
I N THI S I SSUE: Th e Lat e Dou g M cM ar l i n To Be I n du ct ed i n t o t h e M CS Hal l of Fam e........................2

Volume 26 Issue 6 / February 22, 2016

beeinformed about Medina Cit y S chool s

St af f M em ber s Recei ve Oh i o Associ at i on of St u den t Cou n ci l s Aw ar d....................................2 Th r ee M edi n a Hi gh Sch ool St u den t s Recei ve Sch ol ast i c Ar t Aw ar ds....................................2 Hi st or y of M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Book Avai l abl e at Local Ret ai l er s....................................2 A.I . Root M i ddl e Sch ool Ei gh t h Gr ade St u den t W i n s Geogr aph i c Bee...................................3 St ar t W i t h Hel l o Week : Cr eat i n g a Cu l t u r e of I n cl u si on ...................................3

Medina High School At hl et ics Names New HEad Foot bal l Coach

Su m m er Rei n f or cem en t Regi st r at i on f or 2017 I s Un der Way...................................4

state championship in 2001.

M HS Sen i or Ar t w or k Sel ect ed To Be Di spl ayed At St at e Hou se...................................4 Cl agget t M i ddl e Sch ool St u den t s Com pet e I n M ATHCOUNTS Com pet i t i on ...................................5 M edi n a Hi gh Sch ool Ch oi r s Pr epar i n g f or Au di t i on s For 2017-2018 Sch ool Year ...................................5 For t h e Love of Poet r y...................................5 M HS St u den t Cou n ci l St u den t s At t en d Nat i on al Leader sh i p Con f er en ce...................................6 Cl agget t M i ddl e Sch ool Dr am a cl u b Pr esen t s Pet er Pan , Jr ....................................6 Root 's Pow er of t h e Pen Team Com pet es at Un i ver si t y Sch ool Di st r i ct Com pet i t i on .................7 A M om en t W i t h Th e Su per i n t en den t Segm en t s ............................7 Boar d of Edu cat i on M eet i n g Cal en dar ....................................7 Gi r l s Var si t y Bask et bal l Team Pl ays at Th e Q Ar en a...................................7 M CS St u den t s Par t i ci pat e i n e Cou n t y 24 Tou r n am en t ...................................8 Bee En gaged, Bee I n f or m ed, Bee Par t of t h e Con ver sat i on : Nex t Com m u n i t y Ch at i s Sat u r day, Apr i l 8...................................8 St u den t s t o Par t i ci pat e i n Bl ack Hi st or y M on t h Pr ogr am ...................................8 AP Bi ol ogy Vi si t s Oh i o Un i ver si t y Her i t age Col l ege of Ost eopat h i c M edi ci n e..................................9 Cam p I n ven t i on Regi st r at i on .................................9 M edi n a You t h Basebal l Regi st r at i on .................................9 M HS Tech Cl u b Com pet es at Ken t St at e..............10 A.I . Root M i ddl e Sch ool Dr am a Cl u b Pr esen t s Th e Sn ow W h i t e Var i et y Sh ow.................................10 Com m u n i t y Pan cak e Br eak f ast Su ppor t s M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Fou n dat i on .................................10 Fol l ow Us.................................11 M CS' Com m u n i t y Even t Hi gh l i gh t s: M ar k You r Cal en dar s.................................11 On l i n e Ti ck et Sal es Avai l abl e Th r ou gh Ti ck et Roar ..........................................11 M CRC W i n t er Pr ogr am Br och u r e.................................12 M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Goes M obi l e....................12 Ki n der gar t en Regi st r at i on I s Un der w ay f or 2017-2018 Sch ool Year ................................12 M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Fou n dat i on M i ssi on ..........13 Sch ol ar sh i p Oppor t u n i t i es f or Sen i or s..............13 Joyce B. Ebn er Tu t or i n g Cen t er I s Look i n g For You ........................................13 Becom e A M em ber of t h e M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Fou n dat i on ................................13 Th e Har l em W i zar ds M ak e A Ret u r n Appear an ce................................14 Save t h e Dat e f or t h e M edi n a Ci t y Sch ool s Ru n .4.Fu n ...............................14

During the Tuesday, February 21 regular meeting of the Board of Education, the Board agreed to accept the recommendation of Medina High School Athletic Director Todd Hodkey, to make Larry Laird the next head football coach of the Medina Battling Bees. Laird, was previously the head coach of the Strongsville Mustangs. Prior to going to Strongsville, he was the assistant coach for the Avon Lake Shoremen from 2002-2010 under Dave Dlugosz and was the offensive coordinator when Avon Lake won the 2003 Division II state title and was runner-up the following year. The team earned 11 playoff berths during his time as an assistant. Laird also spent three years as an assistant coach from 2000-2002 for Kenton High School winning the

This is not Laird?s first time as a Bee. He was the head coach in 2010, leading the Bees to a 9-3 record and their first playoff victory when they defeated Canton McKinley. In the 2011-2012 season, he returned to Avon Lake as an assistant coach as a result of staffing cuts in Medina in 2010. 2013 saw Laird step up as head coach leading the Avon Lake

Shoremen once again to the playoffs. In 2014, he went to Strongsville as head coach of the Mustangs. The announcement of the recommendation will bring Laird back to the home of the Battling Bees. ?Larry is coming back to Medina after being gone since 2010, and we are excited that he has the opportunity to r eturn.?

beeinf or m ed Thr eeMedina High School St udent s Receiv eSchol ast ic Ar t Awar ds

TheLat eDoug McMar l in t o Be Induct ed int o MCSHal l of Fame Th e M edin a Cit y Sch ools Hall of Fam e Com m it t ee r ecen t ly select ed t h e lat e Dou g M cM ar lin t o be in du ct ed in t o t h e Hall of Fam e Class of 2016 in t h e cat egor y of Academ ic/ Car eer / Lif e Accom plish m en t s. M cM ar lin w ill join t h e ot h er in du ct ees bein g h on or ed: Geor ge (Hu b) an d M ar y M ar g M ar qu is, M ich elle Pow ell, Bar b Neal Roose, Em ilie Rym er Lu m pk in , an d Car ol An dr egg in t h e Class of 2016 an d M ik e Cavey, Dr . M ar gar et Cu m m in s, Hom er Davis, Joh n Kelly, an d Ton y St ock m an in t h e Class of 2015.

Three Medina High School art students have received Scholastic Art Awards. Junior Tyler Glassnapp received three Gold Key Awards for his pieces entitled Empty Humanity, Always Looking Up, and Metallic Dreams and one Honorable Mention, Vanishing Light. Senior Katie Semus received one Silver Key Award for her piece, Emerging Sister. Junior Kaely Korkan received an Honorable Mention for her piece, Bike. The Gold Key artwork of Tyler Glassnapp will advance to the final national competition. The Scholastic Art Competition is a national art competition recognizing superior artwork of high school students from across the country.

Th ese in du ct ees w ill be celebr at ed du r in g a cer em on y at Weym ou t h Cou n t r y Clu b on Sat u r day, Apr il 15, 2017. For m or e in f or m at ion , please con t act Am y Bu sby at bu sbya@m edin abees.or g or Jean n e Pr it ch ar d at m u r ph ym a@zoom in t er n et .n et

St af f Member s Receiv eOhio Associat ion of St udent Council s Awar d Congratulations to Paul Worsencroft, principal of Claggett Middle School, named Administrator of the Year along with Laura Calaiacovo, Spanish teacher at Medina High School and Student Council Advisor, named Advisor of the Year by the Ohio Association of Student Councils (OASC). They will formally receive their award at the state conference to be held at Clinton-Massie High School April 27-29, 2017.

hist or y of medina cit y school s book Avail abl eat Local Ret ail er s As the Medina City School District and the City of Medina prepare to celebrate their bicentennial in 2017, local author and historian, Gloria Brown, has compiled a history of the Medina City Schools that will walk you through the beginning of the district with the first one-room schoolhouse in 1817 to the present. ?What we have here is a very personal account of the history of the schools,? said Gloria Brown. The book entitled The Story of Medina?s Schools: 1817-2017 was published with the generous help of Murray and Sue Van Epp, Sigel Press and the Medina City Schools Foundation. The soft-covered book retails for $19.95 and is available at the Medina City Schools Board of Education Office located at 739 Weymouth Road as well as at Root Candle Company, Cool Beans Cafe, the Medina County Visitor 's Bureau, and the Medina Town Hall and Engine House Museum. All proceeds from the sale of the books will go to benefit the Medina City Schools Foundation.


beeinf or m ed A. I. Root Middl eSchool Eight h Gr ade St udent Wins Geogr aphic Bee Matthew Dannery, an eighth grade student at A.I.Root Middle School, won the school competition of the National Geographic Bee on January 20, 2017 and a chance at a $50,000 college scholarship. The school Bee, at which students answered questions on geography, was the first round in the 29th annual National Geographic Bee. The second place winner was sixth grader, Chris Apanovitch, and third place went to seventh grade student Erik Shimko. Thousands of schools around the United States and in the five U.S. territories are participating in the 2017 National Geographic Bee. The school champions, including Matthew Dannery, will take a qualifying test; up to 100 of the top scorers on that test in each state will then be eligible to compete in their state Bee on March 31, 2017.

St ar t wit h Hel l o Week: Cr eat ing a Cul t ur eof Incl usion Start with Hello Week was recognized at Medina High School, A.I. Root Middle School, and Claggett Middle School February 6-10. During the entire week, various activities took place at each of these buildings. Andre Elliott from Sandy Hook Promise made a presentation to the students at the high school and both middle schools during the week talking about the importance of reaching out to those who may feel alone and help them feel included by starting a positive conversation simply by starting with hello.

Start with Hello teaches students, grades 2-12, the skills they need to reach out to and include those who may be dealing with chronic social isolation and create a The National Geographic Society will provide an culture of inclusion. By building a culture all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C., for of inclusion, schools and communities state winners to participate in the Bee national can better support their young people championship rounds May 15-17, 2017. The first and reduce their risk of bullying, violence place national champion will receive a $50,000 and depression. college scholarship, a lifetime membership in the Society including a subscription to National Geographic magazine, and a trip to the Galápagos Islands, courtesy of Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic. The national finals will air on television on May 19 at 8 p.m. EST on the National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD, and later on public television stations. Check local listings for dates and times. -3-

beeinf or m ed Summer Reinf or cement Regist r at ion f or 2017 is Under Way Registration for the 2017 Summer Reinforcement Program is underway. In its 44th year, the Summer Reinforcement Program is a tutoring program with a primary focus on math and reading and is open to any child age 3 to 14 years residing in Medina County. The goal of the program is to maintain academic skills of children over the summer months.

first day of the program. There is a limited amount of financial assistance available. Classes fill quickly. Classes will close prior to the deadline if the maximum enrollment is met. The deadline for registration is Friday, May 26, 2017.

The three-hour session will be held starting Monday, June 12, 2017 and end on Friday, July 14, 2017 from 9AM-Noon Monday through Friday. The classes are held at Heritage Elementary, 833 Guilford Boulevard, Medina. The program is staffed by fully licensed teachers with appropriate experience and certification.

For more information and an application, please visit ? and go to ?District Quick Links? on the right side of the webpage. For additional questions, please contact Jane Langol at 330.725.5311 or Kim Love at 330.289.5995. The email address for the Summer Reinforcement Program is [email protected]

The tuition fee for the 5-week program is $300. A $100 deposit is due upon registration to hold a place. The balance of the tuition is due the

MHSSenior Ar t wor k Sel ect ed t o beDispl ay ed at St at e House Medina High School senior Kasey Kania has been selected to have his artwork displayed in the 2017 Ohio House of Representatives Student Art Exhibition in Columbus. The exhibition is open to the public at the Vern Riffe Center for Government and the Arts, in the lower level Statehouse connector, for the 2017 year. The Riffe Center is open during regular business hours year-round. For information about the center, please visit The Ohio Art Education Association joined with the Ohio House of Representatives and the Ohio Arts Council to mount a student exhibition which represents all 99 House districts in the State of Ohio. The exhibition recognizes the talents, creativity, and innovation of students who receive high-quality arts education instruction as part of their academic experience in school. The exhibit represents art by some of Ohio?s finest high school artists. Kania created his 14 x 18 acrylic landscape piece in his current Advanced Placement Studio Art class taught by Bobbie Foy at Medina High School.


beeinf or m ed Cl agget t Middl eSChool STudent s Compet ein MATHCOUNTSCompet it ion A team of Claggett Middle School students competed in the annual MATHCOUNTS competition on Friday, February 4, 2017. This regional competition was held at the University of Akron. The students who participated were sixth graders Allison McDowell, Eve Chester, and Mason Clay; seventh grade students Nicole Laurence, Samantha Main, and Spencer Berry; and eighth grader Richie Moore. The MATHCOUNTS Competition Series is a national program that provides students the opportunity to compete in live, in-person contests against and alongside their peers. Created in 1983, it is the longest-running MATHCOUNTS program and is open to all sixth, seventh and eighth grade students.

Par t icipan t s f r om lef t t o r igh t : Allison M cDow ell, Rich ie M oor e, Nicole Lau r en ce, Eve Ch est er , Sam an t h a M ain e, Spen cer Ber r y, an d M ason Clay

Medina High School Choir s Pr epar ing f or Audit ions f or 2017- 2018 School Year Medina High School Choirs are currently preparing for auditions for the 2017-2018 school year. Auditions are open to students in the 8th grade who will be incoming freshmen for the 2017-2018 school year as well as current high school students. For information, please go to District Quick Links on the lower right of the home page.

For t heLov eof Poet r y Medina High School students share their love of poetry during the 12th Annual Poetry Out Loud event on January 26 in the Studio Theater. Each participant memorized and recited two poems from the Poetry Out Loud anthology before a panel of judges who chose the winner based on physical presence, voice, dramatic appropriateness, level of complexity, understanding of the poem and overall performance. Rose McMillan placed first with second place going to Paige Gibeault and third place to Valeria Marcu. Gibeault will represent Medina High School this Saturday, February 25 in the regional competition at the Main Branch of the Cleveland Public Library. The competition begins at 2PM and is free and open to the public. -5-

beeinf or m ed MHSSt udent Council STudent s At t end Nat ional Leader ship Conf er ence Twelve ambitious Medina High School Student Council members are some of more than 850 student leaders that attended the Leadership Experience and Development (LEAD) Conference held February 10-12, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. The LEAD Conference is a program of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP), which administers the National Honor Society? , the National Junior Honor Society? , and the National Association of Student Councils? .

these groups enriched the conference experience for all who participated and provided a unique, multicultural networking opportunity for student leaders discovering similar goals to improve their schools and communities through their leadership activities.

Student Council Advisors Laura Calaiacovo and Shannon Duncan, along with the students, attended workshops on improving leadership skills, problem solving, project planning, fundraising, team-building, idea sharing and networking. In addition, all participated in special sessions presented by popular national motivational speakers Eddie Slowikowski, Heather Schultz, and Robert Pruitt. The following Student Council members represented Medina High School seniors: KK King, Kaitlyn Novicky, and Holly Schneider; juniors: Delaney Baumann, Austin Gambaccini, Abby Gillespie, Mike LoSchiavo, Tabitha Ludwiczak, and Megan Varley; sophomores: Hallie Auth, Paige Johnson and Claire Leupp. The students were excited about the opportunity to increase their leadership skills. KK King, Kaitlyn Novicky, and Holly Schneider presented an interactive workshop on how to run an effective executive board for Student Council. Leadership Experience And Development (LEAD) Conferences are growing in popularity here in the U.S. and abroad. Attendance at this year ?s Chicago conference included representation from forty-two states and eight different countries. The attendance by


beeinf or m ed Root 's Power of t hePen Team Compet es at Univ er sit y School Dist r ict Compet it ion

Pict u r e of t r oph y w in n er s f r om lef t t o r igh t : eigh t h gr ade st u den t s M aya Paw ar , ZiZi Tot h , an d seven t h gr ader Olivia Jagodn ik

The A. I. Root Middle School Power of the Pen team competed at the University School District event which was held on Saturday, February 4. Power of the Pen is a competitive writing event for students in grades seven and eight.

Over 19 schools attended with approximately 100 writers at each grade level. Eighth grade participants from Root included Rachel Harris, Maya Pawar, Anya Laribee, ZiZi Toth, Gracie Selva and Abigail Gehman. Seventh grade contestants included Aubree Scavinski, Emma Sielski, Lauren Jacot, Olivia Jagodnik, and Stephanie Fox. Two eighth graders took home trophies; Maya Pawar earned a third place trophy and ZiZi Toth earned a fourth place trophy. In a very impressive performance, Olivia Jagodnik was crowned the seventh grade champion, placing ahead of over 100 other seventh grade writers. It was a very successful tournament for the writers and many will move on to the regional competition scheduled for April 8, 2017 at Hudson Middle School.

boar d of educat ion meet ing Cal endar MONDAY, Mar ch 6 Boar d of Education Wor k Session 6:30 p.m . - Boar d of Education Office

MONDAY, Mar ch 20 Boar d of Education Regular M eeting 6:30 p.m . - M edina High School Distance Lear ning Lab

Gir l s Var sit y Basket bal l TeamPl ays at t heQAr ena

AMoment wit h t heSuper int endent A new video segment, A Moment with the Superintendent, has been introduced. These video segments are a collaborative effort between the Superintendent's Office and the Community Relations Department and are written and produced by students at Medina High School who are part of the Video Production class and the Medinamite, the high school student newspaper. These monthly segments are designed to inform our community about all of the great things that are going on around our school district. To see the first installment, click on the photo to the right or go to and visit the Medina City Schools Web Master channel. -7-

Medina High School Girls Varsity Basketball team had the honor of playing at the Q Arena in Cleveland on January 19 as they took on Massillon-Jackson High School.

beeinf or m ed MCSSTUDENTSPARTICIPATEINCOUNTY24 TOURNAMENT Medina City Schools sent fourteen elementary students from Canavan and Northrop to compete against Cloverleaf, Black River, Buckeye, Brunswick and Wadsworth in the County 24 Tournament. First place went to Cloverleaf with second place going to Talan Posey, 4th grader at Ella Canavan Elementary, third place to Everett Rodriguez, 4th grade student at Ella Canavan Elementary, and fourth place to Kate Beard, 4th grader at Northrop Elementary. The Medina tournament, the qualifier for the county tournament, was held on January 11 and included four schools: Ella Canavan Elementary, Northrop Elementary, Blake Elementary and Heritage Elementary.

Beeengaged, beeinf or med, beepar t of t heconser vat ion: Next communit y chat is sat ur day, Apr il 8 Thr oughout the entir e 2016-2017 school year , the M edina City School Distr ict w ill host ?Com m unity Chats? that w ill be held at var ious locations acr oss the com m unity w ith Super intendent Aar on Sable and other distr ict adm inistr ator s. The discussions w ill begin w ith a specific topic, allow ing those in attendance to engage in the conver sation in an infor m al setting, as w ell as about other inter ests of those in the gr oup. This is an oppor tunity for the distr ict to r each out to the com m unity, r eceive feedback and discuss solutions and goals. The next gather ing w ill be Satur day, Apr il 8 beginning at 10:00 a.m . at Lexington Ridge Clubhouse, 4367 Lexington Ridge Dr ive. Distr ict r epr esentatives w ill be on hand to begin the discussion on Business Affair s & Facilities. A schedule of r em aining chats appear s to the r ight.

STUDENTSTOPARTICPATEIN BLACKHISTORYMONTHPROGRAM On Febr uar y 23 at 7:00PM , the Second Baptist Chur ch located at 451 Br onson Str eet, w ill be hosting a Black Histor y M onth Celebr ation. Students fr om Gar field Elem entar y and Claggett M iddle School w ill be singing. Ther e w ill also be student ar tw or k on display fr om Gar field Elem entar y. The evening w ill be filled w ith histor ical insights fr om r ight her e in M edina.


beeinf or m ed APBiol ogy Visit s Ohio Univ er sit y Her it ageCol l egeof Ost eopat hic Medicine AP Biology students visited the Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine-Cleveland. Students were greeted by host, admissions advisor and outreach coordinator Samantha Baker, who gave an introductory presentation on the medical school. Students then participated in a 25 minute asthma simulation with "Manny" the mannequin. Working in pairs with dual stethoscopes and watching a hospital monitor, students helped to diagnose the mannequin's symptoms and treat him. Students were also given the opportunity to attend an airway demonstration in the anatomy lab to connect classroom studies of the respiratory system with actual respiratory structure. To finish the visit, students attended a medical student panel where they could ask questions about medical school and college. As an added surprise, the panel included Medina High School alumni Brad Polacko who warmly welcomed his fellow Bees. It was an amazing opportunity for students to explore a possible career path and see the educational trajectory of one of our own.


beeinf or m ed MHSTech Cl ub Compet es at Kent St at e The Medina High School Tech Club competed in the FIRST Tech Challenge at Kent State February 11-12. This competition was the second competition for this winter. In January, they

Communit y Pancake Br eakfast Suppor t s Medina Cit y School s Foundat ion

attended the Cleveland event at Tri-C East. The team placed an impressive 6th out of 28 teams at the Kent event after placing 27th out of 28 teams at Tri-C. FIRST Tech Challenge teams consist of 10+ members in grades 7-12. They are challenged to design, build, program, and operate robots to compete in a head-to-head challenge in an alliance format. Participants consider it "the hardest fun you will ever have!" Guided by coaches and mentors, students develop STEM skills and practice engineering principles, while realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and sharing ideas. The team received financial support from FTC and Alcoa which has allowed them to participate in the program.

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The annual Community Pancake Breakfast and Spotlight on Students was held on Saturday, January 28, 2017. During the event, there were student performances on the main stage in the Performing Arts Center and student artwork on display around the main cafeteria and the Performing Arts Center lobby. The event hosted approximately 1,200 guests with the help of many volunteers. The Medina High School Student Council provided crafts and activities for the children. Thank you to all who gave of their time to make the event a success. All of the proceeds from this event go to support the programs provided by the Medina City Schools Foundation.

beeinf or m ed Fol l ow us on Facebook and Tw it t er :

onl inet icket sal es avail abl e t hr ough t icket r oar Medina event tickets are now conveniently available for purchase online through TicketRoar. You may purchase tickets for sporting events and performances at the Performing Arts Center. Online purchase benefits include: -

check out our communit y par t ner s:


Avoid long ticket purchase lines at game time No need to remember to bring cash for tickets to the game Quickly and easily access your ticket one of two ways: Enter using our mobile app on your phone Print your tickets at home.

How t o pu r ch ase t ick et s: -

Click on the event you would like to attend. Click the green TICKETS tab and select the number of tickets you would like to purchase. Enter your information. This will also be your Eventbrite account information. You will receive an email confirmation prompting you to either print tickets at home or use the mobile app. Use the paper ticket or mobile ticket at the game.


MCS' communit y ev ent highl ight s: mar k your cal endar s! Sat ur day, Apr il 8 Com m unity Chat-Facilities, Lexington Ridge Clubhouse, 4367 Lexington Ridge Dr ive, 10:00AM

f r iday, may 5 M edina City Schools Foundation Run.4.Fun M HS Ken Dukes Stadium , 7:00 p.m .

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beeinf or m ed KINDERGARTENREGISTRATIONIS UNDERWAYFOR2017- 2018 SCHOOL YEAR Medina City Schools kindergarten registration is now underway for the 2017-2018 school year. Students must be five years of age or older by August 1, 2017, to be eligible to be registered. An all-day kindergarten option is also available, with registration ending on Friday, March 3, 2017. The fee-supported program brings the all-day kindergarten option to families that choose to participate. The program cost is $2,700 for the year for most families, $2,100 for families with qualified reduced lunch status and free of charge to families that are eligible for free lunches. To be considered for free or reduced fees, you must complete the Free and Reduced Lunch application. A non-refundable deposit of $300 must be submitted upon registration no later than March 3, 2017 in order to be considered for this program. If accepted into the program, fees may be paid in installments, with the first installment due August 21, 2017, the second installment November 11, 2017 and the last due on February 23, 2018. In order for the all-day kindergarten program to be available at each building, a minimum of 20 students must apply with a maximum of 25 in a class, unless half-day enrollment is higher. Bus transportation will be available for eligible students. The district will hold a lottery in the instance there should be more then 25 students registered in an all-day program at a school building. The lottery will take place after March 3, 2017 and parents will be notified of the status of their application by April 3, 2017. Please contact the Registration Office at 330-636-3100 to schedule an appointment. For more information and necessary forms, please visit the district's website at You may also contact Tina Cassidy, Director of Instruction, at [email protected] or by phone at 330-636-3077.

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beeinf or m ed medina cit y school s f oundat ion mission The Medina City Schools Foundation advocates excellence in education by raising and investing funds in innovative classroom and scholarship programs in partnership with the Medina City Schools community. Bee All-In for Kids and help us fulfill our mission by becoming a member of the Foundation. Please visit or send a check to MCSF, PO Box 1035, Medina, Ohio 44258. Your tax deductible gift will impact lives of students today and tomorrow!

Schol ar ship Oppor t unit ies f or Senior s Last year, more than $40,000 was awarded to deserving students through scholarships that have been established through the Foundation. This year, we are looking forward to recognizing the class of 2017 in May. Interested students can apply for Medina City Schools Foundation scholarships by using the Medina Universal Scholarship Application beginning in February.

The application can be accessed through the Medina High School guidance department Blackboard page, under "Scholarships." The recipients of the scholarships will be announced at the Senior Awards Assembly at the end of the school year. Good luck to all those who apply!

t hej oyceb. ebner t ut or ing cent er is l ooking f or you Do you have extra time on your hands? Would you like to make a difference in a student's life? The Medina City Schools Foundation's tutoring center is looking for you! Right now, the middle school students are in need of assistance with homework after school a couple days a week.

becomea member of t hemedina cit y school s f oundat ion Are you making year-end donations? Consider becoming a member of the Medina City Schools Foundation. The Foundation advocates excellence in education by funding programming and scholarships in collaboration wtih Medina City schools. our "Bee All In For Kids" membership drive this year is welcoming new members with a variety of gift levels from which to choose. Your generosity supports great opportunities such as: classroom grants, music enrichment, mentoring programs, no cost tutoring and more. The Foundation is incorporated under Ohio laws as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is funded by fundraising events, private donations and corporate sponsorships. We are privately funded and not directly affiliated with the school board or school administration. To become a member of the Medina City Schools Foundation and "Bee All In For Kids," please visit or send a check to MCSF, PO Box 1035, Medina, Ohio 44258. Your tax deductible year-end gift will make a difference well into the future!

It's a flexible schedule and the return is priceless. For more information on how you can help, contact Carolyn Grenfell, Director, Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center at [email protected]. Bee the difference in a young person's life. - 13 -

beeinf or m ed TheHar l emWizar ds MakeARet ur n Appear ance Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Medina City Schools Foundation as the Harlem Wizards made a return appearance on Tuesday, February 7 as they took on our very own Marvelous Medinamos. Although the Medinamos fought hard all night, the Wizards were too much to handle. Those who attended had a great time and it was fantastic to see all the schools come together for this community event. Thank you to Kim and Scott Tuchek, the players, and all of the volunteers from across the school district. Because of the support of this entertaining family event, the Foundation was able to raise nearly $9,000. These funds raised will have a direct impact on the students of Medina City Schools.


Medina City Schools Foundation Run.4.Fun Friday, May 5, 2017 Regist r at ion is n ow open !

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Bee Informed-February, 2017.pdf

Honorable Mention for her piece, Bike. The Gold Key. artwork of Tyler Glassnapp will advance to the final. national competition. The Scholastic Art Competition is ...

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Rock Springs. WY. June challenge. 19.00. Done - Congratulations! Adam. Br. Cayuta. NY. 5K. 3.10. 0.00. Done - Congratulations! Hill. Co. Weare. NH. 10K. 0.00.

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ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture (red hard cover) by A.I. Root, 856 pages - A.I. .... Elimination of American Foulbrood without the use of drugs (soft cover) by.

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Bee Farm, Genting Highlands; and Muzium Lebah Sedunia, Melaka;. For all these reasons, beekeeping has become an educational model for sustainability and citizen. science. Bee clubs are springi

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Page 1 of 42. Agni college of Technology. Department of BME. Basics of Electrical Engineering. 2Marks. 1. Define reluctance (May 2015) ,May/June 2014 ...

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