Do You Know Exceptional Individuals With Ideas Or Initiatives For Social Change? UnLtd India is looking for applicants from Mumbai for a unique incubation support programme. The programme offers a one year package of: 1. Start up funding on assistance with critical areas like business and financial planning, 2. Hands-on fundraising, legal structures, governance etc 3. Connections to peers, experts and leaders evelop leaders and enable them to start up sustainable, ustainable, highhigh The programme aims to develop impact initiatives and prepare their fledg fledgling ing organisations for further investment. investment See some of our previous investees: Find ind out more about UnLtd India India:
Basic Eligibility Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4.
Applicant must be over the age of 16. Applicant must be a resident in India. Applicant must have the passion and the drive to make a positive change. Applicant must have an idea or an existing project. The project must not be legally registered for more than four years.
Important Points To Note 1. Applicants could be working part time on their idea/project. 2. Applicants need not have registered organizations 3. Interested applicants should reg register ister their details by clicking on the following link LWFQckE6MQ If you know anyone within your network who meets the above criteria, then please connect them to us at
[email protected] [email protected]. Deadline for applications is August 31st, 2010
Alternatively please circulate this information within your network.