about the upcoming weekends and provide them the updated Cursillo Letter of Interest (available at our website We are also looking for Cursillistas interested in serving as Team members and are arranging special School of Leaders sessions early next year to support them. If you are interested in serving on either the Men’s or Women’s teams please email Vicky Mundt at [email protected]. Oblates


“Following the example of your founders, you too want to proclaim the Good News of God's love today, drawing close to friends, acquaintances, fellow students ... and you want to work with them so that they too can have a personal experience of the infinite love of Christ that frees and transforms our lives. When it is necessary, you go out, toward others, never tiring, in order to meet even those who have been distanced!” Pope Francis

(From his address to 7,000 European Cursillistas in Rome on April 30, 2015)

PURSE and BAG BINGO Sponsored by the Cursillo Movement of Baltimore and the Catholic Daughters Court Mother Seton #2119

Saturday, February 27th, 2016 St. Philip Neri Parish Hall It’s your chance to win Vera Bradley Bags, thirty-one Bags, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and COACH Purses

20 Games of Bingo 2 Raffles, 3 Specials, Door Prizes $20.00 in advance per person $25.00 at the door

Due to seating limitations, no one will be admitted without a ticket!

6:00 p.m. – Doors Open 7:00 p.m. – Games Begin Great tasting food will be available for purchase! To reserve your tickets today: Call/e-mail Sue Wenzlick (410) 850-5680 [email protected] Bingo to be held in the Parish Building of St. Philip Neri 6405 S. Orchard Road, Linthicum MD 21090

COACH ® products bought independently Vera Bradley ® products bought independently Thirty-One ® products Provided by an Independent Thirty-One Consultant

The Cursillo Movement of Baltimore Secretariat Members Nov. 2015 Position



Phone Numbers


Start Date

Spiritual Advisor

Father Larry Adamczyk

224 W. Washington St. Hagerstown, MD 21740

301-739-0390 X116

[email protected]

Jan 2009

Asst. Spiritual Advisor

Deacon Mark Loepker

615 Crawfords Ridge Rd. Odenton, MD 21113

410-305-4577 410-591-3287

Asst. Spiritual Adivsor

Deacon Monti

13804 Cripplegate Rd Phoenix, MD 21131

Lay Director

Dave Luddy

473 Brightwood Rd. Millersvill-e, MD 21113

410-987-6562 410-340-4064

[email protected]

July 2014


Paul Gonzalez

1102 Honeysuckle Lane, Annapolis, MD 21401


[email protected]

Nov 2015


Dennis Roundy

7665 Porcelain Tile Ct. Odenton, MD 21113


[email protected]

Jan 2013

3-Day Committee

Pat Murphy

947 Deerberry Ct. Odenton MD 21113

410-451-9264 410-570-1121

[email protected]

Jan 2007


Andy Roe

203 Birch Ct. Severna Park, MD 21146

410-421-5577 240-444-3973

[email protected]

Oct 2011

4-Day Committee

Tim Gaughran

8613 Otter Creek Rd. Laurel, MD 20724

619-212-1298 601-214-6266

[email protected]

Apr 2012




Darlene Conley

157 Waldo Road Pasadena, MD 21122

410-255-8913 443-676-2958

Palanca (International)

Paul Gonzalez

1102 Honeysuckle Lane Annapolis, MD 21401


School of Leaders

Vicky Mundt

1391 Sunwood Terrace Annapolis, MD 21409

410-571-5558 410-212-8599

[email protected]

SOL Committee

Maureen Tomcala

561 Eason Drive Severn, MD 21144


[email protected]

July 2014


Joyce Dutilly

8676 Mission Rd. Jessup, MD 20794


[email protected]

Jan 2010


Sue Wenzlick

604 Eagles Wing Ct. Linthicum, MD 21090

410-850-5680 443-691-3955

[email protected]

July 2014


Lori Garland

7712 Kidwell Ct. Hanover, MD 21076

301-310-4102 410-846-3451

[email protected]

Jan 2010

National Website – Baltimore Website - Region 2 Website -

[email protected]

May 2013

[email protected]

Can You Help? Pay is Pitiful but the REWARDS are AWESOME!! [email protected]

Jan 2004

[email protected]

Jan 2005

Cursillo Movement of Baltimore’s Prayer request – Rose Marcin - [email protected] Cursillo Movement of Baltimore’s Webmaster – Bob Barrick - [email protected] Ultreyas – Church of the Crucifixion in Glen Burnie (2nd Friday of the Month) CONTACT - Darlene Conley [email protected]

July 2014

Baltimore Cursillo Newsletter

Dec 13, 2015 - 10. What is God Teaching Us? 10. 2016 Calendar of Events - MARK YOUR CALENDARS. 11 .... (found on the internet at

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